bool ThreePointStrategy::handleGcode(Gcode *gcode)
    if(gcode->has_g) {
        // G code processing
        if(gcode->g == 29) { // test probe points for level
            if(!test_probe_points(gcode)) {
                gcode->stream->printf("Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error\n");
            return true;

        } else if( gcode->g == 31 ) { // report status
            if(this->plane == nullptr) {
                 gcode->stream->printf("Bed leveling plane is not set\n");
                 gcode->stream->printf("Bed leveling plane normal= %f, %f, %f\n", plane->getNormal()[0], plane->getNormal()[1], plane->getNormal()[2]);
            gcode->stream->printf("Probe is %s\n", zprobe->getProbeStatus() ? "Triggered" : "Not triggered");
            return true;

        } else if( gcode->g == 32 ) { // three point probe
            // first wait for an empty queue i.e. no moves left

             // clear any existing plane and compensation
            delete this->plane;
            this->plane= nullptr;

            if(!doProbing(gcode->stream)) {
                gcode->stream->printf("Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error\n");
            } else {
                gcode->stream->printf("Probe completed, bed plane defined\n");
            return true;

    } else if(gcode->has_m) {
        if(gcode->m == 557) { // M557 - set probe points eg M557 P0 X30 Y40.5  where P is 0,1,2
            int idx = 0;
            float x = NAN, y = NAN;
            if(gcode->has_letter('P')) idx = gcode->get_value('P');
            if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
            if(idx >= 0 && idx <= 2) {
                probe_points[idx] = std::make_tuple(x, y);
                 gcode->stream->printf("only 3 probe points allowed P0-P2\n");
            return true;

        } else if(gcode->m == 561) { // M561: Set Identity Transform with no parameters, set the saved plane if A B C D are given
            delete this->plane;
            if(gcode->get_num_args() == 0) {
                this->plane= nullptr;
                // delete the compensationTransform in robot
                gcode->stream->printf("saved plane cleared\n");
                // smoothie specific way to restore a saved plane
                uint32_t a,b,c,d;
                a=b=c=d= 0;
                if(gcode->has_letter('A')) a = gcode->get_uint('A');
                if(gcode->has_letter('B')) b = gcode->get_uint('B');
                if(gcode->has_letter('C')) c = gcode->get_uint('C');
                if(gcode->has_letter('D')) d = gcode->get_uint('D');
                this->plane= new Plane3D(a, b, c, d);
            return true;

        } else if(gcode->m == 565) { // M565: Set Z probe offsets
            float x= 0, y= 0, z= 0;
            if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Z')) z = gcode->get_value('Z');
            probe_offsets = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
            return true;

        } else if(gcode->m == 500 || gcode->m == 503) { // M500 save, M503 display
            float x, y, z;
            gcode->stream->printf(";Probe points:\n");
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[i];
                gcode->stream->printf("M557 P%d X%1.5f Y%1.5f\n", i, x, y);
            gcode->stream->printf(";Probe offsets:\n");
            std::tie(x, y, z) = probe_offsets;
            gcode->stream->printf("M565 X%1.5f Y%1.5f Z%1.5f\n", x, y, z);

            // encode plane and save if set and M500 and enabled
            if(this->save && this->plane != nullptr) {
                if(gcode->m == 500) {
                    uint32_t a, b, c, d;
                    this->plane->encode(a, b, c, d);
                    gcode->stream->printf(";Saved bed plane:\nM561 A%lu B%lu C%lu D%lu \n", a, b, c, d);
                    gcode->stream->printf(";The bed plane will be saved on M500\n");
            return true;

        #if 0
         else if(gcode->m == 9999) {
            // DEBUG run a test M9999 A B C X Y set Z to A B C and test for point at X Y
            Vector3 v[3];
            float x, y, z, a= 0, b= 0, c= 0;
            if(gcode->has_letter('A')) a = gcode->get_value('A');
            if(gcode->has_letter('B')) b = gcode->get_value('B');
            if(gcode->has_letter('C')) c = gcode->get_value('C');
            std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[0]; v[0].set(x, y, a);
            std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[1]; v[1].set(x, y, b);
            std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[2]; v[2].set(x, y, c);
            delete this->plane;
            this->plane = new Plane3D(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
            gcode->stream->printf("plane normal= %f, %f, %f\n", plane->getNormal()[0], plane->getNormal()[1], plane->getNormal()[2]);
            x= 0; y=0;
            if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
            z= getZOffset(x, y);
            gcode->stream->printf("z= %f\n", z);
            // tell robot to adjust z on each move
            return true;

    return false;
bool ZGridStrategy::handleGcode(Gcode *gcode)
    string args = get_arguments(gcode->get_command());

    // G code processing
    if(gcode->has_g) {
        if( gcode->g == 31 ) { // report status

            // Bed ZGrid data as gcode:
            gcode->stream->printf(";Bed Level settings:\r\n");

            for (int x=0; x<this->numRows; x++) {
                for (int y=0; y<this->numCols; y++) {
                    gcode->stream->printf(" %c%1.2f", 'A'+y, this->pData[(x*this->numCols)+y]);
            return true;

        } else if( gcode->g == 32 ) { //run probe
            // first wait for an empty queue i.e. no moves left

            this->setAdjustFunction(false); // Disable leveling code
            if(!doProbing(gcode->stream)) {
                gcode->stream->printf("Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error\n");
            } else {
                this->setAdjustFunction(true); // Enable leveling code
                gcode->stream->printf("Probe completed, bed grid defined\n");
            return true;

    } else if(gcode->has_m) {
        switch( gcode->m ) {

        // manual bed ZGrid calbration: M370 - M375
        // M370: Clear current ZGrid for calibration, and move to first position
        case 370: {
            this->setAdjustFunction(false); // Disable leveling code
            this->cal[Z_AXIS] = std::get<Z_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets) + zprobe->getProbeHeight();

            if(gcode->has_letter('X'))  // Rows (X)
                this->numRows = gcode->get_value('X');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Y'))  // Cols (Y)
                this->numCols = gcode->get_value('Y');

            this->calcConfig();                // Run calculations for Grid size and allocate grid memory

            for (int i=0; i<probe_points; i++) {
                this->pData[i] = 0.0F;        // Clear the ZGrid

            this->cal[X_AXIS] = 0.0f;                                              // Clear calibration position
            this->cal[Y_AXIS] = 0.0f;
            this->in_cal = true;                                         // In calbration mode

        return true;
        // M371: Move to next manual calibration position
        case 371: {
            if (in_cal) {
                this->move(this->cal, slow_rate);

        return true;
        // M372: save current position in ZGrid, and move to next calibration position
        case 372: {
            if (in_cal) {
                float cartesian[3];
                int pindex = 0;

                THEKERNEL->robot->get_axis_position(cartesian);         // get actual position from robot

                pindex = int(cartesian[X_AXIS]/this->bed_div_x + 0.25)*this->numCols + int(cartesian[Y_AXIS]/this->bed_div_y + 0.25);

                this->move(this->cal, slow_rate);                       // move to the next position
                this->next_cal();                                       // to not cause damage to machine due to Z-offset

                this->pData[pindex] = cartesian[Z_AXIS];  // save the offset

        return true;
        // M373: finalize calibration
        case 373: {
            // normalize the grid

            this->in_cal = false;
            this->setAdjustFunction(true); // Enable leveling code

        return true;

        // M374: Save grid
        case 374: {
            char gridname[5];

            if(gcode->has_letter('S'))  // Custom grid number
                snprintf(gridname, sizeof(gridname), "S%03.0f", gcode->get_value('S'));
                gridname[0] = '\0';

            if(this->saveGrid(gridname)) {
                gcode->stream->printf("Grid saved: Filename: /sd/Zgrid.%s\n",gridname);
            else {
                gcode->stream->printf("Error: Grid not saved: Filename: /sd/Zgrid.%s\n",gridname);
        return true;

        case 375: { // Load grid values
            char gridname[5];

            if(gcode->has_letter('S'))  // Custom grid number
                snprintf(gridname, sizeof(gridname), "S%03.0f", gcode->get_value('S'));
                gridname[0] = '\0';

            if(this->loadGrid(gridname)) {
                this->setAdjustFunction(true); // Enable leveling code
                gcode->stream->printf("Grid loaded: /sd/Zgrid.%s\n",gridname);
            else {
                gcode->stream->printf("Error: Grid not loaded: /sd/Zgrid.%s\n",gridname);
        return true;

        /*          case 376: { // Check grid value calculations: For debug only.
                        float target[3];

                        for(char letter = 'X'; letter <= 'Z'; letter++) {
                            if( gcode->has_letter(letter) ) {
                                 target[letter - 'X'] = gcode->get_value(letter);
                        gcode->stream->printf(" Z0 %1.3f\n",getZOffset(target[0], target[1]));

                    return true;
        case 565: { // M565: Set Z probe offsets
            float x= 0, y= 0, z= 0;
            if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
            if(gcode->has_letter('Z')) z = gcode->get_value('Z');
            probe_offsets = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
        return true;

        case 500: // M500 saves probe_offsets config override file
            gcode->stream->printf(";Load default grid\nM375\n");

        case 503: { // M503 just prints the settings

            float x,y,z;
            gcode->stream->printf(";Probe offsets:\n");
            std::tie(x, y, z) = probe_offsets;
            gcode->stream->printf("M565 X%1.5f Y%1.5f Z%1.5f\n", x, y, z);

        return true;

    return false;