Esempio n. 1
int main()
char coordinate_input[BUFSIZ];
char ammp_output[BUFSIZ];
char dictionary[BUFSIZ];
char  work[1000],keep[1000]; 
char atype[20],aname[20];
char *fgets();

float sigma,emin;

int ifile,i,imreading,ii,myres;

FILE *in1,*dict,*output,*fopen();

	printf(" atom definition file:>\n");
/* strip out the file name and put it in the right place for opening */
        fgets( work,80,stdin );
        for(i= 0; i<80; i++)
                if( work[i] != ' ') break;
        for( ifile = i; ifile < 80 ; ifile++)
                if( work[ifile] == ' ' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\0' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\n' ) break;
                dictionary[ifile -i ] = work[ifile];
                dictionary[ifile -i +1 ] = '\0';
/* now read in the atoms */
	dict = fopen( dictionary, "r");
	if( dict == NULL)
	{ fprintf(stderr," sorry i can't open %s\n",dictionary); exit(0);}
	inkinds = 0;
	while ( fgets( work,256, dict) != NULL)
	sscanf( work,"%s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",
		&kinds[inkinds].r ,
		&kinds[inkinds].theta ,
		&sigma ,
		&emin ,
		&kinds[inkinds].Z ,
		&kinds[inkinds].X ,
		&kinds[inkinds].jaa ,
		&kinds[inkinds].mass ,
		&kinds[inkinds].charge ,
		&kinds[inkinds].V, &kinds[inkinds].U ,
/*		kinds[inkinds].theta *= 3.14159265/180.; 
		sigma = sigma*sigma;
		sigma = sigma*sigma*sigma;
/*		kinds[inkinds].b = sqrt( 4.*emin*sigma*sigma);
		kinds[inkinds].a = sqrt( 4.*emin*sigma);
		kinds[inkinds].b = sqrt( emin*sigma*sigma);
		kinds[inkinds].a = sqrt( 2*emin*sigma);
		inkinds ++;
		if( inkinds > MAX_ATOM) 
		{ fprintf( stderr," too many kinds of atoms in dictionary\n");
		  exit(0); }
	fclose( dict);

	printf(" Residue dictionary directory:>\n");
/* strip out the file name and put it in the right place for opening */
        fgets( work,80,stdin );
        for(i= 0; i<80; i++)
                if( work[i] != ' ') break;
        for( ifile = i; ifile < 80 ; ifile++)
                if( work[ifile] == ' ' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\0' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\n' ) break;
                dictionary[ifile -i ] = work[ifile];
                dictionary[ifile -i +1 ] = '\0';
	ifile = ifile -i ;
	if( ifile == 0 ){ dictionary[ifile++] = '.'; 
			dictionary[ifile] = '\0'; }
	if( dictionary[ifile-1] != '/') 
	{ ifile++; dictionary[ifile-1] = '/'; dictionary[ifile] = '\0';}
	printf(" atom input coordinate file:>\n");
/* strip out the file name and put it in the right place for opening */
        fgets( work,80,stdin );
        for(i= 0; i<80; i++)
                if( work[i] != ' ') break;
        for( ifile = i; ifile < 80 ; ifile++)
                if( work[ifile] == ' ' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\0' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\n' ) break;
                coordinate_input[ifile -i ] = work[ifile];
                coordinate_input[ifile -i +1 ] = '\0';

	printf(" AMMP file:>\n");
/* strip out the file name and put it in the right place for opening */
        fgets( work,80,stdin );
        for(i= 0; i<80; i++)
                if( work[i] != ' ') break;
        for( ifile = i; ifile < 80 ; ifile++)
                if( work[ifile] == ' ' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\0' ) break;
                if( work[ifile] == '\n' ) break;
                ammp_output[ifile -i ] = work[ifile];
                ammp_output[ifile -i +1 ] = '\0';
	in1 = fopen( coordinate_input, "r");
	output = fopen( ammp_output, "w");
	if (in1 == NULL) goto NO_IN1_FILE;

/* read in the first residue
*  stuff is read into work when the residue number changes then
* work is copied into keep, so the first atom of any residue is
* going to be in the keep buffer.  to initialize we read the
* first atom into keep
	keep[0] = '\0';
	while( !(keep[0] ==  'A' && keep[1] == 'T' && keep[2] == 'O' && keep[3] == 'M')
	 && !(keep[0] == 'H'&& keep[1] == 'E'
		&& keep[1] == 'T'&& keep[1] == 'A'&& keep[1] == 'T' ) )
	{  if( fgets(keep,90,in1) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr," no atoms in input file ? \n") ;
		printf(" enter the dictionary name >\n");
		fgets( keep, 90, stdin);
	i=0; while( (keep[i] == ' ' || keep[i] == '\t') && keep[i] != '\0') i++;	
	for( imreading = 0; imreading < 3; imreading++)
	{ aname[imreading] = toupper( keep[i + imreading] ); }
	aname[3] = '\0';
		 goto NO_ATOMS; 

	imreading = 0;
	while( imreading == 0)
	{/* begining of imreading loop */
	inres = 0;
	for(i=0; i< MAX_RES; i++)
		{ mykind[i] = -1;
		defined[i] = -1;
		name[i][0] = '\0';
		x[i] = 0.;
		y[i] = 0.;
		z[i] = 0.;
	sscanf( &keep[22],"%d",&myres);
        sscanf(&keep[29],"%f %f %f",&x[inres],&y[inres],&z[inres]);
	serial[inres] = 100*myres + inres;
        ii = 0;
        for( i=0; i< 3; i++ )
                if( aname[i] == '\0') break;
                name[inres][ii++] = (char)tolower(aname[i]);
        name[inres][ii++] = '.';
        for(i=0; i< 4; i++)
                if( atype[i] == '\0' ) break;
                name[inres][ii++] = (char)tolower(atype[i]);

        name[inres][ii] = '\0';
	a[inres] = 0.; b[inres] = 0.; q[inres] = 0.; mass[inres] = 1.;
	defined[inres] = 0;
	for( inres = 1; inres < MAX_RES; inres ++)
	{ /* start of reading an atom loop */

	if( fgets( work,90,in1) == NULL) {
		imreading = 1; break;    }
	if( work[0] != 'A' && work[0] != 'H') { 
		imreading = 1; break;    }


	sscanf( &work[22],"%d",&ii);
	if( ii != myres )
	{ii = 0; while( work[ii] != '\0'){ keep[ii] = work[ii] ; ii++;}
/*	inres += 1; */
        sscanf(&work[29],"%f %f %f",&x[inres],&y[inres],&z[inres]);
	serial[inres] = 100*myres + inres;
        ii = 0;
        for( i=0; i< 3; i++ )
                if( aname[i] == '\0') break;
                name[inres][ii++] = (char)tolower(aname[i]);
        name[inres][ii++] = '.';
        for(i=0; i< 4; i++)
                if( atype[i] == '\0' ) break;
                name[inres][ii++] = (char)tolower(atype[i]);

        name[inres][ii] = '\0';
	a[inres] = 0.; b[inres] = 0.; q[inres] = 0.; mass[inres] = 1.;
	defined[inres] = 0;
	}/* end of reading an atom loop */
	for( i=0; i< inres; i++)

/* if here then all of the atoms in the residue are read in */
/* now we have to open and read the dictionary file 
*  there could be atoms in either the residue or dictionary which 
*  are not there i.e. oxt for a residue or a missing H */
/* prepare the filename */
	i = 0;
	while(dictionary[i] != '\0') { work[i] = dictionary[i]; i++;}
	ii = 0;
	while(aname[ii] != '\0') {work[i] = aname[ii]; i++; ii++;}
	work[i++] = '\0';
	dict = fopen(work,"r");
	if( dict == NULL ){
		fprintf(stderr," dictionary %s not found \n", work);
		goto DONE;
/* read the number of atoms */
	if(fgets( work,80,dict)==NULL)
	{ fprintf(stderr,"BAD DICTIONARY %s\n",aname); exit(0);}
	read_atoms( dict,natoms );
	if(fgets( work,80,dict)==NULL)
	{ fprintf(stderr,"BAD DICTIONARY %s\n",aname); exit(0);}
	do_bonds( dict,nbond,output);
	inbondlist = nbond;
	nangle = 0;
	if(fgets( work,80,dict)!=NULL)
	nhybrid = 0;
	if(fgets( work,80,dict)!=NULL)
	ntorsion = 0;
	if(fgets( work,80,dict)!=NULL)

	fclose( dict );
	}/* end of imreading loop */
}/* end of module main */
Esempio n. 2
void calc_angles(void)
    cell *p, *q,* r, *s;
    int i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3;
    int k1, k2, k3, l1, l2, l3;
    int a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3;
    vektor pbc_q, pbc_r, pbc_s;

    /* for each cell p */
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < cell_dim.x; ++i1)
        for (i2 = 0; i2 < cell_dim.y; ++i2)
            for (i3 = 0; i3 < cell_dim.z; ++i3)

                /* For half of the neighbours q of this cell */
                for (j1 = 0; j1 <= 1; ++j1)
                    for (j2 = -j1; j2 <= 1; ++j2)
                        for (j3= (j1 == 0 ? -j2 : -j1); j3 <= 1; ++j3)

                            /* For the neighbours r of cell p */
                            for (k1 = -1; k1 <= 1; ++k1)
                                for (k2 = -1; k2 <= 1; ++k2)
                                    for (k3 = -1; k3 <= 1; ++k3)

                                        /* for the neighbours s of cell q */
                                        for (l1 = -1; l1 <= 1; ++l1)
                                            for (l2 = -1; l2 <= 1; ++l2)
                                                for (l3 = -1; l3 <= 1; ++l3)

                                                    /* Given cell */

                                                    p = PTR_3D_V(cell_array,i1,i2,i3,cell_dim);

                                                    /* Calculate Indices of Neighbour */
                                                    a1 = i1 + j1;
                                                    pbc_q.x = 0;
                                                    a2 = i2 + j2;
                                                    pbc_q.y = 0;
                                                    a3 = i3 + j3;
                                                    pbc_q.z = 0;

                                                    /* deal with periodic boundary conditions if necessary */
                                                    if (a1 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            a1 = cell_dim.x-1;
                                                            pbc_q.x -= box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y -= box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z -= box_x.z;

                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (a2 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            a2 = cell_dim.y-1;
                                                            pbc_q.x -= box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y -= box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z -= box_y.z;

                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (a3 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            a3 = cell_dim.z-1;
                                                            pbc_q.x -= box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y -= box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z -= box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (a1 > cell_dim.x-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            a1 = 0;
                                                            pbc_q.x += box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y += box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z += box_x.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (a2 > cell_dim.y-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            a2 = 0;
                                                            pbc_q.x += box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y += box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z += box_y.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (a3 > cell_dim.z-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            a3 = 0;
                                                            pbc_q.x += box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_q.y += box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_q.z += box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;

                                                    /* Neighbour cell q (note that p==q ist possible) */

                                                    q = PTR_3D_V(cell_array,a1,a2,a3,cell_dim);

                                                    /* Calculate Indices of neighbour r of p */
                                                    b1 = i1 + k1;
                                                    pbc_r.x = 0;
                                                    b2 = i2 + k2;
                                                    pbc_r.y = 0;
                                                    b3 = i3 + k3;
                                                    pbc_r.z = 0;

                                                    /* deal with periodic boundary conditions if necessary */
                                                    if (b1 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            b1 = cell_dim.x-1;
                                                            pbc_r.x -= box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y -= box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z -= box_x.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (b2 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            b2 = cell_dim.y-1;
                                                            pbc_r.x -= box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y -= box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z -= box_y.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (b3 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            b3 = cell_dim.z-1;
                                                            pbc_r.x -= box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y -= box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z -= box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (b1 > cell_dim.x-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            b1 = 0;
                                                            pbc_r.x += box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y += box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z += box_x.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (b2 > cell_dim.y-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            b2 = 0;
                                                            pbc_r.x += box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y += box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z += box_y.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (b3 > cell_dim.z-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            b3 = 0;
                                                            pbc_r.x += box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_r.y += box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_r.z += box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;

                                                    /* Neighbour cell r */

                                                    r = PTR_3D_V(cell_array, b1, b2, b3, cell_dim);

                                                    /* Calculate Indices of neighbour s of q */
                                                    c1 = j1 + l1;
                                                    pbc_s.x = 0;
                                                    c2 = j2 + l2;
                                                    pbc_s.y = 0;
                                                    c3 = j3 + l3;
                                                    pbc_s.z = 0;

                                                    /* deal with periodic boundary conditions if necessary */
                                                    if (c1 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            c1 = cell_dim.x-1;
                                                            pbc_s.x -= box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y -= box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z -= box_x.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (c2 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            c2 = cell_dim.y-1;
                                                            pbc_s.x -= box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y -= box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z -= box_y.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (c3 < 0) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            c3 = cell_dim.z-1;
                                                            pbc_s.x -= box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y -= box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z -= box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (c1 > cell_dim.x-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.x == 1) {
                                                            c1 = 0;
                                                            pbc_s.x += box_x.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y += box_x.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z += box_x.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (c2 > cell_dim.y-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.y == 1) {
                                                            c2 = 0;
                                                            pbc_s.x += box_y.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y += box_y.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z += box_y.z;
                                                        } else continue;
                                                    if (c3 > cell_dim.z-1) {
                                                        if (pbc_dirs.z == 1) {
                                                            c3 = 0;
                                                            pbc_s.x += box_z.x;
                                                            pbc_s.y += box_z.y;
                                                            pbc_s.z += box_z.z;
                                                        } else continue;

                                                    /* Neighbour cell s */

                                                    s = PTR_3D_V(cell_array, c1, c2, c3, cell_dim);

                                                    /* Do the work */
