Esempio n. 1
// read_cb: a TCP connection is readable so read the bytes that are on
// it and pass them to OpenSSL
void read_cb(uv_stream_t *s, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf)
  connection_state *state = (connection_state *)s->data;

  if (nread > 0) {

    // If there's data to read then pass it to OpenSSL via the BIO
    // TODO: check return value

    BIO_write(state->read_bio, buf->base, nread);

  if ((nread == UV_EOF) || (nread < 0)) {
  } else {
    if (do_ssl(state)) {
    } else {

  // Buffer was previously allocated by us in a call to
  // allocate_cb. libuv will not reuse so we must free.

  if (buf) {
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int exit = 0;
	char *buffer = g_new (char, 1024) ;
	GIOChannel *ioc;
	guint watch_id = 0;
	GOptionContext *ctx = NULL;
	GError *error = NULL;

	/* default to interactive on a terminal */
	interactive = isatty (0);

	ctx = g_option_context_new("test-vfs");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries(ctx, options, NULL);

	if (!g_option_context_parse(ctx, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
		g_printerr("main: %s\n", error->message);

		return 1;


	files = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

	if (noninteractive)
		interactive = FALSE;

	if (interactive)
		vfserr = stderr;
		vfserr = stdout;

	if (!mate_vfs_init ()) {
		fprintf (vfserr, "Cannot initialize mate-vfs.\n");
		return 1;
		 authentication_callback, NULL, NULL);

	if (argc == 1)
		cur_dir = g_get_current_dir ();
		cur_dir = g_strdup(argv[1]);

	if (cur_dir && !G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (cur_dir [strlen (cur_dir) - 1]))
		cur_dir = g_strconcat (cur_dir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL);

	if (interactive == TRUE) {
		main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
		ioc = g_io_channel_unix_new (0 /* stdin */);
		g_io_channel_set_encoding (ioc, NULL, NULL);
		g_io_channel_set_buffered (ioc, FALSE);
		watch_id = g_io_add_watch (ioc,
					   G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR,
					   callback, buffer);
		g_io_channel_unref (ioc);

	while (!exit) {
		char *ptr;

		if (interactive) {
			fprintf (stdout,"\n%s > ", cur_dir);
			fflush (stdout);

			strcpy (buffer, "");
			g_main_loop_run (main_loop);
		} else {
			/* In non-interactive mode we just do this evil
			 * thingie */
			buffer[0] = '\0';
			fgets (buffer, 1023, stdin);
			if (!buffer [0]) {
				exit = 1;

		if (!buffer || buffer [0] == '#')

		arg_data = g_strsplit (g_strchomp (buffer), delim, -1);
		arg_cur  = 0;
		if ((!arg_data || !arg_data[0]) && interactive) continue;
		if (!interactive)
			printf ("Command : '%s'\n", arg_data [0]);
		ptr = arg_data[arg_cur++];
		if (!ptr)

		if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "ls") == 0)
			do_ls ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "cd") == 0)
			do_cd ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "dump") == 0)
			do_dump ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "type") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "cat") == 0)
			do_cat ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "cp") == 0)
			do_cp ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "rm") == 0)
			do_rm ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "mkdir") == 0)
			do_mkdir ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "rmdir") == 0)
			do_rmdir ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "mv") == 0)
			do_mv ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "info") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "stat") == 0)
			do_info ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "findtrash") == 0)
			do_findtrash ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "ssl") == 0)
			do_ssl ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "sync") == 0)
			fprintf (vfserr, "a shell is like a boat, it lists or syncs (RMS)\n");
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"help") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"?")    == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"info") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"man")  == 0)
			list_commands ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"exit") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"quit") == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"q")    == 0 ||
			 g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr,"bye") == 0)
			exit = 1;

		/* File ops */
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "open") == 0)
			do_open ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "create") == 0)
			do_create ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "close") == 0)
			do_close ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "handleinfo") == 0)
			do_handleinfo ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "read") == 0)
			do_read ();
		else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ptr, "seek") == 0)
			do_seek ();
			fprintf (vfserr, "Unknown command '%s'", ptr);

		g_strfreev (arg_data);
		arg_data = NULL;

	if (interactive) {
		g_source_remove (watch_id);
		g_main_loop_unref (main_loop);
		main_loop = NULL;

	g_free (buffer);
	g_free (cur_dir);

	close_files ();

	return 0;