Esempio n. 1
void processlayers(psd_file_t f, struct psd_header *h)
	int i;
	psd_bytes_t savepos;
	extern char *last_layer_name;

	if(listfile) fputs("assetlist = {\n", listfile);

	for(i = 0; i < h->nlayers; ++i){
		struct layer_info *li = &h->linfo[i];
		psd_pixels_t cols = li->right - li->left, rows = li->bottom - li->top;

		VERBOSE("\n  layer %d (\"%s\"):\n", i, li->name);

		if(listfile && cols && rows){
				fprintf(listfile, "\t\"%s\" = { pos={%4d,%4d}, size={%4u,%4u} }, -- %s\n",
						li->nameno, li->left, li->top, cols, rows, li->name);
				fprintf(listfile, "\t\"%s\" = { pos={%4d,%4d}, size={%4u,%4u} },\n",
						li->name, li->left, li->top, cols, rows);
			fputs("\t<LAYER NAME='", xml);
			fputsxml(li->name, xml); // FIXME: what encoding is this in? maybe PDF Latin?
			fprintf(xml, "' TOP='%d' LEFT='%d' BOTTOM='%d' RIGHT='%d' WIDTH='%u' HEIGHT='%u'>\n",
					li->top, li->left, li->bottom, li->right, cols, rows);

		layerblendmode(f, 2, 1, &li->blend);

		last_layer_name = NULL;
		if(extra || unicode_filenames){
			// Process 'additional data' (non-image layer data,
			// such as adjustments, effects, type tool).

			savepos = ftello(f);
			fseeko(f, li->additionalpos, SEEK_SET);

			UNQUIET("Layer %d additional data:\n", i);
			doadditional(f, h, 2, li->additionallen);

			fseeko(f, savepos, SEEK_SET); // restore file position
		li->unicode_name = last_layer_name;

		doimage(f, li, unicode_filenames && last_layer_name ? last_layer_name : (numbered ? li->nameno : li->name), h);

		if(xml) fputs("\t</LAYER>\n\n", xml);

	VERBOSE("## end of layer image data @ %ld\n", (long)ftello(f));
Esempio n. 2
void processlayers(psd_file_t f, struct psd_header *h)
	int i, j = 0, c = 0;
	//char buf[7];
	psd_bytes_t savepos;
	extern char *last_layer_name;

	if(listfile) fputs("assetlist = {\n", listfile);

	for(i = 0; i < h->nlayers; ++i){
		struct layer_info *li = &h->linfo[i];
		psd_pixels_t cols = li->right - li->left, rows = li->bottom - li->top;

		VERBOSE("\n  layer %d (\"%s\"):\n", i, li->name);

		if(listfile && cols && rows){
				fprintf(listfile, "\t\"%s\" = { pos={%4d,%4d}, size={%4u,%4u} }, -- %s\n",
						li->nameno, li->left, li->top, cols, rows, li->name);
				fprintf(listfile, "\t\"%s\" = { pos={%4d,%4d}, size={%4u,%4u} },\n",
						li->name, li->left, li->top, cols, rows);
			fputs("\t<LAYER NAME='", xml);
			fputsxml(li->name, xml); // FIXME: what encoding is this in? maybe PDF Latin?
			fprintf(xml, "' TOP='%d' LEFT='%d' BOTTOM='%d' RIGHT='%d' WIDTH='%u' HEIGHT='%u'>\n",
					li->top, li->left, li->bottom, li->right, cols, rows);

		layerblendmode(f, 2, 1, &li->blend);

		last_layer_name = NULL;
		if(extra || unicode_filenames){
			// Process 'additional data' (non-image layer data,
			// such as adjustments, effects, type tool).

			savepos = (psd_bytes_t)ftello(f);
			fseeko(f, li->additionalpos, SEEK_SET);

			g_lid = j;

			UNQUIET("Layer %d additional data:\n", i);
			doadditional(f, h, 2, li->additionallen);

			fseeko(f, savepos, SEEK_SET); // restore file position
		li->unicode_name = last_layer_name;

		if (g_info.layers)
			if (li->top || li->left || li->bottom || li->right)
				if (!writepng)
					if (is_photo(li->name))
						g_info.layers[j].type = LT_Photo;

					strcpy(g_info.layers[j].name, li->name);
					g_info.layers[j].opacity = (float)li->blend.opacity / 255;
					g_info.layers[j].top = li->top;
					g_info.layers[j].left = li->left;
					g_info.layers[j].bottom = li->bottom;
					g_info.layers[j].right = li->right;
					g_info.layers[j].channels = li->channels;
					g_info.layers[j].bound.width = cols;
					g_info.layers[j].bound.height = rows;
					g_info.layers[j].center.x = (int)cols / 2 + li->left;
					g_info.layers[j].center.y = (int)rows / 2 + li->top;

#ifdef VER_NO_1_0_0
					g_info.layers[j].angle = 0;
					if (li->blend.clipping && j && !h->linfo[i - 1].blend.clipping && LT_Photo == g_info.layers[j].type)
						g_info.layers[j - 1].type = LT_Mask;
						strcpy(g_info.layers[j].mid, g_info.layers[j - 1].lid);


		doimage(f, li, unicode_filenames && last_layer_name ? last_layer_name : (numbered ? li->nameno : li->name), h);

		if(xml) fputs("\t</LAYER>\n\n", xml);

	for (i = 0; i < g_info.count; i++)
		if (g_info.layers[g_lid].canvas)
			c = 1;
	if (!c)
		g_info.layers[c].canvas = 1;

	VERBOSE("## end of layer image data @ %ld\n", (long)ftello(f));