Esempio n. 1
void CubeMesh::setDiffScale( const CubeMesh* other,
	   vector< VoxelJunction >& ret ) const

	for ( vector< VoxelJunction >::iterator i = ret.begin();
					i != ret.end(); ++i )
		if ( doubleEq( i->diffScale, 0 ) ) { // Junction across x plane
			double selfXA = dy_ * dz_;
			double otherXA = other->dy_ * other->dz_;
			if ( selfXA <= otherXA )
				i->diffScale = 2 * selfXA / ( dx_ + other->dx_ );
				i->diffScale = 2 * otherXA / ( dx_ + other->dx_ );
		} else if ( doubleEq( i->diffScale, 1 ) ) { // across y plane
			double selfXA = dx_ * dz_;
			double otherXA = other->dx_ * other->dz_;
			if ( selfXA <= otherXA )
				i->diffScale = 2 * selfXA / ( dy_ + other->dy_ );
				i->diffScale = 2 * otherXA / ( dy_ + other->dy_ );
		} else if ( doubleEq( i->diffScale, 2 ) ) { // across z plane
			double selfXA = dx_ * dy_;
			double otherXA = other->dx_ * other->dy_;
			if ( selfXA <= otherXA )
				i->diffScale = 2 * selfXA / ( dz_ + other->dz_ );
				i->diffScale = 2 * otherXA / ( dz_ + other->dz_ );
		} else {	
			assert( 0 );
Esempio n. 2
void testSetDiffusionAndTransport()
	static double test[] = {
		0,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0,
		1,  0,  2,  0,  0,  0,
		0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  0,
		0,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,
		0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  2,
		0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,
	const unsigned int numCompts = 6;
	FastMatrixElim fm;
	fm.makeTestMatrix( test, numCompts );
	vector< unsigned int > parentVoxel( numCompts );
	parentVoxel[0] = -1;
	parentVoxel[1] = 0;
	parentVoxel[2] = 1;
	parentVoxel[3] = 2;
	parentVoxel[4] = 3;
	parentVoxel[5] = 4;

	// cout << endl;
	// fm.print();
	// cout << endl;
	// fm.printInternal();
	fm.setDiffusionAndTransport( parentVoxel, 1, 10, 0.1 );
	// cout << endl;
	// fm.print();
	// cout << endl;
	// fm.printInternal();

	for( unsigned int i =0; i < numCompts; ++i ) {
		unsigned int start = 0;
		if ( i > 0 )
			start = i - 1;
		for( unsigned int j = start ; j < i+1 && j < numCompts ; ++j ) {
			if ( i == j + 1 )
				assert( doubleEq( fm.get( i, j ), 0.1 ) );
			else if ( i + 1 == j ) {
				assert( doubleEq( fm.get( i, j ), 2.2 ) );
			} else if ( i == j ) {
				if ( i == 0 )
					assert( doubleEq( fm.get( i, j ), 0.8 ) );
				else if ( i == numCompts - 1 )
					assert( doubleEq( fm.get( i, j ), -0.1 ) );
					assert( doubleEq( fm.get( i, j ), -0.3 ) );
	cout << "." << flush;
PFDD HHChannelBase::selectPower( double power )
	if ( doubleEq( power, 0.0 ) )
		return powerN;
	else if ( doubleEq( power, 1.0 ) )
		return power1;
	else if ( doubleEq( power, 2.0 ) )
		return power2;
	else if ( doubleEq( power, 3.0 ) )
		return power3;
	else if ( doubleEq( power, 4.0 ) )
		return power4;
		return powerN;
Esempio n. 4
bool HHChannel::setGatePower( const Eref& e, double power,
	double *assignee, const string& gateType )
	if ( doubleEq( power, *assignee ) )
		return false;

	if ( doubleEq( *assignee, 0.0 ) && power > 0 ) {
		createGate( e, gateType );
	} else if ( doubleEq( power, 0.0 ) ) {
		// destroyGate( e, gateType );
	*assignee = power;
	return true;
Esempio n. 5
 * This assumes that diffLength is the quantity to preserve, over numEntries.
 * So when the compartment changes volume, numEntries changes. diffLength will
 * be fine-tuned to be a clean multiple.
void CylMesh::updateCoords( const Eref& e, const vector< double >& concs )
	double temp = sqrt( 
		( x1_ - x0_ ) * ( x1_ - x0_ ) + 
		( y1_ - y0_ ) * ( y1_ - y0_ ) + 
		( z1_ - z0_ ) * ( z1_ - z0_ )

	if ( doubleEq( temp, 0.0 ) ) {
		cout << "Error: CylMesh::updateCoords:\n"
		"total length of compartment = 0 with these parameters\n";
	totLen_ = temp;

	temp = totLen_ / diffLength_;
	if ( temp < 1.0 ) {
		diffLength_ = totLen_;
		numEntries_ = 1;
	} else {
		numEntries_ = static_cast< unsigned int >( round ( temp ) );
		diffLength_ = totLen_ / numEntries_;
	rSlope_ = ( r1_ - r0_ ) / numEntries_;
	lenSlope_ = diffLength_ * rSlope_ * 2 / ( r0_ + r1_ );

	// dx2_[0] = diffLength_;
	// dx2_[1] = diffLength_;
	setChildConcs( e, concs, 0 );
void testPoolVolumeScaling()
	Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	Id comptId = shell->doCreate( "CylMesh", Id(), "cyl", 1 );
	Id meshId( comptId.value() + 1 );
	Id poolId = shell->doCreate( "Pool", comptId, "pool", 1 );

	ObjId mid = shell->doAddMsg( "OneToOne", 
		ObjId( poolId, 0 ), "requestVolume",
		ObjId( meshId, 0 ), "get_volume" );

	assert( mid != ObjId() );

	vector< double > coords( 9, 0.0 );
	double x1 = 100e-6;
	double r0 = 10e-6;
	double r1 = 5e-6;
	double lambda = x1;
	coords[3] = x1;
	coords[6] = r0;
	coords[7] = r1;
	coords[8] = lambda;

	Field< vector< double > >::set( comptId, "coords", coords );

	double volume = Field< double >::get( poolId, "volume" );
	assert( doubleEq( volume, PI * x1 * (r0+r1) * (r0+r1) / 4.0 ) );

	Field< double >::set( poolId, "n", 400 );
	double volscale = 1 / ( NA * volume );
	double conc = Field< double >::get( poolId, "conc" );
	assert( doubleEq( conc, 400 * volscale ) );
	Field< double >::set( poolId, "conc", 500 * volscale );
	double n = Field< double >::get( poolId, "n" );
	assert( doubleEq( n, 500 ) );

	Field< double >::set( poolId, "nInit", 650 );
	double concInit = Field< double >::get( poolId, "concInit" );
	assert( doubleEq( concInit, 650 * volscale ) );
	Field< double >::set( poolId, "concInit", 10 * volscale );
	n = Field< double >::get( poolId, "nInit" );
	assert( doubleEq( n, 10 ) );

	shell->doDelete( comptId );
	cout << "." << flush;
void testMMenz()
	Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	Id mmid = shell->doCreate( "MMenz", Id(), "mm", 1 ); // mmenz
	MMenz m;
	ProcInfo p;

	m.vSetKm( mmid.eref(), 5.0 );
	m.vSetKcat( mmid.eref(), 4.0 );
	m.vReinit( mmid.eref(), &p );
	m.vSub( 2 );
	m.vEnz( 3 );
	assert( doubleEq( m.vGetKm( mmid.eref() ), 5.0 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( m.vGetKcat( mmid.eref() ), 4.0 ) );
	m.vProcess( mmid.eref(), &p );

	shell->doDelete( mmid );
	cout << "." << flush;
void testReacVolumeScaling()
	Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	Id comptId = shell->doCreate( "CubeMesh", Id(), "cube", 1 );
	Id meshId( comptId.value() + 1 );
	Id subId = shell->doCreate( "Pool", comptId, "sub", 1 );
	Id prdId = shell->doCreate( "Pool", comptId, "prd", 1 );
	Id reacId = shell->doCreate( "Reac", comptId, "reac", 1 );

	double vol1 = 1e-15;

	ObjId mid = shell->doAddMsg( "OneToOne", 
		subId, "requestVolume", meshId, "get_volume" );
	assert( mid != ObjId() );
	mid = shell->doAddMsg( "OneToOne", 
		prdId, "requestVolume", meshId, "get_volume" );
	assert( mid != ObjId() );

	vector< double > coords( 9, 10.0e-6 );
	coords[0] = coords[1] = coords[2] = 0;

	Field< vector< double > >::set( comptId, "coords", coords );

	double volume = Field< double >::get( comptId, "volume" );
	assert( doubleEq( volume, vol1 ) );

	ObjId ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "sub", subId, "reac" );
	assert( ret != ObjId() );
	ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "prd", prdId, "reac" );
	assert( ret != ObjId() );

	Field< double >::set( reacId, "Kf", 2 );
	Field< double >::set( reacId, "Kb", 3 );
	double x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kf" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 2 ) );
	x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kb" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 3 ) );
	ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "sub", subId, "reac" );
	assert( ret != ObjId() );
	double conv = 1.0 / ( NA * vol1 );
	x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kf" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 2 * conv ) );
	x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kb" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 3 ) );

	ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "sub", subId, "reac" );
	assert( ret != ObjId() );
	ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "prd", prdId, "reac" );
	assert( ret != ObjId() );
	x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kf" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 2 * conv * conv ) );
	x = Field< double >::get( reacId, "kb" );
	assert( doubleEq( x, 3 * conv ) );

	shell->doDelete( comptId );
	cout << "." << flush;
	unsigned int xdivs, double xmin, double xmax,
	unsigned int ydivs, double ymin, double ymax )
	: 	xmin_( xmin ), xmax_( xmax ),
		ymin_( ymin ), ymax_( ymax ),
		sy_( 1.0 )
	resize( xdivs+1, ydivs+1 );

	if ( !doubleEq( xmax_, xmin ) )
		invDx_ = xdivs / ( xmax_ - xmin_);
		invDx_ = 1.0;
	if ( !doubleEq( ymax_, ymin ) )
		invDy_ = ydivs / ( ymax_ - ymin_);
		invDy_ = 1.0;
Esempio n. 10
void SynChan::normalizeGbar()
        if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
                // norm_ = 1.0;
                norm_ = SynChanBase::getGbar();
        } else {
                if ( doubleEq( tau1_, tau2_ ) ) {
                    norm_ = SynChanBase::getGbar() * SynE() / tau1_;
                } else {
                    double tpeak = tau1_ * tau2_ * log( tau1_ / tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ - tau2_ );
                    norm_ = SynChanBase::getGbar() * ( tau1_ - tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ * tau2_ * ( 
                            exp( -tpeak / tau1_ ) - exp( -tpeak / tau2_ )
	if ( normalizeWeights_ && getNumSynapses() > 0 )
		norm_ /= static_cast< double >( getNumSynapses() );
Esempio n. 11
bool HHChannel2D::setGatePower( const Eref& e, const Qinfo* q, double power,
	double *assignee, const string& gateType )
	if ( power < 0 ) {
		cout << "Error: HHChannel2D::set" << gateType << 
			"power: Cannot use negative power: " << power << endl;
		return 0;

	if ( doubleEq( power, *assignee ) )
		return 0;

	if ( doubleEq( *assignee, 0.0 ) && power > 0 ) {
		createGate( e, q, gateType );
	} else if ( doubleEq( power, 0.0 ) ) {
		destroyGate( e, q, gateType );
	*assignee = power;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 12
void MarkovRateTable::updateRates()
	double temp;
	unsigned int i,j;

	//Update 1D rates, if any.
	for( unsigned int k = 0; k < listOf1dRates_.size(); ++k )
		j = ( listOf1dRates_[k] % 10 ) - 1;
		i = ( ( listOf1dRates_[k] / 10 ) % 10 ) - 1;
		temp = Q_[i][j];

		if ( isRateLigandDep( i, j ) )
			Q_[i][j] = lookup1dValue( i, j, ligandConc_ );
			Q_[i][j] = lookup1dValue( i, j, Vm_ );

		//Ensures that the row sums to zero.
		if ( !doubleEq( temp, Q_[i][j] ) )
			Q_[i][i] = Q_[i][i] - Q_[i][j] + temp;

	//Update 2D rates, if any.
	for( unsigned int k = 0; k < listOf2dRates_.size(); ++k )
		j = ( listOf2dRates_[k] % 10 ) - 1;
		i = ( ( listOf2dRates_[k] / 10 ) % 10 ) - 1;
		temp = Q_[i][j];

		Q_[i][j] = lookup2dValue( i, j, Vm_, ligandConc_ );

		//Ensures that the row sums to zero.
		if ( !doubleEq( temp, Q_[i][j] ) )
			Q_[i][i] = Q_[i][i] - Q_[i][j] + temp;
void Interpol2D::setDx( double value ) {
	if ( !doubleEq( value, 0.0 ) ) {
		unsigned int xdivs = static_cast< unsigned int >( 
			0.5 + fabs( xmax_ - xmin_ ) / value );
		if ( xdivs < 1 || xdivs > MAX_DIVS ) {
			cerr <<
				"Error: Interpol2D::localSetDx Out of range:" <<
				xdivs + 1 << " entries in table.\n";
		resize( xdivs + 1, 0 );
Esempio n. 14
void SynChan::normalizeGbar()
        if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
                // norm_ = 1.0;
                norm_ = ChanCommon::getGbar();
        } else {
                if ( doubleEq( tau1_, tau2_ ) ) {
                    norm_ = ChanCommon::getGbar() * SynE() / tau1_;
                } else {
                    double tpeak = tau1_ * tau2_ * log( tau1_ / tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ - tau2_ );
                    norm_ = ChanCommon::getGbar() * ( tau1_ - tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ * tau2_ * ( 
                            exp( -tpeak / tau1_ ) - exp( -tpeak / tau2_ )
		 * Can't handle at this time. Simple but tedious to implement.
	if ( normalizeWeights_ && getNumSynapses() > 0 )
		norm_ /= static_cast< double >( getNumSynapses() );
Esempio n. 15
 * Note that this causes issues if we have variable dt.
void SynChan::reinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr info )
	double dt = info->dt;
	activation_ = 0.0;
	modulation_ = 1.0;
	SynChanBase::setGk( 0.0 );
	SynChanBase::setIk( 0.0 );
	X_ = 0.0;
	Y_ = 0.0;
    // These below statements are also called when setting tau1 and tau2
    // (required when changing tau1 and tau2 during a simulation).
	xconst1_ = tau1_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt / tau1_ ) );
	xconst2_ = exp( -dt / tau1_ );

        if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
                yconst1_ = 1.0;
                yconst2_ = 0.0;
        } else {
                yconst1_ = tau2_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt / tau2_ ) );
                yconst2_ = exp( -dt / tau2_ );
        if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
                yconst1_ = 1.0;
                yconst2_ = 0.0;
                norm_ = 1.0;
        } else {
                yconst1_ = tau2_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt / tau2_ ) );
                yconst2_ = exp( -dt / tau2_ );
                if ( tau1_ == tau2_ ) {
                    norm_ = SynChanBase::getGbar() * SynE() / tau1_;
                } else {
                    double tpeak = tau1_ * tau2_ * log( tau1_ / tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ - tau2_ );
                    norm_ = SynChanBase::getGbar() * ( tau1_ - tau2_ ) / 
                            ( tau1_ * tau2_ * ( 
                            exp( -tpeak / tau1_ ) - exp( -tpeak / tau2_ )
	// updateNumSynapse( e );
	if ( normalizeWeights_ && getNumSynapses() > 0 )
		norm_ /= static_cast< double >( getNumSynapses() );
	// while ( !pendingEvents_.empty() )
	// 	pendingEvents_.pop();
        SynChanBase::reinit(e, info);
void Interpol2D::setSy( double value ) {
	if ( !doubleEq( value, 0.0 ) ) {
		double ratio = value / sy_;
		vector< vector< double > >::iterator i;
		vector< double >::iterator j;
		for ( i = table_.begin(); i != table_.end(); i++ )
			for ( j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); j++ )
				*j *= ratio;
		sy_ = value;
	} else {
		cerr << "Error: Interpol2D::localSetSy: sy too small:" <<
			value << "\n";
Esempio n. 17
void testFuncTerm()
	FuncTerm ft;
	ft.setExpr( "x0 + x1 * t" );
	double args[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

	// First check that it doesn't die even if we forget to set up anything.
	double ans = ft( args, 2.0 );

	vector< unsigned int > mol( 2, 0 );
	mol[0] = 2;
	mol[1] = 0;
	ft.setReactantIndex( mol );

	ans = ft( args, 10.0 );
	assert( doubleEq( ans, 13.0 ) );
	mol[0] = 0;
	mol[1] = 9;
	ft.setReactantIndex( mol );
	ans = ft( args, 2.0 );
	assert( doubleEq( ans, 21.0 ) );
	cout << "." << flush;
 * \todo Later do interpolation etc to preserve contents.
 * \todo Later also check that it is OK for xmax_ < xmin_
void Interpol2D::setDy( double value ) {
	if ( !doubleEq( value, 0.0 ) ) {
		unsigned int ydivs = static_cast< unsigned int >( 
			0.5 + fabs( ymax_ - ymin_ ) / value );
		if ( ydivs < 1 || ydivs > MAX_DIVS ) {
			cerr <<
				"Error: Interpol2D::localSetDy Out of range:" <<
				ydivs + 1 << " entries in table.\n";
		setYdivs( ydivs );
		invDy_ = ydivs / ( ymax_ - ymin_ );
Esempio n. 19
void testTaperingCylDiffn()
	Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	double len = 25e-6;
	double r0 = 2e-6;
	double r1 = 1e-6;
	double diffLength = 1e-6; // 1e-6 is the highest dx for which error is OK
	double runtime = 10.0;
	double dt = 0.1; // 0.2 is the highest dt for which the error is in bounds
	double diffConst = 1.0e-12; 
	// Should set explicitly, currently during creation of DiffPoolVec
	//double diffConst = 1.0e-12; 
	Id model = s->doCreate( "Neutral", Id(), "model", 1 );
	Id cyl = s->doCreate( "CylMesh", model, "cyl", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "r0", r0 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "r1", r1 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "x0", 0 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "x1", len );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "diffLength", diffLength );
	unsigned int ndc = Field< unsigned int >::get( cyl, "numMesh" );
	assert( ndc == static_cast< unsigned int >( round( len / diffLength )));
	Id pool = s->doCreate( "Pool", cyl, "pool", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( pool, "diffConst", diffConst );

	Id dsolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "dsolve", 1 );
	Field< Id >::set( dsolve, "compartment", cyl );
	s->doUseClock( "/model/dsolve", "process", 1 );
	s->doSetClock( 1, dt );
	// Next: build by setting the path of the dsolve.
	Field< string >::set( dsolve, "path", "/model/cyl/pool" );
	// Then find a way to test it.
	assert( pool.element()->numData() == ndc );
	Field< double >::set( ObjId( pool, 0 ), "nInit", 1.0 );

	s->doStart( runtime );

	double myTot = 0.0;
	vector< double > poolVec;
   	Field< double >::getVec( pool, "n", poolVec );
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < poolVec.size(); ++i ) {
		myTot += poolVec[i];
	assert( doubleEq( myTot, 1.0 ) );

	s->doDelete( model );
	cout << "." << flush;
Esempio n. 20
void SynChan::setTau2( double tau2 )
    tau2_ = tau2;
    // Aditya added
    // required if changing tau1 during a simulation
    // (eg. Marder pyloric networks).
    if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
            yconst1_ = 1.0;
            yconst2_ = 0.0;
    } else {
            yconst1_ = tau2_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt_ / tau2_ ) );
            yconst2_ = exp( -dt_ / tau2_ );

Esempio n. 21
 * Note that this causes issues if we have variable dt.
void SynChan::vReinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr info )
	dt_ = info->dt;
	activation_ = 0.0;
	ChanBase::setGk( e, 0.0 );
	ChanBase::setIk( e, 0.0 );
	X_ = 0.0;
	Y_ = 0.0;
    // These below statements are also called when setting tau1 and tau2
    // (required when changing tau1 and tau2 during a simulation).
	xconst1_ = tau1_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt_ / tau1_ ) );
	xconst2_ = exp( -dt_ / tau1_ );

        if ( doubleEq( tau2_, 0.0 ) ) {
                yconst1_ = 1.0;
                yconst2_ = 0.0;
        } else {
                yconst1_ = tau2_ * ( 1.0 - exp( -dt_ / tau2_ ) );
                yconst2_ = exp( -dt_ / tau2_ );
    sendReinitMsgs(e, info);
Esempio n. 22
void testCylDiffnWithStoich()
	Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	double len = 25e-6;
	double r0 = 1e-6;
	double r1 = 1e-6;
	double diffLength = 1e-6; // 1e-6 is the highest dx for which error is OK
	double runtime = 10.0;
	double dt0 = 0.1; // Used for diffusion. 0.2 is the highest dt for which the error is in bounds
	double dt1 = 1; // Used for chem.
	double diffConst = 1.0e-12; 
	Id model = s->doCreate( "Neutral", Id(), "model", 1 );
	Id cyl = s->doCreate( "CylMesh", model, "cyl", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "r0", r0 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "r1", r1 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "x0", 0 );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "x1", len );
	Field< double >::set( cyl, "diffLength", diffLength );
	unsigned int ndc = Field< unsigned int >::get( cyl, "numMesh" );
	assert( ndc == static_cast< unsigned int >( round( len / diffLength )));
	Id pool1 = s->doCreate( "Pool", cyl, "pool1", 1 );
	Id pool2 = s->doCreate( "Pool", cyl, "pool2", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( pool1, "diffConst", diffConst );
	Field< double >::set( pool2, "diffConst", diffConst/2 );

	Id stoich = s->doCreate( "Stoich", model, "stoich", 1 );
	Id ksolve = s->doCreate( "Ksolve", model, "ksolve", 1 );
	Id dsolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "dsolve", 1 );
	Field< Id >::set( stoich, "compartment", cyl );
	Field< Id >::set( stoich, "ksolve", ksolve );
	Field< Id >::set( stoich, "dsolve", dsolve );
	Field< string >::set( stoich, "path", "/model/cyl/#" );
	assert( pool1.element()->numData() == ndc );

	// Then find a way to test it.
	vector< double > poolVec;
	Field< double >::set( ObjId( pool1, 0 ), "nInit", 1.0 );
	Field< double >::set( ObjId( pool2, 0 ), "nInit", 1.0 );
   	Field< double >::getVec( pool1, "nInit", poolVec );
	assert( poolVec.size() == ndc );
	assert( doubleEq( poolVec[0], 1.0 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( poolVec[1], 0.0 ) );

	vector< double > nvec = 
		LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get( 
						dsolve, "nVec", 0);
	assert( nvec.size() == ndc );

	// Next: build by doing reinit
	s->doUseClock( "/model/dsolve", "process", 0 );
	s->doUseClock( "/model/ksolve", "process", 1 );
	s->doSetClock( 0, dt0 );
	s->doSetClock( 1, dt1 );
	s->doStart( runtime );

	nvec = LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get( 
						dsolve, "nVec", 0);
   	Field< double >::getVec( pool1, "n", poolVec );
	assert( nvec.size() == poolVec.size() );
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nvec.size(); ++i )
		assert( doubleEq( nvec[i], poolVec[i] ) );
	cout << endl;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nvec.size(); ++i )
		cout << nvec[i] << "	";
	cout << endl;

	double dx = diffLength;
	double err = 0.0;
	double analyticTot = 0.0;
	double myTot = 0.0;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nvec.size(); ++i ) {
		double x = i * dx + dx * 0.5;
		// This part is the solution as a func of x,t.
		double y = dx *  // This part represents the init n of 1 in dx
			( 1.0 / sqrt( PI * diffConst * runtime ) ) * 
			exp( -x * x / ( 4 * diffConst * runtime ) ); 
		err += ( y - nvec[i] ) * ( y - nvec[i] );
		//cout << i << "	" << x << "	" << y << "	" << conc[i] << endl;
		analyticTot += y;
		myTot += nvec[i];
	assert( doubleEq( myTot, 1.0 ) );
	// cout << "analyticTot= " << analyticTot << ", myTot= " << myTot << endl;
	assert( err < 1.0e-5 );

	s->doDelete( model );
	cout << "." << flush;
Esempio n. 23
//Simple tests on whether the exponential lookup tables are being set
//to the correct size and the lookup function tests.
//Cannot test the interpolation routines here as there is not matrix
//exponential method in the base class.
//testMarkovSolver() defined in MarkovSolver.cpp contains this test.
void testMarkovSolverBase()

	const Cinfo* rateTableCinfo = MarkovRateTable::initCinfo();
	const Cinfo* interpol2dCinfo = Interpol2D::initCinfo();
	const Cinfo* vectorTableCinfo = VectorTable::initCinfo();
	const Cinfo* solverBaseCinfo = MarkovSolverBase::initCinfo();

	Id vecTableId = Id::nextId();
	Id int2dId = Id::nextId();

	vector< Id > rateTableIds;
	vector< Id > solverBaseIds;

	vector< Element* > rateTableElements;
	vector< Eref* > rateTableErefs;

	vector< Element* > solverBaseElements;
	vector< Eref* > solverBaseErefs;

	vector< MarkovRateTable* > rateTables;
	vector< MarkovSolverBase* > solverBases;

	vector< DimInfo > single;
	string str;

	unsigned int numCopies = 4;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numCopies; ++i )
		rateTableIds.push_back( Id::nextId() );
		str = string("ratetable") + static_cast< char >( 65 + i );
		rateTableElements.push_back( new Element( rateTableIds[i], rateTableCinfo, 
																		str, single, 1 ) );
		rateTableErefs.push_back( new Eref( rateTableElements[i], 0 ) );
		rateTables.push_back( reinterpret_cast< MarkovRateTable* >(
															rateTableErefs[i]->data() ) );

		solverBaseIds.push_back( Id::nextId() );
		str = string("solverbase") + static_cast< char >( 65 + i );
		solverBaseElements.push_back( new Element( solverBaseIds[i], solverBaseCinfo,
																	str, single, 1 ) );
		solverBaseErefs.push_back( new Eref( solverBaseElements[i], 0 ) );
		solverBases.push_back( reinterpret_cast< MarkovSolverBase* >(
															solverBaseErefs[i]->data() ) );				

	Element *eInt2d = new Element( int2dId, interpol2dCinfo, "int2d", single, 1 );
	Element *eVecTable = new Element( vecTableId, vectorTableCinfo, "vecTable",
																		single, 1 );

	Interpol2D *int2dTable;
	VectorTable* vecTable;

	Eref int2dEref( eInt2d, 0 );
	int2dTable = reinterpret_cast< Interpol2D* >( );

	Eref vecTableEref( eVecTable, 0 );
	vecTable = reinterpret_cast< VectorTable* >( );

	//ratetables[0]		//Only 2D rates.
	//ratetables[1]		//1D and 2D rates.
	//ratetables[2]		//Only ligand dependent rates.
	//ratetables[3]  	//Only voltage dependent rates.

	//Case 1 :
	//Rates (1,2) and (2,3) are ligand and voltage dependent.
	rateTables[0]->init( 3 );

	setupInterpol2D( int2dTable, 201, -0.05, 0.10, 151, 1e-9, 50e-9 );
	rateTables[0]->setInt2dChildTable( 1, 2, int2dId );

	setupInterpol2D( int2dTable, 175, -0.02, 0.19, 151, 3e-9, 75e-9 );
	rateTables[0]->setInt2dChildTable( 2, 3, int2dId );

	solverBases[0]->init( rateTableIds[0], 0.1 );
	assert( solverBases[0]->getXdivs() == 201 );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[0]->getXmin(), -0.05 ) ); 
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[0]->getXmax(), 0.19 ) );
	assert( solverBases[0]->getYdivs() == 151 );
	//1D and 2D rates.
	rateTables[1]->init( 5 );	

	//Case 2 :
	//Rates (1,2) and (1,3) are ligand and voltage dependent.
	//Rates (2,1) and (3,1) are voltage and ligand dependent respectively.
	setupInterpol2D( int2dTable, 250, -0.10, 0.75, 101, 10e-9, 25e-8 );
	rateTables[1]->setInt2dChildTable( 1, 2, int2dId );

	setupInterpol2D( int2dTable, 275, -0.05, 0.55, 141, 5e-9, 40e-7 );
	rateTables[1]->setInt2dChildTable( 1, 3, int2dId );

	//Voltage dependent.
	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 145, -0.17, 0.73 );
	rateTables[1]->setVtChildTable( 2, 1, vecTableId, 0 );

	//Ligand dependent
	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 375, 7e-9, 75e-7 );
	rateTables[1]->setVtChildTable( 3, 1, vecTableId, 1 );

	solverBases[1]->init( rateTableIds[1], 0.1 );

	assert( solverBases[1]->getXdivs() == 275 ); 
	assert( solverBases[1]->getYdivs() == 375 );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[1]->getXmin(), -0.17 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[1]->getXmax(), 0.75 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[1]->getYmin(), 5e-9 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[1]->getYmax(), 75e-7 ) );

	//Case 3 : Only ligand dependent rates.
	//Rates (1, 2), (3, 5), (2, 4), (4, 1).

	rateTables[2]->init( 5 );
	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 155, 7e-9, 50e-9 );
	rateTables[2]->setVtChildTable( 1, 2, vecTableId, 1 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 190, 4e-9, 35e-9 ); 
	rateTables[2]->setVtChildTable( 3, 5, vecTableId, 1 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 120, 7e-9, 90e-9 );
	rateTables[2]->setVtChildTable( 2, 4, vecTableId, 1 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 250, 10e-9, 100e-9 );
	rateTables[2]->setVtChildTable( 4, 1, vecTableId, 1 );

	solverBases[2]->init( rateTableIds[2], 0.1 );

	assert( doubleEq( 1e-308 * solverBases[2]->getYmin(), 1e-308 * DBL_MAX ) );
	assert( doubleEq( 1e308 * solverBases[2]->getYmax(), 1e308 * DBL_MIN ) );
	assert( solverBases[2]->getYdivs() == 0u );

	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[2]->getXmin(), 4e-9 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[2]->getXmax(), 100e-9 ) );
	assert( solverBases[2]->getXdivs() == 250 );

	//Case 4 : Only voltage dependent rates.
	//Rates (3,6), (5, 6), (1, 4). 

	rateTables[3]->init( 7 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 100, -0.05, 0.1 );
	rateTables[3]->setVtChildTable( 3, 6, vecTableId, 1 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 190, -0.15, 0.2 );
	rateTables[3]->setVtChildTable( 5, 6, vecTableId, 1 );

	setupVectorTable( vecTable, 140, -0.2, 0.1 );
	rateTables[3]->setVtChildTable( 1, 4, vecTableId, 1 );

	solverBases[3]->init( rateTableIds[3], 0.1 );

	assert( doubleEq( 1e-308 * solverBases[3]->getYmin(), 1e-308 * DBL_MAX ) );
	assert( doubleEq( 1e308 * solverBases[3]->getYmax(), 1e308 * DBL_MIN ) );
	assert( solverBases[3]->getYdivs() == 0u );

	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[3]->getXmin(), -0.2 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( solverBases[3]->getXmax(), 0.2 ) );
	assert( solverBases[3]->getXdivs() == 190 );

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numCopies; ++i )
		delete rateTableErefs[i];
		delete solverBaseErefs[i];


	cout << "." << flush;
int main()
  Board<Tile> b;

  std::ofstream file;

  // set files;
  file << test_land_data;
  file << test_hare_data;
  file << test_puma_data;


  for(size_t x=0; x<b.get_width();  ++x)
  for(size_t y=0; y<b.get_height(); ++y)
    // test land
    if(x == 0 || x == b.get_width()-1
        || y == 0 || y == b.get_height()-1)
        std::cout << "Land padding not working" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    else if(b(x,y).is_land() != (test_land_array[y-1][x-1] == 1))
      std::cout << "land array not properly set" << std::endl;
      std::cout << b(x,y).is_land() << ", " << test_land_array[y-1][x-1] << std::endl;
      return 1;

    // test hare
    if(x == 0 || x == b.get_width()-1
        || y == 0 || y == b.get_height()-1)
      if(!doubleEq(b(x,y).hare, 0))
        std::cout << "Hare padding not working" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    else if(!doubleEq(b(x,y).hare, test_hare_array[y-1][x-1]))
      std::cout << "hare array not properly set" << std::endl;
      std::cout << b(x,y).hare << ", " << test_hare_array[y-1][x-1] << std::endl;
      return 1;

    // test puma
    if(x == 0 || x == b.get_width()-1
        || y == 0 || y == b.get_height()-1)
      if(!doubleEq(b(x,y).puma, 0))
        std::cout << "Puma padding not working" << std::endl;
        return 1;
    else if(!doubleEq(b(x,y).puma, test_puma_array[y-1][x-1]))
      std::cout << "puma array not properly set" << std::endl;
      return 1;

  // all tests passed!
  return 0;
Esempio n. 25
void testCellDiffn()
	Id makeCompt( Id parentCompt, Id parentObj,
		string name, double len, double dia, double theta );
	Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	double len = 40e-6;
	double dia = 10e-6;
	double diffLength = 1e-6;
	double dt = 1.0e-1;
	double runtime = 100.0;
	double diffConst = 1.0e-12; 
	Id model = s->doCreate( "Neutral", Id(), "model", 1 );
	Id soma = makeCompt( Id(), model, "soma", dia, dia, 90 );
	Id dend = makeCompt( soma, model, "dend", len, 3e-6, 0 );
	Id branch1 = makeCompt( dend, model, "branch1", len, 2e-6, 45.0 );
	Id branch2 = makeCompt( dend, model, "branch2", len, 2e-6, -45.0 );
	Id twig1 = makeCompt( branch1, model, "twig1", len, 1.5e-6, 90.0 );
	Id twig2 = makeCompt( branch1, model, "twig2", len, 1.5e-6, 0.0 );

	Id nm = s->doCreate( "NeuroMesh", model, "neuromesh", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( nm, "diffLength", diffLength );
	Field< string >::set( nm, "geometryPolicy", "cylinder" );
	Field< Id >::set( nm, "cell", model );
	unsigned int ns = Field< unsigned int >::get( nm, "numSegments" );
	assert( ns == 6 );
	unsigned int ndc = Field< unsigned int >::get( nm, "numDiffCompts" );
	assert( ndc == 210  );
	Id pool1 = s->doCreate( "Pool", nm, "pool1", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( pool1, "diffConst", diffConst );
	Id pool2 = s->doCreate( "Pool", nm, "pool2", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( pool2, "diffConst", diffConst );

	Id dsolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "dsolve", 1 );
	Field< Id >::set( dsolve, "compartment", nm );
	s->doUseClock( "/model/dsolve", "process", 1 );
	s->doSetClock( 1, dt );
	// Next: build by setting path
	Field< string >::set( dsolve, "path", "/model/neuromesh/pool#" );

	vector< double > nvec = 
		LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get( 
						dsolve, "nVec", 0);
	assert( nvec.size() == ndc );
	assert( pool1.element()->numData() == ndc );
	Field< double >::set( ObjId( pool1, 0 ), "nInit", 1.0 );
	Field< double >::set( ObjId( pool2, ndc - 1 ), "nInit", 2.0 );

	s->doStart( runtime );

	nvec = LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get( 
						dsolve, "nVec", 0);
	vector< double > pool1Vec;
	Field< double >::getVec( pool1, "n", pool1Vec );
	assert( pool1Vec.size() == ndc );

	vector< double > pool2Vec;
	Field< double >::getVec( pool2, "n", pool2Vec );
	assert( pool2Vec.size() == ndc );
	double myTot1 = 0;
	double myTot2 = 0;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nvec.size(); ++i ) {
		assert( doubleEq( pool1Vec[i], nvec[i] ) );
		myTot1 += nvec[i];
		myTot2 += pool2Vec[i];
	assert( doubleEq( myTot1, 1.0 ) );
	assert( doubleEq( myTot2, 2.0 ) );

	cout << endl;
	cout << "Big cell: " << endl;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nvec.size(); ++i )
		cout << nvec[i] << ", " << pool2Vec[i] << endl;
	cout << endl;

	s->doDelete( model );
	cout << "." << flush;
Esempio n. 26
void testCalcJunction()
	Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() );
	// Make a neuron with same-size dend and spine. PSD is tiny.
	// Put a, b, c in dend, b, c, d in spine, c, d, f in psd. No reacs.
	// See settling of all concs by diffusion, pairwise.
	Id model = s->doCreate( "Neutral", Id(), "model", 1 );
	Id dend = s->doCreate( "Compartment", model, "dend", 1 );
	Id neck = s->doCreate( "Compartment", model, "spine_neck", 1 );
	Id head = s->doCreate( "Compartment", model, "spine_head", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( dend, "x", 10e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( dend, "diameter", 2e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( dend, "length", 10e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( neck, "x0", 9e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( neck, "x", 9e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( neck, "y", 1e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( neck, "diameter", 0.5e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( neck, "length", 1.0e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "x0", 9e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "x", 9e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "y0", 1e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "y", 11e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "diameter", 2e-6 );
	Field< double >::set( head, "length", 10e-6 );
	s->doAddMsg( "Single", ObjId( dend ), "raxial", ObjId( neck ), "axial");
	s->doAddMsg( "Single", ObjId( neck ), "raxial", ObjId( head ), "axial");

	Id nm = s->doCreate( "NeuroMesh", model, "nm", 1 );
	Field< double >::set( nm, "diffLength", 10e-6 );
	Field< bool >::set( nm, "separateSpines", true );
	Id sm = s->doCreate( "SpineMesh", model, "sm", 1 );
	Id pm = s->doCreate( "PsdMesh", model, "pm", 1 );
	ObjId mid = s->doAddMsg( "Single", ObjId( nm ), "spineListOut", ObjId( sm ), "spineList" );
	assert( !mid.bad() );
	mid = s->doAddMsg( "Single", ObjId( nm ), "psdListOut", ObjId( pm ), "psdList" );
	Field< Id >::set( nm, "cell", model );

	vector< Id > pools( 9 );
	static string names[] = {"a", "b", "c", "b", "c", "d", "c", "d", "e" };
	static Id parents[] = {nm, nm, nm, sm, sm, sm, pm, pm, pm};
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) {
		pools[i] = s->doCreate( "Pool", parents[i], names[i], 1 );
		assert( pools[i] != Id() );
		Field< double >::set( pools[i], "concInit", 1.0 + 1.0 * i );
		Field< double >::set( pools[i], "diffConst", 1e-11 );
		if ( i < 6 ) {
			double vol = Field< double >::get( pools[i], "volume" );
			assert( doubleEq( vol, 10e-6 * 1e-12 * PI ) );
	Id dendsolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "dendsolve", 1 );
	Id spinesolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "spinesolve", 1 );
	Id psdsolve = s->doCreate( "Dsolve", model, "psdsolve", 1 );
	Field< Id >::set( dendsolve, "compartment", nm );
	Field< Id >::set( spinesolve, "compartment", sm );
	Field< Id >::set( psdsolve, "compartment", pm );
	Field< string >::set( dendsolve, "path", "/model/nm/#" );
	Field< string >::set( spinesolve, "path", "/model/sm/#" );
	Field< string >::set( psdsolve, "path", "/model/pm/#" );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( dendsolve, "numAllVoxels" ) == 1 );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( spinesolve, "numAllVoxels" ) == 1 );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( psdsolve, "numAllVoxels" ) == 1 );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( dendsolve, "numPools" ) == 3 );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( spinesolve, "numPools" ) == 3 );
	assert( Field< unsigned int >::get( psdsolve, "numPools" ) == 3 );
	SetGet2< Id, Id >::set( dendsolve, "buildNeuroMeshJunctions", 
					spinesolve, psdsolve );
	s->doSetClock( 0, 0.01 );
	s->doUseClock( "/model/#solve", "process", 0 );
	s->doStart( 100 );

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) {
		double c = Field< double >::get( pools[i], "conc" );
		double n = Field< double >::get( pools[i], "n" );
		double v = Field< double >::get( pools[i], "volume" );
		cout << pools[i].path() << ": " << c << ", " << n << ", " <<
				n / v << ", " <<
				v << endl;
	s->doDelete( model );
	cout << "." << flush;