//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UISearchTextField::draw (CDrawContext *pContext) { drawBack (pContext); drawClearMark (pContext); if (platformControl) { setDirty (false); return; } pContext->setDrawMode (kAntiAliasing); CColor origFontColor (fontColor); if (getText ().empty ()) { CColor color (fontColor); color.alpha /= 2; setFontColor (color); drawPlatformText(pContext, CString ("Search").getPlatformString ()); } else drawPlatformText (pContext, getText ().getPlatformString ()); setDirty (false); setFontColor (origFontColor); }
void MenuWindow::display() { drawBack(); window->draw(sprite); checkMouseEvent(); menu->drawBackGround(*window); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::LEVEL) level->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::OPTION) optionPage->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::WAIT) waitPage->drawBackGround(*window); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::SCORE) scorePage->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::CONNECTION) conectPage->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (c != 0 && currentPage == MenuWindow::CONNECTION) conectPage->writeCharacter(c); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::ROOM) room->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::DEAD) deadPage->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (currentPage == MenuWindow::END) endPage->drawBackGround(*window, mouseClicked); if (c != 0 && currentPage == MenuWindow::ROOM) { room->writeCharacter(c); } window->display(); c = 0; }
void ItemUser::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { drawBack( painter, option); int x = option.rect.x() + 5; int y = option.rect.y() + 2; int w = option.rect.width() - 10; int h = option.rect.height() - 4; int height_user = HeightUser-4; painter->setPen( clrTextMain( option) ); if( permanent) painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_name); else painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_info); painter->drawText( x, y, w, h, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, strLeftTop); painter->setPen( clrTextInfo( option) ); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_info); painter->drawText( x, y, w, height_user, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, strLeftBottom ); painter->drawText( x, y, w, height_user, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop, strHCenterTop ); painter->drawText( x, y, w, height_user, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom, strRightBottom ); painter->setPen( afqt::QEnvironment::qclr_black ); painter->drawText( x, y, w, height_user, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, strRightTop ); if( false == annotation.isEmpty()) painter->drawText( x, y, w, h, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter, annotation ); { // draw stars: static const int stars_size = 8; static const int stars_height = 21; static const int stars_left = 35; static const int stars_maxdelta = stars_size * 2 + 5; int quantity = numrunningtasks; //quantity = 155; if( quantity > 0) { int numstars = quantity; int stars_right = w - 50; int stars_delta = (stars_right - stars_left) / numstars; if( stars_delta < 1 ) { stars_delta = 1; numstars = stars_right - stars_left; } else if( stars_delta > stars_maxdelta ) stars_delta = stars_maxdelta; int sx = x + stars_left; for( int j = 0; j < numstars; j++) { drawStar( stars_size, sx, y + stars_height, painter); sx += stars_delta; } painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_name); painter->setPen( afqt::QEnvironment::clr_textstars.c); painter->drawText( x, y, w, HeightUser, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, QString::number(numrunningtasks)); } } drawPost( painter, option); }
void MenuWindow::display() { // checkEvent(); drawBack(); sf::Texture texture3; if (!texture3.loadFromFile("logo.png")) std::cerr << "Logo.png is not found" << std::endl; // Create a sprite sf::Sprite sprite; sprite.setTexture(texture3); sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(((float)width / texture3.getSize().x) * 0.25f , ((float)height / texture3.getSize().y) * 0.1f )); sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(0.02f * (float)width, 0.33f * (float)height)); // sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f()); // Draw it window->draw(sprite); /* sf::Texture texture4; if (!texture4.loadFromFile("rtupes.png")) std::cerr << "Logo.png is not found" << std::endl; // Create a sprite sf::Sprite sprite2; sprite.setTexture(texture4); sprite.setPosition(700, 700); // Draw it window->draw(sprite2); */ checkMouseEvent(); menu->draw(*window); window->display(); }
void ofxUICanvas::draw() { ofPushStyle(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ALPHA); ofSetRectMode(OF_RECTMODE_CORNER); ofSetLineWidth(1.0); drawPadded(); drawPaddedOutline(); drawBack(); drawFill(); drawFillHighlight(); drawOutline(); drawOutlineHighlight(); for(int i = widgets.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(widgets[i]->isVisible()) { widgets[i]->draw(); } } glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); ofPopStyle(); }
void ofxUIScrollableCanvas::draw() { ofxUIPushStyle(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ALPHA); ofxUISetRectMode(OFX_UI_RECTMODE_CORNER); ofSetLineWidth(1.0); drawPadded(); drawPaddedOutline(); drawBack(); drawFill(); drawFillHighlight(); drawOutline(); drawOutlineHighlight(); for(vector<ofxUIWidget *>::reverse_iterator it = widgets.rbegin(); it != widgets.rend(); ++it) { if((*it)->isVisible() && (*it)->getRect()->rInside(*sRect)) { (*it)->draw(); } } ofxUIPopStyle(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COptionMenu::draw (CDrawContext *pContext) { CMenuItem* item = getEntry (currentIndex); drawBack (pContext, inPopup ? bgWhenClick : 0); if (item) drawPlatformText (pContext, CString (item->getTitle ()).getPlatformString ()); setDirty (false); }
void LightCycle::drawBike() { drawBottomDetails(); drawBottomBar(); drawEngineBlock(); drawFront(); drawBack(); drawInnerCircles(); drawLayeredCircles(); drawDetails(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextEdit::draw (CDrawContext *pContext) { if (platformControl) { drawBack (pContext); setDirty (false); return; } CTextLabel::draw (pContext); }
void Item::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { drawBack( painter, option); painter->setPen( afqt::QEnvironment::qclr_black ); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_name); painter->drawText( option.rect, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft, m_name); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_info); painter->drawText( option.rect, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, QString(" ( virtual Item painting ) ")); }
void ofxUIWidget::draw() { ofxUIPushStyle(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); drawPadded(); drawPaddedOutline(); drawBack(); drawOutline(); drawOutlineHighlight(); drawFill(); drawFillHighlight(); ofxUIPopStyle(); }
void ofxUIDropDownList::draw() { ofxUIPushStyle(); ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ALPHA); drawPadded(); drawPaddedOutline(); drawBack(); drawOutline(); drawOutlineHighlight(); drawFill(); drawFillHighlight(); ofxUIPopStyle(); }
void SceneBase::draw(bool debug_mode){ ofPushStyle(); float alpha_=255.0*_anim_in.getPortion()*(1-_anim_out.getPortion()); ofSetColor(255,alpha_); drawBack(); if(_img_back.bAllocated()){ _img_back.draw(0,0,ofGetWidth(),ofGetHeight()); } drawFront(); ofPopStyle(); if(debug_mode){ for(int i=0;i<_mbutton;++i) if(_arr_button[i].isEnable()) _arr_button[i].draw(); } }
void ItemMonitor::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { drawBack( painter, option, isSuperUser() ? &(afqt::QEnvironment::clr_LinkVisited.c) : NULL); int x = option.rect.x(); int y = option.rect.y(); int w = option.rect.width(); int h = option.rect.height(); painter->setPen( clrTextMain( option) ); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_name); painter->drawText( option.rect, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter, m_name ); painter->setPen( clrTextInfo( option) ); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_info); painter->drawText( x+10, y+15, eventstitle ); for( int e = 0; e < eventscount; e++) painter->drawText( x+5, y+30+12*e, events[e] ); painter->setPen( clrTextInfo( option) ); painter->setFont( afqt::QEnvironment::f_info); int i = y+2; int dy = 15; painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight, time_launch_str ); painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight, time_register_str ); painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight, time_activity_str ); painter->drawText( x, y, w-5, h, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, address_str ); i = y+2; painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter, m_user_id_str ); painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter, jobsidstitle ); painter->drawText( x, i+=dy, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter, jobsids ); painter->drawText( x, y+2, w-5, h, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight, engine ); }
BOOL Render() { int i; sysInf.animeCnt ++; if(bgInf.shake_cnt) bgInf.shake_cnt ++; if(saveInf.bWave) saveInf.waveCnt ++; if(saveInf.demo && saveInf.demo_max){ saveInf.demo_cnt ++; if(saveInf.demo_cnt>=saveInf.demo_max)saveInf.demo = 0; } DWORD nowTime = timeGetTime() -sysInf.oldTime; if(nowTime<=0 || sysInf.bForceRender){ fps = 1000 /FPS_CYCLE; }else{ #ifdef bFpsSet if(nowTime <DWORD(FPS_CYCLE*(sysInf.render_skip+1))){ Sleep(FPS_CYCLE*(sysInf.render_skip+1)-nowTime); nowTime = timeGetTime() -sysInf.oldTime; }else if(sysInf.render_skip<5){ sysInf.render_skip ++; return FALSE; } #endif fps = 1000/(nowTime); } sysInf.bForceRender = off; sysInf.oldTime = timeGetTime(); sysInf.render_skip = 0; switch(sysInf.execMode){ case opening_mode: titleWnd->Draw(); break; case backlog_mode: backLog.DrawBackLog(); break; case staffRoll_mode: lpStaffRoll->Draw(); break; case save_mode: case load_mode: if(saveWnd)saveWnd->Blt(); break; case menu_mode: lpMenuWnd->Draw(); break; case kabegami_mode: lpKabeSetWnd->Draw(); break; case staffmode_mode: lpStaffmodeWnd->Draw(); break; default: drawBG(); SetBmpDraw(); drawChar(); drawBack(); msgWnd.BltMessage(); selectWnd.selectBlt(); break; } #ifdef _DEBUG if(sysInf.bInfo){ sprintf(debugBuf,"fps=%3d",fps); TextOut(g_DibInf.memDC,10,10,debugBuf,strlen(debugBuf)); } #endif return TRUE; } // Render
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextLabel::draw (CDrawContext *pContext) { drawBack (pContext); drawText (pContext, truncatedText.empty () ? text : truncatedText.c_str ()); setDirty (false); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void kinectApp::draw(){ //-- background --// drawBack(); //-- show tracking results --// ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); if (isLive) { drawCamView(); if (hands) { drawAllHands(); } if (skel) { drawSkeletons(); } if (objects) { drawObjects(); } drawDetails(); } ofSetColor (255, 255, 255); //-- show FrameRate --// stringstream msgA; msgA //<< "FrameRate: " << ofToString(int(ofGetFrameRate())) << endl //uncomment this to get processed FrameRate << "FrameRate: " << ofToString(fps) << " " << endl; usedFont.drawString(msgA.str(), 16, 126); //-- calculate & display tracking status --// if (isLive && skel) { statusSkeletons = ofToString(openNIDevices.getNumTrackedUsers()); } else { statusSkeletons = "0"; } if (isLive && hands) { statusHands = ofToString(openNIDevices.getNumTrackedHands()); } else { statusHands = "0"; } if (isLive && objects) { statusObjects = ofToString(contourFinder.blobs.size()); } else { statusObjects = "0"; } stringstream msgB; msgB << "Hands: " << statusHands << endl << "Skeletons: " << statusSkeletons << endl << "Objects: " << statusObjects << endl; usedFont.drawString(msgB.str(), 136, 126); //-- show status of settings (new, saved, loaded or reset) --// stringstream msgC; msgC << "Settings: " << statusConfig << endl; usedFont.drawString(msgC.str(), 256, 126); //-- show osc info --// stringstream msgD; msgD << "SEND DATA TO" << endl << "Host: " << host << endl << "Port: " << ofToString(port) << endl; usedFont.drawString(msgD.str(), 471, 126); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextLabel::draw (CDrawContext *pContext) { drawBack (pContext); drawPlatformText (pContext, truncatedText.empty () ? text.getPlatformString () : truncatedText.getPlatformString ()); setDirty (false); }
int main(){ /*Game Settings*/ State state = STARTED; int render = 0; ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display; ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *queue; ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer; ALLEGRO_FONT *pixelate; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *back1; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *back2; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *space; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *logo; struct Background bg1; struct Background bg2; struct Background bgspace; al_init(); display = al_create_display(800, 600); al_set_window_position(display, 100, 100); al_set_window_title(display, "GaliType - Grupo 6"); al_init_font_addon(); al_init_ttf_addon(); al_init_image_addon(); al_install_keyboard(); back1 = al_load_bitmap("back1.png"); back2 = al_load_bitmap("back2.png"); space = al_load_bitmap("space.jpg"); logo = al_load_bitmap("logo.png"); initBack(&bg1, 0, 0, 1.5, -1, 800, 600, back1); initBack(&bg2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 800, 600, back2); initBack(&bgspace, 0, 0, 0.5, -1, 1000, 600, space); queue = al_create_event_queue(); timer = al_create_timer(1.0 / 60); al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer)); al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_display_event_source(display)); pixelate = al_load_ttf_font("Pixelate.ttf", 30, 0); al_start_timer(timer); while (state != FINISHED){ ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; al_wait_for_event(queue, &ev); if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN){ if (state == STARTED){ switch (ev.keyboard.keycode) { case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: state = FINISHED; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER: state = SELECT_DIFFICULTY; break; } } if (state == SELECT_DIFFICULTY){ switch (ev.keyboard.keycode){ case ALLEGRO_KEY_1: case ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_1: startGame(EASY); break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_2: case ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_2: startGame(MEDIUM); break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_3: case ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_3: startGame(HARD); break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_4: case ALLEGRO_KEY_PAD_4: startGame(TYPING_MASTER); break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: state = STARTED; break; } } } else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) { updateBack(&bg1); updateBack(&bg2); updateBack(&bgspace); render = 1; } else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE){ state = FINISHED; } if (render == 1 && al_is_event_queue_empty(queue)) { render = 0; drawBack(&bgspace); drawBack(&bg1); drawBack(&bg2); al_draw_bitmap(logo, 50, 25, 0); if (state == STARTED){ al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 250, 0, "Get ready to type..."); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 350, 0, "Press Enter to start a new game"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 450, 0, "Press Esc to exit."); } if (state == SELECT_DIFFICULTY){ al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 250, 0, "Select difficulty:"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 300, 0, "1. Easy"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 350, 0, "2. Medium"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 400, 0, "3. Hard"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 450, 0, "4. Typing Boss"); al_draw_text(pixelate, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 50, 500, 0, "Press Esc to return..."); } al_flip_display(); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0)); } } al_destroy_bitmap(back1); al_destroy_bitmap(back2); al_destroy_bitmap(space); al_destroy_bitmap(logo); al_destroy_font(pixelate); al_destroy_display(display); return 0; }
void options(char ip[]) { int quit = 0; int menu_choice = 0; //fps struct timer_t2 fps; init_options(); init_font(); //wait for user to continue or exit while( quit != 1 ) { //Start the frame timer timer_start(&fps); //While there are events to handle while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { if( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) { //exit clean_up(); exit(0); } if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) { switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = 1; break; } } mouse_over_options(event.button.x, event.button.y); if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { switch(event.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: press_options(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; } } if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { switch(event.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: menu_choice = press_options(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; } } switch(menu_choice) { case 1: handle_input(event,ip); printf("String in graphics.c (%s)\n",ip); break; case 2: quit = 1; printf("Försöker bryta ut ur options\n"); break; default: break; } } apply_letter(ip); apply_texture(); startDraw(); //draw menu drawOptions(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); drawBack(); endDraw(); if( timer_get_ticks(&fps) < 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND ) { //delay the as much time as we need to get desired frames per second SDL_Delay( ( 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND ) - timer_get_ticks(&fps) ); } } }