Esempio n. 1
// used to do circles and roundrects!
void TFTLCD::fillCircleHelper(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint16_t delta,
			uint16_t color) {

  int16_t f = 1 - r;
  int16_t ddF_x = 1;
  int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
  int16_t x = 0;
  int16_t y = r;

  while (x<y) {
    if (f >= 0) {
      ddF_y += 2;
      f += ddF_y;
    ddF_x += 2;
    f += ddF_x;
    if (cornername & 0x1) {
      drawVerticalLine(x0+x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
      drawVerticalLine(x0+y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
    if (cornername & 0x2) {
      drawVerticalLine(x0-x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
      drawVerticalLine(x0-y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
** Function name:           drawRectangle
** Descriptions:            drawRectangle
void ePaper::drawRectangle(int poX, int poY, int len, int width)
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY, len);
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY+width, len);
    drawVerticalLine(poX, poY, width);
    drawVerticalLine(poX + len, poY, width);
Esempio n. 3
// fill a circle
void GL_ST7735::fillCircle(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t r, uint16_t color) {
  int16_t f = 1 - r;
  int16_t ddF_x = 1;
  int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
  int16_t x = 0;
  int16_t y = r;

  drawVerticalLine(x0, y0-r, 2*r+1, color);

  while (x<y) {
    if (f >= 0) {
      ddF_y += 2;
      f += ddF_y;
    ddF_x += 2;
    f += ddF_x;
    drawVerticalLine(x0+x, y0-y, 2*y+1, color);
    drawVerticalLine(x0-x, y0-y, 2*y+1, color);
    drawVerticalLine(x0+y, y0-x, 2*x+1, color);
    drawVerticalLine(x0-y, y0-x, 2*x+1, color);
Esempio n. 4
void TFT::drawRectangle(INT16U poX, INT16U poY, INT16U length, INT16U width,INT16U color)
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY, length, color);
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY+width, length, color);
    drawVerticalLine(poX, poY, width,color);
    drawVerticalLine(poX + length, poY, width,color);
Esempio n. 5
// draw a rectangle
void TFTLCD::drawRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, 
		      uint16_t color) {
  // smarter version
  drawHorizontalLine(x, y, w, color);
  drawHorizontalLine(x, y+h-1, w, color);
  drawVerticalLine(x, y, h, color);
  drawVerticalLine(x+w-1, y, h, color);
Esempio n. 6
void TFT::drawRectangle(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY, unsigned int length, unsigned int width,unsigned int color)
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY, length, color);
    drawHorizontalLine(poX, poY+width-1, length, color);
    drawVerticalLine(poX, poY, width,color);
    drawVerticalLine(poX + length-1, poY, width,color);

Esempio n. 7
void DirectXHook::drawBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, D3DCOLOR BorderColor, D3DCOLOR FillColor)
	drawRect(x, y, width, height, FillColor);
	drawHorizontalLine(x, y, width, BorderColor);
	drawVerticalLine(x, y, height, BorderColor);
	drawVerticalLine(x + width, y, height, BorderColor);
	drawHorizontalLine(x, y + height, width, BorderColor);
Esempio n. 8
void DungeonUtil::drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const SelectiveDungeonTile& tile) {
  orderAscending(x1, x2);
  orderAscending(y1, y2);

  drawHorizontalLine(x1, x2, y1, tile);
  drawHorizontalLine(x1, x2, y2, tile);
  drawVerticalLine(x1, y1 + 1, y2 - 1, tile);
  drawVerticalLine(x2, y1 + 1, y2 - 1, tile);
Esempio n. 9
void showBoxes () {
	screenRegion * huntRegion = allScreenRegions;

	while (huntRegion) {
		drawVerticalLine (huntRegion -> x1, huntRegion -> y1, huntRegion -> y2);
		drawVerticalLine (huntRegion -> x2, huntRegion -> y1, huntRegion -> y2);
		drawHorizontalLine (huntRegion -> x1, huntRegion -> y1, huntRegion -> x2);
		drawHorizontalLine (huntRegion -> x1, huntRegion -> y2, huntRegion -> x2);
		huntRegion = huntRegion -> next;
Esempio n. 10
// draw a rounded rectangle
void TFTLCD::drawRoundRect(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t r,
			   uint16_t color) {
  // smarter version
  drawHorizontalLine(x+r, y, w-2*r, color);
  drawHorizontalLine(x+r, y+h-1, w-2*r, color);
  drawVerticalLine(x, y+r, h-2*r, color);
  drawVerticalLine(x+w-1, y+r, h-2*r, color);
  // draw four corners
  drawCircleHelper(x+r, y+r, r, 1, color);
  drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+r, r, 2, color);
  drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+h-r-1, r, 4, color);
  drawCircleHelper(x+r, y+h-r-1, r, 8, color);
Esempio n. 11
void drawMovingBlocks(int row, int col, Direction d, int spaces) {
    int r = TOP_MARGIN + (BLOCK_SIZE + 1)*row + 1;
    int c = LEFT_MARGIN + (BLOCK_SIZE + 1)*col + 1;
    int length = 0;
    switch (d) {
        case UP:
            length = (size - row)*(BLOCK_SIZE + 1) - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < BLOCK_NUM_MOVES; j++) {
                    shiftRectVertical(r + BLOCK_SPEED, c, BLOCK_SIZE, length, -BLOCK_SPEED);
                drawHorizontalLine(r + length, c, BLOCK_SIZE, WHITE);
        case DOWN:
            r = TOP_MARGIN + 1;
            length = (row + 1)*(BLOCK_SIZE + 1) - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < BLOCK_NUM_MOVES; j++) {
                    shiftRectVertical(r, c, BLOCK_SIZE, length - BLOCK_SPEED, BLOCK_SPEED);
                drawHorizontalLine(r + BLOCK_SIZE, c, BLOCK_SIZE, WHITE);
        case LEFT:
            length = (size - col)*(BLOCK_SIZE + 1) - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < BLOCK_NUM_MOVES; j++) {
                    shiftRectHorizontal(r, c + BLOCK_SPEED, length, BLOCK_SIZE, -BLOCK_SPEED);
                drawVerticalLine(r, c + length, BLOCK_SIZE, WHITE);
        case RIGHT:
            c = LEFT_MARGIN + 1;
            length = (col + 1)*(BLOCK_SIZE + 1) - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < BLOCK_NUM_MOVES; j++) {
                    shiftRectHorizontal(r, c, length - BLOCK_SPEED, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SPEED);
                drawVerticalLine(r, c + BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, WHITE);
Esempio n. 12
void drawBoard() {
    int length = (BLOCK_SIZE + 1)*size + 1;
    for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
        drawHorizontalLine(TOP_MARGIN + (BLOCK_SIZE + 1)*i, LEFT_MARGIN, length, WHITE);
        drawVerticalLine(TOP_MARGIN, LEFT_MARGIN + (BLOCK_SIZE + 1)*i, length, WHITE);
Esempio n. 13
void TFT::fillCircle(int poX, int poY, int r,INT16U color)
    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
    do {

        drawVerticalLine(poX-x, poY-y, 2*y, color);
        drawVerticalLine(poX+x, poY-y, 2*y, color);

        e2 = err;
        if (e2 <= y) {
            err += ++y*2+1;
            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
    } while (x <= 0);

Esempio n. 14
void DungeonUtil::drawFilledRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const SelectiveDungeonTile& innerTile, const SelectiveDungeonTile& borderTile) {
  orderAscending(x1, x2);
  orderAscending(y1, y2);

  // draw the interior: shamelessly stolen from the other drawFilledRect()
  for(int j = y1 + 1; j < y2; j++) {
    for(int i = x1 + 1; i < x2; i++) {
      mDungeon->setTile(i, j, innerTile);

  // draw the border: stolen from drawRect()
  drawHorizontalLine(x1, x2, y1, borderTile);
  drawHorizontalLine(x1, x2, y2, borderTile);
  drawVerticalLine(x1, y1, y2, borderTile);
  drawVerticalLine(x2, y1, y2, borderTile);
Esempio n. 15
void testfastlines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2)
    uint16_t x,y;
    for ( y=0; y < height(); y+=5)
        drawHorizontalLine(0, y, width(), color1);
    for ( x=0; x < width(); x+=5)
        drawVerticalLine(x, 0, height(), color2);

Esempio n. 16
// _drawSampledIndicator()
void DrawingCanvas:: _drawSampledIndicator(double x, double y){
	double offset = DrawingMetrics::getIconRadius();
	double padding = 1.0*DrawingMetrics::getScalingFactor();
	double symbolDiameter = 2.5*DrawingMetrics::getScalingFactor();
	double symbolRadius   = 0.5*symbolDiameter;
	double ax = x - offset - padding - symbolRadius; 
	double ay = y - offset + symbolRadius;
	drawHorizontalLine (ay, ax - symbolRadius , ax + symbolRadius );
	drawVerticalLine   (ax, ay - symbolRadius , ay + symbolRadius );
Esempio n. 17
void SettingsSetModeScreen::render()
    uint16_t setcolor = color565(35,142,35);
	makeRectangle(5,5, 230,310, setcolor, 2);
	drawPgmString(225,50 , PSTR("SET MODE"), setcolor, BLACK, 2);

	makeRectangle(35, 20, 35, 280, WHITE, 3);
	makeRectangle(85, 20, 35, 280, WHITE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 20, 35, 280, WHITE, 3);
	makeRectangle(185, 20, 35, 280, WHITE, 3);

	//drawVerticalLine(0,50, 239, BLACK, 4);
	drawVerticalLine(0, 270, 239, BLACK, 4);

	drawPgmString(200, 55, PSTR("1. SCHEDULE"), WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawPgmString(150, 55, PSTR("2. MOTION"), WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawPgmString(100, 55, PSTR("3. COMBINATION"), WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawPgmString(50, 55,  PSTR("4. VACATION"), WHITE, BLACK, 2);

	// makeRectangle(10, 60, 20, 160, GREEN, 3);
	// drawString( 15, 100, "CONFIRM", setcolor, WHITE, 2);
Esempio n. 18
// fill a circle
void TFTLCD::fillCircle(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t r, uint16_t color) {
  writeRegister(TFTLCD_ENTRY_MOD, 0x1030);
  drawVerticalLine(x0, y0-r, 2*r+1, color);
  fillCircleHelper(x0, y0, r, 3, 0, color);
Esempio n. 19
void SettingsSetTimeScreen::render()
    uint16_t setcolor = color565(35,142,35);
	makeRectangle(5,5, 230,310, setcolor, 3);
	drawPgmString(225,50 , PSTR("SET TIME"), setcolor, BLACK, 2);

	drawVerticalLine(0,160,235, setcolor,  3);

	makeRectangle(190, 30, 30,100, WHITE, 3);
	makeRectangle(190, 190, 30, 100, WHITE, 3);
	drawPgmString(195, 60, PSTR("DATE"), WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawPgmString(195, 220, PSTR("TIME"), WHITE , BLACK, 2);

	drawPgmString(175, 10, PSTR("MONTH"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);
	drawPgmString(175, 63, PSTR("DAY"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);
	drawPgmString(175, 107, PSTR("YEAR"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);
	drawPgmString(175, 165, PSTR("HOUR"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);
	drawPgmString(175, 213, PSTR("MINUTE"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);
	drawPgmString(175, 276, PSTR("AM/PM"), WHITE, BLACK, 1);

	makeRectangle(135, 10, 35, 33, BLUE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 63, 35, 34, BLUE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 117, 35, 33, BLUE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 170, 35, 33, BLUE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 223, 35, 34, BLUE, 3);
	makeRectangle(135, 277, 35, 33, BLUE, 3);

	drawChar(110, 45, '/', WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(110, 95, '/', WHITE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(110, 205, ':', WHITE, BLACK, 2);

	drawHorizontalLine(105, 0, 319, WHITE, 3);
	drawHorizontalLine(125, 0, 319, WHITE, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 10, 35, 33, RED, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 63, 35, 34, RED, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 117, 35, 33, RED, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 170, 35, 33, RED, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 223, 35, 34, RED, 3);
	makeRectangle(60, 277, 35, 33, RED, 3);

	drawChar(150, 20,  '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(150, 73,  '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(150, 127, '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(150, 180, '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(150, 233, '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(150, 287, '+', BLUE, BLACK, 2);

	drawChar(75, 20,  '-', RED, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(75, 73,  '-', RED, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(75, 127, '-', RED, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(75, 180, '-', RED, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(75, 233, '-', RED, BLACK, 2);
	drawChar(75, 287, '-', RED, BLACK, 2);

	// makeRectangle(10, 20, 20, 120, GREEN, 3);
	// drawString(12, 30, "CONFIRM", BLACK, WHITE, 2);
Esempio n. 20
void BresLine(glm::vec2 p1, glm::vec2 p2, GLubyte rgb[]) {
	if (p1.x == p2.x) {
	} else if (p1.y == p2.y) {
	} else if (p1.x == p1.y && p2.x == p2.y) {
	double m = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
	bool slope = m < 0;
	m = abs(m);
	if (m > 1) {
		std::swap(p1.x, p1.y);
		std::swap(p2.x, p2.y);
	} if (p1.x > p2.x) {

	int x = p1.x, y = p1.y;
	int dx = p2.x - p1.x, dy = p2.y - p1.y;
	int dT = 2 * (dy-dx);
	int dS = 2 * dy;
	int d = 2 * (dy - dx);

	if (slope) {
		x = p2.x, y = p2.y;
		dx = p2.x - p1.x, dy = p1.y - p2.y;
		dT = 2 * (dy-dx);
		dS = 2 * dy;
		d = 2 * (dy - dx);

		while (x > p1.x) {
			if (d < 0) {
				d = d + dS;
			} else {
				d = d + dT;
			if (m > 1) {
			} else {
				setPixel(x, y, rgb);
	}  else {
		while (x < p2.x) {
			if (d < 0) {
				d = d + dS;
			} else {
				d = d + dT;
			if (m > 1) {
			} else {
				setPixel(x, y, rgb);

Esempio n. 21
/// Draw a vertical line a the position of
/// the best solution.
/// For the getDrawSolution() code, see OptParser, --ps.
void OneMinusClPlot::drawSolutions()
	float ymin = gPad->GetUymin();
	float ymax = gPad->GetUymax();
	float xmin = gPad->GetUxmin();
	float xmax = gPad->GetUxmax();
	int iDrawn = 0;

	for ( int i = 0; i < scanners.size(); i++ )
		if ( scanners[i]->getDrawSolution()==0 ) continue;
		if ( arg->debug ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::drawSolutions() : adding solution for scanner " << i << " ..." << endl;
		float xCentral = scanners[i]->getScanVar1Solution(arg->plotsoln[i]);
		float xCLmin = scanners[i]->getCLinterval(arg->plotsoln[i]).min;
		float xCLmax = scanners[i]->getCLinterval(arg->plotsoln[i]).max;
		int color = scanners[i]->getTextColor();

		// draw vertical lines at central value and
		// upper/lower errors
    if ( ! arg->isQuickhack(19) ) {
      drawVerticalLine(xCentral, color, kSolid);
      if ( ! arg->isQuickhack(20) ) {
        drawVerticalLine(xCLmin, color, kDashed);
        drawVerticalLine(xCLmax, color, kDashed);

		// draw text box with numerical values after the lines,
		// so that it doesn't get covered

		// compute y position of the printed central value
		float yNumberMin = 0.6 - 0.13*(float)iDrawn;
		float yNumberMax = yNumberMin+0.1;
		if ( arg->plotlog ) {
			float yNumberMinFirst = 0.1;
			if ( arg->isQuickhack(1) ) yNumberMinFirst = 0.175;
			yNumberMin = yNumberMinFirst / pow(3.0, iDrawn); // move down by a constant shift on log scale
			yNumberMax = yNumberMin*2.;
    // if printsoly option then move a bit
    if ( arg->printSolY > 0. ) {
      yNumberMin += arg->printSolY;
      yNumberMax += arg->printSolY;

		// compute x position of the printed central value
		float xNumberMin, xNumberMax;
		if ( scanners[i]->getDrawSolution()==1 ) {
			xNumberMin = xCentral+(xmax-xmin)*0.20; // draw at central value
			xNumberMax = xCentral+(xmax-xmin)*0.0;
		else if ( scanners[i]->getDrawSolution()==2 ) {
			xNumberMin = xCLmin+(xmax-xmin)*0.0; // draw at left CL boundary
			xNumberMax = xCLmin+(xmax-xmin)*0.25;
		else if ( scanners[i]->getDrawSolution()==3 ) {
			xNumberMin = xCLmax+(xmax-xmin)*0.0; // draw at right CL boundary
			xNumberMax = xCLmax+(xmax-xmin)*0.25;
		else if ( scanners[i]->getDrawSolution()==4 ) {
			xNumberMin = xCLmin+(xmax-xmin)*-0.20; // draw a little left of the left CL boundary
			xNumberMax = xCLmin+(xmax-xmin)*0.0;
		else {
			cout << "OneMinusClPlot::drawSolutions() : ERROR : --ps code ";
			cout << scanners[i]->getDrawSolution() << " not found! Use [0,1,2,3]." << endl;

		// move number a bit to the left so it doesn't cover the right plot border anymore
		if ( arg->isQuickhack(4) )
			xNumberMin -= (xmax-xmin)*0.225;
			xNumberMax -= (xmax-xmin)*0.225;

    // if print solution argument given then over write
    if ( arg->printSolX > 0. )
      float diff = xNumberMax - xNumberMin;
      xNumberMin = arg->printSolX;
      xNumberMax = arg->printSolX + diff;

		TPaveText *t1 = new TPaveText(xNumberMin, yNumberMin, xNumberMax, yNumberMax, "BR");
		if ( isAngle(scanners[i]->getScanVar1()) ){
			xCentral = RadToDeg(xCentral);
			xCLmin = RadToDeg(xCLmin);
			xCLmax = RadToDeg(xCLmax);
		Rounder myRounder(arg, xCLmin, xCLmax, xCentral);
		int d = myRounder.getNsubdigits();
		float xCentralRd = myRounder.central();
		if ( arg->isQuickhack(3) ) xCentralRd += 180.; ///< see documentation of --qh option in OptParser.cpp
					d, xCentralRd,
					d, myRounder.errPos(),
					d, myRounder.errNeg()))->SetTextSize(labelsize);
		iDrawn += 1;