Esempio n. 1
void drawSlider(entity me)
	float controlLeft;
	float save;
	me.focusable = !me.disabled;
	save = draw_alpha;
		draw_alpha *= me.disabledAlpha;
	draw_ButtonPicture('0 0 0', strcat(me.src, "_s"), eX * (1 - me.textSpace) + eY, me.color2, 1);
	if(almost_in_bounds(me.valueMin, me.value, me.valueMax))
		controlLeft = (me.value - me.valueMin) / (me.valueMax - me.valueMin) * (1 - me.textSpace - me.controlWidth);
			draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_d"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorD, 1);
		else if(me.pressed)
			draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_c"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorC, 1);
		else if(me.focused)
			draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_f"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorF, 1);
			draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_n"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.color, 1);
	me.setText(me, me.valueToText(me, me.value));
	draw_alpha = save;
	me.text = NULL; // TEMPSTRING!
Esempio n. 2
void drawButton(entity me)
	vector bOrigin, bSize;
	float save;

	me.focusable = !me.disabled;

	save = draw_alpha;
		draw_alpha *= me.disabledAlpha;

			bOrigin = '0 0 0';
			bSize = '1 1 0';
				draw_ButtonPicture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_d", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorD, 1);
			else if(me.forcePressed || me.pressed || me.clickTime > 0)
				draw_ButtonPicture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_c", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorC, 1);
			else if(me.focused)
				draw_ButtonPicture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_f", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorF, 1);
				draw_ButtonPicture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_n", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.color, 1);
			if(me.realFontSize_y == 0)
				bOrigin = '0 0 0';
				bSize = '1 1 0';
				bOrigin = eY * (0.5 * (1 - me.realFontSize_y)) + eX * (0.5 * (me.keepspaceLeft - me.realFontSize_x));
				bSize = me.realFontSize;
				draw_Picture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_d", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorD, 1);
			else if(me.forcePressed || me.pressed || me.clickTime > 0)
				draw_Picture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_c", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorC, 1);
			else if(me.focused)
				draw_Picture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_f", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.colorF, 1);
				draw_Picture(bOrigin, strcat(me.src, "_n", me.srcSuffix), bSize, me.color, 1);
		bOrigin = me.keepspaceLeft * eX;
		bSize = eY + eX * (1 - me.keepspaceLeft);

		bOrigin += bSize * (0.5 - 0.5 * me.src2scale);
		bSize = bSize * me.src2scale;

		draw_Picture(bOrigin, me.src2, bSize, me.color2, me.alpha2);

	draw_alpha = save;


	if(me.clickTime > 0 && me.clickTime <= frametime)
		// keyboard click timer expired? Fire the event then.
		if not(me.disabled)
			me.onClick(me, me.onClickEntity);
	me.clickTime -= frametime;
Esempio n. 3
void InputBox_draw(entity me)
#define CURSOR "_"
	float cursorPosInWidths, totalSizeInWidths;

		me.mouseDrag(me, me.dragScrollPos); // simulate mouseDrag event

	me.focusable = !me.disabled;
		draw_alpha *= me.disabledAlpha;

		if(me.focused && !me.disabled)
			draw_ButtonPicture('0 0 0', strcat(me.src, "_f"), '1 1 0', me.colorF, 1);
			draw_ButtonPicture('0 0 0', strcat(me.src, "_n"), '1 1 0', me.color, 1);

	me.cursorPos = bound(0, me.cursorPos, strlen(me.text));
	cursorPosInWidths = draw_TextWidth(substring(me.text, 0, me.cursorPos), 0, me.realFontSize);
	totalSizeInWidths = draw_TextWidth(strcat(me.text, CURSOR), 0, me.realFontSize);

	if(me.dragScrollTimer < time)
		float save;
		save = me.scrollPos;
		me.scrollPos = bound(cursorPosInWidths - (0.875 - me.keepspaceLeft - me.keepspaceRight), me.scrollPos, cursorPosInWidths - 0.125);
		if(me.scrollPos != save)
			me.dragScrollTimer = time + 0.2;
	me.scrollPos = min(me.scrollPos, totalSizeInWidths - (1 - me.keepspaceRight - me.keepspaceLeft));
	me.scrollPos = max(0, me.scrollPos);

	draw_SetClipRect(eX * me.keepspaceLeft, eX * (1 - me.keepspaceLeft - me.keepspaceRight) + eY);
		string ch, ch2;
		float i, n;
		vector theColor;
		float theAlpha;    //float theVariableAlpha;
		vector p;
		vector theTempColor;
		float component;
		p = me.realOrigin - eX * me.scrollPos;
		theColor = '1 1 1';
		theAlpha = 1;    //theVariableAlpha = 1; // changes when ^ax found
		n = strlen(me.text);
		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			ch = substring(me.text, i, 1);
			if(ch == "^")
				float w;
				ch2 = substring(me.text, i+1, 1);
				w = draw_TextWidth(strcat(ch, ch2), 0, me.realFontSize);
				if(ch2 == "^")
					draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, '1 1 1', 0.5);
					draw_Text(p + eX * 0.25 * w, "^", me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0);
				else if(ch2 == "0" || stof(ch2)) // digit?
						case 0: theColor = '0 0 0'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 1: theColor = '1 0 0'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 2: theColor = '0 1 0'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 3: theColor = '1 1 0'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 4: theColor = '0 0 1'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 5: theColor = '0 1 1'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 6: theColor = '1 0 1'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 7: theColor = '1 1 1'; theAlpha = 1; break;
						case 8: theColor = '1 1 1'; theAlpha = 0.5; break;
						case 9: theColor = '0.5 0.5 0.5'; theAlpha = 1; break;
					draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, '1 1 1', 0.5);
					draw_Text(p, strcat(ch, ch2), me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0);
				else if(ch2 == "x") // ^x found
					theColor = '1 1 1';
					theTempColor = '0 0 0';
					component = HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC(substring(me.text, i+2, 1));
					if (component >= 0) // ^xr found
						theTempColor_x = component/15;
						component = HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC(substring(me.text, i+3, 1));
						if (component >= 0) // ^xrg found
							theTempColor_y = component/15;
							component = HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC(substring(me.text, i+4, 1));
							if (component >= 0) // ^xrgb found
								theTempColor_z = component/15;
								theColor = theTempColor;
								w = draw_TextWidth(substring(me.text, i, 5), 0, me.realFontSize);
								draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, '1 1 1', 0.5);
								draw_Text(p, substring(me.text, i, 5), me.realFontSize, theColor, 1, 0);    // theVariableAlpha instead of 1 using alpha tags ^ax
								i += 3;
								// blue missing
								w = draw_TextWidth(substring(me.text, i, 4), 0, me.realFontSize);
								draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, eZ, 0.5);
								draw_Text(p, substring(me.text, i, 4), me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', theAlpha, 0);
								i += 2;
							// green missing
							w = draw_TextWidth(substring(me.text, i, 3), 0, me.realFontSize);
							draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, eY, 0.5);
							draw_Text(p, substring(me.text, i, 3), me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', theAlpha, 0);
							i += 1;
						// red missing
						//w = draw_TextWidth(substring(me.text, i, 2), 0) * me.realFontSize_x;
						draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, eX, 0.5);
						draw_Text(p, substring(me.text, i, 2), me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', theAlpha, 0);
					draw_Fill(p, eX * w + eY * me.realFontSize_y, '1 1 1', 0.5);
					draw_Text(p, strcat(ch, ch2), me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0);
				p += w * eX;
			draw_Text(p, ch, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); // TODO theVariableAlpha
			p += eX * draw_TextWidth(ch, 0, me.realFontSize);
		draw_Text(me.realOrigin - eX * me.scrollPos, me.text, me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', 1, 0);
		// skipping SUPER(InputBox).draw(me);
	if(!me.focused || (time - me.lastChangeTime) < floor(time - me.lastChangeTime) + 0.5)
		draw_Text(me.realOrigin + eX * (cursorPosInWidths - me.scrollPos), CURSOR, me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', 1, 0);
