Esempio n. 1
File: fb.c Progetto: Zeke-OS/zeke
 * TODO If fb is a default kerror output device then a fb should be registered
 * before kerror is initialized but there is no obvious way to do that, since
 * we definitely want to keep fb constructors in driver files to support
 * dynamic loading, in the future, just for example.
int fb_register(struct fb_conf * fb)
    const int minor = atomic_inc(&fb_minor);
    dev_t devid_tty;
    dev_t devid_mm;
    int err;

    devid_tty = DEV_MMTODEV(VDEV_MJNR_FB, minor);
    devid_mm = DEV_MMTODEV(VDEV_MJNR_FBMM, minor);

    err = fb_console_maketty(fb, devid_tty);
    if (err) {
        KERROR(KERROR_ERR, "FB: maketty failed\n");
        return err;

    err = fb_makemmdev(fb, devid_mm);
    if (err) {
        KERROR(KERROR_ERR, "FB: makemmdev failed\n");
        return err;

    fb_console_write(fb, "FB ready\r\n");

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void ram(void){
	while(1) {
    if (!screen_intro())
    while(game.ships > 0){
      if(game.shot_delay > 0){
Esempio n. 3
/* Make the current level active. This mainly consists of destroying the old
 * background image and loading the new one, destroying the splash image,
 * possibly loading a new splash image depending on the state, copying over the
 * new level data into the current level state, then redrawing the entire game
 * area. */
void set_level_active(nbstate *state)
	int i;
	level *lev;
	grid *g, *gg;
	int bgchanged;
	sprite *s = NULL;
	power *p, *pnext;
	char *backgroundfile;

	/* Destroy the old splash image sprite: */
	destroy_sprite(state, state->splash);

	/* If we're on the title screen: */
	if(state->state == STATE_TITLESCREEN) {
		/* Set the background file to the title background file: */
		backgroundfile = state->titlebackground;
		/* Set the tiled state appropriately: */
		state->backgroundtiled = state->titlebackgroundtiled;
		/* Try to load the title screen splash graphic (if it doesn't
		 * work nothing bad will happen- load_sprite() will print an
		 * error message and draw_splash() will not draw anything.) */
		state->splash = load_sprite(state, state->titlesplash, -1, -1);
	} else { /* Not on the title screen. */
		/* Find the level structure for the current level number: */
		for(lev = state->levels, i = 1; i < state->level;
				lev = lev->next, i++);
		/* Set the current number of bricks and background info: */
		state->numbricks = lev->numbricks;
		backgroundfile = lev->backgroundname;
		state->backgroundtiled = lev->backgroundtiled;
		/* If we're in the "game won" state, try to load the appropriate
		 * splash image: */
		if(state->state == STATE_GAMEWON) {
			state->splash = load_sprite(state, state->gamewonsplash,
									-1, -1);
		/* If we're in the "game lost" state, try to load the
		 * appropriate splash image: */
		} else if(state->state == STATE_GAMELOST) {
			state->splash = load_sprite(state,
						state->gamelostsplash, -1, -1);
		} else { /* We must be in the STATE_RUNNING state. */
			/* No splash image: */
			state->splash = NULL;
			/* Copy this levels game grid into the current game
			 * grid: */
			g = state->grid;
			gg = lev->grid;
			for(i = 0; i < state->width * state->height; i++)
				*g++ = *gg++;

	/* If there was a background filename specified: */
	if(backgroundfile) {
		/* If there is a current background sprite with a filename
		 * and the filename is the same as the new background
		 * filename, the background file has not changed. Otherwise,
		 * assume that it has. */
		if(state->background && state->background->fname &&
			bgchanged = 0;
		else bgchanged = 1;
	/* No background filename was specified, so assume it has changed (to
	 * a blank black frame): */
	} else bgchanged = 1;

	/* If the background image has changed, try to load the new one: */
	if(bgchanged && !(s = load_sprite(state, backgroundfile, -1, -1))) {
		/* If it fails, try to make a new empty sprite and colour it
		 * in black (the 16*16 pixels is purely arbitrary- make it too
		 * large and it uses a lot of memory, make it too small and
		 * we spend ages painting hundreds of tiny tiles onto the
		 * background. */
		if(!(s = make_empty_sprite(state, backgroundfile, 16, 16))) {
			/* If that fails too (shouldn't happen under normal
			 * circumstances), issue a warning and keep the old
			 * background image sprite: */
			s = state->background;
		} else {
			/* Fill in the new dummy background black: */
			GrSetGCForeground(state->gc, GR_COLOR_BLACK);
			GrFillRect(s->p, state->gc, 0, 0, 16, 16);
			/* Make it tiled. FIXME: it would make more sense to
			 * have a "no background image" option which simply
			 * coloured in the background black: */
			state->backgroundtiled = 1;

	/* If we have made a new background image sprite: */
	if(bgchanged && s != state->background) {
		/* Destroy the old one: */
		destroy_sprite(state, state->background);
		/* Set the background to the new sprite: */
		state->background = s;

	/* Empty the list of power boxes: */
	for(p = state->powers; p; p = pnext) {
		pnext = p->next;
	state->powers = NULL;

	/* If fading has been requested, we want to fade the new level in, so
	 * swap the canvasses around so the current screen is the old canvas,
	 * then draw the new screen and make the new canvas, then start the
	 * process of fading it in: */
	if(state->faderate) {
		/* Swap the canvasses around: */
		ctmp = state->oldcanvas;
		state->oldcanvas = state->canvas;
		state->canvas = ctmp;

		/* Remember the state we're fading into: */
		state->nextstate = state->state;

		/* Go into the fading state: */
		state->state= STATE_FADING;

		/* Initialise the fade level as completely opaque: */
		state->fadelevel = 256;

	/* Clear the whole game area to the background image: */
	draw_background(state, 0, 0, state->canvaswidth, state->canvasheight);

	/* If we're not on the title screen or fading to the title screen: */
	if(state->state != STATE_TITLESCREEN && !(state->state == STATE_FADING
				&& state->nextstate == STATE_TITLESCREEN)) {
		/* Draw the bricks: */
		draw_bricks(state, 0, 0, state->canvaswidth,
		draw_scores(state); /* Draw the scores bar. */
		draw_balls(state); /* Draw the row of balls. */
		draw_bat(state); /* Draw the bat. */
		/* Draw the current ball unless the game is over: */
		if(state->state != STATE_GAMELOST &&
				state->state != STATE_GAMEWON)

	draw_splash(state); /* Draw the splash graphic (if there is one). */

	/* If we're fading, remember the new canvas and generate the first
	 * frame of the fade: */
	if(state->state == STATE_FADING) {

		/* Swap the canvasses around: */
		ctmp = state->newcanvas;
		state->newcanvas = state->canvas;
		state->canvas = ctmp;

		/* Reduce the opacity: */
		state->fadelevel -= state->faderate;

		/* Generate the first frame: */
		GrCopyArea(state->canvas, state->gc, 0, 0, state->canvaswidth,
				state->canvasheight, state->newcanvas, 0, 0, 0);
		GrCopyArea(state->canvas, state->gc, 0, 0, state->canvaswidth,
				state->canvasheight, state->oldcanvas, 0, 0,
				GR_CONST_BLEND | state->fadelevel);

	/* Copy the entire redrawn canvas to the output window: */
	draw_canvas(state, 0, 0, state->canvaswidth, state->canvasheight);