Esempio n. 1
void vsystem_spr_device::common_sprite_drawgfx( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[m_gfx_region];
	int priority_mask = 0x00;

	curr_sprite.oy += m_yoffs;
	curr_sprite.ox += m_xoffs;

	if (m_pdraw)
		switch (curr_sprite.pri)
			case 0: priority_mask = 0x00; break;
			case 3: priority_mask = 0xfe; break;
			case 2: priority_mask = 0xfc; break;
			case 1: priority_mask = 0xf0; break;

	curr_sprite.zoomx = 32 - curr_sprite.zoomx;
	curr_sprite.zoomy = 32 - curr_sprite.zoomy;

	int ystart, yend, yinc;

	if (!curr_sprite.flipy) { ystart = 0; yend = curr_sprite.ysize+1; yinc = 1; }
	else                    { ystart = curr_sprite.ysize; yend = -1; yinc = -1; }

	int ycnt = ystart;
	while (ycnt != yend)
		int xstart, xend, xinc;

		if (!curr_sprite.flipx) { xstart = 0; xend = curr_sprite.xsize+1; xinc = 1; }
		else                    { xstart = curr_sprite.xsize; xend = -1; xinc = -1; }

		int xcnt = xstart;
		while (xcnt != xend)
			int startno = m_newtilecb(;
			if (m_pdraw)
				pdrawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2,        curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2,        curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, machine.priority_bitmap,priority_mask, m_transpen);
				pdrawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, -0x200+curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2, curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2,        curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, machine.priority_bitmap,priority_mask, m_transpen);
				pdrawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2,        -0x200+curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2, curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, machine.priority_bitmap,priority_mask, m_transpen);
				pdrawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, -0x200+curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2, -0x200+curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2, curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, machine.priority_bitmap,priority_mask, m_transpen);
				drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2,        curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2,        curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, m_transpen);
				drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, -0x200+curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2, curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2,        curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, m_transpen);
				drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2,        -0x200+curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2, curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, m_transpen);
				drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, startno, curr_sprite.color + m_pal_base, curr_sprite.flipx, curr_sprite.flipy, -0x200+curr_sprite.ox + xcnt * curr_sprite.zoomx/2, -0x200+curr_sprite.oy + ycnt * curr_sprite.zoomy/2, curr_sprite.zoomx << 11, curr_sprite.zoomy << 11, m_transpen);

Esempio n. 2
static void draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	orbit_state *state = machine.driver_data<orbit_state>();
	const UINT8* p = state->m_sprite_ram;

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		int code = *p++;
		int vpos = *p++;
		int hpos = *p++;
		int flag = *p++;

		int layout =
			((flag & 0xc0) == 0x80) ? 1 :
			((flag & 0xc0) == 0xc0) ? 2 : 0;

		int flip_x = BIT(code, 6);
		int flip_y = BIT(code, 7);

		int zoom_x = 0x10000;
		int zoom_y = 0x10000;

		code &= 0x3f;

		if (flag & 1)
			code |= 0x40;
		if (flag & 2)
			zoom_x *= 2;

		vpos = 240 - vpos;

		hpos <<= 1;
		vpos <<= 1;

		drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, machine.gfx[layout], code, 0, flip_x, flip_y,
			hpos, vpos, zoom_x, zoom_y, 0);
Esempio n. 3
static void draw_spaceship(running_machine *machine, bitmap_t* bitmap, const rectangle* cliprect)
	starshp1_state *state = machine->driver_data<starshp1_state>();
	double scaler = -5 * log(1 - state->ship_size / 256.0); /* ? */

	unsigned xzoom = 2 * 0x10000 * scaler;
	unsigned yzoom = 1 * 0x10000 * scaler;

	int x = get_sprite_hpos(state, 14);
	int y = get_sprite_vpos(state, 14);

	if (x <= 0)
		x -= (xzoom * state->ship_hoffset) >> 16;

	if (y <= 0)
		y -= (yzoom * state->ship_voffset) >> 16;

	drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, machine->gfx[2],
		state->ship_picture & 0x03,
		state->ship_picture & 0x80, 0,
		x, y,
		xzoom, yzoom, 0);
Esempio n. 4
static void f1gp2_draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	f1gp_state *state = machine.driver_data<f1gp_state>();
	int offs;

	offs = 0;
	while (offs < 0x0400 && (state->m_spritelist[offs] & 0x4000) == 0)
		int attr_start;
		int map_start;
		int ox, oy, x, y, xsize, ysize, zoomx, zoomy, flipx, flipy, color;

		attr_start = 4 * (state->m_spritelist[offs++] & 0x01ff);

		ox = state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 1] & 0x01ff;
		xsize = (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 1] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
		zoomx = (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 1] & 0xf000) >> 12;
		oy = state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 0] & 0x01ff;
		ysize = (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 0] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
		zoomy = (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 0] & 0xf000) >> 12;
		flipx = state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 2] & 0x4000;
		flipy = state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 2] & 0x8000;
		color = (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 2] & 0x1f00) >> 8;
		map_start = state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 3] & 0x7fff;

// aerofgt has the following adjustment, but doing it here would break the title screen
//      ox += (xsize*zoomx+2)/4;
//      oy += (ysize*zoomy+2)/4;

		zoomx = 32 - zoomx;
		zoomy = 32 - zoomy;

		if (state->m_spritelist[attr_start + 2] & 0x20ff)
			color = machine.rand();

		for (y = 0; y <= ysize; y++)
			int sx,sy;

			if (flipy) sy = ((oy + zoomy * (ysize - y)/2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
			else sy = ((oy + zoomy * y / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

			for (x = 0; x <= xsize; x++)
				int code;

				if (flipx) sx = ((ox + zoomx * (xsize - x) / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
				else sx = ((ox + zoomx * x / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

				code = state->m_sprcgram[map_start & 0x3fff];

				if (state->m_flipscreen)
							zoomx << 11,zoomy << 11,15);
							zoomx << 11,zoomy << 11,15);
Esempio n. 5
static void draw_sprites(running_machine &machine, bitmap_t *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect,const int *primasks,int x_offs,int y_offs)
	gunbustr_state *state = machine.driver_data<gunbustr_state>();
	UINT32 *spriteram32 = state->m_spriteram;
	UINT16 *spritemap = (UINT16 *)machine.region("user1")->base();
	int offs, data, tilenum, color, flipx, flipy;
	int x, y, priority, dblsize, curx, cury;
	int sprites_flipscreen = 0;
	int zoomx, zoomy, zx, zy;
	int sprite_chunk,map_offset,code,j,k,px,py;
	int dimension,total_chunks,bad_chunks;

	/* pdrawgfx() needs us to draw sprites front to back, so we have to build a list
       while processing sprite ram and then draw them all at the end */
	struct tempsprite *sprite_ptr = state->m_spritelist;

	for (offs = (state->m_spriteram_size/4-4);offs >= 0;offs -= 4)
		data = spriteram32[offs+0];
		flipx =    (data & 0x00800000) >> 23;
		zoomx =    (data & 0x007f0000) >> 16;
		tilenum =  (data & 0x00007fff);

		data = spriteram32[offs+2];
		priority = (data & 0x000c0000) >> 18;
		color =    (data & 0x0003fc00) >> 10;
		x =        (data & 0x000003ff);

		data = spriteram32[offs+3];
		dblsize =  (data & 0x00040000) >> 18;
		flipy =    (data & 0x00020000) >> 17;
		zoomy =    (data & 0x0001fc00) >> 10;
		y =        (data & 0x000003ff);

		color |= 0x80;

		if (!tilenum) continue;

		flipy = !flipy;
		zoomx += 1;
		zoomy += 1;

		y += y_offs;

		/* treat coords as signed */
		if (x>0x340) x -= 0x400;
		if (y>0x340) y -= 0x400;

		x -= x_offs;

		bad_chunks = 0;
		dimension = ((dblsize*2) + 2);	// 2 or 4
		total_chunks = ((dblsize*3) + 1) << 2;	// 4 or 16
		map_offset = tilenum << 2;

			for (sprite_chunk=0;sprite_chunk<total_chunks;sprite_chunk++)
				j = sprite_chunk / dimension;   /* rows */
				k = sprite_chunk % dimension;   /* chunks per row */

				px = k;
				py = j;
				/* pick tiles back to front for x and y flips */
				if (flipx)  px = dimension-1-k;
				if (flipy)  py = dimension-1-j;

				code = spritemap[map_offset + px + (py<<(dblsize+1))];

				if (code==0xffff)
					bad_chunks += 1;

				curx = x + ((k*zoomx)/dimension);
				cury = y + ((j*zoomy)/dimension);

				zx= x + (((k+1)*zoomx)/dimension) - curx;
				zy= y + (((j+1)*zoomy)/dimension) - cury;

				if (sprites_flipscreen)
					/* -zx/y is there to fix zoomed sprite coords in screenflip.
                       drawgfxzoom does not know to draw from flip-side of sprites when
                       screen is flipped; so we must correct the coords ourselves. */

					curx = 320 - curx - zx;
					cury = 256 - cury - zy;
					flipx = !flipx;
					flipy = !flipy;

				sprite_ptr->gfx = 0;
				sprite_ptr->code = code;
				sprite_ptr->color = color;
				sprite_ptr->flipx = !flipx;
				sprite_ptr->flipy = flipy;
				sprite_ptr->x = curx;
				sprite_ptr->y = cury;
				sprite_ptr->zoomx = zx << 12;
				sprite_ptr->zoomy = zy << 12;

				if (primasks)
					sprite_ptr->primask = primasks[priority];


		if (bad_chunks)
logerror("Sprite number %04x had %02x invalid chunks\n",tilenum,bad_chunks);

	/* this happens only if primsks != NULL */
	while (sprite_ptr != state->m_spritelist)

Esempio n. 6
static void parentj_draw_sprites( running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, int priority )
	/* Y chain size is 16/32?/64/64? pixels. X chain size
       is always 64 pixels. */

	taitoo_state *state = machine->driver_data<taitoo_state>();
	static const int size[] = { 1, 2, 4, 4 };
	int x0, y0, x, y, dx, dy, ex, ey, zx, zy;
	int ysize;
	int j, k;
	int offs;					/* sprite RAM offset */
	int tile_offs;				/* sprite chain offset */
	int zoomx, zoomy;			/* zoom value */

	for (offs = 0x03f8 / 2; offs >= 0; offs -= 0x008 / 2)
		if (offs <  0x01b0 && priority == 0)	continue;
		if (offs >= 0x01b0 && priority == 1)	continue;

		x0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 1, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		y0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 0, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		zoomx     = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 2, 0xffff) & 0x7f00) >> 8;
		zoomy     = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 2, 0xffff) & 0x007f);
		tile_offs = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 3, 0xffff) & 0x1fff) << 2;
		ysize     = size[(tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs, 0xffff) & 0x0c00) >> 10];

		if (tile_offs)
			/* Convert zoomy value to real value as zoomx */
			zoomy = zoomy_conv_table[zoomy];

			if (zoomx < 63)
				dx = 8 + (zoomx + 2) / 8;
				ex = (zoomx + 2) % 8;
				zx = ((dx << 1) + ex) << 11;
				dx = 16 + (zoomx - 63) / 4;
				ex = (zoomx - 63) % 4;
				zx = (dx + ex) << 12;

			if (zoomy < 63)
				dy = 8 + (zoomy + 2) / 8;
				ey = (zoomy + 2) % 8;
				zy = ((dy << 1) + ey) << 11;
				dy = 16 + (zoomy - 63) / 4;
				ey = (zoomy - 63) % 4;
				zy = (dy + ey) << 12;

			if (x0 >= 0x200) x0 -= 0x400;
			if (y0 >= 0x200) y0 -= 0x400;

			if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->tc0080vco))
				x0 = 497 - x0;
				y0 = 498 - y0;
				dx = -dx;
				dy = -dy;
				x0 += 1;
				y0 += 2;

			y = y0;
			for (j = 0; j < ysize; j ++)
				x = x0;
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k ++)
					if (tile_offs >= 0x1000)
						int tile, color, flipx, flipy;

						tile  = tc0080vco_cram_0_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x7fff;
						color = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x001f;
						flipx = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0040;
						flipy = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0080;

						if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->tc0080vco))
							flipx ^= 0x0040;
							flipy ^= 0x0080;

						drawgfxzoom_transpen( bitmap, cliprect,
								 machine -> gfx[0],
								 flipx, flipy,
								 x, y,
								 zx, zy, 0
					tile_offs ++;
					x += dx;
				y += dy;
Esempio n. 7
static void draw_sprites(running_machine &machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
	flower_state *state = machine.driver_data<flower_state>();
	const gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[1];
	UINT8 *source = state->m_spriteram + 0x200;
	UINT8 *finish = source - 0x200;

	source -= 8;

	while( source>=finish )
		int xblock,yblock;
		int sy = 256-32-source[0]+1;
		int	sx = (source[4]|(source[5]<<8))-55;
		int code = source[1] & 0x3f;
		int color = (source[6]>>4);

            Byte 0: Y
            Byte 1:
                0x80 - FlipY
                0x40 - FlipX
                0x3f - Tile
            Byte 2:
                0x08 - Tile MSB
                0x01 - Tile MSB
            Byte 3:
                0x07 - X Zoom
                0x08 - X Size
                0x70 - Y Zoom
                0x80 - Y Size
            Byte 4: X LSB
            Byte 5: X MSB
            Byte 6:
                0xf0 - Colour

		int flipy = source[1] & 0x80;
		int flipx = source[1] & 0x40;

		int size = source[3];

		int xsize = ((size & 0x08)>>3);
		int ysize = ((size & 0x80)>>7);


		if (ysize==2) sy -= 16;

		code |= ((source[2] & 0x01) << 6);
		code |= ((source[2] & 0x08) << 4);

			flipx = !flipx;
			flipy = !flipy;
			sx = sx+16;
			sy = 250-sy;

			if (ysize==2) sy += 16;

		for (xblock = 0; xblock<xsize; xblock++)
			int xoffs=!flipx ? (xblock*8) : ((xsize-xblock-1)*8);
			int zoomx=((size&7)+1)<<13;
			int zoomy=((size&0x70)+0x10)<<9;
			int xblocksizeinpixels=(zoomx*16)>>16;
			int yblocksizeinpixels=(zoomy*16)>>16;

			for (yblock = 0; yblock<ysize; yblock++)
				int yoffs=!flipy ? yblock : (ysize-yblock-1);
				int sxoffs=(16-xblocksizeinpixels)/2;
				int syoffs=(16-yblocksizeinpixels)/2;
				if (xblock) sxoffs+=xblocksizeinpixels;
				if (yblock) syoffs+=yblocksizeinpixels;

		source -= 8;

Esempio n. 8
/* todo, fix zooming correctly, it's _not_ like aerofgt */
static void draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )

    Video System hardware, like aerofgt etc.

    the sprites use 2 areas of ram, one containing a spritelist + sprite attributes, the other
    contains the sprite tile #'s to use

    sprite attribute info (4 words per sprite)

    |  ZZZZ hhhy yyyy yyyy  |  zzzz wwwx xxxx xxxx  |  -fpp pppp ---- ----  |  -ooo oooo oooo oooo  |

    x  = x position
    y  = y position
    w  = width
    h  = height
    zZ = y zoom / x zoom
    f  = xflip
    p  = palette / colour
    o  = offset to tile data in other ram area


	suprslam_state *state = machine.driver_data<suprslam_state>();
	const gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[1];
	UINT16 *source = state->m_spriteram;
	UINT16 *source2 = state->m_spriteram;
	UINT16 *finish = source + 0x2000/2;

	while (source < finish)
		UINT32 sprnum = source[0] & 0x03ff;
		if (source[0] == 0x4000) break;

		sprnum *= 4;

		/* DRAW START */
			int ypos = source2[sprnum + 0] & 0x1ff;
			int high = (source2[sprnum + 0] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
			int yzoom = (source2[sprnum + 0] & 0xf000) >> 12;

			int xpos = source2[sprnum + 1] & 0x1ff;
			int wide = (source2[sprnum + 1] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
			int xzoom = (source2[sprnum + 1] & 0xf000) >> 12;

			int col = (source2[sprnum + 2] & 0x3f00) >> 8;
			int flipx = (source2[sprnum + 2] & 0x4000) >> 14;
//          int flipy = (source2[sprnum + 2] & 0x8000) >> 15;

			int word_offset = source2[sprnum + 3] & 0x7fff;
			int xcnt, ycnt;

			int loopno = 0;

			xzoom = 32 - xzoom;
			yzoom = 32 - yzoom;

			if (ypos > 0xff) ypos -=0x200;

			for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < high+1; ycnt ++)
				if (!flipx)
					for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < wide+1; xcnt ++)
						int tileno = state->m_sp_videoram[word_offset + loopno];
						drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, col, 0, 0,xpos + xcnt * xzoom/2, ypos + ycnt * yzoom/2,xzoom << 11, yzoom << 11, 15);
						drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, col, 0, 0,-0x200+xpos + xcnt * xzoom/2, ypos + ycnt * yzoom/2,xzoom << 11, yzoom << 11, 15);
						loopno ++;
					for (xcnt = wide; xcnt >= 0; xcnt --)
						int tileno = state->m_sp_videoram[word_offset + loopno];
						drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, col, 1, 0,xpos + xcnt * xzoom/2, ypos + ycnt * yzoom/2,xzoom << 11, yzoom << 11, 15);
						drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, col, 1, 0,-0x200+xpos + xcnt * xzoom/2, ypos + ycnt * yzoom/2,xzoom << 11, yzoom << 11, 15);
						loopno ++;
Esempio n. 9
void undrfire_state::draw_sprites_cbombers(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,const int *primasks,int x_offs,int y_offs)
	UINT32 *spriteram32 = m_spriteram;
	UINT16 *spritemap = (UINT16 *)memregion("user1")->base();
	UINT8 *spritemapHibit = (UINT8 *)memregion("user2")->base();

	int offs, data, tilenum, color, flipx, flipy;
	int x, y, priority, dblsize, curx, cury;
	int sprites_flipscreen = 0;
	int zoomx, zoomy, zx, zy;
	int sprite_chunk,map_offset,code,j,k,px,py;
	int dimension,total_chunks;

	/* pdrawgfx() needs us to draw sprites front to back, so we have to build a list
	   while processing sprite ram and then draw them all at the end */
	struct tempsprite *sprite_ptr = m_spritelist;

	for (offs = (m_spriteram.bytes()/4-4);offs >= 0;offs -= 4)
		data = spriteram32[offs+0];
		flipx =    (data & 0x00800000) >> 23;
		zoomx =    (data & 0x007f0000) >> 16;
		tilenum =  (data & 0x0000ffff);

		data = spriteram32[offs+2];
		priority = (data & 0x000c0000) >> 18;
		color =    (data & 0x0003fc00) >> 10;
		x =        (data & 0x000003ff);

		data = spriteram32[offs+3];
		dblsize =  (data & 0x00040000) >> 18;
		flipy =    (data & 0x00020000) >> 17;
		zoomy =    (data & 0x0001fc00) >> 10;
		y =        (data & 0x000003ff);

		color |= (/*0x100 +*/ (priority << 6));     /* priority bits select color bank */

		color /= 2;     /* as sprites are 5bpp */
		flipy = !flipy;

		if (!tilenum) continue;

		zoomx += 1;
		zoomy += 1;

		y += y_offs;

		/* treat coords as signed */
		if (x>0x340) x -= 0x400;
		if (y>0x340) y -= 0x400;

		x -= x_offs;

		dimension = ((dblsize*2) + 2);  // 2 or 4
		total_chunks = ((dblsize*3) + 1) << 2;  // 4 or 16
		map_offset = tilenum << 2;

		for (sprite_chunk = 0; sprite_chunk < total_chunks; sprite_chunk++)
			int map_addr;

			j = sprite_chunk / dimension;   /* rows */
			k = sprite_chunk % dimension;   /* chunks per row */

			px = k;
			py = j;
			/* pick tiles back to front for x and y flips */
			if (flipx)  px = dimension-1-k;
			if (flipy)  py = dimension-1-j;

			map_addr = map_offset + px + (py << (dblsize + 1));
			code =  (spritemapHibit[map_addr] << 16) | spritemap[map_addr];

			curx = x + ((k*zoomx)/dimension);
			cury = y + ((j*zoomy)/dimension);

			zx= x + (((k+1)*zoomx)/dimension) - curx;
			zy= y + (((j+1)*zoomy)/dimension) - cury;

			if (sprites_flipscreen)
				/* -zx/y is there to fix zoomed sprite coords in screenflip.
				       drawgfxzoom does not know to draw from flip-side of sprites when
				       screen is flipped; so we must correct the coords ourselves. */

				curx = 320 - curx - zx;
				cury = 256 - cury - zy;
				flipx = !flipx;
				flipy = !flipy;

			sprite_ptr->gfx = 0;
			sprite_ptr->code = code;
			sprite_ptr->color = color;
			sprite_ptr->flipx = !flipx;
			sprite_ptr->flipy = flipy;
			sprite_ptr->x = curx;
			sprite_ptr->y = cury;
			sprite_ptr->zoomx = zx << 12;
			sprite_ptr->zoomy = zy << 12;

			if (primasks)
				sprite_ptr->primask = primasks[priority];

	/* this happens only if primsks != NULL */
	while (sprite_ptr != m_spritelist)

Esempio n. 10
static void draw_sprites(running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect)
	crshrace_state *state = machine.driver_data<crshrace_state>();
	UINT16 *buffered_spriteram = machine.generic.buffered_spriteram.u16;
	UINT16 *buffered_spriteram_2 = machine.generic.buffered_spriteram2.u16;
	int offs;

	offs = 0;
	while (offs < 0x0400 && (buffered_spriteram[offs] & 0x4000) == 0)
		int attr_start;
		int map_start;
		int ox, oy, x, y, xsize, ysize, zoomx, zoomy, flipx, flipy, color;
		/* table hand made by looking at the ship explosion in aerofgt attract mode */
		/* it's almost a logarithmic scale but not exactly */
		static const int zoomtable[16] = { 0,7,14,20,25,30,34,38,42,46,49,52,54,57,59,61 };

		attr_start = 4 * (buffered_spriteram[offs++] & 0x03ff);

		ox = buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 1] & 0x01ff;
		xsize = (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 1] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
		zoomx = (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 1] & 0xf000) >> 12;
		oy = buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 0] & 0x01ff;
		ysize = (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 0] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
		zoomy = (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 0] & 0xf000) >> 12;
		flipx = buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 2] & 0x4000;
		flipy = buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 2] & 0x8000;
		color = (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 2] & 0x1f00) >> 8;
		map_start = buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 3] & 0x7fff;

		zoomx = 16 - zoomtable[zoomx] / 8;
		zoomy = 16 - zoomtable[zoomy] / 8;

		if (buffered_spriteram[attr_start + 2] & 0x20ff) color = machine.rand();

		for (y = 0; y <= ysize; y++)
			int sx,sy;

			if (flipy) sy = ((oy + zoomy * (ysize - y) + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
			else sy = ((oy + zoomy * y + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

			for (x = 0; x <= xsize; x++)
				int code;

				if (flipx) sx = ((ox + zoomx * (xsize - x) + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
				else sx = ((ox + zoomx * x + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

				code = buffered_spriteram_2[map_start & 0x7fff];

				if (state->m_flipscreen)
							0x1000 * zoomx,0x1000 * zoomy,15);
							0x1000 * zoomx,0x1000 * zoomy,15);
Esempio n. 11
static void syvalion_draw_sprites( running_machine *machine,bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
	/* Y chain size is 16/32?/64/64? pixels. X chain size
       is always 64 pixels. */

	taitoh_state *state = (taitoh_state *)machine->driver_data;
	static const int size[] = { 1, 2, 4, 4 };
	int x0, y0, x, y, dx, ex, zx;
	int ysize;
	int j, k;
	int offs;					/* sprite RAM offset */
	int tile_offs;				/* sprite chain offset */
	int zoomx;					/* zoomx value */

	for (offs = 0x03f8 / 2; offs >= 0; offs -= 0x008 / 2)
		x0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 1, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		y0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 0, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		zoomx     = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 2, 0xffff) & 0x7f00) >> 8;
		tile_offs = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs + 3, 0xffff) & 0x1fff) << 2;
		ysize     = size[(tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->tc0080vco, offs, 0xffff) & 0x0c00) >> 10];

		if (tile_offs)
			/* The increasing ratio of expansion is different whether zoom value */
			/* is less or more than 63.                                          */
			if (zoomx < 63)
				dx = 8 + (zoomx + 2) / 8;
				ex = (zoomx + 2) % 8;
				zx = ((dx << 1) + ex) << 11;
				dx = 16 + (zoomx - 63) / 4;
				ex = (zoomx - 63) % 4;
				zx = (dx + ex) << 12;

			if (x0 >= 0x200) x0 -= 0x400;
			if (y0 >= 0x200) y0 -= 0x400;

			if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->tc0080vco))
				x0 = 497 - x0;
				y0 = 498 - y0;
				dx = -dx;
				x0 += 1;
				y0 += 2;

			y = y0;
			for (j = 0; j < ysize; j++)
				x = x0;
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
					if (tile_offs >= 0x1000)
						int tile, color, flipx, flipy;

						tile  = tc0080vco_cram_0_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x7fff;
						color = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x001f;
						flipx = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0040;
						flipy = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->tc0080vco, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0080;

						if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->tc0080vco))
							flipx ^= 0x0040;
							flipy ^= 0x0080;

						drawgfxzoom_transpen( bitmap, cliprect,
								 machine -> gfx[0],
								 flipx, flipy,
								 x, y,
								 zx, zx, 0
					tile_offs ++;
					x += dx;
				y += dx;
Esempio n. 12
static void draw_sprite(running_machine *machine, UINT16 spriteno, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
	/*- SPR RAM Format -**

      4 words per sprite

      zzzz sssp  pppp pppp (y zoom, y size, y position)
      zzzz sssp  pppp pppp (x zoom, x size, x position)
      yxpc cccc  ---- ---- (flipy, flipx, priority?, colour)
      -nnn nnnn  nnnn nnnn (tile lookup)


	int x,y;

	UINT16 *source = &taotaido_spriteram_older[spriteno*4];
	const gfx_element *gfx = machine->gfx[0];

	int yzoom = (source[0] & 0xf000) >> 12;
	int xzoom = (source[1] & 0xf000) >> 12;

	int ysize = (source[0] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
	int xsize = (source[1] & 0x0e00) >> 9;

	int ypos = source[0] & 0x01ff;
	int xpos = source[1] & 0x01ff;

	int yflip = source[2] & 0x8000;
	int xflip = source[2] & 0x4000;
	int color = (source[2] & 0x1f00) >> 8;

	int tile = source[3] & 0xffff;

	xpos += (xsize*xzoom+2)/4;
	ypos += (ysize*yzoom+2)/4;

	xzoom = 32 - xzoom;
	yzoom = 32 - yzoom;

	for (y = 0;y <= ysize;y++)
		int sx,sy;

		if (yflip) sy = ((ypos + yzoom * (ysize - y)/2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
			else sy = ((ypos + yzoom * y / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

		for (x = 0;x <= xsize;x++)

			/* this indirection is a bit different to the other video system games */
			int realtile;

			realtile = taotaido_spriteram2_older[tile&0x7fff];

			if (realtile > 0x3fff)
				int block;

				block = (realtile & 0x3800)>>11;

				realtile &= 0x07ff;
				realtile |= taotaido_sprite_character_bank_select[block] * 0x800;

			if (xflip) sx = ((xpos + xzoom * (xsize - x) / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
				else sx = ((xpos + xzoom * x / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

						xzoom << 11, yzoom << 11,15);


Esempio n. 13
static void draw_sprites( running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, const int *primasks, int y_offs )
	othunder_state *state = machine->driver_data<othunder_state>();
	UINT16 *spritemap = (UINT16 *)memory_region(machine, "user1");
	UINT16 tile_mask = (machine->gfx[0]->total_elements) - 1;
	UINT16 *spriteram16 = state->spriteram;
	int offs, data, tilenum, color, flipx, flipy;
	int x, y, priority, curx, cury;
	int sprites_flipscreen = 0;
	int zoomx, zoomy, zx, zy;
	int sprite_chunk, map_offset, code, j, k, px, py;
	int bad_chunks;

	/* pdrawgfx() needs us to draw sprites front to back, so we have to build a list
       while processing sprite ram and then draw them all at the end */
	struct othunder_tempsprite *sprite_ptr = state->spritelist;

	for (offs = (state->spriteram_size / 2) - 4; offs >= 0; offs -= 4)
		data = spriteram16[offs + 0];
		zoomy = (data & 0xfe00) >> 9;
		y = data & 0x1ff;

		data = spriteram16[offs + 1];
		flipx = (data & 0x4000) >> 14;
		priority = (data & 0x8000) >> 15;
		x = data & 0x1ff;

		data = spriteram16[offs + 2];
		color = (data & 0xff00) >> 8;
		zoomx = (data & 0x7f);

		data = spriteram16[offs + 3];
		tilenum = data & 0x1fff;	// $80000 spritemap rom maps up to $2000 64x64 sprites
		flipy = (data & 0x8000) >> 15;

		if (!tilenum)

		map_offset = tilenum << 5;

		zoomx += 1;
		zoomy += 1;

		y += y_offs;

		/* treat coords as signed */
		if (x > 0x140) x -= 0x200;
		if (y > 0x140) y -= 0x200;

		bad_chunks = 0;

		for (sprite_chunk = 0; sprite_chunk < 32; sprite_chunk++)
			k = sprite_chunk % 4;   /* 4 chunks per row */
			j = sprite_chunk / 4;   /* 8 rows */

			px = k;
			py = j;
			if (flipx)  px = 3 - k;	/* pick tiles back to front for x and y flips */
			if (flipy)  py = 7 - j;

			code = spritemap[map_offset + px + (py << 2)] & tile_mask;

			if (code == 0xffff)
				bad_chunks += 1;

			curx = x + ((k * zoomx) / 4);
			cury = y + ((j * zoomy) / 8);

			zx= x + (((k + 1) * zoomx) / 4) - curx;
			zy= y + (((j + 1) * zoomy) / 8) - cury;

			if (sprites_flipscreen)
				/* -zx/y is there to fix zoomed sprite coords in screenflip.
                   drawgfxzoom does not know to draw from flip-side of sprites when
                   screen is flipped; so we must correct the coords ourselves. */

				curx = 320 - curx - zx;
				cury = 256 - cury - zy;
				flipx = !flipx;
				flipy = !flipy;

			sprite_ptr->code = code;
			sprite_ptr->color = color;
			sprite_ptr->flipx = flipx;
			sprite_ptr->flipy = flipy;
			sprite_ptr->x = curx;
			sprite_ptr->y = cury;
			sprite_ptr->zoomx = zx << 12;
			sprite_ptr->zoomy = zy << 13;

			if (primasks)
				sprite_ptr->primask = primasks[priority];

		if (bad_chunks)
logerror("Sprite number %04x had %02x invalid chunks\n",tilenum,bad_chunks);

	/* this happens only if primsks != NULL */
	while (sprite_ptr != state->spritelist)

Esempio n. 14
static void aerofgt_draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority )
	aerofgt_state *state = machine.driver_data<aerofgt_state>();
	int offs;
	priority <<= 12;

	offs = 0;
	while (offs < 0x0400 && (state->m_spriteram3[offs] & 0x8000) == 0)
		int attr_start = 4 * (state->m_spriteram3[offs] & 0x03ff);

		/* is the way I handle priority correct? Or should I just check bit 13? */
		if ((state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 2] & 0x3000) == priority)
			int map_start;
			int ox, oy, x, y, xsize, ysize, zoomx, zoomy, flipx, flipy, color;

			ox = state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 1] & 0x01ff;
			xsize = (state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 1] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
			zoomx = (state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 1] & 0xf000) >> 12;
			oy = state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 0] & 0x01ff;
			ysize = (state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 0] & 0x0e00) >> 9;
			zoomy = (state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 0] & 0xf000) >> 12;
			flipx = state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 2] & 0x4000;
			flipy = state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 2] & 0x8000;
			color = (state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 2] & 0x0f00) >> 8;
			map_start = state->m_spriteram3[attr_start + 3] & 0x3fff;

			ox += (xsize * zoomx + 2) / 4;
			oy += (ysize * zoomy + 2) / 4;

			zoomx = 32 - zoomx;
			zoomy = 32 - zoomy;

			for (y = 0; y <= ysize; y++)
				int sx, sy;

				if (flipy)
					sy = ((oy + zoomy * (ysize - y)/2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
					sy = ((oy + zoomy * y / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

				for (x = 0; x <= xsize; x++)
					int code;

					if (flipx)
						sx = ((ox + zoomx * (xsize - x) / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;
						sx = ((ox + zoomx * x / 2 + 16) & 0x1ff) - 16;

					if (map_start < 0x2000)
						code = state->m_spriteram1[map_start & 0x1fff] & 0x1fff;
						code = state->m_spriteram2[map_start & 0x1fff] & 0x1fff;

					drawgfxzoom_transpen(bitmap,cliprect,machine.gfx[state->m_sprite_gfx + (map_start >= 0x2000 ? 1 : 0)],
							zoomx << 11, zoomy << 11,15);