Esempio n. 1
CFMutableDictionaryRef get_record_at_index(KADirectoryNode *node, long unsigned index)
    tRecordEntryPtr record_entry_ptr = NULL; 
    tAttributeListRef attr_list_ref;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes = NULL;
	assert(index > 0); // indexes start with 1
	if (dsGetRecordEntry(node->_nodeRef, node->_dataBufferPtr,
		index, // start count at 1
		&attr_list_ref, &record_entry_ptr) == eDSNoErr)
		attributes = get_record_attributes(node, record_entry_ptr, attr_list_ref);
		dsDeallocRecordEntry(node->_directoryRef, record_entry_ptr);

	return attributes;
static long od_check_passwd(char const *uname, char const *password)
	long			result 		= eDSAuthFailed;
	tDirReference		dsRef 		= 0;
	tDataBuffer		*tDataBuff;
	tDirNodeReference	nodeRef 	= 0;
	long			status 		= eDSNoErr;
	tContextData		context		= 0;
	uint32_t		nodeCount 	= 0;
	uint32_t		attrIndex 	= 0;
	tDataList		*nodeName 	= NULL;
	tAttributeEntryPtr	pAttrEntry 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pRecName 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pRecType 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pAttrType 	= NULL;
	uint32_t		recCount 	= 0;
	tRecordEntry		*pRecEntry 	= NULL;
	tAttributeListRef	attrListRef 	= 0;
	char			*pUserLocation 	= NULL;
	char			*pUserName 	= NULL;
	tAttributeValueListRef	valueRef 	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry	*pValueEntry 	= NULL;
	tDataList		*pUserNode 	= NULL;
	tDirNodeReference	userNodeRef 	= 0;
	tDataBuffer		*pStepBuff 	= NULL;
	tDataNode		*pAuthType 	= NULL;
	tAttributeValueEntry	*pRecordType 	= NULL;
	uint32_t		uiCurr 		= 0;
	uint32_t		uiLen 		= 0;
	uint32_t		pwLen 		= 0;
	if (!uname || !password)
		return result;
		status = dsOpenDirService( &dsRef );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
			return result;
		tDataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 4096 );
		if (!tDataBuff)
		/* find user on search node */
		status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, NULL, eDSSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
		if (status != eDSNoErr || nodeCount < 1)
		status = dsGetDirNodeName( dsRef, tDataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, nodeName, &nodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, nodeName );
		free( nodeName );
		nodeName = NULL;
		if (status != eDSNoErr)

		pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, uname, NULL );
		pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers, kDSStdRecordTypeMachines, NULL );
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, kDSNAttrRecordType, NULL );
		recCount = 1;
		status = dsGetRecordList( nodeRef, tDataBuff, pRecName, eDSExact, pRecType,
													pAttrType, 0, &recCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr || recCount == 0 )
		status = dsGetRecordEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		for ( attrIndex = 1; (attrIndex <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount) && (status == eDSNoErr); attrIndex++ )
			status = dsGetAttributeEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, attrListRef, attrIndex, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
			if ( status == eDSNoErr && pAttrEntry != NULL )
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserLocation = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserLocation, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordName ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserName = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserName, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordType ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pRecordType = pValueEntry;
						pValueEntry = NULL;
				if ( pValueEntry != NULL ) {
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pValueEntry );
					pValueEntry = NULL;
				if ( pAttrEntry != NULL ) {
					dsDeallocAttributeEntry( dsRef, pAttrEntry );
					pAttrEntry = NULL;
				dsCloseAttributeValueList( valueRef );
				valueRef = 0;
		pUserNode = dsBuildFromPath( dsRef, pUserLocation, "/" );
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, pUserNode, &userNodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pUserNode );
		free( pUserNode );
		pUserNode = NULL;
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		pStepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 128 );
		pAuthType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( dsRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK );
		uiCurr = 0;
		/* User name */
		uiLen = (uint32_t)strlen( pUserName );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof(uiLen) );
		uiCurr += (uint32_t)sizeof( uiLen );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), pUserName, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		/* pw */
		pwLen = (uint32_t)strlen( password );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &pwLen, sizeof(pwLen) );
		uiCurr += (uint32_t)sizeof( pwLen );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), password, pwLen );
		uiCurr += pwLen;
		tDataBuff->fBufferLength = uiCurr;
		result = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType( userNodeRef, pAuthType, 1, tDataBuff, pStepBuff, NULL, &pRecordType->fAttributeValueData );
	while ( 0 );
	/* clean up */
	if (pAuthType != NULL) {
		dsDataNodeDeAllocate( dsRef, pAuthType );
		pAuthType = NULL;
	if (pRecordType != NULL) {
		dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pRecordType );
		pRecordType = NULL;
	if (tDataBuff != NULL) {
		bzero( tDataBuff, tDataBuff->fBufferSize );
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, tDataBuff );
		tDataBuff = NULL;
	if (pStepBuff != NULL) {
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, pStepBuff );
		pStepBuff = NULL;
	if (pUserLocation != NULL) {
		pUserLocation = NULL;
	if (pRecName != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecName );
		free( pRecName );
		pRecName = NULL;
	if (pRecType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecType );
		free( pRecType );
		pRecType = NULL;
	if (pAttrType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pAttrType );
		free( pAttrType );
		pAttrType = NULL;
	if (nodeRef != 0) {
		nodeRef = 0;
	if (dsRef != 0) {
		dsRef = 0;
	return result;
tDirStatus userAuthInfo(tDirReference pDirRef, tDirNodeReference pNodeRef, const char *pszUsername, tDataListPtr *ppAuthNodeListOut)
    tDirStatus dsErr = eDSNoErr;
    tDirStatus dsCleanErr = eDSNoErr;
    /* Create a buffer for the resulting authentication info */
    tDataBufferPtr pTmpBuf = dsDataBufferAllocate(pDirRef, s_cBufferSize);
    if (pTmpBuf)
        /* Create the necessary lists for kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation and kDSNAttrRecordName. */
        tDataListPtr pRecordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL);
        tDataListPtr pRecordName = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, pszUsername, NULL);
        tDataListPtr pRequestedAttributes = dsBuildListFromStrings(pDirRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);
        if (!(   pRecordType == NULL
              || pRecordName == NULL
              || pRequestedAttributes == NULL))
            /* Now search for the first matching record */
            UInt32 cRecords = 1;
            tContextData pCtx = NULL;
            dsErr = dsGetRecordList(pNodeRef,
            if (   dsErr == eDSNoErr
                && cRecords >= 1)
                /* Process the first found record. Look at any attribute one by one. */
                tAttributeListRef pRecAttrListRef = NULL;
                tRecordEntryPtr pRecEntry = NULL;
                tDataListPtr pAuthNodeList = NULL;
                dsErr = dsGetRecordEntry(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, 1, &pRecAttrListRef, &pRecEntry);
                if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                    for (size_t i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; ++i)
                        tAttributeValueListRef pAttrValueListRef = NULL;
                        tAttributeEntryPtr pAttrEntry = NULL;
                        /* Get the information for this attribute. */
                        dsErr = dsGetAttributeEntry(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, pRecAttrListRef, i,
                                                    &pAttrValueListRef, &pAttrEntry);
                        if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                            tAttributeValueEntryPtr pValueEntry = NULL;
                            /* Has any value? */
                            if (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0)
                                dsErr = dsGetAttributeValue(pNodeRef, pTmpBuf, 1, pAttrValueListRef, &pValueEntry);
                                if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                                    /* Check for kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation */
                                    if (strcmp(pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation) == 0)
                                        /* Convert the meta location attribute to a path node list */
                                        pAuthNodeList = dsBuildFromPath(pDirRef,
                                        if (pAuthNodeList == NULL)
                                            dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;

                            if (pValueEntry != NULL)
                                dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(pDirRef, pValueEntry);
                            if (pAttrValueListRef)
                            if (pAttrEntry != NULL)
                                dsDeallocAttributeEntry(pDirRef, pAttrEntry);

                            if (dsErr != eDSNoErr)
                /* Copy the results */
                if (dsErr == eDSNoErr)
                    if (pAuthNodeList != NULL)
                        /* Copy out results. */
                        *ppAuthNodeListOut = pAuthNodeList;
                        pAuthNodeList = NULL;
                        dsErr = eDSAttributeNotFound;

                if (pAuthNodeList != NULL)
                    dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pAuthNodeList);
                    if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
                if (pRecAttrListRef)
                if (pRecEntry != NULL)
                    dsDeallocRecordEntry(pDirRef, pRecEntry);
                dsErr = eDSRecordNotFound;
            if (pCtx)
                dsReleaseContinueData(pDirRef, pCtx);
            dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;
        if (pRequestedAttributes != NULL)
            dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRequestedAttributes);
            if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
        if (pRecordName != NULL)
            dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRecordName);
            if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
        if (pRecordType != NULL)
            dsCleanErr = dsDataListDeallocate(pDirRef, pRecordType);
            if (dsCleanErr == eDSNoErr)
        dsDataBufferDeAllocate(pDirRef, pTmpBuf);
        dsErr = eDSAllocationFailed;

    return dsErr;
Esempio n. 4
int ds_check_passwd(char *uname, char *domain)
	char 						*p					= NULL;
	tDirReference				dsRef				= 0;
    tDataBuffer				   *tDataBuff			= NULL;
    tDirNodeReference			nodeRef				= 0;
    long						status				= eDSNoErr;
    tContextData				context				= NULL;
	unsigned long				nodeCount			= 0;
	unsigned long				attrIndex			= 0;
	tDataList				   *nodeName			= NULL;
    tAttributeEntryPtr			pAttrEntry			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pRecName			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pRecType			= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pAttrType			= NULL;
	unsigned long				recCount			= 0;
	tRecordEntry		  	 	*pRecEntry			= NULL;
	tAttributeListRef			attrListRef			= 0;
	char					   *pUserLocation		= NULL;
	char					   *pUserName			= NULL;
	tAttributeValueListRef		valueRef			= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry  	 	*pValueEntry		= NULL;
	tDataList				   *pUserNode			= NULL;
	tDirNodeReference			userNodeRef			= 0;
	tDataBuffer					*pStepBuff			= NULL;
	tDataNode				   *pAuthType			= NULL;
	unsigned long				uiCurr				= 0;
	unsigned long				uiLen				= 0;
		if (uname == NULL)
		printf("Checking password for %s.\n", uname);
		p = getpass("Password:"******"/" );
			if ( nodeName == NULL ) break;
			// find
			status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, nodeName, eDSiExact, &nodeCount, &context );
			// find on search node
			status = dsFindDirNodes( dsRef, tDataBuff, NULL, eDSSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		if ( nodeCount < 1 )
		status = dsGetDirNodeName( dsRef, tDataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, nodeName, &nodeRef );
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, nodeName );
		free( nodeName );
		nodeName = NULL;
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
		pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, uname, NULL );
		pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL );
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings( dsRef, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL );
		recCount = 1;
		status = dsGetRecordList( nodeRef, tDataBuff, pRecName, eDSExact, pRecType,
													pAttrType, 0, &recCount, &context );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr || recCount == 0 )
		status = dsGetRecordEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		for ( attrIndex = 1; (attrIndex <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount) && (status == eDSNoErr); attrIndex++ )
			status = dsGetAttributeEntry( nodeRef, tDataBuff, attrListRef, attrIndex, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
			if ( status == eDSNoErr && pAttrEntry != NULL )
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserLocation = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserLocation, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordName ) == 0 )
					status = dsGetAttributeValue( nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
					if ( status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL )
						pUserName = (char *) calloc( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
						memcpy( pUserName, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength );
				if ( pValueEntry != NULL )
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( dsRef, pValueEntry );
				pValueEntry = NULL;
				dsDeallocAttributeEntry( dsRef, pAttrEntry );
				pAttrEntry = NULL;
				dsCloseAttributeValueList( valueRef );
				valueRef = 0;
		pUserNode = dsBuildFromPath( dsRef, pUserLocation, "/" );
		status = dsOpenDirNode( dsRef, pUserNode, &userNodeRef );
		if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		pStepBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( dsRef, 128 );
		pAuthType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( dsRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK );
		uiCurr = 0;
		// User name
		uiLen = strlen( pUserName );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
		uiCurr += sizeof( unsigned long );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), pUserName, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		// pw
		uiLen = strlen( p );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), &uiLen, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
		uiCurr += sizeof( unsigned long );
		memcpy( &(tDataBuff->fBufferData[ uiCurr ]), p, uiLen );
		uiCurr += uiLen;
		tDataBuff->fBufferLength = uiCurr;
		status = dsDoDirNodeAuth( userNodeRef, pAuthType, 1, tDataBuff, pStepBuff, NULL );
	while ( 0 );
	// clean up
	if (tDataBuff != NULL) {
		memset(tDataBuff, 0, tDataBuff->fBufferSize);
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, tDataBuff );
		tDataBuff = NULL;
	if (pStepBuff != NULL) {
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( dsRef, pStepBuff );
		pStepBuff = NULL;
	if (pUserLocation != NULL ) {
		pUserLocation = NULL;
	if (pRecName != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecName );
		free( pRecName );
		pRecName = NULL;
	if (pRecType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pRecType );
		free( pRecType );
		pRecType = NULL;
	if (pAttrType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate( dsRef, pAttrType );
		free( pAttrType );
		pAttrType = NULL;
	if (nodeRef != 0) {
		nodeRef = 0;
	if (dsRef != 0) {
		dsRef = 0;
	if ( status != eDSNoErr )
		errno = EACCES;
		fprintf(stderr, "Sorry\n");
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static int getUserNodeRef(char* inUserName, char **outUserName,
			  tDirNodeReference* userNodeRef, tDirReference dsRef)
	tDataBuffer             *tDataBuff	= NULL;
	tDirNodeReference       nodeRef		= 0;
	long                    status		= eDSNoErr;
	tContextData            context		= 0;
	uint32_t           	nodeCount	= 0;
	uint32_t                attrIndex	= 0;
	tDataList               *nodeName	= NULL;
	tAttributeEntryPtr      pAttrEntry	= NULL;
	tDataList               *pRecName	= NULL;
	tDataList               *pRecType	= NULL;
	tDataList               *pAttrType	= NULL;
	uint32_t           	recCount	= 0;
	tRecordEntry            *pRecEntry	= NULL;
	tAttributeListRef       attrListRef	= 0;
	char                    *pUserLocation	= NULL;
	tAttributeValueListRef  valueRef	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry    *pValueEntry	= NULL;
	tDataList               *pUserNode	= NULL;
	int                     result		= RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
	if (inUserName == NULL) {
		radlog(L_ERR, "rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): no username");
	tDataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate(dsRef, 4096);
	if (tDataBuff == NULL) {
		radlog(L_ERR, "rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsDataBufferAllocate() status = %ld", status);  
	do {
		/* find on search node */
		status = dsFindDirNodes(dsRef, tDataBuff, NULL,
					&nodeCount, &context);
		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): no node found? status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		if (nodeCount < 1) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): nodeCount < 1, status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		status = dsGetDirNodeName(dsRef, tDataBuff, 1, &nodeName);
		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsGetDirNodeName() status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		status = dsOpenDirNode(dsRef, nodeName, &nodeRef);
		dsDataListDeallocate(dsRef, nodeName);
		nodeName = NULL;
		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsOpenDirNode() status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings(dsRef, inUserName, NULL);
		pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings(dsRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(dsRef,
						   kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);
		recCount = 1;
		status = dsGetRecordList(nodeRef, tDataBuff, pRecName,
					 eDSExact, pRecType, pAttrType, 0,
					 &recCount, &context);
		if (status != eDSNoErr || recCount == 0) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsGetRecordList() status = %ld, recCount=%u", status, recCount);
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		status = dsGetRecordEntry(nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1,
					  &attrListRef, &pRecEntry);
		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsGetRecordEntry() status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		for (attrIndex = 1; (attrIndex <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount) && (status == eDSNoErr); attrIndex++) {
			status = dsGetAttributeEntry(nodeRef, tDataBuff, attrListRef, attrIndex, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry);
			if (status == eDSNoErr && pAttrEntry != NULL) {
				if (strcmp(pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation) == 0) {
					status = dsGetAttributeValue(nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry);
					if (status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL) {
						pUserLocation = (char *) calloc(pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char));
						memcpy(pUserLocation, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength);
				} else if (strcmp(pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, kDSNAttrRecordName) == 0) {
					status = dsGetAttributeValue(nodeRef, tDataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry);
					if (status == eDSNoErr && pValueEntry != NULL) {
						*outUserName = (char *) malloc(pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1);
						bzero(*outUserName,pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1);
						memcpy(*outUserName, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength);
				if (pValueEntry != NULL) {
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dsRef, pValueEntry);
					pValueEntry = NULL;
				dsDeallocAttributeEntry(dsRef, pAttrEntry);
				pAttrEntry = NULL;
				valueRef = 0;
		/* OpenDirectory doesn't support mschapv2 authentication against
		 * Active Directory.  AD users need to be authenticated using the
		 * normal freeradius AD path (i.e. ntlm_auth).
		if (strncmp(pUserLocation, kActiveDirLoc, strlen(kActiveDirLoc)) == 0) {
			DEBUG2("[mschap] OpenDirectory authentication returning noop.  OD doesn't support MSCHAPv2 for ActiveDirectory users.");
			result = RLM_MODULE_NOOP;
		pUserNode = dsBuildFromPath(dsRef, pUserLocation, "/");
		if (pUserNode == NULL) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsBuildFromPath() returned NULL");  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		status = dsOpenDirNode(dsRef, pUserNode, userNodeRef);
		dsDataListDeallocate(dsRef, pUserNode);

		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
			radlog(L_ERR,"rlm_mschap: getUserNodeRef(): dsOpenDirNode() status = %ld", status);  
			result = RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
		result = RLM_MODULE_OK;
	while (0);
	if (pRecEntry != NULL)
		dsDeallocRecordEntry(dsRef, pRecEntry);

	if (tDataBuff != NULL)
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dsRef, tDataBuff);
	if (pUserLocation != NULL)
	if (pRecName != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate(dsRef, pRecName);
	if (pRecType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate(dsRef, pRecType);
	if (pAttrType != NULL) {
		dsDataListDeallocate(dsRef, pAttrType);
	if (nodeRef != 0)
	return  result;
Esempio n. 6
    tDirReference       dirRef,
    tDirNodeReference   nodeRef,
    const char *        username,
    tDataListPtr *      pathListToAuthNodePtr
    tDirStatus          err;
    tDirStatus          junk;
    tDataBufferPtr      buf;
    tDataListPtr        recordType;
    tDataListPtr        recordName;
    tDataListPtr        requestedAttributes;
    unsigned long       recordCount;
    tAttributeListRef   foundRecAttrList;
    tContextData        context;
    tRecordEntryPtr     foundRecEntry;
    tDataListPtr        pathListToAuthNode;

    if (!( (dirRef != NULL) || (nodeRef != NULL) || (username != NULL) ||
            ( pathListToAuthNodePtr != NULL) || (*pathListToAuthNodePtr == NULL) ) )

    recordType = NULL;
    recordName = NULL;
    requestedAttributes = NULL;
    foundRecAttrList = NULL;
    context = NULL;
    foundRecEntry = NULL;
    pathListToAuthNode = NULL;

    ** Allocate a buffer for the record results.  We'll grow this
    ** buffer if it proves to be too small.

    err = eDSNoErr;
    buf = dsDataBufferAllocate(dirRef, kDefaultDSBufferSize);
    if (buf == NULL)
        err = eDSAllocationFailed;

    ** Create the information needed for the search.  We're searching for
    ** a record of type kDSStdRecordTypeUsers whose name is "username".
    ** We want to get back the kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation and kDSNAttrRecordName
    ** attributes.

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        recordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(dirRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, NULL);
        recordName = dsBuildListFromStrings(dirRef, username, NULL);
        requestedAttributes = dsBuildListFromStrings(dirRef,
                              kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);

        if ( (recordType == NULL) || (recordName == NULL) ||
                (requestedAttributes == NULL) )
            err = eDSAllocationFailed;

    /* Search for a matching record. */

    if (err == eDSNoErr) {
        recordCount = 1;            /* we only want one match (the first) */

        err = dsGetRecordListQ(

    if ( (err == eDSNoErr) && (recordCount < 1) )
        err = eDSRecordNotFound;

    ** Get the first record from the search.  Then enumerate the attributes for
    ** that record.  For each attribute, extract the first value (remember that
    ** attributes can by multi-value).  Then see if the attribute is one that
    ** we care about.  If it is, remember the value for later processing.
    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        err = dsGetRecordEntry(nodeRef, buf, 1, &foundRecAttrList,

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        unsigned long attrIndex;

        /* Iterate over the attributes. */

        for (attrIndex = 1;
                attrIndex <= foundRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount;
            tAttributeValueListRef  thisValue;
            tAttributeEntryPtr      thisAttrEntry;
            tAttributeValueEntryPtr thisValueEntry;
            const char *            thisAttrName;

            thisValue = NULL;
            thisAttrEntry = NULL;
            thisValueEntry = NULL;

            /* Get the information for this attribute. */

            err = dsGetAttributeEntry(nodeRef, buf, foundRecAttrList, attrIndex,
                                      &thisValue, &thisAttrEntry);

            if (err == eDSNoErr)
                thisAttrName = thisAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData;

                /* We only care about attributes that have values. */

                if (thisAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0)
                    ** Get the first value for this attribute.  This is common
                    ** code for the two potential attribute values listed below,
                    ** so we do it first.

                    err = dsGetAttributeValue(nodeRef, buf, 1, thisValue,

                    if (err == eDSNoErr)
                        const char *    thisValueDataPtr;
                        unsigned long   thisValueDataLen;

                        thisValueDataPtr = thisValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData;
                        thisValueDataLen = thisValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength;

                                    ** Handle each of the two attributes we care about;
                        ** ignore any others.

                        if ( STcompare(thisAttrName,
                                       kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation) == 0 )

                                        ** This is the kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation attribute,
                            ** which contains a path to the node used for
                            ** authenticating this record; convert its value
                            ** into a path list.

                            pathListToAuthNode = dsBuildFromPath(
                            if (pathListToAuthNode == NULL)
                                err = eDSAllocationFailed;

                        fprintf(stderr, "FindUsersAuthInfo: Unexpected no-value attribute '%s'.", thisAttrName);

                /* Clean up. */

                if (thisValueEntry != NULL)
                    dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(dirRef, thisValueEntry);
                if (thisValue != NULL)
                if (thisAttrEntry != NULL)
                    dsDeallocAttributeEntry(dirRef, thisAttrEntry);

                if (err != eDSNoErr)
        } /* Check attr loop */

    /* Copy results out to caller. */

    if (err == eDSNoErr)
        if (pathListToAuthNode != NULL)
            /* Copy out results. */

            *pathListToAuthNodePtr = pathListToAuthNode;

            /* NULL out locals so that we don't dispose them. */

            pathListToAuthNode = NULL;
            err = eDSAttributeNotFound;

    /* Clean up. */

    if (pathListToAuthNode != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, pathListToAuthNode);
    if (foundRecAttrList != NULL)
    if (context != NULL)
        dsReleaseContinueData(dirRef, context);
    if (foundRecAttrList != NULL)
        dsDeallocRecordEntry(dirRef, foundRecEntry);
    if (requestedAttributes != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, requestedAttributes);
    if (recordName != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, recordName);
    if (recordType != NULL)
        dsDataListAndHeaderDeallocate(dirRef, recordType);
    if (buf != NULL)
        dsDataBufferDeAllocate(dirRef, buf);

    return err;