Esempio n. 1
static const char *load_file(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *filename)
    apr_dso_handle_t *handle;
    const char *used_file, *error;

    error = dso_load(cmd, &handle, filename, &used_file);
    if (error)
        return error;

    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, NULL, APLOGNO(01576)
                 "loaded file %s", used_file);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
void event_action_init(void) {
	logprintf(LOG_STACK, "%s(...)", __FUNCTION__);

	#include "action_init.h"
	void *handle = NULL;
	void (*init)(void);
	void (*compatibility)(struct module_t *module);
	char path[PATH_MAX];
	struct module_t module;
	char pilight_version[strlen(PILIGHT_VERSION)+1];
	char pilight_commit[3];
	char *action_root = NULL;
	int check1 = 0, check2 = 0, valid = 1, action_root_free = 0;
	strcpy(pilight_version, PILIGHT_VERSION);

	struct dirent *file = NULL;
	DIR *d = NULL;
	struct stat s;

	memset(pilight_commit, '\0', 3);

	if(settings_find_string("action-root", &action_root) != 0) {
		/* If no action root was set, use the default action root */
		if(!(action_root = MALLOC(strlen(ACTION_ROOT)+1))) {
			logprintf(LOG_ERR, "out of memory");
		strcpy(action_root, ACTION_ROOT);
		action_root_free = 1;
	size_t len = strlen(action_root);
	if(action_root[len-1] != '/') {
		strcat(action_root, "/");

	if((d = opendir(action_root))) {
		while((file = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
			memset(path, '\0', PATH_MAX);
			sprintf(path, "%s%s", action_root, file->d_name);		
			if(stat(path, &s) == 0) {
				/* Check if file */
				if(S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) {
					if(strstr(file->d_name, ".so") != NULL) {
						valid = 1;

						if((handle = dso_load(path)) != NULL) {
							init = dso_function(handle, "init");
							compatibility = dso_function(handle, "compatibility");
							if(init && compatibility) {
								if( != NULL && module.version != NULL && module.reqversion != NULL) {
									char ver[strlen(module.reqversion)+1];
									strcpy(ver, module.reqversion);

									if((check1 = vercmp(ver, pilight_version)) > 0) {
										valid = 0;

									if(check1 == 0 && module.reqcommit != NULL) {
										char com[strlen(module.reqcommit)+1];
										strcpy(com, module.reqcommit);
										sscanf(HASH, "v%*[0-9].%*[0-9]-%[0-9]-%*[0-9a-zA-Z\n\r]", pilight_commit);

										if(strlen(pilight_commit) > 0 && (check2 = vercmp(com, pilight_commit)) > 0) {
											valid = 0;
									if(valid == 1) {
										char tmp[strlen(];
										logprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "loaded event action %s v%s", file->d_name, module.version);
									} else {
										if(module.reqcommit != NULL) {
											logprintf(LOG_ERR, "event action %s requires at least pilight v%s (commit %s)", file->d_name, module.reqversion, module.reqcommit);
										} else {
											logprintf(LOG_ERR, "event action %s requires at least pilight v%s", file->d_name, module.reqversion);
								} else {
									logprintf(LOG_ERR, "invalid module %s", file->d_name);
	if(action_root_free) {
Esempio n. 3
static const char *load_module(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy,
                               const char *modname, const char *filename)
    apr_dso_handle_t *modhandle;
    apr_dso_handle_sym_t modsym;
    module *modp;
    const char *module_file;
    so_server_conf *sconf;
    ap_module_symbol_t *modi;
    ap_module_symbol_t *modie;
    int i;
    const char *error;

    /* we need to setup this value for dummy to make sure that we don't try
     * to add a non-existant tree into the build when we return to
     * execute_now.
    *(ap_directive_t **)dummy = NULL;

     * check for already existing module
     * If it already exists, we have nothing to do
     * Check both dynamically-loaded modules and statically-linked modules.
    sconf = (so_server_conf *)ap_get_module_config(cmd->server->module_config,
    modie = (ap_module_symbol_t *)sconf->loaded_modules->elts;
    for (i = 0; i < sconf->loaded_modules->nelts; i++) {
        modi = &modie[i];
        if (modi->name != NULL && strcmp(modi->name, modname) == 0) {
            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0,
                          cmd->pool, APLOGNO(01574) "module %s is already loaded, skipping",
            return NULL;

    for (i = 0; ap_preloaded_modules[i]; i++) {
        const char *preload_name;
        apr_size_t preload_len;
        apr_size_t thismod_len;

        modp = ap_preloaded_modules[i];

        /* make sure we're comparing apples with apples
         * make sure name of preloaded module is mod_FOO.c
         * make sure name of structure being loaded is FOO_module

        if (memcmp(modp->name, "mod_", 4)) {

        preload_name = modp->name + strlen("mod_");
        preload_len = strlen(preload_name) - 2;

        if (strlen(modname) <= strlen("_module")) {
        thismod_len = strlen(modname) - strlen("_module");
        if (strcmp(modname + thismod_len, "_module")) {

        if (thismod_len != preload_len) {

        if (!memcmp(modname, preload_name, preload_len)) {
            return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "module ", modname,
                               " is built-in and can't be loaded",

    modi = apr_array_push(sconf->loaded_modules);
    modi->name = modname;

     * Load the file into the Apache address space
    error = dso_load(cmd, &modhandle, filename, &module_file);
    if (error)
        return error;
    ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, cmd->pool, APLOGNO(01575)
                 "loaded module %s from %s", modname, module_file);

     * Retrieve the pointer to the module structure through the module name:
     * First with the hidden variant (prefix `AP_') and then with the plain
     * symbol name.
    if (apr_dso_sym(&modsym, modhandle, modname) != APR_SUCCESS) {
        char my_error[256];

        return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Can't locate API module structure `",
                          modname, "' in file ", module_file, ": ",
                          apr_dso_error(modhandle, my_error, sizeof(my_error)),
    modp = (module*) modsym;
    modp->dynamic_load_handle = (apr_dso_handle_t *)modhandle;
    modi->modp = modp;

     * Make sure the found module structure is really a module structure
    if (modp->magic != MODULE_MAGIC_COOKIE) {
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "API module structure '%s' in file %s "
                            "is garbled - expected signature %08lx but saw "
                            "%08lx - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO, "
                            "or was compiled for a different Apache version?",
                            modname, module_file,
                            MODULE_MAGIC_COOKIE, modp->magic);

     * Add this module to the Apache core structures
    error = ap_add_loaded_module(modp, cmd->pool, modname);
    if (error) {
        return error;

     * Register a cleanup in the config apr_pool_t (normally pconf). When
     * we do a restart (or shutdown) this cleanup will cause the
     * shared object to be unloaded.
    apr_pool_cleanup_register(cmd->pool, modi, unload_module, apr_pool_cleanup_null);

     * Finally we need to run the configuration process for the module
    ap_single_module_configure(cmd->pool, cmd->server, modp);

    return NULL;