Esempio n. 1
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned int cycle_count;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // Get the actual cycle count
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();

  // Perform a 25-taps FIR
  dsp16_filt_iirpart(vect1, vect2, SIZE, num, NUM_SIZE, den, DEN_SIZE, 0, 0);

  // Calculate the number of cycles
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

  // Print the number of cycles
  dsp16_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);

  // Print the  output signal
  dsp16_debug_print_vect(vect1, SIZE - NUM_SIZE + 1);

Esempio n. 2
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned int cycle_count;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // Get the actual cycle count
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();

  // Perform a convolution
  dsp32_vect_conv(vect1, vect2, VECT2_SIZE, vect3, VECT3_SIZE);

  // Calculate the number of cycles
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

  // Print the number of cycles
  dsp32_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);
  // Print the  output signal
  dsp32_debug_print_vect(vect1, VECT2_SIZE + VECT3_SIZE - 1);

Esempio n. 3
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  dsp16_t sample_x,sample_d;
  dsp16_t y, e;
  int i;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // Initialization of the buffers
  for(i=0; i<FIR_COEF_SIZE; i++)
    w[i] = 0;
    x[i] = 0;

  for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    // Compute a new sample
    sample_x = input_x[i];
    sample_d = input_d[i];
    // Compute the LMS filter
    dsp16_filt_nlms(x, w, FIR_COEF_SIZE, sample_x, sample_d, &y, &e);


  // Print the  output signal
  dsp16_debug_print_vect(&w[0], FIR_COEF_SIZE);

//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // Number of recursions
  for(i=0; i<1000; i++)
    // Perform a IIR filter
    dsp16_filt_iir(&y[DEN_SIZE], &x[NUM_SIZE-1], SIZE, num, NUM_SIZE, den, DEN_SIZE, NUM_PREDIV, DEN_PREDIV);
    // Update the output signal
    memmove(y, &y[SIZE], (DEN_SIZE)*sizeof(dsp16_t));


  // Print the  output signal
  dsp16_debug_print_vect(&y[DEN_SIZE], SIZE);

Esempio n. 5
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned int cycle_count;
  volatile  dsp32_t fft32_max;

    // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

    // Initialize the DSP debug module

    // Get the actual cycle count
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
    // Perform a 64-point complex FFT
  dsp32_trans_realcomplexfft(vect1, vect2, NLOG);
  // Perform the absolute value of a complex vector
  dsp32_vect_complex_abs(fft_real, vect1, SIZE);
  // Retrieves the maximum of a vector
  fft32_max = dsp32_vect_max(fft_real, SIZE);

    // Calculate the number of cycles the FFT took
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

    // Print the number of cycles
  dsp32_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);
    // Print the complex FFT output signal
  dsp32_debug_print_complex_vect(vect1, SIZE);

Esempio n. 6
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  dsp32_t vect1[SIZE];
  int cycle_count;
  int frequency, sample_rate;
  dsp32_t phase, amplitude;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // 1 KHz
  frequency = 1000;
  // 10 KHz
  sample_rate = 100000;
  // phase = PI/2
  phase = DSP32_Q(0.5);
  // amplitude
  amplitude = DSP32_Q(1.);

  dsp32_debug_printf("32-bit signal generation program test\n");

  // Compute the signal to generate
  // Sinusoidal
  case SIGNAL_SIN:
    dsp32_debug_printf("Frequency: %d, Fs: %d, Phase: %f\n", frequency, sample_rate, phase);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
    dsp32_gen_sin(vect1, SIZE, frequency, sample_rate, phase);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  // Cosinusoidal
  case SIGNAL_COS:
    dsp32_debug_printf("Frequency: %d, Fs: %d, Phase: %f\n", frequency, sample_rate, phase);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
    dsp32_gen_cos(vect1, SIZE, frequency, sample_rate, phase);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  // Noise
    dsp32_debug_printf("Amplitude: %d\n", amplitude);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
    dsp32_gen_noise(vect1, SIZE, amplitude);
    cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

  // Print the number of cycles
  dsp32_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);
  // Print the signal
  dsp32_debug_print_vect(vect1, SIZE);

Esempio n. 7
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  A_ALIGNED static dsp16_t s_input[N/NB_CUTS];
  int f;
  dsp_resampling_t *resampling;
  dsp16_t *output;
  U32 temp;
  dsp16_resampling_options_t options;

  // Initialize options
  memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
  options.coefficients_generation = DSP16_RESAMPLING_OPTIONS_USE_DYNAMIC;
  options.dynamic.coefficients_normalization = true;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  dsp16_debug_printf("16-bit fixed point signal resampling\n");
  dsp16_debug_printf("Input Fs: %iHz\n", F_INPUT);
  dsp16_debug_printf("Output Fs: %iHz\n", F_OUTPUT);
  dsp16_debug_printf("%i samples to process cut into %i buffers\n", N, NB_CUTS);
  dsp16_debug_printf("Filter order used: %i\n", FILTER_ORDER);

  if (!(resampling = dsp16_resampling_setup(F_INPUT, F_OUTPUT, N/NB_CUTS, FILTER_ORDER, 1, (malloc_fct_t) malloc, &options)))
    dsp16_debug_printf("Unable to allocate enough memory\n");
    return -1;

  if (!(output = (dsp16_t *) malloc(dsp16_resampling_get_output_max_buffer_size(resampling)*sizeof(dsp16_t) + 4)))
    dsp16_debug_printf("Unable to allocate enough memory for the output buffer\n");
    return -1;

  for(f=0; f<NB_CUTS; f++)
    memcpy(s_input, &s[N/NB_CUTS*f], (N/NB_CUTS)*sizeof(dsp16_t));
    temp = Get_sys_count();
    dsp16_resampling_compute(resampling, output, s_input, 0);
    temp = Get_sys_count() - temp;
    dsp16_debug_print_vect(output, dsp16_resampling_get_output_current_buffer_size(resampling));
    "Cycle count per iteration: %i\n            in total (to compute %i samples): %i\n",

  dsp16_resampling_free(resampling, (free_fct_t) free);

Esempio n. 8
// The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned int cycle_count, i;
	volatile  dsp32_t fft32_max;
	char *temp = " +";
	char complex_vect_result[SIZE][31];

	 * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
	 * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
	 * enabled in conf_clock.h.

	// Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

	// Get the actual cycle count
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	// Perform a 64-point complex FFT
	dsp32_trans_realcomplexfft(vect1, vect2, NLOG);
	// Perform the absolute value of a complex vector
	dsp32_vect_complex_abs(fft_real, vect1, SIZE);
	// Retrieves the maximum of a vector
	fft32_max = dsp32_vect_max(fft_real, SIZE);

	// Calculate the number of cycles the FFT took
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

	// Print the  output signal
	for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
		if (vect1[i].imag >= 0) {
			temp = " +";
		} else {
			temp = " ";
		dsp32_debug_sprintf(complex_vect_result[i],"%f%s%f", vect1[i].real,
	 * Place a breakpoint here and check ASCII output in complex_vect_result
	 * in Memory Window.
	 * Note: Find the variable address in Watch Window and enter it in
	 * Memory Window

	while (1) {
		// Intentionally left blank.
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int cycle_count, size;
  int i;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  dsp16_debug_printf("16-bit fixed point vectors program test\n");

  dsp16_debug_printf("Output vector 1 (size %i)\n", VECT1_SIZE);
  dsp16_debug_printf("Input vector 2 (size %i)\n", VECT2_SIZE);
  dsp16_debug_printf("Input vector 3 (size %i)\n", VECT3_SIZE);

    // Print the menu
    dsp16_debug_printf("***** Menu *****\n");
    for(i=0; i<sizeof(item_menu)/sizeof(s_item_menu); i++)
      dsp16_debug_printf("%i:\t%s\n", i, item_menu[i].title);

    // Prompt
    dsp16_debug_printf("> ");
    i = dsp_debug_read_ui();

    if (i >= 0 && i < sizeof(item_menu)/sizeof(s_item_menu))
      // Print the title
      dsp16_debug_printf("%s\n", item_menu[i].title);

      // Call the function to execute
      cycle_count = item_menu[i].action(&size);

      if (cycle_count != -1)
        // Print the number of cycles
        dsp16_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);
        // Print the result
        dsp16_debug_print_vect(vect1, size);
      dsp16_debug_printf("!Invalid item!\n");

    dsp16_debug_printf("<Press any key to continue>\n");
// The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	dsp32_t sample_x,sample_d;
	dsp32_t y, e;
	int i;
	char lms_vect_result[FIR_COEF_SIZE][15];

	 * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
	 * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
	 * enabled in conf_clock.h.

	// Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

	// Initialization of the buffers
	for (i = 0; i < FIR_COEF_SIZE; i++) {
		w[i] = 0;
		x[i] = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
		// Compute a new sample
		sample_x = input_x[i];
		sample_d = input_d[i];
		// Compute the LMS filter
		dsp32_filt_lms(x, w, FIR_COEF_SIZE, sample_x, sample_d, &y, &e);

	// Print the  output signal
	for (i = 0; i < FIR_COEF_SIZE; i++) {
		dsp32_debug_sprintf(lms_vect_result[i],"%f", w[i]);
	 * Place a breakpoint here and check the ASCII output in lms_vect_result
	 * in Memory Window.
	 * Note: Find the variable address in Watch Window and enter it in
	 * Memory Window

	while (1) {
		// Intentionally left blank.
//! \brief Main Function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int cycle_count, size;
    int i;
    struct {
        char menu[25];
        char result[VECT1_SIZE][15];
    } vectors_result;
     * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
     * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
     * enabled in conf_clock.h.

    // Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

    for (i = 0; i >= 0 && i < (sizeof(item_menu) / sizeof(s_item_menu)); i++) {
        // Call the function to execute
        cycle_count = item_menu[i].action(&size);
        dsp32_debug_sprintf(, "%s", item_menu[i].title);
        if (cycle_count != -1) {
            // Print the result
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                dsp32_debug_sprintf(vectors_result.result[i],"%f", vect1[i]);
             * Place a breakpoint here and check the ASCII output in
             * vectors_result in Memory Window.
             * Note: Find the variable address in Watch Window and enter it in
             * Memory Window

    while (1) {
        // Intentionally left blank.
Esempio n. 12
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned int cycle_count;
  int i;
  short predicted_value, step_index;
  int diff;
  dsp16_t ratio;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  // Get the actual cycle count
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();

  predicted_value = 0;
  step_index = 0;
  // Encode
  dsp_adpcm_ima_encode(cbuf, sbuf, NSAMPLES, &step_index, &predicted_value);

  predicted_value = 0;
  step_index = 0;
  // Decode
  dsp_adpcm_ima_decode(new_sbuf, cbuf, NSAMPLES, &step_index, &predicted_value);

  // Calculate the number of cycles
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

  // Error calculation
  diff = 0;
  for(i=0; i<NSAMPLES; i++)
    diff += ((new_sbuf[i]-sbuf[i]) > 0)?(new_sbuf[i]-sbuf[i]):(sbuf[i]-new_sbuf[i]);
  ratio = DSP16_Q((diff/NSAMPLES)/(((float) (1 << 15))));

  // Print the number of cycles
  dsp16_debug_printf("Cycle count: %d\n", cycle_count);
  // Print the error average
  dsp16_debug_printf("Error average ratio: %f\n", ratio);

Esempio n. 13
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned int cycle_count, i;
	char fir_vect_result[SIZE][15];

	 * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
	 * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
	 * enabled in conf_clock.h.

	// Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

	// Get the actual cycle count
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();

	// Perform a 25-taps FIR
	dsp32_filt_fir(y, x, SIZE, fir_coef, FIR_COEF_SIZE);

	// Calculate the number of cycles
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;

	// Print the  output signal
	for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
		dsp32_debug_sprintf(fir_vect_result[i],"%f", y[i]);
	 * Place a breakpoint here and check the ASCII output in fir_vect_result
	 * in Memory Window.
	 * Note: Find the variable address in Watch Window and enter it in
	 * Memory Window

	while (1) {
		// Intentionally left blank.
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	char iir_vect_result[SIZE][15];

	 * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
	 * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
	 * enabled in conf_clock.h.

	// Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

	// Number of recursions - Reduced to 5 decrease the time in Simulator
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		// Perform a IIR filter
		dsp32_filt_iir(&y[DEN_SIZE], &x[NUM_SIZE - 1], SIZE, num, NUM_SIZE,
		// Update the output signal
		memmove(y, &y[SIZE], (DEN_SIZE)*sizeof(dsp32_t));
	// Print the  output signal
	for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
		dsp32_debug_sprintf(iir_vect_result[i],"%f", y[i]);
	 * Place a breakpoint here and check the ASCII output in iir_vect_result
	 * in Memory Window.
	 * Note: Find the variable address in Watch Window and enter it in
	 * Memory Window

	while (1) {
		// Intentionally left blank.
Esempio n. 15
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	dsp32_t number, result;
	int cycle_count;
	char sin_result[50], cos_result[50], asin_result[50], acos_result[50],
			rand_result[50], sqrt_result[50], abs_result[50], ln_result[50],
			log2_result[50], log10_result[50], exp_result[50], pow_result[50];
	 * \note the call to sysclk_init() will disable all non-vital
	 * peripheral clocks, except for the peripheral clocks explicitly
	 * enabled in conf_clock.h.

	// Initialize the DSP debug USART module when running in external board

	 * Place a breakpoint on sprintf and check the ASCII output in
	 * %operator%_result in Watch Window or Memory Window.
	 * Note: Edit the variable name in Watch Window and append
	 * "&" at the start and ",s" at the end for displaying string.
	 * Read Watch Window Format Specifiers for more info.
	// 32-bit fixed point cosine
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_cos(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(cos_result, "cos(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point sine
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_sin(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(sin_result, "sin(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point arc cosine
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_acos(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(acos_result, "acos(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point arc sine
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_asin(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(asin_result, "asin(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point random
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_rand();
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(rand_result, "rand() %f (%i cycles)\n", result,

	// 32-bit fixed point square root
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_sqrt(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(sqrt_result, "sqrt(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point absolute
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_abs(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(abs_result, "abs(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point natural logarithm
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_ln(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(ln_result, "ln(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point binary logarithm
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_log2(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(log2_result, "log2(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point common logarithm
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_log10(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(log10_result, "log10(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point exponential
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_exp(number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(exp_result, "exp(%f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	// 32-bit fixed point power
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
	result = dsp32_op_pow(DSP32_Q(0.), number);
	cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
	dsp32_debug_sprintf(pow_result, "pow(0.5, %f) %f (%i cycles)\n", number,
			result, cycle_count);

	while (1) {
		// Intentionally left blank.
Esempio n. 16
//! The main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  dsp32_t number, result;
  int cycle_count;

  // Switch to external Oscillator 0.
  pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

  // Initialize the DSP debug module

  dsp32_debug_printf("32-bit fixed point operators program test\n");

  dsp32_debug_printf("Type a number: ");
  number = dsp_debug_read_q(DSP32_QA, DSP32_QB);

  dsp32_debug_printf("Number to compute: %f\n", number);

  // 32-bit fixed point cosine
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_cos(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("cos(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point sine
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_sin(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("sin(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point arc cosine
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_acos(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("acos(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point arc sine
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_asin(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("asin(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point random
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_rand();
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("rand()\t\t\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point square root
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_sqrt(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("sqrt(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point absolute
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_abs(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("abs(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point natural logarithm
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_ln(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("ln(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point binary logarithm
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_log2(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("log2(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point common logarithm
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_log10(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("log10(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point exponential
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_exp(number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("exp(%f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);

  // 32-bit fixed point power
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count();
  result = dsp32_op_pow(DSP32_Q(0.), number);
  cycle_count = Get_sys_count() - cycle_count;
  dsp32_debug_printf("pow(0.5, %f)\t\t%f\t(%i cycles)\n", number, result, cycle_count);
