Esempio n. 1
const MonomialIdeal /* or null */ *rawColonMonomialIdeal2(
    const MonomialIdeal *I,
    const MonomialIdeal *J)
      if (I->get_ring() != J->get_ring())
          ERROR("expected ideals in the same ring");
          return 0;
      MonomialIdeal *result = I->quotient(*J);
      if (M2_gbTrace >= 1) dstash();
      return result;

  } catch (const exc::engine_error& e)
      return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
File: pftn2.c Progetto: stqism/DEMOS
dclstruct( oparam ){
	register struct symtab *p;
	register i, al, sa, j, sz, szindex;
	register TWORD temp;
	register high, low;

	/* paramstack contains:
		paramstack[ oparam ] = previous instruct
		paramstack[ oparam+1 ] = previous class
		paramstk[ oparam+2 ] = previous strucoff
		paramstk[ oparam+3 ] = structure name

		paramstk[ oparam+4, ... ]  = member stab indices


	if( (i=paramstk[oparam+3]) < 0 ){
		szindex = curdim;
		dstash( 0 );  /* size */
		dstash( -1 );  /* index to member names */
		dstash( ALSTRUCT );  /* alignment */
	else {
		szindex = stab[i].sizoff;

	if( ddebug ){
		printf( "dclstruct( %.8s ), szindex = %d\n", (i>=0)? stab[i].sname : "??", szindex );
	temp = (instruct&INSTRUCT)?STRTY:((instruct&INUNION)?UNIONTY:ENUMTY);
	stwart = instruct = paramstk[ oparam ];
	curclass = paramstk[ oparam+1 ];
	dimtab[ szindex+1 ] = curdim;

	high = low = 0;

	for( i = oparam+4;  i< paramno; ++i ){
		dstash( j=paramstk[i] );
		if( j<0 || j>= SYMTSZ ) cerror( "gummy structure member" );
		p = &stab[j];
		if( temp == ENUMTY ){
			if( p->offset < low ) low = p->offset;
			if( p->offset > high ) high = p->offset;
			p->sizoff = szindex;
		sa = talign( p->stype, p->sizoff );
		if( p->sclass & FIELD ){
			sz = p->sclass&FLDSIZ;
		else {
			sz = tsize( p->stype, p->dimoff, p->sizoff );
		if( sz == 0 ){
			uerror( "illegal zero sized structure member: %.8s", p->sname );
		if( sz > strucoff ) strucoff = sz;  /* for use with unions */
		SETOFF( al, sa );
		/* set al, the alignment, to the lcm of the alignments of the members */
	dstash( -1 );  /* endmarker */
	SETOFF( strucoff, al );

	if( temp == ENUMTY ){
		register TWORD ty;

# ifdef ENUMSIZE
		ty = ENUMSIZE(high,low);
# else
		if( (char)high == high && (char)low == low ) ty = ctype( CHAR );
		else if( (short)high == high && (short)low == low ) ty = ctype( SHORT );
		else ty = ctype(INT);
		strucoff = tsize( ty, 0, (int)ty );
		dimtab[ szindex+2 ] = al = talign( ty, (int)ty );

	if( strucoff == 0 ) uerror( "zero sized structure" );
	dimtab[ szindex ] = strucoff;
	dimtab[ szindex+2 ] = al;

	if( ddebug>1 ){
		printf( "\tdimtab[%d,%d,%d] = %d,%d,%d\n", szindex,szindex+1,szindex+2,
				dimtab[szindex],dimtab[szindex+1],dimtab[szindex+2] );
		for( i = dimtab[szindex+1]; dimtab[i] >= 0; ++i ){
			printf( "\tmember %.8s(%d)\n", stab[dimtab[i]].sname, dimtab[i] );

	strucoff = paramstk[ oparam+2 ];
	paramno = oparam;

	return( mkty( temp, 0, szindex ) );