void DeformationGraph::GenerateRandomNodes() { std::list<PointWithID> pointcoll; // compute the sampledelta. const double samplelamada = 0.62; // this is a magic num, should not be modified. double surfacearea = dmesh.surfaceArea(); int sizeOfVertices = dmesh.pMesh->n_vertices(); double sampledelta = sqrt(surfacearea / (samplelamada * samplescale * sizeOfVertices)); // sample points on surface. GenerateDensePointSet(pointcoll, sampledelta); // compute the deleteradius. const double pi = acos(-1.0); const double deleteradius = sqrt(surfacearea / pi / deletearearate); // generate nodes. edges.reserve(nodenum); #ifdef DEBUGTRACE meshtalent::DebugTrace dt("./pointleft.log"); #endif RandUIntGenerator bigrand; bigrand.srand(time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < nodenum; ++i) { // adjust nodenum automatically. if (pointcoll.empty()) { const_cast<int&>(nodenum) = i; break; } #ifdef DEBUGTRACE dt.Trace("%d\n", pointcoll.size()); #endif // randomly select a point. int ranindex = bigrand() % static_cast<long>(pointcoll.size()); std::list<PointWithID>::iterator it = pointcoll.begin(); advance(it, ranindex); // add to Graph. GraphNode tnode(it->p, i); switch (it->from) { case PointWithID::VERTEX: tnode.vertexID = it->id; break; case PointWithID::EDGE: moveFromEdgeToVertex(&tnode, *it); break; case PointWithID::FACE: moveFromFaceToVertex(&tnode, *it); break; default: assert(false); break; } edges.push_back(make_pair(tnode, std::vector<int>())); pointcoll.remove_if(WithinCircle(it->p, deleteradius)); // remove nearby points. } #ifndef NDEBUG // assert the distance between each two Graph nodes is larger than radius. for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(edges.size()); ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < static_cast<int>(edges.size()); ++j) { //assert((edges[i].first.g - edges[j].first.g).mag() >= deleteradius); } } #endif }
bool decode_url(wxString surl, wxString& prefix, wxString &window, PeriodType& period, time_t& time, int& selected_draw, bool xml) { wxString url; if(xml) url = decode_string_xml(surl); else url = decode_string(surl); selected_draw = -1; url.Trim(true); url.Trim(false); /* draw://<prefix>/<window>/<period>/time */ wxStringTokenizer tok(url, _T("/")); if (tok.CountTokens() != 6 && tok.CountTokens() != 7) return false; tok.GetNextToken(); tok.GetNextToken(); prefix = tok.GetNextToken(); window = tok.GetNextToken(); wxString pstr = tok.GetNextToken(); if (pstr == _T("E")) period = PERIOD_T_DECADE; else if (pstr == _T("Y")) period = PERIOD_T_YEAR; else if (pstr == _T("M")) period = PERIOD_T_MONTH; else if (pstr == _T("W")) period = PERIOD_T_WEEK; else if (pstr == _T("S")) period = PERIOD_T_SEASON; else if (pstr == _T("D")) period = PERIOD_T_DAY; else if (pstr == _T("10M")) period = PERIOD_T_30MINUTE; else return false; long rtime; if (tok.GetNextToken().ToLong(&rtime) == false) return false; wxDateTime dt(rtime); if (rtime <= 0 || #ifdef __WXMSW__ rtime >= 2147483647 #else rtime == std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() #endif || dt.GetYear() < 1980 || dt.GetYear() > 2037) time = wxDateTime::Now().GetTicks(); else time = rtime; if (tok.HasMoreTokens()) { long tmpval; if (tok.GetNextToken().ToLong(&tmpval) == false) return false; selected_draw = tmpval; } return true; }
void Console::writeTimestepInformation() { // Stream to build the time step information std::stringstream oss; // Write timestep data for transient executioners if (_transient) { // Get the length of the time step string std::ostringstream time_step_string; time_step_string << timeStep(); unsigned int n = time_step_string.str().size(); if (n < 2) n = 2; // Write time step and time information oss << std::endl << "Time Step " << std::setw(n) << timeStep(); // Set precision if (_precision > 0) oss << std::setw(_precision) << std::setprecision(_precision) << std::setfill('0') << std::showpoint; // Show scientific notation if (_scientific_time) oss << std::scientific; // Print the time oss << ", time = " << time() << std::endl; // Show old time information, if desired if (_verbose) oss << std::right << std::setw(21) << std::setfill(' ') << "old time = " << std::left << timeOld() << '\n'; // Show the time delta information oss << std::right << std::setw(21) << std::setfill(' ') << "dt = " << std::left << dt() << '\n'; // Show the old time delta information, if desired if (_verbose) oss << std::right << std::setw(21) << std::setfill(' ') << "old dt = " << _dt_old << '\n'; } // Output to the screen _console << oss.str(); }
/** * get next time (t + dt). * @return next time Real */ inline Real next_time() const { return t() + dt(); }
void SMTPChannel::log(const Message& msg) { try { MailMessage message; message.setSender(_sender); message.addRecipient(MailRecipient(MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT, _recipient)); message.setSubject("Log Message from " + _sender); std::stringstream content; content << "Log Message\r\n" << "===========\r\n\r\n" << "Host: " << Environment::nodeName() << "\r\n" << "Logger: " << msg.getSource() << "\r\n"; if (_local) { DateTime dt(msg.getTime()); content << "Timestamp: " << DateTimeFormatter::format(LocalDateTime(dt), DateTimeFormat::RFC822_FORMAT) << "\r\n"; } else content << "Timestamp: " << DateTimeFormatter::format(msg.getTime(), DateTimeFormat::RFC822_FORMAT) << "\r\n"; content << "Priority: " << NumberFormatter::format(msg.getPriority()) << "\r\n" << "Process ID: " << NumberFormatter::format(msg.getPid()) << "\r\n" << "Thread: " << msg.getThread() << " (ID: " << msg.getTid() << ")\r\n" << "Message text: " << msg.getText() << "\r\n\r\n"; message.addContent(new StringPartSource(content.str())); if (!_attachment.empty()) { { Poco::FileInputStream fis(_attachment, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if (fis.good()) { typedef std::allocator<std::string::value_type>::size_type SST; std::streamoff size = fis.tellg(); poco_assert (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() >= size); poco_assert (std::numeric_limits<SST>::max() >= size); char* pMem = new char [static_cast<unsigned int>(size)]; fis.seekg(std::ios::beg); fis.read(pMem, size); message.addAttachment(_attachment, new StringPartSource(std::string(pMem, static_cast<SST>(size)), _type, _attachment)); delete [] pMem; } } if (_delete) File(_attachment).remove(); } SMTPClientSession session(_mailHost); session.login(); session.sendMessage(message); session.close(); } catch (Exception&) { if (_throw) throw; } }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *totalwordcountinptr; FILE *dateinptr; FILE *currentshinglefileinptr; FILE *shinglefileinptr; FILE *wordcountfileinptr; FILE *dateestfileoutptr; FILE *testoutputptr; FILE *randomnumfileinptr; char shinglefile[30]; char totalwordcount[30]; char randomnumfile[30]; char aawmaster[30]; char dateest[30]; char *basedirectory="/u/gelila/computation/dictionary/dateshingprobdir/"; char *wordcountfile="count"; char *shingled=".shingled"; char *basename="aaw"; char *at="@"; char currentfilename[200]; char *currentstring; char tempcurrentstring[100]; /*char currentstring[10];*/ char dummystring1[20]; char dummystring2[20]; char dummystring3[20]; char shingle[300]; char *shinglearray[500000]; int i, j, l,k, t, count,wordcount, ti,freq, date, remainder, lengthshingarray,location, optdate, randomnum; int randomnumvec[1500000]; int traindate[3000]; int bootvector[3000]; int Occvector[3000]; int Occvectortotal[3000]; int ns[3000]; int Nt[3000]; int indicator[3000]; int sizeoftrain=2608; int /* mindatedata=1050;*/ mindatedata=1089; int /* maxdatedata=1500; */ maxdatedata=1466; int mindate=1089; int maxdate=1466; int RESIDUEval=8; int RESIDUEtest=9; int bootstrapsample=500; float h, sum, Num[400], Den[400], probs[400], probdoc[400], kernelvalue[378]; float bottomline; strcpy(shinglefile, argv[1]); /* mergershing3onlysortuniq */ strcpy(randomnumfile, argv[2]); /* randomnumberfile */ strcpy(totalwordcount, argv[3]); /* totaldocboot */ strcpy(aawmaster, argv[4]); /* aawmaster */ h=atoi(argv[5]); /* bandwidth value h */ strcpy(dateest, argv[6]); /* dateestboot */ currentstring = malloc(11*sizeof(char)); totalwordcountinptr=fopen(totalwordcount, "r"); for(i=0; i<sizeoftrain; i++){ fscanf(totalwordcountinptr, "%d", &wordcount); Occvectortotal[i]=wordcount; } fclose(totalwordcountinptr); for(i=0; i<=500000; i++){ shinglearray[i]=malloc(200*sizeof(char)); } i=0; shinglefileinptr=fopen(shinglefile, "r"); fscanf(shinglefileinptr, "%s", shingle); while(!feof(shinglefileinptr)){ /*printf("%s \n", shingle);*/ strcpy(shinglearray[i],shingle); fscanf(shinglefileinptr, "%s", shingle); i++; } fclose(shinglefileinptr); lengthshingarray=i; randomnumfileinptr=fopen(randomnumfile, "r"); j=0; while(!feof(randomnumfileinptr)){ fscanf(randomnumfileinptr, "%d", &randomnum); randomnumvec[j]=randomnum; j++; } printf("%d \n", j); dateinptr=fopen(aawmaster, "r"); j=0; for(i=1; i<=3353; i++){ fscanf(dateinptr, "%s %d %s", dummystring1, &date, dummystring2); if( (i%RESIDUEval)!=0 && (i%RESIDUEtest)!=0 ){ traindate[j]=date; j++; } } fclose(dateinptr); /* PUT THE KERNEL VALUES HERE */ for(i=0; i<=maxdate-mindate;i++){ kernelvalue[i]= dt((float)(i/h),10.5); /*printf("%.12f \n", kernelvalue[i]);*/ } bottomline=/*exp(-pow(378/5,2))/(450*378);*/ log(pow(5,-30)); dateestfileoutptr=fopen(dateest, "w"); /* this comand just wipes out the previous contents of the file. later it will be re-opened in append mode */ fclose(dateestfileoutptr); for(k=0; k<bootstrapsample; k++){ /* AN OUTER LOOP HERE FOR REPEATING BOOTSTRAP SAMPLING */ for(i=0; i<sizeoftrain; i++){ bootvector[i]=0; } for(i=0; i<sizeoftrain; i++){ /* THE END OF THE LOOP DOESN'T HAVE TO BE sizeoftrain....SHOULD PERHAPSE BE MUCH LARGER */ bootvector[i]=randomnumvec[i + sizeoftrain * k]; /* printf("%d ", bootvector[i]); */ } /* printf("\n"); */ if(k>=0){ /* for debugging purposes ....since it crashes after k>=854 */ for(i=1; i<=1026/*3353*/; i++){ /* to obtain 100 test documents */ if( (i%RESIDUEtest)==0 && (i%RESIDUEval)!=0 ){ inttostring(i, currentstring); /* TAKING A DOC FROM THE TEST SET */ currentstring = currentstring + 2*sizeof(char); strcpy(currentfilename, basename); strcat(currentfilename, currentstring); strcat(currentfilename, shingled); currentstring = currentstring - 2*sizeof(char); /* reset the pointer for currentstring */ currentshinglefileinptr=fopen(currentfilename, "r"); /* SUCH AS AAW0009.SHINGLED */ for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ probdoc[t]=0; } while(!feof(currentshinglefileinptr)){ fscanf(currentshinglefileinptr, "%s %s %s", dummystring1, dummystring2, dummystring3); strcpy(shingle, dummystring1); strcat(shingle, at); strcat(shingle, dummystring2); strcat(shingle, at); strcat(shingle, dummystring3); location=binarystringsearch(shinglearray, shingle, lengthshingarray); /* printf("%s %d \n", shingle, location); */ if(location!=0){ inttostring(location, currentstring); strcpy(tempcurrentstring, basedirectory); strcat(tempcurrentstring, wordcountfile); strcat(tempcurrentstring, currentstring); /*printf("%s %d %s \n", shingle, location, tempcurrentstring);*/ wordcountfileinptr=fopen(tempcurrentstring, "r"); count=0; fscanf(wordcountfileinptr, "%d", &freq); while(!feof(wordcountfileinptr)){ Occvector[count]=freq; fscanf(wordcountfileinptr, "%d", &freq); count++; } fclose(wordcountfileinptr); /*printf("count=%d \n", count);*/ /* NEED TO SET UP dateshingresultfileboot FROM THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM INTO FILE AND THEN USE mergershing2onlysortuniq AS AN INPUT IN ORDER TO USE THE BINARY SEARCH ALGORITHM */ /* ASSUMING THE LOCATION OF THE SHINGLE HAS BEEN FOUND, (NEED TO PUT STATEMENT IF NOT FOUND) */ /* YOU THEN PUT ALL THE 2608 COLUMNS INTO AN ARRAY CALLED Occvector */ for(l=0; l<sizeoftrain; l++){ ns[l]=Occvector[l]*bootvector[l]; } for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ sum=0; for(j=0; j<sizeoftrain; j++){ sum=sum+((float) ns[j])*kernelvalue[abs( (traindate[j]-mindate)-t )]; /*printf("kernelvalue[traindate[j]-t]=%.20f \n", kernelvalue[abs( (traindate[j]-mindate)-t )]);*/ } Num[t]=sum; } for(l=0; l<sizeoftrain; l++){ Nt[l]=Occvectortotal[l]*bootvector[l]; /*printf("occvectortotal[%d] = %d \t bootvector[%d] = %d \n", l, Occvectortotal[l], l, bootvector[l] );*/ } for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ sum=0; for(j=0; j<sizeoftrain; j++){ sum=sum+((float) Nt[j])*kernelvalue[abs( (traindate[j]-mindate)-t )]; } Den[t]=sum; } for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ /*printf("%.20f %.20f \n", Num[t], Den[t]);*/ } for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ if(log((float)(Num[t]/Den[t])) <bottomline){ probs[t]=bottomline; } else{ probs[t]=log((float)(Num[t]/Den[t])); } } /*printf("%f %f %f \n", Num[t], Den[t],probs[t]);*/ for(t=0; t<=maxdate-mindate; t++){ probdoc[t]=probdoc[t]+probs[t]; } } /* if(location!=0) */ } /*while(!feof(currentshinglefileinptr)) */ fclose(currentshinglefileinptr); optdate=0; for(t=0; t<=maxdatedata-mindatedata ; t++){ /*printf("%.12f \n", probdoc[t]);*/ if(probdoc[t]>=probdoc[optdate]){ optdate=t; } } dateestfileoutptr=fopen(dateest, "a"); fprintf(dateestfileoutptr, "%d\t%d\n", optdate+1089, i); fclose(dateestfileoutptr); /* printf("%d %d\n",optdate+1089, i); */ } } /* for(i=1; i<=3353; i++) */ } /*fclose(dateestfileoutptr);*/ } /* for(k=1; k<=bootstrapsample; k++) */ }
int main() { int pid1 = 0; int pid2 = 0; try { std::cout << "Cancel before" << std::endl; io::io_service srv; the_service = &srv; io::acceptor ac(srv); the_socket = ∾ ac.open(io::pf_inet); ac.set_option(io::basic_socket::reuse_address,true); io::endpoint ep("",8080); ac.bind(ep); ac.listen(5); io::stream_socket s1(srv); ac.async_accept(s1,socket_accept_failer); ac.cancel(); srv.run(); TEST(called); called=false; srv.reset(); std::cout << "Cancel by timer" << std::endl; io::deadline_timer dt(srv); dt.expires_from_now(booster::ptime::milliseconds(100)); dt.async_wait(socket_canceler); ac.async_accept(s1,socket_accept_failer); srv.run(); TEST(called); called=false; srv.reset(); std::cout << "Cancel by thread" << std::endl; booster::thread t1(thread_socket_canceler); ac.async_accept(s1,socket_accept_failer); srv.run(); TEST(called); called=false; t1.join(); srv.reset(); std::cout << "Accept by thread" << std::endl; booster::thread t2(thread_socket_connector); ac.async_accept(s1,async_socket_writer); accepted_socket=&s1; srv.run(); TEST(called); called=false; t2.join(); srv.reset(); s1.close(); std::cout << "Acceptor is shared" << std::endl; pid1=fork(); if(pid1==0) { child(); return 0; } pid2=fork(); if(pid2==0) { child(); return 0; } booster::ptime::millisleep(100); s1.open(io::pf_inet); s1.connect(ep); int in_pid1=0; s1.read(io::buffer(&in_pid1,sizeof(int))); s1.close(); s1.open(io::pf_inet); s1.connect(ep); int in_pid2=0; s1.read(io::buffer(&in_pid2,sizeof(int))); s1.close(); TEST((in_pid1==pid1 && in_pid2==pid2) || (in_pid1==pid2 && in_pid2==pid1)); } catch(std::exception const &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; if(pid1!=0) { kill(pid1,SIGKILL); int r; wait(&r); } if(pid2!=0) { kill(pid2,SIGKILL); int r; wait(&r); } return 1; } if(pid1!=0 && pid2!=0) { int r1=0,r2=0; ::wait(&r1); ::wait(&r2); if( WIFEXITED(r1) && WEXITSTATUS(r1)==0 && WIFEXITED(r2) && WEXITSTATUS(r2)==0) { std::cerr << "Ok" <<std::endl; return 0; } return 1; } return 0; }
void PsyUtils::TPositionInfo2QGeoPositionInfo(TPositionInfoBase &aPosInfoBase, QGeoPositionInfo& aQPosInfo) { if (aPosInfoBase.PositionClassType() & EPositionInfoClass || aPosInfoBase.PositionClassType() & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass) { TPositionInfo *posInfo = static_cast<TPositionInfo*>(&aPosInfoBase); TPosition pos; QGeoCoordinate coord; posInfo->GetPosition(pos); coord.setLatitude(pos.Latitude()); coord.setLongitude(pos.Longitude()); coord.setAltitude(pos.Altitude()); //store the QGeoCoordinate values aQPosInfo.setCoordinate(coord); TDateTime datetime = pos.Time().DateTime(); QDateTime dt(QDate(datetime.Year() , datetime.Month() + 1, datetime.Day() + 1), QTime(datetime.Hour() , datetime.Minute(), datetime.Second(), datetime.MicroSecond() / 1000), Qt::UTC); //store the time stamp aQPosInfo.setTimestamp(dt); //store the horizontal accuracy aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy, pos.HorizontalAccuracy()); //store the vertical accuracy aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalAccuracy, pos.VerticalAccuracy()); if (aPosInfoBase.PositionClassType() & EPositionSatelliteInfoClass) { TCourse course; TPositionSatelliteInfo *satInfo = static_cast<TPositionSatelliteInfo*>(&aPosInfoBase); satInfo->GetCourse(course); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction, course.Heading()); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed, course.Speed()); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalSpeed, course.VerticalSpeed()); } } if (aPosInfoBase.PositionClassType() & EPositionGenericInfoClass) { HPositionGenericInfo *genInfo = static_cast<HPositionGenericInfo*>(&aPosInfoBase); float val; //check for the horizontal speed if (genInfo->IsFieldAvailable(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed)) { genInfo->GetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, val); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed, val); } //check for the vertcal speed if (genInfo->IsFieldAvailable(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed)) { genInfo->GetValue(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed, val); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalSpeed, val); } //check for the magnetic variation if (genInfo->IsFieldAvailable(EPositionFieldMagneticCourseError)) { genInfo->GetValue(EPositionFieldMagneticCourseError, val); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::MagneticVariation, val); } //check for the heading if (genInfo->IsFieldAvailable(EPositionFieldHeading)) { genInfo->GetValue(EPositionFieldHeading, val); aQPosInfo.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction, val); } } }
void modCalcDayLength::showCurrentDate (void) { KStarsDateTime dt( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() ); datBox->setDate( dt.date() ); }
time_t DateTime::GetGMTTime() const { DateTime dt(GetTime()); dt.IncrementClock(3600.0f * -1.0f * mGMTOffset); return dt.GetTime(); }
void DateTime::GetGMTTime(tm& timeParts) const { DateTime dt(GetTime()); dt.IncrementClock(double(3600.0f * -mGMTOffset)); dt.GetTime(timeParts); }
bool DocumentSaverDB::saveDocument(KraftDoc *doc ) { bool result = false; if( ! doc ) return result; QSqlTableModel model; model.setTable("document"); QSqlRecord record; kDebug() << "############### Document Save ################" << endl; if( doc->isNew() ) { record = model.record(); } else { model.setFilter("docID=" + doc->docID().toString()); model.select(); if ( model.rowCount() > 0 ) { record = model.record(0); } else { kError() << "Could not select document record" << endl; return result; } // The document was already saved. } if( !doc->isNew() && doc->docTypeChanged() && doc->newIdent() ) { // an existing doc has a new document type. Fix the doc number cycle and pick a new ident DocType dt( doc->docType() ); QString ident = dt.generateDocumentIdent( doc ); doc->setIdent( ident ); } fillDocumentBuffer( record, doc ); if( doc->isNew() ) { kDebug() << "Doc is new, inserting" << endl; if( !model.insertRecord(-1, record)) { QSqlError err = model.lastError(); kDebug() << "################# SQL Error: " << err.text(); } model.submitAll(); dbID id = KraftDB::self()->getLastInsertID(); doc->setDocID( id ); // get the uniq id and write it into the db DocType dt( doc->docType() ); QString ident = dt.generateDocumentIdent( doc ); doc->setIdent( ident ); model.setFilter("docID=" + id.toString()); model.select(); if ( model.rowCount() > 0 ) { model.setData(model.index(0, 1), ident); model.submitAll(); } } else { kDebug() << "Doc is not new, updating #" << doc->docID().intID() << endl; record.setValue( "docID", doc->docID().toString() ); model.setRecord(0, record); model.submitAll(); } saveDocumentPositions( doc ); kDebug() << "Saved document no " << doc->docID().toString() << endl; return result; }
void toyMCGen(const int nsig, const float wtag, const float purity){ TFile* file = new TFile("toyMC.root","RECREATE"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../PDFs/Faddeeva.hh+"); gROOT->LoadMacro("../PDFs/libFadeeva.so"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../PDFs/RooBtoDhFadeeva.cxx++"); RooRealVar tau("tau","tau",_tau,"ps"); tau.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar dm("dm","dm",_dm,"ps^{-1}"); dm.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar sin2beta("sin2beta","sin2beta",_sin2beta); sin2beta.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar cos2beta("cos2beta","cos2beta",_cos2beta); cos2beta.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar dt("dt","dt",-3.,3.,"ps"); RooRealVar moment("moment","moment",-1.); moment.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar parity("parity","parity",0.); parity.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar* K[8]; RooRealVar* Kb[8]; RooRealVar* C[8]; RooRealVar* S[8]; RooRealVar* Sb[8]; stringstream out; for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ out.str(""); out << "K" << i; K[i] = new RooRealVar(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),_K[i]); K[i]->setConstant(kTRUE); out.str(""); out << "Kb" << i; Kb[i] = new RooRealVar(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),_Kb[i]); Kb[i]->setConstant(kTRUE); out.str(""); out << "C" << i; C[i] = new RooRealVar(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),_C[i]); C[i]->setConstant(kTRUE); out.str(""); out << "S" << i; S[i] = new RooRealVar(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),_S[i]); S[i]->setConstant(kTRUE); out.str(""); out << "Sb" << i; Sb[i] = new RooRealVar(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),-_S[i]); Sb[i]->setConstant(kTRUE); } cout << "Hello world!" << endl; RooCategory tag("tag","tag"); tag.defineType("B0",1); tag.defineType("anti-B0",-1); RooCategory bin("bin","bin"); bin.defineType("1",1); bin.defineType("2",2); bin.defineType("3",3); bin.defineType("4",4); bin.defineType("5",5); bin.defineType("6",6); bin.defineType("7",7); bin.defineType("8",8); bin.defineType("-1",-1); bin.defineType("-2",-2); bin.defineType("-3",-3); bin.defineType("-4",-4); bin.defineType("-5",-5); bin.defineType("-6",-6); bin.defineType("-7",-7); bin.defineType("-8",-8); RooRealVar mean("mean","mean",0.,"ps"); mean.setConstant(kTRUE); RooRealVar sigma("sigma","sigma",_tau,"ps"); sigma.setConstant(kTRUE); // RooGaussModel rf("rf","rf",dt,mean,sigma); // RooTruthModel rf("rf","rf",dt); cout << "Raw PDFs..." << endl; RooBtoDhFadeeva pdfs[16]; RooBtoDhFadeeva pdfsb[16]; for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ out.str(""); out << "B0 pdf " << i+1; pdfs[i] = RooBtoDhFadeeva(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,tau,dm,sin2beta,cos2beta,*K[i],*Kb[i],*C[i],*S[i],moment,parity); out.str(""); out << "B0 pdf " << -(i+1); pdfs[i+8] = RooBtoDhFadeeva(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,tau,dm,sin2beta,cos2beta,*Kb[i],*K[i],*C[i],*Sb[i],moment,parity); out.str(""); out << "anti-B0 pdf " << i+1; pdfsb[i] = RooBtoDhFadeeva(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,tau,dm,sin2beta,cos2beta,*K[i],*Kb[i],*C[i],*Sb[i],moment,parity); out.str(""); out << "anti-B0 pdf " << -(i+1); pdfsb[i+8]= RooBtoDhFadeeva(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,tau,dm,sin2beta,cos2beta,*Kb[i],*K[i],*C[i],*S[i],moment,parity); } cout << "Numerical convolution..." << endl; // RooFFTConvPdf PDFs[16]; // RooFFTConvPdf PDFsb[16]; // for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ // out.str(""); // out << "B0 PDF " << i+1; // PDFs[i] = RooFFTConvPdf(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,pdfs[i],rf); // out.str(""); // out << "B0 PDF " << -(i+1); // PDFs[i+8] = RooFFTConvPdf(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,pdfs[i+8],rf); // out.str(""); // out << "anti-B0 PDF " << i+1; // PDFsb[i] = RooFFTConvPdf(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,pdfsb[i],rf); // out.str(""); // out << "anti-B0 PDF " << -(i+1); // PDFsb[i+8]= RooFFTConvPdf(out.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str(),dt,pdfsb[i+8],rf); // } cout << "Filling dataset..." << endl; RooDataSet d("data","data",RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); RooDataSet *data; int N; for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ out.str(""); out << i+1; bin.setLabel(out.str().c_str()); // Signal with true tag N = (int)(nsig*(1.-wtag)*_K[i]*0.5); // B0 data = PDFs[i].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = PDFsb[i].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // Signal with wrong tag N = (int)(nsig*wtag*_K[i]*0.5); // B0 data = PDFsb[i].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = PDFs[i].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } //Background N = (int)(nsig/purity*_K[i]*0.5); // B0 data = rf.generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = rf.generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } ////////////// // anti-bin // ////////////// out.str(""); out << -(i+1); bin.setLabel(out.str().c_str()); // Signal with true tag N = (int)(nsig*(1.-wtag)*_Kb[i]*0.5); // B0 data = PDFs[i+8].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = PDFsb[i+8].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // Signal with wrong tag N = (int)(nsig*wtag*_Kb[i]*0.5); // B0 data = PDFsb[i+8].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = PDFs[i+8].generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } //Background N = (int)(nsig/purity*_Kb[i]*0.5); // B0 data = rf.generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } // anti-B0 data = rf.generate(RooArgSet(dt),N); tag.setLabel("anti-B0"); for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ dt = data->get(j)->find(dt.GetName())->getVal(); d.add(RooArgSet(dt,bin,tag)); } } d.Print(); d.Write(); file->Close(); return; }
void DeformationGraph::GenerateDensePointSet(std::list<PointWithID>& pointcoll, double delta) { #ifdef DEBUGTRACE meshtalent::DebugTrace dt("./sample.log"); #endif assert(pointcoll.size() == 0); typedef DeformableMesh3d::InterMesh InterMesh; InterMesh* pMesh = dmesh.pMesh; int vertexnum = pMesh->n_vertices(); //int edgenum = pMesh->n_edges(); //int facetnum = pMesh->n_faces(); // sample points on vertices. InterMesh::VertexIter v_it, v_end(pMesh->vertices_end()); for (v_it = pMesh->vertices_begin(); v_it != v_end; ++v_it) { InterMesh::Point& p = pMesh->point(v_it); P3d p3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]); pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(p3d, PointWithID::VERTEX, v_it.handle().idx())); } #ifdef DEBUGTRACE dt.Trace("There %d vertex_points sampled.\n", vertexnum); #endif // sample points on edges. int epcount = 0; InterMesh::EdgeIter e_it, e_end(pMesh->edges_end()); for (e_it = pMesh->edges_begin(); e_it != e_end; ++e_it) { InterMesh::EdgeHandle eh = pMesh->handle(*e_it); InterMesh::HalfedgeHandle heh = pMesh->halfedge_handle(eh, 0); // always select the first edge, but if it's a boundary?? InterMesh::VertexHandle phfrom = pMesh->from_vertex_handle(heh); InterMesh::VertexHandle phto = pMesh->to_vertex_handle(heh); InterMesh::Point pf = pMesh->point(phfrom); InterMesh::Point pt = pMesh->point(phto); P3d p3dfrom(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]); P3d p3dto(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); double dist = (p3dto - p3dfrom).mag(); //compute delta vector and sample on this edge. V3d deltaV = (p3dto - p3dfrom) * delta; int times = static_cast<int>(dist / delta) - 1; P3d p3dnow = p3dfrom; for (int j = 0; j < times; ++j) { p3dnow += deltaV; pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(p3dnow, PointWithID::EDGE, e_it.handle().idx())); } epcount += (times < 0 ? 0 : times); } #ifdef DEBUGTRACE dt.Trace("There are %d edge_points sampled.\n", epcount); #endif // sample points on facet. int fpcount = 0; InterMesh::FaceIter f_it, f_end(pMesh->faces_end()); for (f_it = pMesh->faces_begin(); f_it != f_end; ++f_it) { P3d trivertices[3]; //assert((*f_it).is_triangle()); InterMesh::FaceVertexIter fv_it(pMesh->fv_iter(f_it.handle())); int j = 0; for (; fv_it; ++fv_it, ++j) { InterMesh::Point& p = pMesh->point(fv_it); trivertices[j] = P3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]); } // compute num should be sampled. V3d v1 = trivertices[1] - trivertices[0]; V3d v2 = trivertices[2] - trivertices[0]; //double lenv1 = v1.mag(); //double lenv2 = v2.mag(); double area = (v1 % v2).mag() / 2; int samplenum = static_cast<int>(area / (delta * delta)); fpcount += samplenum; RandDoubleGenerator drand; drand.srand(time(NULL)); while (samplenum > 0) { double lamada1 = drand(0, 1); double lamada2 = drand(0, 1); if (lamada1 + lamada2 >= 1) { // judge if this point is not in triangle. continue; } P3d tp3d = trivertices[0] + (v1 * lamada1 + v2 * lamada2); pointcoll.push_back(PointWithID(tp3d, PointWithID::FACE, f_it.handle().idx())); --samplenum; } // end of while. } // end of for. #ifdef DEBUGTRACE dt.Trace("There are %d facet_points sampled.\n", fpcount); dt.Trace("There are %d points sampled totally.\n", pointcoll.size()); #endif }
std::string CmdPrint::FormatResult(const char *format, CVarRef ret) { if (format == nullptr) { String sret = DebuggerClient::FormatVariable(ret, -1); return string(sret.data(), sret.size()); } if (strcmp(format, "v") == 0) { String sret = DebuggerClient::FormatVariable(ret, -1, true); return string(sret.data(), sret.size()); } if (strcmp(format, "dec") == 0 || strcmp(format, "unsigned") == 0 || ret.isInteger()) { int64_t nret = ret.toInt64(); char buf[64]; if (strcmp(format, "hex") == 0 || strcmp(format, "x") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIx64, nret); return buf; } if (strcmp(format, "oct") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIo64, nret); return buf; } if (strcmp(format, "dec") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRId64, nret); return buf; } if (strcmp(format, "unsigned") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu64, nret); return buf; } if (strcmp(format, "time") == 0) { StringBuffer sb; DateTime dt(nret); sb.append("RFC822: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC822)); sb.append("\nRFC850: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC850)); sb.append("\nRFC1036: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC1036)); sb.append("\nRFC1123/RSS: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC1123)); sb.append("\nRFC2822: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC2822)); sb.append("\nRFC3339/ATOM/W3C: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::RFC3339)); sb.append("\nISO8601: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::ISO8601)); sb.append("\nCookie: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::Cookie)); sb.append("\nHttpHeader: "); sb.append(dt.toString(DateTime::HttpHeader)); return sb.data(); } assert(false); } String sret = DebuggerClient::FormatVariable(ret, -1); if (strcmp(format, "hex") == 0 || strcmp(format, "x") == 0 || strcmp(format, "oct") == 0) { StringBuffer sb; for (int i = 0; i < sret.size(); i++) { char ch = sret[i]; if (isprint(ch)) { sb.append(ch); } else { char buf[6]; if (strcmp(format, "oct") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\\%03o", ch); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\\x%02x", ch); } sb.append(buf); } } return sb.data() ? sb.data() : ""; } if (strcmp(format, "time") == 0) { DateTime dt; int64_t ts = -1; if (dt.fromString(ret.toString(), SmartObject<TimeZone>())) { bool err; ts = dt.toTimeStamp(err); } return String(ts).data(); } assert(false); return ""; }
void PrintTime(const TDesC& aName, const TTime& aTime) { TDateTime dt(aTime.DateTime()); test.Printf(_L("%S = %02d:%02d:%02d:%06d\n"),&aName,dt.Hour(),dt.Minute(),dt.Second(),dt.MicroSecond()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "msf_eval"); ros::Time::init(); enum argIndices{ bagfile = 1, EVAL_topic = 2, GT_topic = 3, singleRunOnly = 4 }; //calibration of sensor to vicon Eigen::Matrix4d T_BaBg_mat; //this is the Vicon one - SLAM sensor V0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// T_BaBg_mat << 0.999706627053000, -0.022330158354000, 0.005123243528000, -0.060614697387000, 0.022650462142000, 0.997389634278000, -0.068267398302000, 0.035557942651000, -0.003589706237000, 0.068397960288000, 0.997617159323000, -0.042589657349000, 0, 0, 0, 1.000000000000000; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ros::Duration dt(0.0039); const double timeSyncThreshold = 0.005; const double timeDiscretization = 10.0; //discretization step for different starting points into the dataset const double trajectoryTimeDiscretization = 0.049; //discretization of evaluation points (vision framerate for fair comparison) const double startTimeOffset = 10.0; if (argc < 4) { MSF_ERROR_STREAM("usage: ./"<<argv[0]<<" bagfile EVAL_topic GT_topic [singleRunOnly]"); return -1; } bool singleRun = false; if (argc == 5) { singleRun = atoi(argv[singleRunOnly]); } if(singleRun){ MSF_WARN_STREAM("Doing only a single run."); }else{ MSF_WARN_STREAM("Will process the dataset from different starting points."); } typedef geometry_msgs::TransformStamped GT_TYPE; typedef geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped EVAL_TYPE; // output file std::stringstream matlab_fname; std::string path = ros::package::getPath("msf_eval"); matlab_fname << path << "/Matlab/matlab_data" << ros::Time::now().sec << ".m"; std::ofstream outfile(matlab_fname.str().c_str()); std::stringstream poses_EVAL; std::stringstream poses_GT; assert(outfile.good()); outfile << "data=[" << std::endl; ros::Duration startOffset(startTimeOffset); sm::kinematics::Transformation T_BaBg(T_BaBg_mat); //body aslam to body Ground Truth // open for reading rosbag::Bag bag(argv[bagfile], rosbag::bagmode::Read); // views on topics rosbag::View view_EVAL(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(argv[EVAL_topic])); rosbag::View view_GT(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(argv[GT_topic])); //check topics if (view_EVAL.size() == 0) { MSF_ERROR_STREAM("The bag you provided does not contain messages for topic "<<argv[EVAL_topic]); return -1; } if (view_GT.size() == 0) { MSF_ERROR_STREAM("The bag you provided does not contain messages for topic "<<argv[GT_topic]); return -1; } //litter console with number of messages MSF_INFO_STREAM("Reading from "<<argv[bagfile]); MSF_INFO_STREAM("Topic "<<argv[EVAL_topic]<<", size: "<<view_EVAL.size()); MSF_INFO_STREAM("Topic "<<argv[GT_topic]<<", size: "<<view_GT.size()); //get times of first messages GT_TYPE::ConstPtr GT_begin = view_GT.begin()->instantiate<GT_TYPE>(); assert(GT_begin); EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr POSE_begin = view_EVAL.begin()->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>(); assert(POSE_begin); MSF_INFO_STREAM("First GT data at "<<GT_begin->header.stamp); MSF_INFO_STREAM("First EVAL data at "<<POSE_begin->header.stamp); while (true) // start eval from different starting points { rosbag::View::const_iterator it_EVAL = view_EVAL.begin(); rosbag::View::const_iterator it_GT = view_GT.begin(); // read ground truth ros::Time start; // Find start time alignment: set the GT iterater to point to a time larger than the aslam time while (true) { GT_TYPE::ConstPtr trafo = it_GT->instantiate<GT_TYPE>(); assert(trafo); ros::Time time_GT; time_GT = trafo->header.stamp + dt; EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>(); assert(pose); ros::Time time_EKF; time_EKF = pose->header.stamp; if (time_EKF >= time_GT) { it_GT++; if (it_GT == view_GT.end()) { MSF_ERROR_STREAM("Time synchronization failed"); return false; } } else { start = time_GT; MSF_INFO_STREAM("Time synced! GT start: "<<start <<" EVAL start: "<<time_EKF); break; } } // world frame alignment sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaBa; sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WgBg; sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WgBg_last; sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaWg; // now find the GT/EKF pairings int ctr = 0; //how many meas did we add this run? double ds = 0.0; // distance travelled ros::Time lastTime(0.0); MSF_INFO_STREAM("Processing measurements... Current start point: "<<startOffset<<"s into the bag."); for (; it_GT != view_GT.end(); ++it_GT) { GT_TYPE::ConstPtr trafo = it_GT->instantiate<GT_TYPE>(); assert(trafo); // find closest timestamp ros::Time time_GT = trafo->header.stamp + dt; EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>(); assert(pose); ros::Time time_EKF = pose->header.stamp; bool terminate = false; //get the measurement close to this GT value while (time_GT > time_EKF) { it_EVAL++; if (it_EVAL == view_EVAL.end()) { terminate = true; MSF_INFO_STREAM("done. All EKF meas processed!"); break; } pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>(); assert(pose); time_EKF = pose->header.stamp; } if (terminate){ break; } // add comparison value if (time_GT - start >= startOffset) { T_WaBa = sm::kinematics::Transformation( Eigen::Vector4d(-pose->pose.pose.orientation.x, -pose->pose.pose.orientation.y, -pose->pose.pose.orientation.z, pose->pose.pose.orientation.w), Eigen::Vector3d(pose->pose.pose.position.x, pose->pose.pose.position.y, pose->pose.pose.position.z)); T_WgBg = sm::kinematics::Transformation( Eigen::Vector4d(-trafo->transform.rotation.x, -trafo->transform.rotation.y, -trafo->transform.rotation.z, trafo->transform.rotation.w), Eigen::Vector3d(trafo->transform.translation.x, trafo->transform.translation.y, trafo->transform.translation.z)); // initial alignment if (ctr == 0) { T_WaWg = (T_WaBa) * T_BaBg * T_WgBg.inverse(); T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg; } sm::kinematics::Transformation dT = T_WaBa * (T_WaWg * T_WgBg * T_BaBg.inverse()).inverse(); sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaBa_gt = (T_WaWg * T_WgBg * T_BaBg.inverse()); T_WaBa_gt = sm::kinematics::Transformation(T_WaBa_gt.q().normalized(), T_WaBa_gt.t()); dT = sm::kinematics::Transformation(dT.q().normalized(), dT.t()); // update integral if (trafo) { ds += (T_WgBg.t() - T_WgBg_last.t()).norm(); // store last GT transformation T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg; } else { // too noisy if ((T_WgBg * T_WgBg_last.inverse()).t().norm() > .1) { ds += (T_WgBg.t() - T_WgBg_last.t()).norm(); //MSF_INFO_STREAM((T_WgBg*T_WgBg_last.inverse()).t().norm()); // store last GT transformation T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg; } } Eigen::Vector3d dalpha; if (dT.q().head<3>().norm() > 1e-12) { dalpha = (asin(dT.q().head<3>().norm()) * 2 * dT.q().head<3>().normalized()); } else { dalpha = 2 * dT.q().head<3>(); } // g-vector alignment Eigen::Vector3d e_z_Wg(0, 0, 1); Eigen::Vector3d e_z_Wa = dT.C() * e_z_Wg; double dalpha_e_z = acos(std::min(1.0, e_z_Wg.dot(e_z_Wa))); if (fabs((time_GT - time_EKF).toSec()) < timeSyncThreshold && (time_EKF - lastTime).toSec() > trajectoryTimeDiscretization) { if (startOffset.toSec() == startTimeOffset) { poses_EVAL << T_WaBa.t().transpose() << ";" << std::endl; poses_GT << T_WgBg.t().transpose() << ";" << std::endl; } Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> cov = getCovariance(pose); outfile << (time_GT - start).toSec() << " " << ds << " " << (T_WaBa.t() - T_WaBa_gt.t()).norm() << " " //translation << 2 * acos(std::min(1.0, fabs(dT.q()[3]))) << " " << dalpha_e_z << " " //orientation <<cov(0, 0)<<" "<<cov(1, 1)<<" "<<cov(2, 2)<<" " //position covariances <<cov(3, 3)<<" "<<cov(4, 4)<<" "<<cov(5, 5)<<";" //orientation covariances << std::endl; lastTime = time_EKF; // remember } // count comparisons ctr++; } } MSF_INFO_STREAM("Added "<<ctr<<" measurement edges."); //where in the bag should the next eval start startOffset += ros::Duration(timeDiscretization); if (ctr == 0 || singleRun) //any new measurements this run? { break; } } // cleanup bag.close(); outfile << "];"; outfile << "poses = [" << poses_EVAL.str() << "];" << std::endl; outfile << "poses_GT = [" << poses_GT.str() << "];" << std::endl; outfile.close(); return 0; }
{"xdigit", SPECIAL LC_CTYPE, TYPE_CTP}, {"blank", SPECIAL LC_CTYPE, TYPE_CTP}, {"tolower", SPECIAL LC_CTYPE, TYPE_CNVL}, {"toupper", SPECIAL LC_CTYPE, TYPE_CNVU}, {"collating-element", 0, 0, 0, LC_COLLATE, TYPE_COLLEL}, {"character-collation", 0, 1, 0, LC_COLLATE, TYPE_COLLEL}, #define dt(member, count) \ (void *(*)(void))localedtconv, \ offsetof(struct dtconv, member), \ count, \ LC_TIME, \ TYPE_STR {"d_t_fmt", dt(date_time_format, 1)}, {"d_fmt", dt(date_format, 1)}, {"t_fmt", dt(time_format, 1)}, {"t_fmt_ampm", dt(time_format_ampm, 1)}, {"am_pm", dt(am_string, 2)}, {"day", dt(day_names, 7)}, {"abday", dt(abbrev_day_names, 7)}, {"mon", dt(month_names, 12)}, {"abmon", dt(abbrev_month_names, 12)}, {"era", dt(era, 1)}, {"era_d_fmt", dt(era_d_fmt, 1)}, {"era_d_t_fmt", dt(era_d_t_fmt, 1)}, {"era_t_fmt", dt(era_t_fmt, 1)}, {"alt_digits", dt(alt_digits, 1)}, #undef dt
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () { DATA_STRING(distr); DATA_INTEGER(n); Type ans = 0; if (distr == "norm") { PARAMETER(mu); PARAMETER(sd); vector<Type> x = rnorm(n, mu, sd); ans -= dnorm(x, mu, sd, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "gamma") { PARAMETER(shape); PARAMETER(scale); vector<Type> x = rgamma(n, shape, scale); ans -= dgamma(x, shape, scale, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "pois") { PARAMETER(lambda); vector<Type> x = rpois(n, lambda); ans -= dpois(x, lambda, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "compois") { PARAMETER(mode); PARAMETER(nu); vector<Type> x = rcompois(n, mode, nu); ans -= dcompois(x, mode, nu, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "compois2") { PARAMETER(mean); PARAMETER(nu); vector<Type> x = rcompois2(n, mean, nu); ans -= dcompois2(x, mean, nu, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "nbinom") { PARAMETER(size); PARAMETER(prob); vector<Type> x = rnbinom(n, size, prob); ans -= dnbinom(x, size, prob, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "nbinom2") { PARAMETER(mu); PARAMETER(var); vector<Type> x = rnbinom2(n, mu, var); ans -= dnbinom2(x, mu, var, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "exp") { PARAMETER(rate); vector<Type> x = rexp(n, rate); ans -= dexp(x, rate, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "beta") { PARAMETER(shape1); PARAMETER(shape2); vector<Type> x = rbeta(n, shape1, shape2); ans -= dbeta(x, shape1, shape2, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "f") { PARAMETER(df1); PARAMETER(df2); vector<Type> x = rf(n, df1, df2); ans -= df(x, df1, df2, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "logis") { PARAMETER(location); PARAMETER(scale); vector<Type> x = rlogis(n, location, scale); ans -= dlogis(x, location, scale, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "t") { PARAMETER(df); vector<Type> x = rt(n, df); ans -= dt(x, df, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "weibull") { PARAMETER(shape); PARAMETER(scale); vector<Type> x = rweibull(n, shape, scale); ans -= dweibull(x, shape, scale, true).sum(); } else if (distr == "AR1") { PARAMETER(phi); vector<Type> x(n); density::AR1(phi).simulate(x); ans += density::AR1(phi)(x); } else if (distr == "ARk") { PARAMETER_VECTOR(phi); vector<Type> x(n); density::ARk(phi).simulate(x); ans += density::ARk(phi)(x); } else if (distr == "MVNORM") { PARAMETER(phi); matrix<Type> Sigma(5,5); for(int i=0; i<Sigma.rows(); i++) for(int j=0; j<Sigma.rows(); j++) Sigma(i,j) = exp( -phi * abs(i - j) ); density::MVNORM_t<Type> nldens = density::MVNORM(Sigma); for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) { vector<Type> x = nldens.simulate(); ans += nldens(x); } } else if (distr == "SEPARABLE") { PARAMETER(phi1); PARAMETER_VECTOR(phi2); array<Type> x(100, 200); SEPARABLE( density::ARk(phi2), density::AR1(phi1) ).simulate(x); ans += SEPARABLE( density::ARk(phi2), density::AR1(phi1) )(x); } else if (distr == "GMRF") { PARAMETER(delta); matrix<Type> Q0(5, 5); Q0 << 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1; Q0.diagonal().array() += delta; Eigen::SparseMatrix<Type> Q = asSparseMatrix(Q0); vector<Type> x(5); for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) { density::GMRF(Q).simulate(x); ans += density::GMRF(Q)(x); } } else if (distr == "SEPARABLE_NESTED") { PARAMETER(phi1); PARAMETER(phi2); PARAMETER(delta); matrix<Type> Q0(5, 5); Q0 << 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 2,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1; Q0.diagonal().array() += delta; Eigen::SparseMatrix<Type> Q = asSparseMatrix(Q0); array<Type> x(5, 6, 7); for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) { SEPARABLE(density::AR1(phi2), SEPARABLE(density::AR1(phi1), density::GMRF(Q) ) ).simulate(x); ans += SEPARABLE(density::AR1(phi2), SEPARABLE(density::AR1(phi1), density::GMRF(Q) ) )(x); } } else error( ("Invalid distribution '" + distr + "'").c_str() ); return ans; }
template <> boost::posix_time::ptime as( SEXP dtsexp ) { Rcpp::Datetime dt(dtsexp); boost::posix_time::ptime pt(boost::gregorian::date(dt.getYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDay()), boost::posix_time::time_duration(dt.getHours(), dt.getMinutes(), dt.getSeconds(), dt.getMicroSeconds()/1000.0)); return pt; }
/** * @brief Handles timed events related to the King system. */ void CKingSystem::CheckKingTimer() { // Get the current time. uint8 bCurMonth = g_localTime.tm_mon + 1, bCurDay = g_localTime.tm_mday, bCurHour = g_localTime.tm_hour, bCurMinute = g_localTime.tm_min; // If there's an ongoing coin or XP event... if (m_byNoahEvent || m_byExpEvent) CheckSpecialEvent(); switch (m_byType) { case ELECTION_TYPE_NO_TERM: case ELECTION_TYPE_TERM_ENDED: { DateTime dt(m_sYear, m_byMonth, m_byDay, m_byHour, m_byMinute); // Nominations start a day before the election. dt.AddDays(-1); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { UpdateElectionStatus(ELECTION_TYPE_NOMINATION); g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_RECOMMEND_TIME, m_byNation, false); // SendUDP_ElectionStatus(m_byType); ResetElectionLists(); LoadRecommendList(); } } break; case ELECTION_TYPE_NOMINATION: { DateTime dt(m_sYear, m_byMonth, m_byDay, m_byHour, m_byMinute); // Nominations last until an hour before the scheduled election time. dt.AddHours(-1); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { UpdateElectionStatus(ELECTION_TYPE_PRE_ELECTION); g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_RECOMMEND_FINISH_TIME, m_byNation, false); // CheckRecommendList(); // SendUDP_ElectionStatus(m_byType); } if (!(bCurMinute % 30) && !m_bSentFirstMessage) { m_bSentFirstMessage = true; g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_PERIOD_OF_RECOMMEND_MESSAGE, m_byNation, true); break; // awkward, but official behaviour. } m_bSentFirstMessage = false; } break; // This state seems like it could be completely removed. // Leaving until the system's more complete, just in case. case ELECTION_TYPE_PRE_ELECTION: { DateTime dt(m_sYear, m_byMonth, m_byDay, m_byHour, m_byMinute); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { UpdateElectionStatus(ELECTION_TYPE_ELECTION); g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_ELECTION_TIME, m_byNation, false); // SendUDP_ElectionStatus(m_byType); } } break; case ELECTION_TYPE_ELECTION: { DateTime dt(m_sYear, m_byMonth, m_byDay, m_byHour, m_byMinute); // Elections last for an hour. dt.AddHours(1); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { UpdateElectionStatus(ELECTION_TYPE_TERM_STARTED); // GetElectionResult(); return; } if (!(bCurMinute % 30) && !m_bSentFirstMessage) { m_bSentFirstMessage = true; g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_PERIOD_OF_ELECTION_MESSAGE, m_byNation, true); break; // awkward, but official behaviour. } m_bSentFirstMessage = false; } break; } switch (m_byImType) { case 1: // 47 hours after the impeachment time, call GetImpeachmentRequestResult() { DateTime dt(m_sImYear, m_byImMonth, m_byImDay, m_byImHour, m_byImMinute); dt.AddHours(47); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { // GetImpeachmentRequestResult(); } } break; case 2: // 2 days (48 hours) after the impeachment time, set the impeachment type to 3 // and send IDS_KING_IMPEACHMENT_ELECTION_MESSAGE as WAR_SYSTEM_CHAT { DateTime dt(m_sImYear, m_byImMonth, m_byImDay, m_byImHour, m_byImMinute); dt.AddDays(2); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { m_byImType = 3; g_pMain->SendFormattedResource(IDS_KING_IMPEACHMENT_ELECTION_MESSAGE, m_byNation, false); } } break; case 3: // 3 days (72 hours) after the impeachment time, set the impeachment type to 4 // and call GetImpeachmentElectionResult() { DateTime dt(m_sImYear, m_byImMonth, m_byImDay, m_byImHour, m_byImMinute); dt.AddDays(3); if (bCurMonth == dt.GetMonth() && bCurDay == dt.GetDay() && bCurHour == dt.GetHour() && bCurMinute == dt.GetMinute()) { m_byImType = 4; // GetImpeachmentElectionResult(); } } break; } }
QObject *QDeclarativeVME::run(QDeclarativeVMEObjectStack &stack, QDeclarativeContextData *ctxt, QDeclarativeCompiledData *comp, int start, int count, const QBitField &bindingSkipList) { Q_ASSERT(comp); Q_ASSERT(ctxt); const QList<QDeclarativeCompiledData::TypeReference> &types = comp->types; const QList<QString> &primitives = comp->primitives; const QList<QByteArray> &datas = comp->datas; const QList<QDeclarativeCompiledData::CustomTypeData> &customTypeData = comp->customTypeData; const QList<int> &intData = comp->intData; const QList<float> &floatData = comp->floatData; const QList<QDeclarativePropertyCache *> &propertyCaches = comp->propertyCaches; const QList<QDeclarativeParser::Object::ScriptBlock> &scripts = comp->scripts; const QList<QUrl> &urls = comp->urls; QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::SimpleList<QDeclarativeAbstractBinding> bindValues; QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::SimpleList<QDeclarativeParserStatus> parserStatus; QDeclarativeVMEStack<ListInstance> qliststack; vmeErrors.clear(); QDeclarativeEnginePrivate *ep = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::get(ctxt->engine); int status = -1; //for dbus QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::WriteFlags flags = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor | QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::RemoveBindingOnAliasWrite; for (int ii = start; !isError() && ii < (start + count); ++ii) { const QDeclarativeInstruction &instr = comp->bytecode.at(ii); switch(instr.type) { case QDeclarativeInstruction::Init: { if (instr.init.bindingsSize) bindValues = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::SimpleList<QDeclarativeAbstractBinding>(instr.init.bindingsSize); if (instr.init.parserStatusSize) parserStatus = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::SimpleList<QDeclarativeParserStatus>(instr.init.parserStatusSize); if (instr.init.contextCache != -1) ctxt->setIdPropertyData(comp->contextCaches.at(instr.init.contextCache)); if (instr.init.compiledBinding != -1) ctxt->optimizedBindings = new QDeclarativeCompiledBindings(datas.at(instr.init.compiledBinding).constData(), ctxt, comp); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::CreateObject: { QBitField bindings; if (instr.create.bindingBits != -1) { const QByteArray &bits = datas.at(instr.create.bindingBits); bindings = QBitField((const quint32*)bits.constData(), bits.size() * 8); } if (stack.isEmpty()) bindings = bindings.united(bindingSkipList); QObject *o = types.at(instr.create.type).createInstance(ctxt, bindings, &vmeErrors); if (!o) { VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Unable to create object of type %1").arg(QString::fromLatin1(types.at(instr.create.type).className))); } QDeclarativeData *ddata = QDeclarativeData::get(o); Q_ASSERT(ddata); if (stack.isEmpty()) { if (ddata->context) { Q_ASSERT(ddata->context != ctxt); Q_ASSERT(ddata->outerContext); Q_ASSERT(ddata->outerContext != ctxt); QDeclarativeContextData *c = ddata->context; while (c->linkedContext) c = c->linkedContext; c->linkedContext = ctxt; } else { ctxt->addObject(o); } ddata->ownContext = true; } else if (!ddata->context) { ctxt->addObject(o); } ddata->setImplicitDestructible(); ddata->outerContext = ctxt; ddata->lineNumber = instr.line; ddata->columnNumber = instr.create.column; if (instr.create.data != -1) { QDeclarativeCustomParser *customParser = types.at(instr.create.type).type->customParser(); customParser->setCustomData(o, datas.at(instr.create.data)); } if (!stack.isEmpty()) { QObject *parent = stack.top(); if (o->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(o); if (parent->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *parentWidget = static_cast<QWidget*>(parent); widget->setParent(parentWidget); } else { // TODO: parent might be a layout } } else { QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(o, parent); } } stack.push(o); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::CreateSimpleObject: { QObject *o = (QObject *)operator new(instr.createSimple.typeSize + sizeof(QDeclarativeData)); ::memset(o, 0, instr.createSimple.typeSize + sizeof(QDeclarativeData)); instr.createSimple.create(o); QDeclarativeData *ddata = (QDeclarativeData *)(((const char *)o) + instr.createSimple.typeSize); const QDeclarativeCompiledData::TypeReference &ref = types.at(instr.createSimple.type); if (!ddata->propertyCache && ref.typePropertyCache) { ddata->propertyCache = ref.typePropertyCache; ddata->propertyCache->addref(); } ddata->lineNumber = instr.line; ddata->columnNumber = instr.createSimple.column; QObjectPrivate::get(o)->declarativeData = ddata; ddata->context = ddata->outerContext = ctxt; ddata->nextContextObject = ctxt->contextObjects; if (ddata->nextContextObject) ddata->nextContextObject->prevContextObject = &ddata->nextContextObject; ddata->prevContextObject = &ctxt->contextObjects; ctxt->contextObjects = ddata; QObject *parent = stack.top(); QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(o, parent); stack.push(o); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::SetId: { QObject *target = stack.top(); ctxt->setIdProperty(instr.setId.index, target); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::SetDefault: { ctxt->contextObject = stack.top(); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::CreateComponent: { QDeclarativeComponent *qcomp = new QDeclarativeComponent(ctxt->engine, comp, ii + 1, instr.createComponent.count, stack.isEmpty() ? 0 : stack.top()); QDeclarativeData *ddata = QDeclarativeData::get(qcomp, true); Q_ASSERT(ddata); ctxt->addObject(qcomp); if (stack.isEmpty()) ddata->ownContext = true; ddata->setImplicitDestructible(); ddata->outerContext = ctxt; ddata->lineNumber = instr.line; ddata->columnNumber = instr.create.column; QDeclarativeComponentPrivate::get(qcomp)->creationContext = ctxt; stack.push(qcomp); ii += instr.createComponent.count; } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreMetaObject: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QMetaObject mo; const QByteArray &metadata = datas.at(instr.storeMeta.data); QMetaObjectBuilder::fromRelocatableData(&mo, 0, metadata); const QDeclarativeVMEMetaData *data = (const QDeclarativeVMEMetaData *)datas.at(instr.storeMeta.aliasData).constData(); (void)new QDeclarativeVMEMetaObject(target, &mo, data, comp); if (instr.storeMeta.propertyCache != -1) { QDeclarativeData *ddata = QDeclarativeData::get(target, true); if (ddata->propertyCache) ddata->propertyCache->release(); ddata->propertyCache = propertyCaches.at(instr.storeMeta.propertyCache); ddata->propertyCache->addref(); } } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVariant: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeString.propertyIndex); // XXX - can be more efficient QVariant v = QDeclarativeStringConverters::variantFromString(primitives.at(instr.storeString.value)); void *a[] = { &v, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVariantInteger: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeString.propertyIndex); QVariant v(instr.storeInteger.value); void *a[] = { &v, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVariantDouble: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeString.propertyIndex); QVariant v(instr.storeDouble.value); void *a[] = { &v, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVariantBool: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeString.propertyIndex); QVariant v(instr.storeBool.value); void *a[] = { &v, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreString: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeString.propertyIndex); void *a[] = { (void *)&primitives.at(instr.storeString.value), 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreUrl: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeUrl.propertyIndex); void *a[] = { (void *)&urls.at(instr.storeUrl.value), 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeUrl.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreFloat: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeFloat.propertyIndex); float f = instr.storeFloat.value; void *a[] = { &f, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeFloat.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreDouble: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeDouble.propertyIndex); double d = instr.storeDouble.value; void *a[] = { &d, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeDouble.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreBool: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeBool.propertyIndex); void *a[] = { (void *)&instr.storeBool.value, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeBool.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreInteger: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeInteger.propertyIndex); void *a[] = { (void *)&instr.storeInteger.value, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeInteger.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreColor: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeColor.propertyIndex); QColor c = QColor::fromRgba(instr.storeColor.value); void *a[] = { &c, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeColor.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreDate: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeDate.propertyIndex); QDate d = QDate::fromJulianDay(instr.storeDate.value); void *a[] = { &d, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeDate.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreTime: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeTime.propertyIndex); QTime t; t.setHMS(intData.at(instr.storeTime.valueIndex), intData.at(instr.storeTime.valueIndex+1), intData.at(instr.storeTime.valueIndex+2), intData.at(instr.storeTime.valueIndex+3)); void *a[] = { &t, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeTime.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreDateTime: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeDateTime.propertyIndex); QTime t; t.setHMS(intData.at(instr.storeDateTime.valueIndex+1), intData.at(instr.storeDateTime.valueIndex+2), intData.at(instr.storeDateTime.valueIndex+3), intData.at(instr.storeDateTime.valueIndex+4)); QDateTime dt(QDate::fromJulianDay(intData.at(instr.storeDateTime.valueIndex)), t); void *a[] = { &dt, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeDateTime.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StorePoint: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex); QPoint p = QPointF(floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex+1)).toPoint(); void *a[] = { &p, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StorePointF: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex); QPointF p(floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex+1)); void *a[] = { &p, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreSize: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex); QSize p = QSizeF(floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex+1)).toSize(); void *a[] = { &p, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreSizeF: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex); QSizeF s(floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRealPair.valueIndex+1)); void *a[] = { &s, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRealPair.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreRect: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRect.propertyIndex); QRect r = QRectF(floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+1), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+2), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+3)).toRect(); void *a[] = { &r, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRect.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreRectF: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeRect.propertyIndex); QRectF r(floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+1), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+2), floatData.at(instr.storeRect.valueIndex+3)); void *a[] = { &r, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeRect.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVector3D: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeVector3D.propertyIndex); QVector3D p(floatData.at(instr.storeVector3D.valueIndex), floatData.at(instr.storeVector3D.valueIndex+1), floatData.at(instr.storeVector3D.valueIndex+2)); void *a[] = { &p, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeVector3D.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreObject: { QObject *assignObj = stack.pop(); QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeObject.propertyIndex); void *a[] = { (void *)&assignObj, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeObject.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::AssignCustomType: { QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.assignCustomType.propertyIndex); QDeclarativeCompiledData::CustomTypeData data = customTypeData.at(instr.assignCustomType.valueIndex); const QString &primitive = primitives.at(data.index); QDeclarativeMetaType::StringConverter converter = QDeclarativeMetaType::customStringConverter(data.type); QVariant v = (*converter)(primitive); QMetaProperty prop = target->metaObject()->property(instr.assignCustomType.propertyIndex); if (v.isNull() || ((int)prop.type() != data.type && prop.userType() != data.type)) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot assign value %1 to property %2").arg(primitive).arg(QString::fromUtf8(prop.name()))); void *a[] = { (void *)v.data(), 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.assignCustomType.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::AssignSignalObject: { // XXX optimize QObject *assign = stack.pop(); QObject *target = stack.top(); int sigIdx = instr.assignSignalObject.signal; const QByteArray &pr = datas.at(sigIdx); QDeclarativeProperty prop(target, QString::fromUtf8(pr)); if (prop.type() & QDeclarativeProperty::SignalProperty) { QMetaMethod method = QDeclarativeMetaType::defaultMethod(assign); if (method.signature() == 0) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot assign object type %1 with no default method").arg(QString::fromLatin1(assign->metaObject()->className()))); if (!QMetaObject::checkConnectArgs(prop.method().signature(), method.signature())) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2").arg(QString::fromLatin1(method.signature())).arg(QString::fromLatin1(prop.method().signature()))); QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::connect(target, prop.index(), assign, method.methodIndex()); } else { VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot assign an object to signal property %1").arg(QString::fromUtf8(pr))); } } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreSignal: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QObject *context = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.storeSignal.context); QMetaMethod signal = target->metaObject()->method(instr.storeSignal.signalIndex); QDeclarativeBoundSignal *bs = new QDeclarativeBoundSignal(target, signal, target); QDeclarativeExpression *expr = new QDeclarativeExpression(ctxt, context, primitives.at(instr.storeSignal.value)); expr->setSourceLocation(comp->name, instr.line); static_cast<QDeclarativeExpressionPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(expr))->name = datas.at(instr.storeSignal.name); bs->setExpression(expr); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreImportedScript: { ctxt->addImportedScript(scripts.at(instr.storeScript.value)); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreScriptString: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QObject *scope = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.storeScriptString.scope); QDeclarativeScriptString ss; ss.setContext(ctxt->asQDeclarativeContext()); ss.setScopeObject(scope); ss.setScript(primitives.at(instr.storeScriptString.value)); void *a[] = { &ss, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeScriptString.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::BeginObject: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QDeclarativeParserStatus *status = reinterpret_cast<QDeclarativeParserStatus *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(target) + instr.begin.castValue); parserStatus.append(status); status->d = &parserStatus.values[parserStatus.count - 1]; status->classBegin(); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreBinding: case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreBindingOnAlias: { QObject *target = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignBinding.owner); QObject *context = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignBinding.context); QDeclarativeProperty mp = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::restore(datas.at(instr.assignBinding.property), target, ctxt); int coreIndex = mp.index(); if ((stack.count() - instr.assignBinding.owner) == 1 && bindingSkipList.testBit(coreIndex)) break; QDeclarativeBinding *bind = new QDeclarativeBinding((void *)datas.at(instr.assignBinding.value).constData(), comp, context, ctxt, comp->name, instr.line, 0); bindValues.append(bind); bind->m_mePtr = &bindValues.values[bindValues.count - 1]; bind->setTarget(mp); if (instr.type == QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreBindingOnAlias) { QDeclarativeAbstractBinding *old = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::setBindingNoEnable(target, coreIndex, QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::valueTypeCoreIndex(mp), bind); if (old) { old->destroy(); } } else { bind->addToObject(target, QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::bindingIndex(mp)); } } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreCompiledBinding: { QObject *target = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignBinding.owner); QObject *scope = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignBinding.context); int property = instr.assignBinding.property; if (stack.count() == 1 && bindingSkipList.testBit(property & 0xFFFF)) break; QDeclarativeAbstractBinding *binding = ctxt->optimizedBindings->configBinding(instr.assignBinding.value, target, scope, property); bindValues.append(binding); binding->m_mePtr = &bindValues.values[bindValues.count - 1]; binding->addToObject(target, property); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreValueSource: { QObject *obj = stack.pop(); QDeclarativePropertyValueSource *vs = reinterpret_cast<QDeclarativePropertyValueSource *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(obj) + instr.assignValueSource.castValue); QObject *target = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignValueSource.owner); QDeclarativeProperty prop = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::restore(datas.at(instr.assignValueSource.property), target, ctxt); obj->setParent(target); vs->setTarget(prop); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreValueInterceptor: { QObject *obj = stack.pop(); QDeclarativePropertyValueInterceptor *vi = reinterpret_cast<QDeclarativePropertyValueInterceptor *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(obj) + instr.assignValueInterceptor.castValue); QObject *target = stack.at(stack.count() - 1 - instr.assignValueInterceptor.owner); QDeclarativeProperty prop = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::restore(datas.at(instr.assignValueInterceptor.property), target, ctxt); obj->setParent(target); vi->setTarget(prop); QDeclarativeVMEMetaObject *mo = static_cast<QDeclarativeVMEMetaObject *>((QMetaObject*)target->metaObject()); mo->registerInterceptor(prop.index(), QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::valueTypeCoreIndex(prop), vi); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreObjectQList: { QObject *assign = stack.pop(); const ListInstance &list = qliststack.top(); list.qListProperty.append((QDeclarativeListProperty<void>*)&list.qListProperty, assign); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::AssignObjectList: { // This is only used for assigning interfaces QObject *assign = stack.pop(); const ListInstance &list = qliststack.top(); int type = list.type; void *ptr = 0; const char *iid = QDeclarativeMetaType::interfaceIId(type); if (iid) ptr = assign->qt_metacast(iid); if (!ptr) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot assign object to list")); list.qListProperty.append((QDeclarativeListProperty<void>*)&list.qListProperty, ptr); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreVariantObject: { QObject *assign = stack.pop(); QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeObject.propertyIndex); QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue(assign); void *a[] = { &v, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, instr.storeObject.propertyIndex, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::StoreInterface: { QObject *assign = stack.pop(); QObject *target = stack.top(); CLEAN_PROPERTY(target, instr.storeObject.propertyIndex); int coreIdx = instr.storeObject.propertyIndex; QMetaProperty prop = target->metaObject()->property(coreIdx); int t = prop.userType(); const char *iid = QDeclarativeMetaType::interfaceIId(t); bool ok = false; if (iid) { void *ptr = assign->qt_metacast(iid); if (ptr) { void *a[] = { &ptr, 0, &status, &flags }; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, coreIdx, a); ok = true; } } if (!ok) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot assign object to interface property")); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::FetchAttached: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QObject *qmlObject = qmlAttachedPropertiesObjectById(instr.fetchAttached.id, target); if (!qmlObject) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Unable to create attached object")); stack.push(qmlObject); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::FetchQList: { QObject *target = stack.top(); qliststack.push(ListInstance(instr.fetchQmlList.type)); void *a[1]; a[0] = (void *)&(qliststack.top().qListProperty); QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::ReadProperty, instr.fetchQmlList.property, a); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::FetchObject: { QObject *target = stack.top(); QObject *obj = 0; // NOTE: This assumes a cast to QObject does not alter the // object pointer void *a[1]; a[0] = &obj; QMetaObject::metacall(target, QMetaObject::ReadProperty, instr.fetch.property, a); if (!obj) VME_EXCEPTION(QCoreApplication::translate("QDeclarativeVME","Cannot set properties on %1 as it is null").arg(QString::fromUtf8(target->metaObject()->property(instr.fetch.property).name()))); stack.push(obj); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::PopQList: { qliststack.pop(); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::Defer: { if (instr.defer.deferCount) { QObject *target = stack.top(); QDeclarativeData *data = QDeclarativeData::get(target, true); comp->addref(); data->deferredComponent = comp; data->deferredIdx = ii; ii += instr.defer.deferCount; } } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::PopFetchedObject: { stack.pop(); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::FetchValueType: { QObject *target = stack.top(); if (instr.fetchValue.bindingSkipList != 0) { // Possibly need to clear bindings QDeclarativeData *targetData = QDeclarativeData::get(target); if (targetData) { QDeclarativeAbstractBinding *binding = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::binding(target, instr.fetchValue.property, -1); if (binding && binding->bindingType() != QDeclarativeAbstractBinding::ValueTypeProxy) { QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::setBinding(target, instr.fetchValue.property, -1, 0); binding->destroy(); } else if (binding) { QDeclarativeValueTypeProxyBinding *proxy = static_cast<QDeclarativeValueTypeProxyBinding *>(binding); proxy->removeBindings(instr.fetchValue.bindingSkipList); } } } QDeclarativeValueType *valueHandler = ep->valueTypes[instr.fetchValue.type]; valueHandler->read(target, instr.fetchValue.property); stack.push(valueHandler); } break; case QDeclarativeInstruction::PopValueType: { QDeclarativeValueType *valueHandler = static_cast<QDeclarativeValueType *>(stack.pop()); QObject *target = stack.top(); valueHandler->write(target, instr.fetchValue.property, QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::BypassInterceptor); } break; default: qFatal("QDeclarativeCompiledData: Internal error - unknown instruction %d", instr.type); break; } } if (isError()) { if (!stack.isEmpty()) { delete stack.at(0); // ### What about failures in deferred creation? } else { ctxt->destroy(); } QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::clear(bindValues); QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::clear(parserStatus); return 0; } if (bindValues.count) ep->bindValues << bindValues; else if (bindValues.values) bindValues.clear(); if (parserStatus.count) ep->parserStatus << parserStatus; else if (parserStatus.values) parserStatus.clear(); Q_ASSERT(stack.count() == 1); return stack.top(); }
static void test(void *stack_pointer) { mps_thr_t thread; unsigned long mins; mps_word_t dep, frag; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) (1024*1024*100)), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); mins = sizeof(int); dep = 100; for (frag = 40; frag >= 5; frag = (frag >> 1)) { comment("Frag: %i", frag); dt(SEQ, 8, 8, 9, dep, frag, 8, 9, 5, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 64, 64, 64, dep, frag, 8, 128, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, 8, 32, 64, dep, frag, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, 8, 32, 64, dep, frag, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, 8, 32, 64, dep, frag, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, 8, 32, 64, dep, frag, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 8, 32, 64, dep, frag, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, 100, 116, 132, dep, frag, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, 100, 116, 132, dep, frag, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, 100, 116, 132, dep, frag, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, 100, 116, 132, dep, frag, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 100, 116, 132, dep, frag, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, mins, 60*1024, 120*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, mins, 60*1024, 120*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, mins, 60*1024, 120*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, mins, 60*1024, 120*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, mins, 60*1024, 120*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); /* try again using exceptional obj for anything over 16K */ dt(DUMMY, mins, 8*1024, 16*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, mins, 8*1024, 16*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, mins, 8*1024, 16*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, mins, 8*1024, 16*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, mins, 8*1024, 16*1024, dep, frag, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); } mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); }
int main(int argc, char * argv []) { try { ulxr::intializeLog4J(argv[0]); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("sizeof(<string>): " << sizeof(ulxr::Char) << std::endl); ulxr_time_t tim = ulxr_time(0); ulxr::DateTime dt(tim); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Current time as DateTime: ") << dt.getDateTime() << std::endl; ulxr::CppString s0; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 256; ++ii) s0 += ii; // ULXR_COUT << s0 << std::endl; ulxr::CppString regression = ULXR_PCHAR("AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODxAREhMUFRYXGBkaGxwdHh8gISIjJCUmJygpKissLS4vMDEyMzQ1\r\n") ULXR_PCHAR("Njc4OTo7PD0+P0BBQkNERUZHSElKS0xNTk9QUVJTVFVWV1hZWltcXV5fYGFiY2RlZmdoaWpr\r\n") ULXR_PCHAR("bG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn+AgYKDhIWGh4iJiouMjY6PkJGSk5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en6Ch\r\n") ULXR_PCHAR("oqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+wsbKztLW2t7i5uru8vb6/wMHCw8TFxsfIycrLzM3Oz9DR0tPU1dbX\r\n") ULXR_PCHAR("2Nna29zd3t/g4eLj5OXm5+jp6uvs7e7v8PHy8/T19vf4+fr7/P3+/w==\r\n"); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Encode 64\n"); ulxr::CppString s64 = ulxr::encodeBase64(s0); ULXR_COUT << s64 << std::endl; if (regression != s64) { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Encode64 comparison with regression string failed.\n"); success = false; } else ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Encode64 comparison with regression string OK.\n"); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Decode 64\n"); ulxr::CppString ss = ulxr::decodeBase64(s64); // ULXR_COUT << ss << std::endl; if (s0 == ss) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("base ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("base NOT ok\n"); success = false; } // ���� s0 = ULXR_PCHAR("-\r=\t#\n+&<>;12����\"\'contains"); ulxr::CppString se = ulxr::xmlEscape(s0); std::cout << std::hex << "s0: "; for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 < s0.length(); ++i1) std::cout << (unsigned) (0xff & s0[i1]) << " "; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::hex << "se: "; for (unsigned i2 = 0; i2 < se.length(); ++i2) std::cout << (unsigned) (0xff & se[i2]) << " "; std::cout << std::dec << std::endl; if (se.find(ULXR_PCHAR("contains")) == ulxr::CppString::npos) { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("xmlEscape NOT ok\n"); success = false; } else ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("xmlEscape ok\n"); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Original: ") << s0 << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Escaped: ") << se << std::endl; if (s0 == ulxr::xmlUnEscape(se)) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("escape ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("escape NOT ok\n"); success = false; } { check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd&")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd�")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd�")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd�")); check_malformed(ULXR_PCHAR("abcd�")); } #if defined(HAVE_ICONV_H) || defined(HAVE_ICONV) ulxr::Cpp8BitString s_lat1 = "������{}[]/'����������{}[]/'����"; ulxr::Cpp8BitString s02 = ulxr::encodingToUtf8(s_lat1, "LATIN1"); ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("s02: ") << ULXR_GET_STRING(s02) << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("s_lat1: ") << ULXR_GET_STRING(s_lat1) << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("back to orig: ") << ULXR_GET_STRING(ulxr::utf8ToEncoding(s02, "LATIN1")) << std::endl; if (s_lat1 == ulxr::utf8ToEncoding(s02, "LATIN1")) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("encoding ok\n"); else ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("encoding NOT ok\n"); #endif #ifdef ULXR_UNICODE ulxr::Cpp16BitString ws0; ws0.reserve(0xd800); for (unsigned i = 0x00; i < 0xd800; ++i) ws0 += i; ulxr::RpcString str (ws0); ss = str.getString(); ULXR_COUT << ss.length() << std::endl; ulxr::Cpp16BitString wss = str.getUnicodeString(); ULXR_COUT << ws0.length() << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << (int) ws0[0] << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << wss.length() << std::endl; ULXR_COUT << (int) wss[0] << std::endl; if (ws0 == wss) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("unicode 1 ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("unicode 1 NOT ok\n"); success = false; } { ulxr::Cpp8BitString utf8 = ulxr::unicodeToUtf8(ws0); wss = ulxr::utf8ToUnicode(utf8); if (ws0 == wss) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("unicodeToUtf8 ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("utf8ToUnicode NOT ok\n"); success = false; } } #endif { ulxr::Cpp8BitString s8; s8.reserve(0x100); for (unsigned i = 0x00; i < 0x100; ++i) s8 += i; ulxr::Cpp8BitString utf8 = ulxr::asciiToUtf8(s8); ulxr::Cpp8BitString s8s = ulxr::utf8ToAscii(utf8); if (s8 == s8s) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("asciiToUtf8 ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("utf8ToAscii NOT ok\n"); success = false; } } #ifdef ULXR_UNICODE ws0 = ULXR_PCHAR("khera>&sd< asd<f>e56&&& \"$����") ULXR_PCHAR("\"\"\'&<&>sd w45234908 0xd9f0�)/()/") ULXR_PCHAR("()N u6we4\"E!\"%&((>YXC>YXASESGYDX>YVBHJE%W&TW$"); ulxr::RpcString str2 (ws0); ss = str2.getString(); wss = str2.getUnicodeString(); if (ws0 == wss) ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("unicode ok\n"); else { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("unicode NOT ok\n"); success = false; } #endif ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Ready.\n"); } catch(ulxr::Exception &ex) { ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Error occured: ") << ULXR_GET_STRING(ex.why()) << std::endl; success = false; } ULXR_COUT << ULXR_PCHAR("Terminating.\n"); return success ? 0 : 1; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc != 2) return 0; if (UmlCom::connect(Q3CString(argv[1]).toUInt())) { try { //UmlCom::with_ack(FALSE); UmlCom::trace("<b>Java reverse</b> release 2.18<br><hr>"); UmlCom::traceAutoRaise(FALSE); UmlItem * item = UmlCom::targetItem(); if (item->kind() != aPackage) UmlCom::trace("<font face=helvetica><b>must be applied on a <i>package</i></b></font><br><hr><br>"); else { char * argv = 0; int argc = 0; QApplication * app = new QApplication(argc, &argv); Package::init((UmlPackage *) item, app); QString here = QDir::currentDirPath(); QString path; // note : QFile fp(QDir::home().absFilePath(".boumlcat")) doesn't work // if the path contains non latin1 characters, for instance cyrillic ! QString s = QDir::home().absFilePath(".doumlcat"); FILE * fp = fopen((const char *) s, "r"); if (fp != 0) { char line[512]; if (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp) != 0) { remove_crlf(line); path = line; } fclose(fp); } while (!(path = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName(path, "*.cat", 0, 0, "select a java catalog file to read it, or cancel")) .isEmpty()) { QFile f(path); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if ((fp = fopen((const char *) s, "w")) != 0) { fwrite((const char *) path, 1, path.length(), fp); fputc('\n', fp); fclose(fp); } QDataStream dt(&f); Package::get_root()->restore_children(dt); } } QDir::setCurrent(here); int n; Package * p = Package::scan_dir(n); if (p != 0) { JavaSettings::set_UseDefaults(TRUE); p->send_dir(n); Statistic::produce(); } } } catch (...) { } try { // socket may be already closed UmlCom::message(""); UmlCom::showTrace(); UmlCom::bye(0); // application must not be deleted } catch (...) { } } UmlCom::close(); // application must not be deleted return 0; }
void loop(void) { const float spd1=30.0f*dt(); const float spd2=15.0f*dt(); float r=0.0f; float dc=0.0f, ds=0.0f; float tc=0.0f, ts=0.0f; /*viewport(0,0,nsw,nsh);*/ use_basic(); send_lpview(pview); if(mm() || mw()!=0.0f) { if(mm()) { dir+=mx()*spd1; if(dir<-0.0f) { dir+=360.0f; ndir+=360.0f; } else if(dir>360.0f) { dir-=360.0f; ndir-=360.0f; } tilt-=my()*spd1; if(tilt<0.001f) tilt=0.001f; else if(tilt>100.0f) tilt=100.0f; } if(mw()!=0.0f) { zoom-=mw(); if(zoom<7.0f) zoom=7.0f; else if(zoom>12.0f) zoom=12.0f; } } if(mp(3)) zoom=10.0f; ndir-=(ndir-dir)*spd2; r=d2r(ndir); dc=cosf(r); ds=sinf(r); ntilt-=(ntilt-tilt)*spd2; r=d2r(ntilt); tc=cosf(r); ts=sinf(r); nzoom-=(nzoom-zoom)*spd2; look(view,v3(ds*ts*nzoom,dc*ts*nzoom,3.0f+(tc*nzoom)),v3(0.0f,0.0f,3.0f)); mult(pview,proj,view); send_pview(pview); /* ----- */ use_fb(fbos[0]); clear(); /* ----- */ use_tex(area_tex); /* ----- */ draw_vbo(&area_mod); use_fb(0); blit_fb(fbos[0],fbos[1],nsw,nsh); /* ----- */ use_fb(fbos[2]); set_drawbufs(2); clear(); draw_vbo(&area_mod); use_fb(0); use_mblur(); use_tex(texs[0]); /* ----- */ active_tex(GL_TEXTURE1,texs[2]); default_tex(); use_fb(fbos[3]); set_drawbufs(1); clear(); quad(); use_fb(0); active_tex(GL_TEXTURE1,0); default_tex(); /*viewport(0,0,sw,sh);*/ use_vig(); use_tex(texs[3]); clear(); quad(); if(kp(SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE) || kp(SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE)) quit(); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* arrays used to contain each PE's rows - specify cols, no need to spec rows */ float **U_Curr; float **U_Next; /* helper variables */ /* available iterator */ int i, j, k, m, n; int per_proc, remainder, my_start_row, my_end_row, my_num_rows; int verbose = 0; int show_time = 0; double time; double t, tv[2]; /*OpenSHMEM initilization*/ start_pes (0); p = _num_pes (); my_rank = _my_pe (); if (p > 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring test when run with more than 8 pes\n"); return 77; } /* argument processing done by everyone */ int c, errflg; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, optopt; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "e:h:m:tw:v")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': EPSILON = atof (optarg); break; case 'h': HEIGHT = atoi (optarg); break; case 'm': /* selects the numerical methods */ switch (atoi (optarg)) { case 1: /* jacobi */ meth = 1; break; case 2: /* gauss-seidel */ meth = 2; break; case 3: /* sor */ meth = 3; break; } break; case 't': show_time++; /* overridden by -v (verbose) */ break; case 'w': WIDTH = atoi (optarg); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; /* handle bad arguments */ case ':': /* -h or -w without operand */ if (ROOT == my_rank) fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an operand\n", optopt); errflg++; break; case '?': if (ROOT == my_rank) fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognized option: -%c\n", optopt); errflg++; break; } } if (ROOT == my_rank && argc < 2) { printf ("Using defaults: -h 20 -w 20 -m 2\n"); } // if (0 < errflg) // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* wait for user to input runtime params */ for (i = 0; i < _SHMEM_REDUCE_SYNC_SIZE; i += 1) pSync[i] = _SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE; shmem_barrier_all (); /* broadcast method to use */ shmem_broadcast32 (&meth, &meth, 1, 0, 0, 0, p, pSync); switch (meth) { case 1: method = &jacobi; break; case 2: method = &gauss_seidel; break; case 3: method = &sor; break; } /* let each processor decide what rows(s) it owns */ my_start_row = get_start (my_rank); my_end_row = get_end (my_rank); my_num_rows = get_num_rows (my_rank); if (0 < verbose) printf ("proc %d contains (%d) rows %d to %d\n", my_rank, my_num_rows, my_start_row, my_end_row); fflush (stdout); /* allocate 2d array */ U_Curr = (float **) malloc (sizeof (float *) * my_num_rows); U_Curr[0] = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * my_num_rows * (int) floor (WIDTH / H)); for (i = 1; i < my_num_rows; i++) { U_Curr[i] = U_Curr[i - 1] + (int) floor (WIDTH / H); } /* allocate 2d array */ U_Next = (float **) malloc (sizeof (float *) * my_num_rows); U_Next[0] = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * my_num_rows * (int) floor (WIDTH / H)); for (i = 1; i < my_num_rows; i++) { U_Next[i] = U_Next[i - 1] + (int) floor (WIDTH / H); } /* initialize global grid */ init_domain (U_Curr, my_rank); init_domain (U_Next, my_rank); /* iterate for solution */ if (my_rank == ROOT) { tv[0] = gettime (); } k = 1; while (1) { method (U_Curr, U_Next); local_convergence_sqd = get_convergence_sqd (U_Curr, U_Next, my_rank); shmem_barrier_all (); shmem_float_sum_to_all (&convergence_sqd, &local_convergence_sqd, 1, 0, 0, p, pWrk, pSync); if (my_rank == ROOT) { convergence = sqrt (convergence_sqd); if (verbose == 1) { printf ("L2 = %f\n", convergence); } } /* broadcast method to use */ shmem_barrier_all (); shmem_broadcast32 (&convergence, &convergence, 1, 0, 0, 0, p, pSync); if (convergence <= EPSILON) { break; } /* copy U_Next to U_Curr */ for (j = my_start_row; j <= my_end_row; j++) { for (i = 0; i < (int) floor (WIDTH / H); i++) { U_Curr[j - my_start_row][i] = U_Next[j - my_start_row][i]; } } k++; //MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); shmem_barrier_all (); } /* say something at the end */ if (my_rank == ROOT) { //time = MPI_Wtime() - time; tv[1] = gettime (); t = dt (&tv[1], &tv[0]); printf ("Estimated time to convergence in %d iterations using %d processors on a %dx%d grid is %f seconds\n", k, p, (int) floor (WIDTH / H), (int) floor (HEIGHT / H), t / 1000000.0); } //MPI_Finalize(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; }
// Flip the desired NMT flag value, and tell all the threads to begin // taking NMT traps. void GPGC_NewCollector::enable_NMT_traps(TimeDetailTracer* tdt) { assert(GPGC_Safepoint::is_at_safepoint(),"must be at safepoint"); if ( BatchedMemoryOps ) { // Commit batched swap in of new read barrier trap array inside a safepoint. GPGC_Collector::commit_batched_memory_ops(tdt, GPGC_Collector::NewCollector); } else { // Swap in new read barrier trap array to enable new trap state: GPGC_ReadTrapArray::swap_readbarrier_arrays(tdt, GPGC_Collector::NewCollector); } { DetailTracer dt(tdt, false, "N: NMT enable: "); // Setup the NMT trap for the threads GPGC_NMT::toggle_new_nmt_flag(); GPGC_NMT::enable_new_trap(); if ( mark_old_space_roots() ) { GPGC_NMT::toggle_old_nmt_flag(); GPGC_NMT::enable_old_trap(); } // Make sure the new desired NMT state is visible to all the threads before we start // telling them to update their NMT state. if (os::is_MP()) Atomic::membar(); // For each JavaThread, tell them to change their NMT state, and ask them to // self-clean their stacks when they resume. long thread_count = 0; long uncleaned_new_threads = 0; long uncleaned_old_threads = 0; for ( JavaThread* jt=Threads::first(); jt!=NULL; jt=jt->next() ) { thread_count ++; assert0( jt->get_new_gen_ref_buffer() && jt->get_new_gen_ref_buffer()->is_empty() ); if ( jt->please_self_suspend() & JavaThread::gpgc_clean_new ) { uncleaned_new_threads++; } else { jt->set_suspend_request_no_polling( JavaThread::gpgc_clean_new ); } AuditTrail::log_time(jt, AuditTrail::GPGC_TOGGLE_NMT, intptr_t(objectRef::new_space_id)); if ( mark_old_space_roots() ) { assert0( jt->get_old_gen_ref_buffer() && jt->get_old_gen_ref_buffer()->is_empty() ); if ( jt->please_self_suspend() & JavaThread::gpgc_clean_old ) { uncleaned_old_threads++; } else { jt->set_suspend_request_no_polling( JavaThread::gpgc_clean_old ); } } } dt.print("found %d unclean-new threads (%d unclean-old) out of %d", uncleaned_new_threads, uncleaned_old_threads, thread_count); } }
static void test(void *stack_pointer) { mps_thr_t thread; unsigned long mins; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) (1024*1024*50)), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); mins = sizeof(int); dt(SEQ, 4096, 32, 8, 9, 5, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 64, 64, 8, 128, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, 4096, 32, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, 4096, 32, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, 4096, 32, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, 4096, 32, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 4096, 32, 8, 64, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, 4096, 1024, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, 4096, 1024, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, 4096, 1024, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, 4096, 1024, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 4096, 1024, 100, 132, 1000, ITERATIONS); dt(DUMMY, 128*1024, 64*1024, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQ, 128*1024, 64*1024, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RAN, 128*1024, 64*1024, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(SEQGAP, 128*1024, 64*1024, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); dt(RANGAP, 128*1024, 64*1024, mins, 128*1024, 100, ITERATIONS); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); }
void ParamEdit::FormulaCompiledForExpression(DatabaseQuery *q) { DatabaseQuery::CompileFormula& cf = q->compile_formula; bool ok = cf.ok; if (ok == false) { m_error = true; m_error_string = wxString::Format(_("Invalid expression %s"), cf.error); } free(cf.formula); free(cf.error); delete q; if (!ok) { return; } DefinedParam* param = new DefinedParam(m_draws_ctrl->GetCurrentDrawInfo()->GetBasePrefix(), L"TEMPORARY:SEARCH:EXPRESSION", L"", GetFormula(), 0, TParam::LUA_AV, -1); param->CreateParam(); std::vector<DefinedParam*> dpv = std::vector<DefinedParam*>(1, param); m_cfg_mgr->SubstituteOrAddDefinedParams(dpv); DefinedDrawInfo* ddi = new DefinedDrawInfo(L"", L"", wxColour(), 0, 1, TDraw::NONE, L"", param, m_cfg_mgr->GetDefinedDrawsSets()); q = new DatabaseQuery(); q->type = DatabaseQuery::SEARCH_DATA; q->draw_info = ddi; q->param = param->GetIPKParam(); q->draw_no = -1; q->search_data.end = -1; q->search_data.period_type = m_draws_ctrl->GetPeriod(); q->search_data.search_condition = new non_zero_search_condition; wxDateTime t = m_current_search_date.IsValid() ? m_current_search_date.GetTicks() : m_draws_ctrl->GetCurrentTime(); DTime dt(m_draws_ctrl->GetPeriod(), t); dt.AdjustToPeriod(); TimeIndex time_index(m_draws_ctrl->GetPeriod()); switch (m_search_direction) { case SEARCHING_LEFT: q->search_data.start = (dt - time_index.GetTimeRes() - time_index.GetDateRes()).GetTime().GetTicks(); q->search_data.direction = -1; break; case SEARCHING_RIGHT: q->search_data.start = (dt + time_index.GetTimeRes() + time_index.GetDateRes()).GetTime().GetTicks(); q->search_data.direction = 1; break; case NOT_SEARCHING: assert(false); break; } QueryDatabase(q); }