Esempio n. 1
bool PathInfo::isPointInPolyBounds(float x, float y, float z, float &distance, dtPolyRef polyRef)
    float point[3] = {y, z, x};
    int polyindex;

    const dtMeshTile* tile = m_navMesh->getTileByPolyRef(polyRef, &polyindex);
        return false;

    const dtPoly poly = tile->polys[polyindex];

    float vertices[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];
    float ed[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];             // distance^2 from edge to point
    float et[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];             // describes where on edge is nearest point

    // Collect vertices.
    int nv = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)poly.vertCount; ++i)
        rcVcopy(&vertices[nv*3], &tile->verts[poly.verts[i]*3]);

    bool isInsidePoly = dtDistancePtPolyEdgesSqr(point, vertices, nv, ed, et);

        // distance to nearest edge
        distance = FLT_MAX;
        for(int i = 0; i < (int)poly.vertCount; ++i)
            if(ed[i] < distance)
                distance = ed[i];
        distance = 0.0f;

    return isInsidePoly;
Esempio n. 2
void dtNavMesh::closestPointOnPoly(dtPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest, bool* posOverPoly) const
	const dtMeshTile* tile = 0;
	const dtPoly* poly = 0;
	getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(ref, &tile, &poly);
	// Off-mesh connections don't have detail polygons.
		const float* v0 = &tile->verts[poly->verts[0]*3];
		const float* v1 = &tile->verts[poly->verts[1]*3];
		const float d0 = dtVdist(pos, v0);
		const float d1 = dtVdist(pos, v1);
		const float u = d0 / (d0+d1);
		dtVlerp(closest, v0, v1, u);
		if (posOverPoly)
			*posOverPoly = false;
	const unsigned int ip = (unsigned int)(poly - tile->polys);
	const dtPolyDetail* pd = &tile->detailMeshes[ip];
	// Clamp point to be inside the polygon.
	float verts[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON*3];	
	float edged[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	float edget[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	const int nv = poly->vertCount;
	for (int i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
		dtVcopy(&verts[i*3], &tile->verts[poly->verts[i]*3]);
	dtVcopy(closest, pos);
	if (!dtDistancePtPolyEdgesSqr(pos, verts, nv, edged, edget))
		// Point is outside the polygon, dtClamp to nearest edge.
		float dmin = FLT_MAX;
		int imin = -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
			if (edged[i] < dmin)
				dmin = edged[i];
				imin = i;
		const float* va = &verts[imin*3];
		const float* vb = &verts[((imin+1)%nv)*3];
		dtVlerp(closest, va, vb, edget[imin]);
		if (posOverPoly)
			*posOverPoly = false;
		if (posOverPoly)
			*posOverPoly = true;
	// Find height at the location.
	for (int j = 0; j < pd->triCount; ++j)
		const unsigned char* t = &tile->detailTris[(pd->triBase+j)*4];
		const float* v[3];
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
			if (t[k] < poly->vertCount)
				v[k] = &tile->verts[poly->verts[t[k]]*3];
				v[k] = &tile->detailVerts[(pd->vertBase+(t[k]-poly->vertCount))*3];
		float h;
		if (dtClosestHeightPointTriangle(pos, v[0], v[1], v[2], h))
			closest[1] = h;