Esempio n. 1
static void generate_thumbnail_cache()
  const int max_mip = DT_MIPMAP_2;
  fprintf(stderr, _("creating cache directories\n"));
  char filename[PATH_MAX] = {0};
  for(int k=DT_MIPMAP_0;k<=max_mip;k++)
    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.d/%d", darktable.mipmap_cache->cachedir, k);
    fprintf(stderr, _("creating cache directory '%s'\n"), filename);
    int mkd = g_mkdir_with_parents(filename, 0750);
      fprintf(stderr, _("could not create directory '%s'!\n"), filename);
  // some progress counter
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
  uint64_t image_count = 0, counter = 0;
  DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_PREPARE_V2(dt_database_get(darktable.db), "select count(id) from images", -1, &stmt, 0);
  if(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
    image_count = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);

  // go through all images:
  DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_PREPARE_V2(dt_database_get(darktable.db), "select id from images", -1, &stmt, 0);
  // could only alloc max_mip-1, but would need to detect the special case that max==0.
  const size_t bufsize = (size_t)4 * darktable.mipmap_cache->max_width[max_mip]
                         * darktable.mipmap_cache->max_height[max_mip];
  uint8_t *tmp = (uint8_t *)dt_alloc_align(16, bufsize);
    fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate temporary memory!\n");
  const int cache_quality = MIN(100, MAX(10, dt_conf_get_int("database_cache_quality")));
  while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
    const int32_t imgid = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
    // check whether all of these files are already there
    int all_exist = 1;
    for(int k=max_mip;k>=DT_MIPMAP_0;k--)
      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.d/%d/%d.jpg", darktable.mipmap_cache->cachedir, k, imgid);
      all_exist &= !access(filename, R_OK); 
    if(all_exist) goto next;
    dt_mipmap_buffer_t buf;
    // get largest thumbnail for this image
    // this one will take care of itself, we'll just write out the lower thumbs manually:
    dt_mipmap_cache_get(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf, imgid, max_mip, DT_MIPMAP_BLOCKING, 'r');
    if(buf.width > 8 && buf.height > 8) // don't create for skulls
    for(int k=max_mip-1;k>=DT_MIPMAP_0;k--)
      uint32_t width, height;
      const int wd = darktable.mipmap_cache->max_width[k];
      const int ht = darktable.mipmap_cache->max_height[k];
      // use exactly the same mechanism as the cache internally to rescale the thumbnail:
      dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(buf.buf, buf.width, buf.height, tmp, wd, ht, 0, &width, &height);

      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.d/%d/%d.jpg", darktable.mipmap_cache->cachedir, k, imgid);
      FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
        // allocate temp memory:
        uint8_t *blob = (uint8_t *)malloc(bufsize);
        if(!blob) goto write_error;
        const int32_t length
          = dt_imageio_jpeg_compress(tmp, blob, width, height, cache_quality);
        assert(length <= bufsize);
        int written = fwrite(blob, sizeof(uint8_t), length, f);
        if(written != length)
    dt_mipmap_cache_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
    counter ++;
    fprintf(stderr, "\rimage %lu/%lu (%.02f%%)            ", counter, image_count, 100.0*counter/(float)image_count);
  fprintf(stderr, "done                     \n");
Esempio n. 2
static void
  uint8_t                *buf,
  uint32_t               *width,
  uint32_t               *height,
  const uint32_t          imgid,
  const dt_mipmap_size_t  size)
  const uint32_t wd = *width, ht = *height;
  char filename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0};
  gboolean from_cache = TRUE;

  /* do not even try to process file if it isnt available */
  dt_image_full_path(imgid, filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, &from_cache);
  if (strlen(filename) == 0 || !g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
    *width = *height = 0;

  const int altered = dt_image_altered(imgid);
  int res = 1;

  const dt_image_t *cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
  const int orientation = dt_image_orientation(cimg);
  // the orientation for this camera is not read correctly from exiv2, so we need
  // to go the full libraw path (as the thumbnail will be flipped the wrong way round)
  const int incompatible = !strncmp(cimg->exif_maker, "Phase One", 9);
  dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, cimg);

  // first try exif thumbnail, that's smaller and thus faster to load:
  if(!altered && !dt_conf_get_bool("never_use_embedded_thumb") &&
      !dt_exif_thumbnail(filename, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height))
    res = 0;
  else if(!altered && !dt_conf_get_bool("never_use_embedded_thumb") && !incompatible)
    // try to load the embedded thumbnail in raw
    gboolean from_cache = TRUE;
    memset(filename, 0, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
    dt_image_full_path(imgid, filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, &from_cache);

    const char *c = filename + strlen(filename);
    while(*c != '.' && c > filename) c--;
    if(!strcasecmp(c, ".jpg"))
      // try to load jpg
      dt_imageio_jpeg_t jpg;
      if(!dt_imageio_jpeg_read_header(filename, &jpg))
        uint8_t *tmp = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*jpg.width*jpg.height*4);
        if(!dt_imageio_jpeg_read(&jpg, tmp))
          // scale to fit
          dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(tmp, jpg.width, jpg.height, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height);
          res = 0;
      uint8_t *tmp = 0;
      int32_t thumb_width, thumb_height, orientation;
      res = dt_imageio_large_thumbnail(filename, &tmp, &thumb_width, &thumb_height, &orientation);
        // scale to fit
        dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(tmp, thumb_width, thumb_height, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height);

    // try the real thing: rawspeed + pixelpipe
    dt_imageio_module_format_t format;
    _dummy_data_t dat;
    format.bpp = _bpp;
    format.write_image = _write_image;
    format.levels = _levels;
    dat.head.max_width  = wd;
    dat.head.max_height = ht;
    dat.buf = buf;
    // export with flags: ignore exif (don't load from disk), don't swap byte order, don't do hq processing, and signal we want thumbnail export
    res = dt_imageio_export_with_flags(imgid, "unused", &format, (dt_imageio_module_data_t *)&dat, 1, 1, 0, 1, NULL,FALSE,NULL,NULL);
      // might be smaller, or have a different aspect than what we got as input.
      *width  = dat.head.width;
      *height = dat.head.height;

  // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap init 8] export image %u finished (sizes %d %d => %d %d)!\n", imgid, wd, ht, dat.head.width, dat.head.height);

  // any errors?
    // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] could not process thumbnail!\n");
    *width = *height = 0;

  // TODO: various speed optimizations:
  // TODO: also init all smaller mips!
  // TODO: use mipf, but:
  // TODO: if output is cropped, don't use mipf!
Esempio n. 3
static void 
    uint8_t                *buf,
    uint32_t               *width,
    uint32_t               *height,
    const uint32_t          imgid,
    const dt_mipmap_size_t  size)
  const uint32_t wd = *width, ht = *height;  

  /* do not even try to process file if it isnt available */
  char filename[2048] = {0};
  dt_image_full_path(imgid, filename, 2048);
  if (strlen(filename) == 0 || !g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
    *width = *height = 0;

  const int altered = dt_image_altered(imgid);
  int res = 1;

  const dt_image_t *cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
  const int orientation = dt_image_orientation(cimg);
  // the orientation for this camera is not read correctly from exiv2, so we need
  // to go the full libraw path (as the thumbnail will be flipped the wrong way round)
  const int incompatible = !strncmp(cimg->exif_maker, "Phase One", 9);
  dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, cimg);

  // try to load the embedded thumbnail first
  if(!altered && !dt_conf_get_bool("never_use_embedded_thumb") && !incompatible)
    int ret;
    char filename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
    dt_image_full_path(imgid, filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
    const char *c = filename + strlen(filename);
    while(*c != '.' && c > filename) c--;
    if(!strcasecmp(c, ".jpg"))
      // try to load jpg
      dt_imageio_jpeg_t jpg;
      if(!dt_imageio_jpeg_read_header(filename, &jpg))
        uint8_t *tmp = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*jpg.width*jpg.height*4);
        if(!dt_imageio_jpeg_read(&jpg, tmp))
          // scale to fit
          dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(tmp, jpg.width, jpg.height, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height);
          res = 0;
      // raw image thumbnail
      libraw_data_t *raw = libraw_init(0);
      libraw_processed_image_t *image = NULL;
      ret = libraw_open_file(raw, filename);
      if(ret) goto libraw_fail;
      ret = libraw_unpack_thumb(raw);
      if(ret) goto libraw_fail;
      ret = libraw_adjust_sizes_info_only(raw);
      if(ret) goto libraw_fail;

      image = libraw_dcraw_make_mem_thumb(raw, &ret);
      if(!image || ret) goto libraw_fail;
      const int orientation = raw->sizes.flip;
      if(image->type == LIBRAW_IMAGE_JPEG)
        // JPEG: decode (directly rescaled to mip4)
        dt_imageio_jpeg_t jpg;
        if(dt_imageio_jpeg_decompress_header(image->data, image->data_size, &jpg)) goto libraw_fail;
        uint8_t *tmp = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*jpg.width*jpg.height*4);
        if(dt_imageio_jpeg_decompress(&jpg, tmp))
          goto libraw_fail;
        // scale to fit
        dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(tmp, jpg.width, jpg.height, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height);

        res = 0;
        // bmp
        dt_iop_flip_and_zoom_8(image->data, image->width, image->height, buf, wd, ht, orientation, width, height);
        res = 0;

      // clean up raw stuff.
        // fprintf(stderr,"[imageio] %s: %s\n", filename, libraw_strerror(ret));
        res = 1;

    // try the real thing: rawspeed + pixelpipe
    dt_imageio_module_format_t format;
    _dummy_data_t dat;
    format.bpp = _bpp;
    format.write_image = _write_image;
    dat.head.max_width  = wd;
    dat.head.max_height = ht;
    dat.buf = buf;
    // export with flags: ignore exif (don't load from disk), don't swap byte order, don't do hq processing, and signal we want thumbnail export
    res = dt_imageio_export_with_flags(imgid, "unused", &format, (dt_imageio_module_data_t *)&dat, 1, 1, 0, 1);
      // might be smaller, or have a different aspect than what we got as input.
      *width  = dat.head.width;
      *height = dat.head.height;

  // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap init 8] export image %u finished (sizes %d %d => %d %d)!\n", imgid, wd, ht, dat.head.width, dat.head.height);

  // any errors?
    // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] could not process thumbnail!\n");
    *width = *height = 0;

  // TODO: various speed optimizations:
  // TODO: also init all smaller mips!
  // TODO: use mipf, but:
  // TODO: if output is cropped, don't use mipf!