Esempio n. 1
static void
dfatal(const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;

	va_start(ap, fmt);

	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g_pname);
	if (fmt != NULL)
		(void) vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);


	if (fmt != NULL && fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] != '\n') {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n",
		    dtrace_errmsg(g_dtp, dtrace_errno(g_dtp)));
	} else if (fmt == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",
		    dtrace_errmsg(g_dtp, dtrace_errno(g_dtp)));

	if (g_pr != NULL) {
		dtrace_proc_continue(g_dtp, g_pr);
		dtrace_proc_release(g_dtp, g_pr);

Esempio n. 2
static void
dt_pragma_option(const char *prname, dt_node_t *dnp)
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
	char *opt, *val;

	if (dnp == NULL || dnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT) {
		    "malformed #pragma %s <option>=<val>\n", prname);

	if (dnp->dn_list != NULL) {
		    "superfluous arguments specified for #pragma %s\n", prname);

	opt = alloca(strlen(dnp->dn_string) + 1);
	(void) strcpy(opt, dnp->dn_string);

	if ((val = strchr(opt, '=')) != NULL)
		*val++ = '\0';

	if (dtrace_setopt(dtp, opt, val) == -1) {
		if (val == NULL) {
			    "failed to set option '%s': %s\n", opt,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
		} else {
			    "failed to set option '%s' to '%s': %s\n",
			    opt, val, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
Esempio n. 3
static VALUE load_ustack_helper(VALUE klass, VALUE path) {
  dtrace_hdl_t *dtp;
  dtrace_prog_t *helper;

  int err;
  void *dof;
  int argc = 1;
  char *argv[1] = { "ruby" };

  printf("c land: I am trying to load %s", RSTRING_PTR(path));

  FILE *fp = fopen(RSTRING_PTR(path), "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
		rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "failed to open '%s', errno %d: %s", path, errno, strerror(errno));

  dtp = dtrace_open(DTRACE_VERSION, DTRACE_O_NODEV, &err);
  if (dtp == NULL) {
    rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "dtrace_open failed: %s", dtrace_errmsg(dtp, err));

  (void) dtrace_setopt(dtp, "linkmode", "dynamic");
  (void) dtrace_setopt(dtp, "unodefs", NULL);

  if ((helper = dtrace_program_fcompile(dtp, fp,
          argc, argv)) == NULL) {
    rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "compile failed: errno %d: %s", dtrace_errno(dtp), dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

  (void) fclose(fp);

  if ((dof = dtrace_dof_create(dtp, helper, 0)) == NULL) {
    rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "DOF create failed: %s", dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

  if (load_dof(dof) != 0) {
    rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "DOF load failed: %s", strerror(err));


  return Qnil;
Esempio n. 4
static void
dt_idcook_regs(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_ident_t *idp, int argc, dt_node_t *ap)
	dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;

	if (argc != 1) {
		xyerror(D_PROTO_LEN, "%s[ ] prototype mismatch: %d arg%s"
		    "passed, 1 expected\n", idp->di_name,
		    argc, argc == 1 ? " " : "s ");

	if (ap->dn_kind != DT_NODE_INT) {
		xyerror(D_PROTO_ARG, "%s[ ] argument #1 is incompatible with "
		    "prototype:\n\tprototype: %s\n\t argument: %s\n",
		    idp->di_name, "integer constant",
		    dt_type_name(ap->dn_ctfp, ap->dn_type, n, sizeof (n)));

	if ((ap->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED) && (int64_t)ap->dn_value < 0) {
		xyerror(D_REGS_IDX, "index %lld is out of range for array %s\n",
		    (longlong_t)ap->dn_value, idp->di_name);

	if (dt_type_lookup("uint64_t", &dtt) == -1) {
		xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to resolve type of %s: %s\n",
		    idp->di_name, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

	idp->di_ctfp = dtt.dtt_ctfp;
	idp->di_type = dtt.dtt_type;

	dt_node_type_assign(dnp, idp->di_ctfp, idp->di_type);
Esempio n. 5
 * The #pragma depends_on directive can be used to express a dependency on a
 * module, provider or library which if not present will cause processing to
 * abort.
static void
dt_pragma_depends(const char *prname, dt_node_t *cnp)
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
	dt_node_t *nnp = cnp ? cnp->dn_list : NULL;
	int found;
	dt_lib_depend_t *dld;

	if (cnp == NULL || nnp == NULL ||
	    cnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT || nnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT) {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_MALFORM, "malformed #pragma %s "
		    "<class> <name>\n", prname);

	if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "provider") == 0)
		found = dt_provider_lookup(dtp, nnp->dn_string) != NULL;
	else if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "module") == 0) {
		dt_module_t *mp = dt_module_lookup_by_name(dtp, nnp->dn_string);
		found = mp != NULL && dt_module_getctf(dtp, mp) != NULL;
	} else if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "library") == 0) {

		 * We have the file we are working on in dtp->dt_filetag
		 * so find that node and add the dependency in.
		if (yypcb->pcb_cflags & DTRACE_C_CTL) {
			char lib[MAXPATHLEN];

			dld = dt_lib_depend_lookup(&dtp->dt_lib_dep,
			assert(dld != NULL);

			(void) snprintf(lib, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%s",
			    dld->dtld_libpath, nnp->dn_string);
			if ((dt_lib_depend_add(dtp, &dld->dtld_dependencies,
			    lib)) != 0) {
				    "failed to add dependency %s:%s\n",
				    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
		found = 1;
	} else {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_INVAL, "invalid class %s "
		    "specified by #pragma %s\n", cnp->dn_string, prname);

	if (!found) {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_DEPEND, "program requires %s %s\n",
		    cnp->dn_string, nnp->dn_string);
Esempio n. 6
static void
dfatal(const char *fmt, ...)
#if !defined(sun) && defined(NEED_ERRLOC)
	char *p_errfile = NULL;
	int errline = 0;
	va_list ap;

	va_start(ap, fmt);

	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g_pname);
	if (fmt != NULL)
		(void) vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);


	if (fmt != NULL && fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] != '\n') {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n",
		    dtrace_errmsg(g_dtp, dtrace_errno(g_dtp)));
	} else if (fmt == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",
		    dtrace_errmsg(g_dtp, dtrace_errno(g_dtp)));
#if !defined(sun) && defined(NEED_ERRLOC)
	dt_get_errloc(g_dtp, &p_errfile, &errline);
	if (p_errfile != NULL)
		printf("File '%s', line %d\n", p_errfile, errline);

	 * Close the DTrace handle to ensure that any controlled processes are
	 * correctly restored and continued.

Esempio n. 7
dt_buf_create(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, dt_buf_t *bp, const char *name, size_t len)
	if (len == 0)
		len = _dtrace_bufsize;

	bp->dbu_buf = bp->dbu_ptr = dt_zalloc(dtp, len);
	bp->dbu_len = len;

	if (bp->dbu_buf == NULL)
		bp->dbu_err = dtrace_errno(dtp);
		bp->dbu_err = 0;

	bp->dbu_resizes = 0;
	bp->dbu_name = name;
Esempio n. 8
static int
list_stmt(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, dtrace_prog_t *pgp,
    dtrace_stmtdesc_t *stp, dtrace_ecbdesc_t **last)
	dtrace_ecbdesc_t *edp = stp->dtsd_ecbdesc;

	if (edp == *last)
		return (0);

	if (dtrace_probe_iter(g_dtp, &edp->dted_probe, list_probe, NULL) != 0) {
		error("failed to match %s:%s:%s:%s: %s\n",
		    edp->dted_probe.dtpd_provider, edp->dted_probe.dtpd_mod,
		    edp->dted_probe.dtpd_func, edp->dted_probe.dtpd_name,
		    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

	*last = edp;
	return (0);
Esempio n. 9
static void
dt_idcook_type(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_ident_t *idp, int argc, dt_node_t *args)
	if (idp->di_type == CTF_ERR) {
		dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
		dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;

		if (dt_type_lookup(idp->di_iarg, &dtt) == -1) {
			    "failed to resolve type %s for identifier %s: %s\n",
			    (const char *)idp->di_iarg, idp->di_name,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

		idp->di_ctfp = dtt.dtt_ctfp;
		idp->di_type = dtt.dtt_type;

	dt_node_type_assign(dnp, idp->di_ctfp, idp->di_type);
Esempio n. 10
dt_buf_write(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, dt_buf_t *bp,
    const void *buf, size_t len, size_t align)
	size_t off = (size_t)(bp->dbu_ptr - bp->dbu_buf);
	size_t adj = roundup(off, align) - off;

	if (bp->dbu_err != 0) {
		(void) dt_set_errno(dtp, bp->dbu_err);
		return; /* write silently fails */

	if (bp->dbu_ptr + adj + len > bp->dbu_buf + bp->dbu_len) {
		size_t new_len = bp->dbu_len * 2;
		uchar_t *new_buf;
		uint_t r = 1;

		while (bp->dbu_ptr + adj + len > bp->dbu_buf + new_len) {
			new_len *= 2;

		if ((new_buf = dt_zalloc(dtp, new_len)) == NULL) {
			bp->dbu_err = dtrace_errno(dtp);

		bcopy(bp->dbu_buf, new_buf, off);
		dt_free(dtp, bp->dbu_buf);

		bp->dbu_buf = new_buf;
		bp->dbu_ptr = new_buf + off;
		bp->dbu_len = new_len;
		bp->dbu_resizes += r;

	bp->dbu_ptr += adj;
	bcopy(buf, bp->dbu_ptr, len);
	bp->dbu_ptr += len;
Esempio n. 11
dtrace_handle_err(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, dtrace_handle_err_f *hdlr, void *arg)
	dtrace_prog_t *pgp = NULL;
	dt_stmt_t *stp;
	dtrace_ecbdesc_t *edp;

	 * We don't currently support multiple error handlers.
	if (dtp->dt_errhdlr != NULL)
		return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EALREADY));

	 * If the DTRACEOPT_GRABANON is enabled, the anonymous enabling will
	 * already have a dtrace:::ERROR probe enabled; save 'hdlr' and 'arg'
	 * but do not bother compiling and enabling _dt_errprog.
		goto out;

	if ((pgp = dtrace_program_strcompile(dtp, _dt_errprog,
		return (dt_set_errno(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

	stp = dt_list_next(&pgp->dp_stmts);
	assert(stp != NULL);

	edp = stp->ds_desc->dtsd_ecbdesc;
	assert(edp != NULL);
	edp->dted_uarg = DT_ECB_ERROR;

	dtp->dt_errhdlr = hdlr;
	dtp->dt_errarg = arg;
	dtp->dt_errprog = pgp;

	return (0);
Esempio n. 12
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	dtrace_probedesc_t pd, *pdp = NULL;
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp;
	int err, c;
	char *p;

	g_progname = argv[0];

	if ((dtp = dtrace_open(DTRACE_VERSION, 0, &err)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open dtrace: %s\n",
		    g_progname, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, err));
		return (1);

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "evx:")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'e':
		case 'v':
		case 'x':
			if ((p = strchr(optarg, '=')) != NULL)
				*p++ = '\0';

			if (dtrace_setopt(dtp, optarg, p) != 0) {
				(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to set "
				    "option -x %s: %s\n", g_progname, optarg,
				    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
				return (2);

			(void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-ev] "
			    "[-x opt[=arg]] [probedesc]\n", g_progname);
			return (2);

	argv += optind;
	argc -= optind;

	if (argc > 0) {
		if (dtrace_str2desc(dtp, DTRACE_PROBESPEC_NAME, argv[0], &pd)) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid probe description "
			    "%s: %s\n", g_progname, argv[0],
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
			return (2);
		pdp = &pd;

	g_fd = dtrace_ctlfd(dtp);
	(void) dtrace_probe_iter(dtp, pdp, probe, NULL);

	(void) printf("\nTotal probes: %d\n", g_count);
	(void) printf("Total errors: %d\n\n", g_errs);

	return (g_errs != 0);
Esempio n. 13
 * If a probe was discovered from the kernel, ask dtrace(7D) for a description
 * of each of its arguments, including native and translated types.
static dt_probe_t *
dt_probe_discover(dt_provider_t *pvp, const dtrace_probedesc_t *pdp)
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = pvp->pv_hdl;
	char *name = dt_probe_key(pdp, alloca(dt_probe_keylen(pdp)));

	dt_node_t *xargs, *nargs;
	dt_ident_t *idp;
	dt_probe_t *prp;

	dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
	int i, nc, xc;

	int adc = _dtrace_argmax;
	dtrace_argdesc_t *adv = alloca(sizeof (dtrace_argdesc_t) * adc);
	dtrace_argdesc_t *adp = adv;

	assert(strcmp(pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, pdp->dtpd_provider) == 0);
	assert(pdp->dtpd_id != DTRACE_IDNONE);

	dt_dprintf("discovering probe %s:%s id=%d\n",
	    pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, name, pdp->dtpd_id);

	for (nc = -1, i = 0; i < adc; i++, adp++) {
		bzero(adp, sizeof (dtrace_argdesc_t));
		adp->dtargd_ndx = i;
		adp->dtargd_id = pdp->dtpd_id;

		if (dt_ioctl(dtp, DTRACEIOC_PROBEARG, adp) != 0) {
			(void) dt_set_errno(dtp, errno);
			return (NULL);

		if (adp->dtargd_ndx == DTRACE_ARGNONE)
			break; /* all argument descs have been retrieved */

		nc = MAX(nc, adp->dtargd_mapping);

	xc = i;

	 * The pid provider believes in giving the kernel a break. No reason to
	 * give the kernel all the ctf containers that we're keeping ourselves
	 * just to get it back from it. So if we're coming from a pid provider
	 * probe and the kernel gave us no argument information we'll get some
	 * here. If for some crazy reason the kernel knows about our userland
	 * types then we just ignore this.
	if (xc == 0 && nc == 0 &&
	    strncmp(pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, "pid", 3) == 0) {
		nc = adc;
		dt_pid_get_types(dtp, pdp, adv, &nc);
		xc = nc;

	 * Now that we have discovered the number of native and translated
	 * arguments from the argument descriptions, allocate a new probe ident
	 * and corresponding dt_probe_t and hash it into the provider.
	xargs = dt_probe_alloc_args(pvp, xc);
	nargs = dt_probe_alloc_args(pvp, nc);

	if ((xc != 0 && xargs == NULL) || (nc != 0 && nargs == NULL))
		return (NULL); /* dt_errno is set for us */

	idp = dt_ident_create(name, DT_IDENT_PROBE,
	    DT_IDFLG_ORPHAN, pdp->dtpd_id, _dtrace_defattr, 0,
	    &dt_idops_probe, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);

	if (idp == NULL) {
		(void) dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_NOMEM);
		return (NULL);

	if ((prp = dt_probe_create(dtp, idp, 2,
	    nargs, nc, xargs, xc)) == NULL) {
		return (NULL);

	dt_probe_declare(pvp, prp);

	 * Once our new dt_probe_t is fully constructed, iterate over the
	 * cached argument descriptions and assign types to prp->pr_nargv[]
	 * and prp->pr_xargv[] and assign mappings to prp->pr_mapping[].
	for (adp = adv, i = 0; i < xc; i++, adp++) {
		if (dtrace_type_strcompile(dtp,
		    adp->dtargd_native, &dtt) != 0) {
			dt_dprintf("failed to resolve input type %s "
			    "for %s:%s arg #%d: %s\n", adp->dtargd_native,
			    pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, name, i + 1,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

			dtt.dtt_object = NULL;
			dtt.dtt_ctfp = NULL;
			dtt.dtt_type = CTF_ERR;
		} else {
			    dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
			    dtt.dtt_flags & DTT_FL_USER ? B_TRUE : B_FALSE);

		if (dtt.dtt_type != CTF_ERR && (adp->dtargd_xlate[0] == '\0' ||
		    strcmp(adp->dtargd_native, adp->dtargd_xlate) == 0)) {
			    adp->dtargd_mapping], prp->pr_xargv[i]);
		} else if (dtrace_type_strcompile(dtp,
		    adp->dtargd_xlate, &dtt) != 0) {
			dt_dprintf("failed to resolve output type %s "
			    "for %s:%s arg #%d: %s\n", adp->dtargd_xlate,
			    pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, name, i + 1,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

			dtt.dtt_object = NULL;
			dtt.dtt_ctfp = NULL;
			dtt.dtt_type = CTF_ERR;
		} else {
			    dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type, B_FALSE);

		prp->pr_mapping[i] = adp->dtargd_mapping;
		prp->pr_argv[i] = dtt;

	return (prp);
Esempio n. 14
 * The #pragma depends_on directive can be used to express a dependency on a
 * module, provider or library which if not present will cause processing to
 * abort.
static void
dt_pragma_depends(const char *prname, dt_node_t *cnp)
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
	dt_node_t *nnp = cnp ? cnp->dn_list : NULL;
	int found;
	dt_lib_depend_t *dld;
	char lib[MAXPATHLEN];
	size_t plen;
	char *provs, *cpy, *tok;

	if (cnp == NULL || nnp == NULL ||
	    cnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT || nnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT) {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_MALFORM, "malformed #pragma %s "
		    "<class> <name>\n", prname);

	if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "provider") == 0) {
		 * First try to get the provider list using the
		 * debug.dtrace.providers sysctl, since that'll work even if
		 * we're not running as root.
		provs = NULL;
		if (sysctlbyname("debug.dtrace.providers", NULL, &plen, NULL, 0) ||
		    ((provs = dt_alloc(dtp, plen)) == NULL) ||
		    sysctlbyname("debug.dtrace.providers", provs, &plen, NULL, 0))
			found = dt_provider_lookup(dtp, nnp->dn_string) != NULL;
		else {
			found = B_FALSE;
			for (cpy = provs; (tok = strsep(&cpy, " ")) != NULL; )
				if (strcmp(tok, nnp->dn_string) == 0) {
					found = B_TRUE;
			if (found == B_FALSE)
				found = dt_provider_lookup(dtp,
				    nnp->dn_string) != NULL;
		if (provs != NULL)
			dt_free(dtp, provs);
	} else if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "module") == 0) {
		dt_module_t *mp = dt_module_lookup_by_name(dtp, nnp->dn_string);
		found = mp != NULL && dt_module_getctf(dtp, mp) != NULL;
	} else if (strcmp(cnp->dn_string, "library") == 0) {
		if (yypcb->pcb_cflags & DTRACE_C_CTL) {
			assert(dtp->dt_filetag != NULL);

			dt_pragma_depends_finddep(dtp, nnp->dn_string, lib,
			    sizeof (lib));

			dld = dt_lib_depend_lookup(&dtp->dt_lib_dep,
			assert(dld != NULL);

			if ((dt_lib_depend_add(dtp, &dld->dtld_dependencies,
			    lib)) != 0) {
				    "failed to add dependency %s:%s\n", lib,
				    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
		} else {
			 * By this point we have already performed a topological
			 * sort of the dependencies; we process this directive
			 * as satisfied as long as the dependency was properly
			 * loaded.
			if (dtp->dt_filetag == NULL)
				xyerror(D_PRAGMA_DEPEND, "main program may "
				    "not explicitly depend on a library");

			dld = dt_lib_depend_lookup(&dtp->dt_lib_dep,
			assert(dld != NULL);

			dt_pragma_depends_finddep(dtp, nnp->dn_string, lib,
			    sizeof (lib));
			dld = dt_lib_depend_lookup(&dtp->dt_lib_dep_sorted,
			assert(dld != NULL);

			if (!dld->dtld_loaded)
				xyerror(D_PRAGMA_DEPEND, "program requires "
				    "library \"%s\" which failed to load",

		found = B_TRUE;
	} else {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_INVAL, "invalid class %s "
		    "specified by #pragma %s\n", cnp->dn_string, prname);

	if (!found) {
		xyerror(D_PRAGMA_DEPEND, "program requires %s %s\n",
		    cnp->dn_string, nnp->dn_string);
Esempio n. 15
static int
dt_pid_per_sym(dt_pid_probe_t *pp, const GElf_Sym *symp, const char *func)
	dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = pp->dpp_dtp;
	dt_pcb_t *pcb = pp->dpp_pcb;
	dt_proc_t *dpr = pp->dpp_dpr;
	fasttrap_probe_spec_t *ftp;
	uint64_t off;
	char *end;
	uint_t nmatches = 0;
	ulong_t sz;
	int glob, err;
	int isdash = strcmp("-", func) == 0;
	pid_t pid;

#if defined(sun)
	pid = Pstatus(pp->dpp_pr)->pr_pid;
	pid = proc_getpid(pp->dpp_pr);

	dt_dprintf("creating probe pid%d:%s:%s:%s\n", (int)pid, pp->dpp_obj,
	    func, pp->dpp_name);

	sz = sizeof (fasttrap_probe_spec_t) + (isdash ? 4 :
	    (symp->st_size - 1) * sizeof (ftp->ftps_offs[0]));

	if ((ftp = dt_alloc(dtp, sz)) == NULL) {
		dt_dprintf("proc_per_sym: dt_alloc(%lu) failed\n", sz);
		return (1); /* errno is set for us */

	ftp->ftps_pid = pid;
	(void) strncpy(ftp->ftps_func, func, sizeof (ftp->ftps_func));

	dt_pid_objname(ftp->ftps_mod, sizeof (ftp->ftps_mod), pp->dpp_lmid,

	if (!isdash && gmatch("return", pp->dpp_name)) {
		if (dt_pid_create_return_probe(pp->dpp_pr, dtp, ftp, symp,
		    pp->dpp_stret) < 0) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp,
			    D_PROC_CREATEFAIL, "failed to create return probe "
			    "for '%s': %s", func,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp))));


	if (!isdash && gmatch("entry", pp->dpp_name)) {
		if (dt_pid_create_entry_probe(pp->dpp_pr, dtp, ftp, symp) < 0) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp,
			    D_PROC_CREATEFAIL, "failed to create entry probe "
			    "for '%s': %s", func,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp))));


	glob = strisglob(pp->dpp_name);
	if (!glob && nmatches == 0) {
		off = strtoull(pp->dpp_name, &end, 16);
		if (*end != '\0') {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp, D_PROC_NAME,
			    "'%s' is an invalid probe name", pp->dpp_name));

		if (off >= symp->st_size) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp, D_PROC_OFF,
			    "offset 0x%llx outside of function '%s'",
			    (u_longlong_t)off, func));

		err = dt_pid_create_offset_probe(pp->dpp_pr, pp->dpp_dtp, ftp,
		    symp, off);

		if (err == DT_PROC_ERR) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp,
			    D_PROC_CREATEFAIL, "failed to create probe at "
			    "'%s+0x%llx': %s", func, (u_longlong_t)off,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp))));

		if (err == DT_PROC_ALIGN) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp, D_PROC_ALIGN,
			    "offset 0x%llx is not aligned on an instruction",


	} else if (glob && !isdash) {
		if (dt_pid_create_glob_offset_probes(pp->dpp_pr,
		    pp->dpp_dtp, ftp, symp, pp->dpp_name) < 0) {
			return (dt_pid_error(dtp, pcb, dpr, ftp,
			    "failed to create offset probes in '%s': %s", func,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp))));


	pp->dpp_nmatches += nmatches;

	dt_free(dtp, ftp);

	return (0);
Esempio n. 16
 * Cook a function call.  If this is the first time we are cooking this
 * identifier, create its type signature based on predefined prototype stored
 * in di_iarg.  We then validate the argument list against this signature.
static void
dt_idcook_func(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_ident_t *idp, int argc, dt_node_t *args)
	if (idp->di_data == NULL) {
		dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
		dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
		dt_idsig_t *isp;
		char *s, *p1, *p2;
		int i = 0;

		assert(idp->di_iarg != NULL);
		s = alloca(strlen(idp->di_iarg) + 1);
		(void) strcpy(s, idp->di_iarg);

		if ((p2 = strrchr(s, ')')) != NULL)
			*p2 = '\0'; /* mark end of parameter list string */

		if ((p1 = strchr(s, '(')) != NULL)
			*p1++ = '\0'; /* mark end of return type string */

		if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) {
			xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "internal error: malformed entry "
			    "for built-in function %s\n", idp->di_name);

		for (p2 = p1; *p2 != '\0'; p2++) {
			if (!isspace(*p2)) {

		for (p2 = strchr(p2, ','); p2++ != NULL; i++)
			p2 = strchr(p2, ',');

		 * We first allocate a new ident signature structure with the
		 * appropriate number of argument entries, and then look up
		 * the return type and store its CTF data in di_ctfp/type.
		if ((isp = idp->di_data = malloc(sizeof (dt_idsig_t))) == NULL)
			longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);

		isp->dis_varargs = -1;
		isp->dis_optargs = -1;
		isp->dis_argc = i;
		isp->dis_args = NULL;
		isp->dis_auxinfo = 0;

		if (i != 0 && (isp->dis_args = calloc(i,
		    sizeof (dt_node_t))) == NULL) {
			idp->di_data = NULL;
			longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);

		if (dt_type_lookup(s, &dtt) == -1) {
			xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to resolve type of %s (%s):"
			    " %s\n", idp->di_name, s,
			    dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

		if (idp->di_kind == DT_IDENT_AGGFUNC) {
			idp->di_ctfp = DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp);
			idp->di_type = DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp);
		} else {
			idp->di_ctfp = dtt.dtt_ctfp;
			idp->di_type = dtt.dtt_type;

		 * For each comma-delimited parameter in the prototype string,
		 * we look up the corresponding type and store its CTF data in
		 * the corresponding location in dis_args[].  We also recognize
		 * the special type string "@" to indicate that the specified
		 * parameter may be a D expression of *any* type (represented
		 * as a dis_args[] element with ctfp = NULL, type == CTF_ERR).
		 * If a varargs "..." is present, we record the argument index
		 * in dis_varargs for the benefit of dt_idcook_sign(), above.
		 * If the type of an argument is enclosed in square brackets
		 * (e.g. "[int]"), the argument is considered optional:  the
		 * argument may be absent, but if it is present, it must be of
		 * the specified type.  Note that varargs may not optional,
		 * optional arguments may not follow varargs, and non-optional
		 * arguments may not follow optional arguments.
		for (i = 0; i < isp->dis_argc; i++, p1 = p2) {
			while (isspace(*p1))
				p1++; /* skip leading whitespace */

			if ((p2 = strchr(p1, ',')) == NULL)
				p2 = p1 + strlen(p1);
				*p2++ = '\0';

			if (strcmp(p1, "@") == 0 || strcmp(p1, "...") == 0) {
				isp->dis_args[i].dn_ctfp = NULL;
				isp->dis_args[i].dn_type = CTF_ERR;
				if (*p1 == '.')
					isp->dis_varargs = i;

			if (*p1 == '[' && p1[strlen(p1) - 1] == ']') {
				if (isp->dis_varargs != -1) {
					xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "optional arg#%d "
					    "may not follow variable arg#%d\n",
					    i + 1, isp->dis_varargs + 1);

				if (isp->dis_optargs == -1)
					isp->dis_optargs = i;

				p1[strlen(p1) - 1] = '\0';
			} else if (isp->dis_optargs != -1) {
				xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "required arg#%d may not "
				    "follow optional arg#%d\n", i + 1,
				    isp->dis_optargs + 1);

			if (dt_type_lookup(p1, &dtt) == -1) {
				xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to resolve type of "
				    "%s arg#%d (%s): %s\n", idp->di_name, i + 1,
				    p1, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));

			    dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);

	dt_idcook_sign(dnp, idp, argc, args, "", "( )");