Esempio n. 1
double *update ( int id, int p, int n_global, int n_local, int nsteps,
                 double dt )


    UPDATE advances the solution a given number of time steps.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    17 November 2013


    John Burkardt


    Input, int ID, the identifier of this process.

    Input, int P, the number of processes.

    Input, int N_GLOBAL, the total number of points.

    Input, int N_LOCAL, the number of points visible to this process.

    Input, int NSTEPS, the number of time steps.

    Input, double DT, the size of the time step.

    Output, double UPDATE[N_LOCAL], the portion of the solution
    at the last time, as evaluated by this process.
    double alpha;
    double c;
    double dx;
    int i;
    int i_global;
    int i_global_hi;
    int i_global_lo;
    int i_local;
    int i_local_hi;
    int i_local_lo;
    int j;
    int ltor = 20;
    int rtol = 10;
    MPI_Status status;
    double t;
    double *u0_local;
    double *u1_local;
    double *u2_local;
    double x;
      Determine the value of ALPHA.
    c = 1.0;
    dx = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n_global - 1 );
    alpha = c * dt / dx;

    if ( 1.0 <= fabs ( alpha ) )
        if ( id == 0 )
            fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
            fprintf ( stderr, "UPDATE - Warning!\n" );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  1 <= |ALPHA| = | C * dT / dX |.\n" );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  C = %g\n", c );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  dT = %g\n", dt );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  dX = %g\n", dx );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  ALPHA = %g\n", alpha );
            fprintf ( stderr, "  Computation will not be stable!\n" );
        MPI_Finalize ( );
        exit ( 1 );
      The global array of N_GLOBAL points must be divided up among the processes.
      Each process stores about 1/P of the total + 2 extra slots.
    i_global_lo = (   id       * ( n_global - 1 ) ) / p;
    i_global_hi = ( ( id + 1 ) * ( n_global - 1 ) ) / p;
    if ( 0 < id )
        i_global_lo = i_global_lo - 1;

    i_local_lo = 0;
    i_local_hi = i_global_hi - i_global_lo;

    u0_local = ( double * ) malloc ( n_local * sizeof ( double ) );
    u1_local = ( double * ) malloc ( n_local * sizeof ( double ) );
    u2_local = ( double * ) malloc ( n_local * sizeof ( double ) );

    t = 0.0;
    for ( i_global = i_global_lo; i_global <= i_global_hi; i_global++ )
        x = ( double ) ( i_global ) / ( double ) ( n_global - 1 );
        i_local = i_global - i_global_lo;
        u1_local[i_local] = exact ( x, t );

    for ( i_local = i_local_lo; i_local <= i_local_hi; i_local++ )
        u0_local[i_local] = u1_local[i_local];
      Take NSTEPS time steps.
    for ( i = 1; i <= nsteps; i++ )
        t = dt * ( double ) i;
          For the first time step, we need to use the initial derivative information.
        if ( i == 1 )
            for ( i_local = i_local_lo + 1; i_local < i_local_hi; i_local++ )
                i_global = i_global_lo + i_local;
                x = ( double ) ( i_global ) / ( double ) ( n_global - 1 );
                u2_local[i_local] =
                    +         0.5 * alpha * alpha   * u1_local[i_local-1]
                    + ( 1.0 -       alpha * alpha ) * u1_local[i_local]
                    +         0.5 * alpha * alpha   * u1_local[i_local+1]
                    +                            dt * dudt ( x, t );
          After the first time step, we can use the previous two solution estimates.
            for ( i_local = i_local_lo + 1; i_local < i_local_hi; i_local++ )
                u2_local[i_local] =
                    +               alpha * alpha   * u1_local[i_local-1]
                    + 2.0 * ( 1.0 - alpha * alpha ) * u1_local[i_local]
                    +               alpha * alpha   * u1_local[i_local+1]
                    -                                 u0_local[i_local];
          Exchange data with "left-hand" neighbor.
        if ( 0 < id )
            MPI_Send ( &u2_local[i_local_lo+1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, id - 1, rtol,
                       MPI_COMM_WORLD );
            MPI_Recv ( &u2_local[i_local_lo],   1, MPI_DOUBLE, id - 1, ltor,
                       MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
            x = 0.0;
            u2_local[i_local_lo] = exact ( x, t );
          Exchange data with "right-hand" neighbor.
        if ( id < p - 1 )
            MPI_Send ( &u2_local[i_local_hi-1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, id + 1, ltor,
                       MPI_COMM_WORLD );
            MPI_Recv ( &u2_local[i_local_hi],   1, MPI_DOUBLE, id + 1, rtol,
                       MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
            x = 1.0;
            u2_local[i_local_hi] = exact ( x, t );
          Shift data for next time step.
        for ( i_local = i_local_lo; i_local <= i_local_hi; i_local++ )
            u0_local[i_local] = u1_local[i_local];
            u1_local[i_local] = u2_local[i_local];
      Free memory.
    free ( u0_local );
    free ( u2_local );

    return u1_local;
Esempio n. 2
/// Main program of uncertainty propagation of the ODE model parameters via intrusive spectral projection (ISP)
int main()
  // Model parameters
  Array1D<double> modelparams;
  // Model parameter names
  Array1D<string> modelparamnames;
  // Auxiliary parameters: final time and time step of integration
  Array1D<double> modelauxparams;
  // Read the xml tree
  RefPtr<XMLElement> xmlTree=readXMLTree("");
  // Read the model-specific input
  readXMLModelInput(xmlTree,modelparams, modelparamnames, modelauxparams);
  // Total nuber of input parameters
  int fulldim=modelparams.XSize();
  // Read the output preferences
  dumpInfo* outPrint=new dumpInfo;
  readXMLDumpInfo( xmlTree, &(outPrint->dumpInt), &(outPrint->fdumpInt), &(outPrint->dumpfile) );

  // Output PC order
 int order;
 // PC type
 string pcType;

 // A 2d array (each row is an array of coefficients for the corresponding uncertain input parameter)
 Array2D<double> allPCcoefs;
 // The indices of the uncertain model parameters in the list of model parameters
 Array1D<int> uncParamInd;
 // Read the UQ-specific information from the xml tree
 readXMLUncInput(xmlTree,allPCcoefs,uncParamInd , &order, &pcType);

 // Stochastic dimensionality
 int dim=uncParamInd.XSize();
 // Instantiate a PC object for ISP computations
 PCSet myPCSet("ISP",order,dim,pcType,0.0,1.0); 
 // The number of PC terms
 const int nPCTerms = myPCSet.GetNumberPCTerms();
 cout << "The number of PC terms in an expansion is " << nPCTerms << endl;

  // Print the multiindices on screen

 // Initial time
 double t0 = 0.0;
 // Final time
 double tf = modelauxparams(0);
 // Time step
 double dTym = modelauxparams(1);
 // Number of steps
 int nStep=(int) tf / dTym;
  // Initial conditions of zero coverage (based on Makeev:2002)
  Array1D<double> u(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> v(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> w(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> z(nPCTerms,0.e0);

  // Array to hold the PC representation of the number 1
  Array1D<double> one(nPCTerms,0.e0);

  // The z-species is described as z=1-u-v-w

  // Right-hand sides
  Array1D<double> dudt(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> dvdt(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> dwdt(nPCTerms,0.e0);

  // Array of arrays to hold the input parameter PC representations in the output PC
  // Each element is an array of coefficients for the corresponding input parameter, whether deterministic or uncertain
  // The size of the array is the total number input parameters
  Array1D< Array1D<double> > modelparamPCs(fulldim);

  printf("\nInput parameter PC coefficients are given below\n");
  for (int i=0; i<fulldim; i++){
    printf("%s: ",modelparamnames(i).c_str());
    for (int j=0; j<nPCTerms; j++){
      printf(" %lg ",modelparamPCs(i)(j));

  // Initial time and time step counter
  int step=0;
  double tym=t0;

  // Work arrays for integration
  Array1D<double> u_o(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> v_o(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> w_o(nPCTerms,0.e0);

  Array1D<double> tmp_u(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> tmp_v(nPCTerms,0.e0);
  Array1D<double> tmp_w(nPCTerms,0.e0);

  // File to write the mean and stdev, name read from xml
  FILE *f_dump,*modes_dump;
  if(!(f_dump = fopen(outPrint->dumpfile.c_str(),"w"))){ 
    printf("Could not open file '%s'\n",outPrint->dumpfile.c_str()); 
  // File to dump the PC modes, name hardwired
  string modes_dumpfile = "solution_ISP_modes.dat";
  if(!(modes_dump = fopen(modes_dumpfile.c_str(),"w"))){ 
    printf("Could not open file '%s'\n",modes_dumpfile.c_str()); 

  // write time, u, v, w (all modes) to file
  WriteModesToFilePtr(tym, u.GetArrayPointer(), v.GetArrayPointer(), w.GetArrayPointer(), nPCTerms, modes_dump);
  // Write out initial step
  // Get standard deviations
  double uStDv = myPCSet.StDv(u);
  double vStDv = myPCSet.StDv(v);
  double wStDv = myPCSet.StDv(w);

  // write u, v, w (mean and standard deviation) to file
  WriteMeanStdDevToFilePtr(tym, u(0), v(0), w(0), uStDv, vStDv, wStDv, f_dump);
  // write u, v, w (mean and standard deviation) to screen
  WriteMeanStdDevToStdOut(step, tym, u(0), v(0), w(0), uStDv, vStDv, wStDv);
  // Forward run
  while(tym < tf) {
    // Integrate with 2nd order Runge Kutta

    // Save solution at current time step
    // Compute right hand sides

    // Advance u, v, w to mid-point
    myPCSet.Multiply(dudt,0.5*dTym,tmp_u); // 0.5*dTym*dudt
    myPCSet.Multiply(dvdt,0.5*dTym,tmp_v); // 0.5*dTym*dvdt
    myPCSet.Multiply(dwdt,0.5*dTym,tmp_w); // 0.5*dTym*dwdt

    myPCSet.Add(u_o,tmp_u,u); // u = u_o + 0.5*dTym*dudt
    myPCSet.Add(v_o,tmp_v,v); // v = v_o + 0.5*dTym*dvdt
    myPCSet.Add(w_o,tmp_w,w); // w = w_o + 0.5*dTym*dwdt
    // Compute z = 1 - u - v - w
    // Compute right hand sides
    // Advance u, v, w to next time step
    myPCSet.Multiply(dudt,dTym,tmp_u); // dTym*dudt
    myPCSet.Multiply(dvdt,dTym,tmp_v); // dTym*dvdt
    myPCSet.Multiply(dwdt,dTym,tmp_w); // dTym*dwdt
    myPCSet.Add(u_o,tmp_u,u); // u = u_o + dTym*dudt
    myPCSet.Add(v_o,tmp_v,v); // v = v_o + dTym*dvdt
    myPCSet.Add(w_o,tmp_w,w); // w = w_o + dTym*dwdt
    // Compute z = 1 - u - v - w

    // Advance time and step counter
    tym += dTym;

    // write time, u, v, w (all modes) to file
    if(step % outPrint->fdumpInt == 0){
      WriteModesToFilePtr(tym, u.GetArrayPointer(), v.GetArrayPointer(), w.GetArrayPointer(), nPCTerms, modes_dump);

    // Get standard deviations
    uStDv = myPCSet.StDv(u);
    vStDv = myPCSet.StDv(v);
    wStDv = myPCSet.StDv(w);
    // write u, v, w (mean and standard deviation) to file
    if(step % outPrint->fdumpInt == 0){
      WriteMeanStdDevToFilePtr(tym, u(0), v(0), w(0), uStDv, vStDv, wStDv, f_dump);
    // write u, v, w (mean and standard deviation) to screen
    if(step % outPrint->dumpInt == 0){
      WriteMeanStdDevToStdOut(step, tym, u(0), v(0), w(0), uStDv, vStDv, wStDv);
  // Close output file
    printf("Could not close file '%s'\n",outPrint->dumpfile.c_str()); 

  // Close output file
    printf("Could not close file '%s'\n",modes_dumpfile.c_str()); 
  return 0;
void convert::force(int nn,double D,double rho,double Cd,double Cm){
    // Define Pi
    const double PI = 4.0*atan(1.0);

    // To cover-up for previous lazyness are we now making local
    // copies of the fields we need - sorry!
    std::vector<double> tmp_;
    for (int i=0;i<nt;i++){
        tmp_[i] = eta[i*nx*ny+nn];

    // deta/dt
    std::vector<double> detadt;

    // dz/dt
   Double2d dzdt(boost::extents[nz][nt]);
    for (int k=0;k<nz;k++){
        for (int i=0;i<nt;i++){
         dzdt[k][i] = detadt[i]*sigma[k];

    // du/dt on the sigma grid
    Double2d dudt(boost::extents[nz][nt]);
    for (int k=0;k<nz;k++){
        for (int i=0;i<nt;i++){
            tmp_[i] = u[i*nx*ny*nz+nn*nz+k];
        gradient(&dudt[k][0],tmp_,dt,nt); // To-do: this is super sluppy and error prone

    // Acceleration
    Double2d acc(boost::extents[nz][nt]);
    for (int k=0;k<nz;k++){
        for (int i=0;i<nt;i++){
            acc[k][i] = dudt[k][i]-uz[i*nx*ny*nz+nn*nz+k]*dzdt[k][i];

    // The inline force
    double dz,Fd,Fi;
    int index;

    for (int i=0;i<nt;i++){
        F[i] = 0;
        for (int k=1;k<nz-1;k++){// we ignore the ghost points
            index = i*nx*ny*nz+nn*nz+k;
            dz = (sigma[k+1]-sigma[k])*(eta[i*nx*ny+nn]+h[nn]);

            Fd = 0.5*rho*Cd*D*(u[index]*std::abs(u[index])+u[index+1]*std::abs(u[index+1]))/2;
            Fi = rho*Cm*(PI/4)*pow(D,2)*(acc[k][i]+acc[k+1][i])/2;

            F[i] += (Fd+Fi)*dz;


    QFileInfo fileInfo =  QFileInfo(fileName);
    std::ofstream morisonForce; + ".force");
    morisonForce << "time F" << std::endl;
    QVector<double> QV_t,QV_F;
    for (int i=1;i<nt-1;i++){
        morisonForce << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(10) << t[i] << " " << F[i] << std::endl;
        QV_t[i] = t[i];
        QV_F[i] = F[i];

    // plot solution
    QCustomPlot *cPlot = new QCustomPlot;
    QWidget *plotWindow = new QWidget;
    QHBoxLayout *plotWindow_layout = new QHBoxLayout;



    cPlot->xAxis->setLabel("Time, t s");
    cPlot->yAxis->setLabel("Inline force, F N");
    QVector<double>::iterator Xmin = std::min_element(QV_t.begin(), QV_t.end());
    QVector<double>::iterator Xmax = std::max_element(QV_t.begin(), QV_t.end());
    QVector<double>::iterator Ymin = std::min_element(QV_F.begin(), QV_F.end());
    QVector<double>::iterator Ymax = std::max_element(QV_F.begin(), QV_F.end());
    cPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iSelectPlottables);
