Esempio n. 1
// traj z part should be offset to ground, not abs z coord!!
void LipmVarHeightPlanner::setZMPTraj(const Traj<3,3> &traj, const std::vector <double> &z0)
  assert(traj.size() > 0 && traj.size() == z0.size());
  _zmp_d = traj;
  _z0 = z0;
  // get last step Vxx and initial Ks
  const TrajPoint<3,3> &end = traj[traj.size()-1];
  double x[6] = {0};
  double u[3] = {0};
  dvec_copy(x, end.x, 6);
  dvec_copy(u, end.u, 3);
  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> A;
  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,3> B;
  getAB(x, u, _z0[_z0.size()-1], A, B);
  _lqr.infTimeLQR(A, B);
  _Vxx = _lqr.getV();
  if (traj.size() == _du.size()) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < traj.size(); i++) {
      _K[i] = _lqr.getK();
  else {
    _du.resize(traj.size(), Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1>::Zero());
    _K.resize(traj.size(), _lqr.getK());

  // initial trajectory
  _traj0 = Traj<3,3>();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < _zmp_d.size(); i++) {
    const TrajPoint<3,3> &end = traj[i];
    dvec_copy(x, end.x, 6);
    dvec_copy(u, end.u, 3);
    _traj0.append(end.time, end.type, x, x+3, NULL, u);

  Traj<3,3> tmpTraj;
  forwardPass(traj[0].x, tmpTraj);
  _traj0 = tmpTraj;

  assert(_zmp_d.size() == _du.size() && 
         _zmp_d.size() == _K.size() && 
         _zmp_d.size() == _traj0.size());  
Esempio n. 2
// store the list of indexes, x is not destroyed
void dvec_sort_index(int *I, int n, double *X)
  double *Y=NULL;
Esempio n. 3
// x[i] <=> x[I[i]]
void dvec_swap_index(int n, double *x, const int *I)
  double *y=NULL;
Esempio n. 4
void fill_cmd(const RobotState &rs, Command &cmd)
  for (int i = 0; i < N_JOINTS; i++) {
    cmd.joints_d[i] = Command::BDI_joints[i];
    cmd.jointsd_d[i] = 0;
    cmd.jointsdd_d[i] = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    cmd.com_d[i] =[i];
  cmd.com_d[ZZ] -= 0.5;

  cmd.utorsoq_d = rs.utorsoq;
  cmd.rootq_d = rs.rootq;
  for (int side = 0; side < LR; side++) {
    cmd.footq_d[side] = rs.feet[side].w_q;
    dvec_copy(cmd.foot_d[side], rs.feet[side].w_pos, 3);
Esempio n. 5
double LipmVarHeightPlanner::forwardPass(const double *x0, Traj<3,3> &traj1) const
  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> z;
  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> z1;
  Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> u;

  traj1 = _zmp_d;
  //traj1 = Traj<3,3>();
  //for (size_t i = 0; i < _zmp_d.size(); i++)
  //  traj1.append(_zmp_d[i].time, _zmp_d[i].type, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  dvec_copy(traj1[0].x, x0, 6);
  double cost = 0;

  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> x_h;
  Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> u_h;

  for (size_t t = 0; t < _zmp_d.size(); t++) {
    // x - xref
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      z(i) = traj1[t].x[i] - _traj0[t].x[i];
      x_h(i) = traj1[t].x[i] - _zmp_d[t].x[i];

    // u = alpha*du + uref
    u = _alpha*_du[t];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      u(i) += _traj0[t].u[i];

    // u += K*z
    u += _K[t]*z;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      traj1[t].u[i] = u(i);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      u_h(i) = traj1[t].u[i] - _zmp_d[t].u[i];

    // compute cost
    cost += 0.5 * x_h.transpose() * _Q * x_h;
    cost += 0.5 * u_h.transpose() * _R * u_h;
    // integrate
    if (t < _zmp_d.size()-1)
      integrate(traj1[t].x, traj1[t].u, _z0[t], traj1[t].acc, traj1[1+t].x);
  FILE *out = fopen("tmp/lipmz_traj0", "w"); 
  for (size_t t = 0; t < _traj0.size(); t++) {
    fprintf(out, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", _traj0[t].x[0], _traj0[t].x[1], _traj0[t].x[2], _traj0[t].u[0], _traj0[t].u[1], _traj0[t].u[2]);
  out = fopen("tmp/lipmz_traj1", "w"); 
  for (size_t t = 0; t < traj1.size(); t++) {
    fprintf(out, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", traj1[t].x[0], traj1[t].x[1], traj1[t].x[2], traj1[t].u[0], traj1[t].u[1], traj1[t].u[2]);

  return cost;
Esempio n. 6
void build_source_vectors_1n_a(int n_quad, int n_stokes, double *qx_v,
                               double F_0, double omega, double *omega_a,
                               double as_0, double *as_0_a,
                               double  *P_q0_mm, double  *P_q0_pm,
                               double  **tpr, double  **tmr, double  **gamma,
                               double  *F_p, double  *F_m,
                               double *P_q0_mm_a, double *P_q0_pm_a,
                               double **tpr_a, double **tmr_a, double **gamma_a,
                               double *F_p_a, double *F_m_a,
                               save_tree_data save_tree, work_data work) {

     int i;

     int n_quad_v;

     double *v1;

     double *a_a;
     double *b_a;
     double *c_a;
     double *d_a;
     double *e_a;
     double *p_a;
     double *h_a;

     double **w1;

     forward_save_build_source_vectors_1n_data *save;

     n_quad_v = n_quad * n_stokes;

     save_tree_encode_s(&save_tree, "build_source_vectors_1n");

     save_tree_retrieve_data(&save_tree, forward_save_build_source_vectors_1n_data, &save);

     v1  = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);

     a_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     b_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     c_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     d_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     e_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     p_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);
     h_a = get_work1(&work, WORK_DX);

     w1  = get_work1(&work, WORK_DXX);

     dm_v_mul_D_A(n_quad, n_stokes, F_m_a, F_m_a);

     dvec_add(F_p_a, F_m_a, F_p_a, n_quad_v);

     dvec_scale(-1., F_m_a, p_a, n_quad_v);

     *as_0_a += -dvec_dot(save->h, F_p_a, n_quad_v) / (2. * as_0 * as_0);

     dvec_scale(1. / (2. * as_0), F_p_a, h_a, n_quad_v);

     dvec_scale(1. / 2., F_p_a, v1, n_quad_v);
     dvec_add(p_a, v1, p_a, n_quad_v);

     dmat_vxvtmx(h_a, save->p, 1., tpr_a, 1., n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     dmat_gxvxmx(1, tpr, h_a, 1., p_a, 1., n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     dvec_copy(e_a, h_a, n_quad_v);

     dvec_copy(v1, p_a,  n_quad_v);
     dmat_getrs2('t', save->f, &v1, n_quad_v, 1, save->ip);

     dmat_vxvtmx(v1, save->p, -1., w1, 0., n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     dmat_add(gamma_a, w1, gamma_a, n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          *as_0_a += -2. * as_0 * w1[i][i];

     dmat_vxvtmx(v1, save->e, -1., tmr_a, 1., n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     dmat_gxvxmx(1, tmr, v1, -1., e_a, 1., n_quad_v, n_quad_v);

     *as_0_a -= dvec_dot(v1, save->d, n_quad_v);

     dvec_scale(-as_0, v1, d_a, n_quad_v);

     dvec_copy(b_a, e_a, n_quad_v);
     dvec_scale(-1., e_a, c_a, n_quad_v);

     dvec_add(b_a, d_a, b_a, n_quad_v);
     dvec_add(c_a, d_a, c_a, n_quad_v);

     dm_v_mul_D_A(n_quad, n_stokes, c_a, c_a);

     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          a_a[i]  = c_a[i] * P_q0_mm[i];

     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          P_q0_mm_a[i] += F_0 * omega / (4. * PI) / qx_v[i] * c_a[i];
     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          a_a[i] += b_a[i] * P_q0_pm[i];

     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          P_q0_pm_a[i] += F_0 * omega / (4. * PI) / qx_v[i] * b_a[i];

     for (i = 0; i < n_quad_v; ++i)
          *omega_a += F_0 / (4. * PI) / qx_v[i] * a_a[i];

     dvec_zero(F_p_a, n_quad_v);
     dvec_zero(F_m_a, n_quad_v);
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct sparse_matrix_t *sparseA = NULL;
    struct vector_t *b = NULL;
    struct vector_t *x;
    struct mesh_t *mesh;
    char *xml_output;

    long int *compress2fat = NULL;
    struct vector_t *solution;
    struct vector_t *std_error_sol;
    long int fat_sol_nb_col;

    lsqr_input *input;
    lsqr_output *output;
    lsqr_work *work;            /* zone temoraire de travail */
    lsqr_func *func;            /* func->mat_vec_prod -> APROD */

    /* cmd line arg */
    char *mesh_filename = NULL;
    char *importfilename = NULL;
    char *output_filename = NULL;
    char *sol_error_filename = NULL;
    char *log_filename = NULL;
    char *output_type = NULL;
    int max_iter;
    double damping, grad_damping;
    int use_ach = 0;            /* ACH : tele-seismic inversion tomography */
    int check_sparse = 0;       /* check sparse matrix disable by default  */

    /* velocity model */
    char *vmodel = NULL;
    struct velocity_model_t *vm = NULL;

    struct mesh_t **imported_mesh = NULL;
    char **xmlfilelist = NULL;
    int nb_xmlfile = 0;

    int i, j;

    int nb_irm = 0;
    struct irm_t **irm = NULL;
    int *nb_metacell = NULL;

    FILE *logfd;

    parse_command_line(argc, argv,
                       &output_filename, &output_type,
                       &damping, &grad_damping, &use_ach, &check_sparse);

    if (use_ach) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Using ACH tomographic inversion\n");
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Using STANDARD tomographic inversion\n");

    /* load the velocity model */
    if (vmodel) {
        char *myfile;
        vm = load_velocity_model(vmodel);
        if (!vm) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Can not initialize velocity model '%s'\n",
        myfile = strdup(vmodel);
        fprintf(stderr, "Velocity model '%s' loaded\n", basename(myfile));
    } else {
        vm = NULL;

    /* Open log file */
    if (!log_filename) {
        logfd = stdout;
    } else {
        if (!(logfd = fopen(log_filename, "w"))) {

    /*check_write_access (output_filename); */

    /* test if we can open file to import */
    if (importfilename) {
        xmlfilelist = parse_separated_list(importfilename, ",");
        nb_xmlfile = 0;
        while (xmlfilelist[nb_xmlfile]) {
            if (access(xmlfilelist[nb_xmlfile], R_OK) == -1) {
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "No file to import ... exiting\n");

    /* main mesh initialization */
    mesh = mesh_init_from_file(mesh_filename);
    if (!mesh) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding %s.\n", mesh_filename);
    fprintf(stderr, "read %s ok\n", mesh_filename);

    /* check and initialize slice xml files  */
    if (nb_xmlfile) {
        int nb_sparse = 0;
        int nb_res = 0;
        int f;

        imported_mesh =
            (struct mesh_t **) malloc(sizeof(struct mesh_t *) *

        for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
            imported_mesh[i] = mesh_init_from_file(xmlfilelist[i]);
            if (!imported_mesh[i]) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding %s.\n", mesh_filename);
            for (f = 0; f < NB_MESH_FILE_FORMAT; f++) {
                /* mandatory field : res, sparse, and irm if provided */
                if (f == RES || f == SPARSE || f == IRM) {
                    check_files_access(f, imported_mesh[i]->data[f],
            if (imported_mesh[i]->data[SPARSE]) {
                nb_sparse += imported_mesh[i]->data[SPARSE]->ndatafile;

            if (imported_mesh[i]->data[RES]) {
                nb_res += imported_mesh[i]->data[RES]->ndatafile;

            if (imported_mesh[i]->data[IRM]) {
                nb_irm += imported_mesh[i]->data[IRM]->ndatafile;


        if (!nb_sparse || !nb_res) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error no sparse or res file available !\n");

    /* read and import the sparse(s) matrix(ces) */
    for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
        if (!imported_mesh[i]->data[SPARSE]) {

        for (j = 0; j < imported_mesh[i]->data[SPARSE]->ndatafile; j++) {
            sparseA = import_sparse_matrix(sparseA,

    if (check_sparse) {
        if (check_sparse_matrix(sparseA)) {

    /*sparse_compute_length(sparseA, "length1.txt"); */
    fat_sol_nb_col = sparseA->nb_col;

    /* read and import the residual time vector  */
    for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
        if (!imported_mesh[i]->data[RES]) {

        for (j = 0; j < imported_mesh[i]->data[RES]->ndatafile; j++) {
            b = import_vector(b, imported_mesh[i]->data[RES]->filename[j]);

    /* check compatibility between matrix and vector */
    if (sparseA->nb_line != b->length) {
                "Error, check your matrix/vector sizes (%ld/%ld)\n",
                sparseA->nb_line, b->length);

    /* show memory used */
#ifdef __APPLE__
        struct mstats memusage;

        memusage = mstats();
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory used: %.2f MBytes\n",
                (float) (memusage.bytes_used) / (1024. * 1024));
        struct mallinfo m_info;

        m_info = mallinfo();
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory used: %.2f MBytes\n",
                (float) (m_info.uordblks +
                         m_info.usmblks) / (1024. * 1024.));

    /* relative traveltime mode           */
    if (use_ach) {
        int nb_evt_imported = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
            if (!imported_mesh[i]->data[EVT]) {

            for (j = 0; j < imported_mesh[i]->data[EVT]->ndatafile; j++) {
                relative_tt(sparseA, b,

        if (!nb_evt_imported) {
                    "Error in ACH mode, can not import any .evt file !\n");

    /* read the irregular mesh definition if needed */
    /* one by layer                                 */
    if (nb_irm) {
        int cpt = 0;
        struct mesh_offset_t **offset;
        int l;

        irm = (struct irm_t **) malloc(nb_irm * sizeof(struct irm_t *));
        nb_metacell = (int *) calloc(nb_irm, sizeof(int));


        for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
            if (!imported_mesh[i]->data[IRM]) {

            /* offset between meshes */
            offset = compute_mesh_offset(mesh, imported_mesh[i]);
            for (l = 0; l < mesh->nlayers; l++) {
                if (!offset[l])
                        "\t%s, [%s] offset[layer=%d] : lat=%d lon=%d z=%d\n",
                        xmlfilelist[i], MESH_FILE_FORMAT[IRM], l,
                        offset[l]->lat, offset[l]->lon, offset[l]->z);

            for (j = 0; j < imported_mesh[i]->data[IRM]->ndatafile; j++) {
                /* FIXME: read only once the irm file */
                irm[cpt] =
                                     filename[j], offset);

            for (l = 0; l < mesh->nlayers; l++) {
                if (offset[l])

    /*sparse_compute_length(sparseA, "length1.txt"); */
    fat_sol_nb_col = sparseA->nb_col;

    /* remove empty column */
    fprintf(stderr, "starting compression ...\n");
    sparse_compress_column(mesh, sparseA, &compress2fat);
    if (check_sparse) {
        if (check_sparse_matrix(sparseA)) {

    /* add gradient damping regularisation */
    if (fabs(grad_damping) > 1.e-6) {
        int nb_faces = 6;       /* 1 cell may have 6 neighbours */
        long int nb_lines = 0;
        char *regul_name;

        fprintf(stdout, "using gradient damping : %f\n", grad_damping);

        /* tmp file name */
        regul_name = tempnam("/tmp", "regul");
        if (!regul_name) {
            perror("lsqrsolve: ");

        if (nb_irm) {
            create_regul_DtD_irm(sparseA, compress2fat,
                                 mesh, regul_name, nb_faces,
                                 grad_damping, &nb_lines);
        } else {
            create_regul_DtD(sparseA, compress2fat,
                             mesh, regul_name, nb_faces,
                             grad_damping, &nb_lines);

                             sparseA->nb_line + sparseA->nb_col,

        sparseA = import_sparse_matrix(sparseA, regul_name);
        if (check_sparse) {
            if (check_sparse_matrix(sparseA)) {
        vector_resize(b, sparseA->nb_line);


    /* the real mesh is no more used */
    /* keep only the light mesh      */
            "Time to free the real mesh and keep only the light structure\n");
    mesh = mesh_init_from_file(mesh_filename);
    if (!mesh) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding %s.\n", mesh_filename);
    fprintf(stderr, "read %s ok\n", mesh_filename);

    /* init vector solution to zero */
    x = new_vector(sparseA->nb_col);

    /* solve A.x = B                                             */
    /* A = ray length in the cells                               */
    /* B = residual travel time observed - computed              */
    /* x solution to satisfy the lsqr problem                    */

    /* LSQR alloc */
    alloc_lsqr_mem(&input, &output, &work, &func, sparseA->nb_line,

    fprintf(stderr, "alloc_lsqr_mem : ok\n");

    /* defines the routine Mat.Vect to use */
    func->mat_vec_prod = sparseMATRIXxVECTOR;

    /* Set the input parameters for LSQR */
    input->num_rows = sparseA->nb_line;
    input->num_cols = sparseA->nb_col;
    input->rel_mat_err = 1.0e-3;        /* in km */
    input->rel_rhs_err = 1.0e-2;        /* in seconde */
    /*input->rel_mat_err = 0.;
       input->rel_rhs_err = 0.; */
    input->cond_lim = .0;
    input->lsqr_fp_out = logfd;
    /* input->rhs_vec = (dvec *) b; */
    dvec_copy((dvec *) b, input->rhs_vec);
    input->sol_vec = (dvec *) x;        /* initial guess */
    input->damp_val = damping;
    if (max_iter == -1) {
        input->max_iter = 4 * (sparseA->nb_col);
    } else {
        input->max_iter = max_iter;

    /* catch Ctrl-C signal */
    signal(SIGINT, emergency_halt);

    /* resolution du systeme Ax=b */

    lsqr(input, output, work, func, sparseA);
    fprintf(stderr, "*** lsqr ended (%ld iter) : %s\n",
            output->num_iters, lsqr_msg[output->term_flag]);
    if (output->term_flag == 0) {       /* solution x=x0 */

    /* uncompress the solution  */
    solution = uncompress_column((struct vector_t *) output->sol_vec,
                                 compress2fat, fat_sol_nb_col);

    /* uncompress the standard error on solution  */
    std_error_sol =
        uncompress_column((struct vector_t *) output->std_err_vec,
                          compress2fat, fat_sol_nb_col);

    /* if irm file was provided, set the right value to each cell 
     * from a given metacell 
    if (irm) {
        irm_update(solution, irm, nb_metacell, nb_irm, mesh);
        free_irm(irm, nb_irm);

    /* write solution */
    if (strchr(output_type, 'm')) {
        export2matlab(solution, output_filename, mesh, vm,
                      input->damp_val, grad_damping, use_ach);

    if (strchr(output_type, 's')) {
        export2sco(solution, output_filename, mesh, vm,
                   input->damp_val, grad_damping, use_ach);

    if (strchr(output_type, 'g')) {
        /* solution */
        export2gmt(solution, output_filename, mesh, vm,
                   input->damp_val, grad_damping, use_ach);

        /* error on solution */
        sol_error_filename = (char *)
            malloc(sizeof(char) *
                   (strlen(output_filename) + strlen(".err") + 1));
        sprintf(sol_error_filename, "%s.err", output_filename);
        export2gmt(std_error_sol, sol_error_filename, mesh, vm,
                   input->damp_val, grad_damping, use_ach);


    /* save the xml enrichied with sections */
    xml_output = (char *)
        malloc((strlen(output_filename) + strlen(".xml") +
                1) * sizeof(char));
    sprintf(xml_output, "%s.xml", output_filename);
    mesh2xml(mesh, xml_output);

    /* variance reduction, ie how the model fits the data */
    /* X = the final solution                             */
    /*                                                    */
    /*                 ||b-AX||²                          */
    /*         VR= 1 - --------                           */
    /*                  ||b||²                            */
    /*                                                    */
        double norm_b;
        double norm_b_AX;
        double VR;              /* variance reduction */

        struct vector_t *rhs;   /* right hand side */
        rhs = new_vector(sparseA->nb_line);

        /* use copy */
        dvec_copy((dvec *) b, (dvec *) rhs);

        norm_b = dvec_norm2((dvec *) rhs);

        /* does rhs = rhs + sparseA . output->sol_vec */
        /* here  rhs is overwritten */
        dvec_scale((-1.0), (dvec *) rhs);
        sparseMATRIXxVECTOR(0, output->sol_vec, (dvec *) rhs, sparseA);
        dvec_scale((-1.0), (dvec *) rhs);

        norm_b_AX = dvec_norm2((dvec *) rhs);

        VR = 1 - (norm_b_AX * norm_b_AX) / (norm_b * norm_b);
        fprintf(stdout, "Variance reduction = %.2f%%\n", VR * 100);

    /* free */
    if (vm) {
    free_lsqr_mem(input, output, work, func);


    for (i = 0; i < nb_xmlfile; i++) {
    return (0);
Esempio n. 8
void single_scattered_radiance_dn(int n_stokes, int n_derivs, int n_layers, double F_0, int n_ulevels, int *ulevels, double *utaus, double *umus, int n_umus, double *omega, double **omega_l, double *ltau, double **ltau_l, double *btran, double **btran_l, double *as_0, double **as_0_l, double *atran, double **atran_l, double **P, double ***P_l, double *I_in, double **I_in_l, double **I_ss, double ***I_ss_l, int utau_output, uchar **derivs_h, uchar **derivs_p, save_tree_data save_tree, work_data work) {

     int i;
     int ii;
     int i1;
     int i2;
     int j;
     int jj;
     int k;
     int kk;
     int l;

     int n_umus_v;

     int i_ulevel;

     double a;
     double b;

     double *I;
     double **I_l;

     double **I_ss_l2;

     forward_save_single_scattered_radiance_data *save;

     n_umus_v = n_umus * n_stokes;

     I = get_work_d1(&work, n_umus * n_stokes);
     if (n_derivs > 0)
          I_l = get_work_d2(&work, n_derivs, n_umus * n_stokes);

     if (save_tree.t) {
          save_tree_encode_s(&save_tree, "single_scattered_radiance_dn");

          if (save_tree_retrieve_data(&save_tree, forward_save_single_scattered_radiance_data, &save))
               forward_save_single_scattered_radiance_alloc(save, n_layers, n_umus * n_stokes);

     a = F_0 / (4. * PI);

     for (i = 0; i < n_umus; ++i) {
          ii = i * n_stokes;

          b = 1. / umus[i] * a;

          for (j = 0; j < n_stokes; ++j) {
               jj = ii + j;
               I[jj] = I_in[jj] / b;

          for (j = 0; j < n_derivs; ++j)
               for (k = 0; k < n_stokes; ++k) {
                    kk = ii + k;
                    I_l[j][kk] = I_in_l[j][kk] / b;

     i1       = 0;
     if (! utau_output)
          i2 = ulevels[n_ulevels - 1];
          i2 = ulevels[n_ulevels - 1] + 1;
     i_ulevel = 0;

     if ((! utau_output && i1 == ulevels[i_ulevel]) || (utau_output && i1 == ulevels[i_ulevel] && utaus[i_ulevel] == 0.)) {
          for (i = 0; i < n_umus_v; ++i)
               I_ss[i_ulevel][i] = I[i];

          for (i = 0; i < n_derivs; ++i) {
               for (j = 0; j < n_umus_v; ++j)
                    I_ss_l[i_ulevel][i][j] = I_l[i][j];


     for (i = i1; i < i2; ++i) {
          if (  utau_output && i_ulevel < n_ulevels && i == ulevels[i_ulevel]) {
               while (i_ulevel < n_ulevels && i == ulevels[i_ulevel]) {
                    if (n_derivs > 0)
                         I_ss_l2 = I_ss_l[i_ulevel];

                    ssr_dn_layer(i, n_stokes, n_derivs, utaus[i_ulevel], umus, n_umus, omega, omega_l, ltau, ltau_l, btran, btran_l, as_0, as_0_l, P, P_l, I, I_l, I_ss[i_ulevel], I_ss_l2, derivs_h, work);


          if (save_tree.t)
               dvec_copy(save->I[i], I, n_umus * n_stokes);

          ssr_dn_layer(i, n_stokes, n_derivs, ltau[i], umus, n_umus, omega, omega_l, ltau, ltau_l, btran, btran_l, as_0, as_0_l, P, P_l, I, I_l, I, I_l, derivs_h, work);

          if (! utau_output && i + 1 == ulevels[i_ulevel]) {
               for (j = 0; j < n_umus_v; ++j)
                    I_ss[i_ulevel][j] = I[j];

              for (j = 0; j < n_derivs; ++j) {
                    for (k = 0; k < n_umus_v; ++k)
                         I_ss_l[i_ulevel][j][k] = I_l[j][k];


     for (i = 0; i < n_ulevels; ++i) {
          for (j = 0; j < n_umus; ++j) {
               ii = j * n_stokes;

               b = 1. / umus[j] * a;

               for (k = 0; k < n_stokes; ++k)
                    I_ss[i][ii + k] *= b;

               for (k = 0; k < n_derivs; ++k) {
                    for (l = 0; l < n_stokes; ++l) {
                         I_ss_l[i][k][ii + l] *= b;
     single_scattered_radiance_dn_tl_with_ad(n_stokes, n_derivs, n_layers, F_0, n_ulevels, ulevels, utaus, umus, n_umus, omega, omega_l, ltau, ltau_l, btran, btran_l, as_0, as_0_l, atran, atran_l, P, P_l, I_in, I_in_l, I_ss, I_ss_l, utau_output, derivs_h, derivs_p, save_tree, work);
Esempio n. 9
*     LSQR  finds a solution x to the following problems:
*     1. Unsymmetric equations --    solve  A*x = b
*     2. Linear least squares  --    solve  A*x = b
*                                    in the least-squares sense
*     3. Damped least squares  --    solve  (   A    )*x = ( b )
*                                           ( damp*I )     ( 0 )
*                                    in the least-squares sense
*     where 'A' is a matrix with 'm' rows and 'n' columns, 'b' is an
*     'm'-vector, and 'damp' is a scalar.  (All quantities are real.)
*     The matrix 'A' is intended to be large and sparse.
*     Notation
*     --------
*     The following quantities are used in discussing the subroutine
*     parameters:
*     'Abar'   =  (   A    ),          'bbar'  =  ( b )
*                 ( damp*I )                      ( 0 )
*     'r'      =  b  -  A*x,           'rbar'  =  bbar  -  Abar*x
*     'rnorm'  =  sqrt( norm(r)**2  +  damp**2 * norm(x)**2 )
*              =  norm( rbar )
*     'rel_prec'  =  the relative precision of floating-point arithmetic
*                    on the machine being used.  Typically 2.22e-16
*                    with 64-bit arithmetic.
*     LSQR  minimizes the function 'rnorm' with respect to 'x'.
*     References
*     ----------
*     C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders,  LSQR: An algorithm for sparse
*          linear equations and sparse least squares,
*          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 8, 1 (March 1982),
*          pp. 43-71.
*     C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders,  Algorithm 583, LSQR: Sparse
*          linear equations and least-squares problems,
*          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 8, 2 (June 1982),
*          pp. 195-209.
*     C.L. Lawson, R.J. Hanson, D.R. Kincaid and F.T. Krogh,
*          Basic linear algebra subprograms for Fortran usage,
*          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5, 3 (Sept 1979),
*          pp. 308-323 and 324-325.
void lsqr( lsqr_input *input, lsqr_output *output, lsqr_work *work,
           lsqr_func *func,
           void *prod,
           int (*per_iteration_callback)(lsqr_input*, lsqr_output*, void* token),
           void* token)
    double  dvec_norm2( dvec * );

    long    indx,

    double  alpha,

    static char term_msg[8][80] =
        "The exact solution is x = x0",
        "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given ATOL and BTOL",
        "The least squares error is small enough, given ATOL",
        "The estimated condition number has exceeded CONLIM",
        "The residual Ax - b is small enough, given machine precision",
        "The least squares error is small enough, given machine precision",
        "The estimated condition number has exceeded machine precision",
        "The iteration limit has been reached"

    if( input->lsqr_fp_out != NULL )
        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out, "  Least Squares Solution of A*x = b\n"
                 "        The matrix A has %7li rows and %7li columns\n"
                 "        The damping parameter is\tDAMP = %10.2e\n"
                 "        ATOL = %10.2e\t\tCONDLIM = %10.2e\n"
                 "        BTOL = %10.2e\t\tITERLIM = %10li\n\n",
                 input->num_rows, input->num_cols, input->damp_val, input->rel_mat_err,
                 input->cond_lim, input->rel_rhs_err, input->max_iter );

    output->term_flag = 0;
    term_iter = 0;

    output->num_iters = 0;

    output->frob_mat_norm = 0.0;
    output->mat_cond_num = 0.0;
    output->sol_norm = 0.0;

    for(indx = 0; indx < input->num_cols; indx++)
        work->bidiag_wrk_vec->elements[indx] = 0.0;
        work->srch_dir_vec->elements[indx] = 0.0;
        output->std_err_vec->elements[indx] = 0.0;
        output->sol_vec->elements[indx] = 0.0;

    bbnorm = 0.0;
    ddnorm = 0.0;
    xxnorm = 0.0;

    cs2 = -1.0;
    sn2 = 0.0;
    zeta = 0.0;
    res = 0.0;

    if( input->cond_lim > 0.0 )
        cond_tol = 1.0 / input->cond_lim;
        cond_tol = DBL_EPSILON;

    alpha = 0.0;
    beta = 0.0;
    *  Set up the initial vectors u and v for bidiagonalization.  These satisfy
    *  the relations
    *             BETA*u = b - A*x0
    *             ALPHA*v = A^T*u
    /* Compute b - A*x0 and store in vector u which initially held vector b */
    dvec_scale( (-1.0), input->rhs_vec );
    func->mat_vec_prod( 0, input->sol_vec, input->rhs_vec, prod );
    dvec_scale( (-1.0), input->rhs_vec );

    /* compute Euclidean length of u and store as BETA */
    beta = dvec_norm2( input->rhs_vec );

    if( beta > 0.0 )
        /* scale vector u by the inverse of BETA */
        dvec_scale( (1.0 / beta), input->rhs_vec );

        /* Compute matrix-vector product A^T*u and store it in vector v */
        func->mat_vec_prod( 1, work->bidiag_wrk_vec, input->rhs_vec, prod );

        /* compute Euclidean length of v and store as ALPHA */
        alpha = dvec_norm2( work->bidiag_wrk_vec );

    if( alpha > 0.0 )
        /* scale vector v by the inverse of ALPHA */
        dvec_scale( (1.0 / alpha), work->bidiag_wrk_vec );

        /* copy vector v to vector w */
        dvec_copy( work->bidiag_wrk_vec, work->srch_dir_vec );

    output->mat_resid_norm = alpha * beta;
    output->resid_norm = beta;
    bnorm = beta;
    *  If the norm || A^T r || is zero, then the initial guess is the exact
    *  solution.  Exit and report this.
    if( (output->mat_resid_norm == 0.0) && (input->lsqr_fp_out != NULL) )
        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out, "\tISTOP = %3li\t\t\tITER = %9li\n"
                 "        || A ||_F = %13.5e\tcond( A ) = %13.5e\n"
                 "        || r ||_2 = %13.5e\t|| A^T r ||_2 = %13.5e\n"
                 "        || b ||_2 = %13.5e\t|| x - x0 ||_2 = %13.5e\n\n",
                 output->term_flag, output->num_iters, output->frob_mat_norm,
                 output->mat_cond_num, output->resid_norm, output->mat_resid_norm,
                 bnorm, output->sol_norm );

        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out, "  %s\n\n", term_msg[output->term_flag]);


    rhobar = alpha;
    phibar = beta;
    *  If statistics are printed at each iteration, print a header and the initial
    *  values for each quantity.
    if( input->lsqr_fp_out != NULL )
        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out,
                 "  ITER     || r ||    Compatible  "
                 "||A^T r|| / ||A|| ||r||  || A ||    cond( A )\n\n" );

        stop_crit_1 = 1.0;
        stop_crit_2 = alpha / beta;

        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out,
                 "%6li %13.5e %10.2e \t%10.2e \t%10.2e  %10.2e\n",
                 output->num_iters, output->resid_norm, stop_crit_1, stop_crit_2,
                 output->frob_mat_norm, output->mat_cond_num);

    *  The main iteration loop is continued as long as no stopping criteria
    *  are satisfied and the number of total iterations is less than some upper
    *  bound.
    while( output->term_flag == 0 )
        *     Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain
        *     the next vectors u and v, and the scalars ALPHA and BETA.
        *     These satisfy the relations
        *                BETA*u  =  A*v  -  ALPHA*u,
        *                ALFA*v  =  A^T*u  -  BETA*v.
        /* scale vector u by the negative of ALPHA */
        dvec_scale( (-alpha), input->rhs_vec );

        /* compute A*v - ALPHA*u and store in vector u */
        func->mat_vec_prod( 0, work->bidiag_wrk_vec, input->rhs_vec, prod );

        /* compute Euclidean length of u and store as BETA */
        beta = dvec_norm2( input->rhs_vec );

        /* accumulate this quantity to estimate Frobenius norm of matrix A */
        /* bbnorm += sqr(alpha) + sqr(beta) + sqr(input->damp_val);*/
        bbnorm += alpha*alpha + beta*beta
                  + input->damp_val*input->damp_val;

        if( beta > 0.0 )
            /* scale vector u by the inverse of BETA */
            dvec_scale( (1.0 / beta), input->rhs_vec );

            /* scale vector v by the negative of BETA */
            dvec_scale( (-beta), work->bidiag_wrk_vec );

            /* compute A^T*u - BETA*v and store in vector v */
            func->mat_vec_prod( 1, work->bidiag_wrk_vec, input->rhs_vec, prod );

            /* compute Euclidean length of v and store as ALPHA */
            alpha = dvec_norm2( work->bidiag_wrk_vec );

            if( alpha > 0.0 )
                /* scale vector v by the inverse of ALPHA */
                dvec_scale( (1.0 / alpha), work->bidiag_wrk_vec );
        *     Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
        *     This alters the diagonal (RHOBAR) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.
        cs1 = rhobar / sqrt( lsqr_sqr(rhobar) + lsqr_sqr(input->damp_val) );
        sn1 = input->damp_val
              / sqrt( lsqr_sqr(rhobar) + lsqr_sqr(input->damp_val) );

        psi = sn1 * phibar;
        phibar = cs1 * phibar;
        *     Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (BETA)
        *     of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.
        rho = sqrt( lsqr_sqr(rhobar) + lsqr_sqr(input->damp_val)
                    + lsqr_sqr(beta) );
        cs  = sqrt( lsqr_sqr(rhobar) + lsqr_sqr(input->damp_val) ) / rho;
        sn  = beta / rho;

        theta = sn * alpha;
        rhobar = -cs * alpha;
        phi = cs * phibar;
        phibar = sn * phibar;
        tau = sn * phi;
        *     Update the solution vector x, the search direction vector w, and the
        *     standard error estimates vector se.
        for(indx = 0; indx < input->num_cols; indx++)
            /* update the solution vector x */
            output->sol_vec->elements[indx] += (phi / rho) *

            /* update the standard error estimates vector se */
            output->std_err_vec->elements[indx] += lsqr_sqr( (1.0 / rho) *
                                                   work->srch_dir_vec->elements[indx] );

            /* accumulate this quantity to estimate condition number of A
            ddnorm += lsqr_sqr( (1.0 / rho) *
                                work->srch_dir_vec->elements[indx] );

            /* update the search direction vector w */
            work->srch_dir_vec->elements[indx] =
                work->bidiag_wrk_vec->elements[indx] -
                (theta / rho) * work->srch_dir_vec->elements[indx];
        *     Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the super-diagonal element
        *     (THETA) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.  Then use the result to estimate
        *     the solution norm || x ||.
        delta = sn2 * rho;
        gammabar = -cs2 * rho;
        zetabar = (phi - delta * zeta) / gammabar;

        /* compute an estimate of the solution norm || x || */
        output->sol_norm = sqrt( xxnorm + lsqr_sqr(zetabar) );

        gamma = sqrt( lsqr_sqr(gammabar) + lsqr_sqr(theta) );
        cs2 = gammabar / gamma;
        sn2 = theta / gamma;
        zeta = (phi - delta * zeta) / gamma;

        /* accumulate this quantity to estimate solution norm || x || */
        xxnorm += lsqr_sqr(zeta);
        *     Estimate the Frobenius norm and condition of the matrix A, and the
        *     Euclidean norms of the vectors r and A^T*r.
        output->frob_mat_norm = sqrt( bbnorm );
        output->mat_cond_num = output->frob_mat_norm * sqrt( ddnorm );

        res += lsqr_sqr(psi);
        output->resid_norm = sqrt( lsqr_sqr(phibar) + res );

        output->mat_resid_norm = alpha * fabs( tau );
        *     Use these norms to estimate the values of the three stopping criteria.
        stop_crit_1 = output->resid_norm / bnorm;

        stop_crit_2 = 0.0;
        if( output->resid_norm > 0.0 )
            stop_crit_2 = output->mat_resid_norm / ( output->frob_mat_norm *
                          output->resid_norm );

        stop_crit_3 = 1.0 / output->mat_cond_num;

        /*    05 Jul 2007: Bug reported by Joel Erickson <*****@*****.**>.
        resid_tol = input->rel_rhs_err + input->rel_mat_err *
                    output->frob_mat_norm *         /* (not output->mat_resid_norm *) */
                    output->sol_norm / bnorm;

        resid_tol_mach = DBL_EPSILON + DBL_EPSILON *
                         output->frob_mat_norm *         /* (not output->mat_resid_norm *) */
                         output->sol_norm / bnorm;
        *     Check to see if any of the stopping criteria are satisfied.
        *     First compare the computed criteria to the machine precision.
        *     Second compare the computed criteria to the the user specified precision.
        /* iteration limit reached */
        if( output->num_iters >= input->max_iter )
            output->term_flag = 7;

        /* condition number greater than machine precision */
        if( stop_crit_3 <= DBL_EPSILON )
            output->term_flag = 6;
        /* least squares error less than machine precision */
        if( stop_crit_2 <= DBL_EPSILON )
            output->term_flag = 5;
        /* residual less than a function of machine precision */
        if( stop_crit_1 <= resid_tol_mach )
            output->term_flag = 4;

        /* condition number greater than CONLIM */
        if( stop_crit_3 <= cond_tol )
            output->term_flag = 3;
        /* least squares error less than ATOL */
        if( stop_crit_2 <= input->rel_mat_err )
            output->term_flag = 2;
        /* residual less than a function of ATOL and BTOL */
        if( stop_crit_1 <= resid_tol )
            output->term_flag = 1;
        *  If statistics are printed at each iteration, print a header and the initial
        *  values for each quantity.
        if( input->lsqr_fp_out != NULL )
            fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out,
                     "%6li %13.5e %10.2e \t%10.2e \t%10.2e %10.2e\n",
                     output->num_iters, output->resid_norm, stop_crit_1,
                     output->frob_mat_norm, output->mat_cond_num);
        *     The convergence criteria are required to be met on NCONV consecutive
        *     iterations, where NCONV is set below.  Suggested values are 1, 2, or 3.
        if( output->term_flag == 0 )
            term_iter = -1;

        term_iter_max = 1;

        if( (term_iter < term_iter_max) &&
                (output->num_iters < input->max_iter) )
            output->term_flag = 0;

        if (per_iteration_callback)
            per_iteration_callback(input, output, token);

    } /* end while loop */
    *  Finish computing the standard error estimates vector se.
    temp = 1.0;

    if( input->num_rows > input->num_cols )
        temp = ( double ) ( input->num_rows - input->num_cols );

    if( lsqr_sqr(input->damp_val) > 0.0 )
        temp = ( double ) ( input->num_rows );

    temp = output->resid_norm / sqrt( temp );

    for(indx = 0; indx < input->num_cols; indx++)
        /* update the standard error estimates vector se */
        output->std_err_vec->elements[indx] = temp *
                                              sqrt( output->std_err_vec->elements[indx] );
    *  If statistics are printed at each iteration, print the statistics for the
    *  stopping condition.
    if( input->lsqr_fp_out != NULL )
        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out, "\n\tISTOP = %3li\t\t\tITER = %9li\n"
                 "        || A ||_F = %13.5e\tcond( A ) = %13.5e\n"
                 "        || r ||_2 = %13.5e\t|| A^T r ||_2 = %13.5e\n"
                 "        || b ||_2 = %13.5e\t|| x - x0 ||_2 = %13.5e\n\n",
                 output->term_flag, output->num_iters, output->frob_mat_norm,
                 output->mat_cond_num, output->resid_norm, output->mat_resid_norm,
                 bnorm, output->sol_norm );

        fprintf( input->lsqr_fp_out, "  %s\n\n", term_msg[output->term_flag]);

