void main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; void *libdvm = dlopen("libdvm.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (libdvm == NULL) { printf("Failed to load libdvm: %s\n", dlerror()); return; } dvmGetInlineOpsTablePtr dvmGetInlineOpsTable = dlsym(libdvm, "dvmGetInlineOpsTable"); if (dvmGetInlineOpsTable == NULL) { // clear the error, and retry with the c++ mangled name dlerror(); dvmGetInlineOpsTable = dlsym(libdvm, "_Z20dvmGetInlineOpsTablev"); } if (dvmGetInlineOpsTable == NULL) { printf("Failed to load dvmGetInlineOpsTable: %s\n", dlerror()); dlclose(libdvm); return; } dvmGetInlineOpsTableLengthPtr dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength = dlsym(libdvm, "dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength"); if (dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength == NULL) { // clear the error, and retry with the c++ mangled name dlerror(); dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength = dlsym(libdvm, "_Z26dvmGetInlineOpsTableLengthv"); } if (dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength == NULL) { printf("Failed to load dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength: %s\n", dlerror()); dlclose(libdvm); return; } const InlineOperation *inlineTable = dvmGetInlineOpsTable(); int length = dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength(); for (i=0; i<length; i++) { InlineOperation *item = &inlineTable[i]; printf("%s->%s%s\n", item->classDescriptor, item->methodName, item->methodSignature); } dlclose(libdvm); return; }
/* * Create a table of inline substitutions. Sets gDvm.inlineSubs. * * TODO: this is currently just a linear array. We will want to put this * into a hash table as the list size increases. */ bool dvmCreateInlineSubsTable() { const InlineOperation* ops = dvmGetInlineOpsTable(); const int count = dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength(); InlineSub* table; int i, tableIndex; assert(gDvm.inlineSubs == NULL); /* * One slot per entry, plus an end-of-list marker. */ table = (InlineSub*) calloc(count + 1, sizeof(InlineSub)); if (!table) { ALOGE("table allocation failed"); return false; } tableIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Method* method = dvmFindInlinableMethod(ops[i].classDescriptor, ops[i].methodName, ops[i].methodSignature); if (method == NULL) { /* * Not expected. We only use this for key methods in core * classes, so we should always be able to find them. */ ALOGE("Unable to find method for inlining: %s.%s:%s", ops[i].classDescriptor, ops[i].methodName, ops[i].methodSignature); free(table); return false; } table[tableIndex].method = method; table[tableIndex].inlineIdx = i; tableIndex++; } /* mark end of table */ table[tableIndex].method = NULL; gDvm.inlineSubs = table; return true; }
static jobject getInlineOperation(JNIEnv* env, jclass obj) { int i; void *libdvm = dlopen("libdvm.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (libdvm == NULL) { LOGV("Failed to load libdvm\n"); return; } dvmGetInlineOpsTablePtr dvmGetInlineOpsTable = dlsym(libdvm, "dvmGetInlineOpsTable"); if (dvmGetInlineOpsTable == NULL) { dvmGetInlineOpsTable = dlsym(libdvm, "_Z20dvmGetInlineOpsTablev"); } if (dvmGetInlineOpsTable == NULL) { LOGV("Failed to load dvmGetInlineOpsTable\n"); dlclose(libdvm); return; } dvmGetInlineOpsTableLengthPtr dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength = dlsym(libdvm, "dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength"); if (dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength == NULL) { dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength = dlsym(libdvm, "_Z26dvmGetInlineOpsTableLengthv"); } if (dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength == NULL) { printf("Failed to load dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength\n"); dlclose(libdvm); return; } jclass stringBuilder_class = (*env)->FindClass(env,"java/lang/StringBuilder"); jmethodID initMethod = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,stringBuilder_class,"<init>","()V"); jobject stringBuilder_obj = (*env)->NewObject(env,stringBuilder_class,initMethod); jmethodID stringbuilder_append = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,stringBuilder_class,"append","(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"); jmethodID tostring_method = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,stringBuilder_class,"toString","()Ljava/lang/String;"); const InlineOperation *inlineTable = dvmGetInlineOpsTable(); int length = dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength(); char* buffer = malloc(400); for (i=0; i<length; i++) { InlineOperation *item = &inlineTable[i]; sprintf(buffer,"%s->%s%s\n", item->classDescriptor, item->methodName, item->methodSignature); jstring descror = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env,buffer); (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env,stringBuilder_obj,stringbuilder_append,descror); } dlclose(libdvm); return (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env,stringBuilder_obj,tostring_method); }
/* * Dump a single instruction. */ void dumpInstruction(DexFile* pDexFile, const DexCode* pCode, int insnIdx, int insnWidth, const DecodedInstruction* pDecInsn) { static const float gSpecialTab[16] = { -2.0f, -1.0f, -0.5f, -0.25f, -0.1f, 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f, 1000.0f }; const u2* insns = pCode->insns; int i; printf("%06x:", ((u1*)insns - pDexFile->baseAddr) + insnIdx*2); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i < insnWidth) { if (i == 7) { printf(" ... "); } else { /* print 16-bit value in little-endian order */ const u1* bytePtr = (const u1*) &insns[insnIdx+i]; printf(" %02x%02x", bytePtr[0], bytePtr[1]); } } else { fputs(" ", stdout); } } if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_NOP) { u2 instr = get2LE((const u1*) &insns[insnIdx]); if (instr == kPackedSwitchSignature) { printf("|%04x: packed-switch-data (%d units)", insnIdx, insnWidth); } else if (instr == kSparseSwitchSignature) { printf("|%04x: sparse-switch-data (%d units)", insnIdx, insnWidth); } else if (instr == kArrayDataSignature) { printf("|%04x: array-data (%d units)", insnIdx, insnWidth); } else { printf("|%04x: nop // spacer", insnIdx); } } else { printf("|%04x: %s", insnIdx, getOpcodeName(pDecInsn->opCode)); } switch (dexGetInstrFormat(gInstrFormat, pDecInsn->opCode)) { case kFmt10x: // op break; case kFmt12x: // op vA, vB printf(" v%d, v%d", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt11n: // op vA, #+B printf(" v%d, #int %d // #%x", pDecInsn->vA, (s4)pDecInsn->vB, (u1)pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt11x: // op vAA printf(" v%d", pDecInsn->vA); break; case kFmt10t: // op +AA case kFmt20t: // op +AAAA { s4 targ = (s4) pDecInsn->vA; printf(" %04x // %c%04x", insnIdx + targ, (targ < 0) ? '-' : '+', (targ < 0) ? -targ : targ); } break; case kFmt22x: // op vAA, vBBBB printf(" v%d, v%d", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt21t: // op vAA, +BBBB { s4 targ = (s4) pDecInsn->vB; printf(" v%d, %04x // %c%04x", pDecInsn->vA, insnIdx + targ, (targ < 0) ? '-' : '+', (targ < 0) ? -targ : targ); } break; case kFmt21s: // op vAA, #+BBBB printf(" v%d, #int %d // #%x", pDecInsn->vA, (s4)pDecInsn->vB, (u2)pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt21h: // op vAA, #+BBBB0000[00000000] // The printed format varies a bit based on the actual opcode. if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_CONST_HIGH16) { s4 value = pDecInsn->vB << 16; printf(" v%d, #int %d // #%x", pDecInsn->vA, value, (u2)pDecInsn->vB); } else { s8 value = ((s8) pDecInsn->vB) << 48; printf(" v%d, #long %lld // #%x", pDecInsn->vA, value, (u2)pDecInsn->vB); } break; case kFmt21c: // op vAA, thing@BBBB if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_CONST_STRING) { printf(" v%d, \"%s\" // string@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, dexStringById(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB), pDecInsn->vB); } else if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_CHECK_CAST || pDecInsn->opCode == OP_NEW_INSTANCE || pDecInsn->opCode == OP_CONST_CLASS) { printf(" v%d, %s // class@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, getClassDescriptor(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB), pDecInsn->vB); } else /* OP_SGET* */ { FieldMethodInfo fieldInfo; if (getFieldInfo(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB, &fieldInfo)) { printf(" v%d, %s.%s:%s // field@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, fieldInfo.classDescriptor, fieldInfo.name, fieldInfo.signature, pDecInsn->vB); } else { printf(" v%d, ??? // field@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB); } } break; case kFmt23x: // op vAA, vBB, vCC printf(" v%d, v%d, v%d", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vC); break; case kFmt22b: // op vAA, vBB, #+CC printf(" v%d, v%d, #int %d // #%02x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, (s4)pDecInsn->vC, (u1)pDecInsn->vC); break; case kFmt22t: // op vA, vB, +CCCC { s4 targ = (s4) pDecInsn->vC; printf(" v%d, v%d, %04x // %c%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, insnIdx + targ, (targ < 0) ? '-' : '+', (targ < 0) ? -targ : targ); } break; case kFmt22s: // op vA, vB, #+CCCC printf(" v%d, v%d, #int %d // #%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, (s4)pDecInsn->vC, (u2)pDecInsn->vC); break; case kFmt22c: // op vA, vB, thing@CCCC if (pDecInsn->opCode >= OP_IGET && pDecInsn->opCode <= OP_IPUT_SHORT) { FieldMethodInfo fieldInfo; if (getFieldInfo(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vC, &fieldInfo)) { printf(" v%d, v%d, %s.%s:%s // field@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, fieldInfo.classDescriptor, fieldInfo.name, fieldInfo.signature, pDecInsn->vC); } else { printf(" v%d, v%d, ??? // field@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vC); } } else { printf(" v%d, v%d, %s // class@%04x", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, getClassDescriptor(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vC), pDecInsn->vC); } break; case kFmt22cs: // [opt] op vA, vB, field offset CCCC printf(" v%d, v%d, [obj+%04x]", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vC); break; case kFmt30t: printf(" #%08x", pDecInsn->vA); break; case kFmt31i: // op vAA, #+BBBBBBBB { /* this is often, but not always, a float */ union { float f; u4 i; } conv; conv.i = pDecInsn->vB; printf(" v%d, #float %f // #%08x", pDecInsn->vA, conv.f, pDecInsn->vB); } break; case kFmt31c: // op vAA, thing@BBBBBBBB printf(" v%d, \"%s\" // string@%08x", pDecInsn->vA, dexStringById(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB), pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt31t: // op vAA, offset +BBBBBBBB printf(" v%d, %08x // +%08x", pDecInsn->vA, insnIdx + pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt32x: // op vAAAA, vBBBB printf(" v%d, v%d", pDecInsn->vA, pDecInsn->vB); break; case kFmt35c: // op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, thing@CCCC { /* NOTE: decoding of 35c doesn't quite match spec */ fputs(" {", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int) pDecInsn->vA; i++) { if (i == 0) printf("v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); else printf(", v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); } if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY) { printf("}, %s // class@%04x", getClassDescriptor(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB), pDecInsn->vB); } else { FieldMethodInfo methInfo; if (getMethodInfo(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB, &methInfo)) { printf("}, %s.%s:%s // method@%04x", methInfo.classDescriptor, methInfo.name, methInfo.signature, pDecInsn->vB); } else { printf("}, ??? // method@%04x", pDecInsn->vB); } } } break; case kFmt35ms: // [opt] invoke-virtual+super case kFmt35fs: // [opt] invoke-interface { fputs(" {", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int) pDecInsn->vA; i++) { if (i == 0) printf("v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); else printf(", v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); } printf("}, [%04x] // vtable #%04x", pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vB); } break; case kFmt3rc: // op {vCCCC .. v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB { /* * This doesn't match the "dx" output when some of the args are * 64-bit values -- dx only shows the first register. */ fputs(" {", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int) pDecInsn->vA; i++) { if (i == 0) printf("v%d", pDecInsn->vC + i); else printf(", v%d", pDecInsn->vC + i); } if (pDecInsn->opCode == OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE) { printf("}, %s // class@%04x", getClassDescriptor(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB), pDecInsn->vB); } else { FieldMethodInfo methInfo; if (getMethodInfo(pDexFile, pDecInsn->vB, &methInfo)) { printf("}, %s.%s:%s // method@%04x", methInfo.classDescriptor, methInfo.name, methInfo.signature, pDecInsn->vB); } else { printf("}, ??? // method@%04x", pDecInsn->vB); } } } break; case kFmt3rms: // [opt] invoke-virtual+super/range case kFmt3rfs: // [opt] invoke-interface/range { /* * This doesn't match the "dx" output when some of the args are * 64-bit values -- dx only shows the first register. */ fputs(" {", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int) pDecInsn->vA; i++) { if (i == 0) printf("v%d", pDecInsn->vC + i); else printf(", v%d", pDecInsn->vC + i); } printf("}, [%04x] // vtable #%04x", pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vB); } break; case kFmt3inline: // [opt] inline invoke { #if 0 const InlineOperation* inlineOpsTable = dvmGetInlineOpsTable(); u4 tableLen = dvmGetInlineOpsTableLength(); #endif fputs(" {", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int) pDecInsn->vA; i++) { if (i == 0) printf("v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); else printf(", v%d", pDecInsn->arg[i]); } #if 0 if (pDecInsn->vB < tableLen) { printf("}, %s.%s:%s // inline #%04x", inlineOpsTable[pDecInsn->vB].classDescriptor, inlineOpsTable[pDecInsn->vB].methodName, inlineOpsTable[pDecInsn->vB].methodSignature, pDecInsn->vB); } else { #endif printf("}, [%04x] // inline #%04x", pDecInsn->vB, pDecInsn->vB); #if 0 } #endif } break; case kFmt51l: // op vAA, #+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB { /* this is often, but not always, a double */ union { double d; u8 j; } conv; conv.j = pDecInsn->vB_wide; printf(" v%d, #double %f // #%016llx", pDecInsn->vA, conv.d, pDecInsn->vB_wide); } break; case kFmtUnknown: break; default: printf(" ???"); break; } putchar('\n'); }