Esempio n. 1
uintptr_t CSignature::GetVstdSignature(const char *chPattern)
    // we need to do this becuase (i assume that) under the hood, dlopen only
    // loads up the sections that it needs into memory, meaning that we cannot
    // get the string table from the module.
    static int fd              = open(sharedobj::vstdlib().path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
    static void *module        = mmap(NULL, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
    static link_map *moduleMap = sharedobj::vstdlib().lmap;

    // static void *module = (void *)moduleMap->l_addr;

    static Elf32_Shdr *textHeader = getSectionHeader(module, ".text");

    static int textOffset = textHeader->sh_offset;

    static int textSize = textHeader->sh_size;

    // we need to remap the address that we got from the pattern search from our
    // mapped file to the actual memory we do this by rebasing the address
    // (subbing the mmapped one and adding the dlopened one.
    uintptr_t patr = dwFindPattern(((uintptr_t) module) + textOffset, ((uintptr_t) module) + textOffset + textSize, chPattern);
    if (!patr)
        return NULL;
    return patr - (uintptr_t)(module) + moduleMap->l_addr;
Esempio n. 2
DWORD CSignature::GetEngineSignature(char* chPattern)
	static HMODULE hmModule = GetModuleHandleSafe("engine.dll");
	static PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(((DWORD)hmModule) + pDOSHeader->e_lfanew);
	return dwFindPattern(((DWORD)hmModule) + pNTHeaders->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode, ((DWORD)hmModule) + pNTHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfCode, chPattern);
Esempio n. 3
int PrepareExtension()
	if (preparedextension)
		return 0;

	preparedextension = true;

	std::string init = InitializeSdk();
	if (init != "")
		MessageBoxA(NULL, init.c_str(), "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		return 1;

	DWORD executestringcmd = dwFindPattern((DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("engine.dll"), 0xFEADBEEF, (BYTE*)"\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x08\x56\x8B\xF1\x85\xC0\x74\x22", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx");
	if (!executestringcmd)
		MessageBoxA(NULL, "didnt get stringcmd", "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		Msg("!LAC ERROR! didnt get stringcmd");
		return 1;

	DWORD onquerycvarval = dwFindPattern((DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("engine.dll"), 0xFEADBEEF, (BYTE*)"\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x08\x8B\x50\x10\x56", "xxxxxxxxxx");

	if (!onquerycvarval)
		MessageBoxA(NULL, "didnt get query cvar value", "!LAC ERROR!", MB_OK);
		Msg("!LAC ERROR! didnt get query cvar value");
		return 1;

	ExecuteStringCmd = (OrigExecuteStringCmd)DetourCreate((BYTE*)executestringcmd, (BYTE*)hooked_ExecuteStringCmd, 6);
	ProcessRespondCvarValue = (OrigProcessRespondCvarValue)DetourCreate((BYTE*)onquerycvarval, (BYTE*)hooked_ProcessRespondCvarValue, 6);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
void CDirect3DHook::Install()
		HMODULE hModule = NULL;
		char buffer[MAX_PATH];

		// Getting path to system dir and to d3d8.dll

		// Append dll name
		while( !hModule )
			hModule = GetModuleHandleA(buffer);

		DWORD* VTableStart = 0;
		DWORD DevicePointer = dwFindPattern((DWORD)hModule, 0x128000,
			(PBYTE)"\xC7\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x89\x86\x00\x00\x00\x00\x89\x86", "xx????xx????xx");
		memcpy(&VTableStart, (void*)(DevicePointer+2), 4);

		dwReset = (DWORD)VTableStart[16];
		dwEndScene = (DWORD)VTableStart[42];

		m_pReset = (Reset_t)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwReset,(PBYTE)hkReset);
		m_pEndScene = (EndScene_t)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwEndScene,(PBYTE)hkEndScene);

		CLogFile::Printf("Hooked 'Direct3D Reset and EndScene");

		m_bHookInstalled = true;