static void FlyingEyeSpellUpdateHand(const Vec3f & pos, LightHandle & light) { EERIE_LIGHT * el = dynLightCreate(light); if(el) { el->intensity = 1.3f; el->fallend = 180.f; el->fallstart = 50.f; el->rgb = Color3f(0.7f, 0.3f, 1.f); el->pos = pos; } for(long kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(!pd) { break; } pd->ov = pos + randomVec(-1.f, 1.f); pd->move = Vec3f(0.1f, 0.f, 0.1f) + Vec3f(-0.2f, -2.2f, -0.2f) * randomVec3f(); pd->siz = 5.f; pd->tolive = Random::getu(1500, 3500); pd->scale = Vec3f(0.2f); pd->tc = TC_smoke; pd->m_flags = FADE_IN_AND_OUT | ROTATING | DISSIPATING; pd->sourceionum = EntityHandle_Player; pd->m_rotation = 0.0000001f; pd->rgb = Color3f(.7f, .3f, 1.f) + Color3f(-.1f, -.1f, -.1f) * randomColor3f(); } }
void CurePoisonSpell::Launch() { if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) { m_target = EntityHandle_Player; } float cure = m_level * 10; if(m_target == EntityHandle_Player) { player.poison -= std::min(player.poison, cure); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(g_snd.SPELL_CURE_POISON); } else if(Entity * io = entities.get(m_target)) { if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) { io->_npcdata->poisonned -= std::min(io->_npcdata->poisonned, cure); } ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(g_snd.SPELL_CURE_POISON, &io->pos); } m_duration = GameDurationMs(3500); m_hasDuration = true; m_particles.SetParams(g_particleParameters[ParticleParam_CurePoison]); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 1.5f; light->fallstart = 200.f; light->fallend = 350.f; light->rgb = Color3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.0f); light->pos = m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -50.f, 0.f); light->creationTime =; light->duration = GameDurationMs(200); light->extras = 0; } }
static void LaunchMagicMissileExplosion(const Vec3f & _ePos, bool mrCheat) { ParticleParams cp = g_particleParameters[ParticleParam_MagicMissileExplosion]; if(mrCheat) { cp = g_particleParameters[ParticleParam_MagicMissileExplosionMar]; } ParticleSystem * pPS = new ParticleSystem(); pPS->SetParams(cp); pPS->SetPos(_ePos); pPS->Update(0); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(); if(light) { light->intensity = 2.3f; light->fallstart = 250.f; light->fallend = 420.f; if(mrCheat) { light->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 0.3f, .8f); } else { light->rgb = Color3f(0.f, 0.f, .8f); } light->pos = _ePos; light->duration = ArxDurationMs(1500); } arx_assert(pParticleManager); pParticleManager->AddSystem(pPS); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_MM_HIT, &_ePos); }
void SummonCreatureSpell::Launch() { m_fManaCostPerSecond = 1.9f; m_requestSummon = false; m_summonedEntity = EntityHandle(); m_hasDuration = m_launchDuration >= 0; m_duration = m_hasDuration ? m_launchDuration : 0; Vec3f target; float beta; GetTargetAndBeta(target, beta); m_megaCheat = (m_caster == EntityHandle_Player && cur_mega == 10); m_targetPos = target; ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_SUMMON_CREATURE, &m_targetPos); m_fissure.Create(target, MAKEANGLE(player.angle.getYaw())); m_fissure.SetDuration(GameDurationMs(2000), GameDurationMs(500), GameDurationMs(1500)); m_fissure.SetColorBorder(Color3f::red); m_fissure.SetColorRays1(Color3f::red); m_fissure.SetColorRays2(Color3f::yellow * .5f); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 0.3f; light->fallend = 500.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f::red; light->pos = m_fissure.m_eSrc; } }
void FakeSummonSpell::Launch() { m_hasDuration = true; m_fManaCostPerSecond = 1.9f; m_duration = GameDurationMs(4000); Vec3f target = entities[m_target]->pos; if(m_target != EntityHandle_Player) { target.y += player.baseHeight(); } m_targetPos = target; ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_SUMMON_CREATURE, &m_targetPos); m_fissure.Create(target, MAKEANGLE(player.angle.getYaw())); m_fissure.SetDuration(GameDurationMs(2000), GameDurationMs(500), GameDurationMs(1500)); m_fissure.SetColorBorder(Color3f::red); m_fissure.SetColorRays1(Color3f::red); m_fissure.SetColorRays2(Color3f::yellow * .5f); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 0.3f; light->fallend = 500.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f::red; light->pos = m_fissure.m_eSrc; } }
void SummonCreatureSpell::End() { lightHandleDestroy(m_light); // need to killio Entity * io = entities.get(m_summonedEntity); if(io) { ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_ELECTRIC, &io->pos); if(io->scriptload && (io->ioflags & IO_NOSAVE)) { AddRandomSmoke(io, 100); Vec3f posi = io->pos; posi.y -= 100.f; MakeCoolFx(posi); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(); if(light) { light->intensity = Random::getf(0.7f, 2.7f); light->fallend = 600.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f); light->pos = posi; light->duration = GameDurationMs(600); } io->destroyOne(); } } m_summonedEntity = EntityHandle(); }
void FireFieldSpell::Update() { pPSStream.Update(g_framedelay); pPSStream1.Update(g_framedelay); EERIE_LIGHT * el = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(el) { el->pos = m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -120.f, 0.f); el->intensity = 4.6f; el->fallstart = Random::getf(150.f, 180.f); el->fallend = Random::getf(290.f, 320.f); el->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 0.8f, 0.6f) + Color3f(Random::getf(-0.1f, 0.f), 0.f, 0.f); el->duration = ArxDurationMs(600); el->extras=0; } if(VisibleSphere(Sphere(m_pos - Vec3f(0.f, 120.f, 0.f), 350.f))) { pPSStream.Render(); pPSStream1.Render(); float fDiff = g_framedelay / 8.f; int nTime = checked_range_cast<int>(fDiff); for(long nn=0;nn<=nTime+1;nn++) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(!pd) { break; } float t = Random::getf() * (glm::pi<float>() * 2.f) - glm::pi<float>(); float ts = std::sin(t); float tc = std::cos(t); pd->ov = m_pos + Vec3f(120.f * ts, 15.f * ts, 120.f * tc) * randomVec(); pd->move = Vec3f(2.f, 1.f, 2.f) + Vec3f(-4.f, -8.f, -4.f) * randomVec3f(); pd->siz = 7.f; pd->tolive = Random::getu(500, 1500); pd->tc = fire2; pd->m_flags = ROTATING | FIRE_TO_SMOKE; pd->m_rotation = Random::getf(-0.1f, 0.1f); pd->scale = Vec3f(-8.f); PARTICLE_DEF * pd2 = createParticle(); if(!pd2) { break; } *pd2 = *pd; pd2->delay = Random::getu(60, 210); } } }
void CurePoisonSpell::Update() { m_pos = entities[m_target]->pos; if(m_target == EntityHandle_Player) m_pos.y += 200; GameDuration ff = m_duration - m_elapsed; if(ff < GameDurationMs(1500)) { m_particles.m_parameters.m_spawnFlags = PARTICLE_CIRCULAR; m_particles.m_parameters.m_gravity = Vec3f(0.f); std::list<Particle *>::iterator i; for(i = m_particles.listParticle.begin(); i != m_particles.listParticle.end(); ++i) { Particle * pP = *i; if(pP->isAlive()) { pP->fColorEnd.a = 0; if(pP->m_age + ff < pP->m_timeToLive) { pP->m_age = pP->m_timeToLive - ff; } } } } m_particles.SetPos(m_pos); m_particles.Update(g_gameTime.lastFrameDuration()); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 2.3f; light->fallstart = 200.f; light->fallend = 350.f; light->rgb = Color3f(0.4f, 1.f, 0.4f); light->pos = m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -50.f, 0.f); light->duration = GameDurationMs(200); light->creationTime =; light->extras = 0; } m_particles.Render(); }
void RuneOfGuardingSpell::Launch() { spells.endByCaster(m_caster, SPELL_RUNE_OF_GUARDING); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(g_snd.SPELL_RUNE_OF_GUARDING); m_hasDuration = m_launchDuration >= 0; m_duration = m_hasDuration ? m_launchDuration : 0; m_pos = entities[m_caster]->pos; tex_p2 = TextureContainer::Load("graph/obj3d/textures/(fx)_tsu_blueting"); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 0.7f + 2.3f; light->fallend = 500.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f); light->pos = m_pos - Vec3f(0.f, 50.f, 0.f); light->creationTime =; light->duration = GameDurationMs(200); } }
//TODO Move somewhere else void Cedric_ApplyLightingFirstPartRefactor(Entity *io) { if(!io) return; io->special_color = Color3f::white; float poisonpercent = 0.f; float trappercent = 0.f; float secretpercent = 0.f; if((io->ioflags & IO_NPC) && io->_npcdata->poisonned > 0.f) { poisonpercent = io->_npcdata->poisonned * ( 1.0f / 20 ); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_ITEM) && io->poisonous > 0.f && io->poisonous_count) { poisonpercent = io->poisonous * (1.0f / 20); if(poisonpercent > 1.f) poisonpercent = 1.f; } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->_fixdata->trapvalue > -1) { trappercent = player.TRAP_DETECT - io->_fixdata->trapvalue; if(trappercent > 0.f) { trappercent = 0.6f + trappercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); trappercent = glm::clamp(trappercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if((io->ioflags & IO_FIX) && io->secretvalue > -1) { secretpercent = player.TRAP_SECRET - io->secretvalue; if(secretpercent > 0.f) { secretpercent = 0.6f + secretpercent * ( 1.0f / 100 ); secretpercent = glm::clamp(secretpercent, 0.6f, 1.f); } } if(poisonpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f::green; } if(trappercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(trappercent, 1.f - trappercent, 1.f - trappercent); } if(secretpercent > 0.f) { io->special_color = Color3f(1.f - secretpercent, 1.f - secretpercent, secretpercent); } if(io->ioflags & IO_FREEZESCRIPT) { io->special_color = Color3f::blue; } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH) { if(io->show == SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING) { io->sfx_time = io->sfx_time + ArxDurationMs(g_framedelay); if (io->sfx_time >= io->sfx_time =; } else { const ArxDuration elapsed = - io->sfx_time; if(elapsed > ArxDuration_ZERO) { if(elapsed < ArxDurationMs(3000)) { // 5 seconds to red float ratio = toMs(elapsed) * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f(1.f, 1.f - ratio, 1.f - ratio); io->highlightColor += Color3f(std::max(ratio - 0.5f, 0.f), 0.f, 0.f) * 255; AddRandomSmoke(io, 1); } else if(elapsed < ArxDurationMs(6000)) { // 5 seconds to White float ratio = toMs(elapsed) * (1.0f / 3000); io->special_color = Color3f::red; io->highlightColor += Color3f(std::max(ratio - 0.5f, 0.f), 0.f, 0.f) * 255; AddRandomSmoke(io, 2); } else { // SFX finish io->sfx_time = ArxInstant_ZERO; if(io->ioflags & IO_NPC) { MakePlayerAppearsFX(io); AddRandomSmoke(io, 50); Color3f rgb = io->_npcdata-><float>(); Sphere sp = Sphere(io->pos, 200.f); long count = 6; while(count--) { Sphere splatSphere = Sphere(sp.origin, Random::getf(30.f, 60.f)); PolyBoomAddSplat(splatSphere, rgb, 1); sp.origin.y -= Random::getf(0.f, 150.f); ARX_PARTICLES_Spawn_Splat(sp.origin, 200.f, io->_npcdata->blood_color); sp.origin = io->pos + randomVec3f() * Vec3f(200.f, 20.f,200.f) - Vec3f(100.f, 10.f, 100.f); sp.radius = Random::getf(100.f, 200.f); } EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(); if(light) { light->intensity = Random::getf(0.7f, 2.7f); light->fallend = 600.f; light->fallstart = 400.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.f); light->pos = io->pos + Vec3f(0.f, -80.f, 0.f); light->duration = ArxDurationMs(600); } if(io->sfx_flag & SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE) { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_INCINERATE; io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; SpellBase * spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io->index(), SPELL_INCINERATE); if(!spell) spell = spells.getSpellOnTarget(io->index(), SPELL_MASS_INCINERATE); if(spell) { spells.endSpell(spell); float damages = 20 * spell->m_level; damages = ARX_SPELLS_ApplyFireProtection(io, damages); if (ValidIONum(spell->m_caster)) ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spell->m_caster, true, &entities[spell->m_caster]->pos); else ARX_DAMAGES_DamageNPC(io, damages, spell->m_caster, true, &io->pos); ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(SND_SPELL_FIRE_HIT, &io->pos); } } else { io->sfx_flag &= ~SFX_TYPE_YLSIDE_DEATH; ARX_INTERACTIVE_DestroyIOdelayed(io); } } } } } } }
void ConfuseSpell::Update() { Vec3f pos = entities[m_target]->pos; if(m_target != EntityHandle_Player) { pos.y += entities[m_target]->physics.cyl.height - 30.f; } ObjVertHandle idx = entities[m_target]->obj->fastaccess.head_group_origin; if(idx != ObjVertHandle()) { pos = entities[m_target]->obj->vertexlist3[idx.handleData()].v; pos.y -= 50.f; } eCurPos = pos; RenderMaterial mat; mat.setDepthTest(false); mat.setBlendType(RenderMaterial::Additive); mat.setTexture(tex_trail); Anglef stiteangle = Anglef(0.f, -glm::degrees(arxtime.now_f() * ( 1.0f / 500 )), 0.f); { AnimationDuration delta = AnimationDurationUs(s64(g_framedelay * 1000.f)); EERIEDrawAnimQuatUpdate(spapi, animlayer, stiteangle, eCurPos, delta, NULL, false); EERIEDrawAnimQuatRender(spapi, eCurPos, NULL, 0.f); } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(!pd) { break; } Vec2f p = glm::diskRand(15.f); pd->ov = eCurPos + Vec3f(p.x, 0.f, p.y); pd->move = Vec3f(0.f, Random::getf(1.f, 4.f), 0.f); pd->siz = 0.25f; pd->tolive = Random::getu(2300, 3300); pd->tc = tex_p1; pd->m_flags = PARTICLE_GOLDRAIN | FADE_IN_AND_OUT | ROTATING | DISSIPATING; pd->m_rotation = 0.0000001f; Color3f baseColor = Color3f(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.4f); Color3f randomFactor = Color3f(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.4f); Color3f c = baseColor + randomColor3f() * randomFactor; while(glm::abs(c.r - c.g) > 0.3f && glm::abs(c.g - c.b) > 0.3f) { c = baseColor + randomColor3f() * randomFactor; } pd->rgb = c * Color3f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); } EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 1.3f; light->fallstart = 180.f; light->fallend = 420.f; light->rgb = Color3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.5f) + Color3f(0.2f, 0.f, 0.2f) * randomColor3f(); light->pos = eCurPos; light->duration = ArxDurationMs(200); light->extras = 0; } }
void IceFieldSpell::Update() { EERIE_LIGHT * el = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(el) { el->pos = m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -120.f, 0.f); el->intensity = 4.6f; el->fallstart = Random::getf(150.f, 180.f); el->fallend = Random::getf(290.f, 320.f); el->rgb = Color3f(0.76f, 0.76f, 1.0f) + Color3f(0.f, 0.f, Random::getf(-0.1f, 0.f)); el->duration = ArxDurationMs(600); el->extras=0; } if(!VisibleSphere(Sphere(m_pos - Vec3f(0.f, 120.f, 0.f), 350.f))) return; RenderMaterial mat; mat.setDepthTest(true); mat.setBlendType(RenderMaterial::Additive); for(int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { tSize[i] += Vec3f(0.1f); tSize[i] = glm::min(tSize[i], tSizeMax[i]); Anglef stiteangle = Anglef::ZERO; Vec3f stitepos; Vec3f stitescale; Color3f stitecolor; stiteangle.setYaw(glm::cos(glm::radians(tPos[i].x)) * 360); stitepos.x = tPos[i].x; stitepos.y = m_pos.y; stitepos.z = tPos[i].z; stitecolor.r = tSizeMax[i].y * 0.7f; stitecolor.g = tSizeMax[i].y * 0.7f; stitecolor.b = tSizeMax[i].y * 0.9f; if(stitecolor.r > 1) stitecolor.r = 1; if(stitecolor.g > 1) stitecolor.g = 1; if(stitecolor.b > 1) stitecolor.b = 1; stitescale.z = tSize[i].x; stitescale.y = tSize[i].y; stitescale.x = tSize[i].z; EERIE_3DOBJ * obj = (tType[i] == 0) ? smotte : stite; Draw3DObject(obj, stiteangle, stitepos, stitescale, stitecolor, mat); } for(int i = 0; i < iMax * 0.5f; i++) { float t = Random::getf(); if(t < 0.01f) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(pd) { pd->ov = tPos[i] + randomVec(-5.f, 5.f); pd->move = randomVec(-2.f, 2.f); pd->siz = 20.f; pd->tolive = Random::getu(2000, 6000); pd->tc = tex_p2; pd->m_flags = FADE_IN_AND_OUT | ROTATING | DISSIPATING; pd->m_rotation = 0.0000001f; pd->rgb = Color3f(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.f); } } else if (t > 0.095f) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(pd) { pd->ov = tPos[i] + randomVec(-5.f, 5.f) + Vec3f(0.f, 50.f, 0.f); pd->move = Vec3f(0.f, Random::getf(-2.f, 2.f), 0.f); pd->siz = 0.5f; pd->tolive = Random::getu(2000, 6000); pd->tc = tex_p1; pd->m_flags = FADE_IN_AND_OUT | ROTATING | DISSIPATING; pd->m_rotation = 0.0000001f; pd->rgb = Color3f(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.f); } } } }
void IgnitSpell::Launch() { m_duration = ArxDurationMs(500); if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { m_srcPos = m_hand_pos; } else { m_srcPos = m_caster_pos - Vec3f(0.f, 50.f, 0.f); } EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(); if(light) { light->intensity = 1.8f; light->fallend = 450.f; light->fallstart = 380.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 0.75f, 0.5f); light->pos = m_srcPos; light->duration = ArxDurationMs(300); } float fPerimeter = 400.f + m_level * 30.f; m_lights.clear(); m_elapsed = ArxDuration_ZERO; CheckForIgnition(Sphere(m_srcPos, fPerimeter), 1, 1); for(size_t ii = 0; ii < g_staticLightsMax; ii++) { EERIE_LIGHT * light = g_staticLights[ii]; if(!light || !(light->extras & EXTRAS_EXTINGUISHABLE)) { continue; } if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player && (light->extras & EXTRAS_NO_IGNIT)) { continue; } if(!(light->extras & EXTRAS_SEMIDYNAMIC) && !(light->extras & EXTRAS_SPAWNFIRE) && !(light->extras & EXTRAS_SPAWNSMOKE)) { continue; } if(light->m_ignitionStatus) { continue; } if(!fartherThan(m_srcPos, light->pos, fPerimeter)) { T_LINKLIGHTTOFX entry; entry.m_targetLight = ii; EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(entry.m_effectLight); if(light) { light->intensity = Random::getf(0.7f, 2.7f); light->fallend = 400.f; light->fallstart = 300.f; light->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); light->pos = light->pos; } m_lights.push_back(entry); } } for(size_t n = 0; n < MAX_SPELLS; n++) { SpellBase * spell = spells[SpellHandle(n)]; if(!spell) { continue; } if(spell->m_type == SPELL_FIREBALL) { Vec3f pos = static_cast<FireballSpell *>(spell)->getPosition(); float radius = std::max(m_level * 2.f, 12.f); if(closerThan(m_srcPos, pos, fPerimeter + radius)) { spell->m_level += 1; } } } }
void MagicMissileSpell::Launch() { m_duration = ArxDurationMs(6000); m_hand_group = GetActionPointIdx(entities[m_caster]->obj, "primary_attach"); if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { Entity * caster = entities[m_caster]; ActionPoint group = m_hand_group; m_hand_pos = actionPointPosition(caster->obj, group); } Vec3f startPos; float pitch, yaw; if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) { yaw = player.angle.getYaw(); pitch = player.angle.getPitch(); Vec3f vector = angleToVector(Anglef(pitch, yaw, 0.f)) * 60.f; if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { startPos = m_hand_pos; } else { startPos = player.pos; startPos += angleToVectorXZ(yaw); } startPos += vector; } else { pitch = 0; yaw = entities[m_caster]->angle.getYaw(); Vec3f vector = angleToVector(Anglef(pitch, yaw, 0.f)) * 60.f; if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { startPos = m_hand_pos; } else { startPos = entities[m_caster]->pos; } startPos += vector; Entity * io = entities[m_caster]; if(ValidIONum(io->targetinfo)) { const Vec3f & p1 = m_caster_pos; const Vec3f & p2 = entities[io->targetinfo]->pos; pitch = -(glm::degrees(getAngle(p1.y, p1.z, p2.y, p2.z + glm::distance(Vec2f(p2.x, p2.z), Vec2f(p1.x, p1.z))))); //alpha entre orgn et dest; } else if (ValidIONum(m_target)) { const Vec3f & p1 = m_caster_pos; const Vec3f & p2 = entities[m_target]->pos; pitch = -(glm::degrees(getAngle(p1.y, p1.z, p2.y, p2.z + glm::distance(Vec2f(p2.x, p2.z), Vec2f(p1.x, p1.z))))); //alpha entre orgn et dest; } } m_mrCheat = (m_caster == EntityHandle_Player && cur_mr == 3); ArxDuration lMax = ArxDuration_ZERO; long number; if(sp_max || cur_rf == 3) { number = long(m_level); } else { number = glm::clamp(long(m_level + 1) / 2, 1l, 5l); } pTab.reserve(number); for(size_t i = 0; i < size_t(number); i++) { CMagicMissile * missile = NULL; if(!m_mrCheat) { missile = new CMagicMissile(); } else { missile = new MrMagicMissileFx(); } pTab.push_back(missile); Anglef angles(pitch, yaw, 0.f); if(i > 0) { angles.setPitch(angles.getPitch() + Random::getf(-4.0f, 4.0f)); angles.setYaw(angles.getYaw() + Random::getf(-6.0f, 6.0f)); } missile->Create(startPos, angles); ArxDuration lTime = m_duration + ArxDurationMs(Random::get(-1000, 1000)); lTime = std::max(ArxDurationMs(1000), lTime); lMax = std::max(lMax, lTime); missile->SetDuration(lTime); EERIE_LIGHT * el = dynLightCreate(missile->lLightId); if(el) { el->intensity = 0.7f + 2.3f; el->fallend = 190.f; el->fallstart = 80.f; if(m_mrCheat) { el->rgb = Color3f(1.f, 0.3f, 0.8f); } else { el->rgb = Color3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); } el->pos = startPos; el->duration = ArxDurationMs(300); } } m_duration = lMax + ArxDurationMs(1000); }
void PoisonProjectileSpell::Launch() { ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX(g_snd.SPELL_POISON_PROJECTILE_LAUNCH, &m_caster_pos); Vec3f srcPos(0.f); float afBeta = 0.f; Entity * caster = entities[m_caster]; m_hand_group = caster->obj->fastaccess.primary_attach; if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { ActionPoint group = m_hand_group; m_hand_pos = actionPointPosition(caster->obj, group); } if(m_caster == EntityHandle_Player) { afBeta = player.angle.getYaw(); if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { srcPos = m_hand_pos; } else { srcPos = player.pos; } } else { afBeta = entities[m_caster]->angle.getYaw(); if(m_hand_group != ActionPoint()) { srcPos = m_hand_pos; } else { srcPos = entities[m_caster]->pos; } } srcPos += angleToVectorXZ(afBeta) * 90.f; size_t uiNumber = glm::clamp(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_level), 1u, 5u); for(size_t i = 0; i < uiNumber; i++) { CPoisonProjectile * projectile = new CPoisonProjectile(); m_projectiles.push_back(projectile); } m_duration = GameDurationMs(8000); m_hasDuration = true; GameDuration lMax = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < m_projectiles.size(); i++) { CPoisonProjectile * projectile = m_projectiles[i]; projectile->Create(srcPos, afBeta + Random::getf(-10.f, 10.f)); GameDuration lTime = m_duration + GameDurationMs(Random::getu(0, 5000)); projectile->SetDuration(lTime); lMax = std::max(lMax, lTime); EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(projectile->lLightId); if(light) { light->intensity = 2.3f; light->fallend = 250.f; light->fallstart = 150.f; light->rgb = Color3f::green; light->pos = projectile->eSrc; light->creationTime =; light->duration = GameDurationMs(200); } } m_duration = lMax + GameDurationMs(1000); }
void RepelUndeadSpell::Update() { Vec3f pos = entities[m_target]->pos; float rot; if(m_target == EntityHandle_Player) { rot = player.angle.getYaw(); } else { rot = entities[m_target]->angle.getYaw(); } m_pos = pos; m_yaw = rot; RenderMaterial mat; mat.setDepthTest(true); mat.setBlendType(RenderMaterial::Additive); Anglef eObjAngle; eObjAngle.setYaw(m_yaw); eObjAngle.setPitch(0); eObjAngle.setRoll(0); float wave = timeWaveSin(, GameDurationMsf(6283.185307f)); float vv = (1.f + wave) * 0.5f + 1.1f; Draw3DObject(ssol, eObjAngle, m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -5.f, 0.f), Vec3f(vv), Color3f(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f), mat); vv *= 100.f; for(int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { PARTICLE_DEF * pd = createParticle(); if(!pd) { break; } // XXX was this supposed to be sphericalRand ? Vec2f d = arx::diskRand(vv); pd->ov = m_pos + Vec3f(d.x, 0.f, d.y); pd->move = arx::linearRand(Vec3f(-0.8f, -4.f, -0.8f), Vec3f(0.8f, 0.f, 0.8f)); pd->scale = Vec3f(-0.1f); pd->tolive = Random::getu(2600, 3200); pd->tc = tex_p2; pd->siz = 0.3f; pd->rgb = Color3f(.4f, .4f, .6f); } EERIE_LIGHT * light = dynLightCreate(m_light); if(light) { light->intensity = 2.3f; light->fallend = 350.f; light->fallstart = 150.f; light->rgb = Color3f(0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f); light->pos = m_pos + Vec3f(0.f, -50.f, 0.f); light->duration = GameDurationMs(200); light->creationTime =; } if (m_target == EntityHandle_Player) ARX_SOUND_RefreshPosition(m_snd_loop, entities[m_target]->pos); }