Esempio n. 1
/* Procedure executed by sideline threads.
 * XXX i#500: Cannot use libc routines (printf) in the child process.
int run(void *arg)
    int threadnum = (int)(long) arg;
    int i = 0;
    /* for CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID for signaling parent.  if we used raw
     * clone system call we could get kernel to do this for us.
    child[threadnum] = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_gettid, 0);
    dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_tid_address, 1, &child[threadnum]);
    child_started[threadnum] = true;
    nolibc_print("Sideline thread started\n");
    while (true) {
        /* do nothing for now */
        if (i % 25000000 == 0)
    while (!child_exit[threadnum])
    nolibc_print("Sideline thread finished, exiting whole group\n");
    /* We deliberately bring down the whole group.  Note that this is
     * the default on x64 on returning for some reason which seems
     * like a bug in _clone() (xref i#94).
    dynamorio_syscall(SYS_exit_group, 0);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
    /* FIXME: SYS_fork on dereksha is creating a child whose pid is
     * same as parent but has a different tid, and the abort() to dump
     * core kills the parent process -- looks just like a separate
     * thread, not a separate process!
     * When I use glibc fork() I get the proper behavior.
     * glibc 2.3.3 fork() calls clone() with flags = 0x01200011
     * glibc-2.3.3-200405070341/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/fork.c's
     * ARCH_FORK, which is what glibc uses, so why doesn't SYS_fork do
     * same thing?  Instead it simply sets SIGCHLD and not the CLONE_* flags.
     * (see /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c).  But, trying the CLONE_* flags
     * doesn't do the trick -- libc fork() is doing something extra, and
     * glibc-2.3.3-200405070341/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/fork.c's version of it
     * shows it's doing some funny tricks with the pid!
     * Once figure it out, need to have dynamic check for threading version to know
     * what to do.
#    if 0
    /* from /usr/include/bits/sched.h ifdef __USE_MISC: */
#        define CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID                     \
            0x00200000 /* Register exit futex and memory \
                        * location to clear.  */
#        define CLONE_CHILD_SETTID                         \
            0x01000000 /* Store TID in userlevel buffer in \
                        * the child.  */
    /* i386/fork.c pass a 5th arg, &THREAD_SELF->tid, is it needed for SETTID? */
    static uint tid;
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYS_clone, 4/* 5 */,
                             /* flags, newsp (if 0 -> cur esp), parent_tidptr,
                              * child_tidptr, something! */
                             0, NULL, NULL /*, &tid*/);
#    else
    /* my workaround for now: just use libc -- binaries won't be back-compatible though */
    return fork();
#    endif
#    ifdef SYS_fork
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYS_fork, 0);
#    else
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYS_clone, 5, SIGCHLD, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
#    endif
Esempio n. 3
/* Safe nanosleep.
nolibc_nanosleep(struct timespec *req)
#ifdef MACOS
    /* XXX: share with os_thread_sleep */
    semaphore_t sem = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    int res;
    if (sem == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
        kern_return_t res =
            semaphore_create(mach_task_self(), &sem, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, 0);
        assert(res == KERN_SUCCESS);
    res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS___semwait_signal_nocancel,
                            6, sem, MACH_PORT_NULL, 1, 1,
                            (int64_t)req->tv_sec, (int32_t)req->tv_nsec);
    dynamorio_syscall(SYS_nanosleep, 2, req, NULL);
Esempio n. 4
static void
test_non_rt_sigaction(int sig)
    int rc;
    old_sigaction_t first_act;
    old_sigaction_t new_act;
    old_sigaction_t old_act;
    memset((void *)&first_act, 0, sizeof(first_act));
    first_act.handler = (void (*)(int, siginfo_t *, void *))SENTINEL;
    first_act.sa_mask |= (1 << SIGUSR1);
    first_act.sa_mask |= (1 << SIGUSR2);
    rc = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_sigaction, 3, sig, &first_act, NULL);
    assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test with nothing. */
    rc = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_sigaction, 3, sig, NULL, NULL);
    assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test passing NULL to non-rt sigaction, which is used on Android (i#1822) */
    memset((void *)&old_act, 0xff, sizeof(old_act));
    rc = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_sigaction, 3, sig, NULL, &old_act);
    assert(rc == 0 &&
           old_act.handler == first_act.handler &&
           /* The flags do not match due to SA_RESTORER. */
           /* The rest of mask is uninit stack values from the libc wrapper. */
           *(long*)&old_act.sa_mask == *(long*)&first_act.sa_mask);

    /* Test with a new action. */
    memset((void *)&old_act, 0xff, sizeof(old_act));
    memset((void *)&new_act, 0, sizeof(new_act));
    new_act.handler = (void (*)(int, siginfo_t *, void *))SIG_IGN;
    rc = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_sigaction, 3, sig, &new_act, &old_act);
    assert(rc == 0 &&
           old_act.handler == first_act.handler &&
           /* The flags do not match due to SA_RESTORER. */
           /* The rest of mask is uninit stack values from the libc wrapper. */
           *(long*)&old_act.sa_mask == *(long*)&first_act.sa_mask);

    /* Clear handler */
    memset((void *)&new_act, 0, sizeof(new_act));
    rc = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_sigaction, 3, sig, &new_act, NULL);
    assert(rc == 0);
Esempio n. 5
/* Safe mmap.
void *
nolibc_mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
#if defined(X64) || defined(MACOS)
    int sysnum = SYS_mmap;
    int sysnum = SYS_mmap2;
    return (void*)dynamorio_syscall(sysnum, 6, addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
Esempio n. 6
/* Safe print syscall.
nolibc_print(const char *str)
#ifdef MACOS
                      3, stderr->_fileno, str, nolibc_strlen(str));
Esempio n. 7
/* Wakes up at most one thread waiting on the futex if the kernel supports
 * SYS_futex syscall. Does nothing if the kernel doesn't support SYS_futex.
ksynch_wake(volatile int *futex)
    ptr_int_t res;
    ASSERT(ALIGNED(futex, sizeof(int)));
    if (kernel_futex_support) {
        res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_futex, 6, futex, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0);
    } else {
        res = -1;
    return res;
Esempio n. 8
tls_thread_free(tls_type_t tls_type, int index)
    if (tls_type == TLS_TYPE_LDT)
    else if (tls_type == TLS_TYPE_GDT) {
        our_modify_ldt_t desc;
        clear_ldt_struct(&desc, index);
        DEBUG_DECLARE(int res = )
            dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
        ASSERT(res >= 0);
Esempio n. 9
    /* Determines whether the kernel supports SYS_futex syscall or not.
     * From man futex(2): initial futex support was merged in 2.5.7, in current six
     * argument format since 2.6.7.
    volatile int futex_for_test = 0;
    ptr_int_t res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_futex, 6, &futex_for_test, FUTEX_WAKE, 1,
                                      NULL, NULL, 0);
    kernel_futex_support = (res >= 0);
Esempio n. 10
/* Waits on the futex until woken if the kernel supports SYS_futex syscall
 * and the futex's value has not been changed from mustbe. Does not block
 * if the kernel doesn't support SYS_futex. Returns 0 if woken by another thread,
 * and negative value for all other cases.
ksynch_wait(volatile int *futex, int mustbe)
    ptr_int_t res;
    ASSERT(ALIGNED(futex, sizeof(int)));
    if (kernel_futex_support) {
        /* XXX: Having debug timeout like win32 os_wait_event() would be useful */
        res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_futex, 6, futex, FUTEX_WAIT, mustbe, NULL,
                                NULL, 0);
    } else {
        res = -1;
    return res;
Esempio n. 11
/* i#2089: we skip this for non-detach */
tls_thread_free(tls_type_t tls_type, int index)
    /* XXX i#107 (and i#2088): We need to restore the segment base the
     * app was using when we detach, instead of just clearing.
    if (tls_type == TLS_TYPE_LDT)
    else if (tls_type == TLS_TYPE_GDT) {
        our_modify_ldt_t desc;
        clear_ldt_struct(&desc, index);
        DEBUG_DECLARE(int res =)
        dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
        ASSERT(res >= 0);
Esempio n. 12
/* Waits on the futex until woken if the kernel supports SYS_futex syscall
 * and the futex's value has not been changed from mustbe. Does not block
 * if the kernel doesn't support SYS_futex. If timeout_ms is 0, there is no timeout;
 * else returns a negative value on a timeout.  Returns 0 if woken by another thread,
 * and negative value for all other cases.
ksynch_wait(volatile int *futex, int mustbe, int timeout_ms)
    ptr_int_t res;
    ASSERT(ALIGNED(futex, sizeof(int)));
    if (kernel_futex_support) {
        /* XXX: Having debug timeout like win32 os_wait_event() would be useful */
        struct timespec timeout;
        timeout.tv_sec = (timeout_ms / 1000);
        timeout.tv_nsec = ((int64)timeout_ms % 1000) * 1000000;
        res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_futex, 6, futex, FUTEX_WAIT, mustbe,
                                timeout_ms > 0 ? &timeout : NULL, NULL, 0);
    } else {
        res = -1;
    return res;
Esempio n. 13
/* Safe print syscall.
nolibc_print(const char *str)
#ifdef MACOS
#if defined(MACOS) || defined(ANDROID)
                      str, nolibc_strlen(str));
Esempio n. 14
#ifdef X64
    /* i#3356: Write a non-zero value to the gs base to work around an AMD bug
     * present on pre-4.7 Linux kernels.  See the call to this in our signal
     * handler for more information.
    if (proc_get_vendor() != VENDOR_AMD)
        return true;
    /* First identify a temp-native thread with a real segment in
     * place but just an invalid .magic field.  We do not want to clobber the
     * legitimate segment base in that case.
    if (safe_read_tls_magic() == TLS_MAGIC_INVALID) {
        os_local_state_t *tls = (os_local_state_t *)safe_read_tls_self();
        if (tls != NULL &&
            tls->state.spill_space.dcontext->owning_thread == get_sys_thread_id())
            return true;
    /* XXX: What about Mac on AMD?  Presumably by the time anyone wants to run
     * that combination the Mac kernel will have fixed this if they haven't already.
    /* We just don't have time to support non-arch_prctl and test it. */
    if (tls_global_type != TLS_TYPE_ARCH_PRCTL) {
        ASSERT_BUG_NUM(3356, tls_global_type == TLS_TYPE_ARCH_PRCTL);
        return false;
    int res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_arch_prctl, 2, ARCH_SET_GS, NON_ZERO_UNINIT_GSBASE);
        "%s: set non-zero pre-init gs base for thread " TIDFMT "\n", __FUNCTION__,
    return res == 0;
    return true;
Esempio n. 15
tls_thread_init(os_local_state_t *os_tls, byte *segment)
    /* We have four different ways to obtain TLS, each with its own limitations:
     * 1) Piggyback on the threading system (like we do on Windows): here that would
     *    be pthreads, which uses a segment since at least RH9, and uses gdt-based
     *    segments for NPTL.  The advantage is we won't run out of ldt or gdt entries
     *    (except when the app itself would).  The disadvantage is we're stealing
     *    application slots and we rely on user mode interfaces.
     * 2) Steal an ldt entry via SYS_modify_ldt.  This suffers from the 8K ldt entry
     *    limit and requires that we update manually on a new thread.  For 64-bit
     *    we're limited here to a 32-bit base.  (Strangely, the kernel's
     *    include/asm-x86_64/ldt.h implies that the base is ignored: but it doesn't
     *    seem to be.)
     * 3) Steal a gdt entry via SYS_set_thread_area.  There is a 3rd unused entry
     *    (after pthreads and wine) we could use.  The kernel swaps for us, and with
     *    CLONE_TLS the kernel will set up the entry for a new thread for us.  Xref
     *    PR 192231 and PR 285898.  This system call is disabled on 64-bit 2.6
     *    kernels (though the man page for arch_prctl implies it isn't for 2.5
     *    kernels?!?)
     * 4) Use SYS_arch_prctl.  This is only implemented on 64-bit kernels, and can
     *    only be used to set the gdt entries that fs and gs select for.  Faster to
     *    use <4GB base (obtain with mmap MAP_32BIT) since can use gdt; else have to
     *    use wrmsr.  The man pages say "ARCH_SET_GS is disabled in some kernels".
    uint selector;
    int index = -1;
    int res;
#ifdef X64
    /* First choice is gdt, which means arch_prctl.  Since this may fail
     * on some kernels, we require -heap_in_lower_4GB so we can fall back
     * on modify_ldt.
    byte *cur_gs;
    res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_arch_prctl, 2, ARCH_GET_GS, &cur_gs);
    if (res >= 0) {
        LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1, "os_tls_init: cur gs base is "PFX"\n", cur_gs);
        /* If we're a non-initial thread, gs will be set to the parent thread's value */
        if (cur_gs == NULL || is_dynamo_address(cur_gs) ||
            /* By resolving i#107, we can handle gs conflicts between app and dr. */
            INTERNAL_OPTION(mangle_app_seg)) {
            res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_arch_prctl, 2, ARCH_SET_GS, segment);
            if (res >= 0) {
                os_tls->tls_type = TLS_TYPE_ARCH_PRCTL;
                LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1,
                    "os_tls_init: arch_prctl successful for base "PFX"\n", segment);
                /* Kernel should have written %gs for us if using GDT */
                if (!dynamo_initialized && read_thread_register(SEG_TLS) == 0) {
                    LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1, "os_tls_init: using MSR\n");
                    tls_using_msr = true;
                if (IF_CLIENT_INTERFACE_ELSE(INTERNAL_OPTION(private_loader), false)) {
                    res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_arch_prctl, 2, ARCH_SET_FS,
                    /* Assuming set fs must be successful if set gs succeeded. */
                    ASSERT(res >= 0);
            } else {
                /* we've found a kernel where ARCH_SET_GS is disabled */
                ASSERT_CURIOSITY(false && "arch_prctl failed on set but not get");
                LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1,
                    "os_tls_init: arch_prctl failed: error %d\n", res);
        } else {
            /* FIXME PR 205276: we don't currently handle it: fall back on ldt, but
             * we'll have the same conflict w/ the selector...
            ASSERT_BUG_NUM(205276, cur_gs == NULL);

    if (os_tls->tls_type == TLS_TYPE_NONE) {
        /* Second choice is set_thread_area */
        /* PR 285898: if we added CLONE_SETTLS to all clone calls (and emulated vfork
         * with clone) we could avoid having to set tls up for each thread (as well
         * as solve race PR 207903), at least for kernel 2.5.32+.  For now we stick
         * w/ manual setup.
        our_modify_ldt_t desc;

        /* Pick which GDT slots we'll use for DR TLS and for library TLS if
         * using the private loader.

        if (tls_gdt_index > -1) {
            /* Now that we know which GDT slot to use, install the per-thread base
             * into it.
            /* Base here must be 32-bit */
            IF_X64(ASSERT(DYNAMO_OPTION(heap_in_lower_4GB) &&
                          segment <= (byte*)UINT_MAX));
            initialize_ldt_struct(&desc, segment, PAGE_SIZE, tls_gdt_index);
            res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 3,
                "%s: set_thread_area %d => %d res, %d index\n",
                __FUNCTION__, tls_gdt_index, res, desc.entry_number);
            ASSERT(res < 0 || desc.entry_number == tls_gdt_index);
        } else {
            res = -1;  /* fall back on LDT */

        if (res >= 0) {
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1,
                "os_tls_init: set_thread_area successful for base "PFX" @index %d\n",
                segment, tls_gdt_index);
            os_tls->tls_type = TLS_TYPE_GDT;
            index = tls_gdt_index;
            selector = GDT_SELECTOR(index);
            WRITE_DR_SEG(selector); /* macro needs lvalue! */
        } else {
            IF_VMX86(ASSERT_NOT_REACHED()); /* since no modify_ldt */
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 1,
                "os_tls_init: set_thread_area failed: error %d\n", res);

        /* Install the library TLS base. */
        if (INTERNAL_OPTION(private_loader) && res >= 0) {
            app_pc base = os_tls->os_seg_info.priv_lib_tls_base;
            /* lib_tls_gdt_index is picked in choose_gdt_slots. */
            ASSERT(lib_tls_gdt_index >= gdt_entry_tls_min);
            initialize_ldt_struct(&desc, base, GDT_NO_SIZE_LIMIT,
            res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 3,
                "%s: set_thread_area %d => %d res, %d index\n",
                __FUNCTION__, lib_tls_gdt_index, res, desc.entry_number);
            if (res >= 0) {
                /* i558 update lib seg reg to enforce the segment changes */
                selector = GDT_SELECTOR(lib_tls_gdt_index);
                LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 2, "%s: setting %s to selector 0x%x\n",
                    __FUNCTION__, reg_names[LIB_SEG_TLS], selector);

    if (os_tls->tls_type == TLS_TYPE_NONE) {
        /* Third choice: modify_ldt, which should be available on kernel 2.3.99+ */
        /* Base here must be 32-bit */
        IF_X64(ASSERT(DYNAMO_OPTION(heap_in_lower_4GB) && segment <= (byte*)UINT_MAX));
        /* we have the thread_initexit_lock so no race here */
        index = find_unused_ldt_index();
        selector = LDT_SELECTOR(index);
        ASSERT(index != -1);
        create_ldt_entry((void *)segment, PAGE_SIZE, index);
        os_tls->tls_type = TLS_TYPE_LDT;
        WRITE_DR_SEG(selector); /* macro needs lvalue! */
            "os_tls_init: modify_ldt successful for base "PFX" w/ index %d\n",
            segment, index);

    os_tls->ldt_index = index;
Esempio n. 16
/* Queries the set of available GDT slots, and initializes:
 * - tls_gdt_index
 * - gdt_entry_tls_min on ia32
 * - lib_tls_gdt_index if using private loader
 * GDT slots are initialized with a base and limit of zero.  The caller is
 * responsible for setting them to a real base.
static void
choose_gdt_slots(os_local_state_t *os_tls)
    our_modify_ldt_t desc;
    int i;
    int avail_index[GDT_NUM_TLS_SLOTS];
    our_modify_ldt_t clear_desc;
    int res;

    /* using local static b/c dynamo_initialized is not set for a client thread
     * when created in client's dr_init routine
    /* FIXME: Could be racy if we have multiple threads initializing during
     * startup.
    if (tls_global_init)
    tls_global_init = true;

    /* We don't want to break the assumptions of pthreads or wine,
     * so we try to take the last slot.  We don't want to hardcode
     * the index b/c the kernel will let us clobber entries so we want
     * to only pass in -1.
    ASSERT(tls_gdt_index == -1);
    for (i = 0; i < GDT_NUM_TLS_SLOTS; i++)
        avail_index[i] = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < GDT_NUM_TLS_SLOTS; i++) {
        /* We use a base and limit of 0 for testing what's available. */
        initialize_ldt_struct(&desc, NULL, 0, -1);
        res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
            "%s: set_thread_area -1 => %d res, %d index\n",
            __FUNCTION__, res, desc.entry_number);
        if (res >= 0) {
            /* We assume monotonic increases */
            avail_index[i] = desc.entry_number;
            ASSERT(avail_index[i] > tls_gdt_index);
            tls_gdt_index = desc.entry_number;
        } else

#ifndef X64
    /* In x86-64's ia32 emulation,
     * set_thread_area(6 <= entry_number && entry_number <= 8) fails
     * with EINVAL (22) because x86-64 only accepts GDT indices 12 to 14
     * for TLS entries.
    if (tls_gdt_index > (gdt_entry_tls_min + GDT_NUM_TLS_SLOTS))
        gdt_entry_tls_min = GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN_64;  /* The kernel is x64. */

    /* Now give up the earlier slots */
    for (i = 0; i < GDT_NUM_TLS_SLOTS; i++) {
        if (avail_index[i] > -1 &&
            avail_index[i] != tls_gdt_index) {
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 4,
                "clearing set_thread_area index %d\n", avail_index[i]);
            clear_ldt_struct(&clear_desc, avail_index[i]);
            res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &clear_desc);
            ASSERT(res >= 0);

#ifndef VMX86_SERVER
    ASSERT_CURIOSITY(tls_gdt_index ==
                     (kernel_is_64bit() ? GDT_64BIT : GDT_32BIT));

    if (INTERNAL_OPTION(private_loader) && tls_gdt_index != -1) {
        /* Use the app's selector with our own TLS base for libraries.  app_fs
         * and app_gs are initialized by the caller in os_tls_app_seg_init().
        int index = SELECTOR_INDEX(os_tls->app_lib_tls_reg);
        if (index == 0) {
            /* An index of zero means the app has no TLS (yet), and happens
             * during early injection.  We use -1 to grab a new entry.  When the
             * app asks for its first table entry with set_thread_area, we give
             * it this one and emulate its usage of the segment.
            ASSERT_CURIOSITY(DYNAMO_OPTION(early_inject) && "app has "
                             "no TLS, but we used non-early injection");
            initialize_ldt_struct(&desc, NULL, 0, -1);
            res = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_thread_area, 1, &desc);
            LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_THREADS, 4,
                "%s: set_thread_area -1 => %d res, %d index\n",
                __FUNCTION__, res, desc.entry_number);
            ASSERT(res >= 0);
            if (res >= 0) {
                return_stolen_lib_tls_gdt = true;
                index = desc.entry_number;
        lib_tls_gdt_index = index;
Esempio n. 17
static int
modify_ldt_syscall(int func, void *ptr, unsigned long bytecount)
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYS_modify_ldt, 3, func, ptr, bytecount);
Esempio n. 18
/* Safe nanosleep.
nolibc_nanosleep(struct timespec *req)
    dynamorio_syscall(SYS_nanosleep, 2, req, NULL);
Esempio n. 19
static int
execve_syscall(const char *exe, const char **argv, char **envp)
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYS_execve, 3, exe, argv, envp);
Esempio n. 20
wait_syscall(int *status)
    return dynamorio_syscall(SYSNUM_NO_CANCEL(SYS_wait4), 4, WAIT_ANY, status, 0, NULL);
Esempio n. 21
void *
privload_tls_init(void *app_tls)
    void *res;
    /* We have to exactly duplicate the offset of key fields in Android's
     * pthread_internal_t struct.
    ASSERT(PTHREAD_TLS_OFFS == offsetof(android_pthread_internal_t, tls));
    ASSERT(DR_TLS_BASE_OFFSET == offsetof(android_pthread_internal_t, dr_tls_base) -
           PTHREAD_TLS_OFFS /* the self slot */);

    if (!dynamo_initialized) {
        char **e;
        /* We have to duplicate the pthread setup that the Android loader does.
         * We expect app_tls to be either NULL or garbage, as we have early injection.
        init_thread.tid = dynamorio_syscall(SYS_set_tid_address, 1, &init_thread.tid);
        init_thread.cached_pid_ = init_thread.tid;

        /* init_thread.attr is set to all 0 (sched is SCHED_NORMAL==0, and sizes are
         * zeroed out)

        /* init_thread.join_state is set to 0 (THREAD_NOT_JOINED) */

        init_thread.tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_SELF] = init_thread.tls;
        init_thread.tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID] = &init_thread;
        /* tls[TLS_SLOT_STACK_GUARD] is set to 0 */

        /* Set up the data struct pointing at kernel args that Bionic expects */
        kernel_args.argc = *(int *)kernel_init_sp;
        kernel_args.argv = (char **)kernel_init_sp + 1;
        kernel_args.envp = kernel_args.argv + kernel_args.argc + 1;
        /* The aux vector is after the last environment pointer. */
        for (e = kernel_args.envp; *e != NULL; e++)
            ; /* nothing */
        kernel_args.auxv = (ELF_AUXV_TYPE *)(e + 1);
        init_thread.tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_BIONIC_PREINIT] = &kernel_args;

        /* We use our own alternate signal stack */

        LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_LOADER, 2, "%s: kernel sp is "PFX"; TLS set to "PFX"\n",
            __FUNCTION__, init_thread.tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_BIONIC_PREINIT],

        res = init_thread.tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_SELF];
    } else {
        android_pthread_internal_t *thrd;
        res = heap_mmap(ALIGN_FORWARD(sizeof(android_pthread_internal_t), PAGE_SIZE));
        LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_LOADER, 2, "%s: allocated new TLS at "PFX"; copying from "PFX"\n",
            __FUNCTION__, res, app_tls);
        if (app_tls != NULL)
            memcpy(res, app_tls, sizeof(android_pthread_internal_t));
        thrd = (android_pthread_internal_t *) res;
        thrd->tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_SELF] = thrd->tls;
        thrd->tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID] = thrd;
        thrd->tid = get_thread_id();
        thrd->dr_tls_base = NULL;
        res = thrd->tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_SELF];
        LOG(GLOBAL, LOG_LOADER, 2, "%s: TLS set to "PFX"\n",
            __FUNCTION__, thrd->tls[ANDROID_TLS_SLOT_SELF]);

    /* Android does not yet support per-module TLS */

    return res;
Esempio n. 22
/* Safe munmap.
nolibc_munmap(void *addr, size_t length)
    dynamorio_syscall(SYS_munmap, 2, addr, length);