char *get_word (char **s) { char *rv; *s = eat_white (*s); rv = *s; while (**s && !isspace (**s)) (*s)++; if (**s) { **s = 0; (*s)++; } return rv; }
char *get_eol (char **ps) { char *here; char *s = *ps; here = s = eat_white (s); while (*s && *s != '\n') s++; if (*s) *s++ = 0; *ps = s; return here; }
static boolean translate( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (!parse_header( ctx )) return FALSE; if (ctx->processor == TGSI_PROCESSOR_TESS_CTRL || ctx->processor == TGSI_PROCESSOR_TESS_EVAL) ctx->implied_array_size = 32; while (*ctx->cur != '\0') { uint label_val = 0; if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (*ctx->cur == '\0') break; if (parse_label( ctx, &label_val )) { if (!parse_instruction( ctx, TRUE )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_nocase_whole( &ctx->cur, "DCL" )) { if (!parse_declaration( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_nocase_whole( &ctx->cur, "IMM" )) { if (!parse_immediate( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_nocase_whole( &ctx->cur, "PROPERTY" )) { if (!parse_property( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (!parse_instruction( ctx, FALSE )) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
static boolean translate( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (!parse_header( ctx )) return FALSE; while (*ctx->cur != '\0') { uint label_val = 0; if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (*ctx->cur == '\0') break; if (parse_label( ctx, &label_val )) { if (!parse_instruction( ctx, TRUE )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_no_case( &ctx->cur, "DCL" )) { if (!parse_declaration( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_no_case( &ctx->cur, "IMM" )) { if (!parse_immediate( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (str_match_no_case( &ctx->cur, "PROPERTY" )) { if (!parse_property( ctx )) return FALSE; } else if (!parse_instruction( ctx, FALSE )) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
int parse_bin_enum(char *cptr, BIN *bin, PROPERTY *prop){ /* cptr should just be one token */ char *pos = cptr; KEYWORD *kw = NULL; if(prop->keywords == NULL){ gl_error("parse_bin_enum error: property has no keywords"); return 0; } eat_white(&pos); for(kw = prop->keywords; kw != NULL; kw = kw->next){ if(strcmp(kw->name, pos) == 0){ bin->low_inc = bin->high_inc = 1; bin->low_val = bin->high_val = (double)(kw->value); return 1; } } gl_error("parse_bin_enum error: unable to find property \'%s\'", pos); return 0; }
static boolean parse_immediate( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { struct tgsi_full_immediate imm; float values[4]; uint advance; if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (!str_match_no_case( &ctx->cur, "FLT32" ) || is_digit_alpha_underscore( ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected `FLT32'" ); return FALSE; } parse_immediate_data(ctx, values); imm = tgsi_default_full_immediate(); imm.Immediate.NrTokens += 4; imm.Immediate.DataType = TGSI_IMM_FLOAT32; imm.u[0].Float = values[0]; imm.u[1].Float = values[1]; imm.u[2].Float = values[2]; imm.u[3].Float = values[3]; advance = tgsi_build_full_immediate( &imm, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_instruction( struct translate_ctx *ctx, boolean has_label ) { uint i; uint saturate = 0; const struct tgsi_opcode_info *info; struct tgsi_full_instruction inst; const char *cur; uint advance; inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction(); /* Parse predicate. */ eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur == '(') { uint file; int index; uint swizzle[4]; boolean parsed_swizzle; inst.Instruction.Predicate = 1; ctx->cur++; if (*ctx->cur == '!') { ctx->cur++; inst.Predicate.Negate = 1; } if (!parse_register_1d( ctx, &file, &index )) return FALSE; if (parse_optional_swizzle( ctx, swizzle, &parsed_swizzle, 4 )) { if (parsed_swizzle) { inst.Predicate.SwizzleX = swizzle[0]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleY = swizzle[1]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleZ = swizzle[2]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleW = swizzle[3]; } } if (*ctx->cur != ')') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `)'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; } /* Parse instruction name. */ eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_OPCODE_LAST; i++) { cur = ctx->cur; info = tgsi_get_opcode_info( i ); if (match_inst(&cur, &saturate, info)) { if (info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex == 0) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } else if (*cur == '\0' || eat_white( &cur )) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } if (i == TGSI_OPCODE_LAST) { if (has_label) report_error( ctx, "Unknown opcode" ); else report_error( ctx, "Expected `DCL', `IMM' or a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Opcode = i; inst.Instruction.Saturate = saturate; inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = info->num_dst; inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = info->num_src; if (i >= TGSI_OPCODE_SAMPLE && i <= TGSI_OPCODE_GATHER4) { /* * These are not considered tex opcodes here (no additional * target argument) however we're required to set the Texture * bit so we can set the number of tex offsets. */ inst.Instruction.Texture = 1; inst.Texture.Texture = TGSI_TEXTURE_UNKNOWN; } if ((i >= TGSI_OPCODE_LOAD && i <= TGSI_OPCODE_ATOMIMAX) || i == TGSI_OPCODE_RESQ) { inst.Instruction.Memory = 1; inst.Memory.Qualifier = 0; } /* Parse instruction operands. */ for (i = 0; i < info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex; i++) { if (i > 0) { eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ',') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); } if (i < info->num_dst) { if (!parse_dst_operand( ctx, &inst.Dst[i] )) return FALSE; } else if (i < info->num_dst + info->num_src) { if (!parse_src_operand( ctx, &inst.Src[i - info->num_dst] )) return FALSE; } else { uint j; for (j = 0; j < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; j++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole( &ctx->cur, tgsi_texture_names[j] )) { inst.Instruction.Texture = 1; inst.Texture.Texture = j; break; } } if (j == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error( ctx, "Expected texture target" ); return FALSE; } } } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; inst.Instruction.Texture && *cur == ','; i++) { cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); ctx->cur = cur; if (!parse_texoffset_operand( ctx, &inst.TexOffsets[i] )) return FALSE; cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); } inst.Texture.NumOffsets = i; cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white(&cur); for (i = 0; inst.Instruction.Memory && *cur == ','; i++) { uint j; cur++; eat_opt_white(&cur); ctx->cur = cur; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&ctx->cur, tgsi_memory_names[j])) { inst.Memory.Qualifier |= 1U << j; break; } } if (j == 3) { report_error(ctx, "Expected memory qualifier"); return FALSE; } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white(&cur); } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (info->is_branch && *cur == ':') { uint target; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (!parse_uint( &cur, &target )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Label = 1; inst.Label.Label = target; ctx->cur = cur; } advance = tgsi_build_full_instruction( &inst, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_property( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { struct tgsi_full_property prop; uint property_name; uint values[8]; uint advance; char id[64]; if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (!parse_identifier( &ctx->cur, id )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } for (property_name = 0; property_name < TGSI_PROPERTY_COUNT; ++property_name) { if (streq_nocase_uprcase(tgsi_property_names[property_name], id)) { break; } } if (property_name >= TGSI_PROPERTY_COUNT) { debug_printf( "\nError: Unknown property : '%s'", id ); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); switch(property_name) { case TGSI_PROPERTY_GS_INPUT_PRIM: case TGSI_PROPERTY_GS_OUTPUT_PRIM: if (!parse_primitive(&ctx->cur, &values[0] )) { report_error( ctx, "Unknown primitive name as property!" ); return FALSE; } if (property_name == TGSI_PROPERTY_GS_INPUT_PRIM && ctx->processor == TGSI_PROCESSOR_GEOMETRY) { ctx->implied_array_size = u_vertices_per_prim(values[0]); } break; case TGSI_PROPERTY_FS_COORD_ORIGIN: if (!parse_fs_coord_origin(&ctx->cur, &values[0] )) { report_error( ctx, "Unknown coord origin as property: must be UPPER_LEFT or LOWER_LEFT!" ); return FALSE; } break; case TGSI_PROPERTY_FS_COORD_PIXEL_CENTER: if (!parse_fs_coord_pixel_center(&ctx->cur, &values[0] )) { report_error( ctx, "Unknown coord pixel center as property: must be HALF_INTEGER or INTEGER!" ); return FALSE; } break; case TGSI_PROPERTY_FS_COLOR0_WRITES_ALL_CBUFS: default: if (!parse_uint(&ctx->cur, &values[0] )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected unsigned integer as property!" ); return FALSE; } } prop = tgsi_default_full_property(); prop.Property.PropertyName = property_name; prop.Property.NrTokens += 1; prop.u[0].Data = values[0]; advance = tgsi_build_full_property( &prop, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_immediate( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { struct tgsi_full_immediate imm; uint advance; int type; if (*ctx->cur == '[') { uint uindex; ++ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (!parse_uint( &ctx->cur, &uindex )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected literal unsigned integer" ); return FALSE; } if (uindex != ctx->num_immediates) { report_error( ctx, "Immediates must be sorted" ); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ']') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `]'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; } if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } for (type = 0; type < Elements(tgsi_immediate_type_names); ++type) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&ctx->cur, tgsi_immediate_type_names[type])) break; } if (type == Elements(tgsi_immediate_type_names)) { report_error( ctx, "Expected immediate type" ); return FALSE; } imm = tgsi_default_full_immediate(); imm.Immediate.NrTokens += 4; imm.Immediate.DataType = type; parse_immediate_data(ctx, type, imm.u); advance = tgsi_build_full_immediate( &imm, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; ctx->num_immediates++; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_declaration( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { struct tgsi_full_declaration decl; uint file; struct parsed_dcl_bracket brackets[2]; int num_brackets; uint writemask; const char *cur, *cur2; uint advance; boolean is_vs_input; if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (!parse_register_dcl( ctx, &file, brackets, &num_brackets)) return FALSE; if (!parse_opt_writemask( ctx, &writemask )) return FALSE; decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration(); decl.Declaration.File = file; decl.Declaration.UsageMask = writemask; if (num_brackets == 1) { decl.Range.First = brackets[0].first; decl.Range.Last = brackets[0].last; } else { decl.Range.First = brackets[1].first; decl.Range.Last = brackets[1].last; decl.Declaration.Dimension = 1; decl.Dim.Index2D = brackets[0].first; } is_vs_input = (file == TGSI_FILE_INPUT && ctx->processor == TGSI_PROCESSOR_VERTEX); cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',') { cur2 = cur; cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (str_match_nocase_whole( &cur2, "ARRAY" )) { int arrayid; if (*cur2 != '(') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `('" ); return FALSE; } cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (!parse_int( &cur2, &arrayid )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 != ')') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `)'" ); return FALSE; } cur2++; decl.Declaration.Array = 1; decl.Array.ArrayID = arrayid; ctx->cur = cur = cur2; } } if (*cur == ',' && !is_vs_input) { uint i, j; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (file == TGSI_FILE_IMAGE) { for (i = 0; i < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, tgsi_texture_names[i])) { decl.Image.Resource = i; break; } } if (i == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error(ctx, "Expected texture target"); return FALSE; } cur2 = cur; eat_opt_white(&cur2); while (*cur2 == ',') { cur2++; eat_opt_white(&cur2); if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur2, "RAW")) { decl.Image.Raw = 1; } else if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur2, "WR")) { decl.Image.Writable = 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < PIPE_FORMAT_COUNT; i++) { const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(i); if (desc && str_match_nocase_whole(&cur2, desc->name)) { decl.Image.Format = i; break; } } if (i == PIPE_FORMAT_COUNT) break; } cur = cur2; eat_opt_white(&cur2); } ctx->cur = cur; } else if (file == TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER_VIEW) { for (i = 0; i < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, tgsi_texture_names[i])) { decl.SamplerView.Resource = i; break; } } if (i == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error(ctx, "Expected texture target"); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur != ',') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } ++cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, tgsi_return_type_names[i])) { switch (j) { case 0: decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeX = i; break; case 1: decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeY = i; break; case 2: decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeZ = i; break; case 3: decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeW = i; break; default: assert(0); } break; } } if (i == TGSI_RETURN_TYPE_COUNT) { if (j == 0 || j > 2) { report_error(ctx, "Expected type name"); return FALSE; } break; } else { cur2 = cur; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 == ',') { cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); cur = cur2; continue; } else break; } } if (j < 4) { decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeY = decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeZ = decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeW = decl.SamplerView.ReturnTypeX; } ctx->cur = cur; } else if (file == TGSI_FILE_BUFFER) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, "ATOMIC")) { decl.Declaration.Atomic = 1; ctx->cur = cur; } } else if (file == TGSI_FILE_MEMORY) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, "SHARED")) { decl.Declaration.Shared = 1; ctx->cur = cur; } } else { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, "LOCAL")) { decl.Declaration.Local = 1; ctx->cur = cur; } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',') { cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole(&cur, tgsi_semantic_names[i])) { uint index; cur2 = cur; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 == '[') { cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (!parse_uint( &cur2, &index )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected literal integer" ); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 != ']') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `]'" ); return FALSE; } cur2++; decl.Semantic.Index = index; cur = cur2; } decl.Declaration.Semantic = 1; decl.Semantic.Name = i; ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } } } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',' && !is_vs_input) { uint i; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_INTERPOLATE_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole( &cur, tgsi_interpolate_names[i] )) { decl.Declaration.Interpolate = 1; decl.Interp.Interpolate = i; ctx->cur = cur; break; } } if (i == TGSI_INTERPOLATE_COUNT) { report_error( ctx, "Expected semantic or interpolate attribute" ); return FALSE; } } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',' && !is_vs_input) { uint i; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LOC_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole( &cur, tgsi_interpolate_locations[i] )) { decl.Interp.Location = i; ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } advance = tgsi_build_full_declaration( &decl, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
Boolean parseRTSPResponseString(char const* reqStr, unsigned reqStrSize, char* resultCode, unsigned resultCodeMaxSize, char* resultStatus, unsigned resultStatusMaxSize, char* contentType, unsigned contentTypeMaxSize, char* challenge, unsigned challengeMaxSize, unsigned int* contentLength, unsigned char** content) { char* p, *q, *u, *v; *contentLength = 0; // First line, parse the result code and result status p = eat_white((char*)reqStr); if (strncmp(p, "RTSP/1.0", 8) != 0) return False; q = next_white(p); p = eat_white(q); q = next_white(p); if (q - p >= (int)resultCodeMaxSize) return False; memcpy(resultCode, p, q-p); resultCode[q-p] = 0; p = eat_white(q); q = next_line(p); if (q - p >= (int)resultStatusMaxSize) return False; memcpy(resultStatus, p, q-p-2); resultStatus[q-p-2] = 0; while (1) { p = q; q = next_line(p); if (strncmp(p, "Content-type", strlen("Content-type")) == 0 || strncmp(p, "Content-Type", strlen("Content-Type")) == 0) { // Parse content-type header u = eat_white(next_white(p)); v = next_white(u); memcpy(contentType, u, v-u); contentType[v-u] = 0; } else if (strncmp(p, "Content-length", strlen("Content-length")) == 0 || strncmp(p, "Content-Length", strlen("Content-Length")) == 0) { // Parse content-length header u = eat_white(next_white(p)); *contentLength = ::atoi(u); } else if (strncmp(p, "Challenge", strlen("Challenge")) == 0) { // Parse challenge header u = eat_white(next_white(p)); v = next_white(u); memcpy(challenge, u, v-u); challenge[v-u] = 0; } if (*q == 0 || *q == '\r') break; } if (*q == '\r') q += 2; if (*contentLength > 0 && *q != 0) { unsigned char* temp = (unsigned char*)malloc(*contentLength); memcpy(temp, q, *contentLength); *content = temp; } return True; }
static boolean parse_instruction( struct translate_ctx *ctx, boolean has_label ) { uint i; uint saturate = TGSI_SAT_NONE; const struct tgsi_opcode_info *info; struct tgsi_full_instruction inst; uint advance; inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction(); /* Parse predicate. */ eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur == '(') { uint file; int index; uint swizzle[4]; boolean parsed_swizzle; inst.Instruction.Predicate = 1; ctx->cur++; if (*ctx->cur == '!') { ctx->cur++; inst.Predicate.Negate = 1; } if (!parse_register_1d( ctx, &file, &index )) return FALSE; if (parse_optional_swizzle( ctx, swizzle, &parsed_swizzle )) { if (parsed_swizzle) { inst.Predicate.SwizzleX = swizzle[0]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleY = swizzle[1]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleZ = swizzle[2]; inst.Predicate.SwizzleW = swizzle[3]; } } if (*ctx->cur != ')') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `)'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; } /* Parse instruction name. */ eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_OPCODE_LAST; i++) { const char *cur = ctx->cur; info = tgsi_get_opcode_info( i ); if (match_inst_mnemonic(&cur, info)) { if (str_match_no_case( &cur, "_SATNV" )) saturate = TGSI_SAT_MINUS_PLUS_ONE; else if (str_match_no_case( &cur, "_SAT" )) saturate = TGSI_SAT_ZERO_ONE; if (info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex == 0) { if (!is_digit_alpha_underscore( cur )) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } } else if (*cur == '\0' || eat_white( &cur )) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } if (i == TGSI_OPCODE_LAST) { if (has_label) report_error( ctx, "Unknown opcode" ); else report_error( ctx, "Expected `DCL', `IMM' or a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Opcode = i; inst.Instruction.Saturate = saturate; inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = info->num_dst; inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = info->num_src; /* Parse instruction operands. */ for (i = 0; i < info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex; i++) { if (i > 0) { eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ',') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); } if (i < info->num_dst) { if (!parse_dst_operand( ctx, &inst.Dst[i] )) return FALSE; } else if (i < info->num_dst + info->num_src) { if (!parse_src_operand( ctx, &inst.Src[i - info->num_dst] )) return FALSE; } else { uint j; for (j = 0; j < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; j++) { if (str_match_no_case( &ctx->cur, texture_names[j] )) { if (!is_digit_alpha_underscore( ctx->cur )) { inst.Instruction.Texture = 1; inst.Texture.Texture = j; break; } } } if (j == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error( ctx, "Expected texture target" ); return FALSE; } } } if (info->is_branch) { uint target; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ':') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `:'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (!parse_uint( &ctx->cur, &target )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Label = 1; inst.Label.Label = target; } advance = tgsi_build_full_instruction( &inst, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_declaration( struct translate_ctx *ctx ) { struct tgsi_full_declaration decl; uint file; struct parsed_dcl_bracket brackets[2]; int num_brackets; uint writemask; const char *cur; uint advance; boolean is_vs_input; boolean is_imm_array; assert(Elements(semantic_names) == TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT); assert(Elements(interpolate_names) == TGSI_INTERPOLATE_COUNT); if (!eat_white( &ctx->cur )) { report_error( ctx, "Syntax error" ); return FALSE; } if (!parse_register_dcl( ctx, &file, brackets, &num_brackets)) return FALSE; if (!parse_opt_writemask( ctx, &writemask )) return FALSE; decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration(); decl.Declaration.File = file; decl.Declaration.UsageMask = writemask; if (num_brackets == 1) { decl.Range.First = brackets[0].first; decl.Range.Last = brackets[0].last; } else { decl.Range.First = brackets[1].first; decl.Range.Last = brackets[1].last; decl.Declaration.Dimension = 1; decl.Dim.Index2D = brackets[0].first; } is_vs_input = (file == TGSI_FILE_INPUT && ctx->processor == TGSI_PROCESSOR_VERTEX); is_imm_array = (file == TGSI_FILE_IMMEDIATE_ARRAY); cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',' && !is_vs_input) { uint i, j; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (file == TGSI_FILE_RESOURCE) { for (i = 0; i < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_no_case(&cur, texture_names[i])) { if (!is_digit_alpha_underscore(cur)) { decl.Resource.Resource = i; break; } } } if (i == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error(ctx, "Expected texture target"); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur != ',') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } ++cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < PIPE_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { if (str_match_no_case(&cur, type_names[i])) { if (!is_digit_alpha_underscore(cur)) { switch (j) { case 0: decl.Resource.ReturnTypeX = i; break; case 1: decl.Resource.ReturnTypeY = i; break; case 2: decl.Resource.ReturnTypeZ = i; break; case 3: decl.Resource.ReturnTypeW = i; break; default: assert(0); } break; } } } if (i == PIPE_TYPE_COUNT) { if (j == 0 || j > 2) { report_error(ctx, "Expected type name"); return FALSE; } break; } else { const char *cur2 = cur; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 == ',') { cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); cur = cur2; continue; } else break; } } if (j < 4) { decl.Resource.ReturnTypeY = decl.Resource.ReturnTypeZ = decl.Resource.ReturnTypeW = decl.Resource.ReturnTypeX; } ctx->cur = cur; } else { for (i = 0; i < TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_no_case( &cur, semantic_names[i] )) { const char *cur2 = cur; uint index; if (is_digit_alpha_underscore( cur )) continue; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 == '[') { cur2++; eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (!parse_uint( &cur2, &index )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected literal integer" ); return FALSE; } eat_opt_white( &cur2 ); if (*cur2 != ']') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `]'" ); return FALSE; } cur2++; decl.Semantic.Index = index; cur = cur2; } decl.Declaration.Semantic = 1; decl.Semantic.Name = i; ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } } else if (is_imm_array) { unsigned i; float *vals_itr; /* we have our immediate data */ if (*cur != '{') { report_error( ctx, "Immediate array without data" ); return FALSE; } ++cur; ctx->cur = cur; decl.ImmediateData.u = MALLOC(sizeof(union tgsi_immediate_data) * 4 * (decl.Range.Last + 1)); vals_itr = (float*)decl.ImmediateData.u; for (i = 0; i <= decl.Range.Last; ++i) { if (!parse_immediate_data(ctx, vals_itr)) { FREE(decl.ImmediateData.u); return FALSE; } vals_itr += 4; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ',') { if (i != decl.Range.Last) { report_error( ctx, "Not enough data in immediate array!" ); FREE(decl.ImmediateData.u); return FALSE; } } else ++ctx->cur; } eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != '}') { FREE(decl.ImmediateData.u); report_error( ctx, "Immediate array data missing closing '}'" ); return FALSE; } ++ctx->cur; } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (*cur == ',' && !is_vs_input) { uint i; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_INTERPOLATE_COUNT; i++) { if (str_match_no_case( &cur, interpolate_names[i] )) { if (is_digit_alpha_underscore( cur )) continue; decl.Declaration.Interpolate = i; ctx->cur = cur; break; } } if (i == TGSI_INTERPOLATE_COUNT) { report_error( ctx, "Expected semantic or interpolate attribute" ); return FALSE; } } advance = tgsi_build_full_declaration( &decl, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (is_imm_array) FREE(decl.ImmediateData.u); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
static boolean parse_instruction( struct translate_ctx *ctx, boolean has_label ) { uint i; uint saturate = 0; uint precise = 0; const struct tgsi_opcode_info *info; struct tgsi_full_instruction inst; const char *cur; uint advance; inst = tgsi_default_full_instruction(); /* Parse instruction name. */ eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); for (i = 0; i < TGSI_OPCODE_LAST; i++) { cur = ctx->cur; info = tgsi_get_opcode_info( i ); if (match_inst(&cur, &saturate, &precise, info)) { if (info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex == 0) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } else if (*cur == '\0' || eat_white( &cur )) { ctx->cur = cur; break; } } } if (i == TGSI_OPCODE_LAST) { if (has_label) report_error( ctx, "Unknown opcode" ); else report_error( ctx, "Expected `DCL', `IMM' or a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Opcode = i; inst.Instruction.Saturate = saturate; inst.Instruction.Precise = precise; inst.Instruction.NumDstRegs = info->num_dst; inst.Instruction.NumSrcRegs = info->num_src; if (i >= TGSI_OPCODE_SAMPLE && i <= TGSI_OPCODE_GATHER4) { /* * These are not considered tex opcodes here (no additional * target argument) however we're required to set the Texture * bit so we can set the number of tex offsets. */ inst.Instruction.Texture = 1; inst.Texture.Texture = TGSI_TEXTURE_UNKNOWN; } if ((i >= TGSI_OPCODE_LOAD && i <= TGSI_OPCODE_ATOMIMAX) || i == TGSI_OPCODE_RESQ) { inst.Instruction.Memory = 1; inst.Memory.Qualifier = 0; } assume(info->num_dst <= TGSI_FULL_MAX_DST_REGISTERS); assume(info->num_src <= TGSI_FULL_MAX_SRC_REGISTERS); /* Parse instruction operands. */ for (i = 0; i < info->num_dst + info->num_src + info->is_tex; i++) { if (i > 0) { eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); if (*ctx->cur != ',') { report_error( ctx, "Expected `,'" ); return FALSE; } ctx->cur++; eat_opt_white( &ctx->cur ); } if (i < info->num_dst) { if (!parse_dst_operand( ctx, &inst.Dst[i] )) return FALSE; } else if (i < info->num_dst + info->num_src) { if (!parse_src_operand( ctx, &inst.Src[i - info->num_dst] )) return FALSE; } else { uint j; for (j = 0; j < TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT; j++) { if (str_match_nocase_whole( &ctx->cur, tgsi_texture_names[j] )) { inst.Instruction.Texture = 1; inst.Texture.Texture = j; break; } } if (j == TGSI_TEXTURE_COUNT) { report_error( ctx, "Expected texture target" ); return FALSE; } } } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); for (i = 0; inst.Instruction.Texture && *cur == ',' && i < TGSI_FULL_MAX_TEX_OFFSETS; i++) { cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); ctx->cur = cur; if (!parse_texoffset_operand( ctx, &inst.TexOffsets[i] )) return FALSE; cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); } inst.Texture.NumOffsets = i; cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white(&cur); for (; inst.Instruction.Memory && *cur == ','; ctx->cur = cur, eat_opt_white(&cur)) { int j; cur++; eat_opt_white(&cur); j = str_match_name_from_array(&cur, tgsi_memory_names, ARRAY_SIZE(tgsi_memory_names)); if (j >= 0) { inst.Memory.Qualifier |= 1U << j; continue; } j = str_match_name_from_array(&cur, tgsi_texture_names, ARRAY_SIZE(tgsi_texture_names)); if (j >= 0) { inst.Memory.Texture = j; continue; } j = str_match_format(&cur); if (j >= 0) { inst.Memory.Format = j; continue; } ctx->cur = cur; report_error(ctx, "Expected memory qualifier, texture target, or format\n"); return FALSE; } cur = ctx->cur; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (info->is_branch && *cur == ':') { uint target; cur++; eat_opt_white( &cur ); if (!parse_uint( &cur, &target )) { report_error( ctx, "Expected a label" ); return FALSE; } inst.Instruction.Label = 1; inst.Label.Label = target; ctx->cur = cur; } advance = tgsi_build_full_instruction( &inst, ctx->tokens_cur, ctx->header, (uint) (ctx->tokens_end - ctx->tokens_cur) ); if (advance == 0) return FALSE; ctx->tokens_cur += advance; return TRUE; }
/** * Token parsing to extract bin range * @return 0 on error */ int parse_bin_val(char *tok, BIN *bin){ char *pos = tok; int low_set = 0, high_set = 0; eat_white(&pos); /* check for bracket or parenthesis */ if(pos[0] == '['){ ++pos; bin->low_inc = 1; } else if (pos[0] == '('){ ++pos; bin->low_inc = 0; } else { bin->low_inc = 1; /* default inclusive on lower bound */ } /* consume whitespace */ eat_white(&pos); /* check for ellipsis or for value */ if(isdigit(*pos)){ bin->low_val = strtod(pos, &pos); low_set = 1; } else if(*pos == '.' && pos[1] == '.'){ /* "everything less than the other value" */ bin->low_val = -DBL_MAX; bin->low_inc = 0; } else if(*pos == '-') { bin->low_val = -DBL_MAX; bin->low_inc = 0; } eat_white(&pos); if(*pos == '.' && pos[1] == '.'){ pos+=2; } else if (*pos == '-'){ ++pos; } else { gl_error("parse_bin failure"); return 0; } eat_white(&pos); if(isdigit(*pos)){ bin->high_val = strtod(pos, &pos); high_set = 1; if(low_set == 0) bin->high_inc = 1; } else { bin->high_val = DBL_MAX; } if(*pos == 0 || *pos == '\n' || *pos == ','){ return 1; /* reached the end of the bin definition*/ } else if (*pos == ')'){ bin->high_inc = 0; return 1; } else if (*pos == ']'){ bin->high_inc = 1; return 1; } return 0; }