Esempio n. 1
static bool IsClockwise(const DirectX::XMFLOAT3 *vertex, int num_verts, const FbxVector4 &polygon_normal)
  // Compute a normal using two edges of the triangle
  FbxVector4 edge_1(vertex[1].x - vertex[0].x, vertex[1].y - vertex[0].y, vertex[1].z - vertex[0].z);
  FbxVector4 edge_2(vertex[2].x - vertex[0].x, vertex[2].y - vertex[0].y, vertex[2].z - vertex[0].z);
  FbxVector4 normal = edge_1.CrossProduct(edge_2);
  // Dot product between computed normal and supplied normal will reveal winding
  double dot = polygon_normal.DotProduct(normal);
  return dot < 0;
Esempio n. 2
/* mend face with colinear vertices */
static int mendface (face *f)
  edge *e, *h, *x, *y, *z, *w, *o;
  double u [3], v [3], d, l [2];
  double *a, *b, *c;
  face *g;

  for (e = f->e; e; e = e->n)
    a = e->v [0];
    b = e->v [1];
    if (!(c = otherv (f, a, b))) return 0;

    SUB (b, a, u);
    SUB (c, a, v);

    l[0] = LEN (u);
    l[1] = LEN (v);

    d = DOT (u, v);

    if (d >= 0 && l[1] <= l[0]) break; /* c in [a, b] */

  if (e)
    a = c;
    g = e->f;
    if (!(h = othere (g, f))) return 0;
    if (!(b = otherv (g, h->v[0], h->v[1]))) return 0;

    if (!(x = edge_0 (f, a))) return 0;
    if (!(y = edge_1 (g, b))) return 0;
    if (!(z = edge_0 (g, b))) return 0;
    if (!(w = edge_1 (f, a))) return 0;

    if (!(o = othere (y->f, g))) return 0;
    o->f = f;
    if (!(o = othere (w->f, f))) return 0;
    o->f = g;

    e->v [0] = b;
    e->v [1] = a;
    h->v [0] = a;
    h->v [1] = b;

    e->n = NULL;
    y->n = e;
    x->n = y;
    f->e = x;

    h->n = NULL;
    w->n = h;
    z->n = w;
    g->e = z;

    ASSERT_DEBUG (setplane (f), "Zero normal (when mending face)");
    ASSERT_DEBUG (setplane (g), "Zero normal (when mending face)");
    if (!(setplane (f) && setplane (g))) return 0;
    ASSERT_DEBUG (0, "Face mending failed");
  else return 0;