Esempio n. 1
static gboolean
decode_acl (EggBuffer *buffer, gsize offset, gsize *offset_out, GList **out)
	GList *acl;
	guint32 num_acs;
	guint32 x, y;
	int i;
	GkmSecretAccess *ac;
	char *name, *path, *reserved;

	acl = NULL;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &num_acs))
		return FALSE;
	for (i = 0; i < num_acs; i++) {
		if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &x)) {
			goto bail;
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, offset, &offset, &name)) {
			goto bail;
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, offset, &offset, &path)) {
			g_free (name);
			goto bail;
		reserved = NULL;
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, offset, &offset, &reserved)) {
			g_free (name);
			g_free (path);
			goto bail;
		g_free (reserved);
		if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &y)) {
			g_free (name);
			g_free (path);
			goto bail;

		ac = g_new0 (GkmSecretAccess, 1);
		ac->display_name = name;
		ac->pathname = path;
		ac->types_allowed = x;

		acl = g_list_prepend (acl, ac);

	*offset_out = offset;
	*out = g_list_reverse (acl);
	return TRUE;

	gkm_secret_compat_acl_free (acl);
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
static gboolean
buffer_get_time (EggBuffer *buffer, gsize offset, gsize *next_offset, time_t *time)
	guint32 a, b;
	guint64 val;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &a) ||
	    !egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &b))
		return FALSE;

	val = ((guint64)a) << 32 | b;
	*next_offset = offset;
	*time = (time_t) val;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
static gboolean
read_hashed_item_info (EggBuffer *buffer, gsize *offset, ItemInfo *items, guint n_items)
	gint i;

	g_assert (buffer);
	g_assert (offset);
	g_assert (items);

	for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
		if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].id) ||
		    !egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].type) ||
		    !buffer_get_attributes (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].attributes, TRUE))
			return FALSE;
		items[i].identifier = g_strdup_printf ("%u", items[i].id);

	return TRUE;
gkm_rpc_message_parse (GkmRpcMessage *msg, GkmRpcMessageType type)
	const unsigned char *val;
	size_t len;
	uint32_t call_id;

	msg->parsed = 0;

	/* Pull out the call identifier */
	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&msg->buffer, msg->parsed, &(msg->parsed), &call_id)) {
		gkm_rpc_warn ("invalid message: couldn't read call identifier");
		return 0;

	msg->signature = msg->sigverify = NULL;

	/* If it's an error code then no more processing */
	if (call_id == GKM_RPC_CALL_ERROR) {
		if (type == GKM_RPC_REQUEST) {
			gkm_rpc_warn ("invalid message: error code in request");
			return 0;

		return 1;

	/* The call id and signature */
	if (call_id <= 0 || call_id >= GKM_RPC_CALL_MAX) {
		gkm_rpc_warn ("invalid message: bad call id: %d", call_id);
		return 0;
	if (type == GKM_RPC_REQUEST)
		msg->signature = gkm_rpc_calls[call_id].request;
	else if (type == GKM_RPC_RESPONSE)
		msg->signature = gkm_rpc_calls[call_id].response;
		assert (0 && "invalid message type");
	msg->call_id = call_id;
	msg->call_type = type;
	msg->sigverify = msg->signature;

	/* Verify the incoming signature */
	if (!egg_buffer_get_byte_array (&msg->buffer, msg->parsed, &(msg->parsed), &val, &len)) {
		gkm_rpc_warn ("invalid message: couldn't read signature");
		return 0;

	if ((strlen (msg->signature) != len) || (memcmp (val, msg->signature, len) != 0)) {
		gkm_rpc_warn ("invalid message: signature doesn't match");
		return 0;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 5
static gboolean
read_full_item_info (EggBuffer *buffer, gsize *offset, ItemInfo *items, guint n_items)
	gchar *reserved;
	guint32 tmp;
	gint i, j;

	g_assert (buffer);
	g_assert (offset);
	g_assert (items);

	for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {

		/* The display name */
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, *offset, offset,
			return FALSE;

		/* The secret */
		if (!egg_buffer_get_byte_array (buffer, *offset, offset,
		                                &items[i].ptr_secret, &items[i].n_secret))
			return FALSE;

		/* The item times */
		if (!buffer_get_time (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].ctime) ||
		    !buffer_get_time (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].mtime))
			return FALSE;

		/* Reserved data */
		reserved = NULL;
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, *offset, offset, &reserved))
			return FALSE;
		g_free (reserved);
		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, *offset, offset, &tmp))
				return FALSE;

		/* The attributes */
		if (items[i].attributes)
			g_hash_table_unref (items[i].attributes);
		if (!buffer_get_attributes (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].attributes, FALSE))
			return FALSE;

		/* The ACLs */
		if (!decode_acl (buffer, *offset, offset, &items[i].acl))
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
gkd_ssh_agent_proto_read_public_v1 (EggBuffer *req, gsize *offset, GckAttributes *attrs)
	guint32 bits;

	g_assert (req);
	g_assert (offset);
	g_assert (attrs);

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (req, *offset, offset, &bits))
		return FALSE;

	if (!gkd_ssh_agent_proto_read_mpi_v1 (req, offset, attrs, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT) ||
	    !gkd_ssh_agent_proto_read_mpi_v1 (req, offset, attrs, CKA_MODULUS))
		return FALSE;

	/* Add in your basic other required attributes */
	gck_attributes_add_ulong (attrs, CKA_CLASS, CKO_PUBLIC_KEY);
	gck_attributes_add_ulong (attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, CKK_RSA);

	return TRUE;
static gboolean
read_packet_with_size (GkdSshAgentCall *call)
	int fd;
	guint32 packet_size;

	fd = call->sock;

	egg_buffer_resize (call->req, 4);
	if (!read_all (fd, call->req->buf, 4))
		return FALSE;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (call->req, 0, NULL, &packet_size) ||
	    packet_size < 1) {
		g_warning ("invalid packet size from client");
		return FALSE;

	egg_buffer_resize (call->req, packet_size + 4);
	if (!read_all (fd, call->req->buf + 4, packet_size))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 8
gkm_secret_binary_read (GkmSecretCollection *collection, GkmSecretData *sdata,
                        gconstpointer data, gsize n_data)
	gsize offset;
	guchar major, minor, crypto, hash;
	guint32 flags;
	guint32 lock_timeout;
	time_t mtime, ctime;
	char *display_name;
	guint32 tmp;
	guint32 num_items;
	guint32 crypto_size;
	guint32 hash_iterations;
	guchar salt[8];
	ItemInfo *items;
	GkmSecret* master;
	GkmSecretObject *obj;
	EggBuffer to_decrypt = EGG_BUFFER_EMPTY;
	GkmDataResult res = GKM_DATA_FAILURE;
	GHashTable *checks = NULL;
	GkmSecretItem *item;
	EggBuffer buffer;
	GList *l, *iteml;
	int i;

	display_name = NULL;
	items = 0;
	obj = GKM_SECRET_OBJECT (collection);

	/* The buffer we read from */
	egg_buffer_init_static (&buffer, data, n_data);

	if (buffer.len < KEYRING_FILE_HEADER_LEN ||
	    memcmp (buffer.buf, KEYRING_FILE_HEADER, KEYRING_FILE_HEADER_LEN) != 0) {
		egg_buffer_uninit (&buffer);

	major = buffer.buf[offset++];
	minor = buffer.buf[offset++];
	crypto = buffer.buf[offset++];
	hash = buffer.buf[offset++];

	if (major != 0 || minor != 0 || crypto != 0 || hash != 0) {
		egg_buffer_uninit (&buffer);

	if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (&buffer, offset, &offset, &display_name) ||
	    !buffer_get_time (&buffer, offset, &offset, &ctime) ||
	    !buffer_get_time (&buffer, offset, &offset, &mtime) ||
	    !egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &flags) ||
	    !egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &lock_timeout) ||
	    !egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &hash_iterations) ||
	    !buffer_get_bytes (&buffer, offset, &offset, salt, 8))
		goto bail;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &tmp))
			goto bail;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &num_items))
		goto bail;

	items = g_new0 (ItemInfo, num_items + 1);

	/* Hashed data, without secrets */
	if (!read_hashed_item_info (&buffer, &offset, items, num_items))
		goto bail;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (&buffer, offset, &offset, &crypto_size))
		goto bail;

	/* Make the crypted part is the right size */
	if (crypto_size % 16 != 0)
		goto bail;

	/* Ensure the file is large enough to hold all the data (in case it got truncated) */
	if (buffer.len < offset + crypto_size)
		goto bail;

	/* Copy the data into to_decrypt into non-pageable memory */
	egg_buffer_set_allocator (&to_decrypt, egg_secure_realloc);
	egg_buffer_reserve (&to_decrypt, crypto_size);
	memcpy (to_decrypt.buf, buffer.buf + offset, crypto_size);
	to_decrypt.len = crypto_size;

	if (sdata != NULL) {
		master = gkm_secret_data_get_master (sdata);
		if (!decrypt_buffer (&to_decrypt, master, salt, hash_iterations))
			goto bail;
		if (!verify_decrypted_buffer (&to_decrypt)) {
			goto bail;
		} else {
			offset = 16; /* Skip hash */
			if (!read_full_item_info (&to_decrypt, &offset, items, num_items))
				goto bail;

	/* Correctly read all data, possibly including the decrypted data.
	 * Now update the keyring and items: */

	gkm_secret_object_set_label (obj, display_name);
	gkm_secret_object_set_modified (obj, mtime);
	gkm_secret_object_set_created (obj, ctime);
	if (flags & LOCK_ON_IDLE_FLAG)
		gkm_secret_collection_set_lock_idle (collection, lock_timeout);
	else if (flags & LOCK_AFTER_FLAG)
		gkm_secret_collection_set_lock_after (collection, lock_timeout);

	/* Build a Hash table where we can track ids we haven't yet seen */
	checks = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
	iteml = gkm_secret_collection_get_items (collection);
	for (l = iteml; l; l = g_list_next (l))
		g_hash_table_insert (checks, g_strdup (gkm_secret_object_get_identifier (l->data)), "unused");
	g_list_free (iteml);

	for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {

		/* We've seen this id */
		g_hash_table_remove (checks, items[i].identifier);

		item = gkm_secret_collection_get_item (collection, items[i].identifier);
		if (item == NULL)
			item = gkm_secret_collection_new_item (collection, items[i].identifier);

		setup_item_from_info (item, sdata, &items[i]);

	g_hash_table_foreach (checks, remove_unavailable_item, collection);

	egg_buffer_uninit (&to_decrypt);
	if (checks)
		g_hash_table_destroy (checks);
	g_free (display_name);

	for (i = 0; items && i < num_items; i++)
		free_item_info (&items[i]);
	g_free (items);

	return res;
Esempio n. 9
static gboolean
buffer_get_attributes (EggBuffer *buffer, gsize offset, gsize *next_offset,
                       GHashTable **attributes_out, gboolean hashed)
	guint32 list_size;
	GHashTable *attributes;
	char *name;
	guint32 type;
	char *str;
	guint32 val;
	int i;

	attributes = NULL;

	if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &list_size))
		goto bail;

	attributes = gkm_secret_fields_new ();
	for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
		if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, offset, &offset, &name))
			goto bail;
		if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &type)) {
			g_free (name);
			goto bail;
		switch (type) {
		case 0: /* A string */
			if (!buffer_get_utf8_string (buffer, offset, &offset, &str)) {
				g_free (name);
				goto bail;
			if (hashed) {
				gkm_secret_fields_add_compat_hashed_string (attributes, name, str);
				g_free (name);
				g_free (str);
			} else {
				gkm_secret_fields_take (attributes, name, str);
		case 1: /* A uint32 */
			if (!egg_buffer_get_uint32 (buffer, offset, &offset, &val)) {
				g_free (name);
				goto bail;
			if (hashed)
				gkm_secret_fields_add_compat_hashed_uint32 (attributes, name, val);
				gkm_secret_fields_add_compat_uint32 (attributes, name, val);
			g_free (name);
			g_free (name);
			goto bail;

	*attributes_out = attributes;
	*next_offset = offset;

	return TRUE;

	g_hash_table_unref (attributes);
	return FALSE;