Esempio n. 1
//    	AnimatedPath(Point const & start_point, Point const & end_point, int const & beginn, int const & duration,
//    			Fill const & fill = Fill(), Stroke const & stroke = Stroke())
//                : Shape(fill, stroke), start_point(start_point), end_point(end_point), beginn(beginn), duration(duration) { }
//    	AnimatedPath(Stroke const & stroke = Stroke()) : Shape(Color::Transparent, stroke) { }
//            Polygon & operator<<(Point const & point)
//            {
//                points.push_back(point);
//                return *this;
//            }
            std::string toString(Layout const & layout) const
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << elemStart("path");

                ss << "d=\"";
                std::stringstream  startPoint;
                std::stringstream  beforePoint;
                std::stringstream  afterPoint;
                startPoint << "M " << translateX(start_point.x, layout) << "," << translateY(start_point.y, layout) << " ";
                ss << startPoint.str();
                beforePoint << "L " << translateX(start_point.x, layout) << "," << translateY(start_point.y, layout) << "\"";
                afterPoint << "L " << translateX(end_point.x, layout) << "," << translateY(end_point.y, layout) << "\"";
                ss << beforePoint.str() << " "<< fill.toString(layout) << stroke.toString(layout)<< ">";
                ss << elemStart("animate");
                ss << " attributeType=\"XML\" attributeName=\"d\" fill=\"freeze\" ";
                ss << "from=\"" << startPoint.str() << " " << beforePoint.str() << " ";
                ss << "to=\"" << startPoint.str() << " " << afterPoint.str() << "";
                ss << " begin=\"" << beginn << "\" ";
                ss << "dur=\"" <<  duration << "\"";
                ss << emptyElemEnd();
                ss << elemEnd("path");
//                for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
//                    ss << translateX(points[i].x, layout) << "," << translateY(points[i].y, layout) << " ";

//                ss << fill.toString(layout) << stroke.toString(layout) << emptyElemEnd();
                return ss.str();
Esempio n. 2
 std::string toString(Layout const & layout) const
     std::stringstream ss;
     ss << elemStart("text") << attribute("x", translateX(origin.x, layout))
         << attribute("y", translateY(origin.y, layout))
         << fill.toString(layout) << stroke.toString(layout) << font.toString(layout)
         << ">" << content << elemEnd("text");
     return ss.str();
Esempio n. 3
CubeArea* CubeArea::expandBase(AggregationMaps *aggregationMaps) const {
  const vector<Dimension*> &dimensions = *cube->getDimensions();
  CubeArea* result = new CubeArea(env, cube, dimensions.size());


  if (dimCount() != dimensions.size()) {
    throw ErrorException(
        "CubeArea::expandBase area and dimension size differ.");

  auto didit = dimensions.begin();
  for (size_t dim = 0; dim < dimCount(); dim++, ++didit) {
    Dimension* dimension = *didit;

    Set* s = new Set();
    for (ConstElemIter eit = elemBegin(dim); eit != elemEnd(dim); ++eit) {
      IdentifierType eId = *eit;
      Element* element = dimension->lookupElement(eId);
      if (!element) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "CubeArea::expandBase element id: " << *eit
         << " not found in dimension: " << dimension->getName();
        continue;  // possible corrupted journal

      DLOG(WARNING) << "CubeArea::expandBase element id: " << eId
                    << " added in dimension: " << dimension->getName() ;

      try {
        const WeightedSet* baseE = dimension->getBaseElements(element);
        for (auto baseIt = baseE->begin(); baseIt != baseE->end(); ++baseIt) {
          // it seems there is a bug in Set::insert which adds the same id multiple times.
          // therefore check if the element already exists
          if (s->find(baseIt.first()) == s->end()) {
        DLOG(WARNING) << "CubeArea::expandBase adding " << baseE->size()
                      << " source elements to aggregation map." ;
        aggregationMaps->at(dim).buildBaseToParentMap(eId, baseE);
      } catch (const ErrorException& e) {
        // LOG(ERROR) << "CubeArea::expandBase exception: " << e.getMessage();
    result->insert(dim, s);
  return result;
Esempio n. 4
 std::string toString() const
     std::stringstream ss;
     ss << "<?xml " << attribute("version", "1.0") << attribute("standalone", "no")
         << "?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" "
         << "\"\">\n<svg "
         << attribute("width", layout.dimensions.width, "px")
         << attribute("height", layout.dimensions.height, "px")
         << attribute("xmlns", "")
         << attribute("version", "1.1") << ">\n" << body_nodes_str << elemEnd("svg");
     return ss.str();