void FeatureDocumentHandler::endElement(const XMLCh* const name)
     char elementName[1024];
     XMLString::transcode(name, elementName, 1024 - 1);
     std::string elemName(elementName);
	/** get accessor on default style used for the specified HTML element 
		return NULL if there is no default style
	static VTreeTextStyle* GetAndRetainDefaultStyle(const VString &inElementName)
		VString elemName( inElementName);
		char *name = (char *)VMemory::NewPtr( elemName.GetLength()+1, 0);
		elemName.ToCString( name, elemName.GetLength()+1);
		VTreeTextStyle *style = GetAndRetainDefaultStyle( name);
		return style;
	/** return true if we need to add a ending break line while parsing the specified element */ 
	static bool NeedBreakLine( const VString &inElementName)
		VTaskLock lock(&fMutexStyles);
		if (fSetOfBreakLineEnding.empty())
			return false;

		VString elemName( inElementName);
		char *name = (char *)VMemory::NewPtr( elemName.GetLength()+1, 0);
		elemName.ToCString( name, elemName.GetLength()+1);
		bool needBreakLine = NeedBreakLine( name);
		return needBreakLine;
    void FeatureDocumentHandler::startElement(const XMLCh* const name, AttributeList& attrs)
        char elementName[1024];

        XMLString::transcode(name, elementName, 1024 - 1);
        std::string elemName(elementName);
        std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes;
        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < attrs.getLength() ; c++) 
            char attributeName[1024];
            char attributeValue [1024];
            XMLString::transcode(attrs.getName(c), attributeName, 1024 - 1);
            XMLString::transcode(attrs.getValue(c), attributeValue, 1024 - 1);
            std::string attribName(attributeName);
            std::string attribVal(attributeValue);

            attributes.insert(Pair_Attrib(attribName, attribVal));
        m_pFeatureMat->StartElement(elemName, attributes);
Esempio n. 5
bool KXMLGUIClient::mergeXML( QDomElement &base, const QDomElement &additive, KActionCollection *actionCollection )
  static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString( "Action" );
  static const QString &tagMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "Merge" );
  static const QString &tagSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "Separator" );
  static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" );
  static const QString &attrAppend = KGlobal::staticQString( "append" );
  static const QString &attrWeakSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "weakSeparator" );
  static const QString &tagMergeLocal = KGlobal::staticQString( "MergeLocal" );
  static const QString &tagText = KGlobal::staticQString( "text" );
  static const QString &attrAlreadyVisited = KGlobal::staticQString( "alreadyVisited" );
  static const QString &attrNoMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "noMerge" );
  static const QString &attrOne = KGlobal::staticQString( "1" );

  // there is a possibility that we don't want to merge in the
  // additive.. rather, we might want to *replace* the base with the
  // additive.  this can be for any container.. either at a file wide
  // level or a simple container level.  we look for the 'noMerge'
  // tag, in any event and just replace the old with the new
  if ( additive.attribute(attrNoMerge) == attrOne ) // ### use toInt() instead? (Simon)
    base.parentNode().replaceChild(additive, base);
    return true;

  QString tag;

  // iterate over all elements in the container (of the global DOM tree)
  QDomNode n = base.firstChild();
  while ( !n.isNull() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e
    if (e.isNull())

    tag = e.tagName();

    // if there's an action tag in the global tree and the action is
    // not implemented, then we remove the element
    if ( tag == tagAction )
      QCString name =  e.attribute( attrName ).utf8(); // WABA
      if ( !actionCollection->action( name ) ||
           (kapp && !kapp->authorizeKAction(name)))
        // remove this child as we aren't using it
        base.removeChild( e );

    // if there's a separator defined in the global tree, then add an
    // attribute, specifying that this is a "weak" separator
    else if ( tag == tagSeparator )
      e.setAttribute( attrWeakSeparator, (uint)1 );

      // okay, hack time. if the last item was a weak separator OR
      // this is the first item in a container, then we nuke the
      // current one
      QDomElement prev = e.previousSibling().toElement();
      if ( prev.isNull() ||
	 ( prev.tagName() == tagSeparator && !prev.attribute( attrWeakSeparator ).isNull() ) ||
	 ( prev.tagName() == tagText ) )
        // the previous element was a weak separator or didn't exist
        base.removeChild( e );

    // the MergeLocal tag lets us specify where non-standard elements
    // of the local tree shall be merged in.  After inserting the
    // elements we delete this element
    else if ( tag == tagMergeLocal )
      QDomNode it = additive.firstChild();
      while ( !it.isNull() )
        QDomElement newChild = it.toElement();
        it = it.nextSibling();
        if (newChild.isNull() )

        if ( newChild.tagName() == tagText )

        if ( newChild.attribute( attrAlreadyVisited ) == attrOne )

        QString itAppend( newChild.attribute( attrAppend ) );
        QString elemName( e.attribute( attrName ) );

        if ( ( itAppend.isNull() && elemName.isEmpty() ) ||
             ( itAppend == elemName ) )
          // first, see if this new element matches a standard one in
          // the global file.  if it does, then we skip it as it will
          // be merged in, later
          QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( newChild, base );
          if ( matchingElement.isNull() || newChild.tagName() == tagSeparator )
            base.insertBefore( newChild, e );

      base.removeChild( e );

    // in this last case we check for a separator tag and, if not, we
    // can be sure that its a container --> proceed with child nodes
    // recursively and delete the just proceeded container item in
    // case its empty (if the recursive call returns true)
    else if ( tag != tagMerge )
      // handle the text tag
      if ( tag == tagText )

      QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, additive );

      if ( !matchingElement.isNull() )
        matchingElement.setAttribute( attrAlreadyVisited, (uint)1 );

        if ( mergeXML( e, matchingElement, actionCollection ) )
          base.removeChild( e );

        // Merge attributes
        const QDomNamedNodeMap attribs = matchingElement.attributes();
        const uint attribcount = attribs.count();

        for(uint i = 0; i < attribcount; ++i)
          const QDomNode node = attribs.item(i);
          e.setAttribute(node.nodeName(), node.nodeValue());

        // this is an important case here! We reach this point if the
        // "local" tree does not contain a container definition for
        // this container. However we have to call mergeXML recursively
        // and make it check if there are actions implemented for this
        // container. *If* none, then we can remove this container now
        if ( mergeXML( e, QDomElement(), actionCollection ) )
          base.removeChild( e );

  //here we append all child elements which were not inserted
  //previously via the LocalMerge tag
  n = additive.firstChild();
  while ( !n.isNull() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e
    if (e.isNull())

    QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, base );

    if ( matchingElement.isNull() )
      base.appendChild( e );

  // do one quick check to make sure that the last element was not
  // a weak separator
  QDomElement last = base.lastChild().toElement();
  if ( (last.tagName() == tagSeparator) && (!last.attribute( attrWeakSeparator ).isNull()) )
    base.removeChild( last );

  // now we check if we are empty (in which case we return "true", to
  // indicate the caller that it can delete "us" (the base element
  // argument of "this" call)
  bool deleteMe = true;

  n = base.firstChild();
  while ( !n.isNull() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e
    if (e.isNull())

    tag = e.tagName();

    if ( tag == tagAction )
      // if base contains an implemented action, then we must not get
      // deleted (note that the actionCollection contains both,
      // "global" and "local" actions
      if ( actionCollection->action( e.attribute( attrName ).utf8() ) )
        deleteMe = false;
    else if ( tag == tagSeparator )
      // if we have a separator which has *not* the weak attribute
      // set, then it must be owned by the "local" tree in which case
      // we must not get deleted either
      QString weakAttr = e.attribute( attrWeakSeparator );
      if ( weakAttr.isEmpty() || weakAttr.toInt() != 1 )
        deleteMe = false;

    // in case of a merge tag we have unlimited lives, too ;-)
    else if ( tag == tagMerge )
//      deleteMe = false;
//      break;

    // a text tag is NOT enough to spare this container
    else if ( tag == tagText )

    // what's left are non-empty containers! *don't* delete us in this
    // case (at this position we can be *sure* that the container is
    // *not* empty, as the recursive call for it was in the first loop
    // which deleted the element in case the call returned "true"
      deleteMe = false;

  return deleteMe;