gint core_match(const gchar *label, struct core_pak *core) { gint code; #if DEBUG_ATOM_MATCH printf("[%s] : [%s]\n", label, core->atom_label); #endif code = elem_symbol_test(label); /* if input label doesnt match the element symbol length - it means the */ /* user has put in something like H1 - compare this with the atom label */ if (code) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(label, elements[core->atom_code].symbol) != 0) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(core->atom_label, label) == 0) return(1); } else return(1); } else return(1); #if DEBUG_ATOM_MATCH printf("rejected.\n"); #endif return(0); }
/* TEMP - parse diffax sfc data */ void parse_sfc(FILE *fp) { gint i, n; gchar *line, *type, **buff; gdouble *sfc; GSList *list; while ((line = file_read_line(fp))) { type = g_strstrip(g_strndup(line, 6)); if (elem_symbol_test(type)) { /* tokenize everything after the atom type */ buff = tokenize(&line[6], &n); printf("[%s] ", type); list = NULL; for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) { sfc = g_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)); *sfc = str_to_float(*(buff+i)); printf("[%f] ", *sfc); list = g_slist_prepend(list, sfc); } list = g_slist_reverse(list); printf("\n"); g_hash_table_insert(sysenv.sfc_table, type, list); g_strfreev(buff); } g_free(line); } }
gint read_aims(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gint i, num_tokens; gchar **buff; gpointer scan; struct core_pak *core; g_assert(model != NULL); scan = scan_new(filename); if (!scan) return(1); while (!scan_complete(scan)) { buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); /* for debugging purposes produces a compiler warning about an implicit declaration of function 'g_printf' though this is a valid glib function since 2.2 */ /* for (i=0; i<num_tokens; i++) { g_printf(" %s ", buff[i]); } printf("\n"); */ if (!buff) break; /* read cell vectors */ if ( g_strrstr(*buff, "lattice_vector") != NULL ) { for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (num_tokens >= 3) { model->latmat[i] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); model->latmat[i+3] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); model->latmat[i+6] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); } else { gui_text_show(ERROR, "error reading AIMS lattice vectors \n"); return(2); } g_strfreev(buff); buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); } model->periodic = 3; model->construct_pbc = TRUE; } /* read coordinates */ if ( g_strrstr(*buff, "atom") != NULL ) { if ( ( num_tokens >= 4 ) && ( elem_symbol_test(*(buff+4)) ) ) { core = new_core(*(buff+4), model); core->x[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); core->x[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); } else { gui_text_show(ERROR, "error reading AIMS lattice vectors \n"); return(2); } } g_strfreev(buff); } /* done reading */ scan_free(scan); /* model setup */ g_free(model->filename); model->filename = g_strdup(filename); g_free(model->basename); model->basename = g_path_get_basename(filename); model->fractional = FALSE; model_prep(model); return(0); }
gint read_cel(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gchar *line; FILE *fp; int i; gint num_tokens, natom=0; gchar **buff; struct core_pak *core; /* checks */ g_return_val_if_fail(model != NULL, 1); g_return_val_if_fail(filename != NULL, 2); fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (!fp) return 3; /* 1st line - cell parameters */ line = file_read_line(fp); if (!line || strlen(line) < 5 || g_ascii_strncasecmp("cell", line, 4) != 0) { printf("The first line should start with the keyword CELL.\n"); return 4; } buff = tokenize(line+4, &num_tokens); g_free(line); if (num_tokens < 6) { g_strfreev(buff); printf("Keyword CELL should be followed by six numbers.\n"); return 5; } for (i=0; i<3; ++i) model->pbc[i] = str_to_float(buff[i]); for (i=3; i<6; ++i) model->pbc[i] = str_to_float(buff[i]) * D2R; g_strfreev(buff); /* next lines - atomic positions */ for (;;) { line = file_read_line(fp); if (!line) /*the end of file*/ { printf("No 'rgnr' symmetry line found.\n"); return 6; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("rgnr", line, 4) == 0) /*no more atomic pos.*/ { break; } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("natom", line, 5) == 0)/*number of atoms */ /*some old .cel files have second line with number of atoms eg. "natom 6"*/ { buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens > 1) natom = str_to_float(buff[1]); else printf("Warning: ignoring `natom' line:\n%s\n", line); g_free(line); g_strfreev(buff); } else if (strncmp(" ", line, 4) != 0) /* atomic position */ { buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); g_free(line); if (num_tokens < 5) { g_strfreev(buff); continue; } core = new_core(*buff, model); core->atom_label = g_strdup(buff[0]); /* in second column there is either atomic number * or something like "Mg2+" or "K+". The second form is for * " the use of different bonding states of one and the same * element (e.g. Fe2+ and Fe3+ in Fe3O4)" * FIXME how these bonding states can be interpreted in GDIS */ if (g_ascii_isdigit(buff[1][0])) core->atom_code = str_to_float(buff[1]); else { core->atom_code = elem_symbol_test(buff[1]); } for (i=0; i<3; ++i) core->x[i] = str_to_float(buff[2+i]); /* TODO interpret 2 next optional numbers: * so-called multiplied substitution and replacement factor (SOF) * and isotropic Debye-Waller factor * FIXME can they be interpreted by GDIS? -MW */ model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); g_strfreev(buff); } else /* replacement atom */ { /*FIXME replacement atoms are now silently ignored * how can I use this information in GDIS? - MW*/ g_free(line); } } /* last line - symmetry */ buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); model->sginfo.spacenum = str_to_float(buff[1]); /* FIXME/TODO how to interpret the second (optional) number? * From fileformat docs: * "sometimes there exists more than one setting of a space-group type. * Thus, a further number must be given if the structure hasn't been described * using a conventional setting (standard setting)." * * * Unfortunatelly I'm ignorant about space-groups - MW */ g_free(line); g_strfreev(buff); if (natom>0 && natom != g_slist_length(model->cores)) printf("Warning: expected %i atoms, have %i.", natom, g_slist_length(model->cores)); /* model setup */ model->fractional = TRUE; model->periodic = 3; strcpy(model->filename, filename); g_free(model->basename); model->basename = parse_strip(filename); model_prep(model); return 0; }
gint read_dmol_frame(FILE *fp, struct model_pak *model) { gint i, num_tokens; gchar *line, **buff; struct core_pak *core; g_assert(fp != NULL); line = file_read_line(fp); while (line) { /* read cell vectors */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(line, "$cell", 5) == 0 && model) { for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { g_free(line); line = file_read_line(fp); buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens > 2) { model->latmat[i] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff)); model->latmat[i+3] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff+1)); model->latmat[i+6] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff+2)); } g_strfreev(buff); } model->periodic = 3; model->construct_pbc = TRUE; } /* read coordinates */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(line, "$coord", 5) == 0 && model) { g_free(line); line = file_read_line(fp); buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); while (num_tokens > 3) { if (elem_symbol_test(*buff)) { core = new_core(*buff, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); core->x[0] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff+1)); core->x[1] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[2] = AU2ANG*str_to_float(*(buff+3)); } g_free(line); line = file_read_line(fp); g_strfreev(buff); buff = tokenize(line, &num_tokens); } g_strfreev(buff); model->fractional = FALSE; } /* terminate frame read */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(line, "$end", 4) == 0) return(0); g_free(line); line = file_read_line(fp); } return(1); }
gint read_diffax(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gint num_tokens, num_layer, tot_layer; gdouble offset; gchar **buff; GSList *list1, *list2; struct core_pak *core; struct layer_pak *layer; FILE *fp; /* checks */ g_return_val_if_fail(model != NULL, 1); g_return_val_if_fail(filename != NULL, 2); fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (!fp) return(3); /* setup */ model->id = DIFFAX_INP; model->fractional = TRUE; model->periodic = 3; model->colour_scheme = REGION; strcpy(model->filename, filename); g_free(model->basename); model->basename = parse_strip(filename); /* scan the file */ while ((buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens))) { diffax_keyword_search:; /* restricted unit cell */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("structural", *buff, 10) == 0) { g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens > 3) { model->pbc[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+0)); model->pbc[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); model->pbc[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); model->pbc[3] = PI/2.0; model->pbc[4] = PI/2.0; model->pbc[5] = D2R*str_to_float(*(buff+3)); } } /* layer testing */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("layer", *buff, 5) == 0) { layer = g_malloc(sizeof(struct model_pak)); layer->width = 1.0; VEC3SET(layer->centroid, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); layer->cores = NULL; model->layer_list = g_slist_prepend(model->layer_list, layer); g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); if (buff) { /* TODO - if centrosymmetric : add a -1 operation */ } /* get layer data */ g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); while (buff) { if (elem_symbol_test(*buff)) { if (num_tokens > 6) { /* printf("[%s] [%s %s %s]\n", *buff, *(buff+2), *(buff+3), *(buff+4)); */ core = new_core(*buff, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); layer->cores = g_slist_prepend(layer->cores, core); core->x[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); core->x[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+4)); core->sof = str_to_float(*(buff+5)); } } else goto diffax_keyword_search; /* get next line of tokens */ g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); } } g_strfreev(buff); } /* TODO - enumerate layers and scale, so they are stacked 1..n in a single cell */ /* also label the layers as different region types */ model->layer_list = g_slist_reverse(model->layer_list); num_layer = 0; tot_layer = g_slist_length(model->layer_list); model->pbc[2] *= tot_layer; #if DEBUG_READ_DIFFAX printf("Read in %d layers.\n", tot_layer); #endif for (list1=model->layer_list ; list1 ; list1=g_slist_next(list1)) { layer = (struct layer_pak *) list1->data; layer->width = 1.0 / (gdouble) tot_layer; offset = (gdouble) num_layer * layer->width; VEC3SET(layer->centroid, 0.0, 0.0, offset); for (list2=layer->cores ; list2 ; list2=g_slist_next(list2)) { core = (struct core_pak *) list2->data; /* scale to within the big cell (encloses all DIFFAX layers) */ core->x[2] *= layer->width; /* offset each particular layer */ core->x[2] += offset; core->region = num_layer; } num_layer++; } /* end of read */ fclose(fp); /* post read setup */ model->cores = g_slist_reverse(model->cores); model_prep(model); return(0); }
gint read_rietica(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gint i, phases=0, skip, num_tokens; gchar **buff, *line; float x, y, z; gpointer scan; GSList *list; struct core_pak *core; /* checks */ g_assert(model != NULL); scan = scan_new(filename); if (!scan) return(1); /* FIXME - stop the previous file routines setting this */ model->id = -1; while (!scan_complete(scan)) { buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); /* search for structure start */ if (num_tokens) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff, "***", 3) == 0) { if (phases) model = model_new(); phases++; /* structure name - omit the 1st and last tokens (ie "***") */ if (num_tokens > 1) { g_free(*(buff+num_tokens-1)); *(buff+num_tokens-1) = NULL; g_free(model->basename); model->basename = g_strjoinv(" ", buff+1); } /* parse spacegroup */ line = scan_get_line(scan); line = scan_get_line(scan); model->sginfo.spacename = g_strstrip(g_strdup(line)); model->sginfo.spacenum = -1; /* parse a structure */ skip = 0; while (!scan_complete(scan)) { g_strfreev(buff); buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens) { if (elem_symbol_test(*buff)) { /* new core */ /* if (num_tokens > 6) */ { core = new_core(*buff, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); /* formatted output can result in -ve signs "joining" tokens */ line = scan_cur_line(scan); /* no doubt some fortran programmer thought this was a clever format */ sscanf(line, "%*16c%8f%8f%8f", &x, &y, &z); VEC3SET(core->x, x, y, z); /* printf("> %s", line); P3VEC(" - ", core->x); core->x[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); core->x[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+4)); core->sof = str_to_float(*(buff+6)); */ skip = 0; } } else skip++; } /* 4 lines after the last core - parse cell info and terminate structure */ if (skip == 4) { if (num_tokens > 5) { for (i=6 ; i-- ; ) model->pbc[i] = str_to_float(*(buff+i)); model->pbc[3] *= D2R; model->pbc[4] *= D2R; model->pbc[5] *= D2R; } break; } } } } g_strfreev(buff); } /* setup all new structures */ for (list=sysenv.mal ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { model = list->data; if (model->id == -1) { model->id = RIETICA; model->periodic = 3; model->fractional = TRUE; strcpy(model->filename, filename); model->cores = g_slist_reverse(model->cores); model_prep(model); } } scan_free(scan); return(0); }