Esempio n. 1
// Execute the eLua "shell" in an infinite loop
void shell_start()
  char cmd[ SHELL_MAXSIZE + 1 ];
  const SHELL_COMMAND *pcmd;
#ifdef BUILD_UIP
  int i;

  while( 1 )
    while( linenoise_getline( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd, SHELL_MAXSIZE - 1, SHELL_PROMPT ) == -1 )
      printf( "\n" );
      clearerr( stdin );
    if( strlen( cmd ) == 0 )
    linenoise_addhistory( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd );
    pcmd = shellh_execute_command( cmd, 1 );
    // Check for 'exit' command
    if( pcmd && pcmd->cmd && !pcmd->handler_func )
#ifdef BUILD_UIP
      if( ( i = elua_net_get_telnet_socket() ) != -1 )
        elua_net_close( i );
  // Shell exit point
  if( shell_prog )
    free( shell_prog );
Esempio n. 2
// 'write'
static _ssize_t std_write( struct _reent *r, int fd, const void* vptr, size_t len, void *pdata )
  int sock;
  // Check file number
  if( ( fd != DM_STDOUT_NUM ) && ( fd != DM_STDERR_NUM ) )
    r->_errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;
  // Get (and wait for) socket
  while( ( sock = elua_net_get_telnet_socket() ) == - 1 );  
  // Send data
  elua_net_send( sock, vptr, len );
  return len;
Esempio n. 3
// 'read'
static _ssize_t std_read( struct _reent *r, int fd, void* vptr, size_t len, void *pdata )
  int sock;
  elua_net_size pktsize;
  size_t actsize, j;
  char* lptr = ( char* )vptr;

  // Check file number
  if( fd != DM_STDIN_NUM )
    r->_errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  // Get (and wait for) socket
  while( ( sock = elua_net_get_telnet_socket() ) == - 1 );
  // Read data
  actsize = 0;
  while( 1 )
    pktsize = elua_net_recv( sock, lptr, len, -1, 0, 0 );
    // Check EOF
    for( j = 0; j < pktsize; j ++ )
      if( lptr[ j ] == STD_CTRLZ_CODE )
        return 0;
    actsize += pktsize;
    if( actsize >= len )
      actsize = len;
    // Is this the final packet?
    if( pktsize >= 2 && lptr[ pktsize - 2 ] == '\r' && lptr[ pktsize - 1 ] == '\n' ) // final packet
    lptr += pktsize;
    len -= pktsize;
  return actsize;
Esempio n. 4
// Execute the eLua "shell" in an infinite loop
void shell_start()
  char cmd[ SHELL_MAXSIZE + 1 ];
  char *p, *temp;
  const SHELL_COMMAND* pcmd;
  int i, inside_quotes;
  char quote_char;

  while( 1 )
    while( linenoise_getline( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd, SHELL_MAXSIZE, SHELL_PROMPT ) == -1 )
      printf( "\n" );
      clearerr( stdin );
    if( strlen( cmd ) == 0 )
    linenoise_addhistory( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd );
    if( cmd[ strlen( cmd ) - 1 ] != '\n' )
      strcat( cmd, "\n" );

    // Change '\r' and '\n' chars to ' ' to ease processing
    p = cmd;
    while( *p )
      if( *p == '\r' || *p == '\n' )
        *p = ' ';
      p ++;

    // Transform ' ' characters inside a '' or "" quoted string in
    // a 'special' char. We do this to let the user execute something
    // like "lua -e 'quoted string'" without disturbing the quoted
    // string in any way.
    for( i = 0, inside_quotes = 0, quote_char = '\0'; i < strlen( cmd ); i ++ )
      if( ( cmd[ i ] == '\'' ) || ( cmd[ i ] == '"' ) )
        if( !inside_quotes )
          inside_quotes = 1;
          quote_char = cmd[ i ];
          if( cmd[ i ] == quote_char )
            inside_quotes = 0;
            quote_char = '\0';
      else if( ( cmd[ i ] == ' ' ) && inside_quotes )
        cmd[ i ] = SHELL_ALT_SPACE;
    if( inside_quotes )
      printf( "Invalid quoted string\n" );

    // Transform consecutive sequences of spaces into a single space
    p = strchr( cmd, ' ' );
    while( p )
      temp = p + 1;
      while( *temp && *temp == ' ' )
        memmove( temp, temp + 1, strlen( temp ) );
      p = strchr( p + 1, ' ' );
    if( strlen( cmd ) == 1 )

    // Look for the first ' ' to separate the command from its args
    temp = cmd;
    if( *temp == ' ' )
      temp ++;
    if( ( p = strchr( temp, ' ' ) ) == NULL )
      printf( SHELL_ERRMSG );
    *p = 0;
    i = 0;
    while( 1 )
      pcmd = shell_commands + i;
      if( pcmd->cmd == NULL )
        printf( SHELL_ERRMSG );
      if( !strcasecmp( pcmd->cmd, temp ) )
        // Special case: the "exit" command has a NULL handler
        if( pcmd->handler_func )
          pcmd->handler_func( p + 1 );
      i ++;
    // Check for 'exit' command
    if( pcmd->cmd && !pcmd->handler_func )
#ifdef BUILD_UIP
      if( ( i = elua_net_get_telnet_socket() ) != -1 )
        elua_net_close( i );

  // Shell exit point
  if( shell_prog )
    free( shell_prog );
Esempio n. 5
File: shell.c Progetto: petrm/elua
// Execute the eLua "shell" in an infinite loop
void shell_start()
  char cmd[ SHELL_MAXSIZE + 1 ];
  char *p, *temp;
  const SHELL_COMMAND* pcmd;
  int i, inside_quotes;
  char quote_char;
  int argc;
  char *argv[ SHELL_MAX_ARGS ];

  while( 1 )
    while( linenoise_getline( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd, SHELL_MAXSIZE - 1, SHELL_PROMPT ) == -1 )
      printf( "\n" );
      clearerr( stdin );
    if( strlen( cmd ) == 0 )
    linenoise_addhistory( LINENOISE_ID_SHELL, cmd );
    if( cmd[ strlen( cmd ) - 1 ] != '\n' )
      strcat( cmd, "\n" );

    // Change '\r', '\n' and '\t' chars to ' ' to ease processing
    p = cmd;
    while( *p )
      if( *p == '\r' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\t' )
        *p = ' ';
      p ++;

    // Transform ' ' characters inside a '' or "" quoted string in
    // a 'special' char. We do this to let the user execute something
    // like "lua -e 'quoted string'" without disturbing the quoted
    // string in any way.
    for( i = 0, inside_quotes = 0, quote_char = '\0'; i < strlen( cmd ); i ++ )
      if( ( cmd[ i ] == '\'' ) || ( cmd[ i ] == '"' ) )
        if( !inside_quotes )
          inside_quotes = 1;
          quote_char = cmd[ i ];
          if( cmd[ i ] == quote_char )
            inside_quotes = 0;
            quote_char = '\0';
      else if( ( cmd[ i ] == ' ' ) && inside_quotes )
        cmd[ i ] = SHELL_ALT_SPACE;
    if( inside_quotes )
      printf( "Invalid quoted string\n" );

    // Transform consecutive sequences of spaces into a single space
    p = strchr( cmd, ' ' );
    while( p )
      temp = p + 1;
      while( *temp && *temp == ' ' )
        memmove( temp, temp + 1, strlen( temp ) );
      p = strchr( p + 1, ' ' );
    if( !strcmp( cmd, " " ) )

    // Skip over the initial space char if it exists
    p = cmd;
    if( *p == ' ' )
      p ++;

    // Add a final space if it does not exist
    if( p[ strlen( p ) - 1 ] != ' ' )
      strcat( p, " " );

    // Compute argc/argv
    for( argc = 0; argc < SHELL_MAX_ARGS; argc ++ )
      argv[ argc ] = NULL;
    argc = 0;
    while( ( temp = strchr( p, ' ' ) ) != NULL )
      *temp = 0;
      if( argc == SHELL_MAX_ARGS )
        printf( "Error: too many arguments\n" );
        argc = -1;
      argv[ argc ++ ] = p;
      p = temp + 1;

    if( argc == -1 )

    // Additional argument processing happens here
    for( i = 0; i < argc; i ++ )
      p = argv[ i ];
      // Put back spaces if needed
      for( inside_quotes = 0; inside_quotes < strlen( argv[ i ] ); inside_quotes ++ )
        if( p[ inside_quotes ] == SHELL_ALT_SPACE )
          argv[ i ][ inside_quotes ] = ' ';
      // Remove quotes
      if( ( p[ 0 ] == '\'' || p [ 0 ] == '"' ) && ( p[ 0 ] == p[ strlen( p ) - 1 ] ) )
        argv[ i ] = p + 1;
        p[ strlen( p ) - 1 ] = '\0';

    // Match user command with shell's commands
    i = 0;
    while( 1 )
      pcmd = shell_commands + i;
      if( pcmd->cmd == NULL )
        printf( SHELL_ERRMSG );
      if( !strcasecmp( pcmd->cmd, argv[ 0 ] ) )
        // Special case: the "exit" command has a NULL handler
        if( pcmd->handler_func )
          pcmd->handler_func( argc, argv );
      i ++;
    // Check for 'exit' command
    if( pcmd->cmd && !pcmd->handler_func )
#ifdef BUILD_UIP
      if( ( i = elua_net_get_telnet_socket() ) != -1 )
        elua_net_close( i );

  // Shell exit point
  if( shell_prog )
    free( shell_prog );