/* * Arguments : emxArray_real_T *x * Return Type : void */ void d_sort(emxArray_real_T *x) { emxArray_real_T *vwork; int i9; int k; int i10; emxArray_int32_T *b_vwork; emxInit_real_T2(&vwork, 1); i9 = x->size[1]; k = x->size[1]; i10 = vwork->size[0]; vwork->size[0] = k; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vwork, i10, (int)sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i9; k++) { vwork->data[k] = x->data[k]; } emxInit_int32_T(&b_vwork, 1); sortIdx(vwork, b_vwork); k = 0; emxFree_int32_T(&b_vwork); while (k + 1 <= i9) { x->data[k] = vwork->data[k]; k++; } emxFree_real_T(&vwork); }
/* * Arguments : double x_data[] * int x_size[1] * Return Type : void */ void sort(double x_data[], int x_size[1]) { int dim; int i6; double vwork_data[252]; int vwork_size_idx_0; int vstride; int k; int j; emxArray_real_T *vwork; emxArray_int32_T *b_vwork; dim = nonSingletonDim(x_size); if (dim <= 1) { i6 = x_size[0]; } else { i6 = 1; } vwork_size_idx_0 = (unsigned char)i6; vstride = 1; k = 1; while (k <= dim - 1) { vstride *= x_size[0]; k = 2; } j = 0; emxInit_real_T2(&vwork, 1); emxInit_int32_T(&b_vwork, 1); while (j + 1 <= vstride) { for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i6; k++) { vwork_data[k] = x_data[j + k * vstride]; } dim = vwork->size[0]; vwork->size[0] = vwork_size_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vwork, dim, (int)sizeof(double)); for (dim = 0; dim < vwork_size_idx_0; dim++) { vwork->data[dim] = vwork_data[dim]; } sortIdx(vwork, b_vwork); vwork_size_idx_0 = vwork->size[0]; k = vwork->size[0]; for (dim = 0; dim < k; dim++) { vwork_data[dim] = vwork->data[dim]; } for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i6; k++) { x_data[j + k * vstride] = vwork->data[k]; } j++; } emxFree_int32_T(&b_vwork); emxFree_real_T(&vwork); }
/* Function Definitions */ void compmat(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_uint8_T *x, real_T dims, emxArray_real_T *y) { int32_T i1; real_T d3; int32_T ii; int32_T i; emxArray_boolean_T *b_x; emxArray_int32_T *b_ii; int32_T nx; int32_T idx; boolean_T overflow; boolean_T exitg1; boolean_T guard1 = false; emlrtStack st; emlrtStack b_st; emlrtStack c_st; emlrtStack d_st; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; b_st.prev = &st; b_st.tls = st.tls; c_st.prev = &b_st; c_st.tls = b_st.tls; d_st.prev = &c_st; d_st.tls = c_st.tls; emlrtHeapReferenceStackEnterFcnR2012b(sp); /* UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here */ /* Detailed explanation goes here */ i1 = y->size[0] * y->size[1]; y->size[0] = 1; if (!(dims >= 0.0)) { emlrtNonNegativeCheckR2012b(dims, (emlrtDCInfo *)&j_emlrtDCI, sp); } d3 = dims; if (d3 != (int32_T)muDoubleScalarFloor(d3)) { emlrtIntegerCheckR2012b(d3, (emlrtDCInfo *)&i_emlrtDCI, sp); } y->size[1] = (int32_T)d3; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)y, i1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &f_emlrtRTEI); if (!(dims >= 0.0)) { emlrtNonNegativeCheckR2012b(dims, (emlrtDCInfo *)&j_emlrtDCI, sp); } if (d3 != (int32_T)muDoubleScalarFloor(d3)) { emlrtIntegerCheckR2012b(d3, (emlrtDCInfo *)&i_emlrtDCI, sp); } ii = (int32_T)d3; for (i1 = 0; i1 < ii; i1++) { y->data[i1] = 0.0; } emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(1.0, 1.0, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T)dims, (emlrtRTEInfo *)&n_emlrtRTEI, sp); i = 0; emxInit_boolean_T(sp, &b_x, 2, &f_emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_int32_T(sp, &b_ii, 2, &g_emlrtRTEI, true); while (i <= (int32_T)dims - 1) { st.site = &k_emlrtRSI; i1 = b_x->size[0] * b_x->size[1]; b_x->size[0] = 1; b_x->size[1] = x->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)b_x, i1, (int32_T)sizeof (boolean_T), &f_emlrtRTEI); ii = x->size[0] * x->size[1]; for (i1 = 0; i1 < ii; i1++) { b_x->data[i1] = (x->data[i1] == 1.0 + (real_T)i); } b_st.site = &h_emlrtRSI; nx = b_x->size[1]; idx = 0; i1 = b_ii->size[0] * b_ii->size[1]; b_ii->size[0] = 1; b_ii->size[1] = b_x->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)b_ii, i1, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &f_emlrtRTEI); c_st.site = &i_emlrtRSI; overflow = ((!(1 > b_x->size[1])) && (b_x->size[1] > 2147483646)); if (overflow) { d_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&d_st); } ii = 1; exitg1 = false; while ((!exitg1) && (ii <= nx)) { guard1 = false; if (b_x->data[ii - 1]) { idx++; b_ii->data[idx - 1] = ii; if (idx >= nx) { exitg1 = true; } else { guard1 = true; } } else { guard1 = true; } if (guard1) { ii++; } } if (idx <= b_x->size[1]) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&b_st, &k_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:builtins:AssertionFailed", 0); } if (b_x->size[1] == 1) { if (idx == 0) { i1 = b_ii->size[0] * b_ii->size[1]; b_ii->size[0] = 1; b_ii->size[1] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)b_ii, i1, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &f_emlrtRTEI); } } else { i1 = b_ii->size[0] * b_ii->size[1]; if (1 > idx) { b_ii->size[1] = 0; } else { b_ii->size[1] = idx; } emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)b_ii, i1, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &b_emlrtRTEI); } i1 = y->size[1]; if (!((i + 1 >= 1) && (i + 1 <= i1))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(i + 1, 1, i1, (emlrtBCInfo *)&w_emlrtBCI, sp); } y->data[i] = b_ii->size[1]; i++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } emxFree_int32_T(&b_ii); emxFree_boolean_T(&b_x); emlrtHeapReferenceStackLeaveFcnR2012b(sp); }
/* Function Definitions */ static void b_eml_lusolve(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_real_T *A, emxArray_real_T *B) { emxArray_real_T *b_A; int32_T i58; int32_T iy; emxArray_int32_T *ipiv; int32_T info; int32_T i59; int32_T b; int32_T j; int32_T mmj; int32_T c; ptrdiff_t n_t; ptrdiff_t incx_t; double * xix0_t; int32_T ix; boolean_T overflow; int32_T k; real_T temp; int32_T i60; boolean_T b_c; ptrdiff_t m_t; ptrdiff_t incy_t; ptrdiff_t lda_t; double * alpha1_t; double * Aia0_t; double * Aiy0_t; char_T DIAGA; char_T TRANSA; char_T UPLO; char_T SIDE; emlrtStack st; emlrtStack b_st; emlrtStack c_st; emlrtStack d_st; emlrtStack e_st; emlrtStack f_st; emlrtStack g_st; emlrtStack h_st; emlrtStack i_st; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; b_st.prev = &st; b_st.tls = st.tls; c_st.prev = &b_st; c_st.tls = b_st.tls; d_st.prev = &c_st; d_st.tls = c_st.tls; e_st.prev = &d_st; e_st.tls = d_st.tls; f_st.prev = &e_st; f_st.tls = e_st.tls; g_st.prev = &f_st; g_st.tls = f_st.tls; h_st.prev = &g_st; h_st.tls = g_st.tls; i_st.prev = &h_st; i_st.tls = h_st.tls; emlrtHeapReferenceStackEnterFcnR2012b(sp); emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_A, 2, &ob_emlrtRTEI, true); st.site = &ib_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &lb_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &nb_emlrtRSI; d_st.site = &ob_emlrtRSI; i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->size[0] = A->size[0]; b_A->size[1] = A->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)b_A, i58, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &ob_emlrtRTEI); iy = A->size[0] * A->size[1]; for (i58 = 0; i58 < iy; i58++) { b_A->data[i58] = A->data[i58]; } b_emxInit_int32_T(&d_st, &ipiv, 2, &ob_emlrtRTEI, true); e_st.site = &qb_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &rb_emlrtRSI; g_st.site = &sb_emlrtRSI; h_st.site = &tb_emlrtRSI; eml_signed_integer_colon(&h_st, muIntScalarMin_sint32(A->size[1], A->size[1]), ipiv); info = 0; if (A->size[1] < 1) { } else { i59 = A->size[1] - 1; b = muIntScalarMin_sint32(i59, A->size[1]); e_st.site = &pb_emlrtRSI; for (j = 1; j <= b; j++) { mmj = A->size[1] - j; c = (j - 1) * (A->size[1] + 1) + 1; e_st.site = &if_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &yb_emlrtRSI; if (mmj + 1 < 1) { iy = -1; } else { g_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI; h_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI; n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(mmj + 1); h_st.site = &ac_emlrtRSI; incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; xix0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(c, 1, i58, &je_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1]); incx_t = idamax(&n_t, xix0_t, &incx_t); iy = (int32_T)incx_t - 1; } if (b_A->data[(c + iy) - 1] != 0.0) { if (iy != 0) { ipiv->data[j - 1] = j + iy; e_st.site = &jf_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &bc_emlrtRSI; g_st.site = &cc_emlrtRSI; ix = j; iy += j; h_st.site = &dc_emlrtRSI; overflow = (A->size[1] > 2147483646); if (overflow) { i_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&i_st); } for (k = 1; k <= A->size[1]; k++) { i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; temp = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i58, &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1]; i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; i60 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i58, &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1] = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1, i60, &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1]; i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1, i58, &le_emlrtBCI, &g_st) - 1] = temp; ix += A->size[1]; iy += A->size[1]; } } iy = c + mmj; e_st.site = &kf_emlrtRSI; if (c + 1 > iy) { b_c = false; } else { b_c = (iy > 2147483646); } if (b_c) { f_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } for (k = c; k + 1 <= iy; k++) { b_A->data[k] /= b_A->data[c - 1]; } } else { info = j; } iy = A->size[1] - j; e_st.site = &lf_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &ec_emlrtRSI; g_st.site = &fc_emlrtRSI; if ((mmj < 1) || (iy < 1)) { } else { h_st.site = &gc_emlrtRSI; temp = -1.0; m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(mmj); n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(iy); incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1); incy_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; i60 = (c + A->size[1]) + 1; Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i60, 1, i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; xix0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(c + 1, 1, i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; i60 = c + A->size[1]; Aiy0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(i60, 1, i58, &ke_emlrtBCI, &h_st) - 1]); dger(&m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, xix0_t, &incx_t, Aiy0_t, &incy_t, Aia0_t, &lda_t); } } if ((info == 0) && (!(b_A->data[(A->size[1] + b_A->size[0] * (A->size[1] - 1)) - 1] != 0.0))) { info = A->size[1]; } } if (info > 0) { b_st.site = &mb_emlrtRSI; warn_singular(&b_st); } b_st.site = &yf_emlrtRSI; for (iy = 0; iy + 1 < A->size[1]; iy++) { if (ipiv->data[iy] != iy + 1) { temp = B->data[iy]; B->data[iy] = B->data[ipiv->data[iy] - 1]; B->data[ipiv->data[iy] - 1] = temp; } } emxFree_int32_T(&ipiv); b_st.site = &ag_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &ic_emlrtRSI; if (A->size[1] < 1) { } else { d_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; temp = 1.0; DIAGA = 'U'; TRANSA = 'N'; UPLO = 'L'; SIDE = 'L'; e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(1, 1, i58, &ie_emlrtBCI, &d_st); Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[0]); xix0_t = (double *)(&B->data[0]); alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp); dtrsm(&SIDE, &UPLO, &TRANSA, &DIAGA, &m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, Aia0_t, &lda_t, xix0_t, &incx_t); } b_st.site = &bg_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &ic_emlrtRSI; if (A->size[1] < 1) { } else { d_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; temp = 1.0; DIAGA = 'N'; TRANSA = 'N'; UPLO = 'U'; SIDE = 'L'; e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; m_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; lda_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); e_st.site = &jc_emlrtRSI; incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(A->size[1]); i58 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(1, 1, i58, &ie_emlrtBCI, &d_st); Aia0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[0]); xix0_t = (double *)(&B->data[0]); alpha1_t = (double *)(&temp); dtrsm(&SIDE, &UPLO, &TRANSA, &DIAGA, &m_t, &n_t, alpha1_t, Aia0_t, &lda_t, xix0_t, &incx_t); } emxFree_real_T(&b_A); emlrtHeapReferenceStackLeaveFcnR2012b(sp); }
static void c_eml_qrsolve(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_real_T *A, emxArray_real_T *B, emxArray_real_T *Y) { emxArray_real_T *b_A; emxArray_real_T *work; int32_T mn; int32_T i51; int32_T ix; emxArray_real_T *tau; emxArray_int32_T *jpvt; int32_T m; int32_T n; int32_T b_mn; emxArray_real_T *vn1; emxArray_real_T *vn2; int32_T k; boolean_T overflow; boolean_T b12; int32_T i; int32_T i_i; int32_T nmi; int32_T mmi; int32_T pvt; int32_T iy; boolean_T b13; real_T xnorm; int32_T i52; real_T atmp; real_T d16; boolean_T b14; boolean_T b_i; ptrdiff_t n_t; ptrdiff_t incx_t; double * xix0_t; boolean_T exitg1; const mxArray *y; static const int32_T iv78[2] = { 1, 8 }; const mxArray *m14; char_T cv76[8]; static const char_T cv77[8] = { '%', '%', '%', 'd', '.', '%', 'd', 'e' }; char_T cv78[14]; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; emlrtStack st; emlrtStack b_st; emlrtStack c_st; emlrtStack d_st; emlrtStack e_st; emlrtStack f_st; emlrtStack g_st; emlrtStack h_st; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; b_st.prev = &st; b_st.tls = st.tls; c_st.prev = &b_st; c_st.tls = b_st.tls; d_st.prev = &c_st; d_st.tls = c_st.tls; e_st.prev = &d_st; e_st.tls = d_st.tls; f_st.prev = &e_st; f_st.tls = e_st.tls; g_st.prev = &f_st; g_st.tls = f_st.tls; h_st.prev = &g_st; h_st.tls = g_st.tls; emlrtHeapReferenceStackEnterFcnR2012b(sp); emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_A, 2, &m_emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &work, 1, &rb_emlrtRTEI, true); mn = (int32_T)muDoubleScalarMin(A->size[0], A->size[1]); st.site = &mc_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &nc_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &oc_emlrtRSI; i51 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->size[0] = A->size[0]; b_A->size[1] = A->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)b_A, i51, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &m_emlrtRTEI); ix = A->size[0] * A->size[1]; for (i51 = 0; i51 < ix; i51++) { b_A->data[i51] = A->data[i51]; } b_emxInit_real_T(&c_st, &tau, 1, &m_emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_int32_T(&c_st, &jpvt, 2, &m_emlrtRTEI, true); m = b_A->size[0]; n = b_A->size[1]; b_mn = muIntScalarMin_sint32(b_A->size[0], b_A->size[1]); i51 = tau->size[0]; tau->size[0] = b_mn; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)tau, i51, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &n_emlrtRTEI); d_st.site = &mf_emlrtRSI; e_st.site = &rb_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &sb_emlrtRSI; g_st.site = &tb_emlrtRSI; eml_signed_integer_colon(&g_st, b_A->size[1], jpvt); if ((b_A->size[0] == 0) || (b_A->size[1] == 0)) { } else { ix = b_A->size[1]; i51 = work->size[0]; work->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)work, i51, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &m_emlrtRTEI); for (i51 = 0; i51 < ix; i51++) { work->data[i51] = 0.0; } b_emxInit_real_T(&c_st, &vn1, 1, &pb_emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(&c_st, &vn2, 1, &qb_emlrtRTEI, true); d_st.site = &tc_emlrtRSI; ix = b_A->size[1]; i51 = vn1->size[0]; vn1->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)vn1, i51, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &pb_emlrtRTEI); i51 = vn2->size[0]; vn2->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)vn2, i51, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &qb_emlrtRTEI); k = 1; d_st.site = &nf_emlrtRSI; overflow = (b_A->size[1] > 2147483646); if (overflow) { e_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (ix = 0; ix + 1 <= b_A->size[1]; ix++) { d_st.site = &sc_emlrtRSI; vn1->data[ix] = b_eml_xnrm2(&d_st, b_A->size[0], b_A, k); vn2->data[ix] = vn1->data[ix]; k += b_A->size[0]; } d_st.site = &rc_emlrtRSI; if (1 > b_mn) { b12 = false; } else { b12 = (b_mn > 2147483646); } if (b12) { e_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (i = 1; i <= b_mn; i++) { i_i = (i + (i - 1) * m) - 1; nmi = n - i; mmi = m - i; d_st.site = &of_emlrtRSI; ix = eml_ixamax(&d_st, 1 + nmi, vn1, i); pvt = (i + ix) - 2; if (pvt + 1 != i) { d_st.site = &pf_emlrtRSI; e_st.site = &bc_emlrtRSI; f_st.site = &cc_emlrtRSI; ix = 1 + m * pvt; iy = 1 + m * (i - 1); g_st.site = &dc_emlrtRSI; if (1 > m) { b13 = false; } else { b13 = (m > 2147483646); } if (b13) { h_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&h_st); } for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) { i51 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; xnorm = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i51, &le_emlrtBCI, &f_st) - 1]; i51 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; i52 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(ix, 1, i51, &le_emlrtBCI, &f_st) - 1] = b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1, i52, &le_emlrtBCI, &f_st) - 1]; i51 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b(iy, 1, i51, &le_emlrtBCI, &f_st) - 1] = xnorm; ix++; iy++; } ix = jpvt->data[pvt]; jpvt->data[pvt] = jpvt->data[i - 1]; jpvt->data[i - 1] = ix; vn1->data[pvt] = vn1->data[i - 1]; vn2->data[pvt] = vn2->data[i - 1]; } if (i < m) { d_st.site = &qc_emlrtRSI; atmp = b_A->data[i_i]; d16 = 0.0; if (1 + mmi <= 0) { } else { e_st.site = &wc_emlrtRSI; xnorm = b_eml_xnrm2(&e_st, mmi, b_A, i_i + 2); if (xnorm != 0.0) { xnorm = muDoubleScalarHypot(b_A->data[i_i], xnorm); if (b_A->data[i_i] >= 0.0) { xnorm = -xnorm; } if (muDoubleScalarAbs(xnorm) < 1.0020841800044864E-292) { ix = 0; do { ix++; e_st.site = &xc_emlrtRSI; b_eml_xscal(&e_st, mmi, 9.9792015476736E+291, b_A, i_i + 2); xnorm *= 9.9792015476736E+291; atmp *= 9.9792015476736E+291; } while (!(muDoubleScalarAbs(xnorm) >= 1.0020841800044864E-292)); e_st.site = &yc_emlrtRSI; xnorm = b_eml_xnrm2(&e_st, mmi, b_A, i_i + 2); xnorm = muDoubleScalarHypot(atmp, xnorm); if (atmp >= 0.0) { xnorm = -xnorm; } d16 = (xnorm - atmp) / xnorm; e_st.site = &ad_emlrtRSI; b_eml_xscal(&e_st, mmi, 1.0 / (atmp - xnorm), b_A, i_i + 2); e_st.site = &bd_emlrtRSI; if (1 > ix) { b14 = false; } else { b14 = (ix > 2147483646); } if (b14) { f_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } for (k = 1; k <= ix; k++) { xnorm *= 1.0020841800044864E-292; } atmp = xnorm; } else { d16 = (xnorm - b_A->data[i_i]) / xnorm; atmp = 1.0 / (b_A->data[i_i] - xnorm); e_st.site = &cd_emlrtRSI; b_eml_xscal(&e_st, mmi, atmp, b_A, i_i + 2); atmp = xnorm; } } } tau->data[i - 1] = d16; } else { atmp = b_A->data[i_i]; d_st.site = &pc_emlrtRSI; tau->data[i - 1] = eml_matlab_zlarfg(); } b_A->data[i_i] = atmp; if (i < n) { atmp = b_A->data[i_i]; b_A->data[i_i] = 1.0; d_st.site = &qf_emlrtRSI; eml_matlab_zlarf(&d_st, mmi + 1, nmi, i_i + 1, tau->data[i - 1], b_A, i + i * m, m, work); b_A->data[i_i] = atmp; } d_st.site = &rf_emlrtRSI; if (i + 1 > n) { b_i = false; } else { b_i = (n > 2147483646); } if (b_i) { e_st.site = &db_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (ix = i; ix + 1 <= n; ix++) { if (vn1->data[ix] != 0.0) { xnorm = muDoubleScalarAbs(b_A->data[(i + b_A->size[0] * ix) - 1]) / vn1->data[ix]; xnorm = 1.0 - xnorm * xnorm; if (xnorm < 0.0) { xnorm = 0.0; } atmp = vn1->data[ix] / vn2->data[ix]; atmp = xnorm * (atmp * atmp); if (atmp <= 1.4901161193847656E-8) { if (i < m) { d_st.site = &sf_emlrtRSI; e_st.site = &uc_emlrtRSI; if (mmi < 1) { xnorm = 0.0; } else { f_st.site = &vc_emlrtRSI; g_st.site = &vc_emlrtRSI; n_t = (ptrdiff_t)(mmi); g_st.site = &vc_emlrtRSI; incx_t = (ptrdiff_t)(1); i51 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; i52 = (i + m * ix) + 1; xix0_t = (double *)(&b_A->data[emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckFastR2012b (i52, 1, i51, &vb_emlrtBCI, &f_st) - 1]); xnorm = dnrm2(&n_t, xix0_t, &incx_t); } vn1->data[ix] = xnorm; vn2->data[ix] = vn1->data[ix]; } else { vn1->data[ix] = 0.0; vn2->data[ix] = 0.0; } } else { d_st.site = &tf_emlrtRSI; vn1->data[ix] *= muDoubleScalarSqrt(xnorm); } } } } emxFree_real_T(&vn2); emxFree_real_T(&vn1); } atmp = 0.0; if (mn > 0) { xnorm = muDoubleScalarMax(A->size[0], A->size[1]) * muDoubleScalarAbs (b_A->data[0]) * 2.2204460492503131E-16; k = 0; exitg1 = false; while ((!exitg1) && (k <= mn - 1)) { if (muDoubleScalarAbs(b_A->data[k + b_A->size[0] * k]) <= xnorm) { st.site = &lc_emlrtRSI; y = NULL; m14 = emlrtCreateCharArray(2, iv78); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cv76[i] = cv77[i]; } emlrtInitCharArrayR2013a(&st, 8, m14, cv76); emlrtAssign(&y, m14); b_st.site = &tg_emlrtRSI; emlrt_marshallIn(&b_st, c_sprintf(&b_st, b_sprintf(&b_st, y, emlrt_marshallOut(14.0), emlrt_marshallOut(6.0), &o_emlrtMCI), emlrt_marshallOut(xnorm), &p_emlrtMCI), "sprintf", cv78); st.site = &kc_emlrtRSI; b_eml_warning(&st, atmp, cv78); exitg1 = true; } else { atmp++; k++; } } } unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)A->size[1]; i51 = Y->size[0]; Y->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)Y, i51, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &m_emlrtRTEI); ix = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; for (i51 = 0; i51 < ix; i51++) { Y->data[i51] = 0.0; } for (ix = 0; ix < mn; ix++) { if (tau->data[ix] != 0.0) { xnorm = B->data[ix]; i51 = A->size[0] + (int32_T)(1.0 - ((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0)); emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0, 1.0, A->size[0], mxDOUBLE_CLASS, i51, &ac_emlrtRTEI, sp); for (i = 0; i < i51; i++) { unnamed_idx_0 = ((uint32_T)ix + i) + 2U; xnorm += b_A->data[((int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 + b_A->size[0] * ix) - 1] * B->data[(int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 - 1]; } xnorm *= tau->data[ix]; if (xnorm != 0.0) { B->data[ix] -= xnorm; i51 = A->size[0] + (int32_T)(1.0 - ((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0)); emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0, 1.0, A->size[0], mxDOUBLE_CLASS, i51, &yb_emlrtRTEI, sp); for (i = 0; i < i51; i++) { unnamed_idx_0 = ((uint32_T)ix + i) + 2U; B->data[(int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 - 1] -= b_A->data[((int32_T) unnamed_idx_0 + b_A->size[0] * ix) - 1] * xnorm; } } } } emxFree_real_T(&tau); emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(1.0, 1.0, atmp, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T)atmp, &xb_emlrtRTEI, sp); for (i = 0; i < (int32_T)atmp; i++) { Y->data[jpvt->data[i] - 1] = B->data[i]; } emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(atmp, -1.0, 1.0, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T)-(1.0 + (-1.0 - atmp)), &wb_emlrtRTEI, sp); for (ix = 0; ix < (int32_T)-(1.0 + (-1.0 - atmp)); ix++) { xnorm = atmp + -(real_T)ix; Y->data[jpvt->data[(int32_T)xnorm - 1] - 1] = eml_div(Y->data[jpvt->data [(int32_T)xnorm - 1] - 1], b_A->data[((int32_T)xnorm + b_A->size[0] * ((int32_T)xnorm - 1)) - 1]); for (i = 0; i < (int32_T)(xnorm - 1.0); i++) { Y->data[jpvt->data[i] - 1] -= Y->data[jpvt->data[(int32_T)xnorm - 1] - 1] * b_A->data[i + b_A->size[0] * ((int32_T)xnorm - 1)]; } } emxFree_int32_T(&jpvt); emxFree_real_T(&work); emxFree_real_T(&b_A); emlrtHeapReferenceStackLeaveFcnR2012b(sp); }
/* Function Definitions */ void MechanicalPointForce(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_real_T *particlePosition, const emxArray_real_T *pointSourcePosition, real_T forceDirection, real_T forceMagnitude, real_T cutoff, emxArray_real_T *force) { uint32_T sz[2]; int32_T ix; emxArray_real_T *forceTemp; int32_T loop_ub; emxArray_real_T *forceMag; int32_T vlen; int32_T sIdx; emxArray_real_T *forceDir; emxArray_real_T *distToSource; emxArray_int32_T *r0; emxArray_boolean_T *r1; emxArray_int32_T *r2; emxArray_real_T *x; emxArray_real_T *b_x; emxArray_real_T *r3; emxArray_real_T *r4; emxArray_real_T *b_pointSourcePosition; emxArray_real_T *b_forceDir; emxArray_real_T *c_forceDir; int32_T k; int32_T vstride; int32_T iy; int32_T ixstart; boolean_T overflow; real_T s; boolean_T b0; uint32_T varargin_2[2]; boolean_T p; boolean_T exitg1; int32_T iv0[1]; int32_T iv1[2]; int32_T b_force[2]; int32_T iv2[1]; int32_T b_iy; int32_T c_iy; int32_T b_forceTemp[2]; emlrtStack st; emlrtStack b_st; emlrtStack c_st; emlrtStack d_st; emlrtStack e_st; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; b_st.prev = &st; b_st.tls = st.tls; c_st.prev = &b_st; c_st.tls = b_st.tls; d_st.prev = &c_st; d_st.tls = c_st.tls; e_st.prev = &d_st; e_st.tls = d_st.tls; emlrtHeapReferenceStackEnterFcnR2012b(sp); /* apply mechanical (push or pull) force on particles */ /* mechanicalForce is a logical flag */ /* particlPosition is a N by 3 vector of particle position */ /* pointSourcePosition is the position of force sources */ /* forceDirection is either -1 for 'in' or 1 for 'out' */ /* forceMagnitude is a positive number between 0 and 1 */ /* cutoff is the maximal direction the force operates on particle relative */ /* to the pointSourcePosition */ /* the output is a vector of N by 3 of delta position to th */ for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { sz[ix] = (uint32_T)particlePosition->size[ix]; } emxInit_real_T(sp, &forceTemp, 2, &c_emlrtRTEI, true); ix = forceTemp->size[0] * forceTemp->size[1]; forceTemp->size[0] = (int32_T)sz[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceTemp, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); ix = forceTemp->size[0] * forceTemp->size[1]; forceTemp->size[1] = (int32_T)sz[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceTemp, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = (int32_T)sz[0] * (int32_T)sz[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceTemp->data[ix] = 0.0; } for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { sz[ix] = (uint32_T)particlePosition->size[ix]; } ix = force->size[0] * force->size[1]; force->size[0] = (int32_T)sz[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)force, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); ix = force->size[0] * force->size[1]; force->size[1] = (int32_T)sz[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)force, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = (int32_T)sz[0] * (int32_T)sz[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { force->data[ix] = 0.0; } emxInit_real_T(sp, &forceMag, 2, &d_emlrtRTEI, true); vlen = particlePosition->size[0]; ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); vlen = particlePosition->size[0]; ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[1] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = particlePosition->size[0] * particlePosition->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceMag->data[ix] = 0.0; } sIdx = 0; emxInit_real_T(sp, &forceDir, 2, &e_emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &distToSource, 1, &f_emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_int32_T(sp, &r0, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_boolean_T(sp, &r1, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_int32_T(sp, &r2, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_real_T(sp, &x, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_x, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &r3, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &r4, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_pointSourcePosition, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); b_emxInit_real_T(sp, &b_forceDir, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_real_T(sp, &c_forceDir, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); while (sIdx <= pointSourcePosition->size[0] - 1) { loop_ub = pointSourcePosition->size[1]; ix = pointSourcePosition->size[0]; if ((sIdx + 1 >= 1) && (sIdx + 1 < ix)) { vlen = sIdx + 1; } else { vlen = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(sIdx + 1, 1, ix, (emlrtBCInfo *) &e_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = b_pointSourcePosition->size[0] * b_pointSourcePosition->size[1]; b_pointSourcePosition->size[0] = 1; b_pointSourcePosition->size[1] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)b_pointSourcePosition, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { b_pointSourcePosition->data[b_pointSourcePosition->size[0] * ix] = pointSourcePosition->data[(vlen + pointSourcePosition->size[0] * ix) - 1]; } st.site = &emlrtRSI; bsxfun(&st, particlePosition, b_pointSourcePosition, forceDir); /* Find the distance between the particles and the source */ st.site = &b_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &h_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &i_emlrtRSI; d_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI; for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { sz[ix] = (uint32_T)forceDir->size[ix]; } ix = x->size[0] * x->size[1]; x->size[0] = (int32_T)sz[0]; x->size[1] = (int32_T)sz[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &b_emlrtRTEI); if (dimagree(x, forceDir)) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&d_st, &b_emlrtRTEI, "MATLAB:dimagree", 0); } ix = (int32_T)sz[0] * (int32_T)sz[1]; for (k = 0; k < ix; k++) { x->data[k] = forceDir->data[k] * forceDir->data[k]; } st.site = &b_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { sz[ix] = (uint32_T)x->size[ix]; } ix = b_x->size[0]; b_x->size[0] = (int32_T)sz[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)b_x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); if ((x->size[0] == 0) || (x->size[1] == 0)) { ix = b_x->size[0]; b_x->size[0] = (int32_T)sz[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)b_x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = (int32_T)sz[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { b_x->data[ix] = 0.0; } } else { vlen = x->size[1]; vstride = x->size[0]; iy = -1; ixstart = -1; d_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI; overflow = (x->size[0] > 2147483646); if (overflow) { e_st.site = &g_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (loop_ub = 1; loop_ub <= vstride; loop_ub++) { ixstart++; ix = ixstart; s = x->data[ixstart]; d_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI; if (2 > vlen) { b0 = false; } else { b0 = (vlen > 2147483646); } if (b0) { e_st.site = &g_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (k = 2; k <= vlen; k++) { ix += vstride; s += x->data[ix]; } iy++; b_x->data[iy] = s; } } st.site = &b_emlrtRSI; ix = distToSource->size[0]; distToSource->size[0] = b_x->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)distToSource, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = b_x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { distToSource->data[ix] = b_x->data[ix]; } for (k = 0; k < b_x->size[0]; k++) { if (b_x->data[k] < 0.0) { b_st.site = &o_emlrtRSI; eml_error(&b_st); } } for (k = 0; k < b_x->size[0]; k++) { distToSource->data[k] = muDoubleScalarSqrt(distToSource->data[k]); } /* Normalize the forceDirection */ iy = 0; while (iy < 3) { loop_ub = forceDir->size[0]; ix = r2->size[0]; r2->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r2, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { r2->data[ix] = ix; } ix = forceDir->size[1]; ixstart = 1 + iy; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(ixstart, 1, ix, (emlrtBCInfo *)&c_emlrtBCI, sp); st.site = &c_emlrtRSI; ix = forceDir->size[1]; ixstart = 1 + iy; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(ixstart, 1, ix, (emlrtBCInfo *)&d_emlrtBCI, &st); ix = forceDir->size[0]; sz[0] = (uint32_T)ix; sz[1] = 1U; varargin_2[0] = (uint32_T)distToSource->size[0]; varargin_2[1] = 1U; overflow = false; p = true; k = 0; exitg1 = false; while ((!exitg1) && (k < 2)) { if (!((int32_T)sz[k] == (int32_T)varargin_2[k])) { p = false; exitg1 = true; } else { k++; } } if (!p) { } else { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&st, &l_emlrtRTEI, "MATLAB:dimagree", 0); } loop_ub = forceDir->size[0]; ix = b_x->size[0]; b_x->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)b_x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { b_x->data[ix] = forceDir->data[ix + forceDir->size[0] * iy] / distToSource->data[ix]; } iv0[0] = r2->size[0]; emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv0, 1, *(int32_T (*)[1])b_x->size, 1, (emlrtECInfo *)&d_emlrtECI, sp); loop_ub = b_x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceDir->data[r2->data[ix] + forceDir->size[0] * iy] = b_x->data[ix]; } /* bsxfun(@rdivide,forceDir,distToSource); */ iy++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } /* Multiply the */ if (forceDirection == -1.0) { ix = r4->size[0]; r4->size[0] = distToSource->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r4, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = distToSource->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { r4->data[ix] = 1.0 + distToSource->data[ix]; } rdivide(sp, forceMagnitude, r4, b_x); vlen = b_x->size[0]; ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[1] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = b_x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceMag->data[ix] = 1.0 - b_x->data[ix]; } } else { if (forceDirection == 1.0) { ix = r3->size[0]; r3->size[0] = distToSource->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r3, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = distToSource->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { r3->data[ix] = 1.0 + distToSource->data[ix]; } rdivide(sp, forceMagnitude, r3, b_x); vlen = b_x->size[0]; ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); ix = forceMag->size[0] * forceMag->size[1]; forceMag->size[1] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)forceMag, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = b_x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceMag->data[ix] = b_x->data[ix]; } } } iy = 0; while (iy < 3) { ix = forceDir->size[1]; ixstart = 1 + iy; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(ixstart, 1, ix, (emlrtBCInfo *)&b_emlrtBCI, sp); ix = forceDir->size[0]; iv1[0] = ix; iv1[1] = 1; for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { b_force[ix] = forceMag->size[ix]; } if ((iv1[0] != b_force[0]) || (1 != b_force[1])) { emlrtSizeEqCheckNDR2012b(iv1, b_force, (emlrtECInfo *)&c_emlrtECI, sp); } loop_ub = forceTemp->size[0]; ix = r2->size[0]; r2->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r2, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { r2->data[ix] = ix; } ix = forceTemp->size[1]; ixstart = 1 + iy; emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(ixstart, 1, ix, (emlrtBCInfo *)&emlrtBCI, sp); loop_ub = forceDir->size[0]; vlen = forceDir->size[0]; vstride = forceDir->size[0]; ix = b_forceDir->size[0]; b_forceDir->size[0] = vstride; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)b_forceDir, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < vstride; ix++) { b_forceDir->data[ix] = forceDir->data[ix + forceDir->size[0] * iy]; } ix = c_forceDir->size[0] * c_forceDir->size[1]; c_forceDir->size[0] = loop_ub; c_forceDir->size[1] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)c_forceDir, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { c_forceDir->data[ix] = b_forceDir->data[ix]; } ix = b_x->size[0]; b_x->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)b_x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < vlen; ix++) { b_x->data[ix] = c_forceDir->data[ix] * forceMag->data[ix]; } iv2[0] = r2->size[0]; emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv2, 1, *(int32_T (*)[1])b_x->size, 1, (emlrtECInfo *)&b_emlrtECI, sp); loop_ub = b_x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { forceTemp->data[r2->data[ix] + forceTemp->size[0] * iy] = b_x->data[ix]; } /* bsxfun(@times,forceDir,forceTemp); */ iy++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } iy = distToSource->size[0] - 1; vlen = 0; for (vstride = 0; vstride <= iy; vstride++) { if (distToSource->data[vstride] > cutoff) { vlen++; } } ix = r2->size[0]; r2->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r2, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); vlen = 0; for (vstride = 0; vstride <= iy; vstride++) { if (distToSource->data[vstride] > cutoff) { r2->data[vlen] = vstride + 1; vlen++; } } loop_ub = forceTemp->size[1]; vstride = forceTemp->size[0]; vlen = r2->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { for (ixstart = 0; ixstart < vlen; ixstart++) { iy = r2->data[ixstart]; if ((iy >= 1) && (iy < vstride)) { b_iy = iy; } else { b_iy = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(iy, 1, vstride, (emlrtBCInfo *) &f_emlrtBCI, sp); } forceTemp->data[(b_iy + forceTemp->size[0] * ix) - 1] = 0.0; } } ix = r1->size[0] * r1->size[1]; r1->size[0] = forceTemp->size[0]; r1->size[1] = forceTemp->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r1, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); loop_ub = forceTemp->size[0] * forceTemp->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { r1->data[ix] = muDoubleScalarIsNaN(forceTemp->data[ix]); } iy = r1->size[0] * r1->size[1] - 1; vlen = 0; for (vstride = 0; vstride <= iy; vstride++) { if (r1->data[vstride]) { vlen++; } } ix = r0->size[0]; r0->size[0] = vlen; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r0, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); vlen = 0; for (vstride = 0; vstride <= iy; vstride++) { if (r1->data[vstride]) { r0->data[vlen] = vstride + 1; vlen++; } } vstride = forceTemp->size[0]; vlen = forceTemp->size[1]; loop_ub = r0->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { ixstart = vstride * vlen; iy = r0->data[ix]; if ((iy >= 1) && (iy < ixstart)) { c_iy = iy; } else { c_iy = emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(iy, 1, ixstart, (emlrtBCInfo *) &g_emlrtBCI, sp); } forceTemp->data[c_iy - 1] = 0.0; } for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { b_force[ix] = force->size[ix]; } for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { b_forceTemp[ix] = forceTemp->size[ix]; } if ((b_force[0] != b_forceTemp[0]) || (b_force[1] != b_forceTemp[1])) { emlrtSizeEqCheckNDR2012b(b_force, b_forceTemp, (emlrtECInfo *)&emlrtECI, sp); } ix = force->size[0] * force->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)force, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); vlen = force->size[0]; vstride = force->size[1]; loop_ub = vlen * vstride; for (ix = 0; ix < loop_ub; ix++) { force->data[ix] += forceTemp->data[ix]; } sIdx++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } emxFree_real_T(&c_forceDir); emxFree_real_T(&b_forceDir); emxFree_real_T(&b_pointSourcePosition); emxFree_real_T(&r4); emxFree_real_T(&r3); emxFree_real_T(&b_x); emxFree_real_T(&x); emxFree_int32_T(&r2); emxFree_boolean_T(&r1); emxFree_int32_T(&r0); emxFree_real_T(&distToSource); emxFree_real_T(&forceDir); emxFree_real_T(&forceMag); emxFree_real_T(&forceTemp); emlrtHeapReferenceStackLeaveFcnR2012b(sp); }
/* * function offsetcost = equateoffsetcost(pathqi) */ void equateoffsetcost(const emxArray_real_T *pathqi, emxArray_real_T *offsetcost) { emxArray_real_T *b_pathqi; int32_T n; int32_T c_pathqi; int32_T ixstart; uint32_T uv0[2]; int32_T k; emxArray_int32_T *r75; int32_T exitg3; real_T mtmp; real_T b_mtmp; boolean_T exitg2; boolean_T exitg1; b_emxInit_real_T(&b_pathqi, 2); /* UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here */ /* Detailed explanation goes here */ /* 'equateoffsetcost:6' pathoffsetcost = abs(pathqi(end,:)); */ n = pathqi->size[1]; c_pathqi = pathqi->size[0]; ixstart = b_pathqi->size[0] * b_pathqi->size[1]; b_pathqi->size[0] = 1; b_pathqi->size[1] = n; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_pathqi, ixstart, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T)); ixstart = n - 1; for (n = 0; n <= ixstart; n++) { b_pathqi->data[b_pathqi->size[0] * n] = pathqi->data[(c_pathqi + pathqi->size[0] * n) - 1]; } for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { uv0[n] = (uint32_T)b_pathqi->size[n]; } emxFree_real_T(&b_pathqi); n = offsetcost->size[0] * offsetcost->size[1]; offsetcost->size[0] = 1; offsetcost->size[1] = (int32_T)uv0[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)offsetcost, n, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); k = 0; b_emxInit_int32_T(&r75, 1); do { exitg3 = 0; n = pathqi->size[1]; ixstart = r75->size[0]; r75->size[0] = n; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r75, ixstart, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); ixstart = n - 1; for (n = 0; n <= ixstart; n++) { r75->data[n] = 1 + n; } if (k <= r75->size[0] - 1) { c_pathqi = pathqi->size[0]; mtmp = pathqi->data[(c_pathqi + pathqi->size[0] * k) - 1]; offsetcost->data[k] = fabs(mtmp); k++; } else { exitg3 = 1; } } while (exitg3 == 0U); emxFree_int32_T(&r75); /* 'equateoffsetcost:8' minoffsetcost = min(pathoffsetcost); */ ixstart = 1; n = offsetcost->size[1]; b_mtmp = offsetcost->data[0]; if (n > 1) { if (rtIsNaN(offsetcost->data[0])) { c_pathqi = 2; exitg2 = FALSE; while ((exitg2 == 0U) && (c_pathqi <= n)) { ixstart = c_pathqi; if (!rtIsNaN(offsetcost->data[c_pathqi - 1])) { b_mtmp = offsetcost->data[c_pathqi - 1]; exitg2 = TRUE; } else { c_pathqi++; } } } if (ixstart < n) { while (ixstart + 1 <= n) { if (offsetcost->data[ixstart] < b_mtmp) { b_mtmp = offsetcost->data[ixstart]; } ixstart++; } } } /* 'equateoffsetcost:9' maxoffsetcost = max(pathoffsetcost); */ ixstart = 1; n = offsetcost->size[1]; mtmp = offsetcost->data[0]; if (n > 1) { if (rtIsNaN(offsetcost->data[0])) { c_pathqi = 2; exitg1 = FALSE; while ((exitg1 == 0U) && (c_pathqi <= n)) { ixstart = c_pathqi; if (!rtIsNaN(offsetcost->data[c_pathqi - 1])) { mtmp = offsetcost->data[c_pathqi - 1]; exitg1 = TRUE; } else { c_pathqi++; } } } if (ixstart < n) { while (ixstart + 1 <= n) { if (offsetcost->data[ixstart] > mtmp) { mtmp = offsetcost->data[ixstart]; } ixstart++; } } } /* 'equateoffsetcost:10' offsetcost = (pathoffsetcost-minoffsetcost)*(1/(maxoffsetcost - minoffsetcost)); */ mtmp = 1.0 / (mtmp - b_mtmp); n = offsetcost->size[0] * offsetcost->size[1]; offsetcost->size[0] = 1; offsetcost->size[1] = offsetcost->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)offsetcost, n, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ixstart = offsetcost->size[0]; n = offsetcost->size[1]; ixstart = ixstart * n - 1; for (n = 0; n <= ixstart; n++) { offsetcost->data[n] = (offsetcost->data[n] - b_mtmp) * mtmp; } }
/* * 计算肯德尔系数 * data1;data2均为一列数据 * Arguments : const emxArray_real_T *data1 * const emxArray_real_T *data2 * double limit_min1 * double limit_min2 * Return Type : double */ double Kendall(const emxArray_real_T *data1, const emxArray_real_T *data2, double limit_min1, double limit_min2) { double R; int row; emxArray_real_T *sample1; int i2; int loop_ub; unsigned int mm; int ii; emxArray_real_T *sample; int m; emxArray_int32_T *b_ii; emxArray_int32_T *iwork; int i; int j; int pEnd; int p; int q; int qEnd; int kEnd; emxArray_real_T *nozero; unsigned int sample_idx_0; double P; int aa; int bb; if (data1->size[0] <= data2->size[0]) { row = data1->size[0]; } else { row = data2->size[0]; } emxInit_real_T(&sample1, 2); i2 = sample1->size[0] * sample1->size[1]; sample1->size[0] = row; sample1->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)sample1, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); loop_ub = row << 1; for (i2 = 0; i2 < loop_ub; i2++) { sample1->data[i2] = 0.0; } mm = 0U; for (ii = 0; ii < row; ii++) { if ((data1->data[ii] < limit_min1) || (data2->data[ii] < limit_min2) || rtIsNaN(data1->data[ii]) || rtIsNaN(data2->data[ii])) { } else { mm++; sample1->data[(int)mm - 1] = data1->data[ii]; sample1->data[((int)mm + sample1->size[0]) - 1] = data2->data[ii]; } } if (1 > (int)mm) { loop_ub = 0; } else { loop_ub = (int)mm; } emxInit_real_T(&sample, 2); /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* 计算Kendall(肯德尔)秩相关系数,用于二维最大熵函数的拟合 */ i2 = sample->size[0] * sample->size[1]; sample->size[0] = loop_ub; sample->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)sample, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); for (i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++) { for (m = 0; m < loop_ub; m++) { sample->data[m + sample->size[0] * i2] = sample1->data[m + sample1->size[0] * i2]; } } emxFree_real_T(&sample1); emxInit_int32_T(&b_ii, 1); i2 = b_ii->size[0]; b_ii->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_ii, i2, (int)sizeof(int)); for (i2 = 0; i2 < loop_ub; i2++) { b_ii->data[i2] = 0; } if (loop_ub == 0) { } else { emxInit_int32_T(&iwork, 1); i2 = iwork->size[0]; iwork->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)iwork, i2, (int)sizeof(int)); for (m = 1; m <= loop_ub - 1; m += 2) { if (sortLE(sample, m, m + 1)) { b_ii->data[m - 1] = m; b_ii->data[m] = m + 1; } else { b_ii->data[m - 1] = m + 1; b_ii->data[m] = m; } } if ((loop_ub & 1) != 0) { b_ii->data[loop_ub - 1] = loop_ub; } i = 2; while (i < loop_ub) { i2 = i << 1; j = 1; for (pEnd = 1 + i; pEnd < loop_ub + 1; pEnd = qEnd + i) { p = j; q = pEnd; qEnd = j + i2; if (qEnd > loop_ub + 1) { qEnd = loop_ub + 1; } m = 0; kEnd = qEnd - j; while (m + 1 <= kEnd) { if (sortLE(sample, b_ii->data[p - 1], b_ii->data[q - 1])) { iwork->data[m] = b_ii->data[p - 1]; p++; if (p == pEnd) { while (q < qEnd) { m++; iwork->data[m] = b_ii->data[q - 1]; q++; } } } else { iwork->data[m] = b_ii->data[q - 1]; q++; if (q == qEnd) { while (p < pEnd) { m++; iwork->data[m] = b_ii->data[p - 1]; p++; } } } m++; } for (m = 0; m + 1 <= kEnd; m++) { b_ii->data[(j + m) - 1] = iwork->data[m]; } j = qEnd; } i = i2; } emxFree_int32_T(&iwork); } emxInit_real_T1(&nozero, 1); m = sample->size[0]; sample_idx_0 = (unsigned int)sample->size[0]; i2 = nozero->size[0]; nozero->size[0] = (int)sample_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)nozero, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (i = 0; i + 1 <= m; i++) { nozero->data[i] = sample->data[(b_ii->data[i] + sample->size[0] * j) - 1]; } for (i = 0; i + 1 <= m; i++) { sample->data[i + sample->size[0] * j] = nozero->data[i]; } } emxFree_int32_T(&b_ii); emxFree_real_T(&nozero); /* 按波高为关键值,对波高和周期的组合进行排序 */ P = 0.0; for (aa = 0; aa < loop_ub; aa++) { i2 = loop_ub + (int)(1.0 - ((1.0 + (double)aa) + 1.0)); for (bb = 0; bb < i2; bb++) { if (sample->data[aa + sample->size[0]] <= sample->data[((int)((unsigned int)aa + bb) + sample->size[0]) + 1]) { P++; } } } emxFree_real_T(&sample); R = 4.0 * P / ((double)loop_ub * ((double)loop_ub - 1.0)) - 1.0; /* Kendall(肯德尔)秩相关系数 */ return R; }
/* Function Definitions */ void features_bta(const emxArray_real_T *tap, double ft[2]) { int i12; emxArray_real_T *t; int loop_ub; double tapdt; emxArray_real_T *tapx; emxArray_real_T *dx; emxArray_boolean_T *i; emxArray_int32_T *r12; double tapiqr; /* Computes basic tapping test features. */ /* Inputs: */ /* tap - tapping data vector: tap(:,1) - time points, */ /* tap(:,2:3) - X,Y touch screen coordinates */ /* */ /* (CC BY-SA 3.0) Max Little, 2014 */ /* Output feature vector */ for (i12 = 0; i12 < 2; i12++) { ft[i12] = rtNaN; } /* Ignore zero-length inputs */ if (tap->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_emxInit_real_T(&t, 1); /* Calculate relative time */ loop_ub = tap->size[0]; tapdt = tap->data[0]; i12 = t->size[0]; t->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)t, i12, (int)sizeof(double)); for (i12 = 0; i12 < loop_ub; i12++) { t->data[i12] = tap->data[i12] - tapdt; } b_emxInit_real_T(&tapx, 1); /* X,Y offset */ loop_ub = tap->size[0]; i12 = tapx->size[0]; tapx->size[0] = loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)tapx, i12, (int)sizeof(double)); for (i12 = 0; i12 < loop_ub; i12++) { tapx->data[i12] = tap->data[i12 + tap->size[0]]; } tapdt = mean(tapx); i12 = tapx->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)tapx, i12, (int)sizeof(double)); loop_ub = tapx->size[0]; for (i12 = 0; i12 < loop_ub; i12++) { tapx->data[i12] -= tapdt; } b_emxInit_real_T(&dx, 1); emxInit_boolean_T(&i, 1); /* Find left/right finger 'depress' events */ diff(tapx, dx); b_abs(dx, tapx); i12 = i->size[0]; i->size[0] = tapx->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)i, i12, (int)sizeof(boolean_T)); loop_ub = tapx->size[0]; for (i12 = 0; i12 < loop_ub; i12++) { i->data[i12] = (tapx->data[i12] > 20.0); } emxInit_int32_T(&r12, 1); eml_li_find(i, r12); i12 = dx->size[0]; dx->size[0] = r12->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)dx, i12, (int)sizeof(double)); loop_ub = r12->size[0]; emxFree_boolean_T(&i); for (i12 = 0; i12 < loop_ub; i12++) { dx->data[i12] = t->data[r12->data[i12] - 1]; } emxFree_int32_T(&r12); emxFree_real_T(&t); /* Find depress event intervals */ diff(dx, tapx); /* Median and spread of tapping rate */ emxFree_real_T(&dx); if (tapx->size[0] == 0) { tapdt = rtNaN; } else { tapdt = vectormedian(tapx); } tapiqr = iqr(tapx); /* Output tapping test feature vector */ ft[0] = tapdt; ft[1] = tapiqr; emxFree_real_T(&tapx); } }
void mldivide(const emxArray_real_T *A, emxArray_real_T *B) { emxArray_real_T *Y; emxArray_real_T *b_B; int32_T n; int32_T i17; int32_T jy; emxArray_int32_T *ipiv; int32_T ldap1; int32_T u0; int32_T j; int32_T mmj; int32_T jj; int32_T jp1j; int32_T c; int32_T ix; real_T temp; int32_T k; real_T s; int32_T jA; emxArray_real_T *r77; emxInit_real_T(&Y, 1); if (A->size[0] == A->size[1]) { b_emxInit_real_T(&b_B, 2); n = A->size[1]; i17 = b_B->size[0] * b_B->size[1]; b_B->size[0] = A->size[0]; b_B->size[1] = A->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_B, i17, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); jy = A->size[0] * A->size[1] - 1; for (i17 = 0; i17 <= jy; i17++) { b_B->data[i17] = A->data[i17]; } emxInit_int32_T(&ipiv, 2); eml_signed_integer_colon(n, ipiv); ldap1 = n + 1; u0 = n - 1; if (u0 <= n) { } else { u0 = n; } for (j = 1; j <= u0; j++) { mmj = n - j; jj = (j - 1) * ldap1; jp1j = jj + 2; c = mmj + 1; if (c < 1) { jy = 0; } else { jy = 1; if (c > 1) { ix = jj; temp = fabs(b_B->data[jj]); for (k = 2; k <= c; k++) { ix++; s = fabs(b_B->data[ix]); if (s > temp) { jy = k; temp = s; } } } } if (b_B->data[(jj + jy) - 1] != 0.0) { if (jy - 1 != 0) { ipiv->data[j - 1] = (j + jy) - 1; eml_xswap(n, b_B, j, n, (j + jy) - 1, n); } i17 = (jp1j + mmj) - 1; for (jy = jp1j; jy <= i17; jy++) { b_B->data[jy - 1] /= b_B->data[jj]; } } c = n - j; jA = jj + ldap1; jy = jj + n; for (k = 1; k <= c; k++) { temp = b_B->data[jy]; if (b_B->data[jy] != 0.0) { ix = jp1j; i17 = mmj + jA; for (jj = jA; jj + 1 <= i17; jj++) { b_B->data[jj] += b_B->data[ix - 1] * -temp; ix++; } } jy += n; jA += n; } } for (jy = 0; jy + 1 <= n; jy++) { if (ipiv->data[jy] != jy + 1) { temp = B->data[jy]; B->data[jy] = B->data[ipiv->data[jy] - 1]; B->data[ipiv->data[jy] - 1] = temp; } } emxFree_int32_T(&ipiv); for (k = 0; k + 1 <= n; k++) { c = n * k; if (B->data[k] != 0.0) { for (jy = k + 2; jy <= n; jy++) { B->data[jy - 1] -= B->data[k] * b_B->data[(jy + c) - 1]; } } } for (k = n - 1; k + 1 > 0; k--) { c = n * k; if (B->data[k] != 0.0) { B->data[k] /= b_B->data[k + c]; for (jy = 1; jy <= k; jy++) { B->data[jy - 1] -= B->data[k] * b_B->data[(jy + c) - 1]; } } } emxFree_real_T(&b_B); } else { emxInit_real_T(&b_B, 1); i17 = b_B->size[0]; b_B->size[0] = B->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_B, i17, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); jy = B->size[0] - 1; for (i17 = 0; i17 <= jy; i17++) { b_B->data[i17] = B->data[i17]; } emxInit_real_T(&r77, 1); eml_qrsolve(A, b_B, r77); i17 = B->size[0]; B->size[0] = r77->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)B, i17, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); emxFree_real_T(&b_B); jy = r77->size[0] - 1; for (i17 = 0; i17 <= jy; i17++) { B->data[i17] = r77->data[i17]; } emxFree_real_T(&r77); } emxFree_real_T(&Y); }
// // % Erased all parts not wanted for codegeneration /Martin %% // Arguments : emxArray_real_T *s // emxArray_boolean_T *outliers // emxArray_boolean_T *outliers2 // Return Type : void // void locateOutliers(emxArray_real_T *s, emxArray_boolean_T *outliers, emxArray_boolean_T *outliers2) { int ia; int ic; emxArray_real_T *b_y1; int orderForDim; int iyLead; double work_data_idx_0; int m; double tmp1; double tmp2; emxArray_real_T *SigmaMat; emxArray_int32_T *r0; emxArray_int32_T *r1; emxArray_real_T *a; unsigned int s_idx_0; emxArray_real_T *C; int br; double mu; emxArray_real_T *b_s; /* locateOutliers: locates artifacts/outliers from data series */ /* */ /* Inputs: s = array containg data series */ /* method = artifact removal method to use. */ /* methods: 'percent' = percentage filter: locates data > x percent diff than previous data point. */ /* 'sd' = standard deviation filter: locates data > x stdev away from mean. */ /* 'above' = Threshold filter: locates data > threshold value */ /* 'below' = Threshold filter: locates data < threshold value */ /* 'median' = median filter. Outliers are located. */ /* Outputs: outliers = logical array of whether s is artifact/outlier or not */ /* eg. - [0 0 0 1 0], 1=artifact, 0=normal */ /* */ /* Examples: */ /* Locate outliers with 20% percentage filter: */ /* outliers = locateOutlers(s,'percent',0.2) */ /* Locate outliers that are above a threshold of 0.5: */ /* outliers = locateOutlers(s,'thresh','above',0.5) */ /* Locate outliers with median filter: */ /* outliers = locateOutlers(s,'median',4,5) */ /* */ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* Copyright (C) 2010, John T. Ramshur, [email protected] */ /* */ /* This file is part of HRVAS */ /* */ /* HRVAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* HRVAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ ia = outliers->size[0]; outliers->size[0] = s->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)outliers, ia, (int)sizeof(boolean_T)); ic = s->size[0]; for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { outliers->data[ia] = false; } /* preallocate */ if (1 > s->size[0] - 1) { ic = 0; } else { ic = s->size[0] - 1; } emxInit_real_T(&b_y1, 1); if (s->size[0] == 0) { ia = b_y1->size[0]; b_y1->size[0] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y1, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); } else { if (s->size[0] - 1 <= 1) { orderForDim = s->size[0] - 1; } else { orderForDim = 1; } if (orderForDim < 1) { ia = b_y1->size[0]; b_y1->size[0] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y1, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); } else { orderForDim = s->size[0] - 1; ia = b_y1->size[0]; b_y1->size[0] = orderForDim; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y1, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); if (!(b_y1->size[0] == 0)) { orderForDim = 1; iyLead = 0; work_data_idx_0 = s->data[0]; for (m = 2; m <= s->size[0]; m++) { tmp1 = s->data[orderForDim]; tmp2 = work_data_idx_0; work_data_idx_0 = tmp1; tmp1 -= tmp2; orderForDim++; b_y1->data[iyLead] = tmp1; iyLead++; } } } } emxInit_real_T(&SigmaMat, 1); b_abs(b_y1, SigmaMat); /* percent chage from previous */ /* find index of values where pChange > perLimit */ orderForDim = s->size[0]; if (2 > orderForDim) { ia = 0; orderForDim = 0; } else { ia = 1; orderForDim = s->size[0]; } emxInit_int32_T(&r0, 2); iyLead = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; r0->size[0] = 1; r0->size[1] = orderForDim - ia; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r0, iyLead, (int)sizeof(int)); orderForDim -= ia; for (iyLead = 0; iyLead < orderForDim; iyLead++) { r0->data[r0->size[0] * iyLead] = ia + iyLead; } emxInit_int32_T1(&r1, 1); ia = r1->size[0]; r1->size[0] = ic; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r1, ia, (int)sizeof(int)); for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { r1->data[ia] = 1 + ia; } ic = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { outliers->data[r0->data[ia]] = (SigmaMat->data[ia] / s->data[r1->data[ia] - 1] > 0.2); } emxFree_int32_T(&r1); emxFree_int32_T(&r0); emxInit_real_T1(&a, 2); /* Reference: */ /* Clifford, G. (2002). "Characterizing Artefact in the Normal */ /* Human 24-Hour RR Time Series to Aid Identification and Artificial */ /* Replication of Circadian Variations in Human Beat to Beat Heart Rate */ /* using a Simple Threshold." */ /* */ /* Aubert, A. E., D. Ramaekers, et al. (1999). "The analysis of heart */ /* rate variability in unrestrained rats. Validation of method and */ /* results." Comput Methods Programs Biomed 60(3): 197-213. */ /* convert to logical array */ /* preallocate */ iyLead = s->size[0]; s_idx_0 = (unsigned int)s->size[0]; ia = a->size[0] * a->size[1]; a->size[0] = (int)s_idx_0; a->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)a, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); for (orderForDim = 1; orderForDim <= iyLead; orderForDim++) { a->data[orderForDim - 1] = (double)orderForDim / (double)iyLead; a->data[(orderForDim + a->size[0]) - 1] = 1.0; } mldivide(a, s, b_y1); emxInit_real_T(&C, 1); if (b_y1->size[0] == 1) { ia = C->size[0]; C->size[0] = a->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); ic = a->size[0]; for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { C->data[ia] = 0.0; for (iyLead = 0; iyLead < 2; iyLead++) { C->data[ia] += a->data[ia + a->size[0] * iyLead] * b_y1->data[iyLead]; } } } else { s_idx_0 = (unsigned int)a->size[0]; ia = C->size[0]; C->size[0] = (int)s_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); m = a->size[0]; orderForDim = C->size[0]; ia = C->size[0]; C->size[0] = orderForDim; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); for (ia = 0; ia < orderForDim; ia++) { C->data[ia] = 0.0; } if (a->size[0] == 0) { } else { orderForDim = 0; while ((m > 0) && (orderForDim <= 0)) { for (ic = 1; ic <= m; ic++) { C->data[ic - 1] = 0.0; } orderForDim = m; } br = 0; orderForDim = 0; while ((m > 0) && (orderForDim <= 0)) { orderForDim = 0; for (iyLead = br; iyLead + 1 <= br + 2; iyLead++) { if (b_y1->data[iyLead] != 0.0) { ia = orderForDim; for (ic = 0; ic + 1 <= m; ic++) { ia++; C->data[ic] += b_y1->data[iyLead] * a->data[ia - 1]; } } orderForDim += m; } br += 2; orderForDim = m; } } } emxFree_real_T(&a); ia = s->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)s, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); ic = s->size[0]; for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { s->data[ia] -= C->data[ia]; } emxFree_real_T(&C); mu = mean(s); /* mean */ orderForDim = s->size[0]; if (s->size[0] > 1) { iyLead = s->size[0] - 1; } else { iyLead = s->size[0]; } if (s->size[0] == 0) { tmp2 = 0.0; } else { ia = 0; work_data_idx_0 = s->data[0]; for (ic = 2; ic <= orderForDim; ic++) { ia++; work_data_idx_0 += s->data[ia]; } work_data_idx_0 /= (double)s->size[0]; ia = 0; tmp1 = s->data[0] - work_data_idx_0; tmp2 = tmp1 * tmp1; for (ic = 2; ic <= orderForDim; ic++) { ia++; tmp1 = s->data[ia] - work_data_idx_0; tmp2 += tmp1 * tmp1; } tmp2 /= (double)iyLead; } emxInit_real_T(&b_s, 1); /* standard deviation */ /* Create a matrix of mean values by replicating the mu vector for n rows */ repmat(mu, (double)s->size[0], b_y1); /* Create a matrix of standard deviation values by replicating the sigma vector for n rows */ repmat(std::sqrt(tmp2), (double)s->size[0], SigmaMat); /* Create a matrix of zeros and ones, where ones indicate the location of outliers */ ia = b_s->size[0]; b_s->size[0] = s->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_s, ia, (int)sizeof(double)); ic = s->size[0]; for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { b_s->data[ia] = s->data[ia] - b_y1->data[ia]; } b_abs(b_s, b_y1); ia = outliers2->size[0]; outliers2->size[0] = b_y1->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)outliers2, ia, (int)sizeof(boolean_T)); ic = b_y1->size[0]; emxFree_real_T(&b_s); for (ia = 0; ia < ic; ia++) { outliers2->data[ia] = (b_y1->data[ia] > 3.0 * SigmaMat->data[ia]); } emxFree_real_T(&b_y1); emxFree_real_T(&SigmaMat); /* Reference: */ /* Aubert, A. E., D. Ramaekers, et al. (1999). "The analysis of heart */ /* rate variability in unrestrained rats. Validation of method and */ /* results." Comput Methods Programs Biomed 60(3): 197-213. */ /* convert to logical array */ }
static void eml_qrsolve(const emxArray_real_T *A, emxArray_real_T *B, emxArray_real_T *Y) { emxArray_real_T *b_A; real_T wj; real_T s; int32_T mn; int32_T nmip1; int32_T itemp; emxArray_real_T *tau; emxArray_int32_T *jpvt; emxArray_real_T *work; int32_T m; int32_T n; int32_T b_mn; emxArray_real_T *vn1; emxArray_real_T *vn2; int32_T k; int32_T ix; int32_T i; int32_T i_i; int32_T nmi; int32_T mmi; real_T rankR; real_T y; boolean_T exitg1; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; b_emxInit_real_T(&b_A, 2); wj = (real_T)A->size[0]; s = (real_T)A->size[1]; if (wj <= s) { s = wj; } mn = (int32_T)s - 1; nmip1 = b_A->size[0] * b_A->size[1]; b_A->size[0] = A->size[0]; b_A->size[1] = A->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_A, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); itemp = A->size[0] * A->size[1] - 1; for (nmip1 = 0; nmip1 <= itemp; nmip1++) { b_A->data[nmip1] = A->data[nmip1]; } emxInit_real_T(&tau, 1); emxInit_int32_T(&jpvt, 2); emxInit_real_T(&work, 1); m = A->size[0]; n = A->size[1]; if (m <= n) { b_mn = m; } else { b_mn = n; } nmip1 = tau->size[0]; tau->size[0] = b_mn; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)tau, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); eml_signed_integer_colon(n, jpvt); nmip1 = work->size[0]; work->size[0] = n; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)work, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); itemp = n - 1; for (nmip1 = 0; nmip1 <= itemp; nmip1++) { work->data[nmip1] = 0.0; } emxInit_real_T(&vn1, 1); emxInit_real_T(&vn2, 1); nmip1 = vn1->size[0]; vn1->size[0] = n; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vn1, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); nmip1 = vn2->size[0]; vn2->size[0] = vn1->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vn2, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); k = 1; for (ix = 0; ix + 1 <= n; ix++) { vn1->data[ix] = eml_xnrm2(m, A, k); vn2->data[ix] = vn1->data[ix]; k += m; } for (i = 0; i + 1 <= b_mn; i++) { i_i = i + i * m; nmi = (n - i) - 1; mmi = (m - i) - 1; nmip1 = 1 + nmi; if (nmip1 < 1) { itemp = -1; } else { itemp = 0; if (nmip1 > 1) { ix = i; wj = fabs(vn1->data[i]); for (k = 2; k <= nmip1; k++) { ix++; s = fabs(vn1->data[ix]); if (s > wj) { itemp = k - 1; wj = s; } } } } nmip1 = i + itemp; if (nmip1 + 1 != i + 1) { eml_xswap(m, b_A, m * nmip1 + 1, 1, m * i + 1, 1); itemp = jpvt->data[nmip1]; jpvt->data[nmip1] = jpvt->data[i]; jpvt->data[i] = itemp; vn1->data[nmip1] = vn1->data[i]; vn2->data[nmip1] = vn2->data[i]; } if (i + 1 < m) { k = i_i + 2; rankR = b_A->data[i_i]; y = 0.0; if (mmi + 1 <= 0) { } else { wj = eml_xnrm2(mmi, b_A, k); if (wj != 0.0) { s = rt_hypotd_snf(fabs(b_A->data[i_i]), wj); if (b_A->data[i_i] >= 0.0) { s = -s; } if (fabs(s) < 1.0020841800044864E-292) { nmip1 = 0; do { nmip1++; eml_xscal(mmi, 9.9792015476736E+291, b_A, k); s *= 9.9792015476736E+291; rankR *= 9.9792015476736E+291; } while (!(fabs(s) >= 1.0020841800044864E-292)); wj = eml_xnrm2(mmi, b_A, k); s = rt_hypotd_snf(fabs(rankR), wj); if (rankR >= 0.0) { s = -s; } y = (s - rankR) / s; eml_xscal(mmi, 1.0 / (rankR - s), b_A, k); for (k = 1; k <= nmip1; k++) { s *= 1.0020841800044864E-292; } rankR = s; } else { y = (s - b_A->data[i_i]) / s; wj = 1.0 / (b_A->data[i_i] - s); eml_xscal(mmi, wj, b_A, k); rankR = s; } } } tau->data[i] = y; } else { wj = b_A->data[i_i]; rankR = b_A->data[i_i]; b_A->data[i_i] = wj; tau->data[i] = 0.0; } b_A->data[i_i] = rankR; if (i + 1 < n) { rankR = b_A->data[i_i]; b_A->data[i_i] = 1.0; eml_matlab_zlarf(mmi + 1, nmi, i_i + 1, tau->data[i], b_A, (i + (i + 1) * m) + 1, m, work); b_A->data[i_i] = rankR; } for (ix = i + 1; ix + 1 <= n; ix++) { if (vn1->data[ix] != 0.0) { s = fabs(b_A->data[i + b_A->size[0] * ix]) / vn1->data[ix]; y = s * s; s = 1.0 - s * s; if (1.0 - y < 0.0) { s = 0.0; } wj = vn1->data[ix] / vn2->data[ix]; if (s * (wj * wj) <= 1.4901161193847656E-8) { if (i + 1 < m) { k = (i + m * ix) + 1; y = 0.0; if (mmi < 1) { } else if (mmi == 1) { y = fabs(b_A->data[k]); } else { wj = 2.2250738585072014E-308; itemp = k + mmi; while (k + 1 <= itemp) { s = fabs(b_A->data[k]); if (s > wj) { rankR = wj / s; y = 1.0 + y * rankR * rankR; wj = s; } else { rankR = s / wj; y += rankR * rankR; } k++; } y = wj * sqrt(y); } vn1->data[ix] = y; vn2->data[ix] = vn1->data[ix]; } else { vn1->data[ix] = 0.0; vn2->data[ix] = 0.0; } } else { vn1->data[ix] *= sqrt(s); } } } } emxFree_real_T(&vn2); emxFree_real_T(&vn1); emxFree_real_T(&work); rankR = 0.0; k = 0; exitg1 = FALSE; while ((exitg1 == 0U) && (k <= mn)) { wj = (real_T)A->size[0]; s = (real_T)A->size[1]; if (wj >= s) { s = wj; } if (fabs(b_A->data[k + b_A->size[0] * k]) <= s * fabs(b_A->data[0]) * 2.2204460492503131E-16) { exitg1 = TRUE; } else { rankR++; k++; } } unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)A->size[1]; nmip1 = Y->size[0]; Y->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)Y, nmip1, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); itemp = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 - 1; for (nmip1 = 0; nmip1 <= itemp; nmip1++) { Y->data[nmip1] = 0.0; } for (ix = 0; ix <= mn; ix++) { if (tau->data[ix] != 0.0) { wj = B->data[ix]; nmip1 = A->size[0] + (int32_T)(1.0 - ((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0)); for (i = 0; i <= nmip1 - 1; i++) { unnamed_idx_0 = ((uint32_T)ix + (uint32_T)i) + 2U; wj += b_A->data[((int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 + b_A->size[0] * ix) - 1] * B->data[(int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 - 1]; } wj *= tau->data[ix]; if (wj != 0.0) { B->data[ix] -= wj; nmip1 = A->size[0] + (int32_T)(1.0 - ((1.0 + (real_T)ix) + 1.0)); for (i = 0; i <= nmip1 - 1; i++) { unnamed_idx_0 = ((uint32_T)ix + (uint32_T)i) + 2U; B->data[(int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 - 1] -= b_A->data[((int32_T) unnamed_idx_0 + b_A->size[0] * ix) - 1] * wj; } } } } emxFree_real_T(&tau); for (i = 0; i <= (int32_T)rankR - 1; i++) { Y->data[jpvt->data[(int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)i) - 1] - 1] = B->data[(int32_T) (1.0 + (real_T)i) - 1]; } for (ix = 0; ix <= (int32_T)-(1.0 + (-1.0 - rankR)) - 1; ix++) { wj = rankR + -(real_T)ix; Y->data[jpvt->data[(int32_T)wj - 1] - 1] = eml_div(Y->data[jpvt->data [(int32_T)wj - 1] - 1], b_A->data[((int32_T)wj + b_A->size[0] * ((int32_T) wj - 1)) - 1]); for (i = 0; i <= (int32_T)wj - 2; i++) { Y->data[jpvt->data[(int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)i) - 1] - 1] -= Y->data [jpvt->data[(int32_T)wj - 1] - 1] * b_A->data[((int32_T)(1.0 + (real_T)i) + b_A->size[0] * ((int32_T)wj - 1)) - 1]; } } emxFree_int32_T(&jpvt); emxFree_real_T(&b_A); }
/* Function Definitions */ void occflow(const emlrtStack *sp, const emxArray_real_T *cgridvec, emxArray_real_T *cgridvecprev, emxArray_real_T *context, const emxArray_real_T *nei_idx, const emxArray_real_T *nei_weight, real_T nei_filter_n, const emxArray_real_T *nei4u_idx, const emxArray_real_T *nei4u_weight, real_T nei4u_filter_n, real_T occval, real_T minthreshold, real_T maxthreshold, real_T reinitval, real_T intensifyrate, real_T nocc_attenuaterate, real_T unknown_attenuaterate, real_T sigm_coef, real_T do_attenuation_first, emxArray_real_T *predvec, emxArray_real_T *maxvec) { emxArray_boolean_T *x; int32_T ix; int32_T idx; emxArray_boolean_T *r0; int32_T nx; emxArray_int32_T *ii; boolean_T overflow; int32_T iy; boolean_T exitg6; boolean_T guard3 = false; boolean_T guard4 = false; emxArray_real_T *newlyoccidx; boolean_T exitg5; boolean_T guard2 = false; boolean_T b_guard3 = false; emxArray_real_T *occidx; boolean_T exitg4; boolean_T guard1 = false; boolean_T b_guard2 = false; emxArray_real_T *noccidx; int32_T nrnocc; int32_T j; emxArray_real_T *curr_col; emxArray_real_T *updt_col; emxArray_real_T *z; int32_T coccidx; boolean_T b_guard1 = false; int32_T ixstart; int32_T n; real_T mtmp; boolean_T exitg3; int32_T varargin_1[2]; int32_T k; int32_T iv3[2]; int32_T iv4[2]; real_T d0; emxArray_real_T *tempcontext; emxArray_real_T *b_nei4u_weight; real_T sumval; int32_T m; int32_T iv5[2]; boolean_T b_ix; boolean_T exitg2; boolean_T b_ixstart; int32_T varargin_2[2]; boolean_T p; boolean_T exitg1; emlrtStack st; emlrtStack b_st; emlrtStack c_st; emlrtStack d_st; emlrtStack e_st; emlrtStack f_st; (void)unknown_attenuaterate; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; b_st.prev = &st; b_st.tls = st.tls; c_st.prev = &b_st; c_st.tls = b_st.tls; d_st.prev = &c_st; d_st.tls = c_st.tls; e_st.prev = &d_st; e_st.tls = d_st.tls; f_st.prev = &e_st; f_st.tls = e_st.tls; emlrtHeapReferenceStackEnterFcnR2012b(sp); emxInit_boolean_T(sp, &x, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); /* */ /* Occupancy flow with vector input */ /* */ /* Compute indices first */ ix = x->size[0]; x->size[0] = cgridvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = cgridvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { x->data[ix] = (cgridvec->data[ix] == occval); } emxInit_boolean_T(sp, &r0, 1, &emlrtRTEI, true); ix = r0->size[0]; r0->size[0] = cgridvecprev->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)r0, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = cgridvecprev->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { r0->data[ix] = (cgridvecprev->data[ix] != occval); } ix = x->size[0]; nx = r0->size[0]; if (ix != nx) { emlrtSizeEqCheck1DR2012b(ix, nx, &emlrtECI, sp); } st.site = &emlrtRSI; ix = x->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = x->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { x->data[ix] = (x->data[ix] && r0->data[ix]); } emxFree_boolean_T(&r0); emxInit_int32_T(&st, &ii, 1, &l_emlrtRTEI, true); b_st.site = &i_emlrtRSI; nx = x->size[0]; idx = 0; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = x->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); c_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI; if (1 > x->size[0]) { overflow = false; } else { overflow = (x->size[0] > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { d_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&d_st); } iy = 1; exitg6 = false; while ((!exitg6) && (iy <= nx)) { guard3 = false; if (x->data[iy - 1]) { idx++; ii->data[idx - 1] = iy; if (idx >= nx) { exitg6 = true; } else { guard3 = true; } } else { guard3 = true; } if (guard3) { iy++; } } if (idx <= x->size[0]) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&b_st, &s_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:builtins:AssertionFailed", 0); } if (x->size[0] == 1) { if (idx == 0) { ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); } } else { if (1 > idx) { ix = 0; } else { ix = idx; } c_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI; overflow = !(ii->size[0] != 1); guard4 = false; if (overflow) { overflow = false; if (ix != 1) { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { overflow = true; } else { guard4 = true; } } else { guard4 = true; } if (guard4) { overflow = false; } d_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI; if (!overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&d_st, &t_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:FE:PotentialVectorVector", 0); } nx = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, nx, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &c_emlrtRTEI); } emxInit_real_T(&b_st, &newlyoccidx, 1, &f_emlrtRTEI, true); ix = newlyoccidx->size[0]; newlyoccidx->size[0] = ii->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)newlyoccidx, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = ii->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { newlyoccidx->data[ix] = ii->data[ix]; } st.site = &b_emlrtRSI; ix = x->size[0]; x->size[0] = cgridvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = cgridvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { x->data[ix] = (cgridvec->data[ix] == occval); } b_st.site = &i_emlrtRSI; nx = x->size[0]; idx = 0; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = x->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); c_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI; if (1 > x->size[0]) { overflow = false; } else { overflow = (x->size[0] > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { d_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&d_st); } iy = 1; exitg5 = false; while ((!exitg5) && (iy <= nx)) { guard2 = false; if (x->data[iy - 1]) { idx++; ii->data[idx - 1] = iy; if (idx >= nx) { exitg5 = true; } else { guard2 = true; } } else { guard2 = true; } if (guard2) { iy++; } } if (idx <= x->size[0]) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&b_st, &s_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:builtins:AssertionFailed", 0); } if (x->size[0] == 1) { if (idx == 0) { ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); } } else { if (1 > idx) { ix = 0; } else { ix = idx; } c_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI; overflow = !(ii->size[0] != 1); b_guard3 = false; if (overflow) { overflow = false; if (ix != 1) { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { overflow = true; } else { b_guard3 = true; } } else { b_guard3 = true; } if (b_guard3) { overflow = false; } d_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI; if (!overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&d_st, &t_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:FE:PotentialVectorVector", 0); } nx = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, nx, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &c_emlrtRTEI); } emxInit_real_T(&b_st, &occidx, 1, &g_emlrtRTEI, true); ix = occidx->size[0]; occidx->size[0] = ii->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)occidx, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = ii->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { occidx->data[ix] = ii->data[ix]; } st.site = &c_emlrtRSI; ix = x->size[0]; x->size[0] = cgridvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)x, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = cgridvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { x->data[ix] = (cgridvec->data[ix] != occval); } b_st.site = &i_emlrtRSI; nx = x->size[0]; idx = 0; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = x->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); c_st.site = &j_emlrtRSI; if (1 > x->size[0]) { overflow = false; } else { overflow = (x->size[0] > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { d_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&d_st); } iy = 1; exitg4 = false; while ((!exitg4) && (iy <= nx)) { guard1 = false; if (x->data[iy - 1]) { idx++; ii->data[idx - 1] = iy; if (idx >= nx) { exitg4 = true; } else { guard1 = true; } } else { guard1 = true; } if (guard1) { iy++; } } if (idx <= x->size[0]) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&b_st, &s_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:builtins:AssertionFailed", 0); } if (x->size[0] == 1) { if (idx == 0) { ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = 0; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); } } else { if (1 > idx) { ix = 0; } else { ix = idx; } c_st.site = &k_emlrtRSI; overflow = !(ii->size[0] != 1); b_guard2 = false; if (overflow) { overflow = false; if (ix != 1) { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { overflow = true; } else { b_guard2 = true; } } else { b_guard2 = true; } if (b_guard2) { overflow = false; } d_st.site = &m_emlrtRSI; if (!overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&d_st, &t_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:FE:PotentialVectorVector", 0); } nx = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = ix; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)ii, nx, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &c_emlrtRTEI); } emxFree_boolean_T(&x); emxInit_real_T(&b_st, &noccidx, 1, &h_emlrtRTEI, true); ix = noccidx->size[0]; noccidx->size[0] = ii->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)noccidx, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = ii->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { noccidx->data[ix] = ii->data[ix]; } nrnocc = noccidx->size[0] - 1; /* 1 Intensify newly occupied cells */ j = 0; emxInit_real_T1(sp, &curr_col, 2, &i_emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_real_T1(sp, &updt_col, 2, &j_emlrtRTEI, true); emxInit_real_T1(sp, &z, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); while (j <= newlyoccidx->size[0] - 1) { /* For newly occupied cells */ ix = newlyoccidx->size[0]; if (!((j + 1 >= 1) && (j + 1 <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(j + 1, 1, ix, &eb_emlrtBCI, sp); } coccidx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j] - 1; ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &emlrtBCI, sp); } st.site = &d_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &o_emlrtRSI; ix = context->size[1]; b_guard1 = false; if (ix == 1) { b_guard1 = true; } else { ix = context->size[1]; if (ix != 1) { b_guard1 = true; } else { overflow = false; } } if (b_guard1) { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&c_st, &u_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:toolbox:autoDimIncompatibility", 0); } ix = context->size[1]; if (ix > 0) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&c_st, &v_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:toolbox:eml_min_or_max_varDimZero", 0); } d_st.site = &p_emlrtRSI; ixstart = 1; n = context->size[1]; nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; mtmp = context->data[nx - 1]; ix = context->size[1]; if (ix > 1) { if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(mtmp)) { e_st.site = &r_emlrtRSI; ix = context->size[1]; if (2 > ix) { overflow = false; } else { ix = context->size[1]; overflow = (ix > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { f_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } ix = 2; exitg3 = false; while ((!exitg3) && (ix <= n)) { ixstart = ix; if (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(context->data[coccidx + context->size[0] * (ix - 1)])) { mtmp = context->data[coccidx + context->size[0] * (ix - 1)]; exitg3 = true; } else { ix++; } } } ix = context->size[1]; if (ixstart < ix) { e_st.site = &q_emlrtRSI; ix = context->size[1]; if (ixstart + 1 > ix) { overflow = false; } else { ix = context->size[1]; overflow = (ix > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { f_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } for (ix = ixstart + 1; ix <= n; ix++) { if (context->data[coccidx + context->size[0] * (ix - 1)] > mtmp) { mtmp = context->data[coccidx + context->size[0] * (ix - 1)]; } } } } if (mtmp < minthreshold) { idx = context->size[1]; iy = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= iy))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, iy, &b_emlrtBCI, sp); } for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { context->data[(nx + context->size[0] * ix) - 1] = reinitval; } /* Reinitialize */ } else { idx = context->size[1]; nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; ix = updt_col->size[0] * updt_col->size[1]; updt_col->size[0] = 1; updt_col->size[1] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)updt_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix] = intensifyrate * context->data [(nx + context->size[0] * ix) - 1]; } /* Intensify */ st.site = &e_emlrtRSI; b_st.site = &s_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &o_emlrtRSI; d_st.site = &t_emlrtRSI; ix = curr_col->size[0] * curr_col->size[1]; curr_col->size[0] = 1; curr_col->size[1] = updt_col->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&d_st, (emxArray__common *)curr_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = updt_col->size[0] * updt_col->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { curr_col->data[ix] = updt_col->data[ix]; } e_st.site = &u_emlrtRSI; for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { varargin_1[ix] = updt_col->size[ix]; } ix = z->size[0] * z->size[1]; z->size[0] = 1; z->size[1] = updt_col->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&e_st, (emxArray__common *)z, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &d_emlrtRTEI); iy = updt_col->size[1]; ix = updt_col->size[0] * updt_col->size[1]; updt_col->size[0] = 1; updt_col->size[1] = varargin_1[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&e_st, (emxArray__common *)updt_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &e_emlrtRTEI); if (dimagree(updt_col, curr_col)) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&e_st, &x_emlrtRTEI, "MATLAB:dimagree", 0); } e_st.site = &v_emlrtRSI; if (1 > z->size[1]) { overflow = false; } else { overflow = (z->size[1] > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { f_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } for (k = 0; k + 1 <= iy; k++) { updt_col->data[k] = muDoubleScalarMin(curr_col->data[k], maxthreshold); } /* Max-thesholding */ ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &c_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { ii->data[ix] = ix; } iv3[0] = 1; iv3[1] = ii->size[0]; emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv3, 2, *(int32_T (*)[2])updt_col->size, 2, &b_emlrtECI, sp); nx = (int32_T)newlyoccidx->data[j]; idx = updt_col->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { context->data[(nx + context->size[0] * ii->data[ix]) - 1] = updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix]; } } j++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } emxFree_real_T(&z); /* 2 Attenuate unoccupied cells */ if (do_attenuation_first == 1.0) { j = 0; while (j <= nrnocc) { /* For unoccupied cells */ ix = noccidx->size[0]; nx = j + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &d_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &e_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; iy = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; ix = updt_col->size[0] * updt_col->size[1]; updt_col->size[0] = 1; updt_col->size[1] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)updt_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix] = context->data[(iy + context->size[0] * ix) - 1] * nocc_attenuaterate; } /* Attenuate */ ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &f_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { ii->data[ix] = ix; } iv4[0] = 1; iv4[1] = ii->size[0]; emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv4, 2, *(int32_T (*)[2])updt_col->size, 2, &c_emlrtECI, sp); iy = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; idx = updt_col->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { context->data[(iy + context->size[0] * ii->data[ix]) - 1] = updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix]; } j++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } } /* 4 Propagation */ j = 0; while (j <= occidx->size[0] - 1) { /* For occupied cells */ ix = occidx->size[0]; if (!((j + 1 >= 1) && (j + 1 <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(j + 1, 1, ix, &bb_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; ix = context->size[0]; iy = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; if (!((iy >= 1) && (iy <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(iy, 1, ix, &g_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = curr_col->size[0] * curr_col->size[1]; curr_col->size[0] = 1; curr_col->size[1] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)curr_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { curr_col->data[curr_col->size[0] * ix] = context->data[(iy + context-> size[0] * ix) - 1]; } ix = nei_idx->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &h_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei_weight->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &i_emlrtBCI, sp); } emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(1.0, 1.0, nei_filter_n, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T)nei_filter_n, &p_emlrtRTEI, sp); k = 0; while (k <= (int32_T)nei_filter_n - 1) { /* For all neighbor cells */ ix = curr_col->size[1]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &j_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei_idx->size[1]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &k_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei_weight->size[1]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &l_emlrtBCI, sp); } iy = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; if (nei_idx->data[(iy + nei_idx->size[0] * k) - 1] != 0.0) { /* If properly connected, propagate */ iy = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; d0 = nei_idx->data[(iy + nei_idx->size[0] * k) - 1]; if (d0 != (int32_T)muDoubleScalarFloor(d0)) { emlrtIntegerCheckR2012b(d0, &emlrtDCI, sp); } ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)d0; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &m_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = context->size[1]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &n_emlrtBCI, sp); } /* Maximum value thresholding */ iy = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; idx = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; nx = (int32_T)occidx->data[j]; ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)nei_idx->data[(nx + nei_idx->size[0] * k) - 1]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &cb_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = context->size[1]; if (!((k + 1 >= 1) && (k + 1 <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(k + 1, 1, ix, &db_emlrtBCI, sp); } context->data[(nx + context->size[0] * k) - 1] = muDoubleScalarMax (context->data[((int32_T)nei_idx->data[(iy + nei_idx->size[0] * k) - 1] + context->size[0] * k) - 1], muDoubleScalarMin (nei_weight->data[(idx + nei_weight->size[0] * k) - 1] * curr_col->data[k], maxthreshold)); /* Make sure current context propagation does not weaken the flow information */ } k++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } j++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } emxFree_real_T(&occidx); emxInit_real_T1(sp, &tempcontext, 2, &k_emlrtRTEI, true); /* 5 Uncertainty in acceleration */ ix = tempcontext->size[0] * tempcontext->size[1]; tempcontext->size[0] = context->size[0]; tempcontext->size[1] = context->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)tempcontext, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = context->size[0] * context->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { tempcontext->data[ix] = context->data[ix]; } emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(1.0, 1.0, nei_filter_n, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T) nei_filter_n, &q_emlrtRTEI, sp); j = 0; emxInit_real_T1(sp, &b_nei4u_weight, 2, &emlrtRTEI, true); while (j <= (int32_T)nei_filter_n - 1) { /* For all context level */ k = 0; while (k <= nei_idx->size[0] - 1) { /* For all cells */ sumval = 0.0; emlrtForLoopVectorCheckR2012b(1.0, 1.0, nei4u_filter_n, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, (int32_T)nei4u_filter_n, &r_emlrtRTEI, sp); m = 0; while (m <= (int32_T)nei4u_filter_n - 1) { ix = nei4u_idx->size[0]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &o_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei4u_idx->size[1]; nx = m + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &p_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei4u_weight->size[0]; nx = k + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &q_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = nei4u_weight->size[1]; nx = m + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &r_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = nei4u_weight->size[1]; ix = nei4u_weight->size[0]; nx = 1 + k; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &s_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = b_nei4u_weight->size[0] * b_nei4u_weight->size[1]; b_nei4u_weight->size[0] = 1; b_nei4u_weight->size[1] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)b_nei4u_weight, ix, (int32_T) sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { b_nei4u_weight->data[b_nei4u_weight->size[0] * ix] = nei4u_weight->data[(nx + nei4u_weight->size[0] * ix) - 1]; } st.site = &f_emlrtRSI; mtmp = sum(&st, b_nei4u_weight); if (nei4u_idx->data[k + nei4u_idx->size[0] * m] != 0.0) { d0 = nei4u_idx->data[k + nei4u_idx->size[0] * m]; if (d0 != (int32_T)muDoubleScalarFloor(d0)) { emlrtIntegerCheckR2012b(d0, &b_emlrtDCI, sp); } ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)d0; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &t_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = context->size[1]; nx = j + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &u_emlrtBCI, sp); } sumval += nei4u_weight->data[k + nei4u_weight->size[0] * m] / mtmp * context->data[((int32_T)nei4u_idx->data[k + nei4u_idx->size[0] * m] + context->size[0] * j) - 1]; } m++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } ix = tempcontext->size[0]; nx = 1 + k; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &y_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = tempcontext->size[1]; if (!((j + 1 >= 1) && (j + 1 <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(j + 1, 1, ix, &ab_emlrtBCI, sp); } tempcontext->data[(nx + tempcontext->size[0] * j) - 1] = sumval; k++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } j++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } emxFree_real_T(&b_nei4u_weight); ix = context->size[0] * context->size[1]; context->size[0] = tempcontext->size[0]; context->size[1] = tempcontext->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)context, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = tempcontext->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { iy = tempcontext->size[0]; for (nx = 0; nx < iy; nx++) { context->data[nx + context->size[0] * ix] = tempcontext->data[nx + tempcontext->size[0] * ix]; } } if (do_attenuation_first == 0.0) { /* 2 Attenuate unoccupied cells */ j = 0; while (j <= nrnocc) { /* For unoccupied cells, attenuate */ ix = noccidx->size[0]; nx = j + 1; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &v_emlrtBCI, sp); } ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &w_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; iy = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; ix = updt_col->size[0] * updt_col->size[1]; updt_col->size[0] = 1; updt_col->size[1] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)updt_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix] = context->data[(iy + context->size[0] * ix) - 1] * nocc_attenuaterate; } ix = context->size[0]; nx = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; if (!((nx >= 1) && (nx <= ix))) { emlrtDynamicBoundsCheckR2012b(nx, 1, ix, &x_emlrtBCI, sp); } idx = context->size[1]; ix = ii->size[0]; ii->size[0] = idx; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)ii, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T), &emlrtRTEI); for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { ii->data[ix] = ix; } iv5[0] = 1; iv5[1] = ii->size[0]; emlrtSubAssignSizeCheckR2012b(iv5, 2, *(int32_T (*)[2])updt_col->size, 2, &d_emlrtECI, sp); iy = (int32_T)noccidx->data[j]; idx = updt_col->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { context->data[(iy + context->size[0] * ii->data[ix]) - 1] = updt_col->data[updt_col->size[0] * ix]; } j++; if (*emlrtBreakCheckR2012bFlagVar != 0) { emlrtBreakCheckR2012b(sp); } } } emxFree_int32_T(&ii); emxFree_real_T(&updt_col); emxFree_real_T(&noccidx); /* 6 Prediction */ st.site = &g_emlrtRSI; ix = tempcontext->size[0] * tempcontext->size[1]; tempcontext->size[0] = context->size[1]; tempcontext->size[1] = context->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&st, (emxArray__common *)tempcontext, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = context->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { iy = context->size[1]; for (nx = 0; nx < iy; nx++) { tempcontext->data[nx + tempcontext->size[0] * ix] = context->data[ix + context->size[0] * nx]; } } b_st.site = &n_emlrtRSI; c_st.site = &o_emlrtRSI; if (((tempcontext->size[0] == 1) && (tempcontext->size[1] == 1)) || (tempcontext->size[0] != 1)) { overflow = true; } else { overflow = false; } if (overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&c_st, &u_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:toolbox:autoDimIncompatibility", 0); } if (tempcontext->size[0] > 0) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&c_st, &v_emlrtRTEI, "Coder:toolbox:eml_min_or_max_varDimZero", 0); } ix = curr_col->size[0] * curr_col->size[1]; curr_col->size[0] = 1; curr_col->size[1] = tempcontext->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(&c_st, (emxArray__common *)curr_col, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); n = tempcontext->size[0]; ix = 0; iy = -1; d_st.site = &ab_emlrtRSI; if (1 > tempcontext->size[1]) { overflow = false; } else { overflow = (tempcontext->size[1] > 2147483646); } if (overflow) { e_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&e_st); } for (nx = 1; nx <= tempcontext->size[1]; nx++) { d_st.site = &bb_emlrtRSI; ixstart = ix; idx = ix + n; mtmp = tempcontext->data[ix]; if (n > 1) { if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(tempcontext->data[ix])) { e_st.site = &r_emlrtRSI; if (ix + 2 > idx) { b_ix = false; } else { b_ix = (idx > 2147483646); } if (b_ix) { f_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } k = ix + 1; exitg2 = false; while ((!exitg2) && (k + 1 <= idx)) { ixstart = k; if (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(tempcontext->data[k])) { mtmp = tempcontext->data[k]; exitg2 = true; } else { k++; } } } if (ixstart + 1 < idx) { e_st.site = &q_emlrtRSI; if (ixstart + 2 > idx) { b_ixstart = false; } else { b_ixstart = (idx > 2147483646); } if (b_ixstart) { f_st.site = &l_emlrtRSI; check_forloop_overflow_error(&f_st); } for (k = ixstart + 1; k + 1 <= idx; k++) { if (tempcontext->data[k] > mtmp) { mtmp = tempcontext->data[k]; } } } } iy++; curr_col->data[iy] = mtmp; ix += n; } emxFree_real_T(&tempcontext); ix = maxvec->size[0]; maxvec->size[0] = curr_col->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)maxvec, ix, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = curr_col->size[1]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { maxvec->data[ix] = curr_col->data[curr_col->size[0] * ix]; } emxFree_real_T(&curr_col); st.site = &h_emlrtRSI; /* sigm_a <= if we increase the value, than the sigm function gets peaky! */ b_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI; ix = predvec->size[0]; predvec->size[0] = maxvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)predvec, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = maxvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { predvec->data[ix] = -sigm_coef * maxvec->data[ix]; } c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI; b_exp(&c_st, predvec); ix = predvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)predvec, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = predvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { predvec->data[ix] = 1.0 - predvec->data[ix]; } ix = newlyoccidx->size[0]; newlyoccidx->size[0] = maxvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)newlyoccidx, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = maxvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { newlyoccidx->data[ix] = -sigm_coef * maxvec->data[ix]; } c_st.site = &cb_emlrtRSI; b_exp(&c_st, newlyoccidx); ix = newlyoccidx->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)newlyoccidx, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = newlyoccidx->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { newlyoccidx->data[ix]++; } varargin_1[0] = predvec->size[0]; varargin_1[1] = 1; varargin_2[0] = newlyoccidx->size[0]; varargin_2[1] = 1; overflow = false; p = true; k = 0; exitg1 = false; while ((!exitg1) && (k < 2)) { if (!(varargin_1[k] == varargin_2[k])) { p = false; exitg1 = true; } else { k++; } } if (!p) { } else { overflow = true; } if (overflow) { } else { emlrtErrorWithMessageIdR2012b(&b_st, &w_emlrtRTEI, "MATLAB:dimagree", 0); } ix = predvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(&b_st, (emxArray__common *)predvec, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = predvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { predvec->data[ix] /= newlyoccidx->data[ix]; } emxFree_real_T(&newlyoccidx); /* 7 Save previous grid */ ix = cgridvecprev->size[0]; cgridvecprev->size[0] = cgridvec->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity(sp, (emxArray__common *)cgridvecprev, ix, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T), &emlrtRTEI); idx = cgridvec->size[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < idx; ix++) { cgridvecprev->data[ix] = cgridvec->data[ix]; } emlrtHeapReferenceStackLeaveFcnR2012b(sp); }
/* Function Definitions */ void updateCompass2(states_T *x, real32_T P[400], const real32_T y_Compass[3], const real32_T b_N[3], const real32_T acc[3], boolean_T constWind, boolean_T constQFF, boolean_T constK) { real32_T r; real32_T b_r[3]; real32_T R_Compass[9]; real32_T C_NS[9]; int32_T i13; real32_T y_Compass_N[3]; int32_T i14; real32_T b_p_N[3]; static const int8_T b[9] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; real32_T y_p_N[3]; real32_T X[9]; real32_T b_X[9]; real32_T y; int32_T ar; real32_T N[9]; real32_T dtheta_half_norm; int32_T ib; int32_T i; real32_T c_X[9]; static const int8_T a[3] = { 0, 0, 1 }; real32_T b_a[3]; real32_T E_z[3]; real32_T d_X[9]; real32_T e_X[9]; real32_T K[20]; real32_T e; static const int8_T iv4[3] = { 0, 0, 1 }; real32_T H[20]; real32_T b_y[3]; boolean_T selector[20]; emxArray_int32_T *r28; boolean_T b_selector[20]; emxArray_int32_T *r29; emxArray_real32_T *c_a; emxArray_int32_T *r30; emxArray_int32_T *r31; int32_T br; emxArray_int32_T *r32; emxArray_int32_T *r33; emxArray_int32_T *r34; emxArray_int32_T *r35; emxArray_real32_T *d_a; emxArray_real32_T *b_b; emxArray_real32_T *c_y; uint32_T unnamed_idx_1; int32_T ic; int32_T ia; emxArray_real32_T *e_a; emxArray_real32_T *KH; emxArray_real32_T *r36; emxArray_real32_T *C; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; int32_T c; emxArray_int32_T *r37; emxArray_int32_T *r38; real32_T dq[4]; real32_T Q[16]; /* */ /* [x,P] = UPDATECOMPASS2(x,P,y_Compass, b_N, e_acc, constWind, constQFF,constK) */ /* */ /* Kalman filter update with 3-axis compass measurements. */ /* */ /* Author: lestefan */ /* date: 02/2013 */ /* */ /* Inputs: */ /* x: states [p(lat*1e7,lon*1e7,h),q_NS,v_N,b_g,b_a,QFF,w,K] */ /* P: covariance */ /* y_Compass: magnetic field measurement 3x1 (in sensor frame S) [uT] */ /* b_N: true magnetic flux density 3x1 (nav frame N) [uT] */ /* constWind: keep wind constant [true/false] (use true on GPS out) */ /* constQFF: keep QFF constant [true/false] (use true on GPS out) */ /* constK: K (sideslip parameter) const. [true/false] (use true) */ /* */ /* Outputs: */ /* x: updated states (see inputs) */ /* P: updated covariance (see inputs) */ /* */ /* Needed globals: */ /* global configuration; */ /* configuration.tau: accelerometer autocorrelation time [s] */ /* configuration.sigma_a_c: accelerometer noise [m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_a_d: accelerometer standard diviation [m/s^2] */ /* configuration.sigma_aw_c: accelerometer bias noise [m/s^3/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_g_c: gyro noise [rad/s/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_gw_c: gyro bias noise [rad/s^2/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_pw_c: static pressure bias noise [kPa/s/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_w_c: wind drift noise [m/s^2/sqrt(Hz)] */ /* configuration.sigma_psmd: static pressure measurement variance [kPa] */ /* configuration.sigma_pdmd: dynamic pressure measurement variance [kPa] */ /* configuration.sigma_Td=1: temperature measurement variance [°K] */ /* configuration.sigma_md=1: magnetometer noise [uT] */ /* */ /* See also UPDATEPOSITION, UPDATEVELNED, UPDATEPRESSURES, */ /* UPDATEPRESSURES2, UPDATEPRESSURES3, PROPATATE, GETINITIALQ */ /* */ r = rt_powf_snf(configuration.sigma_md, 2.0F); /* R_Compass=single(diag(configuration.sigma_md^2*single([1 1 1]))); */ b_r[0] = r; b_r[1] = r; b_r[2] = r; b_diag(b_r, R_Compass); /* *configuration.sigma_md; */ /* TODO: update in the past, re-propagate. This might not be fast enough... */ /* set float type */ C_NS[0] = ((x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[0] - x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[1]) - x->q_NS[2] * x->q_NS[2]) + x->q_NS[3] * x->q_NS[3]; C_NS[3] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[1] * 2.0F + x->q_NS[2] * x->q_NS[3] * 2.0F; C_NS[6] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[2] * 2.0F - x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[3] * 2.0F; C_NS[1] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[1] * 2.0F - x->q_NS[2] * x->q_NS[3] * 2.0F; C_NS[4] = ((-x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[0] + x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[1]) - x->q_NS[2] * x->q_NS[2]) + x->q_NS[3] * x->q_NS[3]; C_NS[7] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[3] * 2.0F + x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[2] * 2.0F; C_NS[2] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[2] * 2.0F + x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[3] * 2.0F; C_NS[5] = x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[3] * -2.0F + x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[2] * 2.0F; C_NS[8] = ((-x->q_NS[0] * x->q_NS[0] - x->q_NS[1] * x->q_NS[1]) + x->q_NS[2] * x->q_NS[2]) + x->q_NS[3] * x->q_NS[3]; /* error term: */ for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { y_Compass_N[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { y_Compass_N[i13] += C_NS[i13 + 3 * i14] * y_Compass[i14]; } /* b_S=C_NS'*b_N; */ /* error and Jacobians: */ /* [e,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N,b_N); */ /* dz=1e-3; */ /* y_Compass_N_1p=C_NS*(y_Compass+[dz;0;0]); */ /* y_Compass_N_2p=C_NS*(y_Compass+[0;dz;0]); */ /* y_Compass_N_3p=C_NS*(y_Compass+[0;0;dz]); */ /* y_Compass_N_1m=C_NS*(y_Compass-[dz;0;0]); */ /* y_Compass_N_2m=C_NS*(y_Compass-[0;dz;0]); */ /* y_Compass_N_3m=C_NS*(y_Compass-[0;0;dz]); */ /* [e1,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_1p,b_N); */ /* [e2,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_2p,b_N); */ /* [e3,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_3p,b_N); */ /* [e1,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_1m,b_N); */ /* [e2,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_2m,b_N); */ /* [e3,J]=autogen_angleJacobian2d(y_Compass_N_3m,b_N); */ /* E_x=[single(zeros(1,3)),J*crossMx(y_Compass_N),single(zeros(1,14))]; */ /* E_z=J*C_NS; */ b_p_N[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_p_N[i13] += (real32_T)b[i13 + 3 * i14] * b_N[i14]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { y_p_N[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { y_p_N[i13] += (real32_T)b[i13 + 3 * i14] * y_Compass_N[i14]; } } /* set float type */ X[0] = 0.0F; X[3] = -y_p_N[2]; X[6] = y_p_N[1]; X[1] = y_p_N[2]; X[4] = 0.0F; X[7] = -y_p_N[0]; X[2] = -y_p_N[1]; X[5] = y_p_N[0]; X[8] = 0.0F; /* set float type */ b_X[0] = 0.0F; b_X[3] = -y_p_N[2]; b_X[6] = y_p_N[1]; b_X[1] = y_p_N[2]; b_X[4] = 0.0F; b_X[7] = -y_p_N[0]; b_X[2] = -y_p_N[1]; b_X[5] = y_p_N[0]; b_X[8] = 0.0F; y = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { y += y_p_N[ar] * y_p_N[ar]; } r = rt_powf_snf((real32_T)sqrt(y), 3.0F); for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { dtheta_half_norm = 0.0F; for (ib = 0; ib < 3; ib++) { dtheta_half_norm += X[i13 + 3 * ib] * b_X[i14 + 3 * ib]; } N[i13 + 3 * i14] = dtheta_half_norm / r; } } y = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { y += b_p_N[ar] * b_p_N[ar]; } r = (real32_T)sqrt(y); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b_r[i] = -b_p_N[i] / r; } /* set float type */ c_X[0] = 0.0F; c_X[3] = -b_r[2]; c_X[6] = b_r[1]; c_X[1] = b_r[2]; c_X[4] = 0.0F; c_X[7] = -b_r[0]; c_X[2] = -b_r[1]; c_X[5] = b_r[0]; c_X[8] = 0.0F; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_r[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_r[i13] += (real32_T)a[i14] * c_X[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_a[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_a[i13] += b_r[i14] * N[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_r[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_r[i13] += b_a[i14] * (real32_T)b[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } y = 0.0F; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { E_z[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { E_z[i13] += b_r[i14] * C_NS[i14 + 3 * i13]; } y += b_p_N[i13] * b_p_N[i13]; } r = (real32_T)sqrt(y); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b_r[i] = -b_p_N[i] / r; } /* set float type */ d_X[0] = 0.0F; d_X[3] = -b_r[2]; d_X[6] = b_r[1]; d_X[1] = b_r[2]; d_X[4] = 0.0F; d_X[7] = -b_r[0]; d_X[2] = -b_r[1]; d_X[5] = b_r[0]; d_X[8] = 0.0F; /* set float type */ e_X[0] = 0.0F; e_X[3] = -y_Compass_N[2]; e_X[6] = y_Compass_N[1]; e_X[1] = y_Compass_N[2]; e_X[4] = 0.0F; e_X[7] = -y_Compass_N[0]; e_X[2] = -y_Compass_N[1]; e_X[5] = y_Compass_N[0]; e_X[8] = 0.0F; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_r[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_r[i13] += (real32_T)a[i14] * d_X[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_a[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_a[i13] += b_r[i14] * N[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_r[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_r[i13] += b_a[i14] * (real32_T)b[i14 + 3 * i13]; } } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_a[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { b_a[i13] += b_r[i14] * e_X[i14 + 3 * i13]; } K[i13] = 0.0F; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { K[i13 + 3] = b_a[i13]; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 14; i13++) { K[i13 + 6] = 0.0F; } y = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { y += y_p_N[ar] * y_p_N[ar]; } r = (real32_T)sqrt(y); y = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { y += b_p_N[ar] * b_p_N[ar]; b_a[ar] = y_p_N[ar] / r; } r = (real32_T)sqrt(y); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b_r[i] = b_p_N[i] / r; } cross(b_a, b_r, y_Compass_N); e = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { e += (real32_T)iv4[ar] * y_Compass_N[ar]; } /* e1p=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_1p/sqrt(y_Compass_N_1p'*y_Compass_N_1p),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* e2p=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_2p/sqrt(y_Compass_N_2p'*y_Compass_N_2p),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* e3p=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_3p/sqrt(y_Compass_N_3p'*y_Compass_N_3p),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* e1m=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_1m/sqrt(y_Compass_N_1m'*y_Compass_N_1m),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* e2m=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_2m/sqrt(y_Compass_N_2m'*y_Compass_N_2m),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* e3m=Pi_z*cross(Pi_xy0*y_Compass_N_3m/sqrt(y_Compass_N_3m'*y_Compass_N_3m),Pi_xy0*e_N); */ /* num_diff_Ez = [(e1p-e1m)/(2*dz) (e2p-e2m)/(2*dz) (e3p-e3m)/(2*dz)]; */ /* e_acc=single([0;0;1]); % rather random, but if mounted as advised, it's ok */ /* norm_acc_sq=acc'*acc; */ /* if norm_acc_sq>1 */ /* e_acc=acc/sqrt(norm_acc_sq); */ /* end */ /* [e,E_b_S,E_z]=autogen_angleJacobian2dAccDir(y_Compass,b_S,e_acc); */ /* E_x=[single(zeros(1,3)),-E_b_S*C_NS'*crossMx(b_N),single(zeros(1,14))]; */ for (i13 = 0; i13 < 20; i13++) { H[i13] = -K[i13]; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_y[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 3; i14++) { y = b_y[i13] + K[3 + i14] * P[(i14 + 20 * (3 + i13)) + 3]; b_y[i13] = y; } } y = 0.0F; r = 0.0F; for (ar = 0; ar < 3; ar++) { y += b_y[ar] * K[3 + ar]; b_y[ar] = 0.0F; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { b_y[ar] += E_z[i13] * R_Compass[i13 + 3 * ar]; } r += b_y[ar] * E_z[ar]; } r += y; if (e * rt_powf_snf(r, -1.0F) * e > 100.0F) { /* disp(['magnetometer chi2 ' num2str(chi2)]); */ } else { /* K=(S\(H(1:3,4:6)*P(4:6,:)))'; % gain */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { K[i] = 0.0F; /* set float type */ selector[i] = TRUE; } if (constK) { selector[19] = FALSE; } if (constQFF) { selector[15] = FALSE; } emxInit_int32_T(&r28, 1); /* remove correlations of fixed states with active states */ eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = r28->size[0]; r28->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r28, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r28->data[i13]--; } for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { b_selector[i] = !selector[i]; } emxInit_int32_T(&r29, 1); eml_li_find(b_selector, r29); i13 = r29->size[0]; r29->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r29, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r29->data[i13]--; } for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { b_selector[i] = !selector[i]; } emxInit_real32_T(&c_a, 2); emxInit_int32_T(&r30, 1); emxInit_int32_T(&r31, 1); eml_li_find(b_selector, r30); eml_li_find(selector, r31); i13 = c_a->size[0] * c_a->size[1]; c_a->size[0] = r31->size[0]; c_a->size[1] = r30->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r30->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r31->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { c_a->data[i14 + c_a->size[0] * i13] = P[(r31->data[i14] + 20 * (r30->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } emxInit_int32_T(&r32, 1); i13 = r32->size[0]; r32->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r32, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r32->data[i13] = r29->data[i13]; } emxInit_int32_T(&r33, 1); i13 = r33->size[0]; r33->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r33, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r33->data[i13] = r28->data[i13]; } i = c_a->size[1]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = c_a->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { P[r33->data[i14] + 20 * r32->data[i13]] = c_a->data[i14 + c_a->size[0] * i13] * 0.0F; } } emxFree_int32_T(&r33); emxFree_int32_T(&r32); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { b_selector[i] = !selector[i]; } eml_li_find(b_selector, r28); i13 = r28->size[0]; r28->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r28, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r28->data[i13]--; } eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = r29->size[0]; r29->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r29, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r29->data[i13]--; } eml_li_find(selector, r30); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { b_selector[i] = !selector[i]; } eml_li_find(b_selector, r31); i13 = c_a->size[0] * c_a->size[1]; c_a->size[0] = r31->size[0]; c_a->size[1] = r30->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r30->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r31->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { c_a->data[i14 + c_a->size[0] * i13] = P[(r31->data[i14] + 20 * (r30->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } emxFree_int32_T(&r31); emxInit_int32_T(&r34, 1); i13 = r34->size[0]; r34->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r34, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r34->data[i13] = r29->data[i13]; } emxInit_int32_T(&r35, 1); i13 = r35->size[0]; r35->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r35, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r35->data[i13] = r28->data[i13]; } i = c_a->size[1]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = c_a->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { P[r35->data[i14] + 20 * r34->data[i13]] = c_a->data[i14 + c_a->size[0] * i13] * 0.0F; } } emxFree_int32_T(&r35); emxFree_int32_T(&r34); /* P(~selector,~selector)=P(~selector,~selector)*0; */ eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = r28->size[0]; r28->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r28, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r28->data[i13]--; } emxInit_real32_T(&d_a, 2); eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = d_a->size[0] * d_a->size[1]; d_a->size[0] = 1; d_a->size[1] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { d_a->data[d_a->size[0] * i13] = H[r29->data[i13] - 1]; } emxInit_real32_T(&b_b, 2); eml_li_find(selector, r29); eml_li_find(selector, r30); i13 = b_b->size[0] * b_b->size[1]; b_b->size[0] = r30->size[0]; b_b->size[1] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_b, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r30->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { b_b->data[i14 + b_b->size[0] * i13] = P[(r30->data[i14] + 20 * (r29->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } emxFree_int32_T(&r30); emxInit_real32_T(&c_y, 2); if ((d_a->size[1] == 1) || (b_b->size[0] == 1)) { i13 = c_y->size[0] * c_y->size[1]; c_y->size[0] = 1; c_y->size[1] = b_b->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_y, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = b_b->size[1]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { c_y->data[c_y->size[0] * i13] = 0.0F; br = d_a->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { c_y->data[c_y->size[0] * i13] += d_a->data[d_a->size[0] * i14] * b_b->data[i14 + b_b->size[0] * i13]; } } } else { unnamed_idx_1 = (uint32_T)b_b->size[1]; i13 = c_y->size[0] * c_y->size[1]; c_y->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_y, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i13 = c_y->size[0] * c_y->size[1]; c_y->size[1] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_y, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { c_y->data[i13] = 0.0F; } if (b_b->size[1] == 0) { } else { for (i = 0; i < b_b->size[1]; i++) { for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i + 1; ic++) { c_y->data[ic] = 0.0F; } } br = 0; for (i = 0; i < b_b->size[1]; i++) { ar = 0; i13 = br + d_a->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i13; ib++) { if (b_b->data[ib] != 0.0F) { ia = ar; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i + 1; ic++) { ia++; c_y->data[ic] += b_b->data[ib] * d_a->data[ia - 1]; } } ar++; } br += d_a->size[1]; } } } i = c_y->size[1]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { K[r28->data[i13]] = c_y->data[i13] / r; } emxFree_real32_T(&c_y); b_emxInit_real32_T(&e_a, 1); /* check Jacobian */ /* delta=1e-12; */ /* db=[-C_SN*crossMx(b_N)*[delta;0;0],-C_SN*crossMx(b_N)*[0;delta;0],-C_SN*crossMx(b_N)*[0;0;delta]]; */ /* q1=quatUpdate(x(4:7),[delta;0;0]); */ /* q2=quatUpdate(x(4:7),[0;delta;0]); */ /* q3=quatUpdate(x(4:7),[0;0;delta]); */ /* db_finiteDiff=[quat2r(q1)'*b_N-C_SN*b_N, quat2r(q2)'*b_N-C_SN*b_N, quat2r(q3)'*b_N-C_SN*b_N]; */ /* db-db_finiteDiff */ /* update: */ eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = e_a->size[0]; e_a->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)e_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { e_a->data[i13] = K[r28->data[i13] - 1]; } eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = d_a->size[0] * d_a->size[1]; d_a->size[0] = 1; d_a->size[1] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { d_a->data[d_a->size[0] * i13] = H[r28->data[i13] - 1]; } emxInit_real32_T(&KH, 2); i13 = KH->size[0] * KH->size[1]; KH->size[0] = e_a->size[0]; KH->size[1] = d_a->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)KH, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = e_a->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = d_a->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * i14] = e_a->data[i13] * d_a->data[d_a-> size[0] * i14]; } } emxInit_real32_T(&r36, 2); eml_li_find(selector, r28); eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = r36->size[0] * r36->size[1]; r36->size[0] = r29->size[0]; r36->size[1] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r36, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r29->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { r36->data[i14 + r36->size[0] * i13] = P[(r29->data[i14] + 20 * (r28->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } eml_li_find(selector, r28); eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = b_b->size[0] * b_b->size[1]; b_b->size[0] = r29->size[0]; b_b->size[1] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_b, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r29->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { b_b->data[i14 + b_b->size[0] * i13] = P[(r29->data[i14] + 20 * (r28->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } emxInit_real32_T(&C, 2); if ((KH->size[1] == 1) || (b_b->size[0] == 1)) { i13 = C->size[0] * C->size[1]; C->size[0] = KH->size[0]; C->size[1] = b_b->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = KH->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = b_b->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { C->data[i13 + C->size[0] * i14] = 0.0F; ar = KH->size[1]; for (ib = 0; ib < ar; ib++) { C->data[i13 + C->size[0] * i14] += KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * ib] * b_b->data[ib + b_b->size[0] * i14]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)KH->size[0]; unnamed_idx_1 = (uint32_T)b_b->size[1]; i13 = C->size[0] * C->size[1]; C->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i13 = C->size[0] * C->size[1]; C->size[1] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 * (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { C->data[i13] = 0.0F; } if ((KH->size[0] == 0) || (b_b->size[1] == 0)) { } else { c = KH->size[0] * (b_b->size[1] - 1); for (i = 0; i <= c; i += KH->size[0]) { i13 = i + KH->size[0]; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i13; ic++) { C->data[ic] = 0.0F; } } br = 0; for (i = 0; i <= c; i += KH->size[0]) { ar = 0; i13 = br + KH->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i13; ib++) { if (b_b->data[ib] != 0.0F) { ia = ar; i14 = i + KH->size[0]; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i14; ic++) { ia++; C->data[ic] += b_b->data[ib] * KH->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += KH->size[0]; } br += KH->size[1]; } } } eml_li_find(selector, r28); eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = c_a->size[0] * c_a->size[1]; c_a->size[0] = r29->size[0]; c_a->size[1] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = r29->size[0]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { c_a->data[i14 + c_a->size[0] * i13] = P[(r29->data[i14] + 20 * (r28->data[i13] - 1)) - 1]; } } i13 = b_b->size[0] * b_b->size[1]; b_b->size[0] = KH->size[1]; b_b->size[1] = KH->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_b, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = KH->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = KH->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { b_b->data[i14 + b_b->size[0] * i13] = KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * i14]; } } if ((c_a->size[1] == 1) || (b_b->size[0] == 1)) { i13 = KH->size[0] * KH->size[1]; KH->size[0] = c_a->size[0]; KH->size[1] = b_b->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)KH, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = c_a->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = b_b->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * i14] = 0.0F; ar = c_a->size[1]; for (ib = 0; ib < ar; ib++) { KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * i14] += c_a->data[i13 + c_a->size[0] * ib] * b_b->data[ib + b_b->size[0] * i14]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)c_a->size[0]; unnamed_idx_1 = (uint32_T)b_b->size[1]; i13 = KH->size[0] * KH->size[1]; KH->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)KH, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i13 = KH->size[0] * KH->size[1]; KH->size[1] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)KH, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 * (int32_T)unnamed_idx_1; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { KH->data[i13] = 0.0F; } if ((c_a->size[0] == 0) || (b_b->size[1] == 0)) { } else { c = c_a->size[0] * (b_b->size[1] - 1); for (i = 0; i <= c; i += c_a->size[0]) { i13 = i + c_a->size[0]; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i13; ic++) { KH->data[ic] = 0.0F; } } br = 0; for (i = 0; i <= c; i += c_a->size[0]) { ar = 0; i13 = br + c_a->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i13; ib++) { if (b_b->data[ib] != 0.0F) { ia = ar; i14 = i + c_a->size[0]; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i14; ic++) { ia++; KH->data[ic] += b_b->data[ib] * c_a->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += c_a->size[0]; } br += c_a->size[1]; } } } emxFree_real32_T(&b_b); emxFree_real32_T(&c_a); eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = e_a->size[0]; e_a->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)e_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { e_a->data[i13] = K[r28->data[i13] - 1]; } eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = d_a->size[0] * d_a->size[1]; d_a->size[0] = 1; d_a->size[1] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d_a, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(real32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { d_a->data[d_a->size[0] * i13] = K[r28->data[i13] - 1]; } eml_li_find(selector, r28); i13 = r28->size[0]; r28->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r28, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r28->data[i13]--; } eml_li_find(selector, r29); i13 = r29->size[0]; r29->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r29, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r29->data[i13]--; } emxInit_int32_T(&r37, 1); i13 = r37->size[0]; r37->size[0] = r29->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r37, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r29->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r37->data[i13] = r29->data[i13]; } emxFree_int32_T(&r29); emxInit_int32_T(&r38, 1); i13 = r38->size[0]; r38->size[0] = r28->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r38, i13, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r28->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { r38->data[i13] = r28->data[i13]; } emxFree_int32_T(&r28); i = e_a->size[0]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < i; i13++) { br = d_a->size[1]; for (i14 = 0; i14 < br; i14++) { dtheta_half_norm = e_a->data[i13] * r * d_a->data[d_a->size[0] * i14]; P[r38->data[i13] + 20 * r37->data[i14]] = ((r36->data[i13 + r36->size[0] * i14] - C->data[i13 + C->size[0] * i14]) - KH->data[i13 + KH->size[0] * i14]) + dtheta_half_norm; } } emxFree_int32_T(&r38); emxFree_int32_T(&r37); emxFree_real32_T(&e_a); emxFree_real32_T(&d_a); emxFree_real32_T(&C); emxFree_real32_T(&r36); emxFree_real32_T(&KH); for (i13 = 0; i13 < 20; i13++) { K[i13] *= e; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { x->p[i13] += (real_T)K[i13]; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { y_Compass_N[i] = 0.5F * K[i + 3]; } dtheta_half_norm = (real32_T)sqrt(dot(y_Compass_N, y_Compass_N)); if ((real32_T)fabs(dtheta_half_norm) < 0.01F) { r = dtheta_half_norm * dtheta_half_norm; y = ((1.0F - 0.166666672F * r) + 0.00833333377F * (r * r)) - 0.000198412701F * (r * r * r); } else { y = (real32_T)sin(dtheta_half_norm) / dtheta_half_norm; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dq[i] = y * y_Compass_N[i]; } dq[3] = (real32_T)cos(dtheta_half_norm); /* optimization (rectification of sinc) */ /* [ q3, q2, -q1, q0] */ /* [ -q2, q3, q0, q1] */ /* [ q1, -q0, q3, q2] */ /* [ -q0, -q1, -q2, q3] */ /* set float type */ Q[0] = dq[3]; Q[4] = dq[2]; Q[8] = -dq[1]; Q[12] = dq[0]; Q[1] = -dq[2]; Q[5] = dq[3]; Q[9] = dq[0]; Q[13] = dq[1]; Q[2] = dq[1]; Q[6] = -dq[0]; Q[10] = dq[3]; Q[14] = dq[2]; Q[3] = -dq[0]; Q[7] = -dq[1]; Q[11] = -dq[2]; Q[15] = dq[3]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 4; i13++) { dq[i13] = 0.0F; for (i14 = 0; i14 < 4; i14++) { r = dq[i13] + Q[i13 + (i14 << 2)] * x->q_NS[i14]; dq[i13] = r; } } r = 0.0F; i = 0; br = 0; for (ar = 0; ar < 4; ar++) { r += dq[i] * dq[br]; i++; br++; } r = (real32_T)sqrt(r); for (i13 = 0; i13 < 4; i13++) { dq[i13] /= r; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { x->q_NS[i] = dq[i]; } /* Correct the angular state only with tilt D (tilt N and tilt E are Zero) */ for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { x->v_N[i13] += K[6 + i13]; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { x->b_g[i13] += K[9 + i13]; } for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { x->b_a[i13] += K[12 + i13]; } x->QFF += K[15]; for (i13 = 0; i13 < 3; i13++) { x->w[i13] += K[16 + i13]; } x->K += K[19]; } }
/* * Arguments : double m * double f * const emxArray_real_T *w * emxArray_real_T *b * Return Type : void */ void fkernel(double m, double f, const emxArray_real_T *w, emxArray_real_T *b) { int k; int nm1d2; double anew; double y; int n; double apnd; double ndbl; double cdiff; double absa; double absb; emxArray_real_T *b_m; emxArray_int32_T *r0; emxArray_real_T *b_y; emxArray_real_T *x; k = b->size[0] * b->size[1]; b->size[0] = 1; b->size[1] = w->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = w->size[1]; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b->data[k] = 0.0; } anew = -m / 2.0; y = m / 2.0; if (rtIsNaN(anew) || rtIsNaN(y)) { n = 1; anew = rtNaN; apnd = y; } else if (y < anew) { n = 0; apnd = y; } else if (rtIsInf(anew) || rtIsInf(y)) { n = 1; anew = rtNaN; apnd = y; } else { ndbl = floor((y - anew) + 0.5); apnd = anew + ndbl; cdiff = apnd - y; absa = fabs(anew); absb = fabs(y); if ((absa >= absb) || rtIsNaN(absb)) { absb = absa; } if (fabs(cdiff) < 4.4408920985006262E-16 * absb) { ndbl++; apnd = y; } else if (cdiff > 0.0) { apnd = anew + (ndbl - 1.0); } else { ndbl++; } if (ndbl >= 0.0) { n = (int)ndbl; } else { n = 0; } } emxInit_real_T(&b_m, 2); k = b_m->size[0] * b_m->size[1]; b_m->size[0] = 1; b_m->size[1] = n; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_m, k, (int)sizeof(double)); if (n > 0) { b_m->data[0] = anew; if (n > 1) { b_m->data[n - 1] = apnd; k = n - 1; nm1d2 = k / 2; for (k = 1; k < nm1d2; k++) { b_m->data[k] = anew + (double)k; b_m->data[(n - k) - 1] = apnd - (double)k; } if (nm1d2 << 1 == n - 1) { b_m->data[nm1d2] = (anew + apnd) / 2.0; } else { b_m->data[nm1d2] = anew + (double)nm1d2; b_m->data[nm1d2 + 1] = apnd - (double)nm1d2; } } } emxInit_int32_T(&r0, 2); n = b_m->size[1] - 1; nm1d2 = 0; for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) { if (b_m->data[k] == 0.0) { nm1d2++; } } k = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; r0->size[0] = 1; r0->size[1] = nm1d2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r0, k, (int)sizeof(int)); nm1d2 = 0; for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) { if (b_m->data[k] == 0.0) { r0->data[nm1d2] = k + 1; nm1d2++; } } nm1d2 = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b->data[r0->data[k] - 1] = 6.2831853071795862 * f; } /* No division by zero */ n = b_m->size[1] - 1; nm1d2 = 0; for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) { if (b_m->data[k] != 0.0) { nm1d2++; } } k = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; r0->size[0] = 1; r0->size[1] = nm1d2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r0, k, (int)sizeof(int)); nm1d2 = 0; for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) { if (b_m->data[k] != 0.0) { r0->data[nm1d2] = k + 1; nm1d2++; } } emxInit_real_T(&b_y, 2); y = 6.2831853071795862 * f; k = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; b_y->size[0] = 1; b_y->size[1] = r0->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = r0->size[0] * r0->size[1]; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b_y->data[k] = y * b_m->data[r0->data[k] - 1]; } emxInit_real_T(&x, 2); k = x->size[0] * x->size[1]; x->size[0] = 1; x->size[1] = b_y->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)x, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { x->data[k] = b_y->data[k]; } for (k = 0; k + 1 <= b_y->size[1]; k++) { x->data[k] = sin(x->data[k]); } k = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; b_y->size[0] = 1; b_y->size[1] = x->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = x->size[0] * x->size[1]; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b_y->data[k] = x->data[k] / b_m->data[r0->data[k] - 1]; } emxFree_real_T(&x); emxFree_int32_T(&r0); n = b_m->size[1]; nm1d2 = 0; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { if (b_m->data[k] != 0.0) { b->data[k] = b_y->data[nm1d2]; nm1d2++; } } emxFree_real_T(&b_y); emxFree_real_T(&b_m); /* Sinc */ k = b->size[0] * b->size[1]; b->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = b->size[0]; k = b->size[1]; nm1d2 *= k; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b->data[k] *= w->data[k]; } /* Window */ if (b->size[1] == 0) { y = 0.0; } else { y = b->data[0]; for (k = 2; k <= b->size[1]; k++) { y += b->data[k - 1]; } } k = b->size[0] * b->size[1]; b->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, k, (int)sizeof(double)); nm1d2 = b->size[0]; k = b->size[1]; nm1d2 *= k; for (k = 0; k < nm1d2; k++) { b->data[k] /= y; } /* Normalization to unity gain at DC */ }
void a_melcepst(const real_T s[512], real_T fs, int32_T nc, emxArray_real_T *c) { real_T b_s[512]; int32_T i; static const real_T dv0[512] = { 0.080000000000000016, 0.080034772851092173, 0.080139086147189731, 0.080312924117550422, 0.0805562604802531, 0.08086905844617126, 0.081251270724534919, 0.0817028395300804, 0.082223696591786744, 0.082813763163197218, 0.083472950034324755, 0.084201157545139238, 0.084998275600634943, 0.085864183687475115, 0.086798750892212118, 0.0878018359210796, 0.0888732871213544, 0.0900129425042841, 0.091220629769577732, 0.092496166331455187, 0.093839359346251483, 0.095250005741572386, 0.09672789224699585, 0.09827279542631584, 0.099884481711322914, 0.10156270743711604, 0.10330721887894206, 0.10511775229055487, 0.10699403394409035, 0.10893578017145067, 0.11094269740719032, 0.11301448223289995, 0.11515082142307836, 0.11735139199248851, 0.11961586124498802, 0.12194388682382867, 0.12433511676341558, 0.12678918954252011, 0.12930573413893637, 0.1318843700855753, 0.13452470752798562, 0.13722634728329447, 0.13998888090055894, 0.1428118907225176, 0.14569494994873494, 0.14863762270012759, 0.1516394640848634, 0.15470002026562302, 0.15781882852821355, 0.16099541735152506, 0.16422930647881784, 0.16752000699033076, 0.17086702137719906, 0.17426984361667108, 0.177727959248612, 0.181240845453283, 0.18480797113038444, 0.18842879697935122, 0.19210277558088723, 0.19582935147972808, 0.19960796126861807, 0.20343803367348967, 0.20731898963983236, 0.211250242420238, 0.21523119766310839, 0.2192612535025138, 0.2233398006491864, 0.22746622248263659, 0.23163989514437766, 0.23586018763224437, 0.24012646189579223, 0.24443807293276187, 0.24879436888659412, 0.25319469114498255, 0.25763837443944609, 0.26212474694590859, 0.26665313038626953, 0.27122284013095055, 0.27583318530240147, 0.28048346887955239, 0.28517298780319289, 0.2899010330822655, 0.29466688990105527, 0.29946983772726005, 0.30430915042092521, 0.30918409634422606, 0.31409393847208128, 0.31903793450358153, 0.32401533697421447, 0.32902539336887182, 0.33406734623561868, 0.33914043330021065, 0.34424388758133867, 0.34937693750658638, 0.35453880702908114, 0.35972871574482179, 0.36494587901066489, 0.3701895080629527, 0.37545881013676219, 0.38075298858576168, 0.38607124300265128, 0.39141276934017522, 0.39677676003268147, 0.40216240411821519, 0.40756888736112512, 0.41299539237516436, 0.41844109874706864, 0.42390518316059117, 0.4293868195209769, 0.43488517907985663, 0.44039943056054276, 0.44592874028370622, 0.45147227229341824, 0.45702918848353491, 0.46259864872440754, 0.46817981098989864, 0.47377183148468471, 0.47937386477182686, 0.48498506390058893, 0.490604580534485, 0.49623156507953636, 0.50186516681271842, 0.50750453401057793, 0.51314881407800261, 0.51879715367712187, 0.524448698856319, 0.53010259517933778, 0.53575798785446094, 0.54141402186374354, 0.5470698420922796, 0.55272459345748381, 0.55837742103836852, 0.5640274702047956, 0.56967388674668551, 0.57531581700316159, 0.58095240799161241, 0.58658280753665026, 0.59220616439894935, 0.59782162840394082, 0.60342835057034794, 0.60902548323854022, 0.61461218019868813, 0.62018759681869828, 0.62575089017190988, 0.63130121916453474, 0.63683774466281806, 0.64235962961990467, 0.64786603920238861, 0.65335614091652849, 0.65882910473410994, 0.66428410321793319, 0.6697203116469117, 0.67513690814075755, 0.68053307378423888, 0.68590799275098879, 0.69126085242684687, 0.69659084353271583, 0.70189716024691284, 0.70717900032699887, 0.7124355652310671, 0.717666060238471, 0.72286969456997574, 0.72804568150731275, 0.73319323851212115, 0.73831158734425673, 0.74339995417945037, 0.74845756972630173, 0.75348366934258248, 0.75847749315084323, 0.76343828615329357, 0.7683652983459498, 0.77325778483202323, 0.77811500593454008, 0.78293622730816892, 0.78772072005024552, 0.7924677608109707, 0.79717663190277332, 0.80184662140881269, 0.80647702329061177, 0.81106713749480042, 0.8156162700589541, 0.82012373321651044, 0.82458884550075162, 0.82901093184783137, 0.83338932369883667, 0.83772335910086348, 0.84201238280709623, 0.84625574637587087, 0.85045280826871128, 0.8546029339473209, 0.85870549596951617, 0.86275987408408694, 0.86676545532457061, 0.8707216341019236, 0.87462781229607822, 0.87848339934637087, 0.88228781234082576, 0.88604047610428438, 0.88974082328536275, 0.89338829444222823, 0.89698233812717909, 0.90052241097001584, 0.90400797776019148, 0.90743851152772792, 0.91081349362288644, 0.91413241379458121, 0.91739477026752081, 0.92060006981807141, 0.92374782784882448, 0.92683756846186127, 0.9298688245307023, 0.93284113777093092, 0.93575405880947859, 0.938607147252565, 0.94139997175227874, 0.94413211007179187, 0.94680314914919594, 0.94941268515995136, 0.95196032357793992, 0.95444567923511281, 0.95686837637972111, 0.9592280487331255, 0.96152433954517225, 0.96375690164812866, 0.965925397509171, 0.96802949928141335, 0.970068888853475, 0.97204325789757351, 0.97395230791614062, 0.97579575028695, 0.97757330630675354, 0.97928470723341743, 0.98092969432655219, 0.98250801888663064, 0.98401944229258809, 0.98546373603789827, 0.98684068176512052, 0.98815007129891252, 0.98939170667750365, 0.99056540018262351, 0.99167097436788332, 0.99270826208560237, 0.99367710651207919, 0.99457736117130091, 0.99540888995708832, 0.9961715671536735, 0.99686527745470577, 0.99748991598068559, 0.99804538829481926, 0.9985316104172981, 0.99894850883799369, 0.99929602052757294, 0.99957409294702582, 0.99978268405560977, 0.99992176231720475, 0.99999130670508207, 0.99999130670508207, 0.99992176231720475, 0.99978268405560977, 0.99957409294702582, 0.99929602052757294, 0.99894850883799369, 0.9985316104172981, 0.99804538829481926, 0.99748991598068559, 0.99686527745470577, 0.9961715671536735, 0.99540888995708832, 0.99457736117130091, 0.99367710651207919, 0.99270826208560237, 0.99167097436788332, 0.99056540018262351, 0.98939170667750365, 0.98815007129891264, 0.98684068176512052, 0.98546373603789827, 0.9840194422925882, 0.98250801888663064, 0.98092969432655219, 0.97928470723341743, 0.97757330630675365, 0.97579575028695009, 0.97395230791614062, 0.97204325789757351, 0.970068888853475, 0.96802949928141335, 0.96592539750917106, 0.96375690164812866, 0.96152433954517225, 0.9592280487331255, 0.95686837637972122, 0.95444567923511281, 0.95196032357794014, 0.94941268515995125, 0.94680314914919594, 0.94413211007179187, 0.94139997175227885, 0.938607147252565, 0.93575405880947871, 0.93284113777093114, 0.92986882453070241, 0.92683756846186127, 0.92374782784882448, 0.92060006981807163, 0.91739477026752092, 0.91413241379458121, 0.91081349362288655, 0.90743851152772792, 0.90400797776019148, 0.900522410970016, 0.89698233812717909, 0.89338829444222834, 0.88974082328536275, 0.8860404761042846, 0.88228781234082587, 0.878483399346371, 0.87462781229607822, 0.87072163410192371, 0.86676545532457072, 0.86275987408408716, 0.85870549596951617, 0.854602933947321, 0.85045280826871128, 0.84625574637587087, 0.84201238280709623, 0.83772335910086393, 0.83338932369883678, 0.82901093184783159, 0.82458884550075162, 0.82012373321651089, 0.81561627005895421, 0.81106713749480042, 0.80647702329061177, 0.80184662140881269, 0.79717663190277355, 0.79246776081097081, 0.78772072005024563, 0.78293622730816925, 0.7781150059345403, 0.77325778483202334, 0.76836529834594991, 0.7634382861532939, 0.75847749315084312, 0.7534836693425826, 0.7484575697263014, 0.74339995417945093, 0.73831158734425684, 0.73319323851212148, 0.72804568150731264, 0.72286969456997607, 0.717666060238471, 0.71243556523106721, 0.70717900032699887, 0.701897160246913, 0.696590843532716, 0.69126085242684687, 0.68590799275098913, 0.680533073784239, 0.67513690814075789, 0.66972031164691181, 0.66428410321793374, 0.65882910473411, 0.65335614091652838, 0.6478660392023885, 0.64235962961990478, 0.63683774466281828, 0.63130121916453463, 0.62575089017190988, 0.62018759681869828, 0.61461218019868846, 0.60902548323854022, 0.603428350570348, 0.597821628403941, 0.59220616439894924, 0.58658280753665026, 0.58095240799161219, 0.57531581700316192, 0.56967388674668551, 0.56402747020479571, 0.55837742103836829, 0.55272459345748415, 0.54706984209227971, 0.54141402186374377, 0.53575798785446127, 0.53010259517933778, 0.52444869885631917, 0.51879715367712176, 0.51314881407800306, 0.50750453401057793, 0.50186516681271853, 0.49623156507953631, 0.49060458053448541, 0.48498506390058904, 0.47937386477182709, 0.47377183148468466, 0.46817981098989869, 0.46259864872440776, 0.45702918848353485, 0.45147227229341824, 0.44592874028370633, 0.440399430560543, 0.43488517907985663, 0.429386819520977, 0.42390518316059139, 0.41844109874706892, 0.41299539237516436, 0.40756888736112484, 0.40216240411821547, 0.39677676003268147, 0.39141276934017533, 0.3860712430026515, 0.3807529885857619, 0.3754588101367623, 0.37018950806295287, 0.36494587901066522, 0.35972871574482168, 0.35453880702908119, 0.34937693750658616, 0.34424388758133895, 0.33914043330021071, 0.33406734623561879, 0.3290253933688716, 0.32401533697421481, 0.31903793450358164, 0.31409393847208145, 0.30918409634422594, 0.30430915042092521, 0.29946983772726016, 0.29466688990105516, 0.2899010330822655, 0.285172987803193, 0.28048346887955261, 0.27583318530240147, 0.2712228401309506, 0.2666531303862697, 0.26212474694590882, 0.25763837443944609, 0.25319469114498266, 0.24879436888659429, 0.24443807293276176, 0.24012646189579229, 0.23586018763224448, 0.23163989514437777, 0.22746622248263659, 0.22333980064918652, 0.21926125350251396, 0.21523119766310861, 0.21125024242023804, 0.20731898963983225, 0.20343803367348989, 0.19960796126861807, 0.19582935147972819, 0.19210277558088712, 0.18842879697935144, 0.1848079711303845, 0.18124084545328312, 0.17772795924861196, 0.17426984361667136, 0.17086702137719911, 0.16752000699033065, 0.16422930647881784, 0.16099541735152512, 0.15781882852821361, 0.15470002026562296, 0.15163946408486367, 0.14863762270012765, 0.14569494994873505, 0.1428118907225176, 0.13998888090055922, 0.13722634728329458, 0.13452470752798557, 0.1318843700855753, 0.12930573413893648, 0.12678918954252016, 0.12433511676341558, 0.12194388682382873, 0.11961586124498813, 0.11735139199248862, 0.11515082142307836, 0.1130144822329, 0.11094269740719043, 0.10893578017145061, 0.10699403394409041, 0.10511775229055476, 0.10330721887894218, 0.10156270743711604, 0.09988448171132297, 0.09827279542631584, 0.0967278922469959, 0.095250005741572386, 0.093839359346251427, 0.092496166331455243, 0.091220629769577788, 0.0900129425042841, 0.088873287121354339, 0.087801835921079707, 0.086798750892212118, 0.085864183687475171, 0.084998275600634943, 0.084201157545139349, 0.083472950034324811, 0.082813763163197218, 0.082223696591786744, 0.081702839530080451, 0.081251270724534919, 0.08086905844617126, 0.0805562604802531, 0.080312924117550422, 0.080139086147189731, 0.080034772851092173, 0.080000000000000016 }; emxArray_creal_T *f; emxArray_real_T *m; int32_T ia; int32_T a; int32_T i0; int32_T i1; int32_T br; emxArray_creal_T *pw; int32_T b_f[2]; int32_T c_f[2]; int32_T ar; emxArray_creal_T d_f; emxArray_creal_T e_f; real_T b_a; real_T b; real_T f_re; real_T f_im; creal_T ath; boolean_T exitg1; creal_T b_pw; emxArray_creal_T *f_f; int32_T g_f[2]; emxArray_real_T *b_b; emxArray_real_T *y; int32_T c_k; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; int32_T b_m; int32_T ic; int64_T i2; emxArray_int32_T *r0; emxArray_int32_T *idx; emxArray_boolean_T *c_b; emxArray_real_T *b_c; emxArray_real_T *c_c; /* MELCEPST Calculate the mel cepstrum of a signal C=(S,FS,W,NC,P,N,INC,FL,FH) */ /* */ /* */ /* Simple use: c=melcepst(s,fs) % calculate mel cepstrum with 12 coefs, 256 sample frames */ /* c=melcepst(s,fs,'e0dD') % include log energy, 0th cepstral coef, delta and delta-delta coefs */ /* */ /* Inputs: */ /* s speech signal */ /* fs sample rate in Hz (default 11025) */ /* nc number of cepstral coefficients excluding 0'th coefficient (default 12) */ /* n length of frame in samples (default power of 2 < (0.03*fs)) */ /* p number of filters in filterbank (default: floor(3*log(fs)) = approx 2.1 per ocatave) */ /* inc frame increment (default n/2) */ /* fl low end of the lowest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0) */ /* fh high end of highest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0.5) */ /* */ /* w any sensible combination of the following: */ /* */ /* 'R' rectangular window in time domain */ /* 'N' Hanning window in time domain */ /* 'M' Hamming window in time domain (default) */ /* */ /* 't' triangular shaped filters in mel domain (default) */ /* 'n' hanning shaped filters in mel domain */ /* 'm' hamming shaped filters in mel domain */ /* */ /* 'p' filters act in the power domain */ /* 'a' filters act in the absolute magnitude domain (default) */ /* */ /* '0' include 0'th order cepstral coefficient */ /* 'E' include log energy */ /* 'd' include delta coefficients (dc/dt) */ /* 'D' include delta-delta coefficients (d^2c/dt^2) */ /* */ /* 'z' highest and lowest filters taper down to zero (default) */ /* 'y' lowest filter remains at 1 down to 0 frequency and */ /* highest filter remains at 1 up to nyquist freqency */ /* */ /* If 'ty' or 'ny' is specified, the total power in the fft is preserved. */ /* */ /* Outputs: c mel cepstrum output: one frame per row. Log energy, if requested, is the */ /* first element of each row followed by the delta and then the delta-delta */ /* coefficients. */ /* */ /* BUGS: (1) should have power limit as 1e-16 rather than 1e-6 (or possibly a better way of choosing this) */ /* and put into VOICEBOX */ /* (2) get rdct to change the data length (properly) instead of doing it explicitly (wrongly) */ /* Copyright (C) Mike Brookes 1997 */ /* Version: $Id: melcepst.m,v 1.8 2011/09/02 16:24:14 dmb Exp $ */ /* */ /* VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing. */ /* Home page: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html */ /* */ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You can obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from */ /* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or by writing to */ /* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /* floor(3*log(fs)); */ /* 256; %20 / 1000 * fs; % 10 ms window */ /* nc = 20; */ /* z=a_enframe(s,a_hamming(n),inc); */ /* HAMMING.M */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT : (c) NUHAG, Dept.Math., University of Vienna, AUSTRIA */ /* http://nuhag.eu/ */ /* Permission is granted to modify and re-distribute this */ /* code in any manner as long as this notice is preserved. */ /* All standard disclaimers apply. */ /* */ /* HAMMING.M - returns the N-point Hamming window. */ /* */ /* Input : n = number */ /* */ /* Output : w = vector */ /* */ /* Usage : w = hamming (n) */ /* */ /* Comments : allows also the call: hamming(xx), taking only format from signal xx */ /* */ /* See also : HAMMING2 */ /* modification of original MATLAB (3.5) file */ /* HGFei, 1990 */ /* z=enframe(s,hamming(n),inc); */ for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { b_s[i] = s[i] * dv0[i]; } emxInit_creal_T(&f, 1); emxInit_real_T(&m, 2); a_rfft(b_s, f); a_melbankm(m, &a, &ia); /* [m,a,b]=melbankm(p,n,fs,fl,fh, 'M'); */ if (a > ia) { i0 = 0; i1 = 0; } else { i0 = a - 1; i1 = ia; } if (a > ia) { br = 0; } else { br = a - 1; } emxInit_creal_T(&pw, 1); b_f[0] = f->size[0]; b_f[1] = 1; c_f[0] = f->size[0]; c_f[1] = 1; i = pw->size[0]; pw->size[0] = i1 - i0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)pw, i, (int32_T)sizeof(creal_T)); ar = (i1 - i0) - 1; for (i1 = 0; i1 <= ar; i1++) { d_f = *f; d_f.size = (int32_T *)&b_f; d_f.numDimensions = 1; e_f = *f; e_f.size = (int32_T *)&c_f; e_f.numDimensions = 1; b_a = e_f.data[br + i1].re; b = -e_f.data[br + i1].im; f_re = d_f.data[i0 + i1].re; f_im = d_f.data[i0 + i1].im; pw->data[i1].re = f_re * b_a - f_im * b; pw->data[i1].im = f_re * b + f_im * b_a; } i = 1; br = pw->size[0]; ath = pw->data[0]; if (br > 1) { if (rtIsNaN(pw->data[0].re) || rtIsNaN(pw->data[0].im)) { ar = 1; exitg1 = 0U; while ((exitg1 == 0U) && (ar + 1 <= br)) { i = ar + 1; if (!(rtIsNaN(pw->data[ar].re) || rtIsNaN(pw->data[ar].im))) { ath = pw->data[ar]; exitg1 = 1U; } else { ar++; } } } if (i < br) { while (i + 1 <= br) { b_pw = pw->data[i]; if (eml_relop(b_pw, ath, TRUE)) { ath = pw->data[i]; } i++; } } } ath.re *= 1.0E-20; ath.im *= 1.0E-20; b_sqrt(&ath); if (a > ia) { i0 = 0; ia = 0; } else { i0 = a - 1; } emxInit_creal_T(&f_f, 1); g_f[0] = f->size[0]; g_f[1] = 1; i1 = f_f->size[0]; f_f->size[0] = ia - i0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)f_f, i1, (int32_T)sizeof(creal_T)); ar = (ia - i0) - 1; for (i1 = 0; i1 <= ar; i1++) { d_f = *f; d_f.size = (int32_T *)&g_f; d_f.numDimensions = 1; f_f->data[i1] = d_f.data[i0 + i1]; } b_emxInit_real_T(&b_b, 1); b_abs(f_f, b_b); emxFree_creal_T(&f_f); b_emxInit_real_T(&y, 1); if ((m->size[1] == 1) || (b_b->size[0] == 1)) { i0 = y->size[0]; y->size[0] = m->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)y, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = m->size[0] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { y->data[i0] = 0.0; i = b_b->size[0] - 1; for (i1 = 0; i1 <= i; i1++) { y->data[i0] += m->data[i0 + m->size[0] * i1] * b_b->data[i1]; } } } else { c_k = m->size[1]; unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)m->size[0]; i0 = y->size[0]; y->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)y, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_m = m->size[0]; i = y->size[0]; i0 = y->size[0]; y->size[0] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)y, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = i - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { y->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (b_m == 0) { } else { for (i = 0; i <= 0; i += b_m) { i0 = i + b_m; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { y->data[ic] = 0.0; } } br = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 0; i += b_m) { ar = 0; i0 = br + c_k; for (a = br; a + 1 <= i0; a++) { if (b_b->data[a] != 0.0) { ia = ar; i1 = i + b_m; for (ic = i; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; y->data[ic] += b_b->data[a] * m->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += b_m; } br += c_k; } } } emxFree_real_T(&m); unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)y->size[0]; i0 = f->size[0]; f->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)f, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(creal_T)); i0 = f->size[0]; for (c_k = 0; c_k + 1 <= i0; c_k++) { if (b_eml_relop(y->data[c_k], ath, TRUE) || rtIsNaN(y->data[c_k])) { b_a = ath.re; b = ath.im; } else { b_a = y->data[c_k]; b = 0.0; } f->data[c_k].re = b_a; f->data[c_k].im = b; } emxFree_real_T(&y); i0 = pw->size[0]; pw->size[0] = f->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)pw, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(creal_T)); ar = f->size[0] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { pw->data[i0] = f->data[i0]; } for (c_k = 0; c_k <= f->size[0] - 1; c_k++) { ath = pw->data[c_k]; if ((pw->data[c_k].im == 0.0) && rtIsNaN(pw->data[c_k].re)) { } else if ((fabs(pw->data[c_k].re) > 8.9884656743115785E+307) || (fabs (pw->data[c_k].im) > 8.9884656743115785E+307)) { b_a = fabs(pw->data[c_k].re / 2.0); b = fabs(pw->data[c_k].im / 2.0); if (b_a < b) { b_a /= b; b *= sqrt(b_a * b_a + 1.0); } else if (b_a > b) { b /= b_a; b = sqrt(b * b + 1.0) * b_a; } else if (rtIsNaN(b)) { } else { b = b_a * 1.4142135623730951; } ath.re = log(b) + 0.69314718055994529; ath.im = rt_atan2d_snf(pw->data[c_k].im, pw->data[c_k].re); } else { b_a = fabs(pw->data[c_k].re); b = fabs(pw->data[c_k].im); if (b_a < b) { b_a /= b; b *= sqrt(b_a * b_a + 1.0); } else if (b_a > b) { b /= b_a; b = sqrt(b * b + 1.0) * b_a; } else if (rtIsNaN(b)) { } else { b = b_a * 1.4142135623730951; } ath.re = log(b); ath.im = rt_atan2d_snf(pw->data[c_k].im, pw->data[c_k].re); } pw->data[c_k] = ath; } emxFree_creal_T(&f); a_rdct(pw, b_b); i0 = c->size[0] * c->size[1]; c->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); i = b_b->size[0]; i0 = c->size[0] * c->size[1]; c->size[1] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); emxFree_creal_T(&pw); ar = b_b->size[0] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c->data[i0] = b_b->data[i0]; } emxFree_real_T(&b_b); i2 = (int64_T)nc + 1L; if (i2 > 2147483647L) { i2 = 2147483647L; } else { if (i2 < -2147483648L) { i2 = -2147483648L; } } nc = (int32_T)i2; if (32 > nc) { b_emxInit_int32_T(&r0, 1); i0 = c->size[1]; i1 = r0->size[0]; r0->size[0] = i0 - nc; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r0, i1, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); ar = (i0 - nc) - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { r0->data[i0] = (nc + i0) + 1; } emxInit_int32_T(&idx, 2); i0 = idx->size[0] * idx->size[1]; idx->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)idx, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); i = r0->size[0]; i0 = idx->size[0] * idx->size[1]; idx->size[1] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)idx, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(int32_T)); ar = r0->size[0] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { idx->data[i0] = r0->data[i0]; } emxFree_int32_T(&r0); if (idx->size[1] == 1) { i = c->size[1] - 1; for (ar = idx->data[0]; ar <= i; ar++) { c->data[c->size[0] * (ar - 1)] = c->data[c->size[0] * ar]; } } else { emxInit_boolean_T(&c_b, 2); i0 = c_b->size[0] * c_b->size[1]; c_b->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_b, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T)); i = c->size[1]; i0 = c_b->size[0] * c_b->size[1]; c_b->size[1] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_b, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(boolean_T)); ar = c->size[1] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c_b->data[i0] = FALSE; } for (c_k = 1; c_k <= idx->size[1]; c_k++) { c_b->data[idx->data[c_k - 1] - 1] = TRUE; } i = 0; for (c_k = 1; c_k <= c_b->size[1]; c_k++) { ia = c_b->data[c_k - 1]; i += ia; } i = c->size[1] - i; br = c_b->size[1]; ar = 0; i0 = c->size[1]; for (c_k = 1; c_k <= i0; c_k++) { if ((c_k > br) || (!c_b->data[c_k - 1])) { c->data[c->size[0] * ar] = c->data[c->size[0] * (c_k - 1)]; ar++; } } emxFree_boolean_T(&c_b); } emxFree_int32_T(&idx); if (1 > i) { i = 0; } emxInit_real_T(&b_c, 2); i0 = b_c->size[0] * b_c->size[1]; b_c->size[0] = 1; b_c->size[1] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = i - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { b_c->data[b_c->size[0] * i0] = c->data[c->size[0] * i0]; } i0 = c->size[0] * c->size[1]; c->size[0] = 1; c->size[1] = b_c->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = b_c->size[1] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c->data[c->size[0] * i0] = b_c->data[b_c->size[0] * i0]; } emxFree_real_T(&b_c); } else { if (32 < nc) { emxInit_real_T(&b_c, 2); i = nc - 32; i0 = b_c->size[0] * b_c->size[1]; b_c->size[0] = 1; b_c->size[1] = c->size[1] + i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = c->size[1] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { b_c->data[b_c->size[0] * i0] = c->data[c->size[0] * i0]; } ar = i - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { b_c->data[b_c->size[0] * (i0 + c->size[1])] = 0.0; } i0 = c->size[0] * c->size[1]; c->size[0] = 1; c->size[1] = b_c->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = b_c->size[1] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c->data[c->size[0] * i0] = b_c->data[b_c->size[0] * i0]; } emxFree_real_T(&b_c); } } i = c->size[1] - 1; for (ar = 1; ar <= i; ar++) { c->data[c->size[0] * (ar - 1)] = c->data[c->size[0] * ar]; } if (1 > i) { i = 0; } emxInit_real_T(&c_c, 2); i0 = c_c->size[0] * c_c->size[1]; c_c->size[0] = 1; c_c->size[1] = i; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = i - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c_c->data[c_c->size[0] * i0] = c->data[c->size[0] * i0]; } i0 = c->size[0] * c->size[1]; c->size[0] = 1; c->size[1] = c_c->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = c_c->size[1] - 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 <= ar; i0++) { c->data[c->size[0] * i0] = c_c->data[c_c->size[0] * i0]; } emxFree_real_T(&c_c); }