Esempio n. 1
static int bvlc_encode_bvlc_result(uint8_t * pdu,
    BACNET_BVLC_RESULT result_code)
    if (pdu) {
        pdu[0] = BVLL_TYPE_BACNET_IP;
        pdu[1] = BVLC_RESULT;
        /* The 2-octet BVLC Length field is the length, in octets,
           of the entire BVLL message, including the two octets of the
           length field itself, most significant octet first. */
        encode_unsigned16(&pdu[2], 6);
        encode_unsigned16(&pdu[4], (uint16_t) result_code);

    return 6;
Esempio n. 2
/** Function to send a packet out the BACnet/IP socket (Annex J).
 * @ingroup DLBIP
 * @param dest [in] Destination address (may encode an IP address and port #).
 * @param npdu_data [in] The NPDU header (Network) information (not used).
 * @param pdu [in] Buffer of data to be sent - may be null (why?).
 * @param pdu_len [in] Number of bytes in the pdu buffer.
 * @return Number of bytes sent on success, negative number on failure.
int bip_send_pdu(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */
    struct sockaddr_in bip_dest;
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };
    int mtu_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;
    /* addr and port in host format */
    struct in_addr address;
    uint16_t port = 0;

    (void) npdu_data;
    /* assumes that the driver has already been initialized */
    if (BIP_Socket < 0) {
        return BIP_Socket;

    mtu[0] = BVLL_TYPE_BACNET_IP;
    bip_dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
    if ((dest->net == BACNET_BROADCAST_NETWORK) || (dest->mac_len == 0)) {
        /* broadcast */
        address.s_addr = BIP_Broadcast_Address.s_addr;
        port = BIP_Port;
    } else if ((dest->net > 0) && (dest->len == 0)) {
        /* network specific broadcast */
        if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
            bip_decode_bip_address(dest, &address, &port);
        } else {
            address.s_addr = BIP_Broadcast_Address.s_addr;
            port = BIP_Port;
    } else if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        bip_decode_bip_address(dest, &address, &port);
    } else {
        /* invalid address */
        return -1;
    bip_dest.sin_addr.s_addr = address.s_addr;
    bip_dest.sin_port = port;
    memset(&(bip_dest.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
    mtu_len = 2;
    mtu_len +=
        (uint16_t) (pdu_len + 4 /*inclusive */ ));
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;

    /* Send the packet */
    bytes_sent =
        sendto(BIP_Socket, (char *) mtu, mtu_len, 0,
        (struct sockaddr *) &bip_dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

    return bytes_sent;
Esempio n. 3
/* returns number of bytes sent on success, negative on failure */
int ethernet_send_pdu(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */
    int i = 0;  /* counter */
    int bytes = 0;
    BACNET_ADDRESS src = { 0 }; /* source address for npdu */
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };      /* our buffer */
    int mtu_len = 0;

    (void) npdu_data;
    /* load the BACnet address for NPDU data */
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        src.mac[i] = Ethernet_MAC_Address[i];

    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (!ethernet_valid()) {
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[i] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src.mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[6 + i] = src.mac[i];
    } else {
        return -3;
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[14] = 0x82;     /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[15] = 0x82;     /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[16] = 0x03;     /* Control byte in header */
    mtu_len = 17;
    if ((mtu_len + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        return -4;
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;
    /* packet length - only the logical portion, not the address */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 + pdu_len);

    /* Send the packet */
    bytes = R_Ether_Write(0, mtu, mtu_len);

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 4
static void snap_received_packet(
    volatile struct mstp_port_struct_t *mstp_port,
    int sockfd)
    uint16_t mtu_len = 0;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
    unsigned i = 0;     /* counter */
    static uint8_t mtu[1500] = { 0 };
    uint16_t max_data = 0;

    mtu[0] = 0;
    mtu[1] = 0;
    mtu[2] = 0;
    mtu[3] = 0;
    mtu[4] = 0;
    mtu[5] = mstp_port->DestinationAddress;
    mtu[6] = 0;
    mtu[7] = 0;
    mtu[8] = 0;
    mtu[9] = 0;
    mtu[10] = 0;
    mtu[11] = mstp_port->SourceAddress;
    /* length - 12, 13 */
    mtu[14] = 0xaa;     /* DSAP for SNAP */
    mtu[15] = 0xaa;     /* SSAP for SNAP */
    mtu[16] = 0x03;     /* Control Field for SNAP */
    mtu[17] = 0x00;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[18] = 0x10;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[19] = 0x90;     /* Organization Code: Cimetrics */
    mtu[20] = 0x00;     /* Protocol ID */
    mtu[21] = 0x01;     /* Protocol ID */
    mtu[22] = 0x00;     /* delta time */
    mtu[23] = 0x00;     /* delta time */
    mtu[24] = 0x80;     /* unknown byte */
    mtu[25] = mstp_port->FrameType;
    mtu[26] = mstp_port->DestinationAddress;
    mtu[27] = mstp_port->SourceAddress;
    mtu[28] = HI_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
    mtu[29] = LO_BYTE(mstp_port->DataLength);
    mtu[30] = mstp_port->HeaderCRCActual;
    mtu_len = 31;
    if (mstp_port->DataLength) {
        max_data = min(mstp_port->InputBufferSize, mstp_port->DataLength);
        for (i = 0; i < max_data; i++) {
            mtu[31 + i] = mstp_port->InputBuffer[i];
        mtu[31 + max_data] = mstp_port->DataCRCActualMSB;
        mtu[31 + max_data + 1] = mstp_port->DataCRCActualLSB;
        mtu_len += (max_data + 2);
    /* Ethernet length is data only - not address or length bytes */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], mtu_len - 14);
    write(sockfd, &mtu[0], mtu_len);
Esempio n. 5
void Send_Initialize_Routing_Table(
    BACNET_ROUTER_PORT * router_port_list)
    int len = 0;
    int pdu_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA npdu_data;
    uint8_t number_of_ports = 0;
    BACNET_ROUTER_PORT *router_port;
    uint8_t i = 0;      /* counter */

    npdu_encode_npdu_network(&npdu_data, NETWORK_MESSAGE_INIT_RT_TABLE, true,
    pdu_len =
        npdu_encode_pdu(&Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0], NULL, NULL, &npdu_data);
    /* encode the optional port_info list portion of the packet */
    router_port = router_port_list;
    while (router_port) {
        router_port = router_port->next;
    Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len++] = number_of_ports;
    if (number_of_ports) {
        router_port = router_port_list;
        while (router_port) {
            len =
            pdu_len += len;
            Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len++] = router_port->id;
            Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len++] = router_port->info_len;
            for (i = 0; i < router_port->info_len; i++) {
                Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len++] = router_port->info[i];
            router_port = router_port->next;
    fprintf(stderr, "Send Initialize-Routing-Table message\n");
    bytes_sent =
        datalink_send_pdu(dst, &npdu_data, &Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0],
    if (bytes_sent <= 0)
            "Failed to send Initialize-Routing-Table message (%s)!\n",
Esempio n. 6
/** Parse an ASCII string for a bacnet-address
 * @param mac [out] BACNET_MAC_ADDRESS structure to store the results
 * @param arg [in] nul terminated ASCII string to parse
 * @return true if the address was parsed
bool address_mac_from_ascii(
    char *arg)
    unsigned a[6] = {0}, p = 0;
    uint16_t port = 0;
    int c;
    bool status = false;

    if (!(mac && arg)) {
        return false;
    c = sscanf(arg, "%3u.%3u.%3u.%3u:%5u", &a[0],&a[1],&a[2],&a[3],&p);
    if ((c == 4) || (c == 5)) {
        mac->adr[0] = a[0];
        mac->adr[1] = a[1];
        mac->adr[2] = a[2];
        mac->adr[3] = a[3];
        if (c == 4) {
            port = 0xBAC0;
        } else {
            port = (uint16_t)p;
        encode_unsigned16(&mac->adr[4], port);
        mac->len = 6;
        status = true;
    } else {
        c = sscanf(arg, "%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x",
        if (c == 6) {
            mac->adr[0] = a[0];
            mac->adr[1] = a[1];
            mac->adr[2] = a[2];
            mac->adr[3] = a[3];
            mac->adr[4] = a[4];
            mac->adr[5] = a[5];
            mac->len = 6;
            status = true;
        } else if (c == 1) {
            a[0] = (unsigned)strtol(arg, NULL, 0);
            if (a[0] <= 255) {
                mac->adr[0] = a[0];
                mac->len = 1;
                status = true;

    return status;
Esempio n. 7
int dl_ip_send(
    IP_DATA * data,
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,
    uint8_t * pdu,
    unsigned pdu_len)
    struct sockaddr_in bip_dest = { 0 };
    int buff_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;

    if (data->socket < 0)
        return -1;

    data->buff[0] = BVLL_TYPE_BACNET_IP;
    bip_dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
    if (dest->net == BACNET_BROADCAST_NETWORK) {
        /* broadcast */
        bip_dest.sin_addr.s_addr = data->broadcast_addr.s_addr;
        bip_dest.sin_port = data->port;
        data->buff[1] = BVLC_ORIGINAL_BROADCAST_NPDU;
    } else if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        memcpy(&bip_dest.sin_addr.s_addr, &dest->mac[0], 4);
        memcpy(&bip_dest.sin_port, &dest->mac[4], 2);
        data->buff[1] = BVLC_ORIGINAL_UNICAST_NPDU;
    } else {
        /* invalid address */
        return -1;

    buff_len = 2;
    buff_len +=
        (uint16_t) (pdu_len + 4 /*inclusive */ ));
    memcpy(&data->buff[buff_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    buff_len += pdu_len;

    /* send the packet */
    bytes_sent =
        sendto(data->socket, (char *) data->buff, buff_len, 0,
        (struct sockaddr *) &bip_dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

    PRINT(DEBUG, "send to %s\n", inet_ntoa(bip_dest.sin_addr));

    return bytes_sent;
Esempio n. 8
/* pDNET_list: list of networks for which I am a router,
   terminated with -1 */
void Send_I_Am_Router_To_Network(
    const int DNET_list[])
    int len = 0;
    int pdu_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA npdu_data;
    uint16_t dnet = 0;
    unsigned index = 0;

    pdu_len =
        npdu_encode_pdu(&Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0], NULL, NULL, &npdu_data);
    /* encode the optional DNET list portion of the packet */
    fprintf(stderr, "Send I-Am-Router-To-Network message to:\n");
    while (DNET_list[index] != -1) {
        dnet = DNET_list[index];
        len = encode_unsigned16(&Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len], dnet);
        pdu_len += len;
        fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", dnet);
    /* I-Am-Router-To-Network shall always be transmitted with
       a broadcast MAC address. */
    bytes_sent =
        datalink_send_pdu(&dest, &npdu_data, &Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0],
    if (bytes_sent <= 0)
            "Failed to send I-Am-Router-To-Network message (%s)!\n",
Esempio n. 9
static void address_parse(
    int argc,
    char *argv[])
    unsigned mac[6];
    unsigned port;
    int count = 0;
    int index = 0;

    if (argc > 0) {
        count =
            sscanf(argv[0], "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2],
            &mac[3], &port);
        if (count == 5) {
            dst->mac_len = 6;
            for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
                dst->mac[index] = mac[index];
            encode_unsigned16(&dst->mac[4], port);
        } else {
            count =
                sscanf(argv[0], "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", &mac[0], &mac[1], &mac[2],
                &mac[3], &mac[4], &mac[5]);
            dst->mac_len = count;
            for (index = 0; index < MAX_MAC_LEN; index++) {
                if (index < count) {
                    dst->mac[index] = mac[index];
                } else {
                    dst->mac[index] = 0;
    dst->net = 0;
    dst->len = 0;
    for (index = 0; index < MAX_MAC_LEN; index++) {
        dst->adr[index] = 0;
Esempio n. 10
/* find a specific router, or use -1 for limit if you want unlimited */
void Send_Who_Is_Router_To_Network(
    int dnet)
    int len = 0;
    int pdu_len = 0;
    int bytes_sent = 0;
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA npdu_data;

    /* fixme: should dnet/dlen/dadr be set in NPDU?  */
    pdu_len =
        npdu_encode_pdu(&Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0], NULL, NULL, &npdu_data);
    /* encode the optional DNET portion of the packet */
    if (dnet >= 0) {
        len = encode_unsigned16(&Handler_Transmit_Buffer[pdu_len], dnet);
        pdu_len += len;
        fprintf(stderr, "Send Who-Is-Router-To-Network message to %u\n", dnet);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Send Who-Is-Router-To-Network message\n");
    bytes_sent =
        datalink_send_pdu(dst, &npdu_data, &Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0],
    if (bytes_sent <= 0)
            "Failed to Send Who-Is-Router-To-Network Request (%s)!\n",
Esempio n. 11
/** Encode the NPDU portion of a message to be sent, based on the npdu_data
 *  and associated data.
 *  If this is to be a Network Layer Control Message, there are probably
 *  more bytes which will need to be encoded following the ones encoded here.
 *  The Network Layer Protocol Control Information byte is described
 *  in section 6.2.2 of the BACnet standard.
 * @param npdu [out] Buffer which will hold the encoded NPDU header bytes.
 * 					 The size isn't given, but it must be at least 2 bytes
 *                   for the simplest case, and should always be at least 24
 *                   bytes to accommodate the maximal case (all fields loaded).
 * @param dest [in] The routing destination information if the message must
 *                   be routed to reach its destination.
 *                   If dest->net and dest->len are 0, there is no
 *                   routing destination information.
 * @param src  [in] The routing source information if the message was routed
 *                   from another BACnet network.
 *                   If src->net and src->len are 0, there is no
 *                   routing source information.
 *                   This src describes the original source of the message when
 *                   it had to be routed to reach this BACnet Device.
 * @param npdu_data [in] The structure which describes how the NCPI and other
 *                   NPDU bytes should be encoded.
 * @return On success, returns the number of bytes which were encoded into the
 * 		   NPDU section.
 *         If 0 or negative, there were problems with the data or encoding.
int npdu_encode_pdu(
    uint8_t * npdu,
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data)
    int len = 1;        /* return value - number of octets loaded in this function */
    uint8_t i = 0;      /* counter  */

		#if 1
    if (npdu && npdu_data) {
        /* protocol version */
        npdu[0] = npdu_data->protocol_version;
        /* initialize the control octet */
        npdu[1] = 0;
        /* Bit 7: 1 indicates that the NSDU conveys a network layer message. */
        /*          Message Type field is present. */
        /*        0 indicates that the NSDU contains a BACnet APDU. */
        /*          Message Type field is absent. */
        if (npdu_data->network_layer_message)
            npdu[1] |= BIT7;
        /*Bit 6: Reserved. Shall be zero. */
        /*Bit 5: Destination specifier where: */
        /* 0 = DNET, DLEN, DADR, and Hop Count absent */
        /* 1 = DNET, DLEN, and Hop Count present */
        /* DLEN = 0 denotes broadcast MAC DADR and DADR field is absent */
        /* DLEN > 0 specifies length of DADR field */
        if (dest && dest->net)
            npdu[1] |= BIT5;
        /* Bit 4: Reserved. Shall be zero. */
        /* Bit 3: Source specifier where: */
        /* 0 =  SNET, SLEN, and SADR absent */
        /* 1 =  SNET, SLEN, and SADR present */
        /* SLEN = 0 Invalid */
        /* SLEN > 0 specifies length of SADR field */
        if (src && src->net && src->len)
            npdu[1] |= BIT3;
        /* Bit 2: The value of this bit corresponds to the */
        /* data_expecting_reply parameter in the N-UNITDATA primitives. */
        /* 1 indicates that a BACnet-Confirmed-Request-PDU, */
        /* a segment of a BACnet-ComplexACK-PDU, */
        /* or a network layer message expecting a reply is present. */
        /* 0 indicates that other than a BACnet-Confirmed-Request-PDU, */
        /* a segment of a BACnet-ComplexACK-PDU, */
        /* or a network layer message expecting a reply is present. */
        if (npdu_data->data_expecting_reply)
            npdu[1] |= BIT2;
        /* Bits 1,0: Network priority where: */
        /* B'11' = Life Safety message */
        /* B'10' = Critical Equipment message */
        /* B'01' = Urgent message */
        /* B'00' = Normal message */
        npdu[1] |= (npdu_data->priority & 0x03);
        len = 2;
        if (dest && dest->net) {
            len += encode_unsigned16(&npdu[len], dest->net);
            npdu[len++] = dest->len;
            /* DLEN = 0 denotes broadcast MAC DADR and DADR field is absent */
            /* DLEN > 0 specifies length of DADR field */
            if (dest->len) {
                for (i = 0; i < dest->len; i++) {
                    npdu[len++] = dest->adr[i];
        if (src && src->net && src->len) {      /* Only insert if valid */
            len += encode_unsigned16(&npdu[len], src->net);
            npdu[len++] = src->len;
            /* SLEN = 0 denotes broadcast MAC SADR and SADR field is absent */
            /* SLEN > 0 specifies length of SADR field */
            if (src->len) {	
                for (i = 0; i < src->len; i++) {
                    npdu[len++] = src->adr[i];
        /* The Hop Count field shall be present only if the message is */
        /* destined for a remote network, i.e., if DNET is present. */
        /* This is a one-octet field that is initialized to a value of 0xff. */
        if (dest && dest->net) { 
            npdu[len] = npdu_data->hop_count;
        if (npdu_data->network_layer_message) {
            npdu[len] = npdu_data->network_message_type;
            /* Message Type field contains a value in the range 0x80 - 0xFF, */
            /* then a Vendor ID field shall be present */
            if (npdu_data->network_message_type >= 0x80)
                len += encode_unsigned16(&npdu[len], npdu_data->vendor_id);
    return len;
Esempio n. 12
/* returns bytes sent on success, negative number on failure */
int ethernet_send(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_ADDRESS * src,       /* source address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */
    int bytes = 0;
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };
    int mtu_len = 0;
    int i = 0;

    (void) npdu_data;
    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (Ethernet_Socket < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: 802.2 socket is invalid!\n");
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: invalid destination MAC address!\n");
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = src->mac[i];
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: invalid source MAC address!\n");
        return -3;
    if ((14 + 3 + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: PDU is too big to send!\n");
        return -4;
    /* packet length */
    mtu_len += encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 /*DSAP,SSAP,LLC */  + pdu_len);
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x03;      /* Control byte in header */
    mtu_len = 17;
    if ((mtu_len + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: PDU is too big to send!\n");
        return -4;
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;
    /* packet length - only the logical portion, not the address */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 + pdu_len);

    /* Send the packet */
    bytes = send(Ethernet_Socket, (const char *) &mtu, mtu_len, 0);
    /* did it get sent? */
    if (bytes < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: Error sending packet: %s\n",

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 13
/* returns number of bytes sent on success, negative on failure */
int ethernet_send_pdu(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */
    int i = 0;  /* counter */
    int bytes = 0;
    BACNET_ADDRESS src = { 0 }; /* source address for npdu */
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };      /* our buffer */
    int mtu_len = 0;

    (void) npdu_data;
    /* load the BACnet address for NPDU data */
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        src.mac[i] = Ethernet_MAC_Address[i];

    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (eth802_sockfd < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: 802.2 socket is invalid!\n");
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[i] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: invalid destination MAC address!\n");
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src.mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[6 + i] = src.mac[i];
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: invalid source MAC address!\n");
        return -3;
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[14] = 0x82;     /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[15] = 0x82;     /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[16] = 0x03;     /* Control byte in header */
    mtu_len = 17;
    if ((mtu_len + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: PDU is too big to send!\n");
        return -4;
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;
    /* packet length - only the logical portion, not the address */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 + pdu_len);

    /* Send the packet */
    bytes =
        sendto(eth802_sockfd, &mtu, mtu_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &eth_addr,
        sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    /* did it get sent? */
    if (bytes < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: Error sending packet: %s\n",

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 14
/* returns bytes sent success, negative on failure */
int ethernet_send(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_ADDRESS * src,       /* source address */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len    /* number of bytes of data */
    int bytes = 0;
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };
    int mtu_len = 0;
    int i = 0;

    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (!ethernet_valid()) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid 802.2 ethernet interface descriptor!\n");
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid destination MAC address!\n");
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = src->mac[i];
    } else {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid source MAC address!\n");
        return -3;
    if ((14 + 3 + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: PDU is too big to send!\n");
        return -4;
    /* packet length */
    mtu_len += encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 /*DSAP,SSAP,LLC */  + pdu_len);
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x03;      /* Control byte in header */
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;

    /* Send the packet */
    if (pcap_sendpacket(pcap_eth802_fp, mtu, mtu_len) != 0) {
        /* did it get sent? */
        char msgBuf[200];
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: error sending packet: %s\n",
        return -5;

    return mtu_len;