Esempio n. 1
void MessageManager::StartSocket(int socketFD, struct bufferevent *bufferevent)
	//Initialize the MessageEndpoint if it doesn't yet exist
	Lock lock(&m_endpointsMutex);

	//If this socket doesn't even exist yet in the map, then it must be brand new
	if(m_endpoints.count(socketFD) == 0)
		pthread_rwlock_t *rwLock = new pthread_rwlock_t;
		pthread_rwlock_init(rwLock, NULL);
		//Write lock this new lock because we don't want someone trying to read from it or write to it halfway through our addition
		Lock endLock(rwLock, WRITE_LOCK);
		m_endpoints[socketFD] = std::pair<MessageEndpoint*, pthread_rwlock_t*>( new MessageEndpoint(socketFD, bufferevent), rwLock);

	//Write lock the message endpoint. Now we're allowed to access and write to it
	Lock endLock(m_endpoints[socketFD].second, WRITE_LOCK);

	if(m_endpoints[socketFD].first == NULL)
		m_endpoints[socketFD].first = new MessageEndpoint(socketFD, bufferevent);

void NuPlayerVPPProcessor::seek() {

    /* invoke thread if it is waiting */
    if (mThreadRunning) {
            Mutex::Autolock procLock(mProcThread->mLock);
            LOGV("got proc lock");
            if (!hasProcessingBuffer()) {
                LOGI("seek done");
            mProcThread->mSeek = true;
            LOGV("set proc seek ");
            LOGV("wake up proc thread");
        Mutex::Autolock endLock(mProcThread->mEndLock);
        LOGI("waiting proc thread mEnd lock");
        LOGI("wake up from proc thread");
        mLastInputTimeUs = -1;
        LOGI("seek done");
Esempio n. 3
File: Widget.cpp Progetto: lieff/g3d
void WidgetManager::onPose(
    Array<shared_ptr<Surface> >& posedArray, 
    Array<shared_ptr<Surface2D> >& posed2DArray) {

    if (m_locked) {
        // This must be onPose for the GApp being invoked during an event callback
        // that fired during rendering. Avoid posing again during this period.

    for (int i = 0; i < m_moduleArray.size(); ++i) {
        m_moduleArray[i]->onPose(posedArray, posed2DArray);

Esempio n. 4
File: Widget.cpp Progetto: lieff/g3d
bool WidgetManager::onEvent(const GEvent& event) {
    const bool motionEvent = 
        (event.type == GEventType::MOUSE_MOTION) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::JOY_AXIS_MOTION) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::JOY_HAT_MOTION) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::JOY_BALL_MOTION);

    const bool positionalEvent = 
        (event.type == GEventType::MOUSE_BUTTON_CLICK) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::MOUSE_BUTTON_UP) ||
        (event.type == GEventType::MOUSE_MOTION);

    beginLock(); {
        // Deliver positional events in order of widget's depth preference
        if (positionalEvent) {
            const Point2& P = event.mousePosition();

            // Find the distance at which object believes that it is for this event. By default, this is
            // the focus array position.
            Array<SortWrapper<shared_ptr<Widget> > > widgetWithZ;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_moduleArray.size(); ++i) {
                const shared_ptr<Widget>& w = m_moduleArray[i];
                SortWrapper<shared_ptr<Widget> >& s = widgetWithZ[i];

                s.value = w;
                s.key = w->positionalEventZ(P);

                if (isNaN(s.key)) {
                    // The module wishes to use its focus position as a "Depth"
                    if (w == m_focusedModule) {
                        // Focused module gets priority and pretends that it is 
                        // higher than the first one
                        s.key = float(m_moduleArray.size());
                    } else {
                        s.key = float(i);
                } // if default key
            } // for each widget

            for (int i = 0; i < widgetWithZ.size(); ++i) {        
                if (widgetWithZ[i].value->onEvent(event)) {
                    // End the manager lock began at the top of this method before returning abruptly
                    return true;

        } else {

            // Except for motion events, ensure that the focused module gets each event first
            if (m_focusedModule && ! motionEvent) {
                if (m_focusedModule->onEvent(event)) { 
                    // End the manager lock began at the top of this method before returning abruptly
                    return true;

            for (int i = m_moduleArray.size() - 1; i >=0; --i) {
                // Don't double-deliver to the focused module
                if (motionEvent || (m_moduleArray[i] != m_focusedModule)) {
                    if (m_moduleArray[i]->onEvent(event) && ! motionEvent) {
                        // End the manager lock began at the top of this method before returning abruptly
                        return true;
    } endLock();

    return false;