Esempio n. 1
extern void eom_emsappl_hid_userdef_on_entry_CFG(EOMtheEMSappl* p)
    // pulse led3 forever at 0.50 hz.       
    eo_ledpulser_Start(eo_ledpulser_GetHandle(), eo_ledpulser_led_three, 2*EOK_reltime1sec, 0);

    // EOtheCANservice: set straight mode and force parsing of all packets in the RX queues.
    eo_canserv_SetMode(eo_canserv_GetHandle(), eocanserv_mode_straight);
    // tell the ethmonitor to alert the task of the configurator
//    eo_ethmonitor_SetAlert(eo_ethmonitor_GetHandle(), eom_emsconfigurator_GetTask(eom_emsconfigurator_GetHandle()), emsconfigurator_evt_userdef02);
    // prefer sending a tx request just in case. because cfg state transmit only if requested an we dont want to have missed a previous request.
    eom_task_SetEvent(eom_emsconfigurator_GetTask(eom_emsconfigurator_GetHandle()), emsconfigurator_evt_ropframeTx);    
extern void eom_emsconfigurator_hid_userdef_DoJustAfterPacketParsing(EOMtheEMSconfigurator *p)
    static uint8_t num = 0;
    // just for debug
    if(0 == p->numofrxrops)
        if(3 == num)
            num = 0;
//            eom_emsappl_ProcessEvent(eom_emsappl_GetHandle(), eo_sm_emsappl_EVgo2run);
            eom_task_SetEvent(eom_emsconfigurator_GetTask(eom_emsconfigurator_GetHandle()), emsconfigurator_evt_go2runner);
static void s_eo_candiscovery2_on_timer_expiry(void *arg)
    EOtheCANdiscovery2* p = (EOtheCANdiscovery2*)arg;
    p->searchstatus.tickingenabled = eobool_true;
    p->searchstatus.discoverynumretries ++;
    if(p->searchstatus.discoverynumretries >= p->discoverymaxretries)
    {   // make it stop ...
        p->searchstatus.forcestop = eobool_true;        
    // ok, ... if we are in run i dont do anything else because i regularly call _Tick() every 1 ms.    
    // however, if in config mode i must alert the processing task to execute a _Tick().
    eOsmStatesEMSappl_t state = eo_sm_emsappl_STerr;
    eom_emsappl_GetCurrentState(eom_emsappl_GetHandle(), &state);
    if(eo_sm_emsappl_STcfg == state)
    {   // must send an event to the handling task
        eom_task_SetEvent(eom_emsconfigurator_GetTask(eom_emsconfigurator_GetHandle()), emsconfigurator_evt_userdef01);