Esempio n. 1
matrix* Unique(matrix* m, cmpfn_tp criterion)
{ lie_Index len=m->ncols; register entry** to=m->elm,** from=to,** end=to+m->nrows;
  if (m->nrows<2) return m; heap_sort_m(m,criterion);
  while (!eqrow(*++from,*to,len)) if (++to==end-1) return m;
  while (++from<end) if (!eqrow(*from,*to,len)) swap_rows(++to,from);
  m->nrows=to+1-m->elm; return m;
Esempio n. 2
File: weyl.c Progetto: nhatcher/lie
matrix* Weyl_orbit(entry* v, matrix** orbit_graph)
{ lie_Index i,j,k,r=Lierank(grp),s=Ssrank(grp);
  matrix* result; entry** m;
  lie_Index level_start=0, level_end=1, cur=1;
  { entry* lambda=mkintarray(r); 
    copyrow(v,lambda,r); make_dominant(lambda);
    copyrow(lambda,result->elm[0],r); freearr(lambda);
    if (orbit_graph!=NULL) *orbit_graph=mkmatrix(result->nrows,s);
  while (level_start<level_end)
    for (k=level_start; k<level_end; ++k)
      for (i=0; i<s; ++i)
        if (m[k][i]>0) /* only strictly cross walls, and from dominant side */
        { w_refl(m[k],i);
          for (j=level_end; j<cur; ++j)
            if (eqrow(m[k],m[j],s)) break;
          if (orbit_graph!=NULL)
          { (*orbit_graph)->elm[k][i]=j; (*orbit_graph)->elm[j][i]=k; }
          if (j==cur)
    	{ assert(cur<result->nrows);
        else if (m[k][i]==0 && orbit_graph!=NULL) (*orbit_graph)->elm[k][i]=k;
    level_start=level_end; level_end=cur;
  return result;
Esempio n. 3
lie_Index searchterm(poly* p, entry* t)
{ lie_Index l=0, u, len=p->ncols; entry** expon;
  cmpfn_tp cmp=set_ordering(cmpfn,len,defaultgrp);
  if (!issorted(p)) { p=Reduce_pol(p); }
  u=p->nrows; expon=p->elm;
  while (u-l>1)
  { lie_Index m=(u+l)/2; cmp_tp c=(*cmp)(expon[m],t,len);
    if (c<0) u=m;  else if (c>0) l=m+1;  else return m;
  return  l<u && eqrow(expon[l],t,len) ? l : -1;
Esempio n. 4
local void fundam(matrix* roots, lie_Index first, lie_Index* last)
{ lie_Index i,j,d;  boolean changed;
  entry* t=mkintarray(s);  matrix mm,* m=&mm;
  mm.elm=&roots->elm[first]; mm.nrows=*last-first; mm.ncols=roots->ncols;
  for (i=m->nrows-1; i>0; changed ? Unique(m,cmpfn),i=m->nrows-1 : --i)
  { entry* root_i=m->elm[i]; changed=false;
    for (j=i-1; j>=0; j--)
    { entry* root_j=m->elm[j]; entry c=Cart_inprod(root_j,root_i);
      if (c==2 && eqrow(root_j,root_i,s))
        { cycle_block(m,j,m->nrows--,1); root_i=m->elm[--i];
      else if (c>0)
      { changed=true;
        { copyrow(root_j,t,s); add_xrow_to(t,-c,root_i,s);
          if (isposroot(t)) copyrow(t,root_j,s);
          { j=i; c=Cart_inprod(root_i,root_j);
            copyrow(root_i,t,s); add_xrow_to(t,-c,root_j,s);
            if (isposroot(t)) copyrow(t,root_i,s);
                 { lie_Index k;  entry* ln,* sh; /* the longer and the shorter root */
                   if (Norm(root_i)>Norm(root_j))
                     ln=root_i, sh=root_j;  else ln=root_j, sh=root_i;
                   switch (Norm(ln))
                   { case 2: subrow(ln,sh,sh,s); /* |sh=ln-sh| */
                     add_xrow_to(ln,-2,sh,s); /* |ln=ln-2*sh| */
                   break; case 3: /* |grp=@t$G_2$@>| now */
                     for (k=0; sh[k]==0; ++k) {} /* find the place of this $G_2$ component */
                     sh[k]=1; sh[k+1]=0; ln[k]=0; ln[k+1]=1;
                       /* return standard basis of full system */
                   break; default: error("problem with norm 1 roots\n");
*last-=d; roots->nrows-=d;
Esempio n. 5
poly* Reduce_pol(poly* p)
{ entry** expon=p->elm; bigint** coef=p->coef; lie_Index t=0,f=0,len=p->ncols;
    /* don't exclude cases~$<2$: we must catch $0$-polynomials */
  while (++f<p->nrows)
    if (coef[f]->size==0) clrshared(coef[f]); /* drop term with zero coef */
    else if (eqrow(expon[f],expon[t],len)) /* equal exponents: add coef's */
    { clrshared(coef[t]); clrshared(coef[f]);
      coef[t]=add(coef[t],coef[f]); setshared(coef[t]);
    else /* now term at f replaces one at t as discriminating term */
    { if (coef[t]->size) t++; else clrshared(coef[t]); /* keep if nonzero */
      swap_terms(expon,coef,t,f); /* move term, preserve row separateness */
  if (p->nrows!=0)
    /* |p| mights have no terms at all (e.g. from |alt_dom|). */
    if (coef[t]->size) t++; else clrshared(coef[t]); /* handle final term */
  else *coef=copybigint(null,NULL); /* safer not to introduce aliasing */
  if ((p->nrows=t)==0) /* then must keep last term; coef is cleared */
  { lie_Index i; p->nrows=1; setshared(*coef); /* |*coef| was |0| but not shared */
    for (i=0; i<len; i++) expon[0][i]=0; /* clear first exponent as well */
  setsorted(p); return p;
Esempio n. 6
File: grpdata.c Progetto: d4g33z/lie
_index find_root(entry* alpha, entry level, simpgrp* g)
{ _index i,r=g->lierank; matrix* posr=simp_proots(g);
  for (i=g->level->compon[level-1]; i<g->level->compon[level]; ++i)
    if (eqrow(alpha,posr->elm[i],r)) return i;
  return -1; /* not found */
Esempio n. 7
File: grpdata.c Progetto: d4g33z/lie
matrix* simp_proots(simpgrp* g)
{ if (g->roots!=NULL) return g->roots;
  { _index r=g->lierank,l,i,last_root;
    entry** cartan=simp_Cartan(g)->elm;
    entry** posr=(g->roots=mkmatrix(simp_numproots(g),r))->elm;
    entry* level=(g->level=mkvector(simp_exponents(g)[r-1]+1))->compon;
    entry* norm=(g->root_norm=mkvector(g->roots->nrows))->compon;
    entry* alpha_wt=mkintarray(r);
      /* space to convert roots to weight coordinates */
    setlonglife(g->root_norm); /* permanent data */
    { _index i,j;  for (i=0; i<r; ++i)  for (j=0; j<r; ++j) posr[i][j] = i==j;
      level[0]=0; last_root=r;
      for (i=0; i<r; ++i) norm[i]=1; /* norms are mostly |1| */
      switch (g->lietype) /* here are the exceptions */
      {	    case 'B': 
        for (i=0; i<r-1; ++i) norm[i]=2; /* $2,2,\ldots,2,1$ */
       break; case 'C': norm[r-1]=2; /* $1,1,\ldots,1,2$ */
       break; case 'F': norm[0]=norm[1]=2; /* $2,2,1,1$ */
       break; case 'G': norm[1]=3; /* $ 1,3$ */
    for (l=0; last_root>level[l]; ++l)
    { level[l+1]=last_root; /* set beginning of a new level */
      for (i=level[l]; i<level[l+1]; ++i)
	{ _index j,k; entry* alpha=posr[i];  mulvecmatelm(alpha,cartan,alpha_wt,r,r);
	    /* get values $\<\alpha,\alpha_j>$ */
	  for (j=0; j<r; ++j) /* try all fundamental roots */
	  { entry new_norm; 
	    { if (alpha_wt[j]<0) /* then $\alpha+\alpha_j$ is a root; find its norm */
	        if (norm[j]==norm[i]) new_norm=norm[j]; /* |alpha_wt[j]==-1| */
	        else new_norm=1; /* regardless of |alpha_wt[j]| */
	      else if (norm[i]>1 || norm[j]>1) continue; /* both roots must be short now */
	      else if (strchr("ADE",g->lietype)!=NULL) continue;
	        /* but long roots must exist */
	      else if (alpha_wt[j]>0)
	        if (g->lietype!='G'||alpha_wt[j]!=1) continue;  else new_norm=3;
	        /* $[2,1]\to[3,1]$ for $G_2$ */
	      else if (alpha[j]==0) continue;
	        /* $\alpha-\alpha_j$ should not have a negative entry */
	        { --alpha[j]; 
	          for (k=level[l-1]; k<level[l]; ++k) 
	            if (eqrow(posr[k],alpha,r)) break;
	          if (k==level[l]) continue;
	      new_norm=2; }
	    ++alpha[j]; /* temporarily set $\alpha\K\alpha+\alpha_j$ */
	    for (k=level[l+1]; k<last_root; ++k)
	      if (eqrow(posr[k],alpha,r)) break;
	      /* if already present, don't add it */
	    if (k==last_root)
	      { norm[last_root]=new_norm; copyrow(alpha,posr[last_root++],r); }
	    --alpha[j]; /* restore |alpha| */
    freearr(alpha_wt); return g->roots;