/*====================================== * llrpt_writeindi -- Write person to database * usage: writeindi(INDI) -> BOOLEAN *====================================*/ PVALUE llrpt_writeindi (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, BOOLEAN *eflg) { NODE indi1; PNODE arg = iargs(node); NODE indi2 = eval_indi(arg, stab, eflg, NULL); STRING rawrec=0, msg; INT len, cnt; BOOLEAN rtn=FALSE; if (*eflg || !indi2) { prog_var_error(node, stab, arg, 0, nonind1, "writeindi"); return NULL; } /* make a copy, so we can delete it */ indi2 = copy_node_subtree(indi2); /* get existing record */ rawrec = retrieve_raw_record(rmvat(nxref(indi2)), &len); if (!rawrec) { /* TODO: What do we do here ? Are they adding a new indi ? or did they get the xref wrong ? */ goto end_writeindi; } ASSERT(indi1 = string_to_node(rawrec)); cnt = resolve_refn_links(indi2); /* validate for showstopper errors */ if (!valid_indi_tree(indi2, &msg, indi1)) { /* TODO: What to do with msg ? */ goto end_writeindi; } if (cnt > 0) { /* unresolvable refn links */ /* TODO: optional argument to make this fatal ? */ } if (equal_tree(indi1, indi2)) { /* optimization :) */ rtn = TRUE; goto end_writeindi; } if (readonly) { /* TODO: database is read only error message */ goto end_writeindi; } replace_indi(indi1, indi2); strfree(&rawrec); rtn = TRUE; end_writeindi: return create_pvalue_from_bool(rtn); }
/*===================================== * llrpt_writefam -- Write family to database * usage: writefam(FAM) -> BOOLEAN *===================================*/ PVALUE llrpt_writefam (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, BOOLEAN *eflg) { NODE fam1; NODE fam2 = eval_fam(iargs(node), stab, eflg, NULL); STRING rawrec=0, msg; INT len, cnt; BOOLEAN rtn=FALSE; if (*eflg) return NULL; /* make a copy, so we can delete it */ fam2 = copy_node_subtree(fam2); /* get existing record */ rawrec = retrieve_raw_record(rmvat(nxref(fam2)), &len); if (!rawrec) { /* TODO: What do we do here ? Are they adding a new fam ? or did they get the xref wrong ? */ goto end_writefam; } ASSERT(fam1 = string_to_node(rawrec)); cnt = resolve_refn_links(fam2); /* validate for showstopper errors */ if (!valid_fam_tree(fam2, &msg, fam1)) { /* TODO: What to do with msg ? */ goto end_writefam; } if (cnt > 0) { /* unresolvable refn links */ /* TODO: optional argument to make this fatal ? */ } if (equal_tree(fam1, fam2)) { /* optimization :) */ rtn = TRUE; goto end_writefam; } if (readonly) { /* TODO: database is read only error message */ goto end_writefam; } replace_fam(fam1, fam2); strfree(&rawrec); rtn = TRUE; end_writefam: return create_pvalue_from_bool(rtn); }
/*======================================= * edit_record -- Edit record in database * root1: [IN] record to edit (may be NULL) * idedt: [IN] user id prompt * letr: [IN] record type (E, S, or X) * redt: [IN] reedit prompt displayed if hard error after editing * redtopt: [IN] reedit prompt displayed if soft error (unresolved links) * val: [IN] callback to validate routine * cfrm: [IN] confirmation msg string * tag: [IN] tag (SOUR, EVEN, or NULL) * todbase: [IN] callback to write record to dbase * gdmsg: [IN] success message * rfmt: [IN] display reformatter *=====================================*/ static BOOLEAN edit_record (RECORD rec1, STRING idedt, INT letr, STRING redt, STRING redtopt , BOOLEAN (*val)(NODE, STRING *, NODE) , STRING cfrm, void (*todbase)(NODE), STRING gdmsg , RFMT rfmt) { XLAT ttmi = transl_get_predefined_xlat(MEDIN); STRING msg, key; BOOLEAN emp; NODE root0=0, root1=0, root2=0; NODE refn1=0, refn2=0, refnn=0, refn1n=0; NODE body=0, node=0; /* Identify record if need be */ if (!rec1) { rec1 = ask_for_record(idedt, letr); } root1 = nztop(rec1); if (!root1) { message(_(qSnosuchrec)); return FALSE; } /* Have user edit record */ annotate_with_supplemental(root1, rfmt); write_node_to_editfile(root1); resolve_refn_links(root1); do_edit(); if (readonly) { root2 = file_to_node(editfile, ttmi, &msg, &emp); if (!equal_tree(root1, root2)) message(_(qSronlye)); free_nodes(root2); return FALSE; } while (TRUE) { INT cnt; root2 = file_to_node(editfile, ttmi, &msg, &emp); if (!root2) { if (ask_yes_or_no_msg(msg, redt)) { do_edit(); continue; } break; } cnt = resolve_refn_links(root2); /* check validation & allow user to reedit if invalid */ /* this is a showstopper, so alternative is to abort */ if (!(*val)(root2, &msg, root1)) { if (ask_yes_or_no_msg(msg, redt)) { do_edit(); continue; } free_nodes(root2); root2 = NULL; break; } /* Allow user to reedit if desired if any refn links unresolved */ /* this is not a showstopper, so alternative is to continue */ if (cnt > 0) { char msgb[120]; snprintf(msgb, sizeof(msgb) , get_unresolved_ref_error_string(cnt), cnt); if (ask_yes_or_no_msg(msgb, redtopt)) { write_node_to_editfile(root2); do_edit(); continue; } } break; } /* If error or no change or user backs out return */ if (!root2) return FALSE; if (equal_tree(root1, root2) || !ask_yes_or_no(cfrm)) { free_nodes(root2); return FALSE; } /* Prepare to change database */ /* Move root1 data into root0 & save refns */ split_othr(root1, &refn1, &body); root0 = copy_node(root1); join_othr(root0, NULL, body); /* delete root0 tree & root1 node (root1 is solitary node) */ free_nodes(root0); root0 = 0; free_nodes(root1); root1 = 0; /* now copy root2 node into root1, then root2 tree under it */ root1 = copy_node(root2); split_othr(root2, &refn2, &body); refnn = copy_nodes(refn2, TRUE, TRUE); join_othr(root1, refn2, body); /* now root2 is solitary node, delete it */ free_node(root2); root2 = 0; /* Change the database */ (*todbase)(root1); key = rmvat(nxref(root1)); /* remove deleted refns & add new ones */ classify_nodes(&refn1, &refnn, &refn1n); for (node = refn1; node; node = nsibling(node)) if (nval(node)) remove_refn(nval(node), key); for (node = refnn; node; node = nsibling(node)) if (nval(node)) add_refn(nval(node), key); free_nodes(refn1); free_nodes(refnn); free_nodes(refn1n); msg_info(gdmsg); return TRUE; }