void receive_file(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd, FILE* f)
	int x;
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	if((x = recv(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) <= 0)
		er("recv()", x);
	hp = ntohp(data);
	printpacket(hp, HP);
	// 当在数据传输的时候 type字段会用来标示是否
	while(hp->type == DATA)
		// 将收到的数据写入文件,二进制写入方式
		i += fwrite(hp->buffer, 1, hp->datalen, f);
		if((x = recv(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) <= 0)
			er("recv()", x);
		hp = ntohp(data);
		printpacket(hp, HP);
	fprintf(stderr, "\t%d data packet(s) received.\n", --j);	// j decremented because the last packet is EOT.
	fprintf(stderr, "\t%d byte(s) written.\n", i);
	if(hp->type == EOT)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error occured while downloading remote file.\n");
Esempio n. 2
void command_rput(int sfd_client, struct packet* chp)
	static char lpwd[LENBUFFER];
	if(!getcwd(lpwd, sizeof lpwd))
		er("getcwd()", 0);
	DIR* d = opendir(lpwd);
		er("opendir()", (int) d);
	struct dirent* e;
	struct command* cmd = (struct command*) malloc(sizeof(struct command));
	cmd->id = RPUT;
	cmd->npaths = 0;
	cmd->paths = NULL;
	while((e = readdir(d)) != NULL)
		if(e->d_type == 8)
			append_path(cmd, e->d_name);
		else if(e->d_type == 4 && strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, ".."))
			command_mkdir(sfd_client, chp, e->d_name);
			command_cd(sfd_client, chp, e->d_name);
			command_rput(sfd_client, chp);
			command_cd(sfd_client, chp, "..");
	command_mput(sfd_client, chp, cmd->npaths, cmd->paths);
// the opration of DIR command
void command_dir(struct packet* shp, struct packet* data, int sfd_client, char* lpwd)
    int x;
    shp->type = DATA;
    DIR* d = opendir(lpwd);
        er("opendir()", (int) d);
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "ER: could not get the dir info!\n");
        data = htonp(shp);
        if( (x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet,0)) != size_packet)
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "OK: get the dir info.\n");
        data = htonp(shp);
        if(( x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
    struct dirent* e;

    while(e = readdir(d))
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "%s\t%s", e->d_type == 4 ? "DIR:" : e->d_type == 8 ? "FILE:" : "UNDEF:" , e->d_name);
        data = htonp(shp);
        //if(( x = send(sfd_client, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
        if(( x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)    
            er("send()", x);
    send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_server_data);
    //send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_client);
Esempio n. 4
void DifBufferBase::zombify( Element* orig, const Cinfo* zClass, 
			     Id hsolve )
  if ( orig->cinfo() == zClass )
  unsigned int start = orig->localDataStart();
  unsigned int num = orig->numLocalData();
  if ( num == 0 )
  unsigned int len = 14;
  vector< double > data( num * len );

  unsigned int j = 0;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    Eref er( orig, i + start );
    const DifBufferBase* ds = 
      reinterpret_cast< const DifBufferBase* >( er.data() );
    data[j + 0] = ds->getActivation( er );
    data[j + 1] = ds->getBFree( er );
    data[j + 2] = ds->getBBound( er );
    data[j + 3] = ds->getBTot( er );
    data[j + 4] = ds->getKf( er );
    data[j + 5] = ds->getKb( er );
    data[j + 6] = ds->getD( er );
    data[j + 7] = ds->getShapeMode( er );
    data[j + 8] = ds->getLength( er );
    data[j + 9] = ds->getDiameter( er );
    data[j + 10] = ds->getThickness( er );
    data[j + 11] = ds->getVolume( er );
    data[j + 12] = ds->getOuterArea( er );
    data[j + 13] = ds->getInnerArea( er );
    j += len;
  orig->zombieSwap( zClass );
  j = 0;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    Eref er( orig, i + start );
    DifBufferBase* ds = 
      reinterpret_cast< DifBufferBase* >( er.data() );
    ds->setActivation(er, data[j+0]);
    ds->setBFree(er, data[j + 1]);
    ds->setBBound(er, data[j + 2]);
    ds->setBTot(er, data[j + 3]);
    ds->setKf(er, data[j + 4]);
    ds->setKb(er, data[j + 5]);
    ds->setD(er, data[j + 6]);
    ds->setShapeMode(er, data[j + 7]);
    ds->setLength(er, data[j + 8]);
    ds->setDiameter(er, data[j + 9]);
    ds->setThickness(er, data[j + 10]);
    ds->setVolume(er, data[j + 11]);
    ds->setOuterArea(er, data[j + 12]);
    ds->setInnerArea(er, data[j + 13]);
    j += len; //??
Esempio n. 5
 * A tadpole with a full propagator and with 1 LV vertex
  page                   pg;
  FeynDiagram            fd(pg);

#define RAD    2.5

  /* define the left and the right external points */
  xy                     el(-TADPOLELEG, 0), er(6, 0);
  /* the LV vertex */
  xy                     arcpt1(RAD, 0);
  xy                     arcpt2(0, -RAD);
  /* the ordinary SQED vertex */
  vertex_circlecross     v1(fd, -RAD, 0);
  vertex                 v2(fd,  RAD, 0);
  vertex                 fict(fd, -RAD - 0.5, 0);   /* for a nicer picture */
  /* photon line propagators */
  line_wiggle            ph1(fd, el, fict);

  line_plain             f1(fd, v1, v1);
  //  line_plain             f2(fd, v2, v1);

  /* stretch it to be an arc */

  //  f2.arcthru(arcpt2);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
vector< ObjId > Element::getMsgTargets( DataId srcDataId,
				const SrcFinfo* finfo  ) const
	assert( finfo ); // would like to check that finfo is on this.
	assert( srcDataId < this->numData() );

	vector< ObjId > ret;
	Eref er( const_cast< Element* >( this ), srcDataId );

	const vector< MsgDigest >&md = er.msgDigest( finfo->getBindIndex() );
	for ( vector< MsgDigest >::const_iterator
		i = md.begin(); i != md.end(); ++i ) {
		for ( vector< Eref >::const_iterator
			j = i->targets.begin(); j != i->targets.end(); ++j ) {
				if ( j->dataIndex() == ALLDATA ) {
					for ( unsigned int k = 0; 
									k < j->element()->numData(); ++k )
						ret.push_back( ObjId( j->id(), k ) );
				} else {
					ret.push_back( j->objId() );
	return ret;
Esempio n. 7
bd_result banco::executaQuery(const string& q)
	MYSQL_ROW linha;
	MYSQL_FIELD* colunas;
	unsigned int i;
	string col;
	bd_result R;
	map <string, string> RES;
	if(mysql_query(sock,q.c_str())) {
		ostringstream er("");
		er << mysql_error(sock);
		throw queryErro(er.str().c_str(), q,  mysql_errno(sock));
	} else {
//		cout << "Query executada!" << endl;
		result = mysql_store_result(sock);
		if (result)
			colunas = mysql_fetch_fields(result);
			while ((linha=mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
				for (i=0; i<mysql_num_fields(result); i++) {
					col = colunas[i].name;
					RES[col] = linha[i];
	return R;
Esempio n. 8
  /*! This method employs the static method matrix3x3::jacobi(...)
    to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
    matrix. On entry it is checked if the matrix really is
    symmetric: if isSymmetric() returns 'false', an OBError is
    \note The jacobi algorithm is should work great for all
    symmetric 3x3 matrices. If you need to find the eigenvectors
    of a non-symmetric matrix, you might want to resort to the
    sophisticated routines of LAPACK.
    @param eigenvals a reference to a vector3 where the
    eigenvalues will be stored. The eigenvalues are ordered so
    that eigenvals[0] <= eigenvals[1] <= eigenvals[2].
    @return an orthogonal matrix whose ith column is an
    eigenvector for the eigenvalue eigenvals[i]. Here 'orthogonal'
    means that all eigenvectors have length one and are mutually
    orthogonal. The ith eigenvector can thus be conveniently
    accessed by the GetColumn() method, as in the following
    // Calculate eigenvectors and -values
    vector3 eigenvals;
    matrix3x3 eigenmatrix = somematrix.findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(eigenvals);
    // Print the 2nd eigenvector
    cout << eigenmatrix.GetColumn(1) << endl;
    With these conventions, a matrix is diagonalized in the following way:
    // Diagonalize the matrix
    matrix3x3 diagonalMatrix = eigenmatrix.inverse() * somematrix * eigenmatrix;
  matrix3x3 matrix3x3::findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(vector3 &eigenvals) const
    matrix3x3 result;

    if (!isSymmetric())
        OBError er("matrix3x3::findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(vector3 &eigenvals) const throw(OBError)",
                   "The method was called on a matrix that was not symmetric, i.e. where isSymetric() == false.",
                   "This is a runtime or a programming error in your application.");
        throw er;

    double d[3];
    matrix3x3 copyOfThis = *this;

    jacobi(3, copyOfThis.ele[0], d, result.ele[0]);

    return result;
Esempio n. 9
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Get user parameters.
    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv, false);

    // Create the Equelle runtime.
    EquelleRuntimeCPU er(param);


    // ============= Generated code starts here ================

    const CollOfScalar a = er.operatorExtend(double(1), er.allCells());
    const CollOfScalar b = er.operatorExtend(double(2), er.interiorCells());
    const CollOfScalar c = er.operatorExtend(double(3), er.boundaryCells());
    const CollOfScalar d = ((a + er.operatorExtend(b, er.interiorCells(), er.allCells())) + er.operatorExtend(c, er.boundaryCells(), er.allCells()));
    er.output("a", a);
    er.output("b", b);
    er.output("c", c);
    er.output("d", d);

    // ============= Generated code ends here ================

    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
  /*! This method checks if the absolute value of the determinant is smaller than 1e-6. If
    so, nothing is done and an exception is thrown. Otherwise, the
    inverse matrix is calculated and returned. *this is not changed.
    \warning If the determinant is close to zero, but not == 0.0,
    this method may behave in unexpected ways and return almost
    random results; details may depend on your particular floating
    point implementation. The use of this method is therefore highly
    discouraged, unless you are certain that the determinant is in a
    reasonable range, away from 0.0 (Stefan Kebekus)
  matrix3x3 matrix3x3::inverse(void) const
    double det = determinant();

    if (fabs(det) <= 1e-6)
        OBError er("matrix3x3::invert(void)",
                   "The method was called on a matrix with |determinant| <= 1e-6.",
                   "This is a runtime or a programming error in your application.");
        throw er;

    matrix3x3 returnValue;
    returnValue.ele[0][0] = ele[1][1]*ele[2][2] - ele[1][2]*ele[2][1];
    returnValue.ele[1][0] = ele[1][2]*ele[2][0] - ele[1][0]*ele[2][2];
    returnValue.ele[2][0] = ele[1][0]*ele[2][1] - ele[1][1]*ele[2][0];
    returnValue.ele[0][1] = ele[2][1]*ele[0][2] - ele[2][2]*ele[0][1];
    returnValue.ele[1][1] = ele[2][2]*ele[0][0] - ele[2][0]*ele[0][2];
    returnValue.ele[2][1] = ele[2][0]*ele[0][1] - ele[2][1]*ele[0][0];
    returnValue.ele[0][2] = ele[0][1]*ele[1][2] - ele[0][2]*ele[1][1];
    returnValue.ele[1][2] = ele[0][2]*ele[1][0] - ele[0][0]*ele[1][2];
    returnValue.ele[2][2] = ele[0][0]*ele[1][1] - ele[0][1]*ele[1][0];

    returnValue /= det;

Esempio n. 11
 * Diagram "F", SQED, unbroken SUSY,
 * Gauge sector.
  page                   pg;
  FeynDiagram            fd(pg);

#define RAD    2.5

  /* define the left and the right external points */
  xy                     el(-6, 0), er(6, 0);

  xy              arcpt1(RAD, 0);    arcpt1.rotate(90); arcpt1 += xy(0,RAD);

  arcpt1 += xy(0, GAUGE_LIFT1);

  /* the LV vertex */
  xy                     lv_coord(0, GAUGE_LIFT1);
  vertex_circlecross     v1(fd, lv_coord);        

  /* photon line propagators */
  line_wiggle            ph1(fd, el, er); ph1.width.scale(0.7);

  line_plain             f1(fd, v1, v1);

  /* stretch it to be an arc */


  return 0;
Esempio n. 12
void tst_expr_arith(unsigned num_files) {
    ast_manager m;

    expr_rand er(m);    

    family_id fid = m.mk_family_id("arith");
    sort* int_ty  = m.mk_sort(fid, INT_SORT, 0, 0);
    sort* real_ty = m.mk_sort(fid, REAL_SORT, 0, 0);

    er.initialize_array(3, int_ty, int_ty);
    er.initialize_array(3, int_ty, real_ty);


    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) {
        expr_ref e(m);
        er.get_next(m.mk_bool_sort(), e);
        ast_smt_pp pp(m);

        std::ostringstream buffer;
        buffer << "random_arith_" << i << ".smt";
        std::cout << buffer.str() << "\n";
        std::ofstream file(buffer.str().c_str());
        pp.display(file, e.get());
Esempio n. 13
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Get user parameters.
    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv, false);

    // Create the Equelle runtime.
    EquelleRuntimeCPU er(param);


    // ============= Generated code starts here ================

    const Scalar k = er.inputScalarWithDefault("k", double(0.3));
    const CollOfScalar u_initial = er.inputCollectionOfScalar("u_initial", er.allCells());
    const CollOfFace dirichlet_boundary = er.inputDomainSubsetOf("dirichlet_boundary", er.boundaryFaces());
    const CollOfScalar dirichlet_val = er.inputCollectionOfScalar("dirichlet_val", dirichlet_boundary);
    const CollOfScalar vol = er.norm(er.allCells());
    const CollOfFace interior_faces = er.interiorFaces();
    const CollOfCell first = er.firstCell(interior_faces);
    const CollOfCell second = er.secondCell(interior_faces);
    const CollOfScalar itrans = (k * (er.norm(interior_faces) / er.norm((er.centroid(first) - er.centroid(second)))));
    const CollOfFace bf = er.boundaryFaces();
    const CollOfCell bf_cells = er.trinaryIf(er.isEmpty(er.firstCell(bf)), er.secondCell(bf), er.firstCell(bf));
    const CollOfScalar bf_sign = er.trinaryIf(er.isEmpty(er.firstCell(bf)), er.operatorExtend(-double(1), bf), er.operatorExtend(double(1), bf));
    const CollOfScalar btrans = (k * (er.norm(bf) / er.norm((er.centroid(bf) - er.centroid(bf_cells)))));
    const CollOfScalar dir_sign = er.operatorOn(bf_sign, er.boundaryFaces(), dirichlet_boundary);
    std::function<CollOfScalar(const CollOfScalar&)> computeInteriorFlux = [&](const CollOfScalar& u) -> CollOfScalar {
        return (-itrans * er.gradient(u));
    std::function<CollOfScalar(const CollOfScalar&)> computeBoundaryFlux = [&](const CollOfScalar& u) -> CollOfScalar {
        const CollOfScalar u_dirbdycells = er.operatorOn(u, er.allCells(), er.operatorOn(bf_cells, er.boundaryFaces(), dirichlet_boundary));
        const CollOfScalar dir_fluxes = ((er.operatorOn(btrans, er.boundaryFaces(), dirichlet_boundary) * dir_sign) * (u_dirbdycells - dirichlet_val));
        return er.operatorExtend(dir_fluxes, dirichlet_boundary, er.boundaryFaces());
    std::function<CollOfScalar(const CollOfScalar&, const CollOfScalar&, const Scalar&)> computeResidual = [&](const CollOfScalar& u, const CollOfScalar& u0, const Scalar& dt) -> CollOfScalar {
        const CollOfScalar ifluxes = computeInteriorFlux(u);
        const CollOfScalar bfluxes = computeBoundaryFlux(u);
        const CollOfScalar fluxes = (er.operatorExtend(ifluxes, er.interiorFaces(), er.allFaces()) + er.operatorExtend(bfluxes, er.boundaryFaces(), er.allFaces()));
        const CollOfScalar residual = ((u - u0) + ((dt / vol) * er.divergence(fluxes)));
        return residual;
    const SeqOfScalar timesteps = er.inputSequenceOfScalar("timesteps");
    CollOfScalar u0;
    u0 = u_initial;
    for (const Scalar& dt : timesteps) {
        std::function<CollOfScalar(const CollOfScalar&)> computeResidualLocal = [&](const CollOfScalar& u) -> CollOfScalar {
            return computeResidual(u, u0, dt);
        const CollOfScalar u_guess = u0;
        const CollOfScalar u = er.newtonSolve(computeResidualLocal, u_guess);
        er.output("u", u);
        er.output("maximum of u", er.maxReduce(u));
        u0 = u;

    // ============= Generated code ends here ================

    return 0;
void send_EOT(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd)
	int x;
	hp->type = EOT;
	data = htonp(hp);
	if((x = send(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
		er("send()", x);
Esempio n. 15
// static func
void CaConcBase::zombify( Element* orig, const Cinfo* zClass, 
			  Id hsolve )
  if ( orig->cinfo() == zClass )
  unsigned int start = orig->localDataStart();
  unsigned int num = orig->numLocalData();
  if ( num == 0 )
  vector< double > data( num * 9 );

  unsigned int j = 0;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    Eref er( orig, i + start );
    const CaConcBase* cb = 
      reinterpret_cast< const CaConcBase* >( er.data() );
    data[j + 0] = cb->getCa( er );
    data[j + 1] = cb->getCaBasal( er );
    data[j + 2] = cb->getTau( er );
    data[j + 3] = cb->getB( er );
    data[j + 4] = cb->getCeiling( er );
    data[j + 5] = cb->getFloor( er );
    data[j + 6] = cb->getThickness( er );
    data[j + 7] = cb->getLength( er );
    data[j + 8] = cb->getDiameter( er );
    j += 9;
  orig->zombieSwap( zClass );
  j = 0;
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
    Eref er( orig, i + start );
    CaConcBase* cb = reinterpret_cast< CaConcBase* >( er.data() );
    cb->vSetSolver( er, hsolve );
    cb->setCa( er, data[j + 0] );
    cb->setCaBasal( er, data[j + 1] );
    cb->setTau( er, data[j + 2] );
    cb->setB( er, data[j + 3] );
    cb->setCeiling( er, data[j + 4] );
    cb->setFloor( er, data[j + 5] );
    cb->setThickness( er, data[j + 6] );
    cb->setLength( er, data[j + 7] );
    cb->setDiameter( er, data[j + 8] );
    j += 9; //was 7?
Esempio n. 16
//Arthur says he doesn't use malloc or free. Andrei Moutchkine claims smallest unit is vm page (his truss says no malloc + add pages one at a time).
//Arthur not using malloc is probably true. No strdup & related functions in binary's strings. Note: Skelton references "different allocator" not in \w report
//This source would be improved by getting ridding of remaing malloc/calloc/realloc
K cd(K a)
  #ifdef DEBUG
  if(a && a->c <=0 ) { er(Tried to cd() already freed item) dd(tests) dd(a) dd(a->c) dd(a->t) dd(a->n) show(a); }
  if(!a || --a->c) R a;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  DO(kreci, if(a==krec[i]){krec[i]=0; break; })
  if(7==a->t){ DO(-2+TYPE_SEVEN_SIZE,cd(kV(a)[2+i]))} //-4 special trick: don't recurse on V members. assumes sizeof S==K==V.  (don't free CONTEXT or DEPTH)
Esempio n. 17
void send_EOT(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd)
	int x;
	hp->type = EOT;
    hp->datalen = 0;
    memset(hp->buffer, '\0', sizeof(char) *LENBUFFER);
	data = htonp(hp);
	if((x = send(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
		er("send()", x);
Esempio n. 18
void command_lls(char* lpwd)
	DIR* d = opendir(lpwd);
		er("opendir()", (int) d);
	struct dirent* e;
	while((e = readdir(d)) != NULL)
		printf("\t%s\t%s\n", e->d_type == 4 ? "DIR:" : e->d_type == 8 ? "FILE:" : "UNDEF", e->d_name);
void HHChannelBase::zombify( Element* orig, const Cinfo* zClass, Id hsolve )
	if ( orig->cinfo() == zClass )
	unsigned int start = orig->localDataStart();
	unsigned int num = orig->numLocalData();
	if ( num == 0 )
	// Parameters are Gbar, Ek, Xpower, Ypower, Zpower, useConcentration
	// We also want to haul the original gates over, this is done earlier
	// in the HSolve building process. So just six terms.
	vector< double > chandata( num * 6, 0.0 );
	vector< double >::iterator j = chandata.begin();

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
		Eref er( orig, i + start );
		const HHChannelBase* hb = 
			reinterpret_cast< const HHChannelBase* >( er.data() );
		*j = hb->vGetGbar( er );
		*(j+1) = hb->vGetEk( er);
		*(j+2) = hb->getXpower( er );
		*(j+3) = hb->getYpower( er );
		*(j+4) = hb->getZpower( er );
		*(j+5) = hb->getUseConcentration( er );
		j+= 6;
	orig->zombieSwap( zClass );
	j = chandata.begin();
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
		Eref er( orig, i + start );
		HHChannelBase* hb = reinterpret_cast< HHChannelBase* >( er.data() );
		hb->vSetSolver( er, hsolve );
		hb->vSetGbar( er, *j );
		hb->vSetEk( er, *(j+1) );
		hb->vSetXpower( er, *(j+2) );
		hb->vSetYpower( er, *(j+3) );
		hb->vSetZpower( er, *(j+4) );
		// hb->vSetUseConcentration( er, *(j+5) > 0.5 );
		// Disable this assignment because the Solver already reads the 
		// value, and it triggers an error msg.
		j+= 6;
Esempio n. 20
int main(void)
//BEGIN: initialization
struct sockaddr_in sin_server, sin_client;
int sfd_server, sfd_client, x;
short int connection_id = 0;

if((x = sfd_server = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
er("socket()", x);

memset((char*) &sin_server, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sin_server.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin_server.sin_port = htons(PORTSERVER);
sin_server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

if((x = bind(sfd_server, (struct sockaddr*) &sin_server, size_sockaddr)) < 0)
er("bind()", x);

if((x = listen(sfd_server, 1)) < 0)
er("listen()", x);

printf(ID "FTP Server started up @ local:%d. Waiting for client(s)...\n\n", PORTSERVER);
//END: initialization

if((x = sfd_client = accept(sfd_server, (struct sockaddr*) &sin_client, &size_sockaddr)) < 0)
er("accept()", x);
printf(ID "Communication started with %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(sin_client.sin_addr), ntohs(sin_client.sin_port));

struct client_info* ci = client_info_alloc(sfd_client, connection_id++);

printf(ID "Done.\n");

return 0;
	nInt32 res = pthread_mutex_init(&mLockMutex, NULL);
	if(res != 0)
		nstring er("CAsyncLockingQueue::CAsyncLockingQueue() - can not create mutex section code: ");
		throw NOVA_EXP(er.c_str(), BAD_OPERATION);
Esempio n. 22
File: task.hpp Progetto: lquan/CSAI
 forceinline ModEvent
 ManFlexTask::norun(Space& home, int e, int l) {
   if (e <= l) {
     Iter::Ranges::Singleton sr(e-_p.min()+1,l);
     Iter::Ranges::Singleton er(e+1,_p.min()+l);
     return _e.minus_r(home,er,false);
   } else {
     return Int::ME_INT_NONE;
Esempio n. 23
acl_ethertype::event_handler::handle_populate(const client_db::key_t& key)
   * dump VPP acl ethertypes
  std::shared_ptr<acl_ethertype_cmds::dump_cmd> cmd =


  for (auto& record : *cmd) {
    auto& payload = record.get_payload();
    handle_t hdl(payload.sw_if_index);
    std::shared_ptr<interface> itf = interface::find(hdl);
    uint8_t n_input = payload.n_input;
    uint8_t count = payload.count;
    ethertype_rules_t ler;
    if (itf) {
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        ethertype_t e = ethertype_t::from_numeric_val(payload.whitelist[i]);
        if (n_input) {
          ethertype_rule_t er(e, direction_t::INPUT);
        } else {
          ethertype_rule_t er(e, direction_t::OUTPUT);
      if (!ler.empty()) {
        acl_ethertype a_e(*itf, ler);
        VOM_LOG(log_level_t::DEBUG) << "ethertype dump: " << a_e.to_string();
        OM::commit(key, a_e);
    } else {
      VOM_LOG(log_level_t::ERROR) << "no interface:" << payload.sw_if_index;
shared_ptr<ZLEncodingConverter> MyEncodingConverterProvider::createConverter(const std::string &encoding) {
	EncodingCharReader er(encoding);
	char **encodingMap = er.createTable();
	if (encodingMap != 0) {
		if (er.bytesNumber() == 1) {
                  return shared_ptr<ZLEncodingConverter>(new MyOneByteEncodingConverter(encoding, encodingMap));
		} else if (er.bytesNumber() == 2) {
                  return shared_ptr<ZLEncodingConverter>(new MyTwoBytesEncodingConverter(encodingMap));
	return shared_ptr<ZLEncodingConverter>();
Esempio n. 25
void TreeViewItem::OnMouseLeftButtonDbclk(suic::MouseEventArg& e)

    if (GetItems()->GetCount() > 0)
        suic::RoutedEventArg er(this);

Esempio n. 26
 Scalar matrix_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u, 
                    Func<Real> *v, Geom<Real> *e, ExtData<Scalar> *ext) const {
   cplx ikappa = cplx(0.0, kappa);
   Scalar result1 = 0;
   Scalar result2 = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
     result1 += wt[i] * gamma(e->elem_marker, e->x[i], e->y[i]) * (u->val0[i] * conj(v->val0[i]) + u->val1[i] * conj(v->val1[i]));
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
     result2 += wt[i] * er(e->elem_marker, e->x[i], e->y[i]) * (u->val0[i] * conj(v->val0[i]) + u->val1[i] * conj(v->val1[i]));
   return 1.0/mu_r * int_curl_e_curl_f<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v) -
          ikappa * sqrt(mu_0 / e_0) * result1 - sqr(kappa) * result2;
Esempio n. 27
void ViewManager::sendEvent( ViewEvent ve, View * view )
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < _eventReceivers->entries(); i += 1 ) {
        EventReceiver & er( (*_eventReceivers)[ i ] );

        if( er._wantsEvents & ve ) {
            er._receiver->event( ve, view );
Esempio n. 28
unsigned int Neutral::buildTree( const Eref& e, vector< Id >& tree )
	unsigned int ret = 1;
	Eref er( e.element(), ALLDATA );
	vector< Id > kids = getChildren( er );
	sort( kids.begin(), kids.end() );
	kids.erase( unique( kids.begin(), kids.end() ), kids.end() );
	for ( vector< Id >::iterator i = kids.begin(); i != kids.end(); ++i )
		ret += buildTree( i->eref(), tree );
	tree.push_back( e.element()->id() );
	return ret;
Esempio n. 29
// the operation of PRT command
void command_prt(struct packet* shp, struct packet* data, int sfd_client, char* lpwd)
        printf("Starting prt...\n");
    int x;
    int dataportnum = atoi(shp->buffer);
    shp->type = INFO;
    shp->comid = PRT;
    strcpy(shp->buffer, dataportnum ? "OK: Port Gotten; processing..." : "ER: Error getting port num.");
    printpacket(shp, HP);

    data = htonp(shp);
    if(( x = send(sfd_client, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
        er("send()", x);

        printf("OK, waiting for connection\n");

        struct sockaddr_in skin_server_data;
        int x;
        size_t size_sockaddr = sizeof(struct sockaddr), size_packet = sizeof(struct packet);

        if(( x = sfd_server_data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
            er("socket()", x);

        memset((char*) & skin_server_data, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
        skin_server_data.sin_family = AF_INET;
        skin_server_data.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IPCLIENT);
        skin_server_data.sin_port = htons(dataportnum);

        if(( x = connect(sfd_server_data, (struct sockaddr*) &skin_server_data, size_sockaddr)) < 0)
            er("connect()", x);
        printf(ID "Data channel build. Communicating with client @ %s:%d...\n\n", IPCLIENT, dataportnum);
    send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_client);    
Esempio n. 30
// Generate expected return of next n periods
vec ARMA11::predict(int n, vec y)
	int m = y.n_elem-1;
	vec x = residual(y);
	vec er(n);

	er[0] = mu-phi*(y[m]-mu)+psi*x[m];
	if (n>1) {
		for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
			er[i] = mu-phi*er[i-1];
	return er;