int ftdi_context_release(ftdi_context_t* context) { int i; error_clear(&context->error); if (context == ftdi_default_context) { if (context->num_references) context->num_references--; else { error_set(&context->error, FTDI_ERROR_CONTEXT_RELEASE); return error_get(&context->error); } } else context->num_references = 0; if (!context->num_references && context->num_devices) { for (i = 0; i < context->num_devices; ++i) ftdi_device_destroy(&context->devices[i]); free(context->devices); context->devices = 0; context->num_devices = 0; } return error_get(&context->error); }
/* battery_on_timeout */ static gboolean _battery_on_timeout(gpointer data) { const gdouble error = 0.0 / 0.0; Battery * battery = data; PanelAppletHelper * helper = battery->helper; gdouble level; gboolean charging; int timeout; if(_battery_get(battery, &level, &charging) == FALSE) { helper->error(NULL, error_get(NULL), 1); timeout = 0; } else if(level == error || level < 0.0) { helper->error(NULL, error_get(NULL), 1); timeout = 30000; } else timeout = 5000; _battery_set(battery, level, charging); battery->timeout = (timeout > 0) ? g_timeout_add(timeout, _battery_on_timeout, battery) : 0; return FALSE; }
int ftdi_device_read(ftdi_device_t* dev, unsigned char* data, size_t num) { ssize_t result = 0, num_read = 0; double time, period = 0.0; error_clear(&dev->error); timer_start(&time); while ((num_read < num) && ((period = timer_stop(time)) <= dev->timeout) && ((result = ftdi_read_data(dev->libftdi_context, &data[num_read], num-num_read)) >= 0)) { if (result) timer_start(&time); num_read += result; } dev->num_read += num_read; if (result < 0) { error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_READ, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); return -error_get(&dev->error); } else if (!num_read && (period > dev->timeout)) { error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_TIMEOUT, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); return -error_get(&dev->error); } return num_read; }
static void draw_text_error(void) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int dx = text_size_x(); int dy = text_size_y(); text_clear(); draw_text_center(x, y, dx, "ERROR! An error occurred in your last action!" , COLOR_REVERSE); ++y; ++y; y = draw_text_para(x, y, dx, dy, "Your action has generated an error. Probably you have requested an " "unsupported feature by your hardware or software." , COLOR_NORMAL); if (*error_get()) { y = draw_text_para(x, y, dx, dy-y, "\nThe video software reports this error:", COLOR_NORMAL); log_std(("v: error \"%s\"\n", error_get())); y = draw_text_para(x, y, dx, dy-y, error_get(), COLOR_ERROR); } y = draw_text_para(x, y, dx, dy-y, "\nPress ESC", COLOR_NORMAL); video_wait_vsync(); do { target_idle(); os_poll(); } while (inputb_get()==INPUTB_NONE); }
static int _settings_browse(Settings * settings) { int ret = 0; Config * config; GtkTreeModel * model; char const * path; char * p; size_t i; size_t j; int datadir = 1; if((config = config_new()) == NULL) return -_settings_error(error_get(NULL), 1); model = _settings_get_model(settings); gtk_list_store_clear(GTK_LIST_STORE(model)); /* read through every XDG application folder */ if((path = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS")) == NULL || strlen(path) == 0) { path = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"; datadir = 0; } if((p = strdup(path)) == NULL) _settings_error(error_get(NULL), 1); else for(i = 0, j = 0;; i++) if(p[i] == '\0') { string_rtrim(&p[j], "/"); _settings_browse_folder(settings, config, &p[j]); datadir |= (strcmp(&p[j], DATADIR) == 0); break; } else if(p[i] == ':') { p[i] = '\0'; string_rtrim(&p[j], "/"); _settings_browse_folder(settings, config, &p[j]); datadir |= (strcmp(&p[j], DATADIR) == 0); j = i + 1; } free(p); if(datadir == 0) ret = _settings_browse_folder(settings, config, DATADIR); ret |= _settings_browse_home(settings, config); config_delete(config); return ret; }
/* parser_string */ int parser_string(AsmPrefs * ap, AsmCode * code, char const * string) { CppPrefs prefs; State state; size_t i; memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); #if 0 prefs.filename = infile; #endif prefs.filters = CPP_FILTER_COMMENT; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); state.code = code; if((state.cpp = cpp_new(&prefs)) == NULL) return -1; if(ap != NULL) for(i = 0; i < ap->defines_cnt; i++) /* FIXME check errors */ cpp_define_add(state.cpp, ap->defines[i], NULL); if(_parser_scan(&state) != 0) return _parser_error(&state, "%s", error_get()); if(_program(&state) != 0) error_set_code(1, "%s%u%s%u%s", "Compilation failed with ", state.error_cnt, " error(s) and ", state.warning_cnt, " warning(s)"); if(state.token != NULL) token_delete(state.token); return state.error_cnt; }
/* notes_note_add */ Note * notes_note_add(Notes * notes, Note * note) { GtkTreeIter iter; char * filename; if(note == NULL) { if((note = note_new()) == NULL) return NULL; if((filename = _notes_note_get_new_filename()) == NULL) { notes_error(notes, error_get(NULL), 0); note_delete(note); return NULL; } note_set_filename(note, filename); free(filename); note_set_title(note, _("New note")); note_save(note); } gtk_list_store_insert(notes->store, &iter, 0); gtk_list_store_set(notes->store, &iter, ND_COL_NOTE, note, ND_COL_TITLE, note_get_title(note), -1); return note; }
static void _idle_load(Panel * panel, PanelPosition position) { char const * plugins; char * p; char * q; size_t i; if((plugins = _panel_get_plugins(panel, position)) == NULL || strlen(plugins) == 0) return; if((p = string_new(plugins)) == NULL) { panel_error(panel, error_get(), FALSE); return; } for(q = p, i = 0;;) { if(q[i] == '\0') { if(panel_load(panel, position, q) != 0) error_print(PACKAGE); /* we can ignore errors */ break; } if(q[i++] != ',') continue; q[i - 1] = '\0'; if(panel_load(panel, position, q) != 0) error_print(PACKAGE); /* we can ignore errors */ q += i; i = 0; } free(p); }
/* clock_on_timeout */ static gboolean _clock_on_timeout(gpointer data) { Clock * clock = data; PanelAppletHelper * helper = clock->helper; struct timeval tv; time_t t; struct tm tm; char buf[32]; if(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) != 0) { error_set("%s: %s: %s",, "gettimeofday", strerror(errno)); helper->error(NULL, error_get(NULL), 1); return TRUE; } t = tv.tv_sec; localtime_r(&t, &tm); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), clock->format, &tm); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(clock->label), buf); #ifndef EMBEDDED if(clock->iconsize != GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR) { strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%H:%M:%S\n%d/%m/%Y"), &tm); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(clock->label, buf); } #endif return TRUE; }
/* instruction */ static int _instruction(State * state) /* instruction_name [ space [ operand_list ] ] */ { int ret; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s()\n", __func__); #endif /* reset the current instruction */ memset(&state->call, 0, sizeof(state->call)); /* instruction_name */ ret = _instruction_name(state); if(!_parser_in_set(state, TS_SPACE)) return ret; /* [ space ] */ ret |= _space(state); /* [ operand_list ] */ if(_parser_in_set(state, TS_OPERAND_LIST)) ret |= _operand_list(state); /* call the current instruction */ if(state-> != NULL) { if(asmcode_instruction(state->code, &state->call) != 0) ret |= _parser_error(state, "%s", error_get()); free(state->; } /* FIXME memory leak (register names...) */ memset(&state->call, 0, sizeof(state->call)); return ret; }
/* section_name */ static int _section_name(State * state) /* WORD */ { int ret = 0; char const * string = NULL; size_t len; char * section = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s()\n", __func__); #endif if(state->token == NULL || (string = token_get_string(state->token)) == NULL || (len = strlen(token_get_string(state->token))) == 0) return error_set_code(1, "%s", "Sections with empty names are not allowed"); if((section = malloc(len + 2)) == NULL) return ret | error_set_code(1, "%s", strerror(errno)); snprintf(section, len + 2, ".%s", string); ret |= _parser_scan(state); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s\"%s\"\n", "DEBUG: section ", section); #endif if(asmcode_section(state->code, section) != 0) ret |= _parser_error(state, "%s", error_get()); free(section); return ret; }
/* parser */ int parser(AsmPrefs * ap, AsmCode * code, char const * infile) { CppPrefs prefs; State state; memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); prefs.filename = infile; prefs.filters = CPP_FILTER_COMMENT; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); state.code = code; if((state.cpp = cpp_new(&prefs)) == NULL) return -1; if(_parser_defines(&state, ap) != 0) { cpp_delete(state.cpp); return -1; } if(_parser_scan(&state) != 0) { cpp_delete(state.cpp); return _parser_error(&state, "%s", error_get()); } if(_program(&state) != 0) error_set_code(1, "%s%s%u%s%u%s", infile, ": Compilation failed with ", state.error_cnt, " error(s) and ", state.warning_cnt, " warning(s)"); if(state.token != NULL) token_delete(state.token); return state.error_cnt; }
/* panel_error */ int panel_error(Panel * panel, char const * message, int ret) { (void) panel; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", PROGNAME, (message != NULL) ? message : error_get(NULL)); return ret; }
/* notes_note_reload_all */ int notes_note_reload_all(Notes * notes) { int ret = 0; char * filename; DIR * dir; struct dirent * de; Note * note; if((filename = _notes_note_get_directory()) == NULL) return notes_error(notes, error_get(NULL), 1); if((dir = opendir(filename)) == NULL) { if(errno != ENOENT) { error_set("%s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); ret = notes_error(notes, error_get(NULL), 1); } } else { notes_note_remove_all(notes); while((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if(strncmp(de->d_name, "note.", 5) != 0) continue; free(filename); if((filename = _notes_note_get_filename(de->d_name)) == NULL) continue; /* XXX report error */ if((note = note_new_from_file(filename)) == NULL) { notes_error(NULL, error_get(NULL), 1); continue; } if(notes_note_add(notes, note) == NULL) { note_delete(note); continue; /* XXX report error */ } } } free(filename); return ret; }
int ftdi_device_open(ftdi_device_t* dev, ftdi_interface_t interface) { error_clear(&dev->error); if (ftdi_set_interface(dev->libftdi_context, interface)) error_set(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_INVALID_INTERFACE); else if (ftdi_usb_open_dev(dev->libftdi_context, dev->libusb_device)) error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_OPEN, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); return error_get(&dev->error); }
int ftdi_device_close(ftdi_device_t* dev) { error_clear(&dev->error); if (ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(dev->libftdi_context)) error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_PURGE, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); else if (ftdi_usb_close(dev->libftdi_context)) error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_CLOSE, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); return error_get(&dev->error); }
int ftdi_context_refresh(ftdi_context_t* context) { struct usb_bus* libusb_bus; struct usb_device* libusb_device; struct ftdi_context* libftdi_context; int i = 0; error_clear(&context->error); if (context->num_references) { if (context->num_devices) { for (i = 0; i < context->num_devices; ++i) ftdi_device_destroy(&context->devices[i]); free(context->devices); context->devices = 0; context->num_devices = 0; } usb_init(); if ((usb_find_busses() > 0) && (usb_find_devices() > 0)) { for (libusb_bus = usb_get_busses(); libusb_bus; libusb_bus = libusb_bus->next) for (libusb_device = libusb_bus->devices; libusb_device; libusb_device = libusb_device->next) if (libusb_device->descriptor.idVendor == FTDI_VENDOR_ID) context->num_devices++; } if (context->num_devices) { context->devices = malloc(context->num_devices*sizeof(ftdi_device_t)); i = 0; for (libusb_bus = usb_get_busses(); libusb_bus; libusb_bus = libusb_bus->next) for (libusb_device = libusb_bus->devices; libusb_device; libusb_device = libusb_device->next) if (libusb_device->descriptor.idVendor == FTDI_VENDOR_ID) { libftdi_context = ftdi_new(); ftdi_init(libftdi_context); ftdi_device_init(&context->devices[i], libftdi_context, libusb_bus, libusb_device); i++; } } } else error_set(&context->error, FTDI_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT); return error_get(&context->error); }
static gboolean _video_on_open(gpointer data) { const int timeout = 10000; VideoPhonePlugin * video = data; PhonePluginHelper * helper = video->helper; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() \"%s\"\n", __func__, video->device); #endif if((video->fd = open(video->device, O_RDWR)) < 0) { error_set_code(1, "%s: %s (%s)", video->device, "Could not open the video capture device", strerror(errno)); helper->error(helper->phone, error_get(NULL), 1); video->source = g_timeout_add(timeout, _video_on_open, video); return FALSE; } if(_open_setup(video) != 0) { helper->error(helper->phone, error_get(NULL), 1); close(video->fd); video->fd = -1; video->source = g_timeout_add(timeout, _video_on_open, video); return FALSE; } video->source = 0; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() %dx%d\n", __func__, video->format.fmt.pix.width, video->format.fmt.pix.height); #endif /* FIXME allow the window to be smaller */ gtk_widget_set_size_request(video->area, video->format.fmt.pix.width, video->format.fmt.pix.height); return FALSE; }
static gboolean _camera_on_open(gpointer data) { Camera * camera = data; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() \"%s\"\n", __func__, camera->device); #endif camera->source = 0; if((camera->fd = open(camera->device, O_RDWR)) < 0) { error_set_code(1, "%s: %s (%s)", camera->device, _("Could not open the video capture device"), strerror(errno)); _camera_error(camera, error_get(), 1); return FALSE; } if(_open_setup(camera) != 0) { _camera_error(camera, error_get(), 1); close(camera->fd); camera->fd = -1; /* FIXME also free camera->buffers */ return FALSE; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() %dx%d\n", __func__, camera->format.fmt.pix.width, camera->format.fmt.pix.height); #endif gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(_camera_toolbar[0].widget), TRUE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(_camera_toolbar[2].widget), TRUE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(_camera_toolbar[4].widget), TRUE); /* FIXME allow the window to be smaller */ gtk_widget_set_size_request(camera->area, camera->format.fmt.pix.width, camera->format.fmt.pix.height); return FALSE; }
static SSLTransport * _ssl_init(AppTransportPluginHelper * helper, AppTransportMode mode, char const * name) { SSLTransport * ssl; int res; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s(%u, \"%s\")\n", __func__, mode, name); #endif if((ssl = object_new(sizeof(*ssl))) == NULL) return NULL; memset(ssl, 0, sizeof(*ssl)); ssl->helper = helper; if((ssl->ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method())) == NULL || SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ssl->ssl_ctx, SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST) != 1 || SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ssl->ssl_ctx, NULL, "/etc/openssl/certs") != 1) /* FIXME report the underlying error */ res = -error_set_code(1, "Could not initialize SSL"); else switch((ssl->mode = mode)) { case ATM_CLIENT: res = _init_client(ssl, name); break; case ATM_SERVER: res = _init_server(ssl, name); break; default: res = -error_set_code(1, "Unknown transport mode"); break; } /* check for errors */ if(res != 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() => %d (%s)\n", __func__, res, error_get(NULL)); #endif _ssl_destroy(ssl); return NULL; } #if 0 /* XXX may be useful */ SSL_CTX_set_mode(ssl->ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE); #endif return ssl; }
int ftdi_device_write(ftdi_device_t* dev, unsigned char* data, size_t num) { ssize_t result; error_clear(&dev->error); result = ftdi_write_data(dev->libftdi_context, data, num); if (result >= 0) dev->num_written += result; else { error_setf(&dev->error, FTDI_ERROR_WRITE, "%03:%03", dev->bus, dev->address); return -error_get(&dev->error); } return result; }
static int _snapshot_dcim(Camera * camera, char const * homedir, char const * dcim) { char * path; if((path = g_build_filename(homedir, dcim, NULL)) == NULL) return -_camera_error(camera, _("Could not save picture"), 1); if(mkdir(path, 0777) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) { error_set_code(1, "%s: %s: %s", _("Could not save picture"), path, strerror(errno)); free(path); return -_camera_error(camera, error_get(), 1); } free(path); return 0; }
static unsigned int _reset_baudrate(ModemPlugin * modem, unsigned int baudrate) { switch(baudrate) { case 1200: return B1200; case 2400: return B2400; case 4800: return B4800; case 9600: return B9600; case 19200: return B19200; case 38400: return B38400; #ifdef B76800 case 76800: return B76800; #endif #ifdef B14400 case 14400: return B14400; #endif #ifdef B28800 case 28800: return B28800; #endif case 57600: return B57600; case 115200: return B115200; case 230400: return B230400; case 460800: return B460800; case 921600: return B921600; default: error_set("%u%s", baudrate, "Unsupported baudrate (using 115200)"); modem->helper->error(NULL, error_get(), 1); return B115200; } }
/* ussd_init */ static USSD * _ussd_init(PhonePluginHelper * helper) { USSD * ussd; if((ussd = object_new(sizeof(*ussd))) == NULL) return NULL; ussd->config = config_new(); ussd->_operator = NULL; ussd->helper = helper; ussd->window = NULL; ussd->operators = NULL; ussd->codes = NULL; /* check for errors */ if(ussd->config == NULL || config_load(ussd->config, SYSCONFDIR "/" PACKAGE "/ussd.conf") != 0) helper->error(helper->phone, error_get(NULL), 1); return ussd; }
static char * _snapshot_path(Camera * camera, char const * homedir, char const * dcim, char const * extension) { struct timeval tv; struct tm tm; unsigned int i; char * filename; char * path; if(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) != 0 || gmtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm) == NULL) { error_set_code(1, "%s: %s", _("Could not save picture"), strerror(errno)); _camera_error(camera, error_get(), 1); return NULL; } for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if((filename = g_strdup_printf("%u%02u%02u-%02u%02u%02u-%03u%s", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec, i + 1, extension)) == NULL) /* XXX report error */ return NULL; path = g_build_filename(homedir, dcim, filename, NULL); g_free(filename); if(path == NULL) { _camera_error(camera, _("Could not save picture"), 1); return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s() %s\n", __func__, path); #endif if(access(path, R_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) return path; g_free(path); } return NULL; }
static int _settings_browse_home(Settings * settings, Config * config) { int ret; char const fallback[] = ".local/share"; char const * path; char const * homedir; String * p; /* use $XDG_DATA_HOME if set and not empty */ if((path = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")) != NULL && strlen(path) > 0) return _settings_browse_folder(settings, config, path); /* fallback to "$HOME/.local/share" */ if((homedir = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) homedir = g_get_home_dir(); if((p = string_new_append(homedir, "/", fallback, NULL)) == NULL) return -_settings_error(error_get(NULL), 1); ret = _settings_browse_folder(settings, config, p); free(p); return ret; }
static int _snapshot_save(Camera * camera, char const * path, CameraSnapshotFormat format) { struct v4l2_pix_format * pix = &camera->format.fmt.pix; GdkPixbuf * pixbuf; char buf[16]; gboolean res; GError * error = NULL; if((pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(camera->rgb_buffer, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, pix->width, pix->height, pix->width * 3, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) return -_camera_error(camera, _("Could not save picture"), 1); switch(format) { case CSF_JPEG: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", camera->snapshot_quality); res = gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, path, "jpeg", &error, "quality", buf, NULL); break; case CSF_PNG: res = gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, path, "png", &error, NULL); break; default: res = FALSE; break; } g_object_unref(pixbuf); if(res != TRUE) { error_set_code(1, "%s: %s", _("Could not save picture"), (error != NULL) ? error->message : _("Unknown error")); g_error_free(error); return -_camera_error(camera, error_get(), 1); } return 0; }
/* function_name */ static int _function_name(State * state) /* WORD */ { int ret; char const * string; char * function = NULL; if((string = token_get_string(state->token)) == NULL) return _parser_error(state, "%s", "Empty function names are" " not allowed"); if((function = strdup(string)) == NULL) return error_set_code(1, "%s", strerror(errno)); ret = _parser_check(state, AS_CODE_WORD); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s \"%s\"\n", "function", function); #endif if(asmcode_function(state->code, function) != 0) ret |= _parser_error(state, "%s", error_get()); free(function); return ret; }
/* cpufreq_on_timeout */ static gboolean _cpufreq_on_timeout(gpointer data) { Cpufreq * cpufreq = data; PanelAppletHelper * helper = cpufreq->helper; uint64_t freq; size_t freqsize = sizeof(freq); char buf[256]; if(sysctlbyname(cpufreq->name, &freq, &freqsize, NULL, 0) < 0) { error_set("%s: %s: %s",, cpufreq->name, strerror(errno)); helper->error(NULL, error_get(NULL), 1); return TRUE; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%4u", (unsigned int)freq); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(cpufreq->label), buf); # if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 12, 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%u %s", _("CPU frequency: "), (unsigned int)freq, _("MHz")); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(cpufreq->hbox, buf); # endif return TRUE; }
/* main */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { Clock * clock; int o; if(setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL) _error("setlocale", 1); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); gtk_init(&argc, &argv); while((o = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) switch(o) { default: return _usage(); } if(optind != argc) return _usage(); if((clock = clock_new()) == NULL) return _error(error_get(NULL), 2); gtk_main(); clock_delete(clock); return 0; }