Esempio n. 1
bool hook_workflow_run_workflow( const hook_workflow_type * hook_workflow, ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list,  void * self) {
  bool verbose = false;
  if (hook_workflow->workflow != NULL ) {
    bool result = ert_workflow_list_run_workflow__( workflow_list, hook_workflow->workflow , verbose , self);
    return result;
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
bool qc_module_run_workflow( const qc_module_type * qc_module , void * self) {
  bool verbose = false;
  if (qc_module->qc_workflow != NULL ) {
    if (!util_file_exists( qc_module->runpath_list_file ))
      fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: the file:%s with a list of runpath directories was not found - QC workflow wil probably fail.\n" , qc_module->runpath_list_file);
    return ert_workflow_list_run_workflow__( qc_module->workflow_list , qc_module->qc_workflow , verbose , self);
  } else
    return false;
Esempio n. 3
bool ert_workflow_list_run_workflow(ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list, const char * workflow_name , void * self) {
  workflow_type * workflow = ert_workflow_list_get_workflow( workflow_list , workflow_name );
  return ert_workflow_list_run_workflow__( workflow_list, workflow , workflow_list->verbose , self);
Esempio n. 4
bool ert_workflow_list_run_workflow_blocking(ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list  , const char * workflow_name , void * self) {
  workflow_type * workflow = ert_workflow_list_get_workflow( workflow_list , workflow_name );
  bool result = ert_workflow_list_run_workflow__( workflow_list, workflow , workflow_list->verbose , self);
  return result;