Esempio n. 1
/* Function:  esl_recorder_Read()
 * Synopsis:  Read next line of a stream through an <ESL_RECORDER>.
 * Incept:    SRE, Fri Dec 25 16:31:00 2009 [Casa de Gatos]
 * Purpose:   Read the next line of the input stream that the
 *            <ESL_RECORDER> <rc> is recording. Return a ptr to
 *            it in <*opt_line>. Note that the <ESL_RECORDER> 
 *            deals with allocation and freeing of this line;
 *            if caller wants to keep it for something, it must
 *            make a copy immediately, because subsequent calls
 *            to <esl_recorder_*> functions may overwrite these
 *            internal memory buffers.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslEOF> if no more lines exist in the stream.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on an allocation failure.
esl_recorder_Read(ESL_RECORDER *rc, char **opt_line)
  int idx = (rc->ncurr - rc->baseline) % rc->nalloc;     /* index of line to read, in wrapped coords */
  int status;
  /* if currline <= lastline, we already have the line recorded;
   * else we need to read a new one from <fp> */
  if (rc->ncurr >= rc->nread)
      /* if reading a new line would overwrite our marked start, grow */
      if ( rc->markline >= 0 && 
	   ((rc->ncurr - rc->baseline) % rc->nalloc == ((rc->markline - rc->baseline) % rc->nalloc)))
	  int xtra = ESL_MAX(3, (rc->nalloc / 3));
	  status = esl_recorder_ResizeTo(rc, rc->nalloc + xtra);
	  if (status) goto ERROR;
	  idx = (rc->ncurr - rc->baseline) % rc->nalloc; 

      rc->offset[idx] = ftello(rc->fp);
      status = esl_fgets(&(rc->line[idx]), &(rc->lalloc[idx]), rc->fp);
      if (status) goto ERROR;

  if (opt_line) *opt_line = rc->line[idx];
  return eslOK;

  if (opt_line) *opt_line = NULL;
  return status;
Esempio n. 2
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS   *go        = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 1, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_STOPWATCH *w         = esl_stopwatch_Create();
  ESL_RECORDER  *rc        = NULL;
  char          *filename  = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  int            N         = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N");
  FILE          *fp        = NULL;
  char          *buf       = NULL;
  int            balloc    = 0;
  int            status;
  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) esl_fatal("no such file %s\n", filename);
  rc = esl_recorder_Create(fp, N);
  while ((status = esl_recorder_Read(rc, &buf)) == eslOK);

  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "recorder time:    ");
  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) esl_fatal("no such file %s\n", filename);
  while ((status = esl_fgets(&buf, &balloc, fp)) == eslOK);

  esl_stopwatch_Display(stdout, w, "esl_fgets() time: ");

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/* regurgitate_pfam_as_afa()
 * Given an open Pfam formatted msafile, read the next alignment and 
 * regurgitate it in aligned FASTA (AFA) format without storing
 * it in a esl_msa data structure.
 * We need to do two passes through the file because in Pfam
 * sequence accessions (#=GS <seqname> AC) and sequence descriptions
 * (#=GS <seqname> DE) appear altogether before any aligned sequence
 * data, while in AFA they appear on the same line as the sequence
 * name (accession, then description).
 * Example: 
 * # STOCKHOLM 1.0
 * #=GS tRNA1 AC RF00005-1
 * #=GS tRNA2 AC RF00005-2
 * #=GS tRNA1 DE first tRNA
 * #=GS tRNA2 DE second tRNA
 * converts to AFA:
 * >tRNA1 RF00005-1 first tRNA
 * >tRNA2 RF00005-2 second tRNA
 * In the first pass, output the sequence names and accessions we find
 * as '#=GS <seqname> AC' lines in the Pfam alignment to an accession
 * tmpfile, and output sequence names and descriptions we find as 
 * as '#=GS <seqname> DE' lines in the Pfam alignment to a description
 * tmpfile.
 * In the second pass, rewind all (up to 3) files: <ac_tmpfile>,
 * <de_tmpfile> and the Pfam alignment file and start reading them
 * again.  As we're reading them, output the accessions, descriptions
 * and aligned sequence data in the proper order to an aligned FASTA
 * file.
 * Set <ret_reached_eof> as TRUE if the alignment read and reformatted
 * appears to be the only one remaining in afp.  Set <ret_reached_eof>
 * as FALSE if afp appears to include at least one more alignment.
 * Returns void. Dies upon any input error.
static void
regurgitate_pfam_as_afa(ESLX_MSAFILE *afp, FILE *ofp, char *alifile, char *gapsym, int force_lower, int force_upper, int force_rna, int force_dna, int iupac_to_n, int x_is_bad, char *rename, char *rfrom, char *rto, int *ret_reached_eof)
  char      *p = NULL;
  esl_pos_t  n = 0;
  esl_pos_t  gslen, seqnamelen, taglen;
  char      *seqname = NULL;
  char      *first_seqname = NULL;
  char      *tag = NULL;
  char      *gs = NULL;
  int        nseq_read = 0;
  int        reached_eof;
  /* variables related to reading accessions */
  char       ac_tmpfile[16] = "esltmpXXXXXX";
  FILE      *ac_fp = NULL; /* file ptr for accession tmpfile */
  char      *ac_buf = NULL;	/* buffer for line input w/ sre_fgets()      */
  int        ac_buflen = 0;	/* current allocated length for buf          */
  char      *ac_s = NULL;	        
  char      *ac_seqname = NULL;
  char      *ac = NULL;
  int        have_ac = FALSE;
  /* variables related to reading descriptions */
  char       de_tmpfile[16] = "esltmpXXXXXX";
  FILE      *de_fp = NULL; /* file ptr for description tmpfile */
  char      *de_buf = NULL;	/* buffer for line input w/ sre_fgets()      */
  int        de_buflen = 0;	/* current allocated length for buf          */
  char      *de_s = NULL;	        
  char      *de_seqname = NULL;
  char      *de = NULL;
  int        have_de = FALSE;
  /* variables related to printing out sequences */
  char      *aseq = NULL;
  esl_pos_t  aseqlen = 0;
  int64_t    apos;
  char       aseqbuf[61];
  int        cpl = 60;	     /* number of residues per afa seq line */
  int        acpl;       /* actual number of character per line */
  int        status;
  afp->errmsg[0] = '\0';
   * First pass, go through each line of the Pfam file and output all GS DE and AC annotation to tmpfiles

  /* Check the magic Stockholm header line, allowing blank lines */
  do { 
    status = eslx_msafile_GetLine(afp, &p, &n);
    if      (status == eslEOF) return; 
    else if (status != eslOK)  esl_fatal("small mem parse error. problem reading line %d of msafile", (int) afp->linenumber);
  } while (esl_memspn(afp->line, afp->n, " \t") == afp->n  ||                 /* skip blank lines             */
	       (esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "#")                         /* and skip comment lines       */
	   && ! esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "# STOCKHOLM")));            /* but stop on Stockholm header */

  if (! esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "# STOCKHOLM 1.")) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): missing \"# STOCKHOLM\" header", (int) afp->linenumber);

  while ((status = eslx_msafile_GetLine(afp, &p, &n)) == eslOK) 
      while (n && ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { p++; n--; } /* skip leading whitespace */

      if (esl_memstrpfx(p, n, "#=GS"))
	{ /* only lines we need to check are AC and DE lines, we don't even check other lines for validity */
	  if (esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &gs,      &gslen)      != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d) in a way that can't happen",                      (int) afp->linenumber);
	  if (esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &seqname, &seqnamelen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): #=GS line missing <seqname>, <tag>, annotation", (int) afp->linenumber);
	  if (esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &tag,     &taglen)     != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): #=GS line missing <tag>, annotation",            (int) afp->linenumber);
	  if (! esl_memstrcmp(gs, gslen, "#=GS"))                        esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): faux #=GS line?",                                (int) afp->linenumber);

	  if (esl_memstrcmp(tag, taglen, "AC"))
	      if (! ac_fp && esl_tmpfile(ac_tmpfile, &ac_fp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed, unable to open accession tmpfile");
	      fprintf(ac_fp, "%.*s %.*s\n", (int) seqnamelen, seqname, (int) n, p);
	  if (esl_memstrcmp(tag, taglen, "DE"))
	      if (! de_fp && esl_tmpfile(de_tmpfile, &de_fp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed, unable to open description tmpfile");
	      fprintf(de_fp, "%.*s %.*s\n", (int) seqnamelen, seqname, (int) n, p);
      else if (esl_memstrpfx(p, n, "//")) break;
  if      (status == eslEOF) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): missing // terminator", (int) afp->linenumber);
  else if (status != eslOK)  esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d) with code %d", (int) afp->linenumber, status);
  /* The regurgitate_*() functions are limited, and only deal with single-record Pfam files. 
   * If there appears to be more data in the file, drop the reached_eof flag.
  while ((status = eslx_msafile_GetLine(afp, &p, &n)) == eslOK) 
      while (n && ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { p++; n--; } /* skip leading whitespace */
      if    (esl_memstrpfx(p, n, "# STOCKHOLM 1.")) break;
      if    (n && ! esl_memstrpfx(p, n, "#"))       esl_fatal("small mem parse failed (line %d): unexpected data", (int) afp->linenumber);
  if      (status == eslOK)  reached_eof = FALSE;
  else if (status == eslEOF) reached_eof = TRUE;
  else esl_fatal("--small parse error. problem reading line %d of msafile", (int) afp->linenumber);

   * Pass 1 complete; rewind (close/reopen) all files

  if ((status = eslx_msafile_Open(NULL, alifile, NULL, eslMSAFILE_PFAM, NULL, &afp)) != eslOK)
    esl_fatal("--small, second pass, unable to open file %s for reading", alifile);
  if (ac_fp) { /* open the tmpfile with the seq accessions */
    if((status = esl_fgets(&(ac_buf), &(ac_buflen), ac_fp)) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small accession tmpfile parse failed");
    ac_s = ac_buf;
    if (esl_strtok_adv(&ac_s, " \t\n\r", &ac_seqname, NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small accession tmpfile parse failed");
    if (esl_strtok_adv(&ac_s, "\n\r",    &ac,         NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small accession tmpfile parse failed");
  if (de_fp) { /* open the tmpfile with the seq descriptions */
    if((status = esl_fgets(&(de_buf), &(de_buflen), de_fp)) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small description tmpfile parse failed");
    de_s = de_buf;
    if (esl_strtok_adv(&de_s, " \t\n\r", &de_seqname, NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small description tmpfile parse failed");
    if (esl_strtok_adv(&de_s, "\n\r",    &de,         NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small description tmpfile parse failed");

   * Pass 2, step through files, outputting appropriately

  do { 
    status = eslx_msafile_GetLine(afp, &p, &n);
    if      (status == eslEOF) return; 
    else if (status != eslOK)  esl_fatal("small mem parse pass 2 error. problem reading line %d of msafile", (int) afp->linenumber);
  } while (esl_memspn(afp->line, afp->n, " \t") == afp->n  ||                 /* skip blank lines             */
	       (esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "#")                         /* and skip comment lines       */
	   && ! esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "# STOCKHOLM")));            /* but stop on Stockholm header */

  if (! esl_memstrpfx(afp->line, afp->n, "# STOCKHOLM 1.")) esl_fatal("small mem parse pass 2 failed (line %d): missing \"# STOCKHOLM\" header", (int) afp->linenumber);

  while ((status = eslx_msafile_GetLine(afp, &p, &n)) == eslOK) 
      while (n && ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { p++; n--; } /* skip leading whitespace */

      if      (!n || *p == '#')           continue;	    /* skip blank lines, comments */
      else if (esl_memstrpfx(p, n, "//")) break;	    /* end of alignment: end of record */
	{ /* sequence line. parse line into temporary strings */
	  if (esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &seqname, &seqnamelen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse pass 2 failed (line %d): no seq name", (int) afp->linenumber);
	  if (esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &aseq,    &aseqlen)    != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse pass 2 failed (line %d): no aseq",     (int) afp->linenumber);

	  /* make sure we haven't just read a second line of the first sequence in file (we must be in Pfam 1 line/seq file) */
	  if (nseq_read == 0) { if ((status = esl_memstrdup(seqname, seqnamelen, &(first_seqname))) != eslOK) esl_fatal("small mem parse failed: unable to copy seqname"); }
	  else if (esl_memstrcmp(seqname, seqnamelen, first_seqname)) esl_fatal("--small parse pass 2 failed (line %d): two seqs named %s. Alignment appears to be in interleaved Stockholm (not Pfam) format.", (int) afp->linenumber, seqname); 

	  /* determine if we have an accession and/or description for this sequence */
	  have_de = have_ac = FALSE;
	  if (ac_seqname && (esl_memstrcmp(seqname, seqnamelen, ac_seqname))) have_ac = TRUE;
	  if (de_seqname && (esl_memstrcmp(seqname, seqnamelen, de_seqname))) have_de = TRUE;

	  if (rename) fprintf(ofp, ">%s.%d%s%s%s%s\n",          rename, nseq_read, (have_ac ? " " : "") , (have_ac ? ac : ""), (have_de ? " " : "") , (have_de ? de : "")); 
	  else        fprintf(ofp, ">%.*s%s%s%s%s\n", (int) seqnamelen, seqname,   (have_ac ? " " : "") , (have_ac ? ac : ""), (have_de ? " " : "") , (have_de ? de : "")); 

	  /* load next ac, de */
	  if (have_ac) {
	    status = esl_fgets(&(ac_buf), &(ac_buflen), ac_fp);
	    if      (status == eslEOF) ac_seqname = NULL;
	    else if (status == eslOK) { 
	      ac_s = ac_buf;
	      if (esl_strtok_adv(&ac_s, " \t\n\r", &ac_seqname, NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small accession tmpfile parse failed");
	      if (esl_strtok_adv(&ac_s, "\n\r",    &ac,         NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small accession tmpfile parse failed");
	  if (have_de) {
	    status = esl_fgets(&(de_buf), &(de_buflen), de_fp);
	    if(status == eslEOF) de_seqname = NULL;
	    else if (status == eslOK) { 
	      de_s = de_buf;
	      if (esl_strtok_adv(&de_s, " \t\n\r", &de_seqname, NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small description tmpfile parse failed");
	      if (esl_strtok_adv(&de_s, "\n\r",    &de,         NULL, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small description tmpfile parse failed");

	  /* now print sequence, after converting symbols as nec */
	  /* remember, aseq itself is part of an ESL_BUFFER and you
	     can't write to it, so symconverts have to be on the
	     copy */
	  for (apos = 0; apos < aseqlen; apos += cpl)
	      acpl = (aseqlen - apos > cpl ? cpl : aseqlen - apos);
	      strncpy(aseqbuf, aseq + apos, acpl);
	      aseqbuf[acpl] = '\0';

	      if (rfrom)       symconvert(aseqbuf, rfrom, rto);
	      if (gapsym)      symconvert(aseqbuf, "-_.", gapsym);
	      if (force_lower) symconvert(aseqbuf,
	      if (force_upper) symconvert(aseqbuf,
	      if (force_rna)   symconvert(aseqbuf, "Tt", "Uu");
	      if (force_dna)   symconvert(aseqbuf, "Uu", "Tt");
	      if (iupac_to_n)  symconvert(aseqbuf, 
	      if (x_is_bad)    symconvert(aseqbuf,   "Xx", "Nn");

	      fprintf(ofp, "%s\n", aseqbuf);	      
  /* If we saw a normal // end, we would've successfully read a line,
   * so when we get here, status (from the line read) should be eslOK.
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("--small parse pass 2 failed (line %d): didn't find // at end of alignment", (int) afp->linenumber);
  if (ac_seqname)      esl_fatal("--small parse pass 2 failed, sequence %s with #=GS AC line does not exist in alignment or is in different order.", ac_seqname);
  if (de_seqname)      esl_fatal("--small parse pass 2 failed, sequence %s with #=GS DE line does not exist in alignment or is in different order.", de_seqname);

  if (ac_fp) fclose(ac_fp);
  if (de_fp) fclose(de_fp);

  if (first_seqname) free(first_seqname);
  if (ac_buf)        free(ac_buf);
  if (de_buf)        free(de_buf);

  *ret_reached_eof = reached_eof;
Esempio n. 4
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go       = NULL; 
  ESL_RANDOMNESS *r        = NULL;
  int             nselect  = 0;
  char           *filename = NULL;
  FILE           *fp       = NULL;
  char          **larr     = NULL;
  char           *buf      = NULL;
  int             buflen   = 0;
  char           *tmp      = NULL;
  int             i,j;
  int             n;

  /* Parse command line */
  go = esl_getopts_Create(options);
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Error in app configuration: %s\n",   go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") )                   cmdline_help(argv[0], go);
  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 2)                      cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Incorrect number of command line arguments.\n");

  nselect  = atoi(esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1));
  filename = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);

  r = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--seed"));

  if ((larr = malloc(sizeof(char *) * nselect)) == NULL) esl_fatal("allocation failed");

  if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) fp = stdin;
  else {
    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open file %s\n", filename);
   n = 0;
   while (esl_fgets(&buf, &buflen, fp) == eslOK)
       i = esl_rnd_Roll(r, n);
       if (i < nselect) {
	 for (j = i; j < nselect && j < n; j++)
	     tmp     = larr[j];
	     larr[j] = buf;
	     buf     = tmp;
	 buf    = NULL;
	 buflen = 0; 

   for (i = 0; i < nselect; i++) printf("%s", larr[i]);

   if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
   for (i = 0; i < nselect; i++) free(larr[i]);
   return 0;