Esempio n. 1
/* Function:  p7_emit_FancyConsensus()
 * Synopsis:  Emit a fancier consensus with upper/lower case and N/X's.
 * Incept:    SRE, Fri May 14 09:33:10 2010 [Janelia]
 * Purpose:   Generate a consensus sequence for model <hmm>, consisting
 *            of the maximum probability residue in each match state;
 *            store this sequence in text-mode <sq> provided by the caller.
 *            If the probability of the consensus residue is less than
 *            <min_lower>, show an ``any'' residue (N or X) instead.
 *            If the probability of the consensus residue is $\geq$
 *            <min_lower>  and less than <min_upper>, show the residue
 *            as lower case; if it is $\geq$ <min_upper>, show it as
 *            upper case.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    <eslEINVAL> if the <sq> isn't in text mode.
 * Xref:      SRE:J6/59.
p7_emit_FancyConsensus(const P7_HMM *hmm, float min_lower, float min_upper, ESL_SQ *sq)
  int   k, x;
  float p;
  char  c;
  int   status;

  if (! esl_sq_IsText(sq)) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "p7_emit_FancyConsensus() expects a text-mode <sq>");

  if ((status = esl_sq_GrowTo(sq, hmm->M)) != eslOK) return status;

  for (k = 1; k <= hmm->M; k++)

    if (hmm->mm && hmm->mm[k] == 'm') { //masked position, spit out the degenerate code
      if ((status = esl_sq_CAddResidue(sq, tolower(esl_abc_CGetUnknown(hmm->abc))) ) != eslOK) return status;
    } else {
      p = esl_vec_FMax(   hmm->mat[k], hmm->abc->K);
      x = esl_vec_FArgMax(hmm->mat[k], hmm->abc->K);
      if      (p <  min_lower)  c = tolower(esl_abc_CGetUnknown(hmm->abc));
      else if (p >= min_upper)  c = toupper(hmm->abc->sym[x]);
      else                      c = tolower(hmm->abc->sym[x]);

      if ((status = esl_sq_CAddResidue(sq, c)) != eslOK) return status;
  if ((status = esl_sq_CAddResidue(sq, '\0')) != eslOK) return status;
  return eslOK;
Esempio n. 2
/* Function:  p7_oprofile_GetSSVEmissionScoreArray()
 * Synopsis:  Retrieve MSV residue emission scores from a
 *            profile into an array
 * Purpose:   Extract an implicitly 2D array of 8-bit int MSV residue
 *            emission scores from a profile <om>. <arr> must
 *            be allocated by the calling function to be of size
 *            ( om->abc->Kp * ( om->M  + 1 )), and indexing into the array
 *            is done as  [om->abc->Kp * i +  c ] for character c at
 *            position i.
 *            In the dummy implementation, we need to convert from the
 *            float emission probabilities to 8-bit int scores. Conversion
 *            is based on code from the function mf_conversion in impl_sse's
 *            p7_oprofile.c
 * Args:      <om>   - profile, containing emission information
 *            <arr>  - preallocated array into which scores will be placed
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 * Throws:    (no abnormal error conditions)
p7_oprofile_GetSSVEmissionScoreArray(const P7_OPROFILE *om, uint8_t *arr )
  int     M   = om->M;    /* length of the query                                          */
  int i, j;
  float x;
  float max = 0.0;
  float scale;
  uint8_t bias;

  /* scale and bias required for float->8bit conversion   */
  scale = 3.0 / eslCONST_LOG2;                    /* scores in units of third-bits */
  for (i = 0; i < om->abc->K; i++)  max = ESL_MAX(max, esl_vec_FMax(om->rsc[i], (M+1)*2));
  max = -1.0f * roundf(scale * -1.0 * max);   //based on unbiased_byteify
  bias   = (max > 255.) ? 255 : (uint8_t) max;

  for (i = 1; i <= om->M; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<om->abc->Kp; j++) {
      //based on p7_oprofile's biased_byteify()
      x =  -1.0f * roundf(scale * om->rsc[j][(i) * p7P_NR     + p7P_MSC]);
      arr[i*om->abc->Kp + j] = (x > 255. - bias) ? 255 : (uint8_t) (x + bias);

  return eslOK;
Esempio n. 3
esl_vec_FLogSum(float *vec, int n)
  int x;
  float max, sum;
  max = esl_vec_FMax(vec, n);
  sum = 0.0;
  for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
    if (vec[x] > max - 50.)
      sum += expf(vec[x] - max);
  sum = logf(sum) + max;
  return sum;