Esempio n. 1
/* returns the number of octets in the PDU, or zero on failure */
uint16_t ethernet_receive(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * src,       /* source address */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* PDU data */
    uint16_t max_pdu,   /* amount of space available in the PDU  */
    unsigned timeout    /* number of milliseconds to wait for a packet. we ommit it due to winpcap API. */
    struct pcap_pkthdr *header;
    int res;
    u_char *pkt_data;
    uint16_t pdu_len = 0;       /* return value */

    /* Make sure the socket is open */
    if (!ethernet_valid()) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid 802.2 ethernet interface descriptor!\n");
        return 0;

    /* Capture a packet */
    res = pcap_next_ex(pcap_eth802_fp, &header, &pkt_data);
    if (res < 0) {
        char msgBuf[200];
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: error in receiving packet: %s\n",
        return 0;
    } else if (res == 0)
        return 0;

    if (header->len == 0 || header->caplen == 0)
        return 0;

    /* the signature of an 802.2 BACnet packet */
    if ((pkt_data[14] != 0x82) && (pkt_data[15] != 0x82)) {
        /*eth_log_error("ethernet.c: Non-BACnet packet\n"); */
        return 0;
    /* copy the source address */
    src->mac_len = 6;
    memmove(src->mac, &pkt_data[6], 6);

    /* check destination address for when */
    /* the Ethernet card is in promiscious mode */
    if ((memcmp(&pkt_data[0], Ethernet_MAC_Address, 6) != 0)
        && (memcmp(&pkt_data[0], Ethernet_Broadcast, 6) != 0)) {
        /*eth_log_error( "ethernet.c: This packet isn't for us\n"); */
        return 0;

    (void) decode_unsigned16(&pkt_data[12], &pdu_len);
    pdu_len -= 3 /* DSAP, SSAP, LLC Control */ ;
    /* copy the buffer into the PDU */
    if (pdu_len < max_pdu)
        memmove(&pdu[0], &pkt_data[17], pdu_len);
    /* ignore packets that are too large */
        pdu_len = 0;

    return pdu_len;
Esempio n. 2
/* returns number of bytes sent on success, negative on failure */
int ethernet_send_pdu(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_NPDU_DATA * npdu_data,       /* network information */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len)
{       /* number of bytes of data */
    int i = 0;  /* counter */
    int bytes = 0;
    BACNET_ADDRESS src = { 0 }; /* source address for npdu */
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };      /* our buffer */
    int mtu_len = 0;

    (void) npdu_data;
    /* load the BACnet address for NPDU data */
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        src.mac[i] = Ethernet_MAC_Address[i];

    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (!ethernet_valid()) {
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[i] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src.mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[6 + i] = src.mac[i];
    } else {
        return -3;
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[14] = 0x82;     /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[15] = 0x82;     /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[16] = 0x03;     /* Control byte in header */
    mtu_len = 17;
    if ((mtu_len + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        return -4;
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;
    /* packet length - only the logical portion, not the address */
    encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 + pdu_len);

    /* Send the packet */
    bytes = R_Ether_Write(0, mtu, mtu_len);

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 3
void ethernet_cleanup(
    if (ethernet_valid())
    Ethernet_Socket = -1;

Esempio n. 4
void ethernet_cleanup(
    if (ethernet_valid())
    eth802_sockfd = -1;

Esempio n. 5
reply_response_t wait_for_icmp_reply(int sock_fd, echo_request_t req) {
  unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
  reply_response_t *res = malloc(sizeof(reply_response_t));

  for (;;) {
    memset(res, 0, sizeof(reply_response_t));
    res->result = -1;

    if (recv(sock_fd, (char *)&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0x0) < 0) {
      // If an error occured, check if it was a timeout
      if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
        res->result = REPLY_TIMEOUT;
      } else {
        printf("\nFATAL: Unknown error while reading from socket. errno = %d\n", errno);

    // Capture the time we received the message so we can calculate the time
    // elapsed and return it to the user (or timeout the echo request)
    struct timeval now;
    if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0) {
      printf("Error getting the current time\n");
    long sec_diff_in_usec = (now.tv_sec - req.sent_at.tv_sec) * 1000000;
    long usec_diff        = abs(sec_diff_in_usec + now.tv_usec - req.sent_at.tv_usec);
    res->elapsed_time_in_ms = usec_diff / 1000.0;

    if (res->elapsed_time_in_ms > MAX_WAIT_SEC * 1050) {
      res->result = REPLY_TIMEOUT;

    unsigned char *packet = buffer;

    if (!ethernet_valid(packet, req))
    packet += ETHERNET_LEN;

    if (!ipv4_valid(packet, req, res))
    packet += IP_HEADER_LEN;

    if (!icmp_valid(packet, req, res))

    if (res->result == REPLY_UNSET)
      res->result = REPLY_SUCCESS;


  return *res;
Esempio n. 6
bool ethernet_init(
    char *interface_name)
    if (interface_name) {
        get_local_hwaddr(interface_name, Ethernet_MAC_Address);
        eth802_sockfd = ethernet_bind(&eth_addr, interface_name);
    } else {
        get_local_hwaddr("eth0", Ethernet_MAC_Address);
        eth802_sockfd = ethernet_bind(&eth_addr, "eth0");

    return ethernet_valid();
Esempio n. 7
/* returns the number of octets in the PDU, or zero on failure */
uint16_t ethernet_receive(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * src,       /* source address */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* PDU data */
    uint16_t max_pdu,   /* amount of space available in the PDU  */
    unsigned timeout)
{       /* number of milliseconds to wait for a packet */
    int received_bytes;
    uint8_t buf[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };      /* data */
    uint16_t pdu_len = 0;       /* return value */

    /* Make sure the socket is open */
    if (!ethernet_valid())
        return 0;

    received_bytes = R_Ether_Read(0, (void *) buf);

    if (received_bytes == 0)
        return 0;

    /* the signature of an 802.2 BACnet packet */
    if ((buf[14] != 0x82) && (buf[15] != 0x82)) {
        return 0;
    /* copy the source address */
    src->mac_len = 6;
    memmove(src->mac, &buf[6], 6);

    /* check destination address for when */
    /* the Ethernet card is in promiscious mode */
    if ((memcmp(&buf[0], Ethernet_MAC_Address, 6) != 0)
        && (memcmp(&buf[0], Ethernet_Broadcast, 6) != 0)) {
        return 0;

    (void) decode_unsigned16(&buf[12], &pdu_len);
    pdu_len -= 3 /* DSAP, SSAP, LLC Control */ ;
    /* copy the buffer into the PDU */
    if (pdu_len < max_pdu)
        memmove(&pdu[0], &buf[17], pdu_len);
    /* ignore packets that are too large */
        pdu_len = 0;

    return pdu_len;
Esempio n. 8
bool ethernet_init(
    char *interface_name)
    int value = 1;

    (void) interface_name;
    /* setup the socket */
    Ethernet_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
    /*Ethernet_Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); */
    if (Ethernet_Socket < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: failed to bind to socket!\r\n");
    Ethernet_Address.sa_family = AF_INET;
    memset(Ethernet_Address.sa_data, 0, sizeof(Ethernet_Address.sa_data));
    if (bind(Ethernet_Socket, &Ethernet_Address,
            sizeof(Ethernet_Address)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        fprintf(stderr, "ethernet: failed to bind to socket!\r\n");
    /*setsockopt(Ethernet_Socket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_802_2,(char *)&value,sizeof(value));     */

    return ethernet_valid();
Esempio n. 9
/* returns bytes sent success, negative on failure */
int ethernet_send(
    BACNET_ADDRESS * dest,      /* destination address */
    BACNET_ADDRESS * src,       /* source address */
    uint8_t * pdu,      /* any data to be sent - may be null */
    unsigned pdu_len    /* number of bytes of data */
    int bytes = 0;
    uint8_t mtu[MAX_MPDU] = { 0 };
    int mtu_len = 0;
    int i = 0;

    /* don't waste time if the socket is not valid */
    if (!ethernet_valid()) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid 802.2 ethernet interface descriptor!\n");
        return -1;
    /* load destination ethernet MAC address */
    if (dest->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = dest->mac[i];
    } else {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid destination MAC address!\n");
        return -2;

    /* load source ethernet MAC address */
    if (src->mac_len == 6) {
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            mtu[mtu_len] = src->mac[i];
    } else {
        LogError("ethernet.c: invalid source MAC address!\n");
        return -3;
    if ((14 + 3 + pdu_len) > MAX_MPDU) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: PDU is too big to send!\n");
        return -4;
    /* packet length */
    mtu_len += encode_unsigned16(&mtu[12], 3 /*DSAP,SSAP,LLC */  + pdu_len);
    /* Logical PDU portion */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* DSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x82;      /* SSAP for BACnet */
    mtu[mtu_len++] = 0x03;      /* Control byte in header */
    memcpy(&mtu[mtu_len], pdu, pdu_len);
    mtu_len += pdu_len;

    /* Send the packet */
    if (pcap_sendpacket(pcap_eth802_fp, mtu, mtu_len) != 0) {
        /* did it get sent? */
        char msgBuf[200];
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: error sending packet: %s\n",
        return -5;

    return mtu_len;
Esempio n. 10
bool ethernet_init(
    char *if_name)
    LPADAPTER lpAdapter;
    pcap_if_t *pcap_all_if;
    pcap_if_t *dev;
    BOOLEAN result;
    CHAR str[sizeof(PACKET_OID_DATA) + 128];
    int i;
    char msgBuf[200];

    if (ethernet_valid())

     * Find the interface user specified
    /* Retrieve the device list */
    if (pcap_findalldevs(&pcap_all_if, pcap_errbuf) == -1) {
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n",
        return false;
    /* Scan the list printing every entry */
    for (dev = pcap_all_if; dev; dev = dev->next) {
        if (strcmp(if_name, dev->name) == 0)
    pcap_freealldevs(pcap_all_if);      /* we don't need it anymore */
    if (dev == NULL) {
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: specified interface not found: %s\n",
        return false;

     * Get local MAC address
    ZeroMemory(str, sizeof(PACKET_OID_DATA) + 128);
    lpAdapter = PacketOpenAdapter(if_name);
    if (lpAdapter == NULL) {
        sprintf(msgBuf, "ethernet.c: error in PacketOpenAdapter(\"%s\")\n",
        return false;
    pOidData = (PPACKET_OID_DATA) str;
    pOidData->Oid = OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS;
    pOidData->Length = 6;
    result = PacketRequest(lpAdapter, FALSE, pOidData);
    if (!result) {
        LogError("ethernet.c: error in PacketRequest()\n");
        return false;
    for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        Ethernet_MAC_Address[i] = pOidData->Data[i];

     * Open interface for subsequent sending and receiving
    /* Open the output device */
    pcap_eth802_fp = pcap_open(if_name, /* name of the device */
        MAX_MPDU,       /* portion of the packet to capture */
        PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,      /* promiscuous mode */
        eth_timeout,    /* read timeout */
        NULL,   /* authentication on the remote machine */
        pcap_errbuf     /* error buffer */
    if (pcap_eth802_fp == NULL) {
            "ethernet.c: unable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n",
        return false;

    LogInfo("ethernet.c: ethernet_init() ok.\n");


    return ethernet_valid();