Esempio n. 1
void hyp2F1(T& result, const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& x)
  // Compute the series representation of hyperg_2f1 taken from
  // Abramowitz and Stegun 15.1.1.
  // There are no checks on input range or parameter boundaries.

   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::uint32_t, T>::type ui_type;

   T x_pow_n_div_n_fact(x);
   T pochham_a         (a);
   T pochham_b         (b);
   T pochham_c         (c);
   T ap                (a);
   T bp                (b);
   T cp                (c);

   eval_multiply(result, pochham_a, pochham_b);
   eval_divide(result, pochham_c);
   eval_multiply(result, x_pow_n_div_n_fact);
   eval_add(result, ui_type(1));

   T lim;
   eval_ldexp(lim, result, 1 - boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value);

   if(eval_get_sign(lim) < 0)

   ui_type n;
   T term;

   static const unsigned series_limit = 
      boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value < 100
      ? 100 : boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value;
   // Series expansion of hyperg_2f1(a, b; c; x).
   for(n = 2; n < series_limit; ++n)
      eval_multiply(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, x);
      eval_divide(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, n);

      eval_multiply(pochham_a, ap);
      eval_multiply(pochham_b, bp);
      eval_multiply(pochham_c, cp);

      eval_multiply(term, pochham_a, pochham_b);
      eval_divide(term, pochham_c);
      eval_multiply(term, x_pow_n_div_n_fact);
      eval_add(result, term);

      if(eval_get_sign(term) < 0)
      if( >= 0)
   if(n > series_limit)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("H2F1 failed to converge."));
Esempio n. 2
void hyp0F1(T& result, const T& b, const T& x)
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::int32_t, T>::type si_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::uint32_t, T>::type ui_type;
   typedef typename T::exponent_type exp_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<exp_type, T>::type canonical_exp_type;
   typedef typename mpl::front<typename T::float_types>::type fp_type;

   // Compute the series representation of Hypergeometric0F1 taken from
   // There are no checks on input range or parameter boundaries.

   T x_pow_n_div_n_fact(x);
   T pochham_b         (b);
   T bp                (b);

   eval_divide(result, x_pow_n_div_n_fact, pochham_b);
   eval_add(result, ui_type(1));

   si_type n;

   T tol;
   tol = ui_type(1);
   eval_ldexp(tol, tol, 1 - boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value);
   eval_multiply(tol, result);
   if(eval_get_sign(tol) < 0)
   T term;

   static const unsigned series_limit = 
      boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value < 100
      ? 100 : boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value;
   // Series expansion of hyperg_0f1(; b; x).
   for(n = 2; n < series_limit; ++n)
      eval_multiply(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, x);
      eval_divide(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, n);
      eval_multiply(pochham_b, bp);

      eval_divide(term, x_pow_n_div_n_fact, pochham_b);
      eval_add(result, term);

      bool neg_term = eval_get_sign(term) < 0;
      if( <= 0)

   if(n >= series_limit)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("H0F1 Failed to Converge"));
Esempio n. 3
void hyp1F0(T& H1F0, const T& a, const T& x)
   // Compute the series representation of Hypergeometric1F0 taken from
   // and also see the corresponding section for the power function (i.e. x^a).
   // There are no checks on input range or parameter boundaries.

   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<int, T>::type si_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<unsigned, T>::type ui_type;
   typedef typename T::exponent_type exp_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<exp_type, T>::type canonical_exp_type;
   typedef typename mpl::front<typename T::float_types>::type fp_type;

   BOOST_ASSERT(&H1F0 != &x);
   BOOST_ASSERT(&H1F0 != &a);

   T x_pow_n_div_n_fact(x);
   T pochham_a         (a);
   T ap                (a);

   eval_multiply(H1F0, pochham_a, x_pow_n_div_n_fact);
   eval_add(H1F0, si_type(1));
   T lim;
   eval_ldexp(lim, H1F0, 1 - boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value);
   if(eval_get_sign(lim) < 0)

   si_type n;
   T term, part;

   static const unsigned series_limit = 
      boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value < 100
      ? 100 : boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value;
   // Series expansion of hyperg_1f0(a; ; x).
   for(n = 2; n < series_limit; n++)
      eval_multiply(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, x);
      eval_divide(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, n);
      eval_multiply(pochham_a, ap);
      eval_multiply(term, pochham_a, x_pow_n_div_n_fact);
      eval_add(H1F0, term);
      if(eval_get_sign(term) < 0)
      if( >= 0)
   if(n >= series_limit)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("H1F0 failed to converge"));