Esempio n. 1
void registerStorageMerge(StorageFactory & factory)
    factory.registerStorage("Merge", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
        /** In query, the name of database is specified as table engine argument which contains source tables,
          *  as well as regex for source-table names.

        ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;

        if (engine_args.size() != 2)
            throw Exception("Storage Merge requires exactly 2 parameters"
                " - name of source database and regexp for table names.",

        engine_args[0] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[0], args.local_context);
        engine_args[1] = evaluateConstantExpressionAsLiteral(engine_args[1], args.local_context);

        String source_database = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();
        String table_name_regexp = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[1]).value.safeGet<String>();

        return StorageMerge::create(
            args.table_name, args.columns,
            source_database, table_name_regexp, args.context);
Esempio n. 2
StoragePtr TableFunctionODBC::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
    const ASTFunction & args_func = typeid_cast<const ASTFunction &>(*ast_function);

    if (!args_func.arguments)
        throw Exception("Table function 'odbc' must have arguments.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

    ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.arguments).children;

    if (args.size() != 2)
        throw Exception("Table function 'odbc' requires exactly 2 arguments: ODBC connection string and table name.",

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        args[i] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[i], context);

    std::string connection_string = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();
    std::string table_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[1]).value.safeGet<String>();

    Poco::Data::ODBC::SessionImpl session(connection_string, DBMS_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC);
    SQLHDBC hdbc = session.dbc().handle();

    SQLHSTMT hstmt = nullptr;

    if (Poco::Data::ODBC::Utility::isError(SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt)))
        throw Poco::Data::ODBC::ODBCException("Could not allocate connection handle.");

    SCOPE_EXIT(SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP));

    /// TODO Why not do SQLColumns instead?
    std::string query = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " WHERE 1 = 0";
    if (Poco::Data::ODBC::Utility::isError(Poco::Data::ODBC::SQLPrepare(hstmt, reinterpret_cast<SQLCHAR *>(&query[0]), query.size())))
        throw Poco::Data::ODBC::DescriptorException(session.dbc());

    if (Poco::Data::ODBC::Utility::isError(SQLExecute(hstmt)))
        throw Poco::Data::ODBC::StatementException(hstmt);

    SQLSMALLINT cols = 0;
    if (Poco::Data::ODBC::Utility::isError(SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &cols)))
        throw Poco::Data::ODBC::StatementException(hstmt);

    /// TODO cols not checked

    NamesAndTypesList columns;
    for (SQLSMALLINT ncol = 1; ncol <= cols; ++ncol)
        SQLSMALLINT type = 0;
        /// TODO Why 301?
        SQLCHAR column_name[301];
        /// TODO Result is not checked.
        Poco::Data::ODBC::SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, ncol, column_name, sizeof(column_name), NULL, &type, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        columns.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<char *>(column_name), getDataType(type));

    auto result = StorageODBC::create(table_name, connection_string, "", table_name, ColumnsDescription{columns});
    return result;
Esempio n. 3
void registerStorageHDFS(StorageFactory & factory)
    factory.registerStorage("HDFS", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
        ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;

        if (!(engine_args.size() == 1 || engine_args.size() == 2))
            throw Exception(
                "Storage HDFS requires exactly 2 arguments: url and name of used format.", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

        engine_args[0] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[0], args.local_context);

        String url = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();

        engine_args[1] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[1], args.local_context);

        String format_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[1]).value.safeGet<String>();

        return StorageHDFS::create(url, args.table_name, format_name, args.columns, args.context);
Esempio n. 4
void registerStorageFile(StorageFactory & factory)
    factory.registerStorage("File", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
        ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;

        if (!(engine_args.size() == 1 || engine_args.size() == 2))
            throw Exception(
                "Storage File requires 1 or 2 arguments: name of used format and source.",

        engine_args[0] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[0], args.local_context);
        String format_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();

        int source_fd = -1;
        String source_path;
        if (engine_args.size() >= 2)
            /// Will use FD if engine_args[1] is int literal or identifier with std* name

            if (const ASTIdentifier * identifier = typeid_cast<const ASTIdentifier *>(engine_args[1].get()))
                if (identifier->name == "stdin")
                    source_fd = STDIN_FILENO;
                else if (identifier->name == "stdout")
                    source_fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
                else if (identifier->name == "stderr")
                    source_fd = STDERR_FILENO;
                    throw Exception("Unknown identifier '" + identifier->name + "' in second arg of File storage constructor",
            else if (const ASTLiteral * literal = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(engine_args[1].get()))
                auto type = literal->value.getType();
                if (type == Field::Types::Int64)
                    source_fd = static_cast<int>(literal->value.get<Int64>());
                else if (type == Field::Types::UInt64)
                    source_fd = static_cast<int>(literal->value.get<UInt64>());
                else if (type == Field::Types::String)
                    source_path = literal->value.get<String>();

        return StorageFile::create(
            source_path, source_fd,
            args.table_name, format_name, args.columns,
Esempio n. 5
    StoragePtr TableFunctionFile::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
        // Parse args
        ASTs & args_func = typeid_cast<ASTFunction &>(*ast_function).children;

        if (args_func.size() != 1)
            throw Exception("Table function '" + getName() + "' must have arguments.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

        ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*;

        if (args.size() != 3)
            throw Exception("Table function '" + getName() + "' requires exactly 3 arguments: path, format and structure.",

        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            args[i] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[i], context);

        std::string path = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();
        std::string format = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[1]).value.safeGet<String>();
        std::string structure = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[2]).value.safeGet<String>();

        // Create sample block
        std::vector<std::string> structure_vals;
        boost::split(structure_vals, structure, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" ,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);

        if (structure_vals.size() % 2 != 0)
            throw Exception("Odd number of elements in section structure: must be a list of name type pairs", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

        Block sample_block;
        const DataTypeFactory & data_type_factory = DataTypeFactory::instance();

        for (size_t i = 0, size = structure_vals.size(); i < size; i += 2)
            ColumnWithTypeAndName column;
   = structure_vals[i];
            column.type = data_type_factory.get(structure_vals[i + 1]);
            column.column = column.type->createColumn();

        // Create table
        StoragePtr storage = StorageFile::create(
                path, -1, context.getUserFilesPath(), getName(), format,
                ColumnsDescription{sample_block.getNamesAndTypesList()}, const_cast<Context &>(context));


        return storage;
Esempio n. 6
void registerStorageODBC(StorageFactory & factory)
    factory.registerStorage("ODBC", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
        ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;

        if (engine_args.size() != 3)
            throw Exception(
                "Storage ODBC requires exactly 3 parameters: ODBC('DSN', database, table).",

        for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            engine_args[i] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[i], args.local_context);

        return StorageODBC::create(args.table_name,
            static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[0]).value.safeGet<String>(),
            static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[1]).value.safeGet<String>(),
            static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*engine_args[2]).value.safeGet<String>(),
UInt64 TableFunctionNumbers::evaluateArgument(const Context & context, ASTPtr & argument) const
    return static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(argument, context)).value.safeGet<UInt64>();
Esempio n. 8
StoragePtr TableFunctionRemote::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
    ASTs & args_func = typeid_cast<ASTFunction &>(*ast_function).children;

    if (args_func.size() != 1)
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*;

    const size_t max_args = is_cluster_function ? 3 : 5;
    if (args.size() < 2 || args.size() > max_args)
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    String cluster_name;
    String cluster_description;
    String remote_database;
    String remote_table;
    String username;
    String password;

    size_t arg_num = 0;

    auto getStringLiteral = [](const IAST & node, const char * description)
        const ASTLiteral * lit = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&node);
        if (!lit)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        if (lit->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        return safeGet<const String &>(lit->value);

    if (is_cluster_function)
        ASTPtr ast_name = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
        cluster_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*ast_name).value.safeGet<const String &>();
        if (auto ast_cluster = typeid_cast<const ASTIdentifier *>(args[arg_num].get()))
            cluster_name = ast_cluster->name;
            cluster_description = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Hosts pattern");

    args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
    remote_database = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    size_t dot = remote_database.find('.');
    if (dot != String::npos)
        /// NOTE Bad - do not support identifiers in backquotes.
        remote_table = remote_database.substr(dot + 1);
        remote_database = remote_database.substr(0, dot);
        if (arg_num >= args.size())
            throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

        args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
        remote_table = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    /// Username and password parameters are prohibited in cluster version of the function
    if (!is_cluster_function)
        if (arg_num < args.size())
            username = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Username");
            username = "******";

        if (arg_num < args.size())
            password = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Password");

    if (arg_num < args.size())
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    /// ExpressionAnalyzer will be created in InterpreterSelectQuery that will meet these `Identifier` when processing the request.
    /// We need to mark them as the name of the database or table, because the default value is column.
    for (auto & arg : args)
        if (ASTIdentifier * id = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(arg.get()))
            id->kind = ASTIdentifier::Table;

    ClusterPtr cluster;
    if (!cluster_name.empty())
        /// Use an existing cluster from the main config
        cluster = context.getCluster(cluster_name);
        /// Create new cluster from the scratch
        size_t max_addresses = context.getSettingsRef().table_function_remote_max_addresses;
        std::vector<String> shards = parseDescription(cluster_description, 0, cluster_description.size(), ',', max_addresses);

        std::vector<std::vector<String>> names;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < shards.size(); ++i)
            names.push_back(parseDescription(shards[i], 0, shards[i].size(), '|', max_addresses));

        if (names.empty())
            throw Exception("Shard list is empty after parsing first argument", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        cluster = std::make_shared<Cluster>(context.getSettings(), names, username, password, context.getTCPPort(), false);

    auto res = StorageDistributed::createWithOwnCluster(
        getStructureOfRemoteTable(*cluster, remote_database, remote_table, context),
    return res;
StoragePtr TableFunctionMySQL::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
    const ASTFunction & args_func = typeid_cast<const ASTFunction &>(*ast_function);

    if (!args_func.arguments)
        throw Exception("Table function 'mysql' must have arguments.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

    ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.arguments).children;

    if (args.size() < 5 || args.size() > 7)
        throw Exception("Table function 'mysql' requires 5-7 parameters: MySQL('host:port', database, table, 'user', 'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause']).",

    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
        args[i] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[i], context);

    std::string host_port = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[0]).value.safeGet<String>();
    std::string database_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[1]).value.safeGet<String>();
    std::string table_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[2]).value.safeGet<String>();
    std::string user_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[3]).value.safeGet<String>();
    std::string password = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[4]).value.safeGet<String>();

    bool replace_query = false;
    std::string on_duplicate_clause;
    if (args.size() >= 6)
        replace_query = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[5]).value.safeGet<UInt64>() > 0;
    if (args.size() == 7)
        on_duplicate_clause = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[6]).value.safeGet<String>();

    if (replace_query && !on_duplicate_clause.empty())
        throw Exception(
            "Only one of 'replace_query' and 'on_duplicate_clause' can be specified, or none of them",

    /// 3306 is the default MySQL port number
    auto parsed_host_port = parseAddress(host_port, 3306);

    mysqlxx::Pool pool(database_name, parsed_host_port.first, user_name, password, parsed_host_port.second);

    /// Determine table definition by running a query to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

    Block sample_block
        { std::make_shared<DataTypeString>(), "name" },
        { std::make_shared<DataTypeString>(), "type" },
        { std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>(), "is_nullable" },
        { std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>(), "is_unsigned" },
        { std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt64>(), "length" },

    WriteBufferFromOwnString query;
    query << "SELECT"
            " COLUMN_NAME AS name,"
            " DATA_TYPE AS type,"
            " IS_NULLABLE = 'YES' AS is_nullable,"
            " COLUMN_TYPE LIKE '%unsigned' AS is_unsigned,"
            " CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS length"
        " WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = " << quote << database_name
        << " AND TABLE_NAME = " << quote << table_name

    MySQLBlockInputStream result(pool.Get(), query.str(), sample_block, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);

    NamesAndTypesList columns;
    while (Block block =
        size_t rows = block.rows();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                    (*block.getByPosition(2).column)[i].safeGet<UInt64>() && context.getSettings().external_table_functions_use_nulls,


    auto res = StorageMySQL::create(

    return res;