void xBlog::SetRouteTable(evhttp * http) { evhttp_set_cb(http, "/download", xBlogPage::DownloadCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/post", xBlogPage::PostRequestCallback, this); // 请求文章 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/guestbook", xBlogPage::GuestbookCallback, this); // 查看-留言 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/postmessage", xBlogPage::GuestPostCallback, this); // 添加-评论留言 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/catalog", xBlogPage::CatalogRequestCallback, this); // 分类 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/", xBlogPage::IndexRequestCallback, this); // 首页 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/page", xBlogPage::PageRequestCallback, this); // 页面 // 管理后台功能 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/admin", xBlogPage::AdminCallback, this); // 管理后台 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/checklogin", xBlogPage::AdminCheckLoginCallback, this); // 权限验证 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/shell", xBlogPage::AdminShellCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/status", xBlogPage::AdminStatusCallback, this); // 测试 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/postmanager", xBlogPage::AdminPostManagerCallback, this); // 文章管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/siteconfig", xBlogPage::AdminSiteConfigCallback, this); // 网站配置参数管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/links", xBlogPage::AdminLinksCallback, this); // 链接管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/catalogset", xBlogPage::AdminCatalogCallback, this); // 链接管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/comments", xBlogPage::AdminCommentsCallback, this); // 留言评论管理 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/system", xBlogPage::AdminSystemCallback, this); // 系统配置 evhttp_set_cb(http, "/user", xBlogPage::AdminUserCallback, this); // 系统配置 evhttp_set_timeout(http, Config::GetInstance()->xBlogAppConfig.HttpdTimeOut); evhttp_set_gencb(http, xBlogPage::SendDocumentCallback, this); }
void *CHttpServer::http_start_server(void *arg) { CHttpServer *pthis = (CHttpServer *)arg; struct evhttp *httpd = NULL; event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start(pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port); if (NULL == httpd) { printf("http server unable to listen on %s:%d\n\n", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port); return NULL; } evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, pthis->m_timeout); evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, http_handle_postdata, arg); #ifdef DEBUG printf("http_server start:%s:%d timeout:%u\n", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port, pthis->m_timeout); #else logrun("http_server start:%s:%d timeout:%u", pthis->m_http_addr, pthis->m_http_port, pthis->m_timeout); #endif event_dispatch(); evhttp_free(httpd); return NULL; }
static void playlistcontainer_loaded(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, void *userdata) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "playlistcontainer_loaded\n"); sp_session *session = userdata; struct state *state = sp_session_userdata(session); sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks(pc, &playlistcontainer_callbacks, session); state->http = evhttp_new(state->event_base); evhttp_set_timeout(state->http, 60); evhttp_set_gencb(state->http, &handle_request, state); // Bind HTTP server int bind = evhttp_bind_socket(state->http, state->http_host, state->http_port); if (bind == -1) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not bind HTTP server socket to %s:%d", state->http_host, state->http_port); sp_session_logout(session); return; } syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "HTTP server listening on %s:%d", state->http_host, state->http_port); }
static void http_close_detection(int with_delay) { short port = -1; struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; test_ok = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Testing Connection Close Detection%s: ", with_delay ? " (with delay)" : ""); http = http_setup(&port, NULL); /* 2 second timeout */ evhttp_set_timeout(http, 2); evcon = evhttp_connection_new("", port); if (evcon == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } delayed_client = evcon; /* * At this point, we want to schedule a request to the HTTP * server using our make request method. */ req = evhttp_request_new(close_detect_cb, evcon); /* Add the information that we care about */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Host", "somehost"); /* We give ownership of the request to the connection */ if (evhttp_make_request(evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, with_delay ? "/largedelay" : "/test") == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } event_dispatch(); if (test_ok != 1) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED\n"); exit(1); } /* at this point, the http server should have no connection */ if (TAILQ_FIRST(&http->connections) != NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "FAILED (left connections)\n"); exit(1); } evhttp_connection_free(evcon); evhttp_free(http); fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); }
bool InitHTTPServer() { if (!InitHTTPAllowList()) return false; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) { uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.", "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); return false; } // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log event_set_log_callback(&libevent_log_cb); // Update libevent's log handling. Returns false if our version of // libevent doesn't support debug logging, in which case we should // clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag. if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(g_logger->WillLogCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT))) { g_logger->DisableCategory(BCLog::LIBEVENT); } #ifdef WIN32 evthread_use_windows_threads(); #else evthread_use_pthreads(); #endif raii_event_base base_ctr = obtain_event_base(); /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ raii_evhttp http_ctr = obtain_evhttp(base_ctr.get()); struct evhttp* http = http_ctr.get(); if (!http) { LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); return false; } evhttp_set_timeout(http, gArgs.GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)); evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE); evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE); evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, nullptr); if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) { LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n"); return false; } LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Initialized HTTP server\n"); int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)gArgs.GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L); LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth); workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth); // transfer ownership to eventBase/HTTP via .release() eventBase = base_ctr.release(); eventHTTP = http_ctr.release(); return true; }
static void http_srvr_defaults(struct evhttp *srvr) { // limit what the clients can do a bit evhttp_set_allowed_methods(srvr, EVHTTP_REQ_GET); evhttp_set_timeout(srvr, 30); evhttp_set_max_body_size(srvr, 10*1024); evhttp_set_max_headers_size(srvr, 10*1024); // TODO: How to limit the amount of concurrent HTTP connections? }
/* * main loop - construct the event_base and start the loop */ int run_server(char* ip, short port, int timeout_s, int backlog) { struct event_base *ev_base; struct event_config *ev_cfg; struct evhttp *ev_httpd; evutil_socket_t socket_fd; int socket_opts_flag = 1; int worker_id, socket_opts_results; openlog("Backend", LOG_PID|LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL0); ev_cfg = event_config_new(); //event_config_set_flag(ev_cfg, EV_TIMEOUT|EV_PERSIST); ev_base = event_base_new_with_config(ev_cfg); if (!ev_base) { printf("ERROR: Failed to initialize HTTP event loop!\n"); return -1; } // Set up httpd interface event ev_httpd = evhttp_new(ev_base); evhttp_set_timeout(ev_httpd, timeout_s); routes(ev_httpd, ev_base); socket_fd = create_socket(ip, port, timeout_s, backlog); socket_opts_results = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) socket_opts_flag, sizeof(int)); if ( socket_opts_results < 0 ) { syslog( LOG_INFO, "Nagle DISABLED"); } else { syslog( LOG_INFO, "Nagle ENABLED"); } evhttp_accept_socket(ev_httpd, socket_fd); for (worker_id = 0; worker_id < WORKERS; worker_id++) { if (fork() == 0) { printf("Starting worker_id %d ... ", worker_id); worker(ev_base); printf("done.\n"); exit(0); } } closelog(); return 0; }
static void playlistcontainer_loaded(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, void *userdata) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "playlistcontainer_loaded\n"); sp_session *session = userdata; struct state *state = sp_session_userdata(session); sp_playlistcontainer_remove_callbacks(pc, &playlistcontainer_callbacks, session); state->http = evhttp_new(state->event_base); evhttp_set_timeout(state->http, 60); evhttp_set_gencb(state->http, &handle_request, state); // TODO(liesen): Make address and port configurable if (evhttp_bind_socket(state->http, "", 1337) == -1) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not bind HTTP server socket"); sp_session_logout(session); } }
static void et_init(void) { event_init(); struct httpd_cfg httpd_config; httpd_config.listen = ""; httpd_config.port = 2688; httpd_config.timeout = 60; httpd = evhttp_start(httpd_config.listen, httpd_config.port); if (httpd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to listen on %s:%d\n\n", httpd_config.listen, httpd_config.port); kill(0, SIGTERM); exit(1); } evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, httpd_config.timeout); /* Set a callback for all other requests. */ evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpd_handler, NULL); }
static int l_start(lua_State *L) { if (!lua_isstring(L, 1) || !lua_isstring(L, 2) || !lua_isstring(L, 3)) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, "invalid input type %s %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, 1)), lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, 2)), lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, 3))); return 2; } int timeout = -1; if (lua_isnumber(L, 4)) { timeout = lua_tonumber(L, 4); printf("reset timeout to %d\n", timeout); } struct ev_http *ins = evhttp_create(); if (timeout > 0) evhttp_set_timeout(ins, timeout); evhttp_set_header(ins, "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); evhttp_set_header(ins, "Content-Length", lua_tostring(L, 3)); evhttp_post(ins, lua_tostring(L, 1), lua_tostring(L, 2), res_cb); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; /* 默认参数设置 */ char *httpsqs_settings_listen = ""; int httpsqs_settings_port = 2789; char *redis_settings_listen = ""; int redis_settings_port = 6379; bool httpsqs_settings_daemon = false; int httpsqs_settings_timeout = 3; /* 单位:秒 */ httpsqs_settings_pidfile = "/tmp/httpredisq.pid"; /* process arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:p:r:o:i:t:dh")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'l': httpsqs_settings_listen = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': httpsqs_settings_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': redis_settings_listen = strdup(optarg); break; case 'o': redis_settings_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': httpsqs_settings_pidfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 't': httpsqs_settings_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': httpsqs_settings_daemon = true; break; case 'h': default: show_help(); return 1; } } redis_client = redisConnect(redis_settings_listen, redis_settings_port); if (redis_client -> err) { fprintf(stderr, "Connect redis server error:%s\n", redis_client->errstr); return 1; } /* 如果加了-d参数,以守护进程运行 */ if (httpsqs_settings_daemon == true){ pid_t pid; /* Fork off the parent process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If we got a good PID, then we can exit the parent process. */ if (pid > 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } /* 将进程号写入PID文件 */ FILE *fp_pidfile; fp_pidfile = fopen(httpsqs_settings_pidfile, "w"); fprintf(fp_pidfile, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(fp_pidfile); /* 忽略Broken Pipe信号 */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* 处理kill信号 */ signal (SIGINT, kill_signal); signal (SIGKILL, kill_signal); signal (SIGQUIT, kill_signal); signal (SIGTERM, kill_signal); signal (SIGHUP, kill_signal); /* 请求处理部分 */ struct evhttp *httpd; event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start(httpsqs_settings_listen, httpsqs_settings_port); if (httpd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to listen on %s:%d\n\n", httpsqs_settings_listen, httpsqs_settings_port); exit(1); } evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, httpsqs_settings_timeout); /* Set a callback for requests to "/specific". */ /* evhttp_set_cb(httpd, "/select", select_handler, NULL); */ /* Set a callback for all other requests. */ evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpsqs_handler, NULL); event_dispatch(); /* Not reached in this code as it is now. */ evhttp_free(httpd); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; /* 默认参数设置 */ char *httpcws_settings_listen = ""; int httpcws_settings_port = 1985; char *httpcws_settings_datapath = NULL; /*中文词典数据库路径 */ bool httpcws_settings_daemon = false; int httpcws_settings_timeout = 120; /* 单位:秒 */ /* process arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:p:x:t:dh")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'l': httpcws_settings_listen = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': httpcws_settings_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'x': httpcws_settings_datapath = strdup(optarg); /* 词库文件存储路径 */ break; case 't': httpcws_settings_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': httpcws_settings_daemon = true; break; case 'h': default: show_help(); return 1; } } /* 判断是否加了必填参数 -x */ if (httpcws_settings_datapath == NULL) { show_help(); fprintf(stderr, "Attention: Please use the indispensable argument: -x <path>\n\n"); exit(1); } /* 初始化分词组件 */ if(!ICTCLAS_Init(httpcws_settings_datapath)) { printf("%s\n", httpcws_settings_datapath); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Count not open the Chinese dictionary!\n\n"); exit(1); } ICTCLAS_SetPOSmap(ICT_POS_MAP_SECOND); fprintf(stderr, "Loading Chinese dictionary 'httpcws_dict.txt' into memory, please waitting ......\n"); char *httpcws_settings_dataname = (char *)malloc(1024); memset (httpcws_settings_dataname, '\0', 1024); sprintf(httpcws_settings_dataname, "%s/httpcws_dict.txt", httpcws_settings_datapath); int nCount = ICTCLAS_ImportUserDict(httpcws_settings_dataname); ICTCLAS_SaveTheUsrDic(); free(httpcws_settings_dataname); printf("OK! %d words has loaded into memory.\n\n", nCount); printf("HTTPCWS Server running on %s:%d\n", httpcws_settings_listen, httpcws_settings_port); /* 如果加了-d参数,以守护进程运行 */ if (httpcws_settings_daemon == true){ pid_t pid; /* Fork off the parent process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If we got a good PID, then we can exit the parent process. */ if (pid > 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } /* 请求处理部分 */ struct evhttp *httpd; event_init(); httpd = evhttp_start(httpcws_settings_listen, httpcws_settings_port); evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, httpcws_settings_timeout); /* Set a callback for all other requests. */ evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, httpcws_handler, NULL); event_dispatch(); /* Not reached in this code as it is now. */ evhttp_free(httpd); return 0; }
static void HHVM_METHOD(EventHttp, setTimeout, int64_t value) { EventHttpResourceData *resource_data = FETCH_RESOURCE(this_, EventHttpResourceData, s_event_http); evhttp_set_timeout((evhttp_t *)resource_data->getInternalResourceData(), value); }
static void http_server_main (void *pDummy) { short resthttp_port = (short)((size_t)pDummy); //const char *resthttpd_addr = DPS_REST_LISTEN_DEFAULT_IP; struct event_base *base; //struct evhttp_bound_socket *handle; int nfd=-1; int afd=-1; Py_Initialize(); base = event_base_new(); if (!base) { show_print("ERROR! Couldn't create an event_base: exiting\n"); return; } resthttpd_server = evhttp_new(base); if (!resthttpd_server) { show_print("ERROR! couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); return; } /* The original version */ /* handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(resthttpd_server, resthttpd_addr, resthttp_port); if (!handle) { show_print("ERROR! Couldn't bind to port %d. Exiting.\n", (int)resthttp_port); return; } */ nfd = event_bind_socket(resthttp_port); if (nfd < 0) { show_print("evhttp_bind_socket failed\n"); return; } afd = evhttp_accept_socket(resthttpd_server, nfd); if (afd != 0) { printf("evhttp_accept_socket failed\n"); return; } //Initialize Global REST port variable dps_rest_port = resthttp_port; show_print("DCS HTTP Server started on Port %d", dps_rest_port); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DOMAINS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_POST_TO_AVAIL, dps_req_handler_domains, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DOMAIN_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_PUT_TO_AVAIL|DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DELETE_TO_ALL, dps_req_handler_domain, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DVGS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_POST_TO_ALL, dps_req_handler_dvgs, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DVG_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_PUT_TO_ALL|DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DELETE_TO_ALL, dps_req_handler_dvg, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_POLICIES_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_policies, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(ODCS_POLICY_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_policy, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_EXTERNAL_GATEWAYS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_gateways, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_EXTERNAL_GATEWAY_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_gateway, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_STATISTICS_LOAD_BALANCING_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_statistics_load_balancing, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_STATISTICS_GENERAL_STATISTICS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_statistics_general_statistics, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DOMAIN_IPV4SUBNET_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_ipsubnet, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(ODCS_DVG_IPV4SUBNET_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_ipsubnet, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(ODCS_SERVICE_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_service_role, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_LOCAL_DOMAINS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_local_domain_mapping, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_STATISTICS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_node_statistics, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_node_heartbeat, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_REQUEST_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_node_heartbeat_request, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_node_status, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(ODCS_CLUSTER_INFO_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_query_cluster_nodes, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DOMAIN_TO_NODE_MAPPING_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_dcslist, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CLUSTER_TRANSFER_DOMAIN_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_transfer_domain, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_CONTROLLER_LOCATION_UPDATE_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_set_dmc_location, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_NODE_GET_READY, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_get_ready, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_NODE_DOMAIN_ACTIVATE, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_activate, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_NODE_DOMAIN_DEACTIVATE, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_deactivate, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_NODE_DOMAIN_RECOVER, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_recover, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_NODE_DOMAIN_VNID_LIST, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_vnid_listing, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DOVE_CLUSTER_BULK_POLICY_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_bulk_policy, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DOVE_CLUSTER_BULK_SUBNET4_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_DENY, dps_req_handler_domain_bulk_ip4subnets, NULL); /* DPS DEBUG for DMC */ helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_ENDPOINTS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_endpoints, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_TUNNEL_ENDPOINTS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_tunnel_endpoints, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_DOMAIN_MAPPING, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_get_domain_mapping, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_ALLOW_POLICIES, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_get_allow_policies, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_SUBNETS, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_get_subnets, NULL); /*TODO: The remaining 2 items to do */ /* helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_DPS_CLIENTS_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_dps_clients, NULL); helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_VNID_MULTICAST_URI, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_vnid_multicast, NULL); */ helper_evhttp_set_cb_pattern(DPS_DEBUG_CLUSTER_DISPLAY, DPS_REST_FWD_FLAG_GENERIC, dps_req_handler_cluster_display, NULL); #ifdef _DPS_REST_DEBUG evhttp_set_cb(resthttpd_server, "/test1", http_test, (void *)1); evhttp_set_cb(resthttpd_server, "/test2", http_test, (void *)2); evhttp_set_cb(resthttpd_server, "/test4", http_test, (void *)4); #endif evhttp_set_gencb(resthttpd_server, http_request_handler, NULL); evhttp_set_timeout(resthttpd_server, 20); event_base_dispatch(base); Py_Finalize(); return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //自定义信号处理函数 #ifndef __WIN32 signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); #endif signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); //默认参数 char *event_option_listen = ""; int event_option_port = 8706; int event_option_daemon = 0; int event_option_timeout = 60; int event_option_socket = 0; //获取参数 int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:p:dst:vh")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'l' : event_option_listen = optarg; break; case 'p' : event_option_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd' : event_option_daemon = 1; break; case 's' : event_option_socket = 1; break; case 't' : event_option_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v' : show_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'h' : default : show_help(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } //判断是否设置了-d,以daemon运行 if (event_option_daemon) { pid_t pid = 0; #ifndef __WIN32 pid = fork(); #endif if (pid < 0) { perror("Failed to fork\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pid > 0) { //生成子进程成功,退出父进程 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } //初始化event API event_init(); //判断是否设置了-s,以socket运行 if (event_option_socket) { int socketlisten; struct sockaddr_in addresslisten; struct event accept_event; #ifdef __WIN32 unsigned short ver; WSADATA wsaData; ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSAStartup(ver, &wsaData); #endif socketlisten = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socketlisten < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create listen socket\n"); exit(1); } memset(&addresslisten, 0, sizeof(addresslisten)); addresslisten.sin_family = AF_INET; addresslisten.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(event_option_listen); addresslisten.sin_port = htons(event_option_port); if (bind(socketlisten, (struct sockaddr *)&addresslisten, sizeof(addresslisten)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to bind socket %s:%d\n", event_option_listen, event_option_port); exit(1); } if (listen(socketlisten, 5) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to listen to socket\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef __WIN32 char reuse = 1; #else int reuse = 1; #endif setsockopt(socketlisten, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(reuse)); set_nonblock(socketlisten); event_set(&accept_event, socketlisten, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, on_accept, NULL); event_add(&accept_event, NULL); event_dispatch(); close(socketlisten); #ifdef __WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; } // 绑定IP和端口 #ifdef __WIN32 unsigned short ver; WSADATA wsaData; ver = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSAStartup(ver, &wsaData); #endif struct evhttp *httpd; httpd = evhttp_start(event_option_listen, event_option_port); if (httpd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to listen on %s:%d\n", event_option_listen, event_option_port); exit(1); } // 设置请求超时时间 evhttp_set_timeout(httpd, event_option_timeout); // 设置请求的处理函数 evhttp_set_gencb(httpd, http_handler, NULL); event_dispatch(); evhttp_free(httpd); #ifdef __WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { int c; char *synchttp_settings_listen = ""; int synchttp_settings_port = 2688; char *synchttp_settings_datapath = NULL; bool synchttp_settings_daemon = false; int synchttp_settings_timeout = 60; /* 单位:秒 */ synchttp_settings_syncinterval = 5; /* 单位:秒 */ int synchttp_settings_cachenonleaf = 1024; /* 缓存非叶子节点数。单位:条 */ int synchttp_settings_cacheleaf = 2048; /* 缓存叶子节点数。叶子节点缓存数为非叶子节点数的两倍。单位:条 */ int synchttp_settings_mappedmemory = 104857600; /* 单位:字节 */ synchttp_settings_pidfile = "/tmp/synchttp.pid"; synchttp_settings_auth = NULL; /* 验证密码 */ /* 启动选项 */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:p:x:t:s:c:m:i:a:w:dh")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'l': synchttp_settings_listen = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': synchttp_settings_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'x': synchttp_settings_datapath = strdup(optarg); /* synchttp数据库文件存放路径 */ if (access(synchttp_settings_datapath, W_OK) != 0) { /* 如果目录不可写 */ if (access(synchttp_settings_datapath, R_OK) == 0) { /* 如果目录可读 */ chmod(synchttp_settings_datapath, S_IWOTH); /* 设置其他用户具可写入权限 */ } else { /* 如果不存在该目录,则创建 */ create_multilayer_dir(synchttp_settings_datapath); } if (access(synchttp_settings_datapath, W_OK) != 0) { /* 如果目录不可写 */ fprintf(stderr, "synchttp database directory not writable\n"); } } break; case 't': synchttp_settings_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': synchttp_settings_syncinterval = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': synchttp_settings_cachenonleaf = atoi(optarg); synchttp_settings_cacheleaf = synchttp_settings_cachenonleaf * 2; break; case 'm': synchttp_settings_mappedmemory = atoi(optarg) * 1024 * 1024; /* 单位:M */ break; case 'i': synchttp_settings_pidfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'a': synchttp_settings_auth = strdup(optarg); break; case 'd': synchttp_settings_daemon = true; break; case 'h': default: show_help(); return 1; } } /* 判断是否加了必填参数 -x */ if (synchttp_settings_datapath == NULL) { show_help(); fprintf(stderr, "Attention: Please use the indispensable argument: -x <path>\n\n"); exit(1); } /*curl初始化全局信息*/ if ((curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)) != CURLE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Curl global init fail.\n"); exit(1); } /* 数据表路径 */ int synchttp_settings_dataname_len = 1024; char *synchttp_settings_dataname = (char *) tccalloc(1, synchttp_settings_dataname_len); sprintf(synchttp_settings_dataname, "%s/synchttp.db", synchttp_settings_datapath); /* 打开数据表 */ synchttp_db_tcbdb = tcbdbnew(); tcbdbsetmutex(synchttp_db_tcbdb); /* 开启线程互斥锁 */ tcbdbtune(synchttp_db_tcbdb, 1024, 2048, 50000000, 8, 10, BDBTLARGE); tcbdbsetcache(synchttp_db_tcbdb, synchttp_settings_cacheleaf, synchttp_settings_cachenonleaf); tcbdbsetxmsiz(synchttp_db_tcbdb, synchttp_settings_mappedmemory); /* 内存缓存大小 */ /* 判断表是否能打开 */ if (!tcbdbopen(synchttp_db_tcbdb, synchttp_settings_dataname, BDBOWRITER | BDBOCREAT)) { fprintf(stderr, "Attention: Unable to open the database.\n\n"); exit(1); } /* 释放变量所占内存 */ free(synchttp_settings_dataname); /* 如果加了-d参数,以守护进程运行 */ if (synchttp_settings_daemon == true) { pid_t pid; /* Fork off the parent process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If we got a good PID, then we can exit the parent process. */ if (pid > 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } /* 将进程号写入PID文件 */ FILE *fp_pidfile; fp_pidfile = fopen(synchttp_settings_pidfile, "w"); fprintf(fp_pidfile, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(fp_pidfile); /* 派生synchttp子进程(工作进程) */ pid_t synchttp_worker_pid_wait; pid_t synchttp_worker_pid = fork(); /* 如果派生进程失败,则退出程序 */ if (synchttp_worker_pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* synchttp父进程内容 */ if (synchttp_worker_pid > 0) { /* 处理父进程接收到的kill信号 */ /* 忽略Broken Pipe信号 */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* 处理kill信号 */ signal(SIGINT, kill_signal_master); signal(SIGKILL, kill_signal_master); signal(SIGQUIT, kill_signal_master); signal(SIGTERM, kill_signal_master); signal(SIGHUP, kill_signal_master); /* 处理段错误信号 */ signal(SIGSEGV, kill_signal_master); /* 如果子进程终止,则重新派生新的子进程 */ while (1) { synchttp_worker_pid_wait = wait(NULL); if (synchttp_worker_pid_wait < 0) { continue; } usleep(100000); synchttp_worker_pid = fork(); if (synchttp_worker_pid == 0) { break; } } } /*****************************************子进程处理************************************/ /* 忽略Broken Pipe信号 */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* 处理kill信号 */ signal(SIGINT, kill_signal_worker); signal(SIGKILL, kill_signal_worker); signal(SIGQUIT, kill_signal_worker); signal(SIGTERM, kill_signal_worker); signal(SIGHUP, kill_signal_worker); /* 处理段错误信号 */ signal(SIGSEGV, kill_signal_worker); /*创建消息队列监听进程*/ pthread_t synchttp_dispatch_tid; pthread_create(&synchttp_dispatch_tid, NULL, (void *) synchttp_dispatch, NULL); /* 创建定时同步线程,定时将内存中的内容写入磁盘 */ pthread_t synchttp_worker_tid; pthread_create(&synchttp_worker_tid, NULL, (void *) synchttp_worker, NULL); /* 外部请求处理部分 */ struct evhttp *synchttpd; event_init(); synchttpd = evhttp_start(synchttp_settings_listen, synchttp_settings_port); if (synchttpd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to listen on %s:%d\n\n", synchttp_settings_listen, synchttp_settings_port); kill(0, SIGTERM); exit(1); } evhttp_set_timeout(synchttpd, synchttp_settings_timeout); evhttp_set_gencb(synchttpd, synchttp_handler, NULL); event_dispatch(); evhttp_free(synchttpd); }
bool InitHTTPServer() { struct evhttp* http = 0; struct event_base* base = 0; if (!InitHTTPAllowList()) return false; if (GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) { uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.", "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); return false; } // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log event_set_log_callback(&libevent_log_cb); // Update libevent's log handling. Returns false if our version of // libevent doesn't support debug logging, in which case we should // clear the BCLog::LIBEVENT flag. if (!UpdateHTTPServerLogging(logCategories & BCLog::LIBEVENT)) { logCategories &= ~BCLog::LIBEVENT; } #ifdef WIN32 evthread_use_windows_threads(); #else evthread_use_pthreads(); #endif base = event_base_new(); // XXX RAII if (!base) { LogPrintf("Couldn't create an event_base: exiting\n"); return false; } /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ http = evhttp_new(base); // XXX RAII if (!http) { LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); event_base_free(base); return false; } evhttp_set_timeout(http, GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)); evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE); evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE); evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, NULL); if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) { LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n"); evhttp_free(http); event_base_free(base); return false; } LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Initialized HTTP server\n"); int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L); LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth); workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth); eventBase = base; eventHTTP = http; return true; }
bool InitHTTPServer() { struct evhttp* http = 0; struct event_base* base = 0; if (!InitHTTPAllowList()) return false; if (GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) { uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox( "SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.", "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR); return false; } // Redirect libevent's logging to our own log event_set_log_callback(&libevent_log_cb); #if LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02010100 // If -debug=libevent, set full libevent debugging. // Otherwise, disable all libevent debugging. if (LogAcceptCategory("libevent")) event_enable_debug_logging(EVENT_DBG_ALL); else event_enable_debug_logging(EVENT_DBG_NONE); #endif #ifdef WIN32 evthread_use_windows_threads(); #else evthread_use_pthreads(); #endif base = event_base_new(); // XXX RAII if (!base) { LogPrintf("Couldn't create an event_base: exiting\n"); return false; } /* Create a new evhttp object to handle requests. */ http = evhttp_new(base); // XXX RAII if (!http) { LogPrintf("couldn't create evhttp. Exiting.\n"); event_base_free(base); return false; } evhttp_set_timeout(http, GetArg("-rpcservertimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT)); evhttp_set_max_headers_size(http, MAX_HEADERS_SIZE); evhttp_set_max_body_size(http, MAX_SIZE); evhttp_set_gencb(http, http_request_cb, NULL); if (!HTTPBindAddresses(http)) { LogPrintf("Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server\n"); evhttp_free(http); event_base_free(base); return false; } LogPrint("http", "Initialized HTTP server\n"); int workQueueDepth = std::max((long)GetArg("-rpcworkqueue", DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE), 1L); LogPrintf("HTTP: creating work queue of depth %d\n", workQueueDepth); workQueue = new WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>(workQueueDepth); eventBase = base; eventHTTP = http; return true; }
static int serve_threads(int nthreads, int port, const char *db_path, void *zmq_ctx, const char *send_endpoint, const char *recv_endpoint, const char *log_base_path) { int nfd; uint32_t i; thd_data thds[nthreads]; if ((nfd = bind_socket(port)) < 0) { print_error("cannot bind socket. please check port number with netstat."); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) { memset(&thds[i], 0, sizeof(thds[i])); if (!(thds[i].base = event_init())) { print_error("error in event_init() on thread %d.", i); } else { if (!(thds[i].httpd = evhttp_new(thds[i].base))) { print_error("error in evhttp_new() on thread %d.", i); } else { int r; if ((r = evhttp_accept_socket(thds[i].httpd, nfd))) { print_error("error in evhttp_accept_socket() on thread %d.", i); } else { if (send_endpoint) { if (!(thds[i].zmq_sock = zmq_socket(zmq_ctx, ZMQ_PUB))) { print_error("cannot create zmq_socket."); } else if (zmq_connect(thds[i].zmq_sock, send_endpoint)) { print_error("cannot connect zmq_socket."); zmq_close(thds[i].zmq_sock); thds[i].zmq_sock = NULL; } else { uint64_t hwm = 1; zmq_setsockopt(thds[i].zmq_sock, ZMQ_HWM, &hwm, sizeof(uint64_t)); } } else { thds[i].zmq_sock = NULL; } if (!(thds[i].ctx = grn_ctx_open(0))) { print_error("error in grn_ctx_open() on thread %d.", i); } else if (grn_ctx_use(thds[i].ctx, db)) { print_error("error in grn_db_open() on thread %d.", i); } else { GRN_TEXT_INIT(&(thds[i].cmd_buf), 0); thds[i].log_base_path = log_base_path; thds[i].thread_id = i; evhttp_set_gencb(thds[i].httpd, generic_handler, &thds[i]); evhttp_set_timeout(thds[i].httpd, 10); { struct timeval tv = {1, 0}; evtimer_set(&(thds[i].pulse), timeout_handler, &thds[i]); evtimer_add(&(thds[i].pulse), &tv); } if ((r = pthread_create(&(thds[i].thd), NULL, dispatch, thds[i].base))) { print_error("error in pthread_create() on thread %d.", i); } } } } } } /* recv thread from learner */ if (recv_endpoint) { recv_thd_data rthd; rthd.db_path = db_path; rthd.recv_endpoint = recv_endpoint; rthd.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx; if (pthread_create(&(rthd.thd), NULL, recv_from_learner, &rthd)) { print_error("error in pthread_create() on thread %d.", i); } pthread_join(rthd.thd, NULL); } else { while (loop) { sleep(1000); } } /* join all httpd thread */ for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) { if (thds[i].thd) { pthread_join(thds[i].thd, NULL); } cleanup_httpd_thread(&(thds[i])); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { short http_port = 8080; char* http_addr = ""; int arg; while( (arg = getopt(argc, argv, "b:p:r:d:h")) != -1) { switch(arg) { case 'b': http_addr = optarg; break; case 'p': http_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': doc_root = optarg; case 'd': if(strcmp(optarg, "TRACE") == 0) OWL_ACTIVE_LOG_LEVEL = OWL_TRACE; else if(strcmp(optarg, "DEBUG") == 0) OWL_ACTIVE_LOG_LEVEL = OWL_DEBUG; else if(strcmp(optarg, "INFO") == 0) OWL_ACTIVE_LOG_LEVEL = OWL_INFO; else if(strcmp(optarg, "WARN") == 0) OWL_ACTIVE_LOG_LEVEL = OWL_WARNING; else OWL_ACTIVE_LOG_LEVEL = OWL_OFF; break; case 'h': default: usage(); exit(1); } } // Initialize application int status = 0; struct owl_state* state = malloc(sizeof(struct owl_state)); state->spotify_state = new_spotify_state(); state->state = OWL_STATE_NOT_STARTED; // Setup application handlers { state->event_base = event_base_new(); // Unix signal handlers state->sigint = evsignal_new(state->event_base, SIGINT, &sigint_handler, state); state->sigterm = evsignal_new(state->event_base, SIGTERM, &sigint_handler, state); state->sigsegv = evsignal_new(state->event_base, SIGSEGV, &sigint_handler, state); evsignal_add(state->sigint, NULL); evsignal_add(state->sigterm, NULL); evsignal_add(state->sigsegv, NULL); // Periodic callback state->timer = evtimer_new(state->event_base, &timer_handler, state); // Applications programatic callback state->app = evtimer_new(state->event_base, &timer_handler, state); // HTTP Server state->http = evhttp_new(state->event_base); evhttp_set_timeout(state->http, 60); evhttp_set_gencb(state->http, &http_handler, state); status = evhttp_bind_socket(state->http, http_addr, http_port); } if(status != 0) { ERROR("Could not bind owl server on IP (%s) or port (%d)\n", http_addr, http_port); goto shutdown; } status = initialize_spotify(state); if(status != 0) { ERROR("Could not initalize Spotify\n"); goto shutdown; } state->state = OWL_STATE_INITIALIZED; INFO("Owl started, connect to http://%s:%d\n", http_addr, http_port); // Kick off event loop event_base_dispatch(state->event_base); shutdown: INFO("Owl is shutting down\n"); event_free(state->sigint); event_free(state->sigterm); event_free(state->sigsegv); event_free(state->timer); evhttp_free(state->http); event_base_free(state->event_base); free_spotify_state(state->spotify_state); free(state); return status; }