int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Please enter a time quantums . . . . \n"); exit(1); } time_slice = atoi(argv[1]); time_slice_1 = atoi(argv[2]); if (time_slice <= 0 || time_slice_1 <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! program usage rr < positive time quantum> < data file . . .\n"); exit(1); } init_(); clock_t ticks; time_t start_time, end_time; time(&start_time); int i; int status = 0; log_file = fopen("log_file.txt", "w+"); if (log_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "LOG FILE CANNOT BE OPEN\n"); } //initialize cpu's for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS; i++) { CPU[i] = NULL; } initializeProcessQueue(&readyQueue); initializeProcessQueue(&waitingQueue); initializeProcessQueue(&level_one); initializeProcessQueue(&second_level); //initializeProcessQueue(&promoted); // read in process and initialize process values while ((status = (readProcess(&processes[number_of_processes])))) { if (status == 1) { number_of_processes++; } } if (number_of_processes > MAX_PROCESSES) { return -2; } if (number_of_processes == 0) { return -1; } int remaining_process = 0; //sort process by their arrival times qsort(processes, number_of_processes, sizeof (process), compareByArrival); // main execution loop while (TRUE) { ticks = clock(); waiting_to_ready(); incoming_process_init(); running_process_to_waiting(); most_ready_running_in_cpu(); refresh_processes(); increase_io_work(); increase_cpu_work(); cpu_utilized_time += runningProcesses(); remaining_process = ex(); // break when there are no more running or incoming processes, and the waiting queue is empty if (remaining_process == 0 && runningProcesses() == 0 && waitingQueue.size == 0) { break; } simulation_time++; } int total_waiting_time = 0; int turn_around_time = 0; for (i = 0; i < number_of_processes; i++) { turn_around_time += processes[i].endTime - processes[i].arrivalTime; total_waiting_time += processes[i].waitingTime; } printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>> FBQ with Q1 :%d\tQ2 :%d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", time_slice, time_slice_1); printf("********************************************************************\n"); printf("Average Waiting Time\t\t\t:%.2f\n", total_waiting_time / (double) number_of_processes); printf("Average Turn Around Time\t\t:%.2f\n", turn_around_time / (double) number_of_processes); printf("Time all for all CPU processes\t\t:%d\n", simulation_time); printf("CPU Utilization Time\t\t\t:%.2f%c\n", (double) (cpu_utilized_time * 100.0) / (double) (simulation_time), (int) 37); printf("Total Number of Context Switches\t:%d\n", context_switches); printf("Last Process to finish "); for (i = 0; i < number_of_processes; i++) { if (processes[i].endTime == simulation_time) { printf("PID\t\t:%d\n", processes[i].pid); } } printf("********************************************************************\n"); time(&end_time); double prg_time = (end_time - start_time) * 0.001; double cpu_time = (double) ticks / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; fprintf(log_file, "Program Time\t:%.2fsecs\n", prg_time); fprintf(log_file, "CPU Time\t:%.2fsecs\n", cpu_time); fclose(log_file); return 0; }
int ex(nodeType *p) { if (!p) return 0; pushSymbolTable(); switch(p->type) { case typeIntCon: //printf("Int constant\n"); return p->conInt.value; case typeDoubleCon: //printf("Double constant %f\n", p->conDbl.value); return p->conDbl.value; case typeIntId: { struct symbol_entry *entry = getSymbolEntry(p->idInt.i); if(!entry) { printf("Undefined variable.\n"); return 0; } return entry->iVal; } case typeDblId: //printf("Double variable\n"); return sym[p->idDbl.i]; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case DECLAREINT: { const char *name = p->opr.op[0]->idInt.i; int value = ex(p->opr.op[1]); struct symbol_entry *entry = getSymbolEntry(name); if(!entry) //make sure this variable name doesn't already exists { //entry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct symbol_entry)+300); entry = malloc(sizeof(struct symbol_entry)); entry->name = name; entry->iVal = value; addSymbol(entry, yylineno); free(entry); } else { printf("This int variable has already been declared.\n"); } break; } case DO: do { ex(p->opr.op[0]); } while(ex(p->opr.op[1])); break; case WHILE: while(ex(p->opr.op[0])) { ex(p->opr.op[1]); } break; case REPEAT: do { ex(p->opr.op[0]); } while(!ex(p->opr.op[1])); break; case IF: if (ex(p->opr.op[0])) ex(p->opr.op[1]); else if (p->opr.nops > 2) ex(p->opr.op[2]); return 0; case PRINT: { printf("%d\n", ex(p->opr.op[0])); return 0; } case ';': ex(p->opr.op[0]); return ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '=': { const char *name = p->opr.op[0]->idInt.i; int value = ex(p->opr.op[1]); struct symbol_entry *entry = getSymbolEntry(name); if(!entry) { printf("No variable by that name found\n"); } else { entry->iVal = value; } return value;//sym[p->opr.op[0]->idInt.i] = ex(p->opr.op[1]); } case UMINUS: return -ex(p->opr.op[0]); case '+': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) + ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '-': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) - ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '*': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) * ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '/': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) / ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '<': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) < ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '>': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) > ex(p->opr.op[1]); case GE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) >= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case LE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) <= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case NE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) != ex(p->opr.op[1]); case EQ: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) == ex(p->opr.op[1]); } break; //case typeOpr } return 0; }
int main() { BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f1 = boost::async(boost::launch::async, &p1); BOOST_TEST(f1.valid()); boost::future<int> f2 = f1.then(ex, &p2); BOOST_TEST(f2.valid()); BOOST_TEST(! f1.valid()); try { BOOST_TEST(f2.get()==2); } catch (std::exception& ex) { BOOST_THREAD_LOG << "ERRORRRRR "<<ex.what() << "" << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; BOOST_TEST(false); } catch (...) { BOOST_THREAD_LOG << " ERRORRRRR exception thrown" << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; BOOST_TEST(false); } } BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f1 = boost::async(boost::launch::async, &p1); BOOST_TEST(f1.valid()); boost::future<void> f2 = f1.then(ex, &p3); BOOST_TEST(f2.valid()); try { f2.wait(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { BOOST_THREAD_LOG << "ERRORRRRR "<<ex.what() << "" << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; BOOST_TEST(false); } catch (...) { BOOST_THREAD_LOG << " ERRORRRRR exception thrown" << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; BOOST_TEST(false); } } BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f2 = boost::async(p1).then(ex, &p2); BOOST_TEST(f2.get()==2); } BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f1 = boost::async(p1); boost::future<int> f21 = f1.then(ex, &p2); boost::future<int> f2= f21.then(ex, &p2); BOOST_TEST(f2.get()==4); } BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f1 = boost::async(p1); boost::future<int> f2= f1.then(&p2).then(ex, &p2); BOOST_TEST(f2.get()==4); } BOOST_THREAD_LOG << BOOST_THREAD_END_LOG; { boost::basic_thread_pool ex(1); boost::future<int> f2 = boost::async(p1).then(ex, &p2).then(ex, &p2); BOOST_TEST(f2.get()==4); } return boost::report_errors(); }
int ex(nodeType *p) { int tmp; if(!p) return 0; switch(p->type) { case typeCon: return p->con.value; case typeId: return sym[p->id.i]; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case WHILE: while(ex(p->opr.op[0])) ex(p->opr.op[1]); return 0; case IF: if(ex(p->opr.op[0])) ex(p->opr.op[1]); else if(p->opr.nops> 2) ex(p->opr.op[2]); return 0; case PRINT: printf("%d\n", ex(p->opr.op[0])); return 0; case ';': ex(p->opr.op[0]); return ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '=': return sym[p->opr.op[0]->id.i] = ex(p->opr.op[1]); case UMINUS: return -ex(p->opr.op[0]); case '+': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) + ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '-': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) - ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '*': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) * ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '/': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) / ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '<': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) < ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '>': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) > ex(p->opr.op[1]); case GE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) >= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case LE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) <= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case EQ: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) == ex(p->opr.op[1]); case NE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) != ex(p->opr.op[1]); } } return 0; }
static void doit(char *to, char *line) { char *x, **arg, *target, *tmp; char *type, *mid, *name, *alias; unsigned long uid, gid, mode; int in, out, len; static char *uid_global, *gid_global, *mode_global, *mid_global, V; len=splitmem(0,line,':'); if (len <7) return; arg=alloca((len+1) * sizeof(char*)); if (arg==0) nomem(); splitmem(arg,line,':'); type = arg[0]; x=arg[1]; if (!*x==0 && uid_global) x=uid_global; if (*x) uid=atoulong(x); else uid = -1; x=arg[2]; if (!*x==0 && gid_global) x=gid_global; if (*x) gid=atoulong(x); else gid = -1; x=arg[3]; if (!*x && mode_global) x=mode_global; scan_8ulong(x,&mode); mid = arg[4]; if (!*mid && mid_global) mid=mid_global; name= arg[5]; x=arg[6]; alias = (*x) ? x : name; len = str_len(to) + str_len(mid) + str_len(name); x=alloca(2*len + 32); if (x==0) nomem(); target = x; x += str_copy(x,to); x += str_copy(x,mid); x += str_copy(x,name); while (target[0]=='/' && target[1]=='/') target++; tmp = (*type=='x') ? x+2 : 0; switch(*type) { case 'p': if (SYS_mknod(target,S_IFIFO|0600,0) == -1) if (errno != EEXIST) ex("mknod",target); if (V) msg("pipe:\t", target); break; case 'd': if (mkdir(target,0700) == -1) if (errno != EEXIST) ex("mkdir",target); if (V) msg("mkdir:\t", target); break; case 'c': case 'x': if ((in=open(alias, O_RDONLY)) <0) ex("open",alias); if (*type == 'c') out = open(target, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600); else out = open_tmpfd(target, tmp, 0600); if (out <0) ex("open",target); x=alloca(8192); if (x==0) nomem(); for (;;) { len=read(in,x,8192); if (len==0) break; else if (len==-1) ex("read",alias); else if (len != write(out,x,len)) { die(111,U,"write",target); } } close(in); if (fsync(out)) ex("fsync",target); if (close(out)) ex("close",target); if (tmp && rename(tmp,target)) { die(111,U,"rename: ", tmp, " -> ", target, ": ", e()); } if (V) msg(alias, "\t-> ", target); break; case 'g': x=arg[1]; uid_global = (*x) ? x : 0; x=arg[2]; gid_global = (*x) ? x : 0; x=arg[3]; mode_global = (*x) ? x : 0; x=arg[4]; mid_global = (*x) ? x : 0; return; case 'v': if (arg[1][0]) V=1; else V=0; default: return; } if (SYS_chown(target,uid,gid) <0) ex("chown",target); if (chmod(target,mode) <0) ex("chmod",target); }
int main() { const my_facet f(1); { std::ios ios(0); unsigned long long v = 0; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0"); } { std::ios ios(0); unsigned long long v = 1; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1"); } { std::ios ios(0); unsigned long long v = -1; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == (sizeof(unsigned long long) == 4 ? "4294967295" : "18446744073709551615")); } { std::ios ios(0); unsigned long long v = -1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "18446744073709550616"); } { std::ios ios(0); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1000"); } { std::ios ios(0); showpos(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1000"); } { std::ios ios(0); oct(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1750"); } { std::ios ios(0); oct(ios); showbase(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "01750"); } { std::ios ios(0); hex(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "3e8"); } { std::ios ios(0); hex(ios); showbase(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0x3e8"); } { std::ios ios(0); hex(ios); showbase(ios); uppercase(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0X3E8"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); hex(ios); showbase(ios); uppercase(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0X3E_8"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); hex(ios); showbase(ios); unsigned long long v = 2147483647; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0x7f_fff_ff_f"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); oct(ios); unsigned long long v = 0123467; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "123_46_7"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); oct(ios); showbase(ios); unsigned long long v = 0123467; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0_123_46_7"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); oct(ios); showbase(ios); right(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 0123467; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "*****0_123_46_7"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); oct(ios); showbase(ios); left(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 0123467; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0_123_46_7*****"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); oct(ios); showbase(ios); internal(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 0123467; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "*****0_123_46_7"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); hex(ios); showbase(ios); right(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 2147483647; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "**0x7f_fff_ff_f"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); hex(ios); showbase(ios); left(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 2147483647; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0x7f_fff_ff_f**"); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); hex(ios); showbase(ios); internal(ios); ios.width(15); unsigned long long v = 2147483647; char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0x**7f_fff_ff_f"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); showpos(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; right(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "****1_00_0"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); showpos(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; left(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1_00_0****"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); showpos(ios); unsigned long long v = 1000; internal(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "****1_00_0"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); unsigned long long v = -1000; right(ios); showpos(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "18_446_744_073_709_550_61_6"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); unsigned long long v = -1000; left(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "18_446_744_073_709_550_61_6"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { std::ios ios(0); ios.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new my_numpunct)); unsigned long long v = -1000; internal(ios); ios.width(10); char str[50]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "18_446_744_073_709_550_61_6"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } }
ProError SetParametricParameter( e_force force, const std::string &in_model_name, ProMdl *in_p_model, const std::string in_ParameterName, e_CADParameterType in_ParameterType, const std::string in_ParameterValue) throw (isis::application_exception) { ProError result = PRO_TK_NO_ERROR; std::stringstream msg("SetParametricParameter: (force) "); isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << " SetParametricParameter CADParameter" << isis_EOL << " Force " << force << isis_EOL << " Model Name " << in_model_name << isis_EOL << " Model Handle " << in_p_model << isis_EOL << " Type " << in_ParameterType << isis_EOL << " Name " << in_ParameterName << isis_EOL << " Value " << in_ParameterValue; if (in_p_model == NULL) { isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << "null model handle"; return PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS; } isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "SetParametricParameter : Set up the parameter"; if ( in_ParameterName.size() >= PRO_NAME_SIZE ) { msg << "Exceeded maximum number of characters : " << "Parameter Name: " << in_ParameterName << ", Maximum allowed characters: " << (PRO_NAME_SIZE - 1); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw isis::application_exception("C01001", msg); } ProName parameter_key; ProStringToWstring(parameter_key, const_cast<char *>(in_ParameterName.c_str()) ); ProParamvalue parameter_value; switch ( in_ParameterType ) { case CAD_FLOAT: parameter_value.type = PRO_PARAM_DOUBLE; parameter_value.value.d_val = atof(in_ParameterValue.c_str()); break; case CAD_INTEGER: parameter_value.type = PRO_PARAM_INTEGER; parameter_value.value.i_val = atoi(in_ParameterValue.c_str()); break; case CAD_BOOLEAN: parameter_value.type = PRO_PARAM_BOOLEAN; parameter_value.value.l_val = isis::String_To_ProBoolean(in_ParameterValue); break; case CAD_STRING: if ( in_ParameterValue.size() > MAX_STRING_PARAMETER_LENGTH ) { msg << "Erroneous CADParameter string value: " << "Parameter: " << CADParameterType_string(in_ParameterType) << " Value: " << in_ParameterValue << ", Value must be " << MAX_STRING_PARAMETER_LENGTH << " characters or less."; throw isis::application_exception(msg); } parameter_value.type = PRO_PARAM_STRING; ProStringToWstring(parameter_value.value.s_val, const_cast<char *>(in_ParameterValue.c_str())); break; default: msg << "Erroneous CADParameter Type: " << CADParameterType_string(in_ParameterType) << ", Should be FLOAT, INTEGER, or BOOLEAN."; isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw isis::application_exception(msg); } ProError status; isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "SetParametricParameter : get the model-item from the model"; ProModelitem model_item; switch ( status = ProMdlToModelitem( *in_p_model, &model_item ) ) { case PRO_TK_NO_ERROR: { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "The ProMdlToModelitem() was successful."; break; } case PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS: { msg << "ProMdlToModelitem: An argument is NULL, " << " model: " << in_p_model << " model-item: " << model_item; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_INVALID_PTR: { msg << "ProMdlToModelitem: The handle is invalid. "; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "SetParametricParameter : set the property"; ProParameter parameter_handle; switch ( status = ProParameterInit(&model_item, parameter_key, ¶meter_handle) ) { case PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND: { switch (force) { case FORCE_KEY: break; case FORCE_VALUE: { msg << "key is not bound and should not be forced"; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case FORCE_NEITHER: { msg << "force neither : not yet implemented"; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "The parameter was not found within the owner, so creating new."; switch ( status = ProParameterCreate (&model_item, parameter_key, ¶meter_value, ¶meter_handle ) ) { case PRO_TK_NO_ERROR: { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "ProParameterCreate successfully added the parameter."; result = PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND; break; } case PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS: { msg << "One or more of the input arguments to ProParameterCreate() are invalid," << " key: " << parameter_key << " param: " << parameter_handle.owner.type; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT: { msg << "The owner is nonexistent."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_E_FOUND: { msg << "The specified parameter already exists."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR: { msg << "The function could not add the parameter to the database."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } } case PRO_TK_NO_ERROR: { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "ProParameterInit() successfully initialized the handle."; switch (force) { case FORCE_KEY: case FORCE_VALUE: break; case FORCE_NEITHER: { msg << "force neither : not yet implemented"; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } switch ( status = ProParameterValueSet(¶meter_handle, ¶meter_value) ) { case PRO_TK_NO_ERROR: { isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "ProParameterValueSet successfully updated the information."; result = PRO_TK_NO_ERROR; break; } case PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND: { msg << "The owner was not found."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_GENERAL_ERROR: { msg << "The parameter was not found, or the function could not perform the action."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } break; } case PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS: { msg << "One or more of the input arguments are invalid," << " key: " << parameter_key << " param: " << parameter_handle.owner.type; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } case PRO_TK_BAD_CONTEXT: { msg << "The owner is nonexistent."; isis::application_exception ex(msg); isis_LOG(lg, isis_CONSOLE_FILE, isis_ERROR) << msg.str(); throw ex; } } isis_LOG(lg, isis_FILE, isis_INFO) << "SetParametricParameter : COMPLETE"; return result; } // end ForceParametricParameter
static value if_builtin(args arg) { return vtob(get(arg,1)) ? ex(vtos(get(arg,2))): (arg.size()>3?ex(vtos(get(arg,3))):btov(false)); }
pair<string,bool> exec(const string &s) { try {ex(s); return make_pair("",true);} catch (const boodew_exception &e) {return make_pair(string(e.what()),false);} }
static value if_builtin(args arg) { return vtob(get(arg,1)) ? ex(vtos(get(arg,2))): (arg.size()>3?ex(vtos(get(arg,3))):btov(false)); } #define O(S)CMDL(#S,[](args arg){return dtov(vtod(get(arg,1)) S vtod(get(arg,2)));}) O(+) O(-) O(/) O(*) #undef O #define O(S)CMDL(#S,[](args arg){return btov(vtod(get(arg,1)) S vtod(get(arg,2)));}) O(==) O(!=) O(<) O(>) O(<=) O(>=) #undef O CMDL("int",[](args arg){return stov(to_string(int(vtod(get(arg,1)))));}) CMDL("var",[](args arg){return new_local(vtos(get(arg,1)),arg.size()<3?btov(false):get(arg,2));}) CMDL("#", [](args){return btov(false);}) CMDL("..", [](args arg){return stov(vtos(get(arg,1))+vtos(get(arg,2)));}) CMDL("echo", [](args arg){cout<<vtos(get(arg,1));return get(arg,1);}) CMDL("^", [](args arg){return get(arg,1);}) CMDL("return", [](args arg)->value {throw get(arg,1);}) CMDL("do", [](args arg){try {return ex(vtos(get(arg,1)));} catch (value v) {return v;}}) CMDL("break", [](args arg)->value {throw true;}) CMDL("continue", [](args arg)->value {throw false;}) CMDN("while", while_builtin) CMDN("loop", loop_builtin) CMDN("?", if_builtin) CMDN("$", getvar) pair<string,bool> exec(const string &s) { try {ex(s); return make_pair("",true);} catch (const boodew_exception &e) {return make_pair(string(e.what()),false);} } } // namespace boodew
static value while_builtin(args arg) { value last; while (vtob(ex(vtos(get(arg,1))))) try {return last=ex(vtos(get(arg,2))); } catch (bool b) { if (b) break; else continue; } return last; }
void LCGWSpinBBHNR1::ConvertSpinDirToSSB(int iSpin) { double thS, phS, th, ph; double iota, stheta, nez; double thBS, phBS; double phi0(0.); LCVector ex(MT), ey(MT), spin(MT), nW(MT), ez(MT); if(iSpin==1){ thS = thS1; phS = phS1; } if(iSpin==2){ thS = thS2; phS = phS2; } th = M_PI/2. - Beta; ph = Lambda; //! **** Compute \f$ \theta_L \f$ and \f$ \phi_L \f$ : //! ** Declaration of coordinates of ^k, ^theta, ^phi and ^Ln in SSB frame and cos / sin of some angles double x_k, y_k, z_k; double x_th, y_th, z_th; double x_ph, y_ph, z_ph; // double LnBx, LnBy, LnBz; double sPhS, cPhS, sPsi, cPsi, sThd, cThd; sPhS = sin(phiS); cPhS = cos(phiS); sPsi = sin(2.*M_PI-NRPolarization); cPsi = cos(2.*M_PI-NRPolarization); sThd = sin(Thd); cThd = cos(Thd); x_k = - sThS * cPhS; y_k = - sThS * sPhS; z_k = - cThS; x_th = cThS * cPhS; y_th = cThS * sPhS; z_th = - sThS; x_ph = -y_k * z_th + z_k * y_th; y_ph = -z_k * x_th + x_k * z_th; z_ph = -x_k * y_th + y_k * x_th; //! ** Following convention of Sofiane for the angle psi (^p = cos psi ^theta + sin psi ^phi) : // LnBx = (- sThd * sPsi * x_th + sThd * cPsi * x_ph + cThd * x_k ); // LnBy = (- sThd * sPsi * y_th + sThd * cPsi * y_ph + cThd * y_k ); // LnBz = (- sThd * sPsi * z_th + sThd * cPsi * z_ph + cThd * z_k ); /* // new LnBx = (- sThd * sPsi * x_th - sThd * cPsi * x_ph + cThd * x_k ); LnBy = (- sThd * sPsi * y_th - sThd * cPsi * y_ph + cThd * y_k ); LnBz = (- sThd * sPsi * z_th - sThd * cPsi * z_ph + cThd * z_k ); */ /* //! ** Following convention of Antoine for the angle psi (^p = cos psi ^theta - sin psi ^phi) : LnBx = -( sThd * cPsi * x_th - sThd * sPsi * x_ph - cThd * x_k ); LnBy = -( sThd * cPsi * y_th - sThd * sPsi * y_ph - cThd * y_k ); LnBz = -( sThd * cPsi * z_th - sThd * sPsi * z_ph - cThd * z_k ); */ // with all angles LnB.x( -LnN.y()*cPsi*x_th+LnN.y()*sPsi*x_ph+LnN.x()*cThd*sPsi*x_th+LnN.x()*cThd*cPsi*x_ph-LnN.z()*sThd*sPsi*x_th-LnN.z()*sThd*cPsi*x_ph+x_k*LnN.x()*sThd+x_k*LnN.z()*cThd ); LnB.y( -LnN.y()*cPsi*y_th+LnN.y()*sPsi*y_ph+LnN.x()*cThd*sPsi*y_th+LnN.x()*cThd*cPsi*y_ph-LnN.z()*sThd*sPsi*y_th-LnN.z()*sThd*cPsi*y_ph+y_k*LnN.x()*sThd+y_k*LnN.z()*cThd ); LnB.z( -LnN.y()*cPsi*z_th+LnN.y()*sPsi*z_ph+LnN.x()*cThd*sPsi*z_th+LnN.x()*cThd*cPsi*z_ph-LnN.z()*sThd*sPsi*z_th-LnN.z()*sThd*cPsi*z_ph+z_k*LnN.x()*sThd+z_k*LnN.z()*cThd ); double n_LnB = LnB.norm(); // thBL = atan2(sqrt(LnBx*LnBx + LnBy*LnBy),LnBz); // acos(LnBz/n_LnB); corrected by Sofiane thBL = acos(LnB.z()/n_LnB); // if(thBL<0.) // thBL +-M_PI; // phBL =M_PI*(1-LnBy/fabs(LnBy)) + LnBy/fabs(LnBy) * acos(LnBx / n_LnB / sqrt(1. - LnBz*LnBz / (n_LnB*n_LnB)) ); // atan2(LnBy,LnBx); corrected by Sofiane phBL =; if(phBL<0.) phBL += 2.*M_PI; // double up = cThS*sin(thBL)*cos(phiS-phBL) - cos(thBL)*sThS; /: commented by Sofiane // double down = sin(thBL)*sin(phiS - phBL); // commented by Sofiane ConvertLS1S2dirNR2SSBSofVer(Phd, thetaS, phiS, thetaJ, phiJ, LnN, S1N, S2N, AmpL, AmpS1, AmpS2, LnB, S1B, S2B); // see how to use it in more elegant way double up = cos(Phd - phiS); // introduced by Sofiane double down = cos(thetaS)*sin(Phd - phiS); // introduced by Sofiane PSIN =atan2(up,down); if(PSIN<0.) PSIN +=2*M_PI; iota = acos(sin(th)*sin(thBL)*cos(ph - phBL) + cos(th)*cos(thBL)); stheta = fabs(sin(iota)); if (iota == 0.0) Cout << "WARNING in LCGWSpinBBHNR1::ConvertSpinDirToSSB : degenerate case need to consider separately: L colinear with n !" << Endl; nW.p[0] = sin(th)*cos(ph) ; nW.p[1] = sin(th)*sin(ph) ; nW.p[2] = cos(th) ; ez.p[0] = sin(thBL)*cos(phBL) ; ez.p[1] = sin(thBL)*sin(phBL) ; ez.p[2] = cos(thBL) ; ey.p[0] = (nW.p[1]*ez.p[2] - nW.p[2]*ez.p[1])/stheta ; ey.p[1] = (nW.p[2]*ez.p[0] - nW.p[0]*ez.p[2])/stheta ; ey.p[2] = (nW.p[0]*ez.p[1] - nW.p[1]*ez.p[0])/stheta ; nez = nW.p[0]*ez.p[0] + nW.p[1]*ez.p[1] + nW.p[2]*ez.p[2] ; ex.p[0] = (ez.p[0]*nez - nW.p[0])/stheta ; ex.p[1] = (ez.p[1]*nez - nW.p[1])/stheta ; ex.p[2] = (ez.p[2]*nez - nW.p[2])/stheta ; //! ** if it is eccentric orbit, we need to rotate ex, ey by -phi0 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) spin.p[i] = sin(thS)*cos(phS)*( cos(phi0)*ex.p[i] - sin(phi0)*ey.p[i] ) + sin(thS)*sin(phS)*( sin(phi0)*ex.p[i] + cos(phi0)*ey.p[i] ) + cos(thS)*ez.p[i] ; thBS = acos(spin.p[2]); phBS = atan2(spin.p[1], spin.p[0]); if (phBS < 0.) phBS = phBS + 2.*M_PI; if(iSpin==1){ thBS1 = thBS; phBS1 = phBS; } if(iSpin==2){ thBS2 = thBS; phBS2 = phBS; } S1B.x( sin(thBS1)*cos(phBS1) ); S1B.y( sin(thBS1)*sin(phBS1) ); S1B.z( cos(thBS1) ); S2B.x( sin(thBS2)*cos(phBS2) ); S2B.y( sin(thBS2)*sin(phBS2) ); S2B.z( cos(thBS2) ); }
int ex(nodeType *p) { int lblx, lbly, lbl1, lbl2, lblz, lbl3; int i,j; SymbolType type; char* fun_name; int numofparas; FunNode* func; nodeType* paras; int *size; if (!p) return 0; switch(p->type) { case typeCon: printf("\tpush\t%d\n", p->con.value); break; case typeId: printf("\tpush\tfp[%d]\n",getSymbol(p->id.i)->index); break; case typeStr: printf("\tpush\t\"%s\"\n",p->str.value);// " not include in con.value break; case typeArr: storeOffsetInIn(p); testOutofBoundary(p); printf("\tpush\tfp[in]\n"); break; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case INT: case CHAR://Declaration if(p->opr.oper == INT) type = INTTYPE; else if(p->opr.oper == CHAR) type = CHARTYPE; else{ printf("Compile Error(1072): Unknown indentifier type\n"); exit(-1); } switch(p->opr.op[0]->type){ case typeId://A variable printf("\tpush\tsp\n");//allocate space in stack printf("\tpush\t1\n"); printf("\tadd\t\n"); printf("\tpop\tsp\n"); break; case typeArr://An array size = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * p->opr.op[0]->arr.dimension); for(i = 0; i < p->opr.op[0]->arr.dimension; i++){ ex(p->opr.op[0]->arr.index[i]); } for(i = 0; i < p->opr.op[0]->arr.dimension - 1; i++){ printf("\tmul\t\n"); } printf("\tpush\tsp\n"); printf("\tadd\t\n"); printf("\tpop\tsp\n"); break; default: printf("Compile Error(1070): Unknown declaration type. <%d>\n",p->opr.op[0]->type); exit(-1); break; } break; case CODEBLOCK: ex(p->opr.op[0]); ex(p->opr.op[1]); break; case FOR: ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("L%03d:\n", lblx = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tj0\tL%03d\n", lbly = lbl++); lblz = lbl++; push(lblz,lbly); ex(p->opr.op[3]); printf("L%03d:\n", lblz); ex(p->opr.op[2]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lblx); printf("L%03d:\n", lbly); pop(); break; case CALL: fun_name = p->opr.op[0]->id.i;//get function name; numofparas = 0; /*push parameters in stack*/ for(paras = p->opr.op[1];paras != NULL;paras = paras->{ storeOffsetInIn(paras->; if(paras->>type == typeArr) testOutofBoundary(paras->; printf("\tpush\tfp[in]\n");//push para in stack numofparas++; } /*actually, this exist check should be done in c8.y*/ if(func = getFunc(fun_name) == NULL){ printf("Error 1051: function (%s())not declared.\n",fun_name); exit(-1); } printf("\tcall\tL%03d,%d\n",func->label,numofparas); break; case WHILE: printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tj0\tL%03d\n", lbl2 = lbl++); push(lbl1,lbl2); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl1); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); pop(); break; case DO-WHILE: lbl1 = lbl++; lbl2 = lbl++; lbl3 = lbl++; push(lbl3,lbl2); printf("L%03d:\n",lbl1); ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl3); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tj0\tL%03d\n", lbl2); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl1); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); pop(); break; case BREAK: printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", top(1)); break; case CONTINUE: printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", top(0)); break; case IF: ex(p->opr.op[0]); if (p->opr.nops > 2) { printf("\tj0\tL%03d\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl2 = lbl++); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); ex(p->opr.op[2]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); } else { printf("\tj0\tL%03d\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); } break; case READ: printf("\tgeti\n"); storeOffsetInIn(p->opr.op[0]); if(p->opr.op[0]->type == typeArr) testOutofBoundary(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tpop\tfp[in]\n"); break; case PRINT: ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tputi\n"); break; case '=': ex(p->opr.op[1]); storeOffsetInIn(p->opr.op[0]); if(p->opr.op[0]->type == typeArr) testOutofBoundary(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tpop\tfp[in]\n"); break; case UMINUS: ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tneg\n"); break; default:/*Expr*/ /*semicolon*/ ex(p->opr.op[0]); ex(p->opr.op[1]); switch(p->opr.oper) { case '+': printf("\tadd\n"); break; case '-': printf("\tsub\n"); break; case '*': printf("\tmul\n"); break; case '/': printf("\tdiv\n"); break; case '%': printf("\tmod\n"); break; case '<': printf("\tcomplt\n"); break; case '>': printf("\tcompgt\n"); break; case GE: printf("\tcompge\n"); break; case LE: printf("\tcomple\n"); break; case NE: printf("\tcompne\n"); break; case EQ: printf("\tcompeq\n"); break; case AND: printf("\tand\n"); break; case OR: printf("\tor\n"); break; } } } return 0; }
void main() { ex(); ex(); }
menu::menu(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent),expend(),dab() { this->setStyleSheet("background-color:black"); QFont newff("Arial",10,QFont::Normal,false); QFont newfb("Arial",8,0,false); // QFont newfc("Arial",8,0,false); maxexp=new QPushButton("Reset your maximum expenditure limit",this); maxexp->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); maxexp->setFont(newfb); exitt=new QPushButton("Exit",this); exitt->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); exitt->setFont(newff); more=new QPushButton("More options",this); more->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); more->setFont(newff); bacc=new QPushButton("Back",this); bacc->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); bacc->setFont(newff); cancel=new QPushButton("Cancel",this); cancel->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); cancel->setFont(newff); cancel->setVisible(false); max=new QLineEdit("",this); max->setStyleSheet("background-color:white;color:black"); max->setVisible(false); ok=new QPushButton("OK",this); ok->setVisible(false); ok->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); ok->setFont(newff); maxexp->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); maxexp->setFont(newff); hb4=new QHBoxLayout(); vb1=new QVBoxLayout(this); hb=new QHBoxLayout(); hb1=new QHBoxLayout(); hb2=new QHBoxLayout(); hb3=new QHBoxLayout(); hb5=new QHBoxLayout(); //select=new QLabel("<img src='D:/Desert.JPG'/ >",this); select=new QLabel(" Choose your category ",this); select->setStyleSheet("background-color:black;color:white; qproperty-alignment: AlignCenter"); select->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); select->setMaximumHeight(45); select->setFont(newff); check=new QPushButton("Click to check total savings",this); check->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); check->setFont(newff); food=new QPushButton("food",this); food->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); food->setFixedSize(180,40); food->setFont(newff); shopping=new QPushButton("shopping",this); shopping->setFixedSize(180,40); shopping->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); shopping->setFont(newff); entertainment=new QPushButton("entertainment",this); entertainment->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); entertainment->setFixedSize(180,40); entertainment->setFont(newfb); family=new QPushButton("family/friends",this); family->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); family->setFixedSize(180,40); family->setFont(newff); fuel=new QPushButton("fuel",this); fuel->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); fuel->setFixedSize(180,40); fuel->setFont(newff); others=new QPushButton("others",this); others->setStyleSheet("background-color:#003333;color:white"); others->setFixedSize(180,40); others->setFont(newff); hb5->addWidget(check); hb4->addWidget(max); hb4->addWidget(ok); hb4->addWidget(cancel); hb1->addWidget(food); hb1->addWidget(shopping); hb2->addWidget(entertainment); hb2->addWidget(family); hb3->addWidget(fuel); hb3->addWidget(others); vb1->addItem(hb5); vb1->addWidget(maxexp); vb1->addItem(hb4); vb1->addWidget(more); vb1->addWidget(select); vb1->addItem(hb1); vb1->addItem(hb2); vb1->addItem(hb3); vb1->addWidget(exitt); vb1->addWidget(bacc); QObject::connect(food,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(foodshowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(shopping,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(shopshowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(entertainment,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(entshowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(family,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(fmshowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(fuel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(fushowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(others,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(otshowFullScreen())); QObject::connect(ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(go())); QObject::connect(cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(canc())); QObject::connect(maxexp,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(max_click())); QObject::connect(check,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(check_save())); QObject::connect(exitt,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(ex())); QObject::connect(bacc,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(ba())); QObject::connect(more,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(mor())); }
void AsyncUDPSocket::handleRead() noexcept { void* buf{nullptr}; size_t len{0}; if (handleErrMessages()) { return; } if (fd_ == -1) { // The socket may have been closed by the error callbacks. return; } readCallback_->getReadBuffer(&buf, &len); if (buf == nullptr || len == 0) { AsyncSocketException ex( AsyncSocketException::BAD_ARGS, "AsyncUDPSocket::getReadBuffer() returned empty buffer"); auto cob = readCallback_; readCallback_ = nullptr; cob->onReadError(ex); updateRegistration(); return; } struct sockaddr_storage addrStorage; socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addrStorage); memset(&addrStorage, 0, size_t(addrLen)); struct sockaddr* rawAddr = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addrStorage); rawAddr->sa_family = localAddress_.getFamily(); ssize_t bytesRead = recvfrom(fd_, buf, len, MSG_TRUNC, rawAddr, &addrLen); if (bytesRead >= 0) { clientAddress_.setFromSockaddr(rawAddr, addrLen); if (bytesRead > 0) { bool truncated = false; if ((size_t)bytesRead > len) { truncated = true; bytesRead = ssize_t(len); } readCallback_->onDataAvailable( clientAddress_, size_t(bytesRead), truncated); } } else { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { // No data could be read without blocking the socket return; } AsyncSocketException ex( AsyncSocketException::INTERNAL_ERROR, "::recvfrom() failed", errno); // In case of UDP we can continue reading from the socket // even if the current request fails. We notify the user // so that he can do some logging/stats collection if he wants. auto cob = readCallback_; readCallback_ = nullptr; cob->onReadError(ex); updateRegistration(); } }
/*a few lines to clean up, s*/ int ex(nodeType *p) { int lbl1, lbl2; //print assembly header if(i++==0) { char *initialisedData = ".data # Initialised data\n\tNEWLINE: .asciz \"\\n\"\n\tMINUS: .asciz \"-\""; printf(".code32\n%s\n.bss #uninitialised data\n",initialisedData); puts("\t.lcomm COUNTER, 4\n\t.lcomm TEMP1, 4"); //print variables char c; for(c='a'; c<='z'; ++c) printf("\t.lcomm %c,4\n",c); printf(".text\n.globl _start # _start on linux\n"); char *types="\t.type print, @function\n\t.type printNumber, @function\n"; char* printNumber="\tprintNumber:\n\t\tmovl $0, COUNTER\n\t\tcmpl $0, %eax #is it negative number\n\t\tjge loop #if eax is greater or equal zero then go to loop\n\t\tneg %eax #change last bit to 0\n\t\tpush %eax #save eax\n\t\tpush $1\n\t\tpush $MINUS\n\t\tcall print\n\t\taddl $8, %esp #restore stack pointer for 2 arguments\n\t\tpop %eax #get back value\n\t\tloop:\n\t\t\tmovl $0, %edx #MSByte\n\t\t\tmovl $10, %ebx\n\t\t\tidiv %ebx #eax=edx:eax/ebx; # edx=edx:eax MOD ebx 13/10=1, 13 mod 10 = 3 => push 3 on stack, 1 is in eax\n\t\t\taddl $48, %edx #add 48, check ASCII, zero is 48\n\t\t\tpushl %edx\n\t\t\tincl COUNTER #increment by one\n\t\t\tcmpl $0, %eax\n\t\t\tjz printN #if zero then we have to print otherwise loop\n\t\t\tjmp loop\n\n\t\tprintN:\n\t\t\tcmpl $0, COUNTER\n\t\t\tjz return\n\t\t\tdecl COUNTER\n\t\t\tmovl $4, %eax\n\t\t\tmovl $1, %ebx\n\t\t\tmovl $1, %edx #how many bytes\n\t\t\tmovl %esp, %ecx #ecx should contain pointer to ascii\n\t\t\tint $0x80\n\t\t\taddl $4, %esp #decrease stack size, get next number on stack\n\t\t\tjmp printN\n\t\treturn:\n\t\t\tret\n"; char* print="\n\tprint:\n\t\tmovl $4, %eax\n\t\tmovl $1, %ebx\n\t\tmovl 4(%esp), %ecx #point to first argument which is on the stack\n\t\tmovl 8(%esp), %edx #point to first argument which is on the stack\n\t\tint $0x80 # call kernel\n\t\tret #change eip to start next instruction\n"; printf("%s%s%s",types,printNumber, print); printf("_start:\n"); } if (!p) return 0; switch(p->type) { case typeCon: printf("\tpush\t$%d\n", p->con.value); break; case typeId: printf("\tpush\t%c\n", p->id.i + 'a'); break; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case WHILE: printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\t%s\tL%03d\n",jmpType, lbl2 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl1); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); break; case IF: ex(p->opr.op[0]); if (p->opr.nops > 2) { /* if else */ printf("\t%s\tL%03d\n",jmpType, lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl2 = lbl++); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); ex(p->opr.op[2]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); } else { /* if */ printf("\t%s\tL%03d\n",jmpType, lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); } break; case PRINT: ex(p->opr.op[0]); puts("\tpop %eax"); printf("\tcall printNumber\n"); //print new line puts("\tpush $1\n\tpush $NEWLINE\n\tcall print\n\taddl $8, %esp"); break; case '=': ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tpop\t%c\n", p->opr.op[0]->id.i + 'a'); break; case UMINUS: ex(p->opr.op[0]); puts("\tpop %eax\n\tneg %eax\n\tpush %eax"); break; case FACT: ex(p->opr.op[0]); puts("\tcall fact\n\tpush %eax"); break; case LNTWO: ex(p->opr.op[0]); puts("\tcall lntwo\n\tpush %eax"); break; default: ex(p->opr.op[0]); ex(p->opr.op[1]); switch(p->opr.oper) { case GCD: puts("\tcall gcd\n\tpush %eax"); break; //get from the stack and save into TEMP1 then into eax and add TEMP1 to eax, push on the stack case '+': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tadd TEMP1, %eax\n\tpush %eax\n"); break; case '-': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tsub TEMP1, %eax\n\tpush %eax\n"); break; case '*': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\timul TEMP1, %eax\n\tpush %eax\n"); break; case '/': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcdq\n\tidiv TEMP1, %eax\n\tpush %eax\n"); break; case '<': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"jge\0"); break; case '>': puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"jle\0"); break; case GE: puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"jl\0"); break; case LE: puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"jg\0"); break; case NE: puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"je\0"); break; case EQ: puts("\tpop TEMP1\n\tpop %eax\n\tcmp TEMP1,%eax"); strcpy (jmpType,"jne\0"); break; } } } return 0; }
int ex(nodeType *p) { if (!p) return 0; switch(p->type) { case typeIntCon: printf("Int constant\n"); return p->conInt.value; case typeDoubleCon: printf("Double constant\n"); return p->conDbl.value; case typeIntId: printf("Int variable\n"); return sym[p->idInt.i]; case typeDblId: printf("Double variable\n"); return sym[p->idDbl.i]; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case DO: printf("DO WHILE\n"); do { ex(p->opr.op[0]); } while(ex(p->opr.op[1])); return 0; case WHILE: printf("WHILE\n"); while(ex(p->opr.op[0])){ ex(p->opr.op[1]); } return 0; /* XXX UNTIL/REPEAT UNUSED FOR NOW */ case REPEAT: printf("REPEAT UNTIL\n"); do { ex(p->opr.op[0]); } while(!ex(p->opr.op[1])); return 0; case IF: if (ex(p->opr.op[0])) ex(p->opr.op[1]); else if (p->opr.nops > 2) ex(p->opr.op[2]); return 0; case PRINT: printf("%d\n", ex(p->opr.op[0])); return 0; case ';': ex(p->opr.op[0]); return ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '=': return sym[p->opr.op[0]->idInt.i] = ex(p->opr.op[1]); case UMINUS: return -ex(p->opr.op[0]); case '+': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) + ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '-': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) - ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '*': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) * ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '/': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) / ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '<': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) < ex(p->opr.op[1]); case '>': return ex(p->opr.op[0]) > ex(p->opr.op[1]); case GE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) >= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case LE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) <= ex(p->opr.op[1]); case NE: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) != ex(p->opr.op[1]); case EQ: return ex(p->opr.op[0]) == ex(p->opr.op[1]); } } return 0; }
void XBPyThread::stop() { CSingleLock lock(m_pExecuter->m_critSection); if(m_stopping) return; m_stopping = true; if (m_threadState) { PyEval_AcquireLock(); PyThreadState* old = PyThreadState_Swap((PyThreadState*)m_threadState); //tell xbmc.Monitor to call onAbortRequested() if (addon) g_pythonParser.OnAbortRequested(addon->ID()); PyObject *m; m = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"xbmc"); if(!m || PyObject_SetAttrString(m, (char*)"abortRequested", PyBool_FromLong(1))) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "XBPyThread::stop - failed to set abortRequested"); PyThreadState_Swap(old); old = NULL; PyEval_ReleaseLock(); XbmcThreads::EndTime timeout(PYTHON_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT); while (!stoppedEvent.WaitMSec(15)) { if (timeout.IsTimePast()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "XBPyThread::stop - script didn't stop in %d seconds - let's kill it", PYTHON_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT / 1000); break; } // We can't empty-spin in the main thread and expect scripts to be able to // dismantle themselves. Python dialogs aren't normal XBMC dialogs, they rely // on TMSG_GUI_PYTHON_DIALOG messages, so pump the message loop. if (g_application.IsCurrentThread()) { CSingleExit ex(g_graphicsContext); CApplicationMessenger::Get().ProcessMessages(); } } // Useful for add-on performance metrics if (!timeout.IsTimePast()) CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "XBPyThread::stop - script termination took %dms", PYTHON_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT - timeout.MillisLeft()); //everything which didn't exit by now gets killed { // grabbing the PyLock while holding the XBPython m_critSection is asking for a deadlock CSingleExit ex2(m_pExecuter->m_critSection); PyEval_AcquireLock(); } // since we released the XBPython m_critSection it's possible that the state is cleaned up // so we need to recheck for m_threadState == NULL if (m_threadState) { old = PyThreadState_Swap((PyThreadState*)m_threadState); for(PyThreadState* state = ((PyThreadState*)m_threadState)->interp->tstate_head; state; state = state->next) { // Raise a SystemExit exception in python threads Py_XDECREF(state->async_exc); state->async_exc = PyExc_SystemExit; Py_XINCREF(state->async_exc); } // If a dialog entered its doModal(), we need to wake it to see the exception g_pythonParser.PulseGlobalEvent(); } if (old != NULL) PyThreadState_Swap(old); lock.Leave(); PyEval_ReleaseLock(); } }
std::vector<cv::Point2f> getChessboardCorners( cv::VideoCapture &capture, const std::vector<cv::Mat> &rectificationMaps, const int &horizon, const int &deadZone, const cv::Size &boardSize, const cv::Size &imageSize, const cv::Size &winSize, const cv::Size &zeroZone, const cv::TermCriteria &termCriteria) { cv::Mat newIn; cv::Mat undistorted; cv::Mat greyNewIn; cv::Mat ground; cv::Rect lowerRoi(cv::Point2f(0, horizon + deadZone), cv::Size(imageSize.width, imageSize.height - horizon - deadZone)); bool found = false; std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners; cv::namedWindow("ground", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); char control = ' '; cv::Mat resizing; do { capture >> newIn; if (!newIn.empty()) { cv::resize(newIn, resizing, imageSize); cv::remap(resizing, undistorted, rectificationMaps[0], rectificationMaps[1], cv::INTER_LINEAR); cv::cvtColor(undistorted, greyNewIn, CV_RGB2GRAY); ground = greyNewIn(lowerRoi); found = cv::findChessboardCorners(ground, boardSize, corners, CV_CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK | CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE); if (corners.size() > 0) { drawChessboardCorners(undistorted(lowerRoi), boardSize, corners, found); drawChessboardCorners(ground, boardSize, corners, found); std::cerr << corners.size() << std::endl; } drawDeadZoneHorizon(undistorted, horizon, deadZone); imshow("ground", ground); imshow("main", undistorted); } control = cv::waitKey(1); } while (!found && 'q' != control); if ('q' == control) { cv::Exception ex(USER_TRIGGERED_EXIT, "user requested exit", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__); throw ex; } cv::cornerSubPix(ground, corners, winSize, zeroZone, termCriteria); cv::imwrite("chessboard.jpeg", undistorted); cv::drawChessboardCorners(undistorted(lowerRoi), boardSize, corners, found); cv::imshow("main", undistorted); cv::destroyWindow("ground"); cv::destroyWindow("main"); return corners; }
void MagCal::calcMagComp() { /* * Inspired by * * * Ellipsoid fit from: * * * To use Eigen to convert matlab code, have a look at Eigen/AsciiQuickReference.txt */ if (mMagSamples.size() < 9) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Magnetometer compensation", "Too few points."); return; } int samples = mMagSamples.size(); Eigen::VectorXd ex(samples); Eigen::VectorXd ey(samples); Eigen::VectorXd ez(samples); for (int i = 0;i < samples;i++) { ex(i) =; ey(i) =; ez(i) =; } Eigen::MatrixXd eD(samples, 9); for (int i = 0;i < samples;i++) { eD(i, 0) = ex(i) * ex(i); eD(i, 1) = ey(i) * ey(i); eD(i, 2) = ez(i) * ez(i); eD(i, 3) = 2.0 * ex(i) * ey(i); eD(i, 4) = 2.0 * ex(i) * ez(i); eD(i, 5) = 2.0 * ey(i) * ez(i); eD(i, 6) = 2.0 * ex(i); eD(i, 7) = 2.0 * ey(i); eD(i, 8) = 2.0 * ez(i); } Eigen::MatrixXd etmp1 = eD.transpose() * eD; Eigen::MatrixXd etmp2 = eD.transpose() * Eigen::MatrixXd::Ones(samples, 1); Eigen::VectorXd eV =; Eigen::MatrixXd eA(4, 4); eA(0,0)=eV(0); eA(0,1)=eV(3); eA(0,2)=eV(4); eA(0,3)=eV(6); eA(1,0)=eV(3); eA(1,1)=eV(1); eA(1,2)=eV(5); eA(1,3)=eV(7); eA(2,0)=eV(4); eA(2,1)=eV(5); eA(2,2)=eV(2); eA(2,3)=eV(8); eA(3,0)=eV(6); eA(3,1)=eV(7); eA(3,2)=eV(8); eA(3,3)=-1.0; Eigen::MatrixXd eCenter = -eA.topLeftCorner(3, 3).lu().solve(eV.segment(6, 3)); Eigen::MatrixXd eT = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(4, 4); eT(3, 0) = eCenter(0); eT(3, 1) = eCenter(1); eT(3, 2) = eCenter(2); Eigen::MatrixXd eR = eT * eA * eT.transpose(); Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> eEv(eR.topLeftCorner(3, 3) * (-1.0 / eR(3, 3))); Eigen::MatrixXd eVecs = eEv.eigenvectors(); Eigen::MatrixXd eVals = eEv.eigenvalues(); Eigen::MatrixXd eRadii(3, 1); eRadii(0) = sqrt(1.0 / eVals(0)); eRadii(1) = sqrt(1.0 / eVals(1)); eRadii(2) = sqrt(1.0 / eVals(2)); Eigen::MatrixXd eScale = eRadii.asDiagonal().inverse() * eRadii.minCoeff(); Eigen::MatrixXd eComp = eVecs * eScale * eVecs.transpose(); mMagComp.resize(9); mMagComp[0] = eComp(0, 0); mMagComp[1] = eComp(0, 1); mMagComp[2] = eComp(0, 2); mMagComp[3] = eComp(1, 0); mMagComp[4] = eComp(1, 1); mMagComp[5] = eComp(1, 2); mMagComp[6] = eComp(2, 0); mMagComp[7] = eComp(2, 1); mMagComp[8] = eComp(2, 2); mMagCompCenter.resize(3); mMagCompCenter[0] = eCenter(0, 0); mMagCompCenter[1] = eCenter(1, 0); mMagCompCenter[2] = eCenter(2, 0); QVector<double> magX, magY, magZ; for (int i = 0;i < mMagSamples.size();i++) { double mx =; double my =; double mz =; mx -=; my -=; mz -=; magX.append(mx * + my * + mz *; magY.append(mx * + my * + mz *; magZ.append(mx * + my * + mz *; } ui->magSampXyPlot->graph(1)->setData(magX, magY); ui->magSampXzPlot->graph(1)->setData(magX, magZ); ui->magSampYzPlot->graph(1)->setData(magY, magZ); updateMagPlots(); }
uint32_t HTTPClientChannel::sendRequest( RpcOptions& rpcOptions, std::unique_ptr<RequestCallback> cb, std::unique_ptr<apache::thrift::ContextStack> ctx, unique_ptr<IOBuf> buf, std::shared_ptr<THeader> header) { // cb is not allowed to be null. DCHECK(cb); DestructorGuard dg(this); cb->context_ = RequestContext::saveContext(); std::chrono::milliseconds timeout(timeout_); if (rpcOptions.getTimeout() > std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) { timeout = rpcOptions.getTimeout(); } auto twcb = new HTTPTransactionTwowayCallback(std::move(cb), std::move(ctx), isSecurityActive(), protocolId_, timer_.get(), std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout_)); if (!httpSession_) { TTransportException ex(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "HTTPSession is not open"); twcb->messageSendError( folly::make_exception_wrapper<TTransportException>(std::move(ex))); delete twcb; return -1; } auto txn = httpSession_->newTransaction(twcb); if (!txn) { TTransportException ex(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Too many active requests on connection"); // Might be able to create another transaction soon ex.setOptions(TTransportException::CHANNEL_IS_VALID); twcb->messageSendError( folly::make_exception_wrapper<TTransportException>(std::move(ex))); delete twcb; return -1; } auto streamId = txn->getID(); setRequestHeaderOptions(header.get()); addRpcOptionHeaders(header.get(), rpcOptions); auto msg = buildHTTPMessage(header.get()); txn->sendHeaders(msg); txn->sendBody(std::move(buf)); txn->sendEOM(); twcb->sendQueued(); return (uint32_t)streamId; }
bool AdobeThumbnail(const char* adobe_filename , const char* savejpeg_filename) { string file_ext(adobe_filename); string rs = "(.+)(\\.(?:ai|AI|indd|INDD|Indd|eps|EPS|Eps))"; // 正则字符串,exp开始的单词 std::regex expression(rs); // 字符串传递给构造函数,建立正则表达式 bool ret = std::regex_match(file_ext, expression); if (!ret) { // cout << "文件格式不对!\n"; return ret ; } if (!IsFileExist(adobe_filename)) return false ; // 文件不存在 char* pch = NULL; const char* flag = "pGImg:image"; // AI 和 Indd 稍微不同 /// ************* 获取 ID或者AI文档 的预览图 **************** /// FILE* adobe_file = fopen(adobe_filename, "rb"); size_t file_size = get_fileSize(adobe_filename); // 获得文件大小 size_t bufsize = 1 * MBsize; // AI 和EPS 预览图在开头,INDD文件在末位 char* filebuf = new char[bufsize]; // 文件读到缓冲 // 文件小于2M 整个文件读,否则遍历读最后2M if (file_size < bufsize) { bufsize = file_size; fread(filebuf, 1, bufsize, adobe_file); if (0xF5ED0606 == *(DWORD*)filebuf) { // indd 文件开头好像都这样 pch = memfind(filebuf, flag , bufsize); // INDD 可能不只一个预览图 if ((pch != NULL)) while ((pch != NULL) && (strlen(pch) < 10 * 1024)) pch = memfind(pch + 1, flag , bufsize - (pch - filebuf)); } else pch = memfind(filebuf, flag , bufsize); } else { fread(filebuf, 1, bufsize, adobe_file); // 00000000h: 06 06 ED F5 D8 1D 46 E5 BD 31 EF E7 FE 74 B7 1D ; ..眭?F褰1镧? // 00000010h: 44 4F 43 55 4D 45 4E 54 01 70 0F 00 00 05 00 00 ; DOCUMENT.p...... if (0xF5ED0606 == *(DWORD*)filebuf) { // indd 文件开头好像都这样 fseek(adobe_file, (file_size - bufsize), SEEK_SET); fread(filebuf, 1, bufsize, adobe_file); pch = memfind(filebuf, flag , bufsize); // INDD 可能不只一个预览图 if ((pch != NULL)) while ((pch != NULL) && (strlen(pch) < 10 * 1024)) pch = memfind(pch + 1, flag , bufsize - (pch - filebuf)); } else pch = memfind(filebuf, flag , bufsize); // AI 应该只有一个预览信息, } // 读取文件结束,关闭 fclose(adobe_file); if (pch == NULL) { flag = "%AI7_Thumbnail:"; size_t width, height, bitCount, Hexsize; char AI7_Thumbnail[64]; char BeginData[64]; char Hex_Bytes[64]; pch = memfind(filebuf, flag , bufsize); // 检测到AI低版本预览图标记 if (pch != NULL) { sscanf(pch, "%s %d %d %d\n%s %d %s\n", AI7_Thumbnail, &width, &height, &bitCount , BeginData, &Hexsize , Hex_Bytes); pch = memfind(filebuf, "Hex Bytes" , bufsize); } if (pch != NULL) { // 解码 AI7_Thumbnail 为 图片 char savepng_filename[MAX_PATH]={0}; // 源图是 BMP,保存png 失真少一点 strncpy(savepng_filename , savejpeg_filename, strlen(savejpeg_filename) - 4); strcat(savepng_filename, ".png"); string AI7Thumb(pch + 10 , Hexsize + 1); decode_Ai7Thumb_toPng(AI7Thumb , width, height , savepng_filename); delete[] filebuf; // 释放文件缓冲 return true; } }; if (pch == NULL) ret = false; if (!ret) { // 没有找到,返回前 delete[] filebuf; // 释放文件缓冲 return ret; } strtok(pch, "\r\n"); string Base64_str(pch); std::regex ex("pGImg:image>|<\\/x\\wpGImg:image>|pGImg:image=\""); std::regex en("
"); // 正则删除 xmpGImg 标记和 转意换行替换回来 Base64_str = std::regex_replace(Base64_str, ex, string("")); Base64_str = std::regex_replace(Base64_str, en, string("\n")); #if(AITEST) printf( "pGImg:image标记偏移: %d 在文件%s\n" , pch - filebuf , adobe_filename); #endif /// =============================== 解码一个Base64 的JPEG文件 ==============================//// int b64len = Base64_str.size(); int jpglen = fromBase64_Decode(Base64_str.c_str() , b64len , filebuf , b64len); FILE* jpeg_file = fopen(savejpeg_filename, "wb"); fwrite(filebuf, 1 , jpglen , jpeg_file); delete[] filebuf; // 释放文件缓冲 fclose(jpeg_file); return true; }
int ORBTask::svc (void) { // initialize logging if (m_logger) { LoggingProxy::init(m_logger); LoggingProxy::ThreadName("ORBTask"); } try { // handle CORBA requests if (m_timeToRun == 0) { this->m_orb->run (); } else { ACE_Time_Value tv (m_timeToRun); this->m_orb->run (tv); } } catch( CORBA::SystemException &ex ) { ACSErrTypeCommon::CORBAProblemExImpl corbaProblemEx(__FILE__, __LINE__, "acsdaemon::ORBTask::svc"); corbaProblemEx.setMinor(ex.minor()); corbaProblemEx.setCompletionStatus(ex.completed()); corbaProblemEx.setInfo(ex._info().c_str()); corbaProblemEx.log(); return 1; } catch( CORBA::Exception &ex ) { ACSErrTypeCommon::CORBAProblemExImpl corbaProblemEx(__FILE__, __LINE__, "acsdaemon::ORBTask::svc"); corbaProblemEx.setInfo(ex._info().c_str()); corbaProblemEx.log(); return 1; } catch(ACSErr::ACSbaseExImpl &_ex) { ACSErrTypeCommon::UnexpectedExceptionExImpl ex(_ex, __FILE__, __LINE__, "acsdaemon::ORBTask::svc"); ex.log(); return 1; } catch(...) { ACSErrTypeCommon::UnexpectedExceptionExImpl ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "acsdaemon::ORBTask::svc"); ex.log(); return 1; }//try-catch // return error free code return 0; }
void CRemoteControl::Update() { if (!m_bInitialized || !m_used ) return; if (!CheckDevice()) return; uint32_t now = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis(); char buf[128]; // Read a line from the socket while (true) { { CSingleLock lock(m_CS); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), m_file) == NULL) break; } // Remove the \n buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; // Parse the result. Sample line: // 000000037ff07bdd 00 OK mceusb char scanCode[128]; char buttonName[128]; char repeatStr[4]; char deviceName[128]; sscanf(buf, "%s %s %s %s", &scanCode[0], &repeatStr[0], &buttonName[0], &deviceName[0]); //beginning of lirc reply packet //we get one when lirc is done sending something if (!m_inReply && strcmp("BEGIN", scanCode) == 0) { m_inReply = true; continue; } else if (m_inReply && strcmp("END", scanCode) == 0) //end of lirc reply packet { m_inReply = false; if (m_nrSending > 0) m_nrSending--; continue; } if (m_inReply) continue; // Some template LIRC configuration have button names in apostrophes or quotes. // If we got a quoted button name, strip 'em unsigned int buttonNameLen = strlen(buttonName); if ( buttonNameLen > 2 && ( (buttonName[0] == '\'' && buttonName[buttonNameLen-1] == '\'') || ((buttonName[0] == '"' && buttonName[buttonNameLen-1] == '"') ) ) ) { memmove( buttonName, buttonName + 1, buttonNameLen - 2 ); buttonName[ buttonNameLen - 2 ] = '\0'; } m_button = CServiceBroker::GetInputManager().TranslateLircRemoteString(deviceName, buttonName); char *end = NULL; long repeat = strtol(repeatStr, &end, 16); if (!end || *end != 0) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "LIRC: invalid non-numeric character in expression %s", repeatStr); if (repeat == 0) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "LIRC: %s - NEW at %d:%s (%s)", __FUNCTION__, now, buf, buttonName); m_firstClickTime = now; m_holdTime = 0; return; } else if (repeat > g_advancedSettings.m_remoteDelay) { m_holdTime = now - m_firstClickTime; } else { m_holdTime = 0; m_button = 0; } } //drop commands when already sending //because keypresses come in faster than lirc can send we risk hammering the daemon with commands CSingleLock lock(m_CS); if (m_nrSending > 0) { m_sendData.clear(); } else if (!m_sendData.empty()) { fputs(m_sendData.c_str(), m_file); fflush(m_file); //nr of newlines equals nr of commands for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_sendData.size(); i++) if (m_sendData[i] == '\n') m_nrSending++; m_sendData.clear(); } if (feof(m_file) != 0) { CSingleExit ex(m_CS); //Disconnect takes the lock Disconnect(); } }
int ex(nodeType *p) { int lbl1, lbl2; if (!p) return 0; switch(p->type) { case typeCon: printf("\tpush\t%d\n", p->con.value); break; case typeId: printf("\tpush\t%c\n", p->id.i + 'a'); break; case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper) { case WHILE: printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tjz\tL%03d\n", lbl2 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl1); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); break; case IF: ex(p->opr.op[0]); if (p->opr.nops > 2) { /* if else */ printf("\tjz\tL%03d\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tjmp\tL%03d\n", lbl2 = lbl++); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); ex(p->opr.op[2]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl2); } else { /* if */ printf("\tjz\tL%03d\n", lbl1 = lbl++); ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("L%03d:\n", lbl1); } break; case PRINT: ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tprint\n"); break; case '=': ex(p->opr.op[1]); printf("\tpop\t%c\n", p->opr.op[0]->id.i + 'a'); break; case UMINUS: ex(p->opr.op[0]); printf("\tneg\n"); break; default: ex(p->opr.op[0]); ex(p->opr.op[1]); switch(p->opr.oper) { case '+': printf("\tadd\n"); break; case '-': printf("\tsub\n"); break; case '*': printf("\tmul\n"); break; case '/': printf("\tdiv\n"); break; case '<': printf("\tcompLT\n"); break; case '>': printf("\tcompGT\n"); break; case GE: printf("\tcompGE\n"); break; case LE: printf("\tcompLE\n"); break; case NE: printf("\tcompNE\n"); break; case EQ: printf("\tcompEQ\n"); break; } } } return 0; }
int main(int, char**) { std::ios ios(0); std::string loc_name(LOCALE_en_US_UTF_8); ios.imbue(std::locale(ios.getloc(), new std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>(loc_name))); ios.imbue(std::locale(ios.getloc(), new std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>(loc_name))); ios.imbue(std::locale(ios.getloc(), new std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>(loc_name))); ios.imbue(std::locale(ios.getloc(), new std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>(loc_name))); { const my_facet f(1); // char, national { // zero long double v = 0; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0.00"); } { // negative one long double v = -1; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-0.01"); } { // positive long double v = 123456789; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1,234,567.89"); } { // negative long double v = -123456789; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-1,234,567.89"); } { // zero, showbase long double v = 0; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "$0.00"); } { // negative one, showbase long double v = -1; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-$0.01"); } { // positive, showbase long double v = 123456789; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "$1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-$1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase, left long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); left(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-$1,234,567.89 "); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, internal long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); internal(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-$ 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, right long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); right(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == " -$1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } // char, international noshowbase(ios); ios.unsetf(std::ios_base::adjustfield); { // zero long double v = 0; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "0.00"); } { // negative one long double v = -1; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-0.01"); } { // positive long double v = 123456789; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "1,234,567.89"); } { // negative long double v = -123456789; char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-1,234,567.89"); } { // zero, showbase long double v = 0; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "USD 0.00"); } { // negative one, showbase long double v = -1; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-USD 0.01"); } { // positive, showbase long double v = 123456789; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "USD 1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-USD 1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase, left long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); left(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-USD 1,234,567.89 "); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, internal long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); internal(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == "-USD 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, right long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); right(ios); char str[100]; output_iterator<char*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<char*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::string ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == " -USD 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } } { const my_facetw f(1); // wchar_t, national noshowbase(ios); ios.unsetf(std::ios_base::adjustfield); { // zero long double v = 0; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"0.00"); } { // negative one long double v = -1; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-0.01"); } { // positive long double v = 123456789; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"1,234,567.89"); } { // negative long double v = -123456789; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-1,234,567.89"); } { // zero, showbase long double v = 0; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"$0.00"); } { // negative one, showbase long double v = -1; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-$0.01"); } { // positive, showbase long double v = 123456789; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"$1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-$1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase, left long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); left(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-$1,234,567.89 "); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, internal long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); internal(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-$ 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, right long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); right(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), false, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L" -$1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } // wchar_t, international noshowbase(ios); ios.unsetf(std::ios_base::adjustfield); { // zero long double v = 0; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"0.00"); } { // negative one long double v = -1; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-0.01"); } { // positive long double v = 123456789; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"1,234,567.89"); } { // negative long double v = -123456789; wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-1,234,567.89"); } { // zero, showbase long double v = 0; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"USD 0.00"); } { // negative one, showbase long double v = -1; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-USD 0.01"); } { // positive, showbase long double v = 123456789; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"USD 1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, '*', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-USD 1,234,567.89"); } { // negative, showbase, left long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); left(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-USD 1,234,567.89 "); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, internal long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); internal(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L"-USD 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } { // negative, showbase, right long double v = -123456789; showbase(ios); ios.width(20); right(ios); wchar_t str[100]; output_iterator<wchar_t*> iter = f.put(output_iterator<wchar_t*>(str), true, ios, ' ', v); std::wstring ex(str, iter.base()); assert(ex == L" -USD 1,234,567.89"); assert(ios.width() == 0); } } return 0; }
/* * editor -- * Main editor routine. * * PUBLIC: int editor __P((GS *, int, char *[])); */ int editor( GS *gp, int argc, char *argv[]) { extern int optind; extern char *optarg; const char *p; EVENT ev; FREF *frp; SCR *sp; size_t len; u_int flags; int ch, flagchk, lflag, secure, startup, readonly, rval, silent; char *tag_f, *wsizearg, path[256]; CHAR_T *w; size_t wlen; /* Initialize the busy routine, if not defined by the screen. */ if (gp->scr_busy == NULL) gp->scr_busy = vs_busy; /* Initialize the message routine, if not defined by the screen. */ if (gp->scr_msg == NULL) gp->scr_msg = vs_msg; gp->catd = (nl_catd)-1; /* Common global structure initialization. */ TAILQ_INIT(gp->dq); TAILQ_INIT(gp->hq); SLIST_INIT(gp->ecq); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(gp->ecq, &gp->excmd, q); gp->noprint = DEFAULT_NOPRINT; /* Structures shared by screens so stored in the GS structure. */ TAILQ_INIT(gp->frefq); TAILQ_INIT(gp->dcb_store.textq); SLIST_INIT(gp->cutq); SLIST_INIT(gp->seqq); /* Set initial screen type and mode based on the program name. */ readonly = 0; if (!strcmp(gp->progname, "ex") || !strcmp(gp->progname, "nex")) LF_INIT(SC_EX); else { /* Nview, view are readonly. */ if (!strcmp(gp->progname, "nview") || !strcmp(gp->progname, "view")) readonly = 1; /* Vi is the default. */ LF_INIT(SC_VI); } /* Convert old-style arguments into new-style ones. */ if (v_obsolete(gp->progname, argv)) return (1); /* Parse the arguments. */ flagchk = '\0'; tag_f = wsizearg = NULL; lflag = secure = silent = 0; startup = 1; /* Set the file snapshot flag. */ F_SET(gp, G_SNAPSHOT); #ifdef DEBUG while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:D:eFlRrSsT:t:vw:")) != EOF) #else while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:eFlRrSst:vw:")) != EOF) #endif switch (ch) { case 'c': /* Run the command. */ /* * XXX * We should support multiple -c options. */ if (gp->c_option != NULL) { v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "only one -c command may be specified."); return (1); } gp->c_option = optarg; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'D': switch (optarg[0]) { case 's': startup = 0; break; case 'w': attach(gp); break; default: v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "usage: -D requires s or w argument."); return (1); } break; #endif case 'e': /* Ex mode. */ LF_CLR(SC_VI); LF_SET(SC_EX); break; case 'F': /* No snapshot. */ F_CLR(gp, G_SNAPSHOT); break; case 'l': /* Set lisp, showmatch options. */ lflag = 1; break; case 'R': /* Readonly. */ readonly = 1; break; case 'r': /* Recover. */ if (flagchk == 't') { v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "only one of -r and -t may be specified."); return (1); } flagchk = 'r'; break; case 'S': secure = 1; break; case 's': silent = 1; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'T': /* Trace. */ if ((gp->tracefp = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL) { v_estr(gp->progname, errno, optarg); goto err; } (void)fprintf(gp->tracefp, "\n===\ntrace: open %s\n", optarg); break; #endif case 't': /* Tag. */ if (flagchk == 'r') { v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "only one of -r and -t may be specified."); return (1); } if (flagchk == 't') { v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "only one tag file may be specified."); return (1); } flagchk = 't'; tag_f = optarg; break; case 'v': /* Vi mode. */ LF_CLR(SC_EX); LF_SET(SC_VI); break; case 'w': wsizearg = optarg; break; case '?': default: (void)gp->scr_usage(); return (1); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* * -s option is only meaningful to ex. * * If not reading from a terminal, it's like -s was specified. */ if (silent && !LF_ISSET(SC_EX)) { v_estr(gp->progname, 0, "-s option is only applicable to ex."); goto err; } if (LF_ISSET(SC_EX) && F_ISSET(gp, G_SCRIPTED)) silent = 1; /* * Build and initialize the first/current screen. This is a bit * tricky. If an error is returned, we may or may not have a * screen structure. If we have a screen structure, put it on a * display queue so that the error messages get displayed. * * !!! * Everything we do until we go interactive is done in ex mode. */ if (screen_init(gp, NULL, &sp)) { if (sp != NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(gp->dq, sp, q); goto err; } F_SET(sp, SC_EX); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(gp->dq, sp, q); if (v_key_init(sp)) /* Special key initialization. */ goto err; { int oargs[5], *oargp = oargs; if (lflag) { /* Command-line options. */ *oargp++ = O_LISP; *oargp++ = O_SHOWMATCH; } if (readonly) *oargp++ = O_READONLY; if (secure) *oargp++ = O_SECURE; *oargp = -1; /* Options initialization. */ if (opts_init(sp, oargs)) goto err; } if (wsizearg != NULL) { ARGS *av[2], a, b; (void)snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "window=%s", wsizearg); a.bp = (CHAR_T *)path; a.len = strlen(path); b.bp = NULL; b.len = 0; av[0] = &a; av[1] = &b; (void)opts_set(sp, av, NULL); } if (silent) { /* Ex batch mode option values. */ O_CLR(sp, O_AUTOPRINT); O_CLR(sp, O_PROMPT); O_CLR(sp, O_VERBOSE); O_CLR(sp, O_WARN); F_SET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT); } sp->rows = O_VAL(sp, O_LINES); /* Make ex formatting work. */ sp->cols = O_VAL(sp, O_COLUMNS); if (!silent && startup) { /* Read EXINIT, exrc files. */ if (ex_exrc(sp)) goto err; if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EXIT | SC_EXIT_FORCE)) { if (screen_end(sp)) goto err; goto done; } } /* * List recovery files if -r specified without file arguments. * Note, options must be initialized and startup information * read before doing this. */ if (flagchk == 'r' && argv[0] == NULL) { if (rcv_list(sp)) goto err; if (screen_end(sp)) goto err; goto done; } /* * !!! * Initialize the default ^D, ^U scrolling value here, after the * user has had every opportunity to set the window option. * * It's historic practice that changing the value of the window * option did not alter the default scrolling value, only giving * a count to ^D/^U did that. */ sp->defscroll = (O_VAL(sp, O_WINDOW) + 1) / 2; /* * If we don't have a command-line option, switch into the right * editor now, so that we position default files correctly, and * so that any tags file file-already-locked messages are in the * vi screen, not the ex screen. * * XXX * If we have a command-line option, the error message can end * up in the wrong place, but I think that the combination is * unlikely. */ if (gp->c_option == NULL) { F_CLR(sp, SC_EX | SC_VI); F_SET(sp, LF_ISSET(SC_EX | SC_VI)); } /* Open a tag file if specified. */ if (tag_f != NULL) { CHAR2INT(sp, tag_f, strlen(tag_f) + 1, w, wlen); if (ex_tag_first(sp, w)) goto err; } /* * Append any remaining arguments as file names. Files are recovery * files if -r specified. If the tag option or ex startup commands * loaded a file, then any file arguments are going to come after it. */ if (*argv != NULL) { if (sp->frp != NULL) { /* Cheat -- we know we have an extra argv slot. */ *--argv = strdup(sp->frp->name); if (*argv == NULL) { v_estr(gp->progname, errno, NULL); goto err; } } sp->argv = sp->cargv = argv; F_SET(sp, SC_ARGNOFREE); if (flagchk == 'r') F_SET(sp, SC_ARGRECOVER); } /* * If the ex startup commands and or/the tag option haven't already * created a file, create one. If no command-line files were given, * use a temporary file. */ if (sp->frp == NULL) { if (sp->argv == NULL) { if ((frp = file_add(sp, NULL)) == NULL) goto err; } else { if ((frp = file_add(sp, sp->argv[0])) == NULL) goto err; if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_ARGRECOVER)) F_SET(frp, FR_RECOVER); } if (file_init(sp, frp, NULL, 0)) goto err; if (EXCMD_RUNNING(gp)) { (void)ex_cmd(sp); if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EXIT | SC_EXIT_FORCE)) { if (screen_end(sp)) goto err; goto done; } } } /* * Check to see if we need to wait for ex. If SC_SCR_EX is set, ex * was forced to initialize the screen during startup. We'd like to * wait for a single character from the user, but we can't because * we're not in raw mode. We can't switch to raw mode because the * vi initialization will switch to xterm's alternate screen, causing * us to lose the messages we're pausing to make sure the user read. * So, wait for a complete line. */ if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_SCR_EX)) { p = msg_cmsg(sp, CMSG_CONT_R, &len); (void)write(STDOUT_FILENO, p, len); for (;;) { if (v_event_get(sp, &ev, 0, 0)) goto err; if (ev.e_event == E_INTERRUPT || (ev.e_event == E_CHARACTER && (ev.e_value == K_CR || ev.e_value == K_NL))) break; (void)gp->scr_bell(sp); } } /* Switch into the right editor, regardless. */ F_CLR(sp, SC_EX | SC_VI); F_SET(sp, LF_ISSET(SC_EX | SC_VI) | SC_STATUS_CNT); /* * Main edit loop. Vi handles split screens itself, we only return * here when switching editor modes or restarting the screen. */ while (sp != NULL) if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX) ? ex(&sp) : vi(&sp)) goto err; done: rval = 0; if (0) err: rval = 1; /* Clean out the global structure. */ v_end(gp); return (rval); }
void TiledMesh::buildMesh() { // stitch_meshes() is only implemented for ReplicatedMesh. So make sure // we have one here before continuing. ReplicatedMesh * serial_mesh = dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMesh *>(&getMesh()); if (!serial_mesh) mooseError("Error, TiledMesh calls stitch_meshes() which only works on ReplicatedMesh."); else { std::string mesh_file(getParam<MeshFileName>("file")); if (mesh_file.rfind(".exd") < mesh_file.size() || mesh_file.rfind(".e") < mesh_file.size()) { ExodusII_IO ex(*this);; serial_mesh->prepare_for_use(); } else serial_mesh->read(mesh_file); BoundaryID left = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("left_boundary")); BoundaryID right = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("right_boundary")); BoundaryID top = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("top_boundary")); BoundaryID bottom = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("bottom_boundary")); BoundaryID front = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("front_boundary")); BoundaryID back = getBoundaryID(getParam<BoundaryName>("back_boundary")); { std::unique_ptr<MeshBase> clone = serial_mesh->clone(); // Build X Tiles for (unsigned int i = 1; i < getParam<unsigned int>("x_tiles"); ++i) { MeshTools::Modification::translate(*clone, _x_width, 0, 0); serial_mesh->stitch_meshes(dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMesh &>(*clone), right, left, TOLERANCE, /*clear_stitched_boundary_ids=*/true); } } { std::unique_ptr<MeshBase> clone = serial_mesh->clone(); // Build Y Tiles for (unsigned int i = 1; i < getParam<unsigned int>("y_tiles"); ++i) { MeshTools::Modification::translate(*clone, 0, _y_width, 0); serial_mesh->stitch_meshes(dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMesh &>(*clone), top, bottom, TOLERANCE, /*clear_stitched_boundary_ids=*/true); } } { std::unique_ptr<MeshBase> clone = serial_mesh->clone(); // Build Z Tiles for (unsigned int i = 1; i < getParam<unsigned int>("z_tiles"); ++i) { MeshTools::Modification::translate(*clone, 0, 0, _z_width); serial_mesh->stitch_meshes(dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMesh &>(*clone), front, back, TOLERANCE, /*clear_stitched_boundary_ids=*/true); } } } }
P top(ST s){if(s->p==0)ex("underflow");R s->st[s->p-1];} //top