Esempio n. 1
/* assuming pEncFieldList RsslBuffer contains the pre-encoded payload with data and length populated */
RsslRet getPreEncodedRsslFieldListBuffer(RsslBuffer *pEncUInt)
	RsslRet retVal;  //used to store and check the return value from the function calls

	RsslUInt8 majorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MAJOR_VERSION;  //This should be initialized to the MAJOR version of RWF being encoded
	RsslUInt8 minorVersion = RSSL_RWF_MINOR_VERSION;  // This should be initialized to the MINOR version of RWF being encoded

	/* create and clear iterator to prepare for encoding */
	RsslEncodeIterator encodeIter;

	/* associate buffer and iterator, code assumes that (&encDecBuffer)->data points to 
	   sufficient memory and (&encDecBuffer)->length indicates number of bytes available in 
	   pBuffer->data */
	if ((retVal = rsslSetEncodeIteratorBuffer(&encodeIter, pEncUInt)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
		printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslSetEncodeIteratorBuffer().  Error Text: %s\n", 
			rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		return retVal;
	/* set proper protocol version information on iterator, this can typically be obtained from 
	   the RsslChannel associated with the connection once it becomes active */
	if ((retVal = rsslSetEncodeIteratorRWFVersion(&encodeIter, majorVersion, minorVersion)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
		printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslSetEncodeIteratorRWFVersion().  Error Text: %s\n", 
			rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		return retVal;

	if ((retVal = exampleEncodeFieldList(&encodeIter)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
		printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with exampleEncodeFieldList().  Error Text: %s\n", 
			rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		return retVal;

	//this is important!
	/* When encoding is complete, set the pEncUInt->length to the number of bytes Encoded */
	pEncUInt->length = rsslGetEncodedBufferLength(&encodeIter);

Esempio n. 2
/* This function encodes a map which contains nested field lists */
RsslRet exampleEncodeMap(RsslEncodeIterator *encIter)
	/* use this to store and check return codes */
	RsslRet retVal;
	RsslBool success = RSSL_TRUE;

	/* create and initialize our map structure */
	RsslMap rsslMap = RSSL_INIT_MAP;

	/* populate map structure prior to call to rsslEncodeMapInit */
	/* NOTE: the key names used for this example may not correspond to actual name values */

	/* indicate that summary data and a total count hint will be encoded  */
	/* populate maps keyPrimitiveType and containerType */
	rsslMap.containerType = RSSL_DT_FIELD_LIST;
	rsslMap.keyPrimitiveType = RSSL_DT_UINT;
	/* populate total count hint with approximate expected entry count */
	rsslMap.totalCountHint = 3;

	/* begin encoding of map - assumes that the RsslEncodeIterator pointed by the encIter pointer is already populated with
	   buffer and version information, store return value to determine success or failure */
	/* expect summary data of approx. 256 bytes, no set definition data */
	if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapInit(encIter, &rsslMap, 256, 0 )) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
		/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
		success = RSSL_FALSE;
		/* print out message with return value string, value, and text */
		printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapInit().  Error Text: %s\n", 
			rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		/* mapInit encoding was successful */
		/* create a single RsslMapEntry and RsslFieldList and reuse for each entry */
		RsslMapEntry mapEntry = RSSL_INIT_MAP_ENTRY;
		RsslUInt entryKeyUInt = 0;

		/* create a buffer for uInt and field list to encode into -
		   This buffer can come from anywhere (stack allocated, malloc/new heap allocated).  Typically, for performance, the transport layer can provide
	       a pool of buffers for use and reuse that avoids the constant allocation/deallocation penalty.  
	       For this example I am stack allocating the buffer */
		char buf[10] = "";  //10 bytes is large enough for UInt encoding
		char buf2[500] = "";	//500 bytes is large enough for RsslFieldList encoding

		/* create a RsslBuffer to set the buffer into */
		RsslBuffer encDecBuffer, encDecBuffer2;
		RsslBuffer *pEncUInt = 0, *pEncFieldList = 0;

		/* set the data members to encDecBuffer buf and the length I created */ = buf;
		encDecBuffer.length = 10; = buf2;
		encDecBuffer2.length = 500;

		printf("\tRsslMap Header Encoded\n");

		/* encode expected summary data, init for this was done by rsslEncodeMapInit
	    - this type should match rsslMap.containerType */
			printf("\tEncoding Summary Data\n");

			/* now encode nested container using its own specific encode functions */
			/* begin encoding of field list - using same encIterator as map list */

			if ((retVal = exampleEncodeFieldList(encIter)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
				/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
				success = RSSL_FALSE;
				printf("<%s:%d> Error encoding field list.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with exampleEncodeFieldList().  Error Text: %s\n", 
					rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

			printf("\tSummary Data Encoding Complete\n");
		/* complete encoding of summary data.  If any field list encoding failed, success is false */
		if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapSummaryDataComplete(encIter, success)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)	
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapSummaryDataComplete().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		/* FIRST Map Entry: encode entry from non pre-encoded data and key.  Approx. encoded length unknown */
		mapEntry.action = RSSL_MPEA_UPDATE_ENTRY;
		entryKeyUInt = 1;
		if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapEntryInit(encIter, &mapEntry, &entryKeyUInt, 0)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapEntryInit().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		/* encode contained field list - this type should match rsslMap.containerType */
			printf("\tEncoding Map Entry (key: " RTR_LLU ") from non pre-encoded data and key\n", entryKeyUInt);

			/* now encode nested container using its own specific encode functions */
			/* clear, then begin encoding of field list - using same encIterator as map */

			if ((retVal = exampleEncodeFieldList(encIter)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
				/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
				success = RSSL_FALSE;
				printf("<%s:%d> Error encoding field list.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with exampleEncodeFieldList().  Error Text: %s\n", 
					rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapEntryComplete(encIter, success)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapEntryComplete().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		printf("\tMap Entry (key: " RTR_LLU ") Encoding Complete\n", entryKeyUInt);

		/* SECOND Map Entry: encode entry from pre-encoded buffer containing an encoded RsslFieldList */
		/* because we are re-populating all values on RsslMapEntry, there is no need to clear it */

		mapEntry.action = RSSL_MPEA_ADD_ENTRY;
		entryKeyUInt = 2;

		printf("\tEncoding Map Entry (key: 2) from pre-encoded buffer\n");

		/* assuming pEncUInt RsslBuffer contains the pre-encoded key with length and data properly populated */
		if ((retVal = getPreEncodedRsslUIntBuffer(&encDecBuffer, entryKeyUInt)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with getPreEncodedRsslUIntBuffer().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		pEncUInt = &encDecBuffer;

		mapEntry.encKey.length = pEncUInt->length; = pEncUInt->data;

		/* assuming pEncFieldList RsslBuffer contains the pre-encoded payload with data and length populated */
		if ((retVal = getPreEncodedRsslFieldListBuffer(&encDecBuffer2)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with getPreEncodedRsslFieldListBuffer().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		pEncFieldList = &encDecBuffer2;

		mapEntry.encData.length = pEncFieldList->length; = pEncFieldList->data;

		/* void* parameter is passed in as NULL because pre-encoded key is set on RsslMapEntry itself */
		if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapEntry(encIter, &mapEntry, NULL)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS)
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapEntry().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		printf("\tMap Entry (key: " RTR_LLU ") Encoding Complete\n", entryKeyUInt);

		/* THIRD Map Entry: encode entry with delete action.  Delete actions have no payload */
		/* need to ensure that RsslMapEntry is appropriatley cleared
		 * - clearing will ensure that encData and encKey are properly emptied */          

		mapEntry.action = RSSL_MPEA_DELETE_ENTRY;
		entryKeyUInt = 3;

		printf("\tEncoding Map Entry (key: " RTR_LLU ") with delete action with no payload\n", entryKeyUInt);

		/* void* parameter is passed in as pointer to key primitive value.  encData is empty for delete */
		if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapEntry(encIter, &mapEntry, &entryKeyUInt)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS) 
			/* error condition - switch our success value to false so we can roll back */
			success = RSSL_FALSE;
			printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapEntry().  Error Text: %s\n", 
				rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 

		printf("\tMap Entry (key: " RTR_LLU ") Encoding Complete\n", entryKeyUInt);


	/* complete map encoding.  If success parameter is true, this will finalize encoding.  
	   If success parameter is false, this will roll back encoding prior to rsslEncodeMapInit */
	if ((retVal = rsslEncodeMapComplete(encIter, success)) < RSSL_RET_SUCCESS) 
		printf("Error %s (%d) encountered with rsslEncodeMapEntry().  Error Text: %s\n", 
			rsslRetCodeToString(retVal), retVal, rsslRetCodeInfo(retVal)); 
		return retVal;
	printf("\tRsslMap Encoding Complete\n");
