Esempio n. 1
// Generic Bundles
Bundle::Bundle(const char *path, const char *execPath /* = NULL */)
	: mPath(path), mBundle(NULL)
	if (execPath)						// caller knows that one; set it
		mExecutablePath = execPath;
	secdebug("bundle", "%p Bundle from path %s(%s)", this, path, executablePath().c_str());
Esempio n. 2
std::string GetExecutablePathWithName()

	// Try to get the executable path with a buffer of MAX_PATH characters.
	DWORD result = ::GetModuleFileName(
		nullptr, &executablePath[0], static_cast<DWORD>(executablePath.size())

	// As long the function returns the buffer size, it is indicating that the buffer
	// was too small. Keep enlarging the buffer by a factor of 2 until it fits.
	while (result == executablePath.size()) {
		executablePath.resize(executablePath.size() * 2);
		result = ::GetModuleFileName(
			nullptr, &executablePath[0], static_cast<DWORD>(executablePath.size())

	// If the function returned 0, something went wrong
	if (result == 0) 
		DEBUGWARNING(("Failed to find path of executable! Current working directory will be tried as path."));

	// We've got the path, construct a standard string from it
	return std::string(executablePath.begin(), executablePath.begin() + result);
Esempio n. 3
std::string utils::getExectablePath()
	std::vector<char> executablePath(MAX_PATH);

	// Try to get the executable path with a buffer of MAX_PATH characters.
	DWORD result = ::GetModuleFileNameA(
		nullptr, &executablePath[0], static_cast<DWORD>(executablePath.size())

	// As long the function returns the buffer size, it is indicating that the buffer
	// was too small. Keep enlarging the buffer by a factor of 2 until it fits.
	while(result == executablePath.size()) {
		executablePath.resize(executablePath.size() * 2);
		result = ::GetModuleFileNameA(
			nullptr, &executablePath[0], static_cast<DWORD>(executablePath.size())

	// If the function returned 0, something went wrong
	if(result == 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error("GetModuleFileName() failed");

	// We've got the path, construct a standard string from it
	return std::string(executablePath.begin(), executablePath.begin() + result);
Esempio n. 4
  std::string GetExecutablePath()
#ifdef WIN32
    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to obtain module handle.");
    CHAR path[MAX_PATH];
    if(GetModuleFileName(hModule, path, MAX_PATH)==0)
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to obtain excutable path.");

    std::string executablePath(path);

    std::string::size_type s = executablePath.find_last_of('\\');
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse path returned by GetModuleFileName().");

    executablePath = executablePath.substr(0, s);
    return executablePath;
    char buff[1024];
    ssize_t len = ::readlink("/proc/self/exe", buff, sizeof(buff)-1);
    if (len == -1)
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to retrieve executable path.");

    buff[len] = '\0';

    std::string executablePath(buff);

    std::string::size_type s = executablePath.find_last_of('/');
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse path returned by GetModuleFileName().");

    executablePath = executablePath.substr(0, s);
    return executablePath;
        std::string Configuration::validateConfigFile(std::string const &configFile)
            static std::string exe_path = executablePath();

            if(boost::filesystem::extension(configFile) != ".json")
                throw Exception("Configuration cannot read non-json config files.");

                res_path = "";
                res_path = exe_path;
            return res_path + configFile;
Esempio n. 6
main( int argc, char** argv )
	//std::ofstream logFile( "Log.txt" );
        //SET_LOUT( logFile );

        //D_COMMAND( std::ofstream debugFile( "Debug.txt" ); );
        //SET_DOUT( debugFile );

	ApplicationManager appManager;

	boost::filesystem::path executablePath(argv[0]);
	boost::filesystem::path dataDirName = GET_SETTINGS( "application.data_directory", std::string, (boost::filesystem::path(argv[0]).parent_path() / "data").string() );
	//If we cannot locate data directory - try other posiible locations
	if (!boost::filesystem::exists(dataDirName) || !boost::filesystem::is_directory(dataDirName)) {
		std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> possibleDataDirs;
		possibleDataDirs.push_back(boost::filesystem::current_path() / "data");
		possibleDataDirs.push_back(executablePath.parent_path() / "data");
		possibleDataDirs.push_back(executablePath.parent_path().parent_path() / "data");

		std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>::const_iterator it = possibleDataDirs.begin();
		bool found = false;
		LOG( "Trying to locate 'data' directory:" );
		while (!found && it != possibleDataDirs.end()) {
			LOG_CONT( "\tChecking: " << it->string() << " ... ");
			if (boost::filesystem::exists(*it) && boost::filesystem::is_directory(*it)) {
				dataDirName = *it;
				SET_SETTINGS( "application.data_directory", std::string, dataDirName.string() );
				found = true;
				LOG( "SUCCESS" );
			} else {
				LOG( "FAILED" );
		if (!found) {
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( M4D::ErrorHandling::EDirNotFound() );
	boost::filesystem::path dirName = GET_SETTINGS( "gui.icons_directory", std::string, ( dataDirName / "icons" ).string() );
	appManager.initialize( argc, argv );

	try {
		//processCommandLine( argc, argv );
		ViewerWindow viewer;
		appManager.setMainWindow( viewer );


		return appManager.exec();
	} catch ( std::exception &e )
		QMessageBox::critical ( NULL, "Exception", QString( e.what() ) );
	catch (...) {
		QMessageBox::critical ( NULL, "Exception", "Unknown error" );
	return 1;