Esempio n. 1
void verifyVersion()
	char version[5];

	snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%0.2f", VERSION);

	if (existsInPak(version) == FALSE)
		showErrorAndExit("Game and PAK file versions do not match. Please reinstall the game.");
Esempio n. 2
Mix_Music *loadMusicFromPak(char *name)
	Mix_Music *music;

	#if !defined(PAK_FILE) || DEV == 1
		char fullName[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
		FILE *fp;

		snprintf(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s%s", INSTALL_PATH, name);

		fp = fopen(fullName, "rb");

		if (fp == NULL)
			return NULL;


		music = Mix_LoadMUS(fullName);

		return music;
		unsigned char *file;
		char temp[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];

		if (existsInPak(name) == FALSE)
			return NULL;

		printf("Uncompressing %s\n", name);

		file = uncompressFile(name, TRUE);

		printf("Uncompressed to %s\n", file);

		STRNCPY(temp, (char *)file, sizeof(temp));

		printf("Loading '%s'\n", temp);

		music = Mix_LoadMUS(temp);

		if (music == NULL)
			printf("Couldn't load %s\n", temp);


		return music;
Esempio n. 3
Mix_Chunk *loadSoundFromPak(char *name)
	unsigned long size;
	unsigned char *buffer;
	SDL_RWops *rw;
	Mix_Chunk *chunk;

	if (existsInPak(name) == FALSE)
		return NULL;

	buffer = uncompressFileRW(name, &size);

	rw = SDL_RWFromMem(buffer, size);

	chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rw, TRUE);


	return chunk;
Esempio n. 4
int patchEntities(double versionFile, char *mapName)
	char patchFile[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *line, *savePtr, itemName[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH];
	int skipping = FALSE, x, y, read, found, saveMap;
	unsigned char *buffer;
	Entity *e;
	EntityList *el, *entities;
	Target *t;

	savePtr = NULL;

	snprintf(patchFile, sizeof(patchFile), "data/patch/%0.2f.dat", versionFile);

	saveMap = TRUE;

	if (existsInPak(patchFile) == TRUE)
		buffer = loadFileFromPak(patchFile);

		line = strtok_r((char *)buffer, "\n", &savePtr);

		while (line != NULL)
			if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n')
				line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';

			if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\r')
				line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';

			sscanf(line, "%s", itemName);

			if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "MAP_NAME") == 0)
				sscanf(line, "%*s %s\n", itemName);

				skipping = strcmpignorecase(itemName, mapName) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "MODIFY_OBJECTIVE") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				sscanf(line, "%*s \"%[^\"]\" \"%[^\"]\"", key, value);

				modifyObjective(key, value);

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "REMOVE_OBJECTIVE") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				sscanf(line, "%*s \"%[^\"]\"", key);


			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "REMOVE_TRIGGER") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				sscanf(line, "%*s \"%[^\"]\"", key);



			else if (strcmpignorecase(line, "ADD_ENTITY") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "REMOVE_ENTITY") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				read = sscanf(line, "%*s %s %d %d", itemName, &x, &y);

				found = FALSE;

				e = getEntityByObjectiveName(itemName);

				if (e != NULL)
					e->inUse = FALSE;

					found = TRUE;

				if (found == FALSE)
					t = getTargetByName(itemName);

					if (t != NULL)
						t->active = FALSE;

						found = TRUE;

				if (found == FALSE && read == 3)
					e = getEntityByStartXY(x, y);

					if (e != NULL)
						e->inUse = FALSE;

						found = TRUE;

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "UPDATE_ENTITY") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				read = sscanf(line, "%*s %s %s %s", itemName, key, value);

				if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "PLAYER") == 0)
					e = &player;

					e = getEntityByObjectiveName(itemName);

				if (e != NULL)
					if (strcmpignorecase(value, "NULL") == 0)
						STRNCPY(value, "", sizeof(value));

					setProperty(e, key, value);

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "UPDATE_ENTITY_BY_START") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				read = sscanf(line, "%*s %d %d %s %[^\n]s", &x, &y, key, value);

				e = getEntityByStartXY(x, y);

				if (e != NULL)
					setProperty(e, key, value);

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "UPDATE_ENTITY_BY_XY") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				read = sscanf(line, "%*s %d %d %s %[^\n]s", &x, &y, key, value);

				e = getEntityByXY(x, y);

				if (e != NULL)
					setProperty(e, key, value);

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "TRANSLATE_ENTITIES") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				read = sscanf(line, "%*s %d %d", &x, &y);

				entities = getEntities();

				player.x -= x;
				player.y -= y;

				for (el=entities->next;el!=NULL;el=el->next)
					e = el->entity;

					e->x -= x;
					e->y -= y;

					if (e->startX - x > 0)
						e->startX -= x;

					if (e->startY - y > 0)
						e->startY -= y;

					if (e->endX - x > 0)
						e->endX -= x;

					if (e->endY - y > 0)
						e->endY -= y;

				t = getTargets();

				for (x=0;x<MAX_TARGETS;x++)
					if (t[x].active == TRUE)
						if (t[x].x - x > 0)
							t[x].x -= x;

						if (t[x].y - y > 0)
							t[x].y -= y;

			else if (strcmpignorecase(itemName, "RENAME_MAP") == 0 && skipping == FALSE)
				saveMap = FALSE;

			line = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &savePtr);


	return saveMap;